lfeehappythesedays一篇a happy day英语作文文

人们常说,没有梦想的人生是乏味的,没有创造的生活是平庸的,没有燃烧的事业是无奈的.十八年前,我踏上了讲台,经过十多年的风风雨雨,十多年的酸甜苦辣,十多年的喜怒哀乐,十多年的平淡无奇而又清贫辛劳的工作历程以后,我依然庆幸,庆幸命运赐给我教师这个虽然平淡但却永远充盈着燃烧激情的事业. 离开哈仙来到八中后,我面临新的机遇和挑战.毛主席曾说过,“雄关漫道真玉铁,而今迈步从头越”.的确,离开生活四十年,工作了十八年熟悉的环境,自己确实有些踌躇与迷惘,原本想自己已不在年轻,怎能与年轻人相比.但当我认真拜读 陶行知 先生的事迹后,对 陶 先生的“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的崇高人生 观所折服.再看看我们八中付吉全老师、邢丽莲老师等一些老教师,她们虽已接近退休,但她们的工作热情不减当年,真正体现了“老牛自知夕阳晚,不用扬鞭自奋蹄”的老黄牛精神.这种精神表现了她们对人生价值的追求,这种精神展示了她们对教育事业的无私奉献,她们才是我们真正学习的楷模. 我与老教师相比我还是年轻的,因而重新确定了自己的位置,把自己当作一名刚参加工作的新兵,从头再来.虚心向老教师学习、请教,增添新的血液,激活那原本已有些“老态”的心,使它充分发挥出青春的活力,以更饱满的激情投入到工作中.在教学中能认真对待每一堂课,在宿舍管理中能认真负责,大胆管理,默默奉献着“严父”与“慈母”般的爱,使学生们真正感觉到“家”的幸福与温暖.所以说,自己对选择教师这一崇高而又神圣的职业,无怨无悔,会为此而奉献出所有的青春和热情的. “我要懂得学生.” “你若把你的生命放在学生的生命里,把你和你的学生的生命放在大众里,这才算尽了教师的天职.” 我之所以要引用 陶 先生的话,是因为想与广大同仁共同交流,共同感受,感悟 陶 先生的思想对我们心灵的触动.情真意切,思维互动互通,让我们的想象插上智慧的翅膀,给我们辛勤耕耘的这块土地增添一些实实在在的滋润.尽管今后的工作依旧辛劳,尽管今后的生活依然清贫,但我的心情是快乐的,因为我的心永远年轻! 将中文译成英语People often say life is boring without a dream, and did not create life is mediocre, no burning cause is helpless. Eighteen years ago, I embarked on a podium, after ten years of ups and downs, ups and downs of more than ten years, ten years of emotions, but ten years of lackluster history of poor work hard, I still rejoice, Fortunately, given the fate of my teachers that although the plain but never the cause of filling a burning passion. Sin came out eight in Kazakhstan, I face new opportunities and challenges. Chairman Mao once said, "Iron Man Road real jade, the more strides." Indeed, to leave the life of four years of work for eighteen years a familiar environment, they had really some hesitation and confusion, had wanted to own longer young, and how, compared with young people. But when I carefully read the deeds s One of Otto's "holding a heart, without semi-blades of grass to" the noble life Impressed by the concept. Look at all eight of us in teacher pay Ji, Xing Lilian teachers and some old teacher, Although they are close to retirement, but their enthusiasm as ever, truly embodies the "old cow knew sunset night, not of spontaneous "the spirit of the old cattle. This spirit represents the value of their pursuit of life, this spirit shows their dedication to the cause of education, they are the role models we are really learning. I compared the old teachers I was young, and thus re-established his position as one of their own recruits just to work, start all over again. With an open mind to the old teacher learning, ask, add new blood activate it had been some "old state" of the heart, make it full of youthful vitality, more full of passion into work. In the teaching of each lesson can be taken seriously, in the apartment management can be serious and responsible, bold management, quiet dedication "strict father" and "mother" like love, so that the students really feel that "home" of the happiness and warmth. Therefore, the selection of their teachers this noble and sacred profession, no regrets, will devote to this end all the youth and enthusiasm. "I want to know the students." "If you put your life on the student's life, you and your students in the life on the public, this tricks the bounden duty of teachers." The reason I want to quote the words of Otto, because we wanted to communicate with the majority of my colleagues shared, common experience, understanding the thinking of Otto touched our hearts. Sincere, interactive exchange of thought, let's plug in the wisdom of the wings of imagination, hard work gave us some real piece of land to add moisture. Although further work is still hard, even though the future life is still poor, but my mood is happy, because my heart is always young!
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Hundreds of desert in the world,although the water on the earth for 70% of the earth,however,there are many sewage on earth?Scientists statistics,the water in the world have 40% by human pollution,cannot use the more can not cycle.Hundreds of millions of people in the world,if each day,then the global will waste a dro hundreds of millions The rather than a drop of water.In the world,you can know how many people drink less than a glass of water,day,how many students like us so big,because of water shortage,is in Wisconsin next!世界上有几百处沙漠,虽然地球上的水占地球的70%,可是,有多少的污水在地球上呢?科学家统计,世界上的水有40%被人类污染,不可使用更可不可循环.世界上有上亿人,如果每人一天浪费一滴,那么全球就有上亿滴水被浪费;更何况不止一滴水啊……,你们可知道世界上有多少的人,一天喝不到一杯水,有多少人像我们这么大的学生,因为缺水,正威在旦夕!The future of the world flourishing,indeed,however,Now,if people start without restraint,abuse of ecological resourcesthen,If in a two hundred years later,the world will have so beautiful brilliant?If at that time,...Humans have a flying car,so,the clouds of heaven is not white,but dark grey,make the person touched direction,the sky is blue also no longe If,then,when a 200 years,have go diving train,then,is not the vast sea,not blue,but a dry yellow scene,no sea creatures,not even If,again lead 200 years...The human will still live in a beautiful world?And they will travel to countries admire the view?Never.So,because we have such a beautiful earth,we should like to cherish the most precious similar cherish it!Don't let the tears become the world last drop!繁荣景象,的确美不可言,但是,如果现在的人们就开始不加节制地滥用生态资源,那么,如果在过上200年,世界还会有那么美丽辉煌吗?如果,那时侯……人类有了会飞的汽车,那么,天上的云并不白,而是暗灰色,使人摸不着方向,天空也不再湛蓝是一片死寂的黑色;如果,再过上200年,那时候,有了会潜水的火车,那么,海并不辽阔,并不蔚蓝,而是一片干黄的景象,没有海底生物,更没有自由自在的鱼儿;如果,再过上200年…… 那时候的人类依然会活在美丽的世界里吗?他们还会到各国观赏风景吗?绝不会了…… 所以,因为我们有个这么美丽的地球,我们应该像珍惜最宝贵的东西一样珍惜它!不要让眼泪成为世界上最后一滴水!
t be complete,if you want to keep up your pace with times,the city doesn&#39,we can get better higher educational condition ,the thinking patterns of citizen are more open.what is more ,it provides us with better health care system,they will respect it as your freedom rather than restrain your choice,i perfer living in the country .first ,which can help us live a less painful and healthy life.second ,do exercises,the city has a better living standard than the countryside.final ,our lives won&#39,fitnet like it ,such as parks,have colorfull weekends,because it help us to be the center of life more easy.we can breath fresh air .at the same time .the city build up a lot public facilities .as we know in my view ,which is so important to ust only provide us with abundant material supplies but also give us entertainment,cinemas ,they can receive new things quickly,even though they don&#39.generally speaking
I have a gooa friend.1 Middle School.Both of usm wangNan,but she&#39. We both study hard. She likes green but Ilike red.He&#39. We both like sports very much,onm good at physices.She is 15 years old.We are both in Class Two.I&#39,Jim.but Is good at math,a student of No.Jim enjoy playing basketball,Grade EightI&#39.We often help eac an USA girl. Tough we are different in my ways


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