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美音认知类启蒙英语动画梅西小鼠或小鼠波波Maisy下载 小鼠波波Maisy下载
小鼠波波Maisy的网盘下载链接: (这是华为网盘,如何下载,大家去研究下)
小鼠波波Maisy这系列动画一共有44集,本来是双语版的11张DVD,有朋友把里面的英语版全部提取了出来,但是小鼠波波Maisy第10和11张两张盘的后来无法下载了,我就从RS上把小鼠波波Maisy第10和11张盘的双语版ISO文件拉了下来,请人帮忙把这两张盘里面的英语版提取了出来,就凑成了44集全英语版的带字幕小鼠波波Maisy(Ps. 小鼠波波Maisy这系列动画一共有104集,不过,除了这44集,其他的也暂时只能望着大西洋彼岸兴叹了,呵呵)。
小鼠波波Maisy这系列动画借用了英国作家Lucy Cousins的系列绘本Maisy Mouse的主角梅西鼠Maisy,不过,小鼠波波Maisy动画却是地地道道的美语,是美国的儿童电视频道Nickelodeon于年制作的。
1&Farm&Red Tractor11 February 1999Maisy enjoys a fun packed day on the farm, helped by her friend the little black cat. She collects eggs from the chickens, rides a horse and feeds the geese and then she takes her tractor to muck out the pigs and the lambs before tucking everyone up in bed. 2&Picnic&Picnic Bag11 February 1999Maisy finds that she makes some new friends when she goes for a picnic in the woods. 3&Pool&Paddling Pool11 February 1999It's a very hot day and Maisy and Tallulah decide to get out the paddling pool. Once it's finally full of water, Eddie arrives and joins in the fun. 4&Camping&Yellow Tent11 February 1999Maisy and Tallulah pitch their tent in the garden - Charley decides to take a nap and Cyril brings the refreshments. They settle down for a peaceful night's sleep, but a nearby owl decides that it's time to wake up now. 5&Rabbit&Rabbit12 February 1999Maisy is picking flowers in her garden when she meets Rabbit who seems to enjoy eating the flowers too! Maisy takes him home for lunch. 6&Boat&Sailing Boat12 February 1999Maisy sails her boat on a breezy day, and meets an octopus and a shoal of fish and plays ball with a dolphin. When the wind drops a seagull and a whale come to her rescue. 7&Hide and Seek&Bush12 February 1999Maisy, Charley and Tallulah are playing hide and seek. Charley is a little slow to catch on but soon realizes that he has the best disguise of all. 8&Playground&Yellow Slide12 February 1999Maisy's at the playground and discovers that her friends Tallulah, Charley and Cyril are there too. Together they play on the slide, the swings and the seesaw and after an ice-cream, they feed the ducks and head for home. 9&Spots&Coloured Dots18 February 1999Maisy is spotting spotty things - a leopard, a snake, a ladybird, a frog and a giraffe. When she meets a zebra, she decides she wants to be spotty and stripy at the same time. 10&Bird&European Robin18 February 1999It's a freezing cold winters day and Maisy sees that the birds are pecking the frozen ground in search of food. Maisy knows just what they need - a bird table. 11&Washing&Washing Machine18 February 1999It's wash day and Maisy is putting her washing out to dry, but her dress blows away just as she is hanging it out on the line. With Charley's help, she eventually manages to retrieve the dress from the top of a tree. 12&Sandcastle&Sandcastle18 February 1999Maisy goes to the beach and with the help of a friendly crab builds a fabulous sandcastle and is crowned Queen of the Castle! 13&Bat&Bat hanging upside down19 February 1999Maisy can't sleep, and when she looks out of the window she sees a dark shape flitting around the garden. 14&Ball&Beach Ball19 February 1999Maisy and Tallulah want to play ball but it's hard to find somewhere completely ball proof. 15&Gingerbread&Gingerbread Man19 February 1999Maisy is baking today - she decides to make some gingerbread shapes and when Charley and Tallulah arrive, Maisy greets them with a surprise. 16&Meow&Cat in a basket19 February 1999The little ginger cat comes to spend the night, and when Maisy wakes up in the morning, she finds that she has some unexpected visitors. 17&Train&Green Steam Train25 February 1999Maisy is driving the train, picking up animals on the way - two giraffes, three peacocks, four snakes, five ducks, six rabbits, seven birds, eight frogs and nine penguins. At the last stop she finds ten piglets, but how will they all fit in to the carriages. 18&Bike&Tricycle25 February 1999Charley borrows Maisy's bike, but when it goes missing, Charley is distraught. Maisy solves the mystery of the disappearing bike with the help of her ball. 19&Party&Dress-up Box25 February 1999Maisy is going to Tallulah's fancy dress party but she just can't find a thing to wear! Every time she settles on something, she finds that someone else has got there first. Finally she decides to create something herself. 20&Bedtime&Bed25 February 1999It's time for bed. Maisy draws the curtains and says goodnight to the owl. She washes her face and hands, changes into her pajamas, goes to the toilet and finally gets to sleep ... once she's found Panda. 21&Bus&Green Bus26 February 1999Maisy is driving the bus today and she finds that she has all sorts of passengers to pick up on the way. 22&Swing&Tree Swing26 February 1999Maisy decides to make a swing for her garden, and whilst Charley and Cyril play games with the rope, she disappears into her garden shed. Charley is the first to have a go on the new swing and Maisy and Cyril try out the new swing together. 23&Dog&Dog26 February 1999Maisy is sailing her toy boat and meets a friendly dog on the way. When her boat gets stuck in the reeds Maisy's new friend comes to the rescue, with rather damp results. 24&Birthday&Birthday Cake26 February 1999Today is Maisy's birthday. Charley, Cyril and Tallulah come to help her celebrate ... Happy Birthday Maisy! 25&Rain&Rain Cloud4 March 1999It's raining and Charley has forgotten his umbrella, something which Maisy finds is easily done. 26&Nest&Hen in a nest4 March 1999Maisy helps a little bird to build her nest in a tree in Maisy's garden. She lays three eggs which hatch into three little chicks. When the mother bird flies off to find some food for her babies, Maisy tries to keep them amused, but Maisy is very relieved. 27&Plane&Airplane4 March 1999Maisy and Cyril are making paper airplanes. Maisy's airplane can't fly very well, and lands in the kitchen sink. Cyril's airplane is magnificent - it flies beautifully through the house, out of the window and all round the garden. 28&Parade&Trumpet4 March 1999Maisy decides to make some music and on the way all her friends join in the parade. 29&Fair&Helter Skelter5 March 1999Maisy and Tallulah go to the fair, but Tallulah is impatient and wants to go on every ride immediately. Tallulah has to learn to be patient and not to run ahead. 30&Treasure&Pirate Hat5 March 1999Maisy and Charley are pretending to be pirates, digging for buried treasure. They find all sorts of things, including a very special hidden treasure, Tallulah. 31&Sheep&Sheep5 March 1999Maisy and Tallulah are going for a walk and when Tallulah loses her ribbon she forgets to close the gate to the field and the sheep escape. How can Maisy and Tallulah get the sheep back into the field? 32&Clouds&Two Clouds5 March 1999Come for a ride high up in the sky, in Maisy's hot air balloon. 33&Fleas&Flea25 March 1999Eddie the elephant decides he needs a bath so Maisy helps him with a ladder, a brush and bar of soap. One by one ten fleas hop off Eddie, protesting all the way. 34&Boo&Lion's Head25 March 1999Maisy and Cyril are playing peepo, but Cyril manages to give himself a fright too! 35&Stick&Stick25 March 1999Maisy's got a special stick, and she finds all sorts of uses for it. 36&Mess&Building Blocks25 March 1999It's such fun making a mess, but as Maisy and her friends find out, mess has to be tidied up too! 37&Harvest&Vegetables26 March 1999Maisy's in her vegetable garden, counting out her vegetables - Rabbit decides to come along, just in case there's something there for him too! 38&Shed&Garden Shed26 March 1999Maisy decides that her shed needs a new coat of paint, and Eddie decides to help, with very colorful results. 39&Playhouse&Playhouse26 March 1999Maisy is entertaining her toys to tea when Charley drops in to the Playhouse. Even though it's only make believe Charley finds out that there's nothing like the real thing. 40&Circus&Circus Tent26 March 1999It's circus time and Maisy is the ringmaster - everyone has something to do, and the grand finale is colorful and fun. 41&Dancing&Yellow Stereo6 May 1999Maisy and Tallulah are having great fun showing each other how to dance to different styles of music. Charley arrives at Maisy's house, and shows them that he is rather a good dancer too. 42&Ouch!&Sticky Plaster6 May 1999Eddie, Cyril and Maisy are playing in the garden, when Eddie takes a tumble. Maisy and Cyril try to make him feel better. 43&Eggs&Easter Eggs6 May 1999Maisy is getting ready for an Easter egg hunt in her garden. Charley arrives early and decides to help. 44&Bath&Rubber Duck6 May 1999Maisy's having a bath, or at least she's trying to! But Tallulah won't take no for an answer, she's determined that Maisy is going to play with her.
随便请问一下版主,是否有super why ?女儿看了一集很喜欢,但不知道哪里有下载的
星星之火00 发表于
随便请问一下版主,是否有super why ?女儿看了一集很喜欢,但不知道哪里有下载的
super why我没有,呵呵。希望哪位网友有,呵呵。
星星之火00 发表于
随便请问一下版主,是否有super why ?女儿看了一集很喜欢,但不知道哪里有下载的
我有super why哦,呵呵。刚刚翻资源翻出来了,呵呵。
leealice67 发表于
我有super why哦,呵呵。刚刚翻资源翻出来了,呵呵。
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& Comsenz Inc.[转载]儿童英语资源?分级教材?原版动画电影?音频故
  随着安妮鲜花《不能错过的英语启蒙》——中国孩子的英语路线图一书的出版,迅速掀起了很多家长和培训机构对儿童学习英语的热情,孩子学习英语也有了一个明确的理念指导。家长们也在各论坛纷纷发表自己的心得和寻找相关原版英语资源。由于各论坛的资源更新不及时,很多资源的链接都已失效,后来看到资源的家长看着也倍感巧妇难为无米之炊。藉此收集相关资源供各位共享。本资源包含全套的美国原版加州Treasures中小学教材、Harcourt哈考特、ScottForesman、瑞思美国Houghton Mifflin、美国OHIO州小学科学教材、牛津阅读树Oxford ReadingTree牛津书虫等分级教材读物,大多数都是带音频的高清PDF文件,英语原声和文档同步朗读,效果非常好,可以在电脑、智能手机、IPAD上应用,为儿童们提供了广泛的学英语的好资源。分Kindergarten(幼儿园级)、Grade1、Grade 2、Grade 3、Grade 4、Grade 5、Grade 6 共7级。还包含各种儿童经典原版英语动画(包括迪斯尼动画片)、英文原声音频的英文绘本如TOP100绘本、汪培珽英文书单和章节书、英语故事童话名著等内容。大家在下载前请看下面的资源下载方法,无需注册、全部资源都是免费下载,至于广告大家不必理会,关掉即可。可以用Ctrl+F在本页查找内容(请点击看介绍)大家若有更好的资源(视频文件最好不要压缩),如能共享,本人先在此感谢。请提供下载链接或发到邮箱:。我一定会集中资源、存放到网盘,让更多的人无偿分享。01.儿童英语自然拼音& &&&(含:跟美国语言专家学习26个字母的标准发音(有口型视频对比)最畅销的拼读教材The Complete Book ofPhonics彩图清晰PDF355页我爱拼音 DK-I Love Phonics 多媒体软件 DK系列A Progressive Phonics Book学习英语音标的flash)02.儿童英语原版教材及分级读物加州教材Treasures(含:加州教材辅助阅读California Decodable Reader 1-2PDF文档Treasure Chest MYNEW WORDS GK-G6 2011版加州教材配的词汇学习材料GK-5 Vocabulary加州教材配套书Time forKids(GK-G3) PDF加州教材一年级科普类的少儿分级读物Time for KidsPDF+MP3音频加州教材Activity BookGrade K加州教材中学语文教材7级 G6-12PDF文档加州教材小学扩展阅读Read Aloud G1-G5PDF加州教材辅助扩展阅读Reading GenresG1-5加州教材Grammar andWriting 带答案加州教材教辅书1年级PDF+MP3加州教材科学配套的单词卡Grade1-6)哈考特Harcourt&&&&&&&&&&&(含:Harcourt Phonics PracticebookHarcourt儿童图片有声字典Harcourt Art Glossary艺术字典点读版Harcourt生动有趣的互动数学游戏(含帮助PDF)FLASHHarcourt LSP针对English LanguageLearner的词汇互动软件)(含:Houghton Mifflin MathGK-6数学全套Houghton Mifflin SocialStudies社会科学G1-G5Houghton MifflinReading阅读 G1-G2HoughtonMifflin On My Way G1-G2)牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree牛津书虫&(含:Oxford Project X Book Band故事1-9级男孩的最爱PDF文档+MP3音频+练习Oxford Potato幼儿英语PDF文档+MP3音频 美语Oxford Phonics Kit Activity Book 1-3PDFOxford StorylinesLevel 1-4 PDF文档+MP3音频Oxford ReadingTree-Read at Home30本 PDF文档+MP3音频Oxford Reading Tree0-9级绘本 PDF文档+MP3音频Oxford Read with Biff Chip and Kipper 11本PDF文档+MP3音频Oxford Primary Skills Reading andWritingOxford Incredible English(BritishAccent)FLASH动画字幕有声Oxford Read Write Phonics PDF文档+MP3音频)03.儿童英语故事童话名著分级读物英语章节书(Arthur ChapterBook)04.儿童英语文档音频教材05. 儿童英语歌曲06.儿童英语绘本故事、桥梁书及章节书资源含:猜猜我有多爱你Guess How Much I LoveYou、好饿的毛毛虫The Very HungryCaterpillar、逃家小兔runaway bunny、爱心树/苹果树The Giving Tree等07.儿童英语读经诵读&&绍南版朗读+跟读9CD+BBC剧场版分割版MP3音频+文档+教学方案08. 儿童英语动画LittleBear(含中英双语可切换内嵌英文字幕7集:班家小兔和鼠太太小不点、刺蝟溫迪琪和青蛙吉先生、格洛斯特的裁缝、猫布丁的故事、三小猫和母鸭洁玛的故事、小兔彼得和小兔班杰明的故事、小猪柏郎的故事,3集单文件无字幕:小兔彼得和小兔班杰明的故事、班家小兔和鼠太太小不点、三小猫和母鸭洁玛的故事)&&少数有外挂字幕,中英双语可切换(含丑小鸭、完全是真的、睡精奥利夏艾、小美人鱼、老爹做的事总是对的、坚定的锡兵、黄金宝藏、小意达的花儿、豌豆公主、枞树、皇帝的新装、恋人、老街灯、野天鹅、甲虫、夜莺、幸运的套鞋、白雪皇后、拇指姑娘、飞箱、园丁和主人、香肠木栓熬的汤、教授与跳蚤、猪倌、雪人、跳高选手、旅伴、瓶颈、打火匣、笨汉汉斯)猪小妹Peppa Pig 1-4季字幕+绘本& && && &Disney World Family迪斯尼(迪士尼)美语世界(43DVD+12本文档,DVD高清)双语不用教(有课件,DVD高清)&&& &&&&&&&&&BBC Muzzy故事系列外语教程& &&&&& &&&& &&&&(含Curious George 2006中英双语字幕、Sweet Dreams英文字幕、Follow That Monkey中英字幕、Back To School、Goes Green、A Very Monkey Christmas)好奇猴乔治英文绘本18个MP3音频+15个PDF文档降世神通最后的气宗1-3季完整Avatar The Last Airbender 附剧本+中英字幕英文发音& && &(含1、Letter Factory2、NumbersAhoy3、Learn to Read atStorybook Factory4、Talking WordsFactory5、Talking WordsFactory26、Lets Go ToSchool7、A Tad ofChristmas Cheer8、Math Adventure tothe Moon9、Sing along readalong10、NumbersAhoy11、The AmazingAlphabet Amusement Park12、PhonicsFarm )& &&彩色乐园Get.Squiggling &&&09.&儿童英语原版语法教材
合作登录:Hi,我是艾米粒,创意让我成为一个超级妈咪,和15万父母一起与孩子体验最好玩的亲子手工,坚持阅读,探索自然,感受艺术,做科学实验,在游戏中聪明地学习,一起环游世界...关注我的公众微信号:童年智造,在这里你将看到最有爱的亲子时光,最好的陪伴方法,最小众靠谱的推荐,用最全球化的视角激励你,和我一起陪孩子玩起来!欢迎喜欢艾米粒的童鞋加我私人微信:kidmadeto2015 敲门暗号:童年智造。朋友圈分享我和小米的成长体验,阅读计划,游戏时光,小众旅行游记,更有不定期提前剧透,私密优惠,免费试玩,交流更方便,非诚勿扰。米粒的话:在给孩子进行英语启蒙的时候,每一种资源都有它自己的功能,不过也都有局限性,我们能做的是把各种资源结合起来“立体”使用,才更能点燃孩子学习的兴趣。今天,我们就来分享一下动画片资源。动画片的精髓在于它的情境,就像原版书,可以构成孩子的口语基础。不过,动画片对视力的影响以及孩子被动吸收的特点,父母要控制好观看的时间哦。《花园宝宝》花园宝宝比较有韵律感,节奏慢,情节也较简单,适合较小年龄的孩子,它的特色是完全看不出要“教”幼儿什么东西,而是给1到4岁的幼儿一段好奇探索的欢乐时光。《KIDS ABC》实用的英语生活对话,引导小小孩从牙牙学语到说出完整的英文单字和句子,每集穿插英文字母学习,字母相关单字及基本英语对话,延伸英语童谣,让孩子容易上口,自然跟唱。《Peppa Pig》佩佩猪每一集的时间都很短,刚好适合给孩子观看,虽然是英音,但粉红猪小妹的快乐生活真的超吸引孩子们的注意呢,且难度适中,是个不错的动画资源哦。《Leap Frog》对26个字母的启蒙动画片,letter name、letter sound小朋友看完都会有不同程度的输出哦。《Word World》很棒的字母拼读、单词启蒙动画片,让孩子轻松地理解单词的音、形和义的对应,培养孩子的语音意识,为孩子的phonics启蒙提供了一个非常好的多媒体资源。《Maisy》小老鼠Maisy的可爱形象可谓家喻户晓,画面简单,故事的内容浅显易懂,涵盖了Pre-K学前的知识,是非常完善的一套动画片。《芝麻街》这个节目综合运用了木偶、动画和真人表演等各种表现手法向儿童讲述基础阅读、算术、颜色的名称、字母和数字等基本知识,有时还带一些基本的生活常识。《托马斯和他的朋友们》在美丽的多多岛上,热心助人的托马斯是一辆可爱的火车头……这辆人见人爱的小火车,它的故事吸引了众多孩子,尤其是男孩子,还有实体玩具的加入,更是令人对他着迷。《Dora》故事以小女孩朵拉和好朋友猴子的探险经历为线索,每一集都有一个独立的冒险故事,朵拉小姑娘的形象健康活泼积极智慧,不过朵拉的语速有点快,适合有点基础或稍大的孩子。《米奇妙妙屋》是迪士尼公司专为学龄前儿童全新制作的3维动画。内容生动有趣,让孩子在欢乐的气氛中学习,寓教于乐、是适合父母与孩子共同欣赏的系列卡通。不管是什么资源,原汁原味,符合孩子兴趣以及认知特点的就是好资源,孩子爱上这样的资源就不会觉得学习是种负担,他们会形成一种自然的内在需求,主动学习。ps:每个孩子的兴趣和水平各不相同,所以,别人喜欢的推荐的资源,不见的自己孩子就一定接受,还得找到符合自己孩子兴趣又难度适合的内容才行哦。儿歌和动画片各有各的好处,各有各适合的用处,家长要懂得将各种资源有机结合起来立体使用,孩子的兴趣才会更浓、综合能力更强。趣味学英语 英语启蒙资源的选择标准,要符合孩子的兴趣,那么有趣、创意的字母认知方式也一定比较容易被孩子所接受。【趣味字母乐】DIY创意字母手工包,创造可爱有趣的字母时,慢慢认知字母及对应单词,真正做到轻松学习,快乐成长!请至天猫搜索:童年智造 字母或登陆: 或天猫搜索店铺:童年智造旗舰店回复[产品],了解更多创意亲子手工产品。点击底部[阅读原文],即刻获取[童年智造]品牌手册。关于[童年智造]:诞生于2012年,由艾米粒和先生在陪伴孩子玩乐成长的过程中所积累的真实体验,迸发出的创业灵感。[童年智造]在两年时间内迅速成长为中国领先的创意亲子益智手工品牌,给予超过15万的中国父母前所未有的亲子玩乐体验和宝贵的成长经历,影响着越来越多的父母对家庭教育的理解和态度。让亲子时光成为孩子们成长中不可缺少的一部分。我们把创意与灵感融入到你和孩子生活中的每一个亲子时光,在家中,在旅行路上,在户外,在派对中…..我们的创意手工产品包含了几乎所有学校教育所无法涉及的领域,艺术,科学,人文,情感,世界,自然…..而这些却恰恰是我们所认为3-7岁孩子在成长中最需要的养分和体验。让孩子们在好奇中探索这个世界,激发孩子们与身俱来的艺术灵感,鼓励孩子们去表达、去创造、发掘孩子们的天赋所在…..这些都是你和孩子能够在亲子时光中所获得的宝贵财富。和超级妈咪艾米粒一起,和[童年智造]一起,为了孩子们那充满想象力的笑脸,而努力。欢迎喜欢艾米粒的童鞋加我私人微信:kidmadeto2015 敲门暗号:童年智造。朋友圈分享我和小米的成长体验,阅读计划,游戏时光,小众旅行游记,更有不定期提前剧透,私密优惠,免费试玩,交流更方便,非诚勿扰。获得更多创意育儿灵感,你可以:关注新浪微博:@艾米粒的育儿日记订阅微信公众号:童年智造(搜索ID:kidmadeto2013)搜索天猫旗舰店:童年智造旗舰店或复制链接:
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