求做一套小学水平英语卷子反思…悬赏100!急急急 80分就行!

语数学:每个单元都要复习,计算能力如果差就要好好练练文:精读课文,要背的段落,词语盘你考出好成绩! 点,日积月累综合性学习等等
一、基础知识(41分) 1、看拼音写词语,再把所填的字按音序排列。(6分) dǔ jiè zhān liú 目( ) 慰( ) ( )仰 ( )览 yù yuàn ruì mèi 抵( ) 报( ) ( )雪 ( )力 按音序排列: (2分) 2、把下面的字规范、匀称地写在田安格里,再完成填空。(6分) 女 戈 凸 <...
以乙数商是4,可以确定( )。 ①甲数一定能被乙数整除 ②乙数一定能被甲数除尽 ③甲数与乙数的比是4:1 ④甲数是甲乙两数的最小公倍数 四、用简便方法计算(写出简单过程)(6分) 五、脱式计算。(20分) 1、98×102-6999 2、0.4÷2.5+0.07×50 六、下图中的排水管,外直径30厘米,管壁厚3厘米,管长4米,求排水管的体积。(4分) 七、列式计算。(8分) 1、13.6减去9.4的差,除以,商是多少? 2、3.1比一个数的少1.6,这个数是多少?(用方程解) 八、应用题。(35分) 1、李明把500元存入银行,一年后取回本息537.35元,求年利率。 2、果园里的苹果树比梨树多160棵,梨树比苹果树少。果园里有苹果树多少棵? 3、一辆汽车从东城开往西城,前3小时每小时行41千米,后4小时共行220千米,这辆汽车平均每小时行多少千米? 4、建筑队用480块方砖可以铺地15平方米,照这样计算,学校的电化教室地面是120平方米,需要购买多少块方砖?(用比例方法解) 5、用铁皮焊一只底面边长都是25厘米,高40厘米的长方体无盖水桶,至少需要铁皮多少平方厘米? (1)求三个植树队共有多少人。把数据填入表内。 (2)求三个队平均每人植树多少棵。把得数填入表内。 7、上学期红光小学六年级共有学生180人,这学期男生人数增加了16%,女生人数减少6人,这学期全年级共有学生186人,上学期六年级有男生有多少人?一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍 :10% 1. Dd 2. Hh 3. Ll 4. Rr 5. Xx 二.根据元音字母的读音,找出发音相同的单词:5% ( )1. Aa A. cap B. map C. name D. watch ( )2. Ee A. bed B. meet C. red D. pen ( )3. Ii A. nice B. his C. pig D. fifty ( )4. Oo A. home B. long C. dog D. from ( )5. Uu A. uncle B. hungry C. sun D. use 三.变换一个字母,使之成为一个新单词:10% 1. son 2. hand 3. see 4. these 5. has 6. meat 7. grass 8. come 9. sweep 10. think 四.我能行:12% 1. sheep(复数) 2. first(基数词) 3. July(中文) 4. fifth (缩写形式) 5. do (过去式) 6. run(现在分词) 7. play (单数形式) 8. it`s (完全形式) 9. she (宾格) 10. Uu (同音词) 11. box (复数) 12. short (反义词) 五.把下列单词组成一个句子:5% 1. Where the is school ? 2. does father What your do ? 3. a student I am . 4. can make He kites . 5. is beautiful Our school very . 六.我会选:20% ( )1. Good afternoon,Miss Li! A. Good afternoon! B. Hello! C. Thank you1 ( )2. How do you do? A. How are you? B. Fine,thank you. C. How do you do? ( )3. Nice to see you again! A. Hi! B. Nice to see you! C. How are you! ( )4. Mum, my teacher. A. this is B. she is C. this`s ( )5. There is apple. It is red apple. A. a,a B. an,an C. an, a ( )6. What colour is that jacket? It`s A. an orange B. orange C. the orange ( )7. May I use your car? No,you A. can`t B. mayn`t C. needn`t ( )8. Can I ask you some questions,please? A. Sure. B. Yes. C. No. ( )9. You are very beautiful. A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. It`s OK. ( )10. How many seasons are there in a year? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. ( )11. Would you like coffee or tea?Coffee,please. A. some B. X C. any ( )12. It`s time dinner. A. to B. at C. for ( )13. I a brother. She a sister. A. have,has B. has,has C. have,have ( )14. You a student. He a teacher. A. is,is B. are, is C. are,are ( )15. There is a bridge the river. A. over B. on C. above ( )16. Look!The kite in the sky. A. fly B. flies C. is flying ( )17. I`d like some English stories. A. read B. to read C. to reading ( )18. We to the park last Sunday. A. go B. went C. going ( )19. This is a boy. name is Mike. A. He B. His C. Him ( )20. Elephant is than horse. A. stronger B. strong C. strongger 七. 我会连:10% New Year`s Day June 1st summer cold Children`s Day Sep. 10th winter hot Teachers` Day Jan. 1st Friday Chinese Labour Day Dec. 25th October Fri. Christmas Day May 1st China Oct. 八. 选择正确的词:10% 1. There are (twelve,twelfth)months in a year. 2. In fall,the trees` (leaf,leaves)are colourful. 3. This is (my,mine)skirt. That one is (your,yours). 4. He is (reading,looking)a book now. 5. Liu Xiang runs as as a horse. (fast,faster) 6. Amy likes drawing (picture,pictures)very much. 7. In the morning,I go to (school,the school). In the afternoon,I go (home, to home). 8. We go to the park (by,buy)bike. 九.阅读理 It`s Sunday today. It`s a sunny day. Lucy is going to the park. She`s going to fly a kite with Lily. Lily`s mother doesn`t go to the park. Because Tomorrow is Lily`s birthday. She is going to buy a new dress for her. Her mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping. Lucy`s mother wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself. A. 判断正(T)误(F):5% ( )1. It`s Sunday today. ( )2. Lily and Lucy are going to the park. ( )3. Lily`s mother is going to the park. ( )4. Lily`s mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping. ( )5. Lucy`s mother wants to buy a dress for herself. B. 根据短文内容填空:5% 1. It`s a day. is going to the park. 2. Lucy is going to fly a kite Lily. 3. Lily`s mother wants to buy a new for her. Because tomorrow is Lily`s . .C. 抄写短文的前四句话;3% 十. 以“Our School”为题,写一篇小作文。语句通顺,条理清楚,不少于50个单词。5%新概念英语的题80分高悬赏,急急急啊_百度知道
断下列句子是否真确.Be quiet Every one is asleepEvery coin have two sidesHe droped some coins on the floorMy wife is cooking
while l was working in the gardenJust as l was opening the door,不真缺请改正I could not find my pen everywhere.用所给词的适当形式组成句子there be not anyone at home!lt had yet happened,the telephone rungShe slipped while she got off the busTwo thiefs entered the dining roomHe heard her voice and opened the lightToo late
could not find my pen everywhere!lt had yet happened?
is there anyone at home.had改为has用所给词的适当形式组成句子there be not anyone at home,the telephone rung对She slipped while she got off the bus对Two thiefs entered the dining room改 thief的复数是thievesHe heard her voice and opened the light对Too late.否定句中把everywhere改为anywhereBe quiet Every one is asleep对Every coin have two sideshave改为hasHe droped some coins on the floor对My wife is cooking while l was working in the garden把is改为was过去时态的哇Just as l was opening the door?there be nothing leave in box
there is nothing left in boxTommy had swallowed already they
tommy had swallowed already l have not any change yet
i have not change any yet both we try get out coin
both we tyied to get out coin someone knock door while cooking kitchen yesterday in
someone was knocking door while I was cooking in kitchen yesterdaytwo thief drop torch run away as quick as possible
two thieves droped torch,ran away as quick as possiblenothing happen let us go back sleep
nothing happened


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