
  随着时间的流逝,已经到了2006年的后阴历七月,弟弟在这月上旬结婚了;日,我接到华南热带农业大学的大学录取通知书,是涉外旅游专业,高职高专,说什么也不能再复习了。这一年,我们家父母脸上很光彩,一个儿子结婚了,一个儿子考上大学了,说起来好听,但是弟弟结婚的费用再加上我的学费,对一个农村家庭来说是很难的。弟弟结婚已经借亲戚家很多钱了,到了阴历八月,再给我借学费,从哪个角度来说都不是合理合情的。   感谢国家给予的助学贷款,我只带了几个月的生活费,就和当时的华南热带农业大学儋州校区的焦俊锋一起坐火车南下,从驻马店“——信阳市——孝感市——岳阳市——长沙市——广州市——湛江市——海安码头——海口市”,一路南下,到了海口港就认识了当时华南热带农业大学2006级涉外会计专业的马利民兄弟了。   就这样,来到了风情万千的祖国第二大岛屿——中国海南岛,热带海滨休闲城市,海南岛常住居民是黎族、苗族等,海南不同的地区有不同的海南话方言;海南第二大城市是三亚市,还有博鳌亚洲论坛的琼海市,东坡被流放的儋州市,航空发射基地和侨乡文昌市,还有定安县、屯昌县、陵水市、万宁市、琼中县、保亭县、五指山市、乐东市、白沙县、东方市、临高县、澄迈县等地级市县。   海南的椰子、槟榔、木瓜、芒果、琼中绿橙、荔枝、龙眼、菠萝蜜等水果闻名中外,海南的清补凉很好喝。   我的大学当时名字是华南热带农业大学海口校区应用科技学院,旅游系2006级涉外旅游专业(1)班,班主任兼体育老师是陈颖志老师,   旅游导游专业教师是吴丽娟老师(吴丽娟(1970-),女,湖南靖州人,海南大学讲师,研究方向:旅游文化与旅行社管理。本科毕业于湖南师范大    学,研究生毕业于海南大学旅游学院;1990年-2000年在在海南从事中文导游工作,荣获海南省优秀导游员;2001年任教于华南热带农业大学应用科技学院旅游系旅游专业课教师,其所任教的课程多次被评为校级优质课程。曾发表论文有《论导游模拟实训的“入”与“出”》、《旅游地广告词的文化意蕴》等。参考百科词条/view/2260418.htm),   旅游酒店专业老师是崔韶华老师(崔韶华,是海南万宁人,现就职于海南大学应用科技学院,旅游系主任,酒店管理专业课程老师,19岁就登上海南省琼山高等专科学校的大学讲台,擅长书法、舞蹈、法律、酒店管理等,是我的生命中的贵人!参考资料/blogger/post_read.asp?BlogID=2122842&PostID=),   旅游经济与市场营销老师兼旅游系主任是尹正江老师(尹正江,男,湖南省邵阳市,现任海南大学副教授、海南大学应用科技学院旅游系主任,其为高级营销师和高级经济师;其担任旅游经济学、旅游市场营销、旅游景区管理等课程;   其发表论文有《基于国际旅游岛建设背景的海南旅游营销策略研究》、《对海南乡村旅游发展模式的探讨》、《海南中部地区黎苗文化生态乡村旅游开发研究》等。,参考百科文献/view/4187896.htm),   旅游规划和资源老师是陈海鹰老师(海南人,硕士毕业于华中师范大学,现任海南大学应用科技学院旅游系讲师,该学院2007级旅游管理专业班主任;其担任旅游公关礼仪、旅游资源学、旅游规划、旅游法规等课程;曾发表论文《海南省生态旅游可持续发展研究》、《关于海南省旅游业可持续发展的探讨》、《海南“国际旅游岛”空间结构分析与优化》、《海南旅游品牌发展策略探讨》等。参考百科词条/view/1904575.htm),   管理学老师是林銮珠老师(女 副教授 管理学硕士   主要研究方向:企业管理, 农业经济   科研特色和管理实践   从事过农业经济、企业管理、人力资源管理方向的教学。曾在美国加州大学做过一年的访问学者,对美国的教育有所了解。   研究成果   1、关于“家族企业在中国”的思考.技术经济与管理研究,2004(5):109-110,独撰   2、关于国家助学贷款引发的信用思考.高等农业教育,2004(8):23-25 ,第一作者   3、关于我校管理类专业课程实习的思考,华南热带农业大学学报,2004(4):48-51 , 第一作者   4、加大农村扶贫力度,促进海南贫困人口增收.农业科技管理,2006(1):9-11 ,第一作者   5、林下经济作物种植—科技扶贫新途径.农业科技管理,2007(1):81-83 ,第一作者   6、浙江家族企业产权制度变迁的路径依赖.华东经济管理,2007(2):4-7,独撰   7、借鉴美国职教经验,加速发展海南高等职业教育.中国职教,2009(4):4-6 ,第一作者   8、美国加州大学戴维斯分校的教育特色及启示.教育教学理论与方法探索.西南财经大学出版社,2009年9月第1版,0,独撰   9、美国加州水权交易的制度分析.新疆农垦经济,2009(5):77-82,独撰。本文被中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料F2《农业经济研究》2009年第8期全文转载。   10、海南大学应用型本科专业办学成本实证分析.海南大学学报.2010(2):105-110 ,第一作者,参考百科词条/view/4095054.htm),   思想道德修养与法律基础老师是范明水老师,   马克思主义邓小平理论是龙借琼老师,   当时的应用科技学院院长是潘贤丽,   当时的英语口语老师有洪小丽老师,汤微老师,陈忠辉老师,   当时的辅导员是傅安国老师等老师,逢2011年教师节到来之际,学生祝您教师节快乐,而且早日晋升到副教授再到教授,由研究生导师再到博士生导师,祝愿您们事业有成,桃李满天下!   2006级涉外旅游专业有2个班,我是属于1班,一班的班长是欧上品和张倩,二班的班长是冯鑫和赵敏,都是三年的班长,都是帅哥和美女做班长。   一班的学习委员是杨得进(河南驻马店),肖颜(广西贵港),二班的学习委员是柴晓宁(安徽阜阳);   一班的团支书是范玉林(安徽阜阳),二班的团支书是林爱雪(北京市);   一班的组织委员是付智清(山东),二班的组织委员是;   一班的生活委员是刘俊军(江西宜春),二班的生活委员是李楠(河南洛阳);   一班的体育委员是,二班的体育委员是;   一班的宣传委员是,二班的宣传委员是;   一班的文娱委员是。二班的文娱委员是;   楼主发言:1次 发图:0张   华南热带农业大学应用科技学院2006级涉外旅游专业(1)班的学生名单:(排名不分先后)   欧上品(海南儋州),朱益堂(浙江),王亚康(海南万宁),李瑶(北京市),林家果(三亚市),刘俊军(江西宜春),毛海波(重庆),李坚(海南临高),林志坚(海南东方市),欧政(海口市),胡瑜,肖颜,成跃(云南),吉飞达,张小安(广东),李清,李勤凯,沈园月,徐芳,周娅,王娟(英语导游),宋琛,梁佩娜,赵娟(中文导游),张倩(英语导游),文卓,薛桂合,陶香朝,陈丹云,陈振宇,钟水洁,殷思明(湖北咸宁),黎聪,杨得进,陈红霞,陈亚强,王应梅,蔡薇瑶,付智清,黄健勇,李芳芸,钟园园,林海云,刘元翔,童玲,吴丹曦,吴多奋,吴章廷,谢小燕等同学。   华南热带农业大学应用科技学院2006级涉外旅游专业(2)班的学生名单:(排名不分先后)   韩灵灵(河南周口),林爱雪,马静,黄修严,许波,陈良金,黄校杯,王学梅,林海莹,陈珍珍,李楠,陈传艳,陈明,陈士秒,陈仕会,陈婷婷,邓丽芳,丁旭东,杜芳,符金意,郭蕾,郭瑞时,黄运辉,黄紫英,罗磊,王亮,黎冬燕,李霞丽,阎胜颖,李江完,李中国,蔡兴若,廖书婕,刘家伦,龙婷,陆倩莉,区艳清,孙建春(云南),覃霖,唐虹,王海云,吴秋艳,杨蓉,赵敏,郑少琼等同学。   一开学就知道,我们专业110多为同学,两年后将会有10%的学生升入本科专业,也就是11同学,两个班的同学都积极努力学好专业课知识,为了能争取到报送本科的机会。   2年后也就是2008年秋期升入2006级旅游管理专业本科的同学有:肖颜,杨得进,赵娟,韩灵灵,林爱雪,王学梅,陈士秒,郭瑞时,杜芳,柴晓宁,周晓燕等11位同学,而且在2010年6月全部顺利本科毕业,并取得管理学学士学位。   同期2011年6月取得本科毕业证的同学还有殷思明,李楠,胡瑜,黄紫英,吉飞达等。   时间过得真的很快,现在我们2006级涉外旅游专业的同学已经毕业2年多了,相信很多同学已经成家立业,或者在各自的工作岗位上做出了一定的成绩,或者很多同学已经成了公司企业的管理层岗位或者成为公司企业的骨干员工,抑或已经创业成功,再次我还是衷心祝愿我们专业的110多位兄弟姐妹们努力工作奋斗,珍惜属于我们每个人的机遇,坚决维护我们旅游系的良好形象,祝福大家身体健康、财源滚滚、事业犹如芝麻开花步步高!   我和师生们一样,期待我们2006级涉外旅游专业的下一次聚会,下一次聚会作为2006级涉外旅游专业的您,准备好了吗?     2001级学生来自花园乡的陈有辉   陈有辉(1985.3-)男,河南省泌阳县人。2001年9月-2005年6月就读于泌阳县第一高级中学,由于学习努力,成绩优秀,积极组织和参加各项集体活动,工作认真负责,在班里多次被推选担任班长,团支书,生活委员等职务;并被推选担任校学生会主席和校伙委会主席等职务.在校学习期间多次被评为&特优生&、&三好学生&、&优秀学生干部&等荣誉称号,由于品学兼优,2004年春被驻马店市教育局评为&驻马店市优秀学生干部&,2005年春被驻马店市文明办,驻马店市教育局和驻马店市妇联评为&驻马店市优秀小公民&。   2005年考入海南大学,学习市场营销专业,在大学学习期间努力学习,积极组织和参加各项集体活动,工作认真负责,做事踏实,并积极参加社会实践活动,被选到学院团委宣传部和学院公寓楼管理委员会任职.2006年6月大一下学期通过全国大学生英语四级考试,2007年6月大二下学期通过全国大学生英语六级考试;由于学习努力,品学兼优,获得国家助学贷款四年共计两万元得以安心学习,顺利完成学业;学年度被评为海南大学&三好学生&,年度获得国家助学金,在2007年暑期实践活动中表现积极,成果显著,被评为学校&海南大学暑期社会实践先进个人&,所写论文被评为“海南省大学生暑期优秀实践论文二等奖”,学年度荣获“海南大学动感服饰奖学金”,2009年春被评为“海南大学优秀共青团员”。   2008年11月以优异成绩通过国家经济师(初级)考试,取得农业经济师资格;2009年3月顺利通过驾驶考试,拿到B2驾照;2009年9月顺利通过国家司法考试,取得司法资格证书。 在大学学习期间,积极参加和组织多项班级和学院活动,多次成功组织老乡会 ,并先后在海南耕得宸农业科技有限公司和海南承恩俐华教育有限公司做兼职。   2010年8月创办河南达源农业科技有限公司,立志为农业和新农村建设尽自己的一份力量。(参考百度百科资料/view/1329847.htm)   校园广播员张娜(毕业于中华女子学院)和肖潇雨(毕业于中央传媒大学),学生会成员孟辽阔(本科毕业于海南大学,2010年考取中共广东省委党校),陶道强(河南科技大学国防生,现正在攻读研究生),毕成(毕业于复旦大学),禹宗贵(毕业于中南财经政法大学)、袁文红(毕业于武汉大学)、杨德营(毕业于吉林大学)、李永青(本科毕业于中国矿业大学,正在中国政法大学攻读研究生)、刘社(毕业于大连海事大学)、崔泽汉(毕业于中国科技大学)、董斐(毕业于武汉大学)、乔治向(毕业于天津医科大学)、薛娜(毕业于北京中医药大学)、张书娟(首都经济贸易大学)、褚东升(毕业于中南大学)、王平禄(对外经贸大学)、王先选(毕业于重庆医科大学)、禹亚沛(毕业于中国人民大学)、孙双翼(毕业于南京大学)等等。   望大家多提宝贵意见,多贡献名人,谢谢您的参与!   跨越我的高级中学——2003级文三(26)班 ——学年度暨2011年教师节感恩泌阳一高恩师 请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规华中农业大学普通本科招生网 >> 首页 ???????????? 招办电话: (027)95964 招生咨询电话: (027)24043 &&&& 24047 在线咨询QQ:-+ 懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给 你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情, 使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。 ―罗兰中国农业大学学报 第 11 卷 第 1 期 2006 年4 种提取法对富硒灵芝主要功效成分的提取效果赵 镭1, 2
高海燕3张美莉4吴继红1胡小松1(1 ?中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083; 2 ?浙江雨田集团, 浙江 平阳 325401; 3 ?北京大学 深圳研究生院, 广东 深圳 518055; 4 ?内蒙古农业大学 食品科学与工程学院, 呼和浩特 010018) 摘 要 对富硒灵芝子实体采用水提、碱提、醇提和酶提进行的主要功效成分提取和分析试验表明, 4 种提取法对总糖、硒及蛋白质的提取率依次为碱提法>酶提法>水提法>醇提法, 差异显 著(P<0.05),但 4 种提取法均不影响灵芝蛋白氨基酸的分布(t>t0.01)。相比而言,酶提 法是较理想的提取富硒灵芝主要功效成分的方法。 关键词 富硒灵芝子实体; 提取方法; 主要功效成分 中图分类号 Q 5-3;Q 949.329.7 Effect of different methods on the extracting of main nutritional components from SeSe-enriched Ganoderma lucidum Zhao Lei , Gao Haiyan , Zhang Meili , Wu Jihong , Hu Xiaosong1,2 3 4 1 1(1 ? College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, C 2 ? YUTIAN Group, Zhejiang Pingyang 325401, C 3 ? Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, C 4 ? College of Food and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, China) Abstract Data reported here show that the nutritional composition of different extracts from Se-enriched Ganoderma lucidum was definitely different due to different extracting methods (P<0.05). The extracting rate of saccharide, selenium and protein was in the order of alkaline extracting>enzyme extracting>waterextracting>alcohol extracting. All extracting methods studied did not affect the distribution of amino acids of the protein in Se-enriched G. lucidum. Enzyme extracting is comparably a good method for preparing the extracts from Se-enriched G. lucidum. Key words Se-enriched G main composition90Y-P204新型肝癌介入治疗药物 90Y-P204-Lipiodol 的制备及其稳定性研究牟培源1,2陈 靖1王建晨1蒋小良1何千舸1金美娟2李 芳2(1 ?清华大学 核研院, 北京 102201; 2 ?解放军二炮总医院, 北京 100088) 摘 要 目的:研究了新型肝癌介入治疗药物 90Y- P204-Lipiodol 的制备方法及其稳定性,旨在为肝癌 的介入性内照射放疗提供满意的放射性药物。 方法: 采用传统化学工艺中比较成熟的萃取技术 与核医学中的放射性核素标记方法相结合, 以碘油(Lipiodol)作为萃取过程中的有机相,同时 碘油也是被标记核素的载体, 选择萃取剂 P204 作为碘油标记的偶联剂, 利用萃取剂的萃取性能, 在一定的 pH、温度、搅拌时间和搅拌 频率等条件下,对钇-90(90Y)进行萃取标记,测定萃取率, 然后按不同的相比加入到生理盐水、新生小牛血清以及人的血液中,于液闪仪上测定被标记 90Y 的损失率。 结果: 0.01 mol/L 的 P204 碘化油溶液萃取率高达 99.9%,符合放射性核素标记的 要求 。本萃取法碘油标记后形成的络合物 90Y-P204-Lipiodol 并不改变碘化油的结构,而且具 有很好的稳定性。 结论: 借助现代医学影像技术尤其是实时超声显像引导精确定位技术,有望 通过瘤区注射方法使 90Y-P204-Lipiodol 稳定积聚在肝肿瘤组织内, 从而实现真正意义上的肝癌 内照射放疗,未来的研究将促进其在肝癌介入性内照射放疗中的早日应用。 关键词 肝癌; 介入; 萃取; 钇-90; 碘油; P204Study on extraction and stability of new interventional therapeutic isotope 90Y-P20490Y-P204-Lipiodol for liver cancer Mu Peiyuan , Chen Jing , Wang Jianchen ,1,2 1 1Jiang Xiaoliang ,21He Qiange , Jin Meijuan ,12Li Fang(1 ? Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University,Beijing 102201, C 2 ? Erpao General Hospital of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100088, China) Abstract Purpose: In order to provide the best isotope for interventional therapy of liver cancer, this paper has reported a new method of chemical extraction and steady analysis for new isotope 90Y-P204-Lipiodol. Method: Extraction is used to label yttrium-90. Di(2-ethylhexyl)-orthophosphoric acid (P204)、Di(2-ethylhexyl)-phos acid (P507)、Cyanex 272、nonanoic acid、naphthenic acid、 oleic acid and oxine are selected as extractants in this study. Result: The labeling efficiency with P204 can reach 99 ? 9%, while the labeling efficiency with any other extractant is lower than that with P204. The loss efficiencies of 90Y-P204-Lipiodol in physiological saline solution, newly-born cattle serum and human's blood are 0.01%-0.16%, 3.12%-6.02%, and 2.55%-7.82% respectively. Conclusion: The stability of labeled yttrium-90 with P204 (90Y-P204-Lipiodol) is satisfying. 90Y-P204-Lipiodol is potential in interventional therapy for liver cancer. Key words liver cancer; interventional; extraction; yttrium-90; lipiodol; P204马尾松树皮提取物体外抑制人大肠癌细胞生长规律初探1 ?生物防治国家重点实验室, 教育部基因工程重点实验室, 中山大学 生命科学院, 广州 510275; 2 ?阜阳师范学院 生物系, 安徽 阜阳 236032; 3 ?广州嵩珍营养源研究所, 广州 510645 摘 要 为深入研究马尾松树皮提取物(PMBE)的抑癌生长作用,构建 PMBE 的动物药理模型,本研究通过 细胞培养、细胞活力检测(MTT 实验)及计算机模拟评估马尾松树皮提取物(PMBE)抑制体外培养 人大肠癌 LoVo 细胞生长规律,建立了马尾松树皮提取物(PMBE)、胎牛血清(FBS) 及处理时间(t)三因素对 LoVo 细胞生长抑制率的反应模型,利用该回归模型对三因素优化 组合,同时就各因素单独效应及其互作效应进行了探讨。PMBE、FBS、t 三因素适量水平搭配( 0、1、0)可提高对 LoVo 的生长抑制效率,最高可达 0.42,即三因子用量分别为 140 μg/m L、15%、48 h 时效果最佳。系列数据分析结果表明,在体外处理细胞过程中可能存在抑制物效 应报酬递减规律,且试验体系中多因素综合效应呈现随机非线性特点。该研究是统计学在医学科 研设计、衡量和评价(D.M.E)领域的一次尝试,可为构建 PMBE 的动物药理模型确定药用剂量提供 参考。 关键词 马尾松树皮提取物; 胎牛血清; 处理时间; 二次通用旋转组合设计; 大肠癌 LoVo 细 胞; 生长抑制率; 统计建模Research on growth inhibition of PMBE to human colon cancer cell in vitro Cui Yingyu , Chen Xiaohong , Wu Chunlian , Xie Heng , Wang Jinfa1 2 1 3 11 ? State Key Laboratory for Biocontrol, Key Laboratory of Gene Engineering of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guang zhou 510275, C 2 ? Fuyang Normal College, Fuyang 236032, C 3 ? Institute of Songzhen Nutritional Resource, Guangzhou 510645, China Abstract In order to probe further into the role of PMBE inhibiting the growth of cancer, and construct the pharmacological animal model, combination of cell culture, multiple group MTT assays and computer modeling techniques was used in this present study to assess the effect of PMBE, FBS and t on the cell growth inhibition ratio (GIR) of human colorectal carcinoma LoVo cells cultured in vitro. Quadratic general rotational design at 5 levels of 3 factors was used to design the MTT assay scheme. The reaction model between the GIR (Y) and PMBE (X1), FBS (X2) and t (X3) was established. Optimal combination of the three factors, effects of single factor and interaction between them were explored respectively, and appropriate combination of different factors could suppress the cell growth effectively. By simulation with computer, the optimal combination of PMBE, FBS and t with the highest GIR 0.42 was found at 0, 1, 0 level, or 140 μg/mL, 15% and 48 h, respectively. A law of “reward descending of inhibitor effect” and nonlinear characteristic of many factors' integrative effect during cell treatment were first put forward. This research is a novel attempt to apply statistics principle in design, measurement and evaluation (D.M.E.) fields of medical scientific research, with reference significance in determining the dosage of candidate drug for pharmacological animal model. Key words Pinus massaniana bark extract (PMBE); fetal bovine serum (FBS); treatment time (t); quadratic general rotational design; colorectal carcinoma LoVo cell; growth inhibition ratio (GIR); Statistical modeling全生育期二氧化碳与温度处理对水稻生理性状的影响初报 全生育期二氧化碳与温度处理对水稻生理性状的影响初报谢立勇1,2林而达1孙 芳1赵海燕1(1 ?中国农业科学院 农业环境与可持续发展研究所, 北京 100081; 2 ?沈阳农业大学 农学院, 沈阳 110161) 摘 要 为揭示大气中二氧化碳浓度与温度增高对水稻生长发育与产量形成的影响机理, 采用半开放式二 氧化碳温度梯度系统对水稻全生育期进行梯度处理。研究表明,550 μmol/mol CO2 浓度及温度 升高 1.5 ℃、650 μmol/mol CO2 浓度及温度升高 2.0 ℃处理提高了水稻叶片叶绿素含量,灌 浆期比对照(400 μmol/mol 及自然温度下)分别增加 13.41%~16.74%,但对叶绿素 a/b 的比 值影响较小; 可溶性糖含 量从拔节期开始随 CO2 浓度及温度增加而升高, 增幅为 6.06%~14.82%; 可溶性蛋白含量 总体上各处理结果均低于对照;脯氨酸含量在生育前期高于对照,在抽穗期趋 于相同,在灌 浆前期明显低于对照。表明 CO2 浓度与温度增高改变了水稻生理性状,改变了水 稻生长对物质和能量需求平衡,延长了生育期,此点为导致水稻产量形成的最终变化提供了理论 证据和支持。 关键词 二氧化碳浓度增高; 温度增高; 水稻全生育期; 叶绿素; 可溶性糖; 可溶性蛋白; 游离脯氨酸 Effects of CO2 enrichment and temperature increase during growth duration on physiological characteristics of rice Xie Liyong , Lin Erda , Sun Fang , Zhao Haiyan1,2 1 1 1(1.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development of Agriculture, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, C 2.College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161,China)Abstract To unveil the mechanism of effect of elevated CO2 concentration and temperature increasing on growth, development and yield formation of rice, many physiologi cal characteristics of rice were measured from the half-open CO2-temprature gradient system, which treated whole growth duration of rice by different CO2 concentrations and temperature levels. The result shows as, 550 μmol/mol CO2 and 1.5 ℃ temperature increasing、650 μmol/mol CO2 and 2.0 ℃ temperature increasing treatments increase chlorophyll contents of leaves to 13.41%-16.74% than CK(400 μmol/mol CO2 and ambient temperature), especially during latter stages, but not changed rate of chlorophyll a/b. Soluble sugar content of treatments increase 6.06% -14.82% than CK since jointing stage. Soluble protein content of treatments is lower than CK. Dissociate proline content of treatments is higher CK in early stage, is close to CK at earing stage, and is lower than CK at early filling stage . The result indicates that elevated CO2 concentration and temperature increasing has changed physiological characteristics of rice, also changed the demand of matter and energy of rice growth, and delayed growth duration. These changes affected yields formation process of rice. Key words elevated CO2 whole gro dissociate proline光照和埋植褪黑激素对内蒙古绒山羊氮分配和生产性能影响的研究王林枫 卢德勋1 2孙海洲 赵秀英22珊 丹2(1 ?中国农业科学院 畜牧研究所, 北京 100094; 2 ?内蒙古畜牧科学院, 呼和浩特 010030) 摘 要 本试验从氮分配的角度用改变光照和埋植褪黑激素的方法研究日粮氮营养在绒山羊体内的分 配机理及应用效果,用消化代谢试验测定总沉积氮(ΔNT),用同位素稀释技术和差减法活体测 定体沉积氮(ΔNB=NB 终-NB 始),用差减法测得毛绒沉积氮(ΔNF=ΔNT-ΔNB)。结果表明, 光照时间和埋植褪黑激素对绒山羊相关激素有显著影响: 1)褪黑激素(MT)、胰岛素(INS)随光照时间的缩短而升高,埋植 MT 组显著高于对照组; 催乳素(PRL)、类胰岛素促生长因子-I(IGF-I)、瘦素(LEP)随光照时间的缩短而降低,埋 植 MT 组低于对照组; 2)短光照(8 h)和埋植褪黑激素(1.86 mg/kg)组毛绒氮的分配比例与 正常值相比增加了 10%,而体氮分配比例减少 10%;反之,在长光照和不埋植组毛绒氮分配比例减 少而体氮分配比例增加; 3)短光照和埋植褪黑激素组体脂肪含量增加(最高达到(24.67± 1.41)%),而其他成分(体蛋白、体水分和体灰分)相应降低,长光照和不埋植组体脂肪含量降 低(最低(14.1 6±0.59)%)而其他成分相应增加; 4)试验期内短光照和埋植褪黑激素组绒山羊 的产绒量平均增加(338.83±72) g,提高 73. 8%。绒毛各项品质指标均达到纺织工业标准的要 求。本研究证明,绒山羊的氮分配、体成分和绒毛产量可以通过改变光照时间和埋植褪黑激素进 行调控。 关键词 光照; 褪黑激素; 绒山羊; 氮分配; 山羊绒 melatonin Effects of photoperiod and implanted melatonin on nitrogen partitioning and production performance in Inner Mongolia white cashmere goats Wang Linfeng , Lu Dexun , Sun Haizhou , Zhao Xiuying , Shan Dan1 2 2 2 2(1 ? Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Beijing 100094, C 2 ? Inner Mongolia Academy of Animal Science, Huhhot 010030, China) Abstract Objective: This study investigated the mechanism of photoperiod and melatonin on nitrogen partitioning in Inner Mongolia White Cashmere goats in telogen in order to regulate the nitrogen partitioning between the body and the fur, further to promote cashmere production. Method: 18 castrated mature cashmere goats, 23~25 kg of liveweight, were divided into three groups at random, which were treated with different photoperiod(long daily photoperiod, LDPP; short daily photoperiod, SDPP; nature daily photoperiod, NDPP), in each of the groups half of the goats were implanted melatonin. Total deposited nitrogen (ΔNT) was tested by general digestive and metabo lism method. Body nitrogen deposited (ΔNB) was measured by isotope diluti on technique of tritiated water at the beginning and the end of the experiment( ΔNB=NBE-NBB), fur nitrogen deposited (ΔNF) were calculated by the formula of ΔNF= ΔNT-ΔNB. Results: Results showed that: 1)the hormones relative to nitrogen partitioning and body composition varied with different treatments, the level of MT, INS were increased with the declining of photoperiod, implanted groups were higher than those of non-implanted groups, there is a strong interaction between SDPP and me PRL、IGF-I、LEP showed a reverse diversity way to MT and INS. 2) there is a significant difference in BN and FN partitioning in the different treatments of photoperiod and melatonin. The FN partitioning were increased with the declining of photoperiod, implanted groups were higher than those of non-implanted groups, the minimum and maximum percentage of nitrogen in LDPP and SDPP+MT were (23.6 ±0.46)% and (36.1±0.79)%, respectively. There is a strong interaction between SDPP and impla while BN partitioning showed a reverse way to the photoperiod and impla 3) body composition were dramatically changed in different treatment, body fat percentage were increased with the shortening of photoperiod, implanted groups were more than those of non-implanted groups, there is an intensely interaction between SDPP and implantation of melatonin in body fat gain, the minimum body fat in LDPP was (14.16±0.59)%, and maximum in SDPP+MT was (24.67 ±1.41)%. On the other hand, body protein, body water, and body ash percentage were on the other way round. 4 )There is an additive cashmere production of (338.83±72) g in SDPP and implanted groups, averagely increased by 73.86%. The traits of the new grown cashmere were all felt in the range of textile standard. Conclusion: This study provided evidences that melatonin and photoperiod can be used to regulate nitrogen partitioning, modulate cashmere goats body composition and improve the cashmere producti on in practice, the technique can be extended in Inner Mongolia and other cashmere goats raising areas in China. K n cashmere 体外培养山羊成纤维细胞系方法的建立 潘求真 1,2 田 亮 1 徐曙光 1 韩红兵 1 李 佳 1 李 海 1 孙书锋 1 连正兴1杨 宁1李 宁1谭景和2(1 ?中国农业大学 动物科学技术学院, 北京 100094; 2 ?东北农业大学 生命科学学院, 哈尔滨 150030) 摘 要 用山羊组织块和 0.25%的胰蛋白酶消化培养法获得正常传代细胞,对于出现的上皮样细胞和成纤 维样细胞混合生长的问题,则根据两者贴壁紧实程度不同,用 0.05%的胰酶-EDTA 进行不同时间 的消化,将其分离纯化。纯化的成纤维体细胞经数次传代培养后,进行冷冻解冻检验表明具有正 常的传代能力。各代体细胞的核型分析表明,在体外培养至 20~30 代成纤维细胞的细胞形态(为 梭形细胞,高度汇合后呈火焰状)、细胞周期以及核型均为正常,符合体细胞克隆转基因的基本 要求。 关键词 山羊; 成纤维细胞; 体外培养 A method established for goat fibroblast in vitro Pan Qiuzhen1,2, Tian Liang1, Xu Shuguang1, Han Hongbing1, Li Jia1, Li Hai1, Sun Shufeng1, Lian Zhengxing1, Yang Ning1, Li Ning1, Tan Jinghe2 (1 ? College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094,C 2 ? Cllege of Life, Dongbei Agricultural University, Haerbin 150030, China) Abstract Goat fibroblasts were cultured by tissue pieces, trypsin, respectively. Establish an ideal cellular culture methods. Especially, in the tissue pieces, first of all, we cut the tissue into 1 mm3 pieces, second dry the pieces by the centrifugation, third, add a little fetal bovine serum onto pieces, and then, paved the piece onto the culture plate in even, cultured for 60-90 min. in incubator, last, add the culture medium. The two method had a 100% of primary passagey fibroblast cells present rate and successful passage rate. Two methods had a differences between primary fibroblast cells present rate and time of can be passaged. Using different digested time to purified fibroblast cells with epithelial cells . Purified fibroblast cells still have normal capacity of passage after freeze- thawed. Kary otype analyze and cell cycle indicate that after 20-30 passage of in vitro culture no abnormal. It suit for the need of clone and transgenic chone. K in vitro culture 藏鸡高海拔适应与肺组织 NOS 活力的研究 张 浩1吴常信 强巴央宗12凌 遥1罗 章2(1 ?中国农业大学 动物科技学院, 北京 100094; 2 ?西藏农牧学院 畜牧兽医系, 西藏 林芝 860000) 摘 要 为研究藏鸡高海拔适应机制,本试验测定了藏鸡和低地鸡种在高海拔环境饲养时的右心指数 ,分析了海拔和品种对鸡肺组织一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活力的影响。结果表明在高海拔环境 中,藏鸡的右心指数平均为 22.91%,在正常范围内;而对照的矮小隐性白(D)和寿光鸡(S) 右心指数分别为 28.80%和 29.89%,表现不同程度的右心增大;藏鸡肺组织 NOS 活力明显高于低 地鸡,特别是在高海拔环境中差异更加显著,比低地鸡高 35%~118 %。藏鸡 NOS 活力较高可 能是藏鸡在高海拔环境右心指数保持正常的原因,是高海拔适应生理特征之一。 关键词 藏鸡; 高海拔; 适应性; 一氧化氮合酶 NOSAdaptability to high altitude and NOS activity of lung in Tibetan chicken Zhang Hao , Wu Changxin , Chamba Yangzom , Ling Yao , Luo Zhang1 1 2 1 2(1 ? College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094,China; 2 ? College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Tibet University, Linzhi 860000,China) Abstract For researching the mechanism of adaptability to high altitude in Tibetan chicken, the right heart indexes at high altitude were measured, and the effects of altitudes and breeds on NOS activity of lung were analyzed. The results indicated that the right heart index of Tibetan chicken was 22.91 percent within normal values, but the control groups of Dwarf Recessive White (D) and Shouguang (S) were 28.80 and 29.89 percent respectively and hypertrophy of right heart occurred. The NOS activity of Tibetan chicken was higher than that of lowland chickens, and the difference was more significant at high altitude especially, and in which the Tibetan chicken was higher than lowland chickens by percent of 35 to 118 ? The higher NOS activity would contribute that Tibetan chicken was resistive to highland pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle hypertrophy, and have good adaptability to high altitude. Key words Tibetan chicken; NOS31戊糖乳杆菌 31-1 菌株所产细菌素的理化及生物学特性吕燕妮 李平兰 孙成虎 周 伟 (中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 研究了本组纯化的戊糖乳杆菌 31-1 菌株所产细菌素的理化和生物学特性及其对敏感菌株的抑菌 作用,发现该细菌素在 80 ℃热处理 15 min 后活性基本不变,121 ℃处理 15 min 仍保持一定活 性;在 pH 2~8 范围内 37 ℃处理 4 h 保持稳定,当 pH≥9 时活性逐渐降低。胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白 酶、蛋白酶 K、木瓜蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶均可使该细菌素完全失活;α-淀粉酶可使其部分失活; 酸性蛋白酶、溶菌酶不能使其失活。该细菌素抑菌效果明显,在 3~5 h 内可减少敏感菌细胞数 102~103 个。测定了其抑菌谱,该细菌素可抑制乳杆菌属、链球菌属、片球菌属中的大部分菌 株, 还可抑制金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、 芽孢杆菌中的部分菌株。 该细菌素是一种具有良好热、 酸稳定性的蛋白活性物质,用于食品防腐将具有较高的安全性。 关键词 戊糖乳杆菌; 细菌素; 理化特性31Characterization of Bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1 Lü Yanni, Li Pinglan, Sun Chenghu, Zhou Wei (College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract This study reports the characterization, spectrum of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1. This bacteriocin remained active when heated at 8 0 ℃ for 15 min, and partly active at 121 ℃ for 15 min. It was also active after incubation in pH 2-8 environment for 4 h at 37 ℃, but only partially inactive media above pH 9. Treatment with pepsin, proteinase K, tryps in, papain, neutral proteinase fully inactivated the bacteriocin, but was part- inactivated by α-amylase. The mechanism of activity of bacteriocin is bact ericidal, as shown by an obvious decrease of about 2-3 orders of magnitude in the viable cell numbers of L.plantarum over a period of 3-5 h. The bacteriocin had a broad spectrum, including most strains from Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, especially including taphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Bacillus cereus, B.subtilis and B.megaterium. Bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus pentosus 31-1 was an active protein with stability to heat and acid, which will have good potential application in food preservation. Key words La characterization圆盘开沟器动力学振动模型的研究 毛艳辉 宋建农 刘建军 彭 旭 (中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083)摘 要 为改善圆盘开沟器的振动性能,建立了圆盘开沟器的动力学振动模型,利用 MATLAB 软件对该 模型进行仿真分析。结果表明:当播种机前进速度由 2.65 m/s 提高到 4.15 m/s 时,开沟 器谐振振幅由 37.2 dB 增加到 38.1 dB,谐振频率由 14.5 Hz 上升到 19.6 Hz。田间试验结果表明, 相同速度条件下,安装液压阻尼器可提高开沟器与土壤作用时的减震性能,同时播种覆土均匀性 也得到改善。 关键词 开沟器; 播种质量; 动力学; 振动模型; MATLABStudy on dynamic vibration models of disc opener of the planter Mao Yanhui, Song Jiannong, Liu Jianjun, Peng Xu (College of Engineering,China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract In order to improve the vibration characteristics of disc opener, the dynamic vibrayion models of disc opener was developed and simulated by means of MATLAB. The simulation results showed that with the working speed increased from 2.65 m/s to 4.15 m/s,the resonance amplitude was increased from 37.2 dB to 38.1 dB and resonance frequency increased from 14.5 Hz to 19.6 Hz. The field experiments showed that installing damper will improve the performance of reducing effect of seismic action during the interaction of the soil and the opener at the same operation speed, and evenness of seeding depth will also be improved. Key words opener; sowing quality; dynamics; vibration model; MATLAB运用混沌理论预测粮食产量 姜会飞1温德永2廖树华1李树岩1吴文良1(1 ?中国农业大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 100094; 2 ?加拿大滑铁卢大学 大气科学中心, 滑铁卢, N2L3G1) 摘 要 运用混沌理论的原理和方法预测粮食产量,探寻一种准确率高、时效长、成本低、便于普及推广 的区域粮食产量预测方法。把粮食单产序列分解为趋势产量和气象产量 2 部分,用 5 年滑动平均 法求得趋势产量后,通过分析粮食单产中气象产量分量的时间序列的变化规律,论述了由气候变 化引起气象产量的年际波动具有混沌特性, 具体表现为平稳的马尔柯夫型状态转移概率和同的概 率密度分布特点。并以陕西省武功县、河北省禹县和涿州 3 个地区 年小麦单产序列 为例,运用 MATLAB7.0 语言编程构建了粮食产量的混沌预测模型,对 2000 年小麦单产进行预测, 准确率分别为 98.1%、 92.1%和 97.1%。预测结果表明,粮食产量的混沌预测法相对准确而有效, 准确率在 92 %以上,可作为粮食产量预测的新方法加以推广。 关键词 气象产量; 时间序列; 混沌理论; 粮食预测; MATLABof Prediction of grain yield using chaos theory Jiang Huifei , Deyong Wen , Liao Shuhua , Li Shuyan , Wu Wenliang1 2 1 1 1(1 ? College of Resource and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094,C 2 ? Waterloo Center for Atmospheric Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L3G1,Canada) Abstract Analyzing the interannual fluctuation of weather on grain yield, this paper establishes that the weather fluctuation has the Chaos characteristic resulted from climate variability. Based on the Chaos theory and wheat yield of Wugong in Shan xi province, Yuxian and Zhuozhou in Hebei province from 1949 to 1999, the yield predication models of these three districts have been set up. Using these models the predication veracity of wheat yield in the three districts in 2000 are 98. 1%, 92.1% and 97.1%, respectively. The yield prediction veracities are all above 92%. Chaos predication Model of grain yield can be recommended as a new method of yield prediction. Key words MATLAB relative weather yield; time series; Chaos theory; grain prediction;CTAB用 CTAB-PVP 法提取棉花各组织总 RNA 的研究 刘 洋 何心尧 马红波 吴泳历 杨佑明 (中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100094) 摘 要 针对棉花组织总 RNA 难以提取、不同组织的提取方法难以统一的问题,借鉴 Jaakola 等的越橘 果实总 RNA 提取方法(即 CTAB-PVP 法),对棉花组织总 RNA 的提取效果进行了分析。实验结果 表 明:得到的棉花纤维、胚珠、叶片、胚根、花瓣、下胚轴和花药各组织的 RNA 完整性好,其 D260/D280 比值为 1.7~2.0,产率 30~180 μg/g(鲜质量); 用开花后 15 d 纤维的 RNA 为材 料进行反转录,再利用 RT-PCR 和 3′RACE 技术进行克隆,各获得 1 个大小为 542 和 712 bp 的 cDNA 克隆,经序列分析鉴定,这 2 个片段分别编码棉花微管结合蛋白和微丝结合蛋白。 关键词 棉花; RNA 提取; CTAB-PVPGossypium L.) Extraction of total RNA from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) CTABtissues with CTAB-PVP method Liu Yang, He Xinyao, Ma Hongbo, Wu Yongli, Yang Youming (College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China) Abstract A new improved CTAB (Hexadecetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) method, the CTAB-PVP method, was developed in order to isolate high-quality RNA from the most tiss ues of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The total RNAs were extracted from fiber, ovule, leaf, radicle,petal, hypocotyls and anther using CTAB-PVP. The extracted total RNA was of high integrality and the D260/D280 ratio of each sample was between 1.7 and 2.0. The average yield of RNA was ranged from 30 to 180 μg/gfw (gram fresh weight). The total RNA extracted with this method can be suitably used for most RNA-based analyses, including reverse transcription and RT-PCR, etc. Key words cotton; RNA extraction; CTAB-PVP 转反义 LeEIL2 基因番茄果实采后部分生理特性 何 琳 朱本忠 罗云波 (中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 普通番茄和转反义 LeEIL2 基因番茄不同成熟度果实研究结果表明, 转反义 LeEIL2 基因番茄有效 抑制了 LeEIL2 基因的表达,其果实和叶片表现出与普通番茄不同的生理特性:采后果实的呼吸 强度和乙烯释放量受到抑制,离体叶片的伤乙烯释放量明显降低;果实中 ACC 合成酶与 ACC 氧化 酶活性以及 ACC 含量明显下降,从而抑制了乙烯的生物合成途径,延缓了果实的成熟衰老进程。 关键词 转基因; 番茄; 乙烯; 生理特性Some characters of post harvest physiology of antisense LeEIL2 transgenic tomato fruit He Lin, Zhu Benzhong, Luo Yunbo (College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract Fruits and leaf of anti-sense LeEIL2 tomato ( (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Zhong Shu 4th) shown differences in ethyl ene biosynthesis and fruit ripening. Compared with CK, respiration rate and ethylene production rate in anti-sense LeEIL2 tomato leaf wound ethylene from anti-sense tomato decreased to 41 %. Further research confirmed that ACS and ACO activities in anti-sense LeEIL2 tomato fruit decreased dramatically, which resulted in ACC content decrease, ethylene biosynthesis inhibition and eventual fruit ripening delay. Key words ey transgenic; tomato; ethylene; ACC 日光温室内各表面太阳辐射照度的模拟计算 佟国红1,2,3李保明1,2(1 ?中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 ?农业部设施农业生物环境工程重点开放实验室, 北京 100083; 3 ?沈阳农业大学 水利学院, 沈阳 110161) 摘 要 建立了温室内各表面太阳辐照度计算模型,并对沈阳地区跨度为 12 m 的日光温室进行模拟, 分析了温室建筑参数改变对温室内各表面太阳辐射照度的影响。结果表明:冬季最冷月(20 0312 至 200402) 温室内后坡单位面积太阳辐射照度分别为土壤表面及后墙面的 1.45 和 1.49 倍; 温室地面太阳辐射照度模拟结果与实际测试结果差值不超过 5%。改变温室跨度和高度分别对地 面及北墙面太阳辐射照度有较大影响,且呈线性关系;改变温室后坡仰角对温室内各表面太阳辐 射照度的影响不显著。 关键词 日光温室; 太阳辐射照度; 计算模型; 测试Simulation of solar radiation on surfaces of a solar greenhouse Tong Guohong1,2,3, Li Baoming1,2(1 ? College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China; 2.Key Lab of Bioenvironmental Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100083, C 3.College of Water Conservancy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China) Abstract A mathematical model for solar radiation on the surfaces of a solar greenhouse was proposed and the heat transfer of a solar greenhouse with 12 m span in Sheny ang was simulated by above model. The simulated results showed that the solar radiations on the north roof surface in the coldest months (from December to February) were 1.45 and 1.49 times of that on the ground and north wall surfaces respectively and the values of solar radiation on the ground from the simulation and the experiments agreed well and the error between them was not more than 5% . The analytical results for influence of the building parameters on solar radiation to the surfaces of a solar greenhouse showed that the changes of span and height could obviously alter solar radiation intensity on the ground and north wall and their relationship in while the alteration of north roof angle had a little influence on solar radiation intensity inside the greenhouse. Key wo solar experiment80 种中草药对松茸 T2 菌株生长的影响 周 云 黄继翔 牛天贵 (中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 研究了 80 种中草药浸提液对培养基中松茸 T2 菌株生长的影响。结果表明:其中 50 种中草药对 T2 菌株生长抑制率高于 10%,26 种的影响较小。天葵子、白豆蔻、鱼腥草和雷公藤 4 种中草药 对 T2 菌株生长有显著促进作用,增长率均高于 10%,其中天葵子组 T2 菌株的增长率为 22.55%。 认为从中草药中可找到促进松茸 T2 菌株生长的物质,这 4 种中草药有效成分中都含有单萜烯类 和多环二萜类物质,这些物质在松属植物中含量均十分丰富,很有可能是刺激松共生菌松茸 T2 菌株生长的物质。 关键词 中草药; 松茸; 生长Effects of different herbs on mycelium growth of Tricholoma matsutake T2 Zhou Yun, Huang Jixiang, Niu Tiangui (College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract The effects of 80 kinds of herbs on mycelium growth of T. matsutake T2 were investigated in this paper. The results showed that 50 kinds of herbs among them had inhibitory effect on mycelium growth with restraining rates above 10%; 26 kinds of h while only 4 of them (Semigaguilegia adoxoides Makino, Amomun kravanh, Houttuynia Cordata Thunb and Triterygium Wilfordii)remarkably accelerated mycelium growth with increasing rates higher than 10% . Compared with the control experiment, the highest increasing rate was 22.55%. The results indicated that the substances that stimulated mycelium growth of T. matsutake T2 could be found in the herbs. Furthermore theseherbs contain some monoterpenoids or poly-cyclic diterpenoids that are abundant in Pinus. These substances are probably the stimuli to mycelium growth of T. matsutake T2. K T growth日粮硒碘添加剂量对蛋鸡淋巴细胞氧化应激的影响 宋志刚 呙于明 (中国农业大学 动物科技学院, 北京 100094) 摘 要 本试验旨在探讨饲粮中添加硒和碘, 对蛋鸡淋巴细胞内的抗氧化酶活性和细胞 DNA 损伤的影响, 以及是否影响淋巴细胞的抗氧化能力。288 只 33 周龄的新罗曼蛋鸡,饲喂添加不同剂量硒(0、 0.2 mg/kg)和碘(0、0.2 mg/kg)的日粮 24 周,测定淋巴细胞中几种酶的情况。 结果表明,日 粮中碘添加量为 0 时, 淋巴细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GPx) 活性比对照组低 41 % (P&0 ? 01) ; 日粮中硒添加量为 0 时, 淋巴细胞内的 GPx 比对照组低 28%、 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性比 对照组低 31% (P&0.01) CAT 活性比对照组高 30 % 、 (P&0.05)硒碘互作对淋巴细胞 SOD P&0.01) ; ( 和 CAT(P&0.05) 活性影响显著。日粮中碘添加量为 0 时,淋巴细胞拖尾率最高且拖尾尾长最 长,分别达到 69 %和 96.07 μm,表明碘不添加引起的 DNA 损伤比硒添加量为 0 和硒碘共同添 加量为 0 组严重。 关键词 硒; 碘; 抗氧化酶; DNA 损伤; 蛋鸡Effect of dietary selenium and iodine on the DNA damage of blood lymphocytes' in laying hens Song Zhigang, Guo Yuming (College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China) Abstract The effects of dietary selenium and iodine on the anti-oxidative enzymes activity were assessed in the blood lymphocytes of laying hens. 33-week-old laying hens received diets supplemented with 0, 0.2 mg/kg selenium and 0, 0.2 mg/kg iodine for 24 weeks. The results showed that the activity of the GPx in the blood lymphocytes (P&0.01) in the iodine deficiency treatment. In the selenium deficiency treatment, the activity of GPx and SOD decreased (P&0.01) and the activity of the CAT increased(P&0.05). The interaction of selenium and iodine could affect the activity of SOD (P&0.01)and CAT (P&0.0 5) in the blood lymphocytes. The deficiency of both selenium and iodine in the dietary resulted in DNA damage of blood lymphocytes (P&0.05), with more damage observed with iodine (P&0.05) than with selenium or the combined def iciencies. The tail percent reached 69% and the tail length measured 96.07 μm when no iodine was supplemented in the dietary. Key words I anti- DNA laying hens人体受冲击后向后翻倒的动力学仿真 柴夏萍 焦群英 (中国农业大学 理学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 将人体简化为关于矢状面对称的三刚体力学模型,肌肉、韧带和肌腱等生理组织的作用简化 为作用在关节上的力矩,采用 Kane 方法建立动力学方程;对人体向后翻倒的过程进行计算机 模拟,运用自适应格式的四阶 Runge-Kutta 方法计算数值解。结果表明:小腿角速度越大, 倒地经历的时间越短,受到的地面冲量越大;大腿角速度越大,倒地经历的时间越长,受到 的地面冲量越小。利用倒地时地面对人体的冲量可进一步分析骨盆在地面冲击力作用下的应 力分布,对骨盆损伤的预防和诊断治疗起指导作用。 关键词 人体模型; 关节力矩; 后翻; 地面冲量Dynamics simulation of the human body backward fall Chai Xiaping, Jiao Qunying (College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract In order to simulate the backward fall of human body to the ground after a force impact on the body from forward, a dynamics model of human body with three rigid bodies which were symmetry by sagittal plane was developed. The function of muscle, ligament and tendon were simplified as the force moment on the joint. Using Kane method to establish the dynamical equation. Using self-adapted Runge- Kutta method to obtain the numerical solution. The results brought to light the relationship between angular velocity of thigh or angular velocity of thin and kinematics parameters. The parameters include the time from impact to fall, the angle of trunk and floor and impulse of ground. It has been shown that the largerangular speed is, the shorter time during stand to fall. Mechanical research of pelvis can be carried out by using the impulse of ground. The result was useful for protection of human pelvis. Key words human body model; torque of joint; backward fall; impulse of ground基于红外通信的动物身份智能识别装置 杜松怀1刘志存1王忠义1施正香2(1 ?中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院, 北京 100083; 2 ?中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 利用红外电子识别装置识别和传输动物身份信息(如编号、养殖场、父母代信息等)是一种新 的技术尝试。与 RFID 技术相比,这项技术具有许多优点。目前,制约应答器长期连续应用的 最大障碍是其有源式设计。本研究对前期研制的红外传输动物身份智能识别装置进行了改进 。采用低功耗元件和间歇式工作方式,由阅读器启动安装在动物耳朵上的应答器,应答器间 歇工作,使整个系统的平均工作电流控制在 2 mA 以下,空闲时工作电流仅为μA 级,延长了应 答器的使用寿命;采用阵列式设计扩大了阅读器的信号启动和接收范围。实验室及现场测 试结 果表明:改进后的阅读器能在 2 m 范围内有效接收应答器的信号,在阅读器阵列边缘 45 °范围 内对应答器正常启动,红外编码信号能够准确双向传输;传输距离和响应时间可调整 硬件和软 件设计来实现;有源式应答器可连续工作 6 个月以上。 关键词 红外通信; 身份识别; 阵列式阅读器; 低功耗设计identification An animal information identification device based on infrared ommunication Du Songhuai , Liu Zhicun , Wang Zhongyi , Shi Zhengxiang1 1 1 2(1 ? College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, C 2 ? College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract It is a new technical experiment to use infrared communication to identify and transfer animal information, such as coded number, breed field, information of their parents, and so on. Compared with RFID, this approach has many virtues. Now, the obstacles of continue and long-term usage is that the responder is powered by cell. The improvement on existed infrared communication animal info rmation identification device has been made and described in this paper. The low power loss electronic components and special working manner of intermission were employed. The responder hanged on animal ear is started up by reader device and works in the manner of intermission. To the whole system, the average working current was less than 2 mA, and only μA-level current is needed at the idle time. The using life of responder is prolonged. LED array is adopted to extend the bound in which the starting signals and replying signals can be received. Test results in laboratory and the test site showed that the coded infrared signals can be correctly transported between the responder and reader device within 2m and within 45°solid angle around reader device. The response time and transmission distance can be regulated through the hardware and software. The power life in service of the responder was over six months. Key words in inform less power loss design基于 RGB 彩色模型的草莓图像色调分割算法 谢志勇 张铁中 (中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 针对目前草莓采摘机器人草莓图像分割运算量大、耗时多等问题,根据 CIE-X YZ 颜色模型及其 色度图,提出了一种在 RGB 彩模型中进行草莓图像色调分割的方法。该方法无需彩色模型转换, 时间复杂性能较 Lab 彩色模型下 a 通道阈值分割算法与 BP 神经网络分割算法优越。对该算法进 一步改进后,只需加减运算,无需乘除运算。试验结果表明:该算法能很好地实现成熟草莓果实 与图像背景的分离,并较好的保存草莓轮廓信息,分割效率&85 %;进一步对分割后的图像进行 形态学处理,如膨胀、腐蚀等,有效消除了孔洞现象。 关键词 草莓采摘机器人; 机器视觉; 图像分割; 色调分割A new method of segmentation of strawberry image Xie Zhiyong, Zhang Tiezhong (College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract Segmentation of strawberry image is a very important part of the vision system of strawberry harvesting robot. The method of segmentation in the a channel of the Lab color space and the method of segmentation using BP neural network under the HSV color space both need to change the color space, there for, need more time to compute. Base on CIE-XYZ photo of chroma, a new method that segment with hue in the RGB color space, and without using transformation was introduced . So the segment processes were speeded up. Promoting the method, it only need addition and subtraction operations, thus the multipication and division operations were omitted . The result of experiments showed that expected segment ation result has been achieved by using this new method, the segmentation effect is greater than 85%. After taking further processing, such as dilation and erosion etc, the result could be more better. Key word s process of image基于机器视觉的苹果果袋检测方法 赵延军 徐丽明 (中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 针对机械手摘除苹果果袋时的图像识别问题,提出了一种通过转换颜色空间的分割算法:将 RGB 颜色空间的图像转换到 L*a*b*颜色空间,进行自适应阈值分割、去噪、面积提取等处理后, 获得果袋分割后的图像,并计算出果袋的重心坐标。实验结果表明,当果袋遮挡面积不大于果袋 总面积的 25%时,重心坐标水平方向误差≤10.5 mm,垂直方向误差≤ 8.8 mm,满足机械手进行 果袋摘除的定位要求。利用该方法进行果袋图像分割可解决光照强度对图像检测影响的问题。 关键词 机器视觉; 苹果果袋; L*a*b*颜色空间; 图像分割Abstract To the image identification problem of a manipulator picking off the apple bag, a egmentation method which takes advantage of the color space conversion was presented。 First, a RGB image was converted to the L*a*b* color space, after making the use of the self-adaptive thresholding, removing noise and picking-up area, the apple bag image can be separated from the background, and the gravity center was able to be calculated. The experiments showed that when the apple bag is sheltered less than 25%, the horizon coordinate error of gravity center is less than 10.58 mm and the vertical coordinate error is less than 8.82 mm. Therefore, this processing method can satisfy the locating requirements during the manipulator picking off the apple bag. Using this method to segment apple bag images can efficiently solve the problem of illuminative influence on the image detecting. Key L*a*b* image segmentation基于 CAN 总线的汽车车身电器网络实验台的设计 庄汝科 迟瑞娟 (中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 针对网络技术在国内汽车车身尚无应用的现状,提出了一种基于 CAN 总线的分布式汽车车身 网络系统的建立方法,并将其应用于桑塔纳 2000 型轿车车身电器实验台上。将车身电器按区 域划分为 9 个部分,通过 CAN 智能节点连接到总线上。对总线参数进行设置,包括节点 ID、位 定时、位同步、信道延迟等,使得各节点能够有效进行通信。选用 89S51 单片机和 SJA1000CA N 控制器设计 CAN 智能节点。试验室测试时采用 PCI-5121 智能 CAN 接口卡将上位 机连入总线系 统中,分别以单帧和多帧 2 种方式进行通讯,普通双绞线为通信介质,通讯时 间 24 h,节点传 输速率为 40 kbit/s,通讯成功率 100%。系统能够实现节点间的可靠通信,达到预期的设计目标。 关键词 CAN 总线; 车身网络; SJA1000; 网络节点 testA test-bed design for electrical network of vehicle body based on CAN bus Zhuang Ruke, Chi Ruijuan (College of Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083, China) Abstract Abstract As the application of network technique to vehicle body in China is few, a constructing method for a distributed network system of vehicle body based on CAN bus was brought forward and was used in a wiring test-bed for vehicle body of SATANA 2000 car. The wiring system on the vehicle body were divided into nine parts according to their different locations and joints in Bus via CAN intelligent nodes. By setting the parameter of Bus, such as ID, time, rate, delay and so on, the nodes can communicate with each other successfully. The CAN intelligent node was designed by a 89S51 Single-Chip-Microcomputer and a SJA1000 CAN controller. By CAN interface card PCI-5121, we joined upper PC in the system and used it to have a communicate test with nodes in modes of single frame and multi-frame. Taking a twisted-pair as corresponding medium, a reliable communication was realized when the rate was 40 kbit/s and the communicating time was 24 hours. Key words CAN Bus; vehicle body network; SJA1000; node稻谷类碳水化合物消化速度影响因子的研究 稻谷类碳水化合物消化速度影响因子的研究 曾 悦 刘 芳 刘 波 范志红 (中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 为探讨谷物种类、烹调方法及豆米混合烹调对谷类碳水化合物消化速度的影响,以及体外模 拟消化法和人体餐后血糖反应法评价消化速度的一致性,采用胰酶法体外模拟消化方法多时 间点测定其反应进程,并与人体血糖指数测定标准方法进行对比分析。结果表明:黑米饭和 籼糯米饭体外碳水化合物消化速度和样品血糖指数比籼米饭低,即食米饭碳水化合物消化速 度最慢,冷籼糯米饭碳水化合物消化速度最快。豆米混合食物中,豆类可降低谷类碳水化合 物的消化速度,以红小豆效果最佳。体外模拟消化结果与人体血糖指数有较高的相关性, r=0.910(P&0.05)。认为原料配合和加工方法均对碳水化合物消化速度产生影响, 豆米混合烹调 可降低粳米的淀粉消化速度,体外模拟消化方法可在一定程度上预测食品血糖指数。 关键词 谷类; 豆类; 碳水化合物; 消化速度; 血糖反应 Study on in vitro carbohydrate digestion rates of cereal foods Zeng Yue, Liu Fang, Liu Bo, Fan Zhihong (College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract To examine the effects of rice types, cooking methods, and rice-legume mixed cooking on the carbohydrate digestion rate of rice foods and the consistency between the in vitro simulative digestion method and the evaluated digestion rateof glycemic response after meal, a simulative digestion procedures was measured by the in vitro simulative digestion method with the pancreas-derived enzymes and a comparative study of glycemic index(GI) with the in vitro results of 4 food samples was made. The in vitro digestion rates of black rice and sticky rice were much lower than that of indica rice, and the GI of the samples showed the same trend. The parboiled rice showed the l while the cold sticky rice the highest. Addition of legumes in rice lowers the digestion rate considerably even when legume is removed from the co-cooked conjee. We concluded that the digestion rate of carbohydrate in rice foods could be affected by cooking methods some ingredients in legumes, especially the azuki beans , could lower the digesti and there were significant correlation between the GI of food samples and the in vitro digestion rate of the samples. Key words rice; legume; carbohydrate; digestion rate; glycemic response植物功能成分浸提过程动力学研究进展 王唯涌1,2,3韩鲁佳1,2王 振1,2吴万灵1,2(1 ?中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083; 2 ?现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点实验室, 北京 100083; 3 ?中国水产科学研究院, 北京 100039) 摘 要 针对植物功能成分浸提过程动力学研究的核心问题,结合扩散原理,对国内外相关研究进展 进行综述,并就不同类型模型的基本内容及特点进行分析。研究结果表明:由于植物组织结 构和所含功能成分的多样性以及浸提过程的复杂性,目前尚无一个普遍适用的模型。依据物 料组织结构以及功能成分浸提过程的特点,探索和建立适用范围更广的动力学模型仍是该领 域研究的核心问题;而对于应用研究,改进模型参数的确定方法,提高模型在提取工艺优化 方面的实用性及预测精度应是研究的重点。 关键词 植物功能成分; 浸提过程; 动力学研究Survey of kinetic studies on infusion of functional components from plants Wang Weiyong1,2,3,Han Lujia1,2,Wang Zhen1,2, Wu Wanling1,2(1 ? College of Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083, China ; 2 ? Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083,China; 3 ? Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100039,China) Abstract Literatures of studies on plant infusion kinetics were surveyed,and analysis of different models and relevant methods were also given.It was demons trated that none of the current models fits the experimental data of plant infusion satisfactorily, because of the difference of plant matrices, the variety of extracting components and the complexity of infusion processes. In future work, based on analyzing the characteristics of plant matrices and infusion processes, setting up a model with a wider applicability is an attraction, and improving the methods of calculating parameters of model to increase its precision of predi ction is the key point. Key words plant f kinetic studies中国农村区域经济增长的收敛性研究 闫仲勇 杨?华 王丽红 (中国农业大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100094) 摘 要 采用我国农村 年分省的农村经济增长率作为数据基础, 1992 年农村人均社会生产 以 总值和人力资本存量作为初始变量,筛选出科技水平指标、产业结构指标和生产要素指标作为控 制变量,以经济增长理论为依据,拟合绝对收敛模型、β-收敛模型和α-收敛模型,检验分析了 1990 年代以来我国农村区域经济增长的收敛模式。结果表明:我国农村省际之间经济并不存在 绝对收敛, 即落后省份经济的增长并不比发达省份增长快; 但是存在条件收敛, 即在控制了稳态 的决定因素之后,落后地区的经济增长快于发达地区的经济增长,从而使差距缩小;在影响条件 收敛的诸因素中,人力资本、产业结构以及科学技术对我国农村经济条件收敛的贡献最大。该结 论可供区域经济协调发展研究参考。 关键词 农村; 区域经济增长; 绝对收敛; 条件收敛 Convergence of regional economic growth in rural China Yan Zhongyong, Yang Ruihua, Wang Lihong (College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100 094, China) Abstract This article describes the regional economic gap and its restrictive factors on harmonic development in rural China. Based on data recorded between 1992 and 2003, it examines the (absolute or conditional) convergence of regional economic growth by estimating 3 models based on the New Classical Economics. The results show that absolute convergence does not exist in rural economics among provinces, indicating that the economics growth of undeveloped provinces is not faster than that of developed provinces. However, the economic development in rural China is characterized by the conditional convergence, that is, if the decisive factors stability is insured, the economic growth of undeveloped provinces would be faster than that of developed provinces. Thus, the disparity among them could be narrowed. This paper shows that the manpower capital, the industrial structure and agricultural science and technology play an important role in the process. Key words rural C regional economic gap; unconditional convergence; conditional convergence产品差别化条件下建立自由贸易区的贸易效应 产品差别化条件下建立自由贸易区的贸易效应 孙 磊 田志宏 (中国农业大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100083) 摘 要 针对产品差别化条件下建立自由贸易区的贸易效应问题,基于国际贸易理论,运用局部均衡 方法分析东道国、伙伴国和外部世界不同的产品价格关系下建立自由贸易区的贸易转移效应 对东道国福利的影响。研究结果表明,当外部世界产品价格高于伙伴国产品价格时,贸易转 移效应改善东道国福利;当外部世界产品价格低于伙伴国产品价格时,贸易转移效应损害东 道国福利。 关键词 自由贸易区; 产品差别化; 贸易创造效应; 贸易转移效应 Trade effects of free trade area established under the product differentiation Sun Lei, Tian Zhihong (College of Economics & Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract The trade effects of free trade area (FTA) established under product differentiation was analyzed by using the partial balance model. The welfare effect of trade diversion effects to the host country under different price relationship between the host country, partner country and the other countries was also analyzed. The results indicated that when the price of other country is higher than that of the partner country, FTA will improve the welfare of host country . However, when the price of other countries is lower than that of the partner country, FTA will hurt the welfare of host country. Key w t trade diversion effect Jbwtej中国农业大学学报第11卷第1期2006年―汇集和整理大量word文档,专业文献,应用文书,考试资料,教学教材,办公文档,教程攻略,文档搜索下载下载,拥有海量中文文档库,关注高价值的实用信息,我们一直在努力,争取提供更多下载资源。}


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