a visit to china pavilionchina英语作文小作文 急!!!

& 湖南-南岳大庙英文导游词
-good morning! ladies and gentlemen:  today we will go and visit the nanyue temple, nanyue temple is situated on the northern tip of nanyue township and at the southern foot of chidi peak. in a layout of nine rows, it is the largest and best-preserved ancient palatial architectural complex of south china. magnificent and splendid with resplendent upturned eaves. inside the east in parallel to eight buddhist palaces on the west, it is indeed a wonder in the history of religion that taoism. buddhism and confucian culture can co-exist within a single temple.  the exact time of the construction of nanyue temple is unknown. it existed asearly as in the qin and han dynastis. originally located on the summit of zhurong peak, the temple was later moved to the mountain foot to facilitate the religious activities. the beginning of the tang dynasty witnessed the formal construction of the heavenly lord huo"s temple" the "heavenly master temple". so as to enshrine and worship the gods of the five sacred mountains, during the song dynasty the immortal of the hengshan mountain was revered as the "heavenly master zhaosheng",as a result the temple was gradually expanded and enlarged. since the tang dynasty nanyue temple had beed subject to six fires and 16reconstructions all through the song. yuan, ming and qing dynasties. in the 8th year of emperor guangxu"s reign in the qing dynasty (1882 a.d), the imperial court ordered the rbuilding of nanyue temple. which had been ruined by lightning, the project was imitative. copying the styles of the imperial palace. and even to the present day it is still well preserved.  fenced with red-brick walls.nanyue temple ccupies an area of some 70.000 square metres. from north to south lies in sequence nine rows and four courtyards-lingxing gate. kuixing tower. chuan gate. pavilion of imperial study, main hall, dwelling palace and the northern rear exit. the whole architecture complex stretches across on axis extending from south to north with its halls linked up together. the winding corridors and wing-rooms on both sides merge with each other. accentuating the magnificence of the stature of the principal part. on the east side of the main temple there are eight taoist palaces. coordinating with eight buddhist palaces on the west side.  the first row is lingxing gate. two gilded chinese characters "mountain temple" are shining on the white marble at the top of the gate. the marble gate stands as high as 20 metres with a width of 1.1 metres and is meant to imply that during the past dynasties all the religious activities were officiated by real knowledgeable people. the second row is kuixing tower. the most perfectly preserved ancient stage in human province.with a breadth of 35metres and a length of 12. its fa?ade facing the main palace, the stage is the place where people hold religious activities and perform local operas during pilgrimage. before the tower stands a pair of 2-metre tall stone kylin (chinese unicorn). with their furious eyes widely open. they are like two solemn looking sentinels guarding the tower. the pebble path under the kuixing tower leads to the third row-main chuan gate. east and west gates. the gateway is made of gray bricks with an awesome depth and height of 15 metres. the courtyard within is filled with dense cypress trees and carpeted with green grass. the fourth row is the pavilion of imperial study. distinguished by its gilded tiles. octagonal doubleeaved roofs and exquisitely-crafted arches. inside the pavilion there is a bixi in the shape of a legendary animal like tortoise. legend has it that bixi is the ninth son of the dragon. the bixi carries an imperial stele on which the full text of on rebuilding nanyue temple was carved in the 47th year of kangxi"s reign(1780 a.d.) in the qing dynasty.本作文共3页,当前在第1页&&1&&2&&3&&
北京-雍和宫&&&&yonghegong (the lama temple) is a famous lamasery located in the northeastern part of the old city of beijing. it was a palatial residence built in 1694 by qing emperor kangxi for his fourth son, prince yongzheng who later succeeded to the throne. this magnificent temple consists of five main buildings lying on the?north-south axis, with annex halls standing on both sides. the temple is listed by the chinese government as one of the important historical monuments under special preservation. after the death of his father, emperor yongzheng moved to the forbidden city. the compound was closed to ordinary people and was renamed yonghegong (the palace of harmony). green roof tiles were replaced by yellow ones to suit a monarch's home. in 1744 his successor emperor qianlong converted the palace into a lamasery.&&&&several renovations?have been carried out since 1949.the temple has taken on a new look and was reopened to the public in 1981.it is now not only a functional lama temple, but also a tourist attraction.&&&&of interest to visitors in the lama temple are the 18-metre-high maitreya statue engraved from a 26-metre-long white sandal-wood log, &the five hundred arhats hill& made of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, and the niche carved out of nanmu (this kind of phoebe nanmu can give off a unusual scent reputed to repel mosquitoes in summer). these three objects are accredited as the three matchless masterpieces in the lama temple._650字&各位游客,大家好。我是你们今天的导游,我姓倪,大家就叫我倪导。今天我们来到的是著名的皇家园林&&颐和园。首先,我们来到的是长廊。这条长廊长728米,共273间。它是我国园林中最长的一条长廊,长廊的横槛上是一幅幅画卷,大家看有风景画、人物画等等,风景画主要是描写西湖的美丽风光,人物画多采用了我国古典文学名著,比如《西游记》、《三国演义》、《红楼梦》等等,而且这么多的画中却也没有哪两幅是完全相同的。现在把时间交给大家,请大家细细品味这些艺术珍品。走完了长廊,我们现在来到的是万寿山的脚下,请您抬头向上看,这座八角宝塔形的宫殿就是佛香阁,佛香阁下面就是排云殿。游客朋友们,我们现在准备向万寿山上面出发了,请保持轻松愉快的心情跟上队伍。现在我们登上万寿山了,请游客们眺望远方,现在颐和园所的景色尽收眼底了,您可以尽情欣赏!游客朋友们,现在我们站在十七孔桥上面了。有兴趣的游客朋友们可以数一数是不是十七个桥洞。最后向大家介绍的是我们面前这一碧千倾的昆明湖。昆明湖原来是一个由泉水汇聚而成的湖泊,叫西海,面积还没有现在的一半大。到了乾隆年间修建园林的时候,将这里进行了改造,形成了今天的湖泊,而这里为什么叫做昆明湖呢?这是因为在距今xx多年的西汉时期,云南滇池有个小国叫做昆明国,汉武帝为征伐那里,在首都长安开凿了一个仿滇池的昆明池,操练水军。乾隆皇帝根据这个典故,将西海改为昆明湖,并效仿汉武帝在这里演习水师,这就是昆明湖名称的由来。好了!今天的游览就到此结束了,大家玩得开不开心?希望下次还能给你们介绍美丽的风景。谢谢!&
简评:看了这篇导游词,真想跟你去颐和园游玩!你的导游讲解细致深入,历史,文化,典故都娓娓道来,移步移景,足够吸引和满足游客的注意力和兴趣!四川-乐山大佛导游词导游词&&&&我姓韩,名子烨,芳龄9岁,大家叫我韩导游就行了,&&&&今天呢,就由我韩导游带领大家参观我们局小的美丽校园,请大家多多指导,多多指导,首先呢,我们学校位于古城中路,进入校门,你们看到的一定是一座美丽的小花园,里面有一座挺威武的假山耸立在一个小水池里,有时,水里还隐隐约约能看见几条可爱的小鱼,然后,你会看见南教学楼,里面是老师工作的地方,接着呢,你会看见旧教学楼,里面都是学前班的小朋友和一年级小朋友上课的地方,我上一年级的时候和上学前班的时候就是在这上的,靠都得地方是一个升旗台,和学校间简介,里面有三好学生和文明学生里面写的学校简介,比我说的好的多的多。&&&&一座威武的新教学楼,它是2004年工人叔叔花了五天五夜建成的。听我们老师说这座教学楼整整花了700万!!!记得当时全班不约而同,不,几乎是同时叫了一声:“哇!!!”这座教学楼它的外衣是红线条和白线条组成的,它一共有六层一到五楼都是教室。到时候,你一定会问我:“那六楼是什么哩?”我告诉你吧!六楼是会议室!笨蛋。&&&&我们的学校不错吧!我们学校随时欢迎你们来参观!再见! 《鸟的天堂》导游词_350字尊敬的游客们:  你们好!欢迎你们来到鸟的天堂,我是你们的导游,我将带领你们游览鸟的天堂美景。  大家请看,你们现在所看到的河中心是否感觉像一只大乌龟呢?其实那并不是只乌龟。而是一棵大榕树,这棵榕树的树叶茂密,枝干粗大。  大家请听啊!到处都是鸟声,再听,那悦耳的歌声在四面八方传出来,这真是名副其实的&鸟的天堂&啊!这里还是鸟的大家庭呢!你们看见了吗?一只翠鸟正在一枝树枝上等着小鱼浮出水面呢!你们知道吗?这里的鸟真多不胜数啊:麻雀.画眉鸟.啄木鸟.杜鹃鸟.白鹭.夜莺等等。大家听见了吗?现在啊,所有的鸟正在&叽叽喳喳&地举行大合唱呢!在这里,它们搭窝建巢,在这&天堂&尽情享受幸福,感受快乐,领悟自由,尽情翱翔。  不知不觉间,大家是否已沉醉在这美丽的景色当中呢?随着时间的流逝,我们将要离开了,虽然仍有不舍,但我希望各位团友能够用心感受这一切的美好,接下来迎接我们的是新的一天,新的景观。
【下一篇】上海市各区县2010年中考二模英语试题 虹口_中考英语试题_作文网
上海市各区县2010年中考二模英语试题 虹口
上海市各区县2010年中考二模英语试题 虹口
更新时间: 1:18:58
  虹口区2010年英语学科中考练习题  (满分150分,考试时间100分钟)  
   2010.4  考生注意:本卷有9大题,共106小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。  Part 1
Listening (第一部分 听力)  I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)  A
G  1. ______
3. _______
6._______  Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)  7.
C. Singapore.
D. Beijing.  8.
A. Jim’s father.
B. Jim’s mother.
C. Jim’s sister.
D. Jim.  9.
A. At a restaurant.
B. In a shop.
C. In a school.
D. At a hotel.  10. A. Four yuan.
B. Five yuan.
C. Eight yuan.
D. Twenty yuan.  11. A. By bus.
B. By underground.
C. By taxi.
D. By bike.  12. A. Last August.
B. Last September.  C. Last October.
D. Last November.  13. A. Wash her clothes.
B. Finish her homework.  C. Have dinner.
D. Watch TV.  14. A. At 7:30.
B. At 7:45.
C. At 8:00.
D. At 8:15.  15. A. He doesn’t want to eat anything.
B. He has no time to see the doctor.  C. He wants to see the film “Avatar”.
D. He has a headache.  16.
A. More sandstorms.
B. Planting more trees.  C. Cutting more trees.
D. Cutting fewer trees.  III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)  17. Mrs. Black saw a policeman quite happily making out bills for overtime parking on the roadside.  18. She wanted to do something good.  19. She put some coins into the parking meter(停车计时器) for the last two cars.  20. She went to her office happily.  21. She went into the office building without turning round.  22. She was eager to see the surprised expression(表情)on his face.  23. At last Mrs. Black didn’t help save the car owner an amount of money.  Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文,填写空格,一格限填一词):(共7分)  24. Plastic is a ___________ product that is made from a kind of harmful material.  25. Paper, of course, ________
_ from trees, grass, wood and so on.  26. Plastic bag production gives off (释放)harmful ____________.  27. ____________of sea animals die every year after eating plastic bags.  28. In addition, plastic bags are_____________ to recycle(循环).  29. When we go shopping, we’d better take paper bags, cloth bags or ____________baskets.  30. Let’s take action to _____________ plastic bags.  Part 2
Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)  V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共26 分)  31.
________woman in the red skirt is Alice’s English teacher.  A. A
D. /  32. The calculator on the desk isn’t yours. It belongs to _______.  A. mine
D. myself  33. The naughty(淘气的) boy sometimes got into his bedroom ________ the window.  A. over
C. through
D. out of  34.
There are few _______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some carrots and cabbages.  A. fruit
B. vegetables
D. eggs  35. It was a terrible accident. One passenger was killed, and ____ was badly hurt.  A. the others
B. the other
D. the rest  36. The bowl of fish smells ________. It has gone bad.  A. nice
C. strange
D. terribly  37. There was no bus in that small town. We had ______ walk.  A. nine miles
B. a nine-mile
C. nine mile’s
D. ninth mile  38. -I wonder where I could find something about Shanghai Museum.  -Why ______ on the Internet? There is a lot of information about it.  A. don’t go
B. not to go
C. not going
D. not go  39. He’s never seen this film before, _____ he?  A. isn’t
B. hasn’t
D. has  40. Many people use bicycles ______ work, school, or exercise every day.  A. for
B. besides
D. at  41. Don’t just believe such an advertisement. That kind of machine is ____ it says.  A. as good as
B. not as good as
C. as well as
D. not as well as  42. When Mary saw a policeman _____, she shouted at him for help.  A. coming
C. is coming
D. has come  43. -We are free now. Let’s go and play computer games.  -W
ell. I think I’d better watch an English programme_______.  A. either
D. instead  44. We can hear beautiful music, nice songs of birds or different kinds of ________in the world with our ears.  A. voices
D. cries  45. Good English will ________ us to find a good job easily in the future.  A. make
D. let  46. All the children knew who broke the window, but they ______ point out.  A. daren’t
B. daren’t to
D. dare to  47. I think she will take your advice, _____ I’m not sure.  A. so that
B. because
C. although
D. unless  48. China ______the World Expo in St. Louis, US for the first time in 1904.  A. took part in
D. showed  49. A number of people in our city ______ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.  A. agree with
B. are worried about
C. are afraid of
D. care for  50. -May I leave now?  -If your work _______, you can go home.  A. finishes
B. is finished
C. has finished
D. will be finished  51. I didn’t realize she was a famous film star ______ she took off her dark glasses.  A. until
D. as  52. Alice couldn’t find out ______, so she handed it to the teacher.  A. whose book was it
B. who’s the book  C. whose book
D. whose book it was  53. An earthquake suddenly hit Chili at 2:34 a.m., on Feb.27, 2010.  A. happened in
B. focused
D. took place  54. The boy goes over his lessons until mid-night from time to time. The underlined part  means ___________.  A. sometimes
B. in time
C. on time
D. for the time being  55. -Thank you for your delicious dinner, Mr. Tony.  -________.  A. You’re welcome.
B. Not at all.  C. No, not very good.
D. I’m glad you enjoy it.  56. -Help me carry this box to my office, will you?  -________.  A. Never mind.
B. I’ll do my best.
C. No problem
D. That’s fine.  VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper
的适当形式完成下列句子): (共8分)  57. Their teachers’ office is on the _________ floor.(nine)  58. The boy in the picture is Jack _________. But he doesn’t know it.(he)  59. The restaurant _______ Sushi and other Japanese food.(service)  60. Lin Zexu is one of our country’s national ___________.(hero)  61. “You miss your father, don’t you?” the mother asked ________. (gentle)  62. If you drink too much, your health will get even ___________(bad)  63. The string of the kite suddenly broke and the kite ___________. (appear)  64. During the Expo, the World Expo Center will be the news center, meeting center and forum(论坛)_______ center.(active)  VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共12分)  65. Tim often does some walking after supper.(改为一般疑问句)  _____ Tim often _____any walking after supper?  66. It took Thomas Edison a long time to make the first light bulb(灯泡). (保持原句意思)  Thomas Edison _____ a long time ______ the first light bulb.  67. We visit our grandparents once a month.( 对划线部分提问 )  _______
_______ do you visit your grandparents?  68.
We handed in all the test papers before the bell. (改为被动语态)  All the test papers _____ ______ in before the bell.  69.
Tell me how many students were late this morning.(保持原句意思)  Tell me the ______ ______ the students who were late this morning.  70.
She asked the man… Are you waiting for anybody here?(合并为一句)  She asked the man _____ he _____ waiting for somebody here.  Part 3
Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写) (共74分)  VIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共56分)  A  The Shanghai Expo Park is 5.28 km2. There are about 170 pavilions(馆) in the park. Join us on our trip to some of them. We hope it will help you to find the places you are interested in.  l
The China Pavilion  It is the largest pavilion in the park. The huge red building has three parts about China’s history, China’s ancient architecture(建筑)and China’s future. You can see an 8-minute movie about the changes in Chinese cities over the past 30 years.  l
The Germany Pavilion  Want to see what life is like in a German city? Go to the city tunnel! The scent of flowers and the singing of birds will make you feel like you are in a German park. If you visit “Energy Source” show, you’ll see a magic metal ball. The louder you shout, the more the ball will swing!  l
The UK Pavilion  British people put 60,000 seeds in their pavilion. Through these seeds, they show their respect for nature. If you can’t
go to Shanghai, you can find out all about the UK Pavilion at its official website.  l
The Japan Pavilion  Japan is a kingdom of robots. Robots there can speak, walk, climb and even kick balls. Japan will bring its latest robots to Shanghai.  l
The Belgium(比利时)Pavilion  Almost everything in the pavilion will move. The walls are moving. Moving pictures show different parts of Belgium. There will also be a Chinese shadow(皮影戏)center. A small chocolate factory at the pavilion will make free chocolate for visitors.  l
The Russian Pavilion  Here you’ll find a spaceship. The roof is a window of the spaceship. We can see the dream space cities of the future. We can also find new inventions made by Russian youth in every corner.  True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)  71. There are more than 170 pavilions in the park.  72. The China Pavilion is the largest one.  73. We can go to the Germany Pavilion to see a magic glass ball.  74. British people put 6,000 seeds in their pavilion.  75. If you like robots, go to the Japan Pavilion.  76. There will be a Chinese shadow center at the China Pavilion.  77. The Russian Pavilion will help to see the dream space stations of the future.  B  When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he saved all his pocket money for over three months to buy holiday presents for those he loved. The third Saturday in December Mark said that he had made his list and had twenty dollars in his pocket.  I drove him to a nearby supermarket. Mark picked up a hand basket and went off on his own while I waited patiently reading a book in the car. It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. The clerk rang in his purchases(把他所购物品输入现金出入记录器) as I politely looked the other way. Mark kept within his budget(预算)and reached into his pocket for his money. It was not there! There was a hole in his pocket, but no money. Mark stood in the middle of the store holding his basket, tears(眼泪) rolling down his cheeks. His whole body was shaking with his sobs. Then an amazing thing happened. A customer in the store came up to Mark. She knelt down and took him in her arms.  “You would do me the greatest favour if you let me replace(补还)your money,” said the woman. “It would be the most wonderful present you could ever give me. I only ask that one day you pass it on. One day, when you are grown-up, I would like you to find someone you can help. When you help this other person, I know you will feel as good about it as I do now.”  Mark took the money, dr
ied his tears and ran to the checkout counter as fast as he could. I think we all enjoyed our gifts that year almost as much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.  I would like to say “thank you” to that very kind woman. I would like to tell her that four years later Mark went house to house collecting blankets and clothes for the homeless people in the Oakland fire-and he thought of her. And I want to promise her that Mark will never forget to keep passing it on.  Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (共7分)  (
)78. Mark saved all his pocket money to _____.  A. make his list
B. buy holiday presents  C. have his money in his pocket
D. shop in a nearby supermarket  (
)79. What was Mark’s parent doing when he was in the supermarket?  A. Reading a book.
B. Looking the other way.  C. Choosing presents.
D. Ringing in his purchases.  (
)80. Why was his tears rolling down his cheeks?  A. Because he wanted to buy too many things.  B. Because he didn’t keep within his budget.  C. Because his money was missing.  D. Because there was a hole in his pocket.  (
)81. What does the underlined word “sobs” mean ?  A. 抽泣
C. 拳打脚踢
D. 点头  (
)82. What did the woman want to do? She wanted to _____.  A. ask for a favour
B. replace his money  C. took Mark in her arms
D. knelt down  (
)83. What did the woman ask Mark to do? She asked Mark to _____.  A. give her a wonderful present
B. give her love  C. feel good about himself
D. help others in need like her  (
)84. What’s the best title of the passage?  A. Love is great.
B. Love between Mark and a kind woman.  C. Love is for giving.
D. Love between Mark and his parent.  C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语 完成短文):(共14分)  Sim Jae-duck is 74 years old and the founder(创始人) of the World Toilet Association(厕所协会). He was born in a restroom. “My mother followed advice from my grandmother that people born in restrooms will ___85___ long lives,” Sim said. Now he plans to live and die in a toilet-shaped house.  The large glass building was built in Suweon, a Korean city. There are two bedrooms and two guest rooms ___86___ the rooms. The house, of course, has three expensive toilets.  “There is a display bathroom behind glass for all to see. The other toilets have water saving features,” Sim said. “My f
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