玄月谋杀案 the Westlakela brea tar pitss 那个油坑在什么地方

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L.A. Noire’s unique mechanics, groundbreaking facial rendering, and stylish setting have made it one of the most anticipated games of the year. As L.A. policeman Cole Phelps, you’ll have to unravel a number of thorny cases as the city adjusts to its post-war boom years. Not all the solutions will be easy. Think of this walkthrough as your Confidential Informant — consult it for advice and detailed information to help you in your efforts.
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Table of Contents
Patrol DeskUpon Reflection
Welcome to L.A. NOIRE, where everyone has something to hide. Start your journey through the LAPD’s Patrol Desk by driving down the road and turning right, then left. Look for the yellow flag icon.Arriving at the crime scene, you’ll need to start your search for evidence. During evidence gathering sequences, you’ll need to find objects that might pertain to the mystery. You’ll also discover that most of the things Cole Phelps can interact with are totally useless. The controller will rumble whenever you’re near an interactive object.Down the alley, your partner will comment on some junk. Interact with the newsaper to his left to discover your first collectable. Each newspaper holds a piece of the story’s puzzle, so try to find as many as you can. You’ll usually find newspapers while searching for evidence.Your partner will ask you to look at the murder scene. Walk over to inspect the bloody door and ground. Nothing useful here, keep moving on.Continue left down the alleyway. You’ll be prompted to look up at the window while under the blinking light. In the window’s reflection, you’ll spot a gun.To reach the roof, continue down the alley and turn left, following the brick building around. A lamp shines light down near a drainpipe. Use the drainpipe to climb onto the roof and find the murderweapon.Pick up the murderweapon and begin to search it for points of interest. Move the left thumbstick around in a circle until you feel a rumble, hold the thumbstick in whichever direction is rumbling to discover a clue.In the case of the gun, hold the thumbstick right until Phelps lists off the make and model of the revolver.Afterwards, interact with the pistol again for another clue. As the game continues, you’ll find ledgers and other clues that will need to be opened and searched.Back out of the search and climb back down the drainpipe.Return to your police car. Phelps will remove a list of locations in his notebook. Select the Gun Store to set it as your waypoint location.Drive to the waypoint to arrive at the gunstore. You can enter any building with gold door handles.Inside, after a short discussion, you’ll have a chance to search the ledger. Open the ledger, and look on the second page for an item listed as “27, 4″ barrel, polished nickel, pearl grip”. Select the entry to discover the name and address of the gun’s owner.Jump into your car and select Schroeder’s Apartment, it’s your next location.At Schroeder’s Apartment, enter through the door left of the storefront. Check the mailbox to find his apartment number – it’s apartment 2. Find his apartment upstairs, first door on the right.Time for a brawl. Schroeder isn’t tough, follow the on-screen prompts and punch him a few times in a row. Tap Block, then attack for a powerful counter-attack.After defeating Ralph, search the apartment for clues. The only useful information here is in the open drawer, just left of the kitchen door. Investigate the object and turn the page twice.That’s all she wrote, you’ve completed your first training case.
Armed and Dangerous
Drive down the road, turning right to find your waypoint. You’ll be driving right into a gunfight.A short cutscene plays, and ends with Phelps behind a truck armed with a shotgun. A few of the thugs will run inside. One will stay outside shooting, blast him from your truck.When your partner runs for the front door, follow him. Take cover on the right side of the entrance doors, where more crooks will take potshots at you. Wait for them to show their heads before popping out of cover to shoot them.Once everyone on the first floor is down, another bad guy will take cover on the second floor. Shoot him to complete this action-packed second case.
Warrants Outstanding
Time for a chase! Hold the run trigger to chase the palooka down the alleyway. Keep an eye on your mini-map and follow the red dot if you’re turned around or lose him. In many chase sequences, you’ll have the option to shoot the crook.Run down the alley and hop the fence. You’ll automatically jump over obstacles and gaps while running, you just need to make sure you stay on the bad guy’s tail.Turn right after jumping the fence and run forward until Bowers takes a ladder on the building to your left. When chasing enemies, keep your distance on ladders – if you’re too close, they’ll kick you. Get kicked twice, and you’ll fall.Keep running on the fire escape, all the way up, until you reach the roof. Bowers will climb a drainpipe up, keep the chase going. Bowers will stop to kick you in the face once, take it like a man and keep climbing.Follow Bowers as he jumps, you’ll land on a shack. If you jump to the left of his leap, you’ll land on a lower roof, where you’ll need to climb up a ladder to continue following him.Make one more long jump off a building and follow the crook into closed-off section of the roof behind a billboard.Bowers attacks as you chase him into the area. Fist fight the jerk until he drops to complete another case.
Buyer Beware
It’s time for a real investigation. Start by searching the body. Search the right pocket of his jacket to find a clue. Scroll down the paper. That’s all you’re going to get from the stiff.Step over the body, you’ll find shell casings on the sidewalk near the street. That’s another clue found.Walk down the street and search the trash bin for a gun. Manipulate the gun diagonally right and up to find the make and model.Follow the cop to talk to a witness. He’ll point out another witness to the incident – a girl inside the shop. Walk inside to talk to her.This is your first interrogation. During interrogations, you’ll be talking to a person of interest. In your notebook, you’ll have questions. Select a question and the person of interest will answer. You’ll be able to reply to each answer by deciding whether the person of interest is telling the truth or lying.After every answer, you’ll be able to choose
truth, doubt, and lie. Choose truth when you think the person of interest is telling the truth, they’ll be more cooperative and provide more information if the person is telling the truth.If you think a person is lying or not telling the complete truth, select Lie – but only when you have proof to the contrary. If a person of interest is lying or not telling the complete truth, but you have no proof that says otherwise, select Doubt.If you’re unsure of what option to select, open your notebook and use an intuition point. Intuition points are awarded for gaining experience points for completing investigations or street crimes.For every interrogation, this guide will list the person of interest, the questions you ask, followed by the response to their answer.Person of Interest: Clovis Galetta.Q: Eyewitness account – A: Lie –& Layaway voucherQ: Possible murder suspect – A: DoubtQ: Details of shooting – A: TruthSure signs of lying are rapid blinking or wandering eyes. That isn’t always true, as you’ll often meet persons of interest that are shaken up. It’s good to tackle questions you know the details of first, to see what the person of interest looks like after telling the truth or lying.Reading faces of different people will help you discover lies or partial truths. Remember to open your notebook and study your clues before accusing someone of lying.Now that Clovis Galetta is done, return to your car. Select Eagleson’s Gun Store or Hartfield’s Jewelry Store.While driving the busy streets, turn on your siren to clear your path.At Eagleson’s Gun Store, you’ll get information you already knew – where Mr. Kalou works. Head to Hardfield’s Jewelry Store to find Mr. Kalou.Inside the shop, talk to the man at the front desk. As he walks to the back, he’ll make a run for it. Start running to jump the jewelry case and chase Mr. Kalou into the alley.Turn left in the alley and chase him through the red door, through the restaurant, across the street, through the park, across another street, until finally cornering him after he causes a car wreck.At the police station, you’ll get your chance to interrogate Mr. Kalou.Person of Interest: Mr. KalouQ: Argument with Gage – A: Lie –& Suspect positively identifiedQ: Possible religious motive – A: DoubtWith this interrogation finished, you’ll finally become a detective.Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: Police Academy – Complete all cases on the Patrol desk.
Traffic DeskThe Driver’s Seat
Exit the police station and get into your car. Your partner will direct you to the P.E. Freight Depot.At the Depot, walk towards the car to start searching for clues. There’s a witness, but don’t talk to him yet. Talk to the coroner instead, he’s crouched near the car.Open the trunk and inspect the letter for a clue. Check inside one of the open doors to get a look at the bloody interior.Two more clues are sitting a few steps ahead of the car. A wallet and a pair of glasses. In the wallet, inspect the left and right sides for more information. Put down the wallet and inspect the glasses, move the thumbstick down and right to get a name.For the last clue, look left of the glasses and wallet to find a bloody pipe. Manipulate up to find a name.That’s all the clues, now you need to talk to the witness.Person of Interest: Nate WilkeyQ: Purpose at scene – A: TruthQ: Knowledge of Adrian Black – A: TruthQ: Contents of wallet – A: DoubtQ: Bloodstained pipe found – A: TruthNext, inform the wife to continue your investigation. Open your notebook and select the Black Residence as your next location.Hold down the button to enter your car to make your partner drive – “Y” or “Triangle”.Knock on the door to meet Mrs. Black. Step inside and sit down to speak with her. The interrogation won’t start quite yet.Start checking the place out for clues. Check the dining room for a newspaper, watch the story behind the headline to learn more.Near the newspaper on the dining table, search the cigarettes and the matchbook. Open the matchbook for another clue.Inside the kitchten, look on the table and pick up both papers. Turn the flyer around and scroll down to see all of its contents.Inside the first bedroom, look in the open drawer for a ticket. To the right of the suitcase, check the dresser for a picture frame and a glasses case. Open the glasses case to match the glasses you found to the case.Put the case down and pick up the picture. Interact to open the back and find another clue. For the last clue, check outside.Outside, look along the kitchen’s exterior wall to find the unfinished water heater. Now you need to complete the water heater. Take the red pipe with no bends, and place it on the left red pipe. Pick up the red pipe with one bend, and place it on the top right of the screen, meeting both ends of red pipe.Next, take the blue pipe with two bends in it and place them just right of the red pipe attached to the water heater. Place it inbetween both red pipes. For the last blue pipe, place it in the bottom left corner of the screen.Before talking with Mrs. Black, use a telephone to reach dispatch. When you have the address, talk to her.Person of Interest: Margaret BlackQ: Slaughterhouse receipt – A: TruthQ: Cavanagh’s Bar matchbook – A: TruthQ: Location of Adrian Black – A: TruthQ: Stenzel glasses case – A: TruthQ: Photograph signed ‘Nicole’ – A: Lie –& Concealed messageQ: Alibi for Mrs. Black – A: TruthWith all questions correct, head to Cavanagh’s Bar. Step inside and talk with the tender, he’ll point you toward the back. Walk to the backroom to find Frank Morgan. He’s sitting in the center table of the back room. Start interrogating him for answers.Q: Link to abandoned vehicle – A: Lie –& Receipt for live hogQ: Location of Adrian Black – A: DoubtWith that, you’ll have a location. Either arrest Morgan or leave him and drive to Morgan’s Apartment. Step through the door, Morgan told you it was apartment 2. Walk upstairs and turn left. The apartment is the first door on the left.Knock on the door and Mr. Black will make a run for it. Run up the fire escape and jump off the building after him. Turn left, jump to the lower roof, and use the drainpipe to slide down to the ground.Chase Adrian until he’s cornered by your partner.Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: The Up And Up – Complete a story case with a five star rating.
A Marriage Made in Heaven
Back at the police station, return to your car and drive to the crime scene. Talk with the patrolman to get the details of the case.Search the body. Check his right inner jacket pocket to find a note, scroll down to get the evidence. Check his left inner jacket pocket for a wallet. Investigate his ID for more information on the victim.Next, walk down the bloody trail left by the body and check it. Continue down the road to find another blood spatter, past that you’ll find tire marks on the road. Check each of these evidence spots to another clue.Check the alley to the left of the bar. Look inside the trash for a hidden clue. Look up and slightly right while manipulating the knife to investigate it.The last clue is inside the bar. Check the bartop to find another newspaper. Now all the clues are found, so talk to both witnesses.Start with the young lady outside the bar.Person of Interest: Shannon PerryQ: Eyewitness report – A: TruthQ: Suspect vehicle description – A: TruthQ: Argument overheard – A: DoubtStep inside the bar to speak with the bartender.Person of Interest: Dudley LynchQ: Hit and run incident – A: DoubtQ: Association with victim – A: TruthQ: Argument overhead in bar – A: DoubtQ: Joint business venture – A: DoubtUse the phone at the back of the bar. The operator will give you the location of the hit-and-run driver. Choose Shelton Residence as your next destination and drive there.Shelton is trying to leave town, chase him down the streets of L.A. Sideswipe his wheel arches to wreck his car. If he makes it to the train station, he’ll run inside and you’ll need to chase after him. Arrest Shelton and drive to the Pattison Residence next.Knock on the Pattison’s door and sit down to start a new interrogation.Person of Interest: Lorna PattisonQ: Hit and run incident – A: DoubtQ: Nature of argument – A: DoubtQ: Partnership with Leroy Sabo – A: Lie –& Insurance letterWith that done with, use a nearby phone to call in. Use the phone inside the residence, or use the phone outside on the street corner to your right.After using the phone, the coroner wants to speak with you, so drive to the Central Morgue next.Enter the morgue and talk with the coroner, Looks like the knife was important to the case afterall. With that important clue, return to the Pattison Residence prepared to make some arrests.Knock on the door for a confrontation. Leroy Sabo won’t come quietly. Chase him to the backyard, eventually you’ll corner him in a hostage situation.Hostage situations are tricky, just remember that you’re not timed. A single missed shot will fail the challenge. Watch for a pattern, and wait to give yourself a good shot at his chest. Obviously, don’t shoot the hostage. Take all the time you need, the hostage-taker won’t shoot the hostage until you shoot at him first.With Sabo dead, the case is clear.
A Slip of the Tongue
This pre-order exclusive starts after “A Marriage Made in Heaven”. Otherwise, the game will continue straight to “The Fallen Idol”.
Fallen Idol
Get your 1950s keister to the crime scene. Start looking for clues, round the ledge and down the dirt path to find the crash site and the coroner.Search the items laid out on the trunk of the car. Pick up the ripped underwear. Set those down and investigate the handbag. Discovering a letter, scroll down and read it to get more information on Jessie – it’ll be important when you interrogate her later.Talk with the coroner again to get your hands on another clue. Manipulate the object right to find more information on it. That’s all the clues, run up the path to the ambulance to speak with the driver of the crashed car, June Ballard.Person of Interest: June BallardQ: Doping allegation – A: DoubtQ: Injured female passenger – A: Lie –& UnderwearQ: Fake shrunken head – A: DoubtQ: Suspect ‘Mark Bishop’ – A: DoubtThat’s everything from June Ballard. Take your care to Central Receiving Hospital to talk with Jessica. Enter the hospital, the nurse at the front desk will point you in the right direction.Before speaking with Jessica, check her medical report. It’s hanging off the frame of her bed. Now, go ahead and start talking with her.Person of Interest: Jessica HamiltonQ: Crash incident report – A: Lie –& UnderwearQ: Contact with parents – A: Lie –& Letter from motherQ: Association with Bishop – A: DoubtQ: Evidence of criminal abuse – A: TruthAs you leave, you’ll start a new challenge: following June Ballard. Tailing people requires finesse, keep far away and don’t drive in a way that’ll make you noticed. Crashing into cars, hitting pedestrians or city property, turning on your siren, driving on the wrong side of the road or on the sidewalk will all get you noticed. If you’re noticed, stop what you’re doing right away and wait for the car you’re tailing to move ahead.Trail her until she gets out at a restaurant. Take cover at the door and wait for her to start using the phone. Once she’s using the phone, enter the diner and look left for a booth with a newspaper. Use the booth to go incognito and listen in on June’s conversation.You now have a new location, Bishop’s Apartment. Set it as your next destination and drive there. Inside, talk to the man at the desk to get directions to his apartment. Take the elevator up, and turn left.The apartment is ransacked. Before talking with Mrs. Bishop, search the area for clues. Ahead, look at the saddle for your first clue. Enter the room left of the saddle On the floor, near the dressers, you’ll find a large check.Leave the room and look at the picture frame in the living room. Enter the kitchen to check out a replica prop, and look at the picture just left of it. That’s all the clues, not talk with Gloria Bishop.Person of Interest: Gloria BishopQ: Domestic disturbance – A: DoubtQ: Whereabouts of Bishop – A: TruthQ: Check for $20,000 – A: Lie –& $20,000 CheckQ: Abuse of Jessica Hamilton – A: DoubtAfter the interrogation, use the telephone to find a location for Silver Screen Props. That’s your next destination, so hotfoot it over there.Entering Silver Screen Props, you’ll speak with Marlon Hopgood. He’ll lead you to the soundstage in the back. Follow him there and start searching for clues.Start by searching the metal shelves for drugs. Manipulate diagonally up and right to get a good look at the dope.Search the mirror next to find the camera on the other side. You’ll want to find a way into the secret room, head outside and circle around the soundstage exterior.Outside, look on the paint-stained tables. You’ll find another newspaper to the right, and clues to the left. Search and manipulate both shrunken heads.Look left from the heads to find a false wall. Kick it down and enter the building. Inside, look at the film can, manipulating it right to look at the label. To the right of the first film can is another. Pick it up and open it.That’s all the clues, go ahead and talk to Hopgood now.Person of Interest: Marlon HopgoodQ: Association with Bishop – A: Lie –& Empty film canisterQ: Whereabouts of Biship – A: TruthQ: Relationship with Ballard – A: Lie –& Evidence of BlackmailThat finishes the investigation. Outside, you’ll meet a couple of gangster. They’ll chase you and open fire. Stay to the left of the car you’re chasing, sideswipe the tires, and let your partner shoot their tires. Drive on the left side of the cars your chasing and being chased by to keep from taking too many bullets.After those guys are taken care of, drive to the movie set to find Bishop. He’ll make a run for it, chase him through the movie set. As he runs to the top floors, things will become more dangerous for you. Reaching a long stretch of wooden gangway, the planks will fall apart. When the set breaks down, make sure you don’t stop running.Climb the ladder up and chase him over the falling floor. Turning left, he’ll run ahead and the planks will drop as he crosses them. Run on the left side and make two jumps instead of following his path. The rest of the way you’ll be clear to follow him.Finding him, gangsters will show up on the scene to kill Bishop. Climb down the ladder to engage the bad guys and protect Bishop. Shoot the gangster and take his rifle. Run down the stairs after Bishop, but quickly take cover – these guys are armed with submachine guns. Shoot the red barrels near their cover to blow them up.Keep the rifle and jump with Bishop down to a raised platform. Take cover, on the far end of the stage two bad guys will take pot shots at you. Put them down, looking out for one goon near the large fake statue on the same platform as you.Move forward, there’s one goon shooting from the top center of the stage. Take him out and move on. At the far end of the platform, two goons will pop out and shoot at you from the gantry ahead. Shoot the red barrels near the man above, and shoot the second guy on the same level as you while he runs by.Now, jump onto the ladder inside the statue to get back to the ground floor. Slide down another ladder and run out into the open area with your partner. Take cover and look up and to the right. Barrels are strewn about the elephant statue. Shoot the barrels to drop the statue on the group of gangsters below.Take cover in the following arena and start shooting bad guys. One at the far end is armed with a submachine gun, and should be your first target if you can hit him accurately. Otherwise, finish off the guy closer by.Run through a tunnel to reach the final area, the entrance of the set. Gangsters are hiding behind their cars as regular cops join the mix. Take cover behind the wooden frames and defeat the last gangsters.Achievement/Trophy Unlocked: Paved With Good Intentions – Complete all cases on the Traffic desk.
Homicide DeskThe Red Lipstick Murder
A new desk, a new partner, a new suit and a new murder investigation are all your’s. Head down to the murder scene.Talk with the patrolman. Move on to speak with the coroner after that.At the crime scene, look at the victim’s body. Look at the torso for a clue, then check the victim’s head. Check the right hand of the body, as well. Manipulate the hand and the head to discover more about the victim.Look at the shoeprints ahead of the body for a clue. Check the victim’s personal effects near the body, the brush is useless, so open the bag and further investigate the lipstick.To the left of her personal effects, behind a tree, pick up the globe puzzle. To solve it, move the third layer from the top left twice. Move the second layer from the top right once. Move the top layer left twice. Inside the game is a clue.That’s it for the crime scene. Drive to the Bamba Club and talk with the barman. He’ll point you to the owner at the back of the club. You can’t miss him, he’s in the very last booth.Person of Interest: Dick McCollQ: Suspect seen with victim – A: TruthQ: Ring stolen from victim – A: DoubtQ: Knowledge of husban – A: DoubtAchivement/Trophy Unlocked: Round Heels – At the Bamba Club, get Dick McColl to give up the license plate of Celine Henry’s male companion.Use the phone before you leave. Your next location is the Henry Residence.Knock on the door, and after a cutscene you’ll get inside to start collected clues. Step inside to find another newspaper. Look in the dining room for a woman’s shoe, manipulate it right to find the shoe size.Look in the kitchen for a note on the refrigerator. Turn around to look at the broken window. Another clue is in the bedroom, on a dresser. Investigate the jewelry case.For the last clue, step outside the front door to witness a neighbor returning home. Check behind the blue hour next door, search for the blue dot to find and speak with the neighbor. Take off for Jacob Henry’s Apartment.Kick down the door of Jacob’s apartment and start looking for clues. Enter the bedroom and look at the shoes in the open case on his bed. Check the size before putting them down.Look on the kitchen counter for a note. It looks blank, but use the pencil to uncover a secret message. Keep uncovering the message until Phelps comments. That’s all the clues. Now talk to Jacob Henry.Person of Interest: Jacob HenryQ: Movements of victim – A: Lie –& Bamba Club lighterQ: Last contact with victim – A: TruthQ: Motive for murder – A: Lie –& Death threat noteBeat up Mr. Henry after he attacks to arrest him. Use the apartment phone to call the station. With Mr. Henry arrested, your next goal is to interrogate him at Central Station.Person of Interest: Jacob HenryQ: Access to murder weapon – A: Lie –& Husband’s alibiQ: Lipstick markings – A: TruthQ: Deterioration of marriage – A: Lie –& Marital problemsQ: Missing jewelry – A: TruthThat’s it for Henry Jacob. Time to investigate another lead – drive to Mendez’s Apartment.At the apartment, check the mailboxes to find Mendez’ apartment number – number 16. Run to the top floor and kick in the door at the back of the hall.Look in the apartment bedroom and check the shoes. Near the bed, you’ll find a bloody box. Check it, pick up the used lipstick and manipulate it right. Finally, look at the bloody wrench and manipulate it left.Step out of the bedroom to chase Mendez. He’ll slide down a drainpipe and get into his car after running and jumping across several rooftops. Run after his car as your partner swerves into view. Take the driver’s seat and chase Mendez.Once Mendez’s car crashes, get out to arrest him and finish the case.
The Golden Butterfly
Another crime, another crime scene. Speak with the first reporting office, he’ll lead you to the body.Meet with the coroner, then examine the victim. Check the head to find evidence of strangulation, check both of her hands to find evidence of missing jewelry, and finally check her torso.Look near the victim for personal effects. Open the handbag and check the nametag followed by the cash. Look for the ‘B’ marker to look at the shoeprints. That’s all the evidence you’ll find. Leave the scene for the Moller Residence.Arriving at the Moller Residence, you’ll talk with the victim’s daughter. Step inside, and start searching the home. Enter the master bedroom to start the search.On the dresser, open both jewelry cases for more evidence of missing jewelry. To the left of the dresser are two work boots, pick one up and look for the size.Speak with Michelle Moller now that your clue hunt is over.Person of Interest: Michelle MollerQ: Last contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Missing watch and rings – A: TruthQ: State of parent’s marriage – A: DoubtFinishing her talk, Hugo Moller will arrive and you’ll start interrogating him.Q: Footprints at crime scene – A: Lie –& Size eight work bootsQ: Alibi for Hugo Moller – A: Lie –& Husband’s alibiQ: Missing persons report – A: DoubtQ: History of violence – A: Butterfly broochAs you leave, the neighbor will wave you down. Cross the street to speak with her. She’ll point out that Mr. Moller is burning something, so give chase. Run after him, if you get close enough, tap ‘A’ or ‘X’ to tackle him.Now that he’s arrested, look in the incinerator. Pick up the boot and look at the shoesize to find blood. Before leaving, use the phone on the sidewalk to get the address for Belmont High.Before going to Belmont High, go to the Central Morgue instead. Speak with the coroner in the autopsy room. Look on the bench and pick up the thickest rope, the bottom of the three. Manipulate it up to discover a clue. Look right of the ropes and check out the shoeprint molds.Take a look at the body, and you’re finished here. Stop by the phone in the morgue before taking off for Belmont High.At Belmont High, you’ll talk to the janitor. He’ll point out a creeper hanging around the school, you’ll have to chase him down. After capturing him, you’ll find the Butterfly brooch in Eli’s pockets and arrest him.Now you can investigate the car. Open the trunk and pick up the bloody rope. Pick up the bloody tool and look at the bloody overalls. Noticing a pattern? That’s all the evidence here, find a phone to call Central Station before driving back for interrogations.You can talk with and charge either of the next two culprits for the crime. Moller is in Interrogation 1 while Rooney is in Interrogation 2.Person of Interest: Eli RooneyQ: Footprints at crime scene – A: DoubtQ: Place of employment – A: DoubtQ: Access to braided rope – A: TruthQ: Motive for Moller Murder – A: DoubtPerson of Interest: Hugo MollerQ: Disposal of evidence – A: TruthQ: Access to braided rope – A: DoubtQ: Access to tire iron – A: Lie –& Bloody tire ironQ: Victim’s vehicle recovered – A: Lie –& OverallsIf you don’t convict either suspect, you’ll need to chase down one of them and make an arrest as they leave the station.
The Silk Stocking Murder
This crime scene is unlike the rest. Start examining the body, check the torso, the head, and both hands. Behind the body, in the shadow of the tree, you’ll find a stocking marked ‘A’.Follow the blood trail next. A hat is laying on the ground where the blood trail changes direction. Pick it up and examine it for a name. Follow the bloodtrail up the hill to a trashbin. Pick up the shoe and look for blood.Keep following the trail to a red pipe. Investigate the pipe to find a key on a string. Continuing down the trail pick up the dot pattern note on the ground. Now, climb the fire escape to the roof.Inside the pigeon cage, you’ll find an empty letter. Jump down to the lower roof, and pick up a compact before climbing a drainpipe up. Look at the vent to find a bloody ring. Climb up, and investigate the bucket of blood and brush. Finally, near the ledge, pick up the handbag and open it. Inside is the other half of the library card, complete with a name and address.Returning to your ride, follow your only lead to Antonia’s Residence. Knock on the door and speak with the housekeeper. Go upstairs and find her apartment to your left.Investigate the letter in Antonia’s suitcase. Next, look at the framed picture in her dresser. Check the broken window, and open it to step outside and find the iron picket. Return downstairs to interrogate the housekeeper in the parlor.Person of Interest: Barbara LapentiQ: Possible suspects – A: TruthQ: Movements of victim – A: DoubtQ: Evidence of break-in – A: Lie –& broken window / iron picketQ: Breakdown of marriage – A: Lie –& Charm bracelet photographThat’s all for her. You can go to the Maldonado Residence or the El Dorado Bar. Start with the Maldonado Residence.Check the mailboxes to find his apartment – number 304. Head to the third floor to break in. You’ll have to fight Angel and his brother in a fist fight. After the fight, they’ll be taken away. Search the apartment.In the kitchen, check out the bloody shirt hanging on the wall. Look at both bloodstains, then look inside the fruit crate in the corner. If you don’t want to canvas the whole floor, just knock on apartment 302 for some useful testimony.Next, get in your car and take off for the Central Police Station. At the station, step into the basement to examine new evidence. Read both papers to provide new insight into the case. After that, interview Angel.Person of Interest: Angel MaldonadoQ: Last contact with victim – A: Lie –& Husband’s alibiQ: Divorce proceedings – A: Lie –& Attorney’s letter / Divorce papersQ: Jewelry taken from body – A: TruthQ: Bloodstained shirt found – A: DoubtNow’s the time to look at the El Dorado Bar. Talk with the tender there and interrogate him. He’ll hand you the Maldonado divorce papers.Person of Interest: Diego AguilarQ: Missing jewelry – A: DoubtQ: Movements of victim – A: TruthTake off for the fruit market, it’s close by, but drive anyway. Speak with Clem Feeney, the man behind the counter at the back of the market.Person of Interest: Clem FeeneyQ: Distinctive necklace – A: DoubtQ: Contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Movements of victim – A: TruthCheck the back room, look under the lamp on the desk to find a bloody scalpel. Look in the file drawer for a wooden jewelry box needing a combination. Check the dot pattern note to find the combination – 2, 5, 3.Clem makes a run for it, you’ll chase him by car, and Clem is a wild driver. Keep after him and run him off the road to make an arrest.
The White Shoe Slaying
The murders just keep coming. At the crime scene, you’ll start talking with the coroner right away. Check the body, you only need to examine her head this time to find a dry-cleaning label. Next, check the marked boot prints and the tire tracks further off.As you leave the scene, a cop will bring in a witness. Talk with her!Person of Interest: Catherine BartonQ: Suspicious persons – A: TruthBefore taking off, use the nearby phone. You’ll get an address for the laundry service. That’s your next destination.Talk with the man at the desk of Superior Laundry Services to look at his ledger. Open the ledger and tap the address marked on the same line as “1 x Green Silk Dress”. Now you have a name and address for the victim. That makes 43 Emerald Street your next stop.Knock on the door to speak with Mr. Taraldsen. Take a look around his home before speaking with him.Start looking in the master bedroom, on the dress. Pick up the matchbook to get a name of a bar. Walk through the kitchen to look inside the laundry room. Open the handbag and look at both of the contents. Look at the wet shirt, and check the wet boots.Step outside and look for a boat near the house. A rope is hanging from the bow, take a look to find your last clue. Use the phone inside Lars’ home before speaking with him again.Person of Interest: Lars TaraldsenQ: Possible suspects – A: Lie –& Bow ropeQ: Alibi for Lars Taraldsen – A: DoubtQ: Victim’s state of mind – A: DoubtQ: Last contact with victim – A: Lie –& Wet jacket / Muddy bootsNext stop: Baron’s Bar. Step inside and speak with the bartender.Person of Interest: Benny CluffQ: Last contact with victim – A: TruthQ: Vagrant male suspect – A: DoubtQ: Yellow Cab 3591 – A: TruthThe bartender points you to a man in a red polo. Try to talk to him and he runs for it. He’ll run out infront of a car before jumping into his own. Get into the abandoned vehicle and chase the suspect. When you finally corner him, you’ll interrogate the idiot.Person of Interest: Richard BatesQ: Contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Account of movements – A: DoubtBefore leaving, find a phone and call in. Get in your car to start tracing the Yellow Cab. Follow the flag markers until you can pull the cab over and speak with the driver. Now you can return to the Central Police Station to interrogate your sailor.Person of Interest: James JessopQ: Contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Incident with Bates – A: DoubtQ: Movements prior to murder – A: DoubtQ: Cab ride with victim – A: DoubtCheck out the bus story before confronting the hobos. Speak with the woman at the ticket counter to look at the bus route. Looking at the route will imprint a red outline on your map, follow it until you find a bus. Pull it over to speak with the driver.That’s your last clue. Go to the Hobo Camp. You’ll have to fight their leader. Beat him up and he’ll be arrested, giving you the chance to look inside his lean-to.Inside the lean-to, you’ll find a newspaper right away. Check the nightstand for a bloody length of rope. Check the coin purse next, and open it for a ticket. Last, find a picture of Ackerman during the war.That’s it for the Hobo Camp, return to the Central Police Station and interoggate the bum. He’s waiting in Interview Room 1.Person of Interest: Stuart AckermanQ: Motive for murder – A: Lie –& Bloodstained rope pieceQ: Contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Alibi for Stuart Ackerman – A: Lie –& PurseWith that interrogation done, you’ve completed another suspicious murder investigation.
The Studio Secretary Murder
Don’t take off for the crime scene just yet. Stop at the pawnbroker and take a look at the rings. Manipulate both rings to discover clues. With that business finished, go to the railyard to check out a new crime scene.As you near the train depot, follow the cop car around to the scene of the murder. There, you’ll have the option to speak with two witnesses. Talk to the coroner first and start examining the body. Examine her left hand and head.Check the evidence strewn onto a yellow mat. Open the handbag and examine both papers. Check the matchbook and the chit next. Talk to the first witness, nearest your car, before talking to Jamison.Person of Interest: John Ferdinand JamisonQ: Interference with evidence – A: TruthQ: Discovery of victim’s body – A: DoubtThat’s it for the crimescene. Use the phone nearby to get an address on Levine’s Liquor. Go to Mensch’s Bar next, you can visit Levine’s later.Arriving at Mensch’s Bar, the bartender will tell you to ask around the bar. Talk to the man near the entrance first to get him out of the way. Now, talk to the man reading in a booth.Person of Interest: Grosvenor McCaffreyQ: Last contact with victim – A: DoubtQ: Criminal history – A: DoubtThat’s all you’re getting out of McCaffrey for now. Now it’s time to talk with the owner of Levine’s Liquor Store.At Levine’s, the owner will lead you to the back of the store to look through her stuff. Follow him to a bed and search for clues. Near her bed is a picture frame and a book. Look at the book and open it for a clue. Now, talk to the owner.Person of Interset: Walter RobbinsQ: Contact with victim – A: TruthQ: Relationship with victim – A: TruthQ: Knowledge of McCaffrey – A: DoubtDon’t return to the station or use a telephone, instead head straight back to Mensch’s Bar. If you do anything else, you’ll miss McCaffrey.Person of Interest: Grosvenor McCaffreyQ: Relationship with victim – A: Lie –& BookNow you can return to the Central Police Station for an update. Go downstairs, talk to the investigators, then make a phone call to get Grosvenor McCaffrey’s address before leaving.Hit up Rawling’s Bowling Alley next. The old lady will point out Tiernan, who will run the minute you step into the back of the alley. After the cutscene, you’ll be chasing him by car, stick close and watch out as he squeezes through narrow passages.Time to check out McCaffrey’s apartment. Look at the mailboxes for a number – 6. Take the stairs up to level two and turn left. Nobody’s home, so kick the door in and collect clues. Stop to discover the torn letter before looking at the bloody shirt. Look in the living room on the floor for a bloody shirt and tire iron.McCaffrey’s neighbow will point you to the roof to find him. Take the stairs up to the top floor and turn right use the maintenance stairs to reach the roof. Like everyone else, McCaffrey will run for it.With both suspects arrested, return to Central and start interrogating. Start with Tiernan first, he’s in room 1.Person of Interest: James TiernanQ: Relationship with victim – A: Lie –& Victim last seenQ: Victim’s book found – A: DoubtQ: Alibi for James Tiernan – A: Lie –& Liquor purchaseQ: Access to murder weapon – A: DoubtDon’t charge anyone yet. Instead, talk to McCaffrey.Person of Interest: Grosvenor McCaffreyQ: Alibi for McCaffrey – A: Lie –& Torn letterQ: Access to tire iron – A: Lie –& Tiernan’s accusationNow’s your chance to talk to Tiernan again. Use the phone before you do to get more evidence on McCaffrey.Person of Interest: James TiernanQ: Events prior to murder – A: Lie –& McCaffrey’s accusationCharge him, or confront McCaffrey one last time.Person of Interest: Grosvenor McCaffreyQ: Military service – A: Lie –& McCaffrey’s criminal recordCharge one of the suspects to finish this case.
The Quarter Moon Murders
Now’s the time to catch the real serial killer in this mystery. Read all three letters. Each stanza of the poem is a clue to your next location. For this case, you’ll be chasing clue across the city.Pershing Square is your first location. Climb the fountain to find a new clue letter and a social security card. The stanza describes another location, open your map and set the Hall of Records as your next location.Enter the Hall of Records and talk to the security guard. Run up the stairs, following Rusty to the maintenance room leading up to the chandelier. To reach the chandelier you’ll have to talk the tightrope.Walking on the tightrope is tricky at first, just take your time. Take one step, then adjust your balance while standing still. Don’t try to adjust your balance while walking, you’ll just slip and fall. On the chandelier, read the next clue poem and look at the watch.After investigating the evidence, the ropes holding the chandelier up will snap. Sway left and right with the curve of the swinging chandelier to jump to safety.Set the LA Public Library as your next destination. You’re platforming now, climb the tall drainage pipe to the roof. Climb up to the topmost roof, you’ll circle the obelisk as you climb up, over, and acrosss, just continue forward and you’ll find the top.Run to the opposite corner to find a medallion and a letter. The Westlake Tar Pits is your next stop on this clue hunt.You’ll have to wade through the tar this time. Wooden boardss will hold you up, but not for long. Follow the path left or right, either way you’ll reach the island in the center. Keep your camera tilted up to look down on the tar to see which direction the boardss leads. Don’t stop and you’ll be fine.On the island, look at both clues and you’ll be thankfully saved by Rusty on a boat. Your next stop is the LA County Art Museum.The clues are hidden in the center of a hedge maze. As you enter the museum ground, follow the blue signs to the maze. To find the center, follow these turns: left, right, left, right, right, right, right, left, left, left, right, right, left, right, right, left, left, left, right, right, right, right.Pick up the note and the evidence to teleport out of this maze. You have yet anothe the Intolerance Set. Yep, the same set you chased down a scumbag and shot a ton of mobsters.Run to the back of the set and climb the huge staircase. You need to reach the throne. At the top of the stairs, you’ll jump to one of the huge pillars. The pillar will crumble and tip in different directions. Balance the tipping pillar by standing whichever direction is opposite to where it is falling. If it’s tipping left, stand on the right side. Keep it up until Rusty throws down a platform, then tip the pillar in the direction of it – forward.With that unpleasantness down with, climb the nearby ladder down to the throne and investigate both pieces of evidence. The set will begin to fall apart after checking out the clues, just run forward to escape.The last location is Christ Crown of Thorns, an abandoned church. Enter through the front doors to confront the killer. He’ll fire on you, and run. Check behind the altar to see his escape route. Enter the house to find a ladder into the catacombs.The killer is crafty, he’ll take cover behind corners as you chase him into the catacombs. The tunnels are tight, take cover around every corner and blindfire to force him to retreat. You won’t be able to hit him here. Follow him through the tunnels, there’s only one open path through.He’ll retreat up the ladder and into the graveyard. Take cover in the tomb door and take him out here once and for all.
Vice DeskThe Black Caesar
Now you’re in Vice, put on your fancy new suit and take off for a new crime scene. Take the stairs up, turn the corner, and enter the last door on the left. Inside, start searching for clues. There’s plenty of them.On the floor, infront of the couch, is a wallet and cup of popcorn. Look at the popcorn cup and investigate further. Open the wallet to get a name, and check out the paper numbers slip.Check the first body on the floor. Search his torso for a wallet. Look at the ID and the paper. Last, check his right arm for injection marks. Search the second body next.Look on the table. Check out the sheet music, the strange doodle, and another cup of popcorn. Beyond the table is a used and unused syringe of morphine. Look at them both. For your final clue, enter the kitchen and investigate one more popcorn cup. Manipulate it, then investigate further.Follow your partner across the street and shakedown the Black Caesar stand. The proprietor makes a run for it, of course, so chase him up the drainpipe and onto the roofs. Eventually, he’ll meet up with his brother and you’ll have to engage in some fisticuffs. Fight them both and you’ll be back at Black Caesar’s to investigate.Inside the food hut, open the cardboard box near the counter. Manipulate the morphine to get a clue. Look right for a case. Pick up the ticket, then check its back side. Pick up the horn mute next and manipulate it until you can investigate further. Now you can talk to Fleetwood.Person of Interest: Fleetwood MorganQ: Morphine overdose victims – A: Lie –& Popcorn cups with morphineQ: Numbers slips recovered – A: DoubtMake a call before getting in your car to find the Booking Agency.Jemaine Jones’ Musical Booking Agency is next up. Check the sign outside to find his office and walk inside. After a talk, look around the office.Check out the radio in the back and set it to 275 FM. Jones’ thugs will attack, so fight them off. Check out the evidence inside before you start a real interrogation with Jones.Person of Interest: Jermaine JonesQ: Army surplus morphine – A: DoubtQ: Link to Ramez Removals – A: DoubtQ: Involvement of Ottie – A: Lie –& Distributor identifiedTake off for the Numbers Operation. Enter through the back door and take the stairs up. Talk to Merlon and start searching the area.You only need to check out the slot machine in the back. There’s a code to follow – cherry, bell, and WIN. Turn the crank until you can lock each symbol in the correct sequence. It may take some time, but you’ll find all three eventually.When the machine opens, check out three clues – the morphine, the numbers slip, and the green label.Merlon will run, chase him and bring him back to the booking service. Open the handle of the cane to find a note. Now’s your chance to interrogate him.Person of Interest: Merlon OttieQ: Army surplus morphine – A: Finkelstein identifiedQ: IOU note from Jose Ramez – A: TruthAfter this little chat, make a call to find an address for Ramez Removals. Get over there next. As you arrive, you’ll get into a chase with the truck. Follow them, and look out for the junk they throw. Try to get your partner to shoot out the tires, the truck is slow but tough.Taking the goons back to the warehouse, you’ll get a chance to investigate. Look on the table to the left for a newspaper. Across from the newspaper, you’ll also find a ledger. Open it and tap the Polar Bear Ice Company entry. Then head back to the ladder past the maze of furniture. Climb the ladder, and turn around to see a lit up device. The device is a crane control.Use the crane to pick up a crate blocking the door to the freezer. You only need to move the one crate directly infront of the door to get inside. Climb back down and shoot the block of ice containing the crate of morphine. Shoot it until the ice shatters, then inspect the crate. Manipulate the morphine, and you have plenty of evidence.Outside, an ice company truck will arrive, chase one of the suspects into the warehouse. He’s armed with a shotgun, so be careful. Shoot him down when you can.Head to the Polar Bear Ice Company. You’ll get into a gunfight right away. Fight your way through the building until you corner their boss. He’ll talk, but pull a gun on you. Shoot him too, and investigate the crates of morphine in the back room. That finishes up this case.
The Set-Up
Arson DeskStreet Crime Walkthroughs
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13 Comments to LA Noire Walkthrough by: Kasey James
On May 17, 2011 at 4:25 am
The videos were SUPEr helpful. Great way to get a good feel of things by watching as I was playing. 9/10 I’d say, a few things were missing and some info left out, but nothing major at all. Also, I would turn up the volume on the mixer for the commentary, at times i would have to strain to hear him over the game’s sound effects.
Great videos ! Hope to see more soon !
Thanks a lot guys !
by: Adrian
On May 17, 2011 at 9:34 am
The walkthrough was great, really helped in solvig the things i think i would have done terribly at. Hope to see more
by: Stephen
On May 17, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Great job, but please dont skip the driving parts and make the vids a little longer. Keep em coming guys
On May 17, 2011 at 3:53 pm
Hey guys love watching these vids since its not out in europe till the 20th.
On May 18, 2011 at 5:11 am
Is there a reason the videos have been made private? I was enjoying this playthrough =(
On May 18, 2011 at 9:03 am
Here’s an update to the situation with our LA Noire Walkthrough:
Hey guys, just to keep you updated. We’re aware of Take 2 going around taking down LA Noire walkthroughs. We’re currently trying to work it out with them, but just to be safe, we’re putting our videos to private and placing the main walkthrough on hold. Instead, our main focus is going to shift to making videos for the achievements and collectibles in the game, so be on the lookout for those.
Thanks for sticking with us and hopefully we’ll be able to continue the walkthrough soon.
On May 18, 2011 at 10:50 am
A further update for everyone:
We’ve just been granted permission by Take Two to bring these videos back up. Enjoy, and let us know how you like the walkthrough!
On May 18, 2011 at 12:22 pm
Glad the Take 2 situation worked out! Love these videos. &3
On May 19, 2011 at 3:49 pm
Fallen Idol has an interview that is missing something… I got 2/3 questions correct.
Person of Interest: Marlon Hopgood
Q: Association with Bishop – A: Lie –& Empty film canister
Q: Whereabouts of Biship – A: Truth
Q: Relationship with Ballard – A: Lie –& Evidence of Blackmail
If you show the drugs as evidence, instead of the Empty film canister, you get a 4th question.
The video I viewed used the $20,000 check instead of “evidence of blackmail”
The 4th question was a lie, the “empty film canister” was the evidence
On May 19, 2011 at 4:10 pm
Sorry, the 4th question evidence is the check
Q: Association with Bishop – A: Lie –& Chloral Hydrate
Q: Whereabouts of Biship – A: Truth
Q: Relationship with Ballard – A: Lie –& Empty Film Canister
Q: Blackmail – A: Lie –& $20,000 check
PS. thanks for the walkthrough
by: IvanJonas
On May 19, 2011 at 5:41 pm
Thanks for the videos. please put walkthrough the most fast that you can please. I wanna see more video. the story is getting good.
by: Jacob Sandoval
On May 20, 2011 at 9:03 am
Nice videos they were VERY helpful.You left out 1 clue on some homicide ones but nothing big
by: Ashley Taylor
On May 21, 2011 at 5:35 am
Thnks so much for the walktroughs but can u get the new ones up quick because im stuck on The Set-Up.
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我顶&&最好也来个游戏汉化 那就更完美了
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这个很给力 谢谢分享 其的完整的 辛苦啦
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好大的工程啊 拜一下
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