But suddenly 金宝京it begin to rained.这个句子对吗?急求!

& 实战演练 Passage 56-60
实战演练 Passage 56-60
09:28& 新浪教育
  Passage 56
  From Monday until Friday, most people are busy working or studying, but in the evening or
on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television 1 go to cinema, others take part in sports. It 2 on individual(个人的) interests. There are many different 3 to spend our 4 time.
  Almost everyone has some kind of hobby (业余爱好). It may be 5 from collecting stamps to 6 model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others are valuable 7 to their owners.
  I know a man who has a 8 collection worth
several thousand dollars. A short time ago, he bought a 9 fifty cent piece worth $ 250 ! He was very 10 about his purchase(购买物) and thought the price was 11. On the other hand, my younger brother 12 match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt( 怀疑) if they are worth 13 money. However, to 14 they are extremely (非常地) valuable. Nothing
him happier than to find a new 15 for his collection.
  That’s what a hobby 16 ,I guess. It is something we like to do 17 our spare time simply for
the 18 of it. The 19 in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it 20 is.
  1. A. and
  2. A. lies
C. depends
  3. A. ideas
D. periods
  4. A. full
  5. A. nothing
B. everything C. something
D. anything
  6. A. making
C. selling
D. inventing
  7. A. only
B. especially C. fully
  8. A. stamp
  9. A. common
  10. A. happy
B. careful
C. worried
D. anxious
  11. A. high
C. reasonable D. unbelievable
  12. A. gathers
B. picks out
C. chooses
D. collects
  13. A. some
  14. A. me
C. my brother D. my family
  15. A. coin
B. match box
C. diamond
  16. A. is
C. includes
D. remains
  17. A. for
  18. A. benefit
  19. A. value
C. meaning
  20. A. has
C. products
  通读全文,本文是夹叙夹议型的文章。全文由叙述人们的两类不同的爱好--花钱的和不花钱的起,一直到最后得出结论:爱好能带来多少利益并不重要, 重要的是它带给人们的乐趣。
  1. D 本句讲人们各种不同的爱好。or在此表示选择。
  2. C本句是前句的补充说明,“人们爱好各不相同, 爱好依个人兴趣而定。”
  3. B 此空较难选出,联系前文,有的人喜欢看电视, 有的人喜欢看电影,有的人喜欢体育,这些都是打发时间的方法。
  4.C 全文讲的是人们的业余爱好,文章首句... , but in the evening and on weekends,... 也可较好地提示此答案。
  5.D 从空后的from collecting stamps to 6 ( making) model airplanes得此答案。
B,C都不属于爱好,model airplanes 不需要去发明创造,因此B,C,D均不合题意。
  8. B 从后文fifty cent piece得知,这人在收集硬币(coin)。
  9. C 原来只值50分的硬币现在值250美元,也够rare的啦。
  10. A 将自己寻到的rare coin买到手,能不高兴吗?
  11. C 花250美元买一个50分的硬币,在别人看来太贵了, 但在他看来价格合理。若选A,则与前面的glad相矛盾 若选low,则不合情理。
  12. D 要注意空前的on the other hand, 前面讲述some hobbies are very expensive, 接下来就要讲others are valuable only to their owners 了。作者以my younger brother收集火柴盒为例说明此事。
  13. B 这是作者较为委婉的一种说法,实际上他在说,“这些收集根本不值钱。”
  14. C 再联系上文others are valuable only to their owners, 这些火柴盒的owner便是my younger brother。
  15. B 因为my younger brother是收集match boxes的。
  16. B 最后一段是全文的总结。本空所在句的意思是“那就是业余爱好的真谛所在。”
in one’ s spare time为固定搭配。
  18. C从前面举的两例我们看出,无论是花钱的爱好,还是不花钱的爱好,人们所寻求的是那种乐趣--- Nothing could make them happier than to find a new thing for their collections.
  19. A dollars在此是money的代称。“值多少钱并不重要。”
  20 . D重要的是它带来的乐趣。最后一句是全文的主旨。
  Passage 57
  Now I had not thought that I would have to go down into the pit (坑) with the snakes in order to catch them , so I was wearing the 1 sort of clothes. I 2 this to my friend, and he very 3 lent me his trousers and shoes, which were quite thick and strong . So, as I could think of no more excuses, they tied the 4 round my waist and started to 5 me into the pit.
  Just before I landed at the bottom I 6 up and told my friends to stop lowering me: I wanted to 7 the ground that I was going to land on, to make sure there were no snakes on the 8 . The area being clear, I shouted to them to lower away, 9 at that moment two things happened.
  First, secondly, one of the shoes which I had 10 from my friend, and which were too large for me, came off. So there was I, standing at the 11 of a ten-foot-deep pit, with no light and one shoe on one foot, surrounded by seven or eight deadly Gaboon snakes. I had never been more
12 . I had to wait in the dark, without daring to move, 13 my friend pulled the lamp out, relit it and lowered it into the pit again.
  With plenty of 14 and both shoes on, I felt much 15 , and set about the task of catching the snakes. This was really 16 enough.
  I had a forked stick in my hand, and with this I came near each snake, pinned it down with the fork and then 17 it up by the back of the neck, and put it into my snake bag. What I had to 18 out for was that while I was busy catching
one snake, another might move round 19 me and I might step back on it. However, it all passed off without 20 , and
the end of half an hour I had
caught eight of the Gaboon snakes.
  1. A. right
  2. A. expressed B. explained
  3. A. slowly
B. eagerly (急切地) C. kindly D. easily
  4. A. lamp
C. trousers
  5. A. sent
  6. A. looked
  7. A. examine
  8. A. pit
  9. A. but
C. however
D. therefore
  10. A. lent
B. borrowed
C. received
  11. A. edge
  12. A. excited
B. encouraged C. frightened
D. surprised
  13. A. when
  14. A. strength B. help
  15. A. braver
B. prouder
C. brighter
D. stronger
  16. A. safe
D. difficult
  17. A. brought
  18. A. watch
  19. A. at
  20. A. accident B. effort
  1. C 此空较难选出, 联系上句“我没有想到我会下到坑中捕蛇,因此我没有穿上合适的衣服。”the wrong sort of clothes意思是“不适当的衣服”,在此要注意so 对此空的作用。
  2 B “我把这一点向我的朋友作了解释。”通过后文我们知道这是“我”不想下去捕蛇的借口。
  3. C 其他答案均有一定干扰性。在此作者是说, 听到“我”没有合适的衣服,他很慈善地借给“我”他的衣服和鞋子,这使“我”不好意思再找借口不下去捕蛇。
  4. D 从后文我们可以得知, 朋友们把绳子拴到“我”的腰上,把“我”放到洞中。
从第二段. . . and told my friends to stop lowering me得此答案。B, D均有一定干扰性,drop意思是“扔”,put意思是“投进”,在此作者是说, 朋友们用绳子慢慢把“我”送到坑底。
  6. A “我”快要到坑底了,因此要看上面的朋友时,“我”必须抬起头。
  7. A examine在这里是“仔细查看”的意思。check 意思是“对照”,search意思是“寻找”,显然B,D不合题意。
  8. D A有较大干扰性,如果选A,本句话的意思是“我查看一下坑中是否有蛇”,显然在“我”下坑前“我”就知道坑中有七、八条毒蛇,因此A不合题意,在此作者是说,“我”想看一下,在“我”下去的一路上是否有蛇, on the way意思是“在……途中”。
  9. A “落脚的地方什么也没有,我让他们把我放了下来, 然而就在此时……。”前面为转折关系。C 有一定干扰性,然而however为副词,不可连接句子。
  10. B 从前文我们可以知道,这双鞋是“我”从朋友那里借来了。
  11. B 从前文我们得知这时“我”在坑底。
  12. C 从下句的without daring to move
得知此时“我”害怕极了,I had never been more frightened 意思是“我从未这么害怕过”。
  13. B 选择此空答案要联系空前的waited, 本句的意思“我一直等到……”。
  14. D 灯又点上后,放了下来,坑中有足够的光线。
  15. A 有了足够的光线,又穿上了鞋,“我”又有了勇气。
  16. C 从后面“我”抓蛇的情况看,捕蛇还相当简单。A有较大干扰性,从后文what I had to 18 (watch) out for was that while I was busy catching one snake, another ...看,在坑中捕蛇危险是有的。
  17. B 用叉子把它提起来。
watch out for意思是“留心、留意”。
  19. D “我”担心蛇会绕到“我”的后面。
  20. A “我”没有出任何事故就完成了捕蛇任务。
  Passage 58
  My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. He has had it 1 and he is very careful with it. It still looks as good as new.
  “That umbrella must have 2 you a great deal of money, Uncle,” I said to him one day.
  “No,” he replied,” 3 .”
  “Was it a present ?” I asked again.
  “No,” said he.
  “Then how did you get it ?” I asked
  “Well,” he answered, “it is a strange true story.”
  About ten years ago I was walking along a quiet London street one evening 4 it suddenly rained. I had no 5 and no umbrella .No buses 6 that street and there were no taxis in sight. And I was on my way to a party I didn’t want to get 7 . So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop. By and by it grew quite 8 , there wasn’t a person around, and still it rained and rained. 9 a young man
came to the place where I was standing, 10 a large umbrella over his head. As I hoped he would 11 me to walk to the next corner with him, 12 I could have got a taxi, I stepped 13 the dark doorway where I had been standing ,and said, “14 , where are you going with that umbrella ?”
  “ 15 by my sudden appearance, the young man 16 the umbrella which, I am afraid, he had just stolen, ran away, and 17 into the darkness. I picked up the umbrella and 18 my walk. I knew it would be 19 in this big city to try and discover the owner and so I’ve kept it 20 .”
  1. A. for months
B. for years
C. since childhood
D. since ten
  2. A. used
  3. A. very little B. only a few pounds D. not a penny
D. not a great deal
  4. A. when
  5. A. car
C. raincoat
  6. A. moved through B. ran through
C. went across
D. passed across
  7. A. tired
  8. A. dark
D. helpless
  9. A. At once
B. At last
C. Strangely
D. Secretly
  10. A. raising
B. carrying
C. holding
D. lifting
  11. A. allow
D. promise
  12. A. there
C. from which
D. in which
  13. A. into
C. towards
D. from behind
  14. A By the way
C. Excuse me
  15. A. Encouraged
D. Frightened
  16. A. shut
C. dropped
  17. A. disappeared
B. wandered (徘徊) C. marched
  18. A. stopped
B. started
C. continued
D. delayed(耽误)
  19. A. endless
B. interesting C. exciting
D. hopeless
  20. A. ever since
B. forever
C. long enough
D. in the end
  1. B 从后文About ten years ago...我们可以得知,“我”叔叔有这把雨伞已有10年了。
  2. B “某物花某人多少钱”用sth. cost sb. some money的搭配。
  3. C。从后文得知,这把雨伞是“我”叔叔白捡的, 因此一分钱也没花。其他答案均有一定干扰性,联系下文我们可知这些答案不合题意。
when在这里引导定语从句,修饰one evening。
  5. C 因为没有雨衣和雨伞“我”才在doorway躲雨,其他答案均不合题意。
  6. B “没有汽车跑这条街”。其他答案均有干扰性,说汽车跑某个路线一般用run一词。
  7. C “我”不想被淋湿,是“我”站在doorway等雨停的原因。
  8. A 此空较难选出,我们较容易错选B或C,it grew wet搭配不正确,在这里作者并非说时候晚了,而是说天黑了,从后文I stepped 13 (out of) the dark doorway 我们也可以得知此答案。
  9. B 最后一位年青人出现了。
  10. C B, D有较大干扰性,carry有“随身携带”的意思,但不可表示“举着”,lift 意思是“向上举”,不表示状态, 因此B,D不合题意。
  11. A “我希望他能让我与他一起走到下一个转弯处”。 let 后跟不带to 的不定式作宾补,因此B不合题意。
  12. B where 引导定语从句,修饰corner。 B, D有较大干扰性,在街的拐角处用at the corner, 因此引导定语从句时应用at which。
  13. B“我”从doorway走出来。
  14. C 因为是请求别人的帮助,因此“我”说 “Excuse me” 。
  15. D从后文the young man 16 (dropped) the umbrella... into the darkness我们得知,这个青年人害怕了。
  16. C 因为后来“我”捡起了雨伞,显然他是把雨伞扔下了。
  17. A 从空后的into the darkness得此答案。
  18. C “我”原来是在半路躲雨,现在“我”又继续前行。
  19. D 在这么大的城市找一把伞的主人是没有希望的。
  20. A ever since 等于ever since then, 意思是“从那时起”。
  Passage 59
  “Yes, I’ll be ready at nine. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again.” Mrs Robson 1 the receiver and crossed the hall into the 2 . It had not been an easy telephone call for her to make .Her daughter had been very kind. She 3 had immediately agreed to pick her up, but Mrs Robson 4 to admit that she needed help. Since her 5 died ten years ago, she had 6 herself on her independence. She had 7 to live in the house alone and 8 to go and live with her daughter.
  But this evening, she was 9 at the living room window, staring out at the “SOLD” 10 in the small front garden. Her feelings were 11 .Naturally she was sad at the thought of 12 the house, as it was full of so many 13.
  But at the 14 time she was looking forward to 15 her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale of the house, she had bought a little 16 there.
  Her husband had always been very fond of this house. She hadn’t been 17 here, but it didn’t 18 as much to her as it had to him. Recently 19 of the people who lived in the street had moved away, and it was this that made her decide to sell.
  The next morning Mrs Robson would 20 the house for the station in her daughter’s car.
  1. A. replied
B. replaced
C. recorded
D. repaired
  2. A. dining-room B. office
C. living-room
D. bedroom
  3. A. therefore
B. of course
C. by the way
D. however
  4. A. wanted
C. promised
  5. A. husband
  6. A. controlled
C. enjoyed
  7. A. wished
B. continued
  8. A. thought
B. managed
C. refused
D. planned
  9. A. standing
B. rushing
C. knocking
D. looking
  10. A. space
  11. A. excited
C. painful
  12. A. keeping
B. selling
C. leaving
  13. A. affairs
B. memories
  14. A. same
B. present
D. important
  15. A. spare
C. spending
D. sparing
  16. A. storey
  17. A. dishonest
B. disappointed C. unfriendly
D. unhappy
  18. A. like
  19. A. hundred
  20. A. leave
B. exchange
  通读全文,本文是记叙文,叙述了Mrs Robson即将离开自己故土搬迁到海边的那种既向往又伤感的复杂的心理活动。
Mrs Robson放下话筒。replace 放下。
  2. C 第二段But this evening , she was 9 ( standing) at the living room, ...可提示此答案。
  3. A Her daughter had been very kind 与She had immediately agreed to pick her up 为顺接关系, 因此用therefore。
  4. B 从后文我们得知Mrs Robson自从丈夫死后一直一个人生活,并且以自己完全能够独立而自豪,因此说她不愿意承认她需要帮助。
  5. A 从后句 her independence可得此答案提示。
  6. D Mrs Robson以自己的独立而自豪。
  7. B 她一直一个人独自住在这里。
  8. B and表示顺接。refuse to do 不肯做某事。
  9. A 从空后的at the living room window, staring out at the “SOLD” sign,我们知道她站在起居室的窗前。
  10. D 她站在living room, 盯着前面花园的“售出”牌子。
  11. B 在此A有较大干扰性,从后文我们得知,Mrs. Robson
was sad at the thought of 12 (leaving ) the house, 同时she was looking forward to 15 (spending) her last years near the sea,即她既想买掉现在的房子,利用这笔钱到海边买一幢房子,但同时又一时舍不开,因此她的感情是复杂的(mixed)。
  12. C 从前文得知Mrs. Robson即将离开这所房子。
  13. B as在此表示sad的原因。这所房子( it) 有如此多的回忆(memories)。
  14. A 作者在此用but进行叙述上的转折。Mrs. Robson 买房子既有伤感的一面又有内心期望的一面。at the same time
  15. C 她希望在海边度过她的晚年。
  16. B用买房子的钱,她已经在那里买了一所房子( a little flat)。
  17. D 她住这里也不是不幸福。not与unhappy为双重否定。
  18. C 整句的意思是“她在这里也不是不幸福, 但这所房子对她不像对她丈夫那么重要。”
  19. D 这是她搬走的另一原因。
  20. A 从上下文,我们知道,明天她就坐女儿的车离开。
  Passage 60
  The secret of Chen Biao, an 18-year-old student, was discovered by his teacher and classmates not long before now: he slept with snakes at night 1 brought them with him to school in the 2.
  At the age of seven ,Chen got a baby snake by the house. He 3 the snake home and fed it in a bottle. 4, he often went to see after classes 5 the enter-trainer (巡回艺人) gave food and drink to snakes, and 6 to feed the snake.
  Day by day, the snake has finally grown 7 his “good friend”. Up to now , he brought together 8 40 snakes of different kinds at home .The oldest snake is 11 years 9. Some of the snakes now have their grandsons and granddaughters.
  It is quite 10 these snakes suddenly hide(躲藏)when 11 from the family come near to them and show themselves (露面) 12 when Chen returns. All the family members know Chen loves snakes 13 don’t know he feeds them .
  In summer, the snakes are 14 in Chen’s room and, sometimes, Chen would put the snakes around his body to keep 15 cool .In winter ,they stay on his 16 bed. Chen also keeps the newly-born snakes warm 17 carrying them around him. He has brought snakes with him to school 18 he came into the primary school (小学).
  Teachers say that Chen has a special 19 that any snake will not hurt him. 20 the reason for that is still a puzzle now.
  1. A. but
D .instead
  2. A. evening
B. morning
D. daytime
  3. A. took
D. fetched
  4. A. Ever
B. From then on C. Since ever D. From now on
  5. A. why
B. whether
  6. A. knew
B. studied
C. found out
  7. A. to
  8. A. over
D. much more
  9. A. old
  10. A. general B. proper
C. strange
D. separate
  11. A. another B. anyone
C. the other
  12. A. till
C. just only
  13. A. and
  14. A .unfriendly B. terrible C. lively
  15. A. him
D. himself
  16. A. cold
  17. A. after
  18. A. when
  19. A. taste
C. feeling
  20. A. But
D. Perhaps
  通读全文,本文为记叙文, 记叙了一个18 岁的少年陈标(Chen Biao)多年养蛇的传奇故事。
  1. C 他夜里跟它睡在一起,白天上学带着它。 前后为顺接关系。
  2. D 与at night相对。
  3. A 他把它带回家。在此B,C有较大干扰性, 但空前句 ...,Chen got a baby snake by the house决定了B, C 不合题意。 fetch意思是去取,因此排除D。
  4. B From then on
  5. D 从上下文我们得知,这是陈标第一次养蛇,他不知道如何给它喂食物和水,因此他到巡回艺人那里学艺。
  6. D 他开始学着喂养蛇,其它答案均不合题意。
grow into 相当于become,意思是“变成”。
over 多于,相当于more than。
  9. A最老的蛇的年龄。
  10. C 此空较难选出,答案必须在我们读完整个句子后才能得出。...these snakes hide when 11 (others) from the family came near to them and show themselves 12 ( just only) when Chen
returns表明这些蛇非常奇特,因此说It is quite strange … .
  11. D 从空后的when Chen returns…得知, 当家庭其他成员走近它们时,……。在此C有较大干扰性,the other 用的是单数,因此不合题意。
just在此修饰only,起强调作用。 前文提到家庭其他成员靠近时,蛇会躲起来,因此后文说,“仅仅只有陈标回来时它们才露面。”
  13. C 前后为转折关系。
  14. D从后文and, sometimes, Chen would put the snakes around his body to keep 15 (himself) cool得知,在夏天这些蛇在陈的房间内很自由。
to keep himself cool为Chen would put the snakes around his body 的目的状语。
  16. B 蛇为冷血动物,因此到了冬天陈标把它们放在暖床上。
he has brought ...用的是完成时,因此此空用since。
  19. C 老师们说陈标身上有一种特殊的气味,因此蛇不伤他。
  20. A 前后为转折关系。
热 点 专 题
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