
"所以你一直也没回来过?" &&&&"那你就和她在一起。"&&&&"你丫闭嘴吧。"侯龙涛推了文龙一把那个女人一下儿就放声痛哭了起来,她知道今后也不会再有人给自己夹鱼眼睛了。她一瞬间明白了,自己赢了全世界,却失去了生命中最珍贵的东西。" &&&&南宫律凉凉的瞥了眼前的老爷子一眼,唇勾冷笑,"据我所知,南宫家和龙腾家是独立的个体。"&&&&在接吻的一瞬间,张雪马上感觉到杨天傲的嘴里好象有什么东西传来,还没等她来的急回想那是什么东西,http:在杨天傲的挑逗下喝下了那口液体,直到两人吻的透不过气才松了开来。&&&&"对,我认为Honda要求IIC投资,是一步险棋,而且是一步不太聪明的棋。"&&&&"怎么讲?" &&&&感受到杨天傲关心的http:话语,陈醉柔心里非常高兴,温欣。幸福的感觉在心里久久没有散去。&&&&打发走了失望之极的张力,曲艳进来告诉他已经约好了曲鹏,下星期一就能来公司面谈。"你没跟他说咱们要投资吧?""http:没有,就是说你想见他,谈谈他申请上一些不明确的地方。"&&&&金欧美a片小松翻身跪淫色的人与动物了起来,磕头如倒蒜。&&&&麦祖在线观看贤虽然身为广东黑恶势力的领军人人人宠?什么生肖物,但毕竟已经是年过半百了,双手又被铐着,根本没法和一个二十多岁的小伙子抗衡,一下就被踢倒在地。 &&&&你丫想死了?侯龙涛,涛哥找你。"亚洲视频情色中心欧美色图成人在..推了一下他的后脑啊!?"赵振宇一惊,回过头,正看见坐在门口附近的侯龙涛对他勾了勾食指,赶紧走了过去嗨,算你丫输了。"他的对手大叫着别你妈操蛋了,扁不死你小逼的。"边走还不忘了成人电影在线观看不用安装播放器的骂上两句。聪明伶丽&&&&看见两女一脸羞色的表情,林欣满是不解她们为什么脸红。&&&&
友情链接:touch my body_百度百科
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本词条为多义项。分别为演唱的歌曲《Touch My Body》(所属专辑:《E=Mc?》)和韩国组合演唱的歌曲《Touch My Body》(所属专辑:《Touch&Move》)。所属专辑《E=Mc?》音乐风格流行歌曲语言英语
随着Touch My Body首周下载销量以285,544报收, &Touch My Body&成为Mariah职业生涯中第18支冠军曲。
Mariah是唯一一位在Hot 100经历单曲市场四个主要时期(黑胶时期[-1991], CD时期[], 单曲市场衰退期[]及数码时期[2005-])均有冠军曲的艺人。
同时也是Hot 100在五种不同主导的统计方式(单曲发行当周开始统计[-1995], 单曲发行次周开始统计[], 扩展单曲涵义加入电台单曲入榜资格[],统计范围扩展至数码范围并提升其权重[], 统计范围进一步拓展至在线试听并平衡电台、下载及试听权重[2007-])下均有单曲夺魁的艺人。
Touch My Body不仅是Mariah的第18支Hot 100的冠军曲, 同时也是自1999年9月Heartbreaker夺冠以来Mariah首次能以专辑第一支单曲即夺魁的单曲。Touch My Body的夺冠使得Mariah超过Elvis Presley, 独享拥有冠军单曲最多的独唱艺人之殊荣。
而同时作为本单曲创作者, Mariah则超过Barry Gibb, 独享拥有最多冠军单曲数作者第三的纪录, 同时也是最成功的女歌曲创作者。
Touch My Body是Mariah在iTunes上夺冠花费时间最短的单曲,较05年We Belong Together和Don‘t Forget About Us夺冠用时均短。
Touch My Body是Mariah的第26支排名前10的单曲, 而其夺冠也延续了Mariah的单曲一旦进入前10, 绝无最高名次在前5名之外的记录。
Touch My Body是Mariah自1995年Fantasy以来电台成绩最优之专辑首发单曲, 而就听众人次而言, Touch My Body则已成为Mariah 18年职业生涯中, 首支单曲成绩最佳之单曲。
Touch My Body首周285,544的销量不仅是Mariah自己职业生涯中的单曲最佳首周及单周销量(包括实体单曲及数码单曲), 同时也是数位下载历史上首周最佳成绩.
Touch My Body从上周的第15名直接跃升至本周的冠军, 则是Mariah夺冠周跨幅第二大的单曲, 仅次于Heartbreaker夺冠前一周的第16名.
Touch My Body是Mariah在流行电台(CHR/Top 40)的第26支上榜单曲, 在所有艺人中排名第一.
Touch My Body创造节奏电台(CHR/Rhythmic)近四年来最佳首周成绩(#23), 同时单周播放次数的增幅(+1,142)则创四年来最佳.
Touch My Body只用三周即进入节奏电台的前10名则是该类别电台2年来最快速度. 而若Touch My Body在该类别电台夺魁, 则将并列成为拥有该类别电台冠军数最多的艺人, 而在女艺人方面, 则为第一.
Touch My Body是Mariah个12年来在都市电台(Urban)首周最佳成绩(#23).
本周的冠军将Mariah在冠军宝座上蝉联时间延续至78周, 距离历史最佳纪录只差2周。
Mariah Carey's 'Touch My Body' - Her 18th #1 Single!!!
'Touch My Body' nets record-setting 286,000 debut week on Billboard hot digital songs chart - Hot 100 Airplay radio audience passes 115 million - pre-orders underway for 'E=MC2,' as customers receive 'Touch My Body' instantly with pre-order at iTunes
- April 9th: Mariah joins all-star international cast on FOX's second annual Emmy-winning 'IDOL Gives Back' two-hour charitable TV special
- April 14th: Mariah special guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show
- April 15th: 'E=MC2' new album arrives in stores
- April 16th: Mariah performs on 'American Idol' as musical mentor to finalists
NEW YORK, April 2, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- International superstar Mariah Carey reaches a once-in-a-lifetime career achievement as her current single &Touch My Body& goes to #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 this week and becomes her 18th career #1 hit -- surpassing one of the most enduring chart records in Billboard Hot 100 history, Elvis Presley's 17 #1's. Mariah is now positioned as the only active recording artist in the 50 years of the Hot 100 (which began in 1958) with the potential to surpass the Beatles' all-time high of 20 #1 hits.
&Touch My Body& takes over #1 with an all-time record-setting 286,000 debut week at #1 on the Billboard hot digital songs chart, and a Hot 100 Airplay radio audience now over 115 million. The video, directed by feature filmmaker Brett Ratner, and featuring a cameo by Jack McBrayer (30 Rock's Kenneth Parcell), stays at #1 on the Yahoo Music Video Chart, Yahoo Launchcast and AOL. And Mariah's widget has been viewed over 4.26 million times!
&Touch My Body& is the first smash from Mariah's highly anticipated hot new album &E=MC2,& arriving in stores April 15th. Pre-orders are now underway for &E=MC2,& with iTunes customers receiving &Touch My Body& instantly with their pre-order.
&Touch My Body& was one of two songs Mariah performed last month on NBC's Saturday Night Live (show to be re-run on May 3rd). Last week, Mariah gave a special performance of &Touch My Body& and &We Belong Together& after the third season premiere of the MTV reality series, &The Hills.& The episode set a year-to-date record as the highest rated telecast on cable TV, with 5 million viewers tuning in.
On April 9th, Mariah will join an all-star cast for the second annual &IDOL Gives Back& two-hour tv special, a music celebration raising awareness and benefiting various U.S. and international charities. The first special raised $76 million last year, and won a prestigious Governor's Emmy Award.
On Monday, April 14th, Mariah will appear as special guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, preceding the &E=MC2& album release day on the 15th. The next night, April 16th, Mariah will perform on &American Idol& after serving as musical mentor to that week's finalists.
&Touch My Body& was produced by Mariah Carey, C. &Tricky& Stewart, and fellow Island Def Jam artist The-Dream. Other guest producers joining Mariah on &E=MC2& include Jermaine Dupri, DJ Toomp, Stargate, Will I Am, Bryan Michael Cox, Nate &Danjahandz& Hills and James Poyser. The album is executive produced by Mariah Carey and Antonio &LA& Reid, Chairman, Island Def Jam Music Group.
The 11th studio album of her career, &E=MC2& follows-up &The Emancipation Of Mimi,& Mariah's worldwide 10 million selling #1 album, which generated three Grammy awards (including Best Contemporary R&B Album), two #1 singles, and countless more honors during its 18-month stay on the charts. Released April 12, 2005, &Mimi& was an industry phenomenon for the mega-platinum award-winning superstar. Soundscan's biggest-selling album of the year, it brought total sales of Mariah's albums, singles and videos to over 160 million worldwide, making her the top-selling female recording artist in history.
&Mimi& featured &We Belong Together& (Grammy winner for Best Female R&B Vocal and Best R&B Song) and &Don't Forget About Us,& Mariah's 16th and 17th #1 singles respectively -- which tied Elvis Presley's 17 #1's. &Touch My Body& now surpasses Elvis as Mariah's 18th #1 hit, and positions her as the only active recording artist with the potential to surpass the Beatles' all-time high of 20 #1 hits. &Touch My Body& also marks Mariah's 78th cumulative career week at #1, as she closes the gap on Elvis Presley's all-time high record of 80 weeks at #1.
AM ET Silvio Pietroluongo, N.Y.
Two leading ladies, Mariah Carey and Madonna, leapfrog over Elvis Presley in the Billboard charts record book this week.
As expected, Mariah Carey moves past Elvis Presley and into sole possession of second place for most No. 1s in the rock era, as &Touch My Body& soars 15-1 on the Billboard Hot 100 to become her 18th chart-topper. With her album &E=MC2& yet to hit retail, Carey might equal the Beatles' record of 20 No. 1s before her set runs its course.
&Body's& blast to No. 1 is fueled by a record-setting debut week digital tally of 286,000 downloads. That sum, good enough for the No. 1 slot on Hot Digital Songs, surpasses the 277,000 downloads labelmate Rihanna opened with in the June 9, 2007, issue with her summer smash &Umbrella.&
This is the first time since Nielsen SoundScan began tracking digital sales in 2003 that two titles debut simultaneously on Hot Digital Songs with more than 200,000 downloads each. The week also marks the best single-week digital tally in either artist's career.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Touch My Body
MC, you're the place to be
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I know that you've been waiting for it
I'm waiting too
In my imagination I'd be all up on you
I know you got that fever for me
Hundred and two
And boy I know I feel the same
My temperature's through the roof
If there's a camera up in here
Then it's gonna leave with me
When I do (I do)
If there's a camera up in here
Then I'd best not catch this flick
On YouTube (YouTube)
'Cause if you run your mouth and brag
About this secret rendezvous
I will hunt you down
'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness
Like a Wendy interview
But this is private Between you and I
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
Boy you can put me on you Like a brand new white tee
I'll hug your body tighter Than my favorite jeans
I want you to caress me
Like a tropical breeze And float away with you In the Caribbean Sea
If there's a camera up in here
Then it's gonna leave with me When I do (I do)
If there's a camera up in here
Then I'd best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube)
'Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous
I will hunt you down
'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview
But this is private Between you and I
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
Imma treat you like a teddy bear
You won't wanna go nowhere In the lap of luxury
Baby just turn to me You won't want for nothing boy
I will give you plenty
Touch my body
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
And touch my body.
Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
Oh yeah oh yeah
Oh oh oh oh yeah
Touch my body...MC,你永远是最棒的   噢耶...............   我知道你已在等待,   其实我也在等待   在我脑海中,你将主宰我的一切   我知道我令你狂热不止   但爱人,我的感觉也同你一样   我的热度已冲霄   如果那上面有台相机,   他将会拍下我们爱的场面   如果那上面有台相机   我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享   因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去   我将会亲自惩罚你   因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦   但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去)   爱抚我,   将我轻轻地放在地板上   轻揉我的身体   不要停止,爱我更多   爱抚我   将我放在床上   ,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉   爱抚我   让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验   爱抚我   我知道你爱我的迷人曲线   快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体   爱人,你可以将我放在你的身上,像一个   我会将你紧紧拥抱,超越我那最爱的   我要你爱抚我   像热带的微风,与你飘荡在迷人的风景中   如果那上面有台相机,   他将会拍下我们爱的场面   如果那上面有台相机   我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享   因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去   我将会亲自惩罚你   因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦   但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去)   爱抚我,   将我轻轻地放在地板上   轻揉我的身体   不要停止,爱我更多   爱抚我   将我放在床上   ,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉   爱抚我   让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验   爱抚我   我知道你爱我的迷人曲线   快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体   我将你当作我最爱i   在这爱的氛围中,我让你不能去往任何地方   爱人,转过来,你将不用得到更多   因为我将给你全部   爱抚我   噢耶...............Touch My Body
MC, you're the place to be
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I know that you've been waiting for it
I'm waiting too
In my imagination I'd be all up on you
I know you got that fever for me
Hundred and two
And boy I know I feel the same
My temperature's through the roof
If there's a camera up in here
Then it's gonna leave with me
When I do (I do)
If there's a camera up in here
Then I'd best not catch this flick
On YouTube (YouTube)
'Cause if you run your mouth and brag
About this secret rendezvous
I will hunt you down
'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness
Like a Wendy interview
But this is private Between you and I
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
Boy you can put me on you Like a brand new white tee
I'll hug your body tighter Than my favorite jeans
I want you to caress me
Like a tropical breeze And float away with you In the Caribbean Sea
If there's a camera up in here
Then it's gonna leave with me When I do (I do)
If there's a camera up in here
Then I'd best not catch this flick On YouTube (YouTube)
'Cause if you run your mouth and brag About this secret rendezvous
I will hunt you down
'Cause baby I'm up in my bidness Like a Wendy interview
But this is private Between you and I
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
Imma treat you like a teddy bear
You won't wanna go nowhere In the lap of luxury
Baby just turn to me You won't want for nothing boy
I will give you plenty
Touch my body
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel Like you never did.
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs All around your waist Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
***e on and give me what I deserve And touch my body.
And touch my body.
Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
Oh yeah oh yeah
Oh oh oh oh yeah
Touch my body...
[1]女子组合SISTAR时隔1年2个月,将于21日今天携第二张迷你专辑《TOUCH & MOVE》 华丽回归。
主打曲&TOUCH MY BODY& 采用极为容易上口的旋律,是一首开头部分的萨克斯给人深刻印象的Hip-Hop舞曲。SIATAR一直以歌唱实力俱佳,歌曲旋律给人留下深刻印象为粉丝所喜爱,此次回归的歌曲也是令粉丝们充满期待。[2]Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body
I know you want it ? ? ??? ?
?? ??? wine ??? chocolate chocolate
? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? my pool
na na na na na na
??? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ??
??? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ????
Yeh baby dancing with me you're my star
Touch my body ?? ??? ???
Oh everybody ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???
My body body Touch ma body
Baby so good ?? ??? paradise
Baby so nice ?? ??? summer night
??? one step two step ?? ?? ???
My body body Touch ma body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body
?? ?? ???? ? ? ??? ??
?? ? ? ?? ????? ?? red pool
? ??? ?? ?? ? body? ??
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
??? ??? ?? ?? ???
???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ???
? ???? ???
Touch my body ?? ??? ???
Oh everybody ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???
My body body Touch ma body
Baby so good ?? ??? paradise
Baby so nice ?? ??? summer night
??? one step two step ?? ?? ???
My body body Touch ma body
Touch my body my body my body my body my body
?? ?? ?? ?? Tonight
?? ?? ?? ? ??
?? ???? ???
?? ?? ?? ?? Tonight
?? ?? ?? ? ??
?? ???? ??? Touch ma bodyTouch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body
I know you want it,来到我身边吧
我准备的红酒,还有甜美的chocolate chocolate
时而温柔,时而火热,只为了你,my pool
na na na na na na
Yeh baby dancing with me you're my star
Touch my body,我们再快一点吧
Oh everybody 比湛蓝的天空更高的高度
现在的节奏还不错 ,炽热的烈日下,你和我
My body body Touch ma body
Baby so good ,现在的心情paradise
Baby so nice,我们两个人的summer night
一点一点one step two step,月光下的你和我
My body body Touch ma body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body Body
Touch my body
累的话稍微休息一下吧,在这里red pool
实话实说吧,喜欢这里 这里 这里
不然的话,喜欢那里 那里 那里
Touch my body,我们再快一点吧
Oh everybody 比湛蓝的天空更高的高度
现在的节奏还不错 ,炽热的烈日下,你和我
My body body Touch ma body
Baby so good ,现在的心情paradise
Baby so nice,我们两个人的summer night
一点一点one step two step,月光下的你和我
My body body Touch ma body
Touch ma bodyTouch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body  I know you want it 弄 内 giao特喽 哇  内噶 囧比汗 wine 太空慢 chocolate chocolate  囧 不的喽够 带龙 特够喔几嫩 闹慢呢 为汗 my pool  na na na na na na  把给斤 闹也 图 nun内 比亲 内 木森  Wun囧嫩 尼噶 黑 个叫 内 不孙嫩 哈呢为喽  Yeh baby dancing with me you're my star  Touch my body 武林 就跟西 把了给  Oh everybody 噗len 哈呢 不大 怒皮  几跟米 里的米 求哇 的够wun 忒样啊嘞都 闹哇那  My body body Touch ma body  Baby so good 几跟 ki bun嫩paradise  Baby so nice 无力 图慢内 summer night  就跟西 one step two step 他比 啊嘞 闹哇那  My body body Touch ma body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body Body  Touch my body  哈那 图西 怕kiao几嫩 尼 慢 素干内 求不  Hing米 的 dian 求跟 suai奥大噶哟 要gi red pool  耐 一b素里 就哇 啊宁 内 body 噶 就哇  搜几ki 吗嘞 要gi 要gi 要gi 啊宁 巧gi 巧gi 巧gi  那把给 奥大够 几跟 耐给 吗嘞囧  不个喽给 家姑 不几 买够 尅搜 耐 安那就  难 撒朗汗大 吗还就  Touch my body 武林 就跟西 把了给  Oh everybody 噗len 哈呢 不大 怒皮  几跟米 里的米 求哇 的够wun 忒样啊嘞都 闹哇那  My body body Touch ma body  Baby so good 几跟 ki bun嫩paradise  Baby so nice 无力 图慢内 summer night  就跟西 one step two step 他比 啊嘞 闹哇那  My body body Touch ma body  Touch my body Body  My body Body  My body Body  闹哇 行给 一嫩 几跟 Tonight  图里 行给 噗嫩 巧表的  奥嫩 怒姑不大 hing不尅  闹哇 行给 一嫩 几跟 Tonight  图里 行给 噗嫩 巧表的  奥嫩 怒姑不大 hing不尅
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