
电脑越来越成为人们生活的必需品,请以Computers-one of the most helpful inventions为题写一篇英语小短要求:1.说说电脑的优点及其在人们日常生活和工作中的应用2.80-100词_百度作业帮
电脑越来越成为人们生活的必需品,请以Computers-one of the most helpful inventions为题写一篇英语小短要求:1.说说电脑的优点及其在人们日常生活和工作中的应用2.80-100词
电脑越来越成为人们生活的必需品,请以Computers-one of the most helpful inventions为题写一篇英语小短要求:1.说说电脑的优点及其在人们日常生活和工作中的应用2.80-100词
Computers-one of the most helpful inventionscomputers are invented in 1927.they have been used everywhere in the world. we can look for some information that we need on computers and we can relax ourselves on computers by listening to music or playing computer games.we can also study and work on computers.sometimes,we can chat with our friends .so,they are very useful in our daily life.oneofthemosthelpfulinventions英语是关于造纸术发明用英语来解答的_百度知道
出门在外也不愁一道英语填空填空 手机被认为是最有用的发明之一The mobile phone————one of the most useful inventions(是4个空啊)_百度作业帮
一道英语填空填空 手机被认为是最有用的发明之一The mobile phone————one of the most useful inventions(是4个空啊)
一道英语填空填空 手机被认为是最有用的发明之一The mobile phone————one of the most useful inventions(是4个空啊)
is considered to be
is deemed to be【英语作文造纸术】-突袭网
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解决方案1:    经过以上我对造纸术的介绍, and finally made a practical fiber paper was called &quot, we all have a certain understanding on paper,又有了左伯纸, arch, another left-Bo paper,我还要提醒大家. However,摆在我们面前的一张张白纸、捣。这种纸对改革和推广造纸术有很大贡献, through trial and error, rattan paper, the one before us a clean slate? Today, I would like to remind you, I realized the wisdom of the ancients, through continuous improvement,经过不断改良,当时称做“蔡侯纸”.&quot,用树皮,经过反复试验. 72 craft,终于做出了实用的纤维纸,纸来之不易,造纸术也是他们的劳动结晶之一. Later, rags, etc,他总结了前人造纸的经验; the same time. According to legend, Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking,造纸术不断发展,大家对纸是再熟悉不过了?今天我就当个小解说员,蔡伦成功地发明了造纸术、旧鱼网等原料经过挫;Caihou paper. 汉译,因为每天都需要用到、麻绳,在公元前105元, we all know, paper hard-won, the continuous development of papermaking, do and how is it made of,我体会到了古人的智慧、破布,大家都知道它是怎样做成的吗. After the above introduction I papermaking:我相信;同时。     相传, papermaking is one of the crystallization of their labor,大家都对纸有一定的了解了吧, with the bark, because the n This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute。可是, in BC 105 yuan, and finally became the white we are now commonI believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper、拱等72道工艺,给大家介绍介绍,终于成了我们现在常见的白纸, paper predecessors、藤纸。    后来? During this presentation、抄, when I was a little guide for everyone who introduced?在这段介绍中, right, and we have to cherish to use it, copy, old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming, hemp, he summed up the experience,我们大家要好好珍惜使用它解决方案2:。。
答:The history of the development of papermaking in English 350 a girl who is interested in fashion, what would be the dream job? Being a model? Probably not—that’s for the one who has short sight, the clever girl will want to be ...===========================================propagation learning revolution, and our civilization began to write on the paper. 蔡伦在造纸术的发明和完善的过程中,做出了巨大贡献,被后人尊为造纸的祖师。造纸术的发明,是...===========================================当时称做"蔡侯纸"。这种纸对改革和推广造纸术有很大贡献。 后来,造纸术不断发展,又有了左伯纸、藤纸,经过不断改良,终于成了我们现在常见的白纸。 经过以上我对造纸术的...===========================================这种纸对改革和推广造纸术有很大贡献。 后来,造纸术不断发展,又有了左伯纸、藤纸,经过不断改良,终于成了我们现在常见的白纸。 经过以上我对造纸术的介绍,大家都对纸有...===========================================历史上最难作文,我感觉这已经不属于作文范畴了,应该是论文,或者大的说明文啊。英文作文一般是3段式,可是你这个3段式满足不了了。===========================================在历史上,中国有着几段辉煌时期,包括汉朝、隋唐、明朝。中国在公元13世纪达到顶峰,成为当时世界上最繁荣的文化及贸易中心。以指南针、造纸术、印刷术、火药及钟表为首...===========================================在此期间,他总结西汉以来造纸经验,改进造纸工艺,利用树皮、碎布(麻布)、麻头、鱼网等原料精制出优质纸张,于元兴元年(公元105年)奏报朝廷,受到和帝称赞,造纸术也因此而得...===========================================大概春秋战国时期是七国纷争,战乱频仍,书信的 防伪保密就显得极为重要,这也是我国防伪技术的源起吧。 东汉蔡伦发明了被誉为古代四大发明之一的造纸术,为书信大行...===========================================是一场以文明魅力为内容的视觉盛宴,给人以强烈的震撼。从造纸术、活字印刷术、指南... 家人宣传奥运知识、努力学习奥运英语等等。在我们的生活中,我们完全可以做一个为国...===========================================造纸术是我国古代四大发明之一。公元105年,东汉蔡伦首创造纸术的光辉业绩,早已经载... 学者对蔡伦发明纸有些不同看法。张子高先生认为:"蔡伦是造纸新术的发明者,是伟大的...===========================================四大发明:Four Great Inventions 造纸术:Papermaking 活字印刷术:Typography 火药:Gunpowder 指南针:Compass===========================================
12345678910阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。HonestyisoneofthemosttreasuredtraditionalvaluesinChina.Thechildrenareta..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Honesty is one of the most treasured traditional values in China. The children are taught to be honest when they are very young. At schools the students are also instructed to be honest.However, with the development of society, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. Reports with the theme of dishonesty often appear in the media. For example, some people try to get rich and live a comfortable life. But they do not work hard honestly, instead they cheat others. They sell something quite ordinary at a very high price. Some people's delaying paying back the loan can serve as another example. Some people, including some college students, get loan from the bank, and promise to pay within, say, 3 years. However, they don't do that.The dishonest people sometimes can get benefit from their behaviors. So some people assert that dishonesty can bring people benefit, while honesty only makes people suffer. Is that so? Definitely not. It is always true that honesty is the best policy. It pays to be honest. The cheater selling “the treasure” mentioned above will surely be disclosed and punished some day.On the contrary, if he had been honest, neither the buyer nor he himself would have suffered. The people who do not return money in time will sooner or later become infamous, and will not get the money from others again. If he had acted differently, he would have earned respect and trust, meanwhile, the bank would not have suffered from loss.[写作内容]1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点。2. 然后以约120个词就“诚实”的主题发表看法,并包括以下要点: (1) 你对不诚实现象的看法; (2) 诚实的重要性; (3) 作为中学生,该如何做一个诚实的人。[写作要求]1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2.标题自定。马上分享给朋友:答案The passage mainly tells us that nowadays many people are dishonest for their own benefit, for they not only neglect our traditional values, but also they want to escape being punished.Dishonesty does great harm to our society. It can destroy our good relationship with others, bringing lots of unstable factors to the society. Sometimes, it may even affect people’s health.Why should we be honest? Firstly, being honest is one of Chinese traditional virtues which we should carry forward. Secondly, friendship is based on honesty. Seeing that the honest person is reliable, most of people are willing to make friends with them. Thirdly, honesty is very important for us to build a harmonious society and realize our spiritual civilization.As students, we should act honestly every day and never cheat others, including cheat in exams. Besides, we should help those who are dishonest correct their mistakes. Only in this way can we win respect from others.略点击查看答案解释广东省2011届高考英语仿真模拟试题点击查看解释相关试题}


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