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你可能喜欢Get out of bed. To make this as pleasant as possible, you should put on your thickest socks, slippers and your bathrobe (It’s also a good idea to wear pajamas while you’re sleeping, that way you won’t get cold when you wake up and have to put on your socks, slippers and bathrobe).
Underwear. If it’s really cold, you should consider wearing thermal underwear. If it’s not that cold, you can use the same underwear that you normally use.
Socks. You can use the same socks as you wore when you woke up, or you can use some thinner ones if you are going to be wearing winter boots/shoes. Stockings is an option.
T-shirt or thin sweater. Optionally you can wear a blouse or a top. The only thing you want to check, is that whatever you choose is long enough so that your stomach won’t show (and thereby get cold).
Sweater. Or maybe you want to wear a shirt or a poncho? The great thing about sweaters is that they can be used over
a t-shirt, thin sweater, blouse, top and even a shirt. A poncho can also be a good option, since they can be really warm. The only negative thing about ponchos, is that it can be too big to fit under your jacket.
Trousers. If you’re going to be wearing jeans, you should consider wearing stockings or tights under them (especially if you’re going to be wearing skinny jeans). If you’re going to stay at home all day you should wear something comfortable, like sweatpants.
. We all have different routines, and preferences when it comes to showering. Some people like to shower in the morning, some like to do it in the evening, etc. One of the most important things about showering in the winter, is that you know how to
you’re done. Well, first you have to take a shower. Use hot water, and make sure you have a towel ready for when you come out of the shower. Your towel should be hot and dry before use. Try putting it in the dryer right before you shower. When you’re done, you should give special attention to your hair, and get it as dry as you can. If your hair is thick or long, you can use a
to get it fully dried. Alternatively to showering, you can take a . That way you’ll relax you muscles, plus it is a great way to end the day.
Dance. As we all learn at school, you have to be in activity in order to burn calories. When you burn calories, you will get warm. The activity you choose to do is entirely up to you, since the important thing is not how but that you get warm.
is just one of many activities you can do. If you choose dancing though, which is both fun and healthy, you should listen to upbeat music. Dance like you’ve never danced before, and have fun while doing it.
You don’t have to be inside in order to be in activity, there is actually even more stuff you can do . Before you go outside, you should check the “Pick the right outerwear” step further down.
Eat. Your body needs food in order to keep you warm.
is the most important meal of the day, and even more so in the winter. When you eat, your stomach will convert the calories in your food into energy. Make some hot coffee, cocoa or tea, and enjoy your meal.
Dinner is served, and what are you eating? ! What a great choice. Not only is it warm and delicious, but it goes so well with bread or dinner rolls too.
Supper, supper, supper. What are you going to eat for supper? It’s best to keep it light, since it’s the last meal of the day. Not only is tea great for breakfast, it can help you calm down after a long cold day too. You should not drink cocoa or coffee though, since sugar and caffeine will keep you awake.
Keep warm.
If you have a radiator in your house, it should be on at all times. If you don’t have a radiator, or you still think your house is cold, you should use your fireplace. Make sure to never leave the house while there is still flames inside it. If you have to leave the house you have to put out the flames first.
If your house is just a little bit cold, you can use a blanket to keep warm.
A great way to get your bed warm and ready for you to sleep in it, is by using hot water bottles.
Make sure that your duvet is thick enough, so that you don’t wake up freezing in the middle of the night.
Candles can actually give warmth, plus it can make your house super cozy. Just remember, like with the fireplace, that you can never leave the house while they are still burning.
This is the most important step. In order to keep warm in the winter, you can’t be wearing just a thin jacket and jeans. You may think that it doesn’t matter what you wear, as long as you look cool, but this is not the case. You can actually freeze to death. So, wh looking good, or staying warm and alive?
Jacket. Make sure to use one that is made for the winter, not some thin summer jacket. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bubble jacket or a trench coat made for winter, as long as it keeps you warm.
Shoes. High boots, low boots, boots with wool inside, converse with wool inside. Remember that it’s your feet that does all the walking, but never gets to move themselves. They are just stuffed into your shoes, with no way of moving the way your arms and hands are. That’s why you have to keep them warm.
Gloves. In the winter, your hands are exposed to both extreme warmth and cold. Your hands gets really cold if you don’t wear gloves, and then you have to go inside and wash them in very hot water. This is bad for your skin, and you can end up with dry hands.
Scarf. A thick scarf can make all the difference, especially on windy days.
Winter hat. Most of your body heat disappear from your head, so in order to “keep it inside”, you have to wear something on your head.
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For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
You can find all sorts of hats which are fashionable, and still keep you warm. And they can be affordable!
Never drink alcoholic beverages to stay warm. Even though it makes you feel warm, your body temperature is not really getting any warmer.
There is no particular order in this article, so you should read it all, and don’t start following it blindly step by step.
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Becomean Author!Just how hot would a warm Seattle autumn and winter be? | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News
Just how hot would a warm Seattle autumn and winter be?
Sep 16, 2014
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Sunset over Deception Pass on Oct. 13, 2013. (Photo: Dana Weber)
We've all heard how it's been such a hot summer. And you've likely been reading about .
UW Atmospheric Sciences professor Cliff Mass just did an
showing why we're expected to be so warm. In a nutshell, Mass says a
persistent ridge of high pressure last fall that kept the storms away
also keep the ocean from churning very much, which is needed to mix in
some cooler water from the depths of the ocean. Without that mixing, the Pacific has been running warmer than normal off our coast (he referred to it as &the blob& as in a blob of warmer waters) and that has been the culprit of our warmer summer and higher humidity. Models suggest that pattern will maintain through the autumn and winter, helping in turn keep the air mass warmer.
And perhaps making things even warmer is the pending potential for El Nino. Yes, climate forecasters have been
in a developing El Nino this fall and winter, dropping the odds from 80 percent to 65 percent to now in the low 60s percent range and starting a little later, but it's still the odds-on favorite and the prudent bet for this winter. El Nino's usually also bring a mild-to-warm winter around here on its own.
But combine &the Blob& with &El Nino& and you not only get two words that could make an amazing hashtag if combined together the right way (#Blobino? #ElBlobo?), but Mass says it's a recipe for a really mild autumn and winter, and sure enough, he
that do forecast a much warmer than normal period coming up, both October-December and even warmer for December through February.
Now I've had a few people email me wondering what exactly a warm autumn and winter would entail? I think some people are wondering as hot days well into the 80s persist into September, if we're predicting 70s and 80s to continue right into the heart of the Holidays and into the snow season, and if we'll be wearing shorts on New Year's Day.
No, we're not turning into Phoenix North, so you snow birds don't have to come running back home, but I thought I'd go back into some of our warmest autumns and winters on record to see what kind of weather pushes our boundaries of warmth.
The warmest October through December on record was 1976 with an average temperature of 49.1 degrees & that&s found by taking the high and low and dividing by 2. The average-average is 45.9.
October had 3 days over 70 degrees, 9 additional days over 65. Average highs start at 65 degrees, dropping to 55 degrees by Halloween. There were 25 days with no measurable rain, including a 12-day dry streak.
November had 8 days over 60, and only 7 days in the 40s. It was again super dry with 22 days with no measurable rain, including another 10 day dry streak. Only five nights were at or below freezing.
December had a whopping 19 days over 50 degrees, including seven days warmer than 55 and a 61 degree reading. Highs are normally in the low-mid 40s here. Just two days at or below freezing for lows. And again dry & 20 days with no measurable rain. There was no lowland snow in the period.
Perhaps most telling: The entire winter season amassed just 191 total inches of snowfall at Snoqualmie Pass & the lowest amount on record since the mid 1940s. Average is 439 inches per season.
The second-warmest Oct-Dec was 1965, but that was skewed by a really warm October & 14 days at warmer than 65 degrees with seven of those days at *70* or warmer. And the month had 18 days with no rain. As mentioned, their November and December were fairly normal with actually a significant snow event that spanned 10 days around Christmas. The month would have 510& of snow at Snoqualmie & actually a bit above normal. So 1965 is the outlier.
Third place was 1980, which had six days warmer than 70 in October with one day over 80(!). November ended up normal and then December had a very warm spell to end the year, but it was more tropical warmth courtesy of relentless Pineapple Express-type storms & four days late over 55 degrees and two warmer than 60. Snoqualmie ended up with 219 inches of seasonal snow & third lowest.
But the best year of comparison might be the winter of 1991-92, which had the warmest December-February on record, but also had a very warm winter overall, stretching November through April. Here are their average monthly temperatures and departures from normal:
November 47.3 (+1.9), December 43.8 (+3.2), January 43.9 (+1.9), February 47.3 (+3.9), March 50.3 (+3.8) and April 53.1 (+2.8)
November: A whopping 23 days were at 50 degrees or warmer, with seven days at 55+ and two days 60-plus.
December: 13 days 50+, 2 days over 55; only 5 days below normal, no highs under 40, only 4 days of lows at or below freezing.
January (1992): 14 days 50+, 5 days 55+, 3 days 59+. This month had a lot of rain at the end as we went intense Pineapple Express. A 15-day rain streak brought 6.19& of rain. There were no highs in 30s, only five days of freezing lows.
February: 20 days 50+, 15 days 55+, 6 days 60+, 3 days 65+! There was only one single solitary low at freezing.
March: 16 days 60+, 5 days 65+. There were no freezing lows.
So that means from November 1 through March 31, just 10 days with lows at or below freezing.
And as you might imagine, not one lowland snowflake across the winter. Up in the mountains, snow was in short supply, and Snoqualmie Pass tallied its second-lowest seasonal snow total of 211 inches.
Now, that&s not to say that the autumn and winter of
will follow exactly to suit, but it does describe what we might expect if the forecasts hold true: No, there won&t be days in the 70s and 80s in the winter, but there may not be a whole lot of snow either, be it in the lowlands or the mountains.}


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