
论文导读::下面从词汇补偿层面对两首元稹《行宫》的英译文。词汇作为语言学层面的一个比较基础的单位。翻译中的补偿就应运而生。论文关键词:《行宫》,诗歌翻译,词汇,补偿&  翻译损失是指翻译过程中信息、意义、语用功能、文化因素、审美形式及其功能的丧失。对此问题,奈达曾指出:&既然任何两个会话者对相同的音系、词汇、语法和语篇特征都没有完全相同的所指意义和联想意义,在语言交际中总会有一些损失或扭曲。& (夏廷德,2006,3)由此,翻译损失是不可避免的。既然翻译损失有其不可避免性,翻译中的补偿就应运而生,而其亟待解决的难题就是以何种方法或技巧去弥补翻译过程由于两种语言差异而造成的流失,或称翻译损失。  中国古典诗歌是汉语言所独有的一种有韵的最为含蓄凝练地表达思想感情的文体之一。&由于其自身的一些独特之处,英译的过程更易造成损失。而各位翻译家们在翻译过程中也是&八仙过海各显神通&,采用了多种翻译补偿的手段。下面从词汇补偿层面对两首元稹《行宫》的英译文,做出分析。  行 宫  寥落古行宫,宫花寂寞红。  白头宫女在,闲坐说玄宗。  AT AN OLD PALACE  Deserted now the Imperialbowers  Save by some few poorlonely flowers&&  One white-haired dame,  An Emperor&s flame,  Sits down and tells ofbygone hours.  &&& Herbert A. Giles  AT AN OLD PALACE  Deserted now imperialbowers,  For whom still reddenpalace flower?  Some white-hairedchambermaids at leisure  Talk of the late emperor&spleasure.  Emperor Xuanzong(reigned725-768)of the Tang Dynasty, who loved the beautiful Lady YangYu-huan(719~756). See Bai Ju-yi&s long poem:&The Everlasting Regret.&  &&& Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)  这首五言绝句短小精悍,意境深邃,风格隽永,通过宫女倾诉其哀怨之情,将诗人深沉的盛衰之感跃然纸上。这首诗具有用词简练,意味深长的特点。全诗共四句,首句告知所描写的地点,是一座寂静空无的先帝行宫;次句交待场景和时节,清冷的行宫中红花绽放、花团锦簇,正值春季;第三句指出人物,几个先帝宫存下来的老宫人;末句描写动景,说明前面描写所做的铺垫是为了点出事件&&宫女们正闲坐追忆往昔、谈论天宝遗事。仅仅二十个字,囊括了地点、时间、人物和事件,全都展现于读者面前了,构成了一幅有静有动,色彩缤纷诗歌翻译,意境深远的画面。  词汇作为语言学层面的一个比较基础的单位,素以文字的细胞著称论文发表。对于词汇的适当处理,在表意达情上有着至关重要的作用。翻译补偿理论中涉及不同的角度,而词汇补偿隶属于语言学角度,包括整合补偿和分立补偿两个方面。  一、整合补偿  所谓整合补偿是指在目的语文本中,把补偿的内容和原文文本原有的内容有机地融合成一个整体,不加任何有关补偿标记符号。其特点是不暴露补偿的痕迹。包括补偿手段分别是:增益、概略化和增加对比度等。  1、增益  增益,又称增译、增词、加译、上下文增益等。是指在使用目的语对应词译出原文词的基础上,适当增词,以便在目的语中增译出源语读者视为理所当然,而目的语读者却不甚了解的信息。这种手段常用来明示原文词汇的文化内涵,或者向读者提供理解原文词汇所必须的相关信息。(夏廷德,)  如在上面的两个译文中,对行宫这个重要的意象的处理。这首诗以&行宫&为题,点明了诗中所描绘画面的地点。也间接地突出了这个地点的特殊性,曾经的喧嚣和华丽,对比此时的寂寥和落寞,更深刻地突出了全诗的意境和韵味。因而,两首译文在第一句中都加上了Deserted这个词,虽然原句中没有这样的字眼。但是,其情其意却蕴含在字里行间。采用了增益的方法,十分得当地将这种封建王朝更迭和穷途末路的意味表达出来,更有利于目的语读者的理解。  2、概略化  概略化指的是用概括、减词、省略等手段传达已隐含在语境中的意义,或在源语中不言自明的意义,或在源语中属强制性成分,而在目的语中则属于冗余的成分。概略化旨在使译文意义更加明晰,结构更加精练。 (夏廷德,)  如诗歌翻译,原诗中的&闲坐说玄宗&,在Giles中译为&Sits down and tells ofbygone hours.&就玄宗其人只字未提,而是泛泛地用&bygone hours&来替代,凄凉的身世,哀怨的情怀,其实就是对往昔的一种追忆和缅怀。原诗以玄宗来代替一个朝代,而此处采用概略法,就将思绪带到更加广阔的范畴,点出了她们对逝去的青春年华的惋惜,言有尽而意无穷。  3、增加对比度  增加对比度是指以目的语种语境意义与原文对应词相似,但涵义级差或强度高于原文的词来替代原文词,以补偿因语言或社会文化差异造成的语义对比强度减弱,恢复原文词义的相对强度。这种补偿旨在保证译文对应词的预期效果尽可能接近原文。(夏廷德,)  《行宫》一诗中采用了&以乐景写哀情&的表现手法。利用良辰美景气氛来反衬忧思愁苦,能收到良好的艺术效果。如诗中的红花,就是用来反衬寂落的行宫和白发的宫女,分别用来反衬时移世迁的盛衰之感和红颜易老的人生感慨。&闲坐说玄宗&,在原诗中并没有明显的褒贬之意。为了做到对比的悬殊,许老将原诗中的&闲坐说玄宗&处理为&Talk of the late emperor&spleasure&。再现了以乐景写哀情的手法,加强了对比的力度。  二、分立补偿  分立补偿指在目的语文本中,把补偿内容通过某种手段加以标记,或与原文内容分别放置,以便向目的语读者明示补偿内容。其特点恰好与整合补偿相反,原文读者和译者的身份泾渭分明。这种补偿类型主要有两种:文本内注释及文本外注释。  1、文本内注释  文本内注释指补偿的内容置于以文文本的内部,但通过使用目的语标点符号、括号等手段把插入译文内部的补偿成分标示出来诗歌翻译,以明示标出的或括号内的部分为译者所加论文发表。(夏廷德,)  如:将&白头宫女在&,被译为  &One white-haired dame,   An Emperor&s flame&  这个同位语就是起到了补充作用的,文本内注释。更进一步地说明了这个白发女子是先皇的宫女,若没有这样的注释,就无法将原诗意思表达清楚和详尽。  2、文本外注释  文本外注释包括脚注、尾注等形式,在空间上与原文界线分明,用于解释原文汇总难点,提供理解原文词义和欣赏原文艺术审美价值所必须的信息,有时附带义者对所著内容的阐释。其优点是可以保留原文的表层形式,因此非常适合把源语文化移植到目的语中。 (夏廷德,)   如:许老在其译文中对emperor的注释,即是文本外注释的例子。  Emperor Xuanzong(reigned725-768)of the Tang Dynasty, who loved the beautiful Lady YangYu-huan(719~756). See Bai Ju-yi&s long poem:&The Everlasting Regret.&  既保存了原作的简洁精练,再现了原诗的形式。又在注释中不吝笔墨地介绍了玄宗其人,将其在历史上最具影响力的部分作了补充,注入了源语的文化背景和相关历史知识,将一个更为全面的玄宗形象展现给目的语读者。  因而,从整体上说,Giles的译本在音韵上处理的很周全,以简练的词语,同样洗炼的词语译出原作的风格,同位语的补偿让人物关系更鲜明,概略的手法使译文更有朦胧感,更有含蓄的意境美。而许老的译文,做到了严格的押韵,韵脚工整,诵读起来朗朗上口。在形式上完全符合绝句的行文方式诗歌翻译,保证了原文形式的再现;借助于文本外注释的手段,达到文化传播的完整性。而在意境上,一个&For whom& 道出了花开无人赏的无奈和凄凉,突出了孤独悲戚的感觉。此外,对于白发宫女人数的翻译,许老的处理更显得合乎情理,因为宫女闲坐攀谈应该不只一人,否则显得有些怪异。所以,许老的译文整体上更胜一筹。  众所周知,由于不同的文化背景、民俗民风等,源语与译入语间必然存在这方面的断层,造成一定流失。而词汇补偿也仅仅只是翻译补偿中语言学补偿中的一个分支,整合补偿和分立补偿也只是八大补偿手段中的两种。本文仅为引玉之砖,希望能作为他山之石,以攻其它雅文之玉帛。  参考文献:[1]夏廷德.翻译补偿研究[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社,2006.[2]许渊冲.唐诗三百首[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2007.[3]许渊冲.翻译的艺术[M]. 北京:五洲传播出版社,2006.[4]任治社.从诗到诗&&中国古诗词英译[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007.[5]丛滋航.中国古典诗歌英译理论研究[M]. 北京:国防工业出版社,2007.[6]萧涤非.唐诗鉴赏词典[M].上海:上海辞书出版社,1983.[7]许渊冲.中诗英韵探胜[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,1992.&
无相关信息文学翻译补偿与其补偿策略是重要的学术研究课题。很多学者对此进行过研究,但远未详尽。直到今天,这个课题仍吸引着众多学者的关注。 论文首先概述接受美学理论和文学翻译补偿的研究现状,并阐明两者的关系。其次,探讨文学翻译补偿的原则与策略,重点论述不同的补偿策略,为后面的分析打下基础。接下来本文以《芒果街上的小屋》的汉译本为例,运用大量实例对汉译本中译者所采用的补偿策略进行剖析。最后,作者得出结论:翻译补偿对于文学翻译这个动态过程来说必不可少,译者应当在接受美学理论指导下,关注读者及其期待视野的变化,精心选用补偿策略。 论文旨在证明,接受美学理论指导下的文学翻译补偿绝对必要,文学翻译补偿策略切实可行。希望本论文对翻译研究和翻译工作者有所裨益。
Literary translation compensation and strategies for it constitute a very important academic topic. This topic has been discussed by scholars, but it is yet exhausted, and it still appeals to many scholars. First, this thesis presents a survey of researches on reception aesthetics $$ literary translation compensation and clarifies the relationship between the former and the latter. Next, the thesis explores principles and strategies for literary translation compensation, focusing on the different compens...
作者:周可佳&&年度:2007求论文的翻译?补偿丰厚论文题目Cytochrome P450 mRNA expression in peripheral blood lymphocytesas a predictor of enzyme induction这篇文章翻译的累死了_百度作业帮
求论文的翻译?补偿丰厚论文题目Cytochrome P450 mRNA expression in peripheral blood lymphocytesas a predictor of enzyme induction这篇文章翻译的累死了
求论文的翻译?补偿丰厚论文题目Cytochrome P450 mRNA expression in peripheral blood lymphocytesas a predictor of enzyme induction这篇文章翻译的累死了
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简介:[摘 要] 依据夏廷德的翻译补偿原则,对讽刺经典《格列佛游记》的三译本注释进行了多维度的对比分析,肯定了译者在帮助读者了解异域文化知识方面的作用,但是译者在实施注释补偿时,有时不能体现重点,前后矛盾 ...
[摘 要] 依据夏廷德的翻译补偿原则,对讽刺经典《格列佛游记》的三译本注释进行了多维度的对比分析,肯定了译者在帮助读者了解异域文化知识方面的作用,但是译者在实施注释补偿时,有时不能体现重点,前后矛盾;有时甚至会背弃著者的意向和翻译目的,无法再现原著效果。如果缺少准确规范的翻译注释,文学经典的译本可能被降格为通俗读物。[关键词] 文化缺省;翻译补偿;注释;补偿原则;格列佛游记
80 2 Harvey199837Newmark200190Hatim&Mason1990239Hervey & Higgins1992248 Baker19927819911997168200668Hervey & HigginsHarveyBaker368Harvey Harvey /4368567 1980 2008
4 3210-21423420107Journal of Changchun University of Science and TechnologySocial Sciences EditionVol.23 No.4Jul. 2010 1726 83Gulliver's Travels BantamBooks
Gul-liver's Travels & 1& 1Gulliver's Travels
% %&50%9075%8392%9250%3025%78%3190-200&& & &
17 9188 117 —Nec vir fortisnec f? mina castap. 1958159& 10179 o 9172BantamBooks
1981 Gullivers Travels &
2 70 20% 80%& 18 50% 50% 11 100% 0% Lilliput lilli
littleJournal to Stella put
puttaTribinia Langden
Langden Vemeer1195 2
& Houyhnhnms"Lilliput Ii Ii putIi Ii
littleput putoTribinia&Tribinia&Trib-inia
Britain&&Tribnia&&Britain&& Langden1
&56%4941%8144%7159%12 6500
1 . J. 1997(6)
2 BakerM. (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
Z. LondonRoutledge199838.
3 . M. 2006.
4 HarveyK. CompensationM//BakerM. Routledge Encyclo-
pedia of Translation Studies.London and New YorkRoutledge
5 . J// . .
6 . G.1989453.
8 M. .1979.
9 M. .1995.
10 M..2002179.
11 VemeerH. J. Translation TodayOld and New ProblemsM//
M. Snell-Hornby et al. Translation Studiesan Interdiscipline.
Amsterdam/PhiladelphiaJohn Benjamins Publishing Com-
&& && && 不可译性及其补偿方法
【Abstract】This paper discusses the problem of untranslatability between Chinese and English, including linguistic and cultural untran
【Abstract】This paper discusses the problem of untranslatability between Chinese and English, including linguistic and cultural untranslatability. English belongs to the Indo-European language family, and Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family. The phonemic system, character structure and figure of speech are all completely different, and most of these in one language do not have equivalent in the other language. This causes linguistic untranslatability. Different country and region have different cultural background, such as history, religion and society, and so on, these are not exist in other country and region. So it is difficult to translate. But untranslatability is not absolutely, we should understand the co-existence of translatability and untranslatability. Base on the understanding, we can use some method to compensate in order to less the barrier in translation and promotes language and culture communication.
【Key words】 linguist cultur method of compensation
【摘 要】本文讨论汉英翻译中的不可译性问题,包括语言不可译性和文化不可译性。英语属于印欧语系,而汉语属于汉藏语系,其语音系统,文字结构和修辞方法都完全不同,这些绝大多数都无法在另一语言中找到对等语,这便造成了语言的不可译性。不同的国家和地区有着不同的历史、宗教、社会等文化背景,这些在别的国家和地区都是不存在的,所以给翻译造成了困难。但不可乙性并非绝对的,我们必须在理解可译性与不可译性是共同存在的,在此理解的基础上,我们可以采用补偿方法,目的在于对不可译性进行一定程度的补偿,尽量减少翻译障碍,促进语言与文化交流。
1. Introduction
Untranslatability is a property of a text, or of any utterance in one language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in another language.
“J.C.Catford, a celebrated translation scholar of linguistics school, raised the issue of untranslatability in 1965.He argues that the linguistic untranslatability is due to the differences in the source language and the target language, whereas culture untranslatability is due to the absence in the target language of relevant situational features.”[1]
“Nida presents a rich source of information about the problem of lose in translation, in particular about the difficulties encountered by the translator when facing with terms or concepts in the source language that do not exit in the target language.”[2]
“Peter Newmark has once briefly talked about the deviation in translation.” [3]
In China today, many translation experts and scholars have also discussed the problem to some extent in their papers.
The problem of untranslatability is always a disputed issue. Nowadays, it is well accepted that translation is a possible and feasible task. However, there are still some language points that are difficult to translate, which is called the phenomenon of untranslatability.
Linguistic and cultural differences, the two categories of untranslatability phenomenon are caused by different factors. These resulting from the linguistic differences will hardly change while those resulting from cultural differences may become translatable in the future by using the methods of compensation and the skill of translators.
2. Linguistic untranslatability
Professor Liu Miqing wrote in his Modern Translation Theories that “The structure of language commonly shows the characteristics of the language, these characteristics only can be found in relative language, the similar transfer is difficult to find in non-relative language, for it need to change the code completely.” [4]P107 View from the etymology, English belongs to the Indo-European language, but Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language, so there exit the linguistic untranslatability, which includes the following aspects: phonology, character, figure of speech, and so on.
2.1. Untranslatability in phonology
Any language has its own special phonemic system, which cannot be replaced by other language. There are large differences between Chinese and English, and most of the pronunciations in one language do not have equivalent in the other language. Therefore, they can not be translated into the target language. For example:
The author wrote the whole passage in homophone words. This is a typical example of untranslatability caused by phonemic system. See another example:
(2)“Cat, cat, cat, catch the fat rat fast.”
If translate it into: “猫,猫,猫,快抓住那只肥老鼠” that will lose the phonemic effect, and it only translates the meaning.
2.2. Untranslatability in character structure
Chinese words consist of characters that have their meaning, but E
不可译性及其补偿方法nglish words consist of alphabets that are meaningless. They are completely different in writing. Chinese has a writing skill of describing characters, for example: (3)“人曾为僧,人弗可以成佛,女卑为婢,女又何妨成奴”,“鸿是江边鸟,蚕是天下虫”,“琴瑟琵琶八大王,王王在上,魑魅魍魉四小鬼,鬼鬼靠边”。 They are all using the special feature of Chinese characters, to describe the character structure in poetry, also having their meaning. But English has no such structures in alphabetical system, so they are absolutely untranslatable.
Some riddles that are relative to the structure of characters or English words are also untranslatable, for example: (4)“田头长草” (苗), “What makes a road broad?”(The letter B). If the latter riddle is translated into:“什么使道路变宽?” (字母B)Everybody will fell ridiculous, and no one can understand that.
2.3. Untranslatability in figure of speech
Most of the languages have their own figures of speech. Just because of the existence of figure of speech, the languages become vivid and interesting. In translation practice, if the target language can not show the figure of speech in source language correctly, it is not faithful to the content, thought and style of the source language. Although the meanings are similar, it will less the language influence of the source text. The people who speak Chinese and the people who speak English have large differences in the way of thinking and aesthetic, so when they express the same concept, they often use different figure of speech. These caused the untranslatability in Chinese- English translation. It has the following main aspects:
2.3.1. Puns
Pun means humorous use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that sound the same. Puns pack several meanings into one word, and it is extremely unlikely that any other language will pack into the same set of meanings, so it is difficult to translate into the target language. Example one:
Here“晴”is a pun, and it also means “情”,Zhang Qichun translate it into “The willows are green, green, the river is serene. Thence is his song rafted to me. In the east the sun is rising, in the west the rain is falling. Can you see if it’s fair or foul?” In this translation, the translator did very well, especially in “green, serene, fair or foul”, but he can not translate the pun completely.
Example two:
(6)“She is too low for a high praise, too brown to a fair praise, and too little for a great praise.”
The “low” and “fair” are all puns in this sentence. “Low” means short in height and low social status. “Fair” means pale skin, light in color and justice. There is no word or phrase in Chinese having the two meanings together, so the translator can not translate the two meanings into Chinese, only adapted one meaning, and will lose the other meaning.
2.3.2. Palindrome
“The figure of speech of palindrome means a word, verse or sentence that read the same when the characters or letters composing it are taken the reverse order.”[5]P174There are many palindrome words in English, such as “Anna, dad, bob.” English palindrome is based on letters, the letters have no meaning, and it reads the same when the order is reversed. For example:
(7)“Was it a cat I saw?”
(8)“Able was I ere I saw Elba!”
(9)“Madam, I’m Adam”
If they are translated into “我看到的是猫吗?”,“在我看到俄尔巴岛之前还没有倒!”,“夫人,我是亚当。”,the effect are all lost without any palindrome, so it is almost untranslatable.
The palindrome in Chinese is untranslatable as well, for example:
2.3.3. Alliteration
Alliteration is using the same letter or sound at the beginning of the two or more words in succession. It is a common figure of speech in English, especially in proverb, advertisement, novel and so on., and most of the alliteration are untranslatable.[6]P33
For example:
(12)To many parents, the three Gs, gays, guys, and gangs have replaced the three Rs as benchmark of school life.
In this translation, the three Gs, gays, guys, gangs are alliteration, which emphasize the serious problems of the gays, guys and gangs, but after translating them into Chinese, we can not see this effect.
2.3.4. Malapropism
“Malapropism comes from Richard Sheridam’s comedy The Rivals, a honored lady name Malaprop, who often speaks wrong words or pronunciation. Malapropism is a figure of speech using wrong words with similar pronunciation t
不可译性及其补偿方法ension or intension to reach the humors effect.” [7]P75 Malapropism brings difficulties in translation. For example:
This is a sentence from cross talk, Chinese people know the humors naturally, but if it is translated it into: “Pushing open the ‘Macau’, I saw ‘Pakistan’ paved on the floor and ‘Congo’ on the table. English readers can not accept that, for ‘Macau’ is not a door, ‘Pakistan’ is not a blanket, and ‘Congo’ is not fruit either. Most of the younger generation in China have heard this humorous sentence:“我手持郑伊健,脚踏温兆轮,翻过赵本山,穿过关芝林,跨过潘长江,来到周星池……”It is untranslatable too.
3. Cultural untranslatability
“According to J.C. Catford, instance of untranslatability can arise from two sources: one is linguistic, and the other is culture.” [8]P25
Nida also mentions that words have meaning only in terms of the total cultural setting.
And what is culture, Edward Tylor gave the definition the earliest in his the Primitive Culture: “Culture or civilization taken in its wide anthro-graphic sense is that complete whole which include knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom and other capabilities and habits acquired by a men as a member of society.”[9]P478
Peter Newmark wrote in his A Textbook of Translation: “I define the culture as the way of life and his manifestation that are peculiar to a community that uses a peculiar language as its means of expression.” [10]P94
Translation is a very important medium for cultural exchange between people using different languages. It is one of the most important tasks from translators and translation researchers viewing problems of translation from the angle of cultural exchange in order to increase the degree of cultural exchange achieved by translation as much as possible.
It is known to all that language is an important aspect of culture. Culture includes and affects language, it is the ground from which language grows and develops. All languages are products of the culture of the country and the nation. They all have long historical background and various cultural connotations. The history, social system, natural environment, religion and customs are all shown vividly in their culturally- loaded words, proverbs, idioms, and so on. In traditional practice, there are often no such words in target language, and the translators have to find the similar codes or make some new codes to replace, so when these culturally loaded words are translated into another language, the cultural connotations are lost. Nida once pointed out that: “For the success translation, being familiar with two cultures is even more important than mastering two languages, because the language has its meaning only in the cultural background.” [11]P92
Chinese culture belongs to eastern culture, and English culture is European and American culture, which belongs to the western culture. There are essential difference between eastern culture and western culture, so the untranslatability is understandable.
3.1. Untranslatability resulted from culture gap
3.1.1. Material culture
Different nations live in different places, and will have different images for the same thing. We often hear some Chinese say: “走,喝酒去!”The word “酒”is difficult to translate. It includes liquor, spirit, alcohol, drink, beer, wine, and so on. These words are all “酒”,but the liquor and spirit means low quality, and the drinks include hard drinks and soft drinks, while the wine is often referred to the grape or fruit wine.
In English, the daffodil is the symbol of spring and happiness, but in Chinese, it is only a kind of flower called “黄水仙”。In Chinese people’s mind, the plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo are all the symbol of high spirit. But English people do not think so.
People live together in one country or region, and will form their own traditions, these traditions will pass from generation to generation. And other countries or regions people may not have these traditions, even they have, but in different meaning, thus making these traditions untranslatable.
For example:
(14)According to English tradition, the family will throw old shoes to the unmarried couples when they go out of the house, which means wish them luck, but if this tradition is translated into “扔旧鞋”,the Chinese people will misunderstand it. For in China, throwing old shoes to a woman is to abuse her.
For the tradition reason, a lot of appellations are untranslatable. The meaning of English uncle include such Chinese words as叔父(father’s younger brother), 伯父(father’s elder brother), 舅舅(mother’
不可译性及其补偿方法s brother), 姑父(father’s sister’s husband), 姨父(mother’s sister’s husband), 叔叔(father’s younger brother or a friend or acquaintance about the same age as a young person’s parent). It would be considered a terrible mistake in Chinese culture to refer to the father’s brother as 舅舅,so if the relation is not clear in English, it can not be translated into Chinese.
3.1.3Religious Culture
In religion, translation becomes the mission. Chinese have translated in this field for a long time, but Chinese people do not have Christianity background. Thus many of the culture will make Chinese people misunderstand.
For example:
(15)“ End of the world” will make Chinese people think of the coming of great disaster, in which all the human being will die, and they will feel fear. But to the English people, it has nothing to do with disaster. It is the coming of the justice moment.
3.1.4 .Historical culture
The history of a nation is the record of the social development. Idioms and legends provide ready support in this respect. “The main problems that idioms and fixed expression pose in translation relate to the two main areas: the ability to recognize and interpre and the difficulties involved in rendering
the various aspects of meaning that an idiom or a fixed expression conveys into the target language.” [12]P65An idiom or fixed expression may have no equivalent in the target language. One language may express a given meaning by a single word, another may express it by a fixed expression, and a third may express it by an idiom, and so on. So it is unrealistic to expect to find equivalent idioms and expression in the target language in all cases. The idioms and expressions may be culture-specific which makes it difficult to translate or is untranslatable. The expression such as Kangaroo Court, related to specific cultural background provides a good example. And the historical stories or legends also have their culture element, for example:(16)“八仙过海,各显神通”,“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”,“情人眼里出西施”。
3.2. Untranslatability resulted from culture conflict
In translation, some words in one language are traditionally considered equivalent to other words in another language, but their connotations and even their referents are in effect quite different, they are so-called false friends. For example:
(17)The Chinese “龙” and English “dragon”. Chinese people view “龙”as a symbol of power or good fortune. Such as “望子成龙”,but the English people see the dragon as fierce and associate it with evil, cruelty and violence. If
“望子成龙” is translated into “to expect one’s son to be a dragon”, English people can not accept that.
Since the forms of the related items are the same, they are often misleading. For example, (18)the brand name of a well-known Chinese battery“白象”is literally translated into “White Elephant”. “白象”means fortune and good luck in Chinese. However, the translation elicit unfavorable reaction from English consumers, who use white elephant as an idiom to mean something costly but useless.
Some words of color have conflict meaning as well. Take red for example,(19) it has the meaning of happy and festival as “红”in Chinese, such as “red-letter days”. But the Chinese “红茶”is “black tea” in English, and the Chinese “红糖”is “brown sugar” in English. The English “in the red” is “亏损赤字”.
Culture is one of the great obstacles in the process of translation, along with the linguistic barrier that is responsible for untranslatability in translation.
4. The method of compensation
Compensation is a special method that is used to reach the equivalence when there is no equivalent concept and suitable expression in the target language.
It is widely accepted that the language phenomenon of untranslatability is not absolutely untranslatable, especially in the cultural aspect. In translation practice, when dealing with this kind of phenomenon, the translator always makes great effect to get relatively satisfactory version, following are the methods often used by translators to compensate.
4.1. Adaptation
An “adaptation”, also known as “free translation”, is a translation procedure whereby the translator replaces a social, or cultural reality in the source language with a corresponding reality in the target language, this new reality would be more usual to the audience in the target language. This method aims at maintaining the elegance and intelligibility in the target language at the sacrifice of the form of the source language, but without changing the main cultural message o
不可译性及其补偿方法f the original. For example:
“是委员!从前行的是大人老爷,现在行委员 !你还不明白?”
“He give me very good news, we need not look for trouble. I have the possibility of being a member of committee!”
“What’s a common tea?” Asked the wife who vaguely caught the sound.
“A committee! Lords and esquires are out of date, and the prevailing nomination is to a committee. Don’t you still understand?”
Here, the Chinese word “委员”(member of a committee) sounds quite like “桂圆”(longan, a kind of tropical fruit). In the conversation, the wife does not quite catch the word and mistake the “桂圆”for “委员”. If the two words are translated literally, the reader will find the wife’s mistake incomprehensible since there is no phonological similarity in English between the two items. The translator use the method of adaptation, turning logon(桂圆)into common tea. Now the form is change, but the function or effect is preserved. Common tea is phonologically related to committee. By using adaptation, this homophone untranslatability is turned into translatability.
4.2. Borrowing
Borrowing is a translation procedure that the translator uses a word or expression from the source language in the target language holus-bolus. Differences between cultures may mean that one language has expression and concepts that may not exit in another. For example, we have no ready-made equivalent for the English “model”, “Coca-cola”, “coffee”, “logic”, “sofa”, “motor”, “Brandy”, “chocolate”, “Benz”, and so on. Face with such words and expressions, the translators are hard-pressed to convey the original meaning and are often left with no choice but to borrow the original lexical items. So these words come into Chinese :“模特儿”,“可口可乐”,“咖啡”,“逻辑”,“沙发”,“摩托”,“白兰地”,“巧克力”,“奔驰”,and so on. And likewise, there are no English equivalent for some Chinese words, such as kang(heated brick bed), Guandi Miao(temple enshrining Guan Yu, a well worshipped ancient Chinese hero), Zongzi( a pyramid-shape dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in reed leaves that is eaten during the Dragon Boat festival), Qigong(a system of deep breathing exercise popular in China), Taiji Quan (a kind of traditional Chinese boxing), and so on. Some of these had been accepted by English people, and some will be accepted, and these words will come to English.
4.3. Translator’s note
For example:
(20)道可道,非常道 ——《道德经》Laozi
The Tao①that can be expressed in words is not the constant Tao.
Note:①The Tao is a absolute, which all other things are relative, it is almighty and omnipresent. Its vastness or minuteness can not be compared with things of our understanding. The universe is embracing it.
“Here the Chinese character “道” is a word with very profound meaning, which finds itself no equivalent in the English language. It is almost untranslatable. Through the footnote, some of the culture messages have been transferred into the target language text.” [14]P69
4.4. Calque
Calque is a translation procedure that a translator translates an expression (or occasionally a word) literally into the target language, translating the element of the expression word for word. Peter Newmark refers it to as semantic translation. It is a method of translation that aims at preserving the most cultural message of the source text at the sacrifice of the formal element of the target language, and sometimes even the intelligibility of the target text. Such as translate “armed to teeth” into “武装到牙齿”,
translate “knowledge is strengths” into “知识就是力量”, translate “hot dog” into “热狗”,
and translate “纸老虎”into “paper tiger”. Maybe they seem ridiculer at the beginning, but they will be accepted by the target language speaking people and become a common word in their daily life.
“Paraphrase is as extended synonym and inevitably an expansion and a d
不可译性及其补偿方法iffusion of the original text. It is only justified when an item of terminology technical institutional cultural, ecological, scientific cannot be harded in any other way. E.g. by TL equivalent, transcription, neologism by reproducing the encyclopedic tenor for the linguistic vehicle.” [15]P130Sometimes, some words in their source language do not have equivalent in the target language, and it is difficult to use calques or other method to compensate. And what we can use is paraphrase, for example:
The Chinese idiom “一龙一猪”, means one is very clever and capable, but the other is stupid and hopeless. If it is translated into “one is a dragon, another is a pig”, English readers can not understand the meaning. And there are no similar idioms to substitute, so we only can use the method of paraphrase, and translate it into:”One is very capable, while the other is extremely incompetent.”
5. Conclusion
For the difference in linguistic and cultural, we should accept that there does exist untranslatability between English and Chinese. But we never neglect the fact that there are numerous language universals and cultural similarities. It is necessary to understand the co-existence of untranslatability and translatability. Base on the understanding, we can use various method to compensate the untranslatability and less the barrier in translation. With the global economic integration, cultural diversity, network technology revolutionary, the world will become smaller and smaller. We have every reason to believe that the language and cultural communication will be more and more, and the barrier between languages will be less and less.
[1] 李树英.On the Aspects of Untranslatability in Rendering Literary Works. /sean/thesisintro.htm
[5] 施锦芳、郑军荣、毛怡.试论翻译中的不可译性[J].江西农业大学学,2004,(10)
[13]Eugene A. Nida.Toward a Science of Translation [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004
[14]郑声滔.翻译与文化交流——翻译学新教程[M]. 成都:成都科技大学出版社,1994
[15]Peter Newmark .Approaches to Translation[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000</P查字典范文网【】


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