语法填空dear mr.smithdear my familyy and i recen

Newcastle English (Geordie)
English ("Geordie")
written by Geoff
This page includes information
English people asked to name a
famous Geordie would probably choose a soccer player such
as Alan Shearer, until recently England's captain, or
Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne, the tabloid reporter's dream with
a sublime footballing talent only matched by a penchant
for self-destruction. We Geordies (or should I say "us
Geordies"?) -- the inhabitants of the city of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and its surrounding area -- are often
perceived by the rest of the country as friendly,
somewhat unsophisticated folks, usually fanatical
football supporters who like their beer and tabs
('cigarettes'). The word tab has even gained
currency recently among student populations in the rest
of the country, who also favour the occasional "Newkie
Brown" (Newcastle Brown Ale). This latter name would
actually sound very strange to natives of the North-east,
who usually refer to their iconic drink more succinctly
as dog or simply Broon. A rather
unflattering Geordie stereotype is amusingly caricatured
by Reg Smythe's cartoon strip character, the outrageously
politically incorrect but likable rogue, Andy Capp (You
can check out the latest strip at .)
The word "Geordie" is said to
date from the early 18th century, when Newcastle people
declared support for the English kings George I and II,
in opposition to the rest of the population of
Northumberland, who supported the Scottish Jacobite
rebellions. Although the name is localised to the
Newcastle area, the dialect here merges gradually into
the Northumbrian and Scottish dialects to the north and
to a lesser extent into Durham and Yorkshire varieties to
the south. The variety described here includes that of
the region immediately surrounding the city of Newcastle
and the villages of East Northumberland to the north that
I am more familiar with. These villages, until recently
depending largely on the coal industry, are home to many
of the broader dialect speakers.
Visitors from the south of
England are typically nonplussed by a broad Geordie
speaker, which has prompted some to claim that Geordie
could even be considered a separate language. A broad
accent is certainly not intelligible to many other native
English-speakers at a first listening. Peter Beardsley,
another soccer player and Geordie icon, even suffered the
indignity of having English sub-titles on all his
television interviews. This unintelligibility is due to a
combination of variations on standard sounds, especially
vowels, and the use of various distinctive words and
grammatical structures. In recent years, the problem of
mis-communication has diminished to a degree. Not only
have Newcastle residents accommodated somewhat to the
norms of Standard English, but the Geordie accent has
become better known to the rest of the country through
television series such as "The Likely Lads" and "Auf
Wiedersehen, Pet" and the cult movie "Get Carter." Others
from the entertainment industry associated with Newcastle
include the rock bands The Animals and Dire Straits, the
singer and environmental activist Sting and singer, actor
and hard-man Jimmy Nail.
The relationship between the
local dialect and standard English, like in other parts
of Britain, has not always been comfortable. Nonstandard
pronunciation and grammatical forms have been widely
proscribed in school classes, and speakers of the dialect
themselves will often express a view that their language
is substandard or bad. Until very recently, there has
been no educated role model on radio or television, and
many people from the area feel that they are
discriminated against on the basis of the way they
This is not unique to people
from the Newcastle region, of course, but publicity over
a couple of recent events has highlighted these problems.
The failure of an exceptionally well-qualified applicant
from a Tyneside comprehensive school to negotiate an
interview for Oxford University received wide publicity,
including accusations of elitism from the Chancellor
Gordon Brown, and other ministers in the labour
government. Similarly, the rustication of a Geordie
female officer cadet from the British Army's Royal
Military Academy at Sandhurst renewed suspicion that
accent may still be a cause of discrimination, although
this was strongly denied by the Sandhurst administration.
The officer cadet in question claimed that fellow cadets
taunted her with shouts of Whey aye, man! and she
was told by her instructor that use of the word
knackered ('exhausted') should be replaced by the
more genteel "pooped". She also alleges that she was
warned that Geordie speech patterns such as
sentence-final "like" were not becoming of an officer and
should be eliminated from her speech. As she put it,
"Because I spoke differently they thought I was thick"
(The Times, May 6th 2000).
Nowadays, many educated
Geordies, especially in the urban area, have a wider
degree of competence in both standard and nonstandard
speech so that, depending on context, they have a range
of forms at their disposal. Generally, the more informal
the context, the greater the number of dialect features.
There are also signs of a growing pride in the
distinctive nature of the dialect, with Geordie
dictionaries, versions of bible stories and so on,
appearing on the market, even if somewhat
self-deprecating in tone. There are also bumper stickers
with humorous messages such as Divn't dunsh us, I'm a
Geordie! (= 'Don't bump into me').
(For more background
information, check out the following websites:
People in the North-east will
often tell you that a lot of Geordie words come from
"Scandinavian." To be a bit more specific, there does
seem to be a strong link with the language of the
Anglo-Saxon immigrants of the first millennium,
particularly those from the Angle areas of what is now
southern Denmark. Words such as lop 'louse or its
egg', bowk 'belch', hoppings 'fairground',
ket 'rubbish' and worm 'monster' have been
suggested as Anglo-Saxon survivals. Invaders from further
north, known popularly as "Vikings", probably had a
greater influence on the language further south in Durham
and Yorkshire. Geordie language is, in fact, quite
closely allied to Lowland Scottish, although the exact
etymology of many words of the area is still not fully
The following words, typically
used around Tyneside and Northumberland, do appear to
have currency further north into the Scottish
burn& 'stream'
bonny& 'pretty'
muckle &'very'
keek& 'peep'
howay& 'come on'
sweer &'obstinate'
donnered &' stupid'
clarts, clarty &'mud, muddy'
gulley& 'large knife'
cuddy& 'horse'
sackless &'stupid, useless'
sneck &'door latch, nose'
stot &'bounce'
spuggy &'sparrow'
spelk &'splinter'
glaiky &'slow-witted'
howk &'dig'
dottle &'cigarette ash, droppings'
cushat &'wood pigeon'
hadaway &'go away, you're kidding'
The common word galluses
meaning 'braces to hold up the trousers', seems to have
reached not only Scotland but parts of the US as
Other typical Geordie words are
also found further south, and appear to be part of a
general Northern English lexicon:
gob 'mouth'
give over&& 'stop it'
chuffed 'happy'
wisht& 'be quiet'
nowt 'nothing'
nigh on &'nearly'
What, then, can be considered
truly Geordie words? The following do seem typical of the
area, although it may well turn out that they are known
outside the area as well.
stanners &'stony river margin'
lonnen 'a lane'
chare& 'a lane'
'term of address for females' (e.g.
"thanks, pet")
mairk& 'maggot, pest'
gowk 'apple core'
dunsh &'push, bump'
deek 'see, look at'
bowk &'belch'
'flea, louse or their eggs'
ket& 'rubbish'
'friend, mate'
bait &'food'
bubble 'weep'
hoppings& 'funfair'
proggy mat &'kind of woven or patchwork
hacky 'dirty'
lowp& 'jump'
bool 'wheel (e.g. pram)'
ten o'clock &'morning snack'
hoy 'throw'
hockle& 'spit'
cree '(bird) cage'
kiff &'very good (see folk-singer Ian
Anderson's song "Muckle kiff")'
'stupid person'
netty& 'toilet'
The word canny is widely
used in Geordie with a variety of meanings, including
adverbial 'very'. Varnigh is in common use,
meaning 'almost', or 'very nearly'. Other dialect words
such as penker 'marble' and plodge 'wade
through mud' may have an onomatopoeic element, while a
Romani origin has been suggested for some words such as
gadgie 'chap' and baari 'excellent'. I have
also seen references to an alleged Romani borrowing
jugal 'dog', although I have never heard the word
used in speech. Some indigenous terms are well known from
local songs or legends, but may not often be heard in
conversation today. Examples are singing hinny 'a
kind of pancake', worm 'monster', mazer 'an
eccentric', girdle cake 'another
(For more on Geordie
vocabulary, see:
Most consonant sounds are
similar to those of Standard English. The most notable
exception is the famous "burr" or uvular r sound,
roughly similar to the French pronunciation of "r". This
is by no means universal on Tyneside, but more common in
mining communities further north. It has received a lot
of interest from linguists, although its use appears to
be declining today. Unlike many English dialects, initial
"h" is not dropped from the beginning words, but
word-final -ing is usually pronounced as
The most notable feature of the
consonants occurs in the sounds in the middle of words
like "bottle" "dapper" and "chicken". In Cockney, the
t sound in "bottle", for example, is replaced by
what linguists call a "glottal stop". This is what occurs
in the middle of "uh-oh", where the air flow is cut off
way down in the larynx (or Adam's apple). So in Cockney,
the word "bottle" is pronounced something like "bo-ull".
But in Geordie, the t sound is not replaced
completely as it is in Cockney. Rather, it is half
replaced so that there's a glottal stop and the t
pronounced at the same time.
There may also be a "v" sound
inserted in some sequences, such as "give it tiv
us" ('give it to me') or "A sez tiv im" ('I
said to him').
It is the vowel sounds that
really give Geordie speech its distinctive character.
Like other northern dialects, the u vowels tend to
be short, so that the vowel sounds in the words "foot"
and "bus" are the same. Final vowels are usually given
rather greater stress than in standard English, so that
words like "fighter" and "mother" sound like faita
and mutha. Some vowels involve the combination of
two different vowels, such as those in "eight" and
"throat" which sound more like "ee-ut" and
"throw-ut" (In technical linguistic terms, these
vowels are "heavily diphthongised".) These are the real
shibboleths of Geordie speakers and tend to persist even
where other features of the accent are lost. I remember
in school English lessons our class having to repeat the
sequence "boating lakes" in a (usually unsuccessful)
attempt to master the standard sounds. There are some
more extreme variants too, for example, "take" may be
pronounced tek and "face" fyes.
The vowel in "town" is
typically pronounced "toon." Fanatical followers of
Newcastle United Football Club are well known as the
Toon Army. Similarly, "brown", "about", "pound"
and so on are pronounced broon, aboot and
The position of the vowels as
in the standard English "shore" and "bird" is rather more
complex. There are two separate Geordie vowels equivalent
to the "shore" vowel in standard English. Words spelled
with an "l" such as "walk" are pronounced with a
distinctive lengthened a sound usually written
"waak" in dialect writing. Those without "l" such
as "board" are roughly the same as standard English. The
standard "bird" vowel is usually rendered as the sound in
"chalk", so that "heard" becomes indistinguishable from
"hoard" and "bird" from "board". This sound confusion is
the basis for a well-known Geordie joke:
Workman visiting
doctor: "Me leg's bad, man, can ye give us a sick
Doctor: Can you
Workman: Work? Y'a kiddin'
man, A cannet even waak!
Also in Geordie, "blow" becomes
blaa and "cold" cowld, but in other words
such as "flow" and "slow" the vowels are not changed in
the same way.
A number of words are said to
have pronunciation indicating a possible survival from
earlier periods of English, such as gan 'go',
lang 'long', aks 'ask' and deed
'dead'. The word "can't" is usually pronounced
Intonation patterns in Geordie
are quite distinctive, with a rising intonation at the
end of declarative sentences (statements), but the issue
is complex and no definitive studies have been
Probably the most
noticeable feature of Geordie grammar is a confusing
difference in pronoun forms. The term us is used
to indicate a singular "me", while the plural form for
"us" is wu or even wuz. So give us
it means 'give me it' and give wu it means
'give us it'.
"Our" is pronounced wor.
Typical members of the family thus include:
wor kid& 'younger brother'
wor fatha &'father', etc.
The plural form yous is
also in use, and possibly arose due to influence from the
large influx of Irish people to Tyneside in the second
half of the nineteenth century.
The negative form of the verb
"to do" is divvent instead of "don't" and there
are distinctive past tense forms of verbs such as tell
(telt), forget (forgetten) and put
A broad speaker might say, for
I telt you to give
us a one, but you've forgetten. If you divvent give us
it noo, I'm gannin yearm.
('I told you to give me one,
but you've forgotten. If you don't give me it now, I'm
going home.')
The above example also shows
the common combination a one as in "give us a
In many cases, what is the
simple past form in standard English is also used as a
participle in the Geordie variety. For example, in
standard English you say "I took" but "I have taken" and
"I went", but "I have gone". However, in broad Geordie,
I've took one and He's never went there may
be used. The well respected Sir Bobby Charlton,
commentating recently on a football match observed:
"He did well to score from a penalty considering he's
never took one before." This feature has long been
stigmatised as "bad English" but it is actually a
consistent part of the grammar.
Another notable grammatical
feature is a combination of certain words such as "might"
and "could" which are not allowed together in most
standard varieties. It is possible to say, for example:
"He might could come tomorrow." Often, quantity
expressions such as five year and ten pound
are used without a plural -s.
A common discourse feature is
the use of the word man to indicate rather more
than reference to a male person. For example, in "ye
cannet, man" ('you really can't'), the word
man acts as a final particle emphasising the
impossibility of the action. Another final particle
mar has a similar function of emphasis, as in
"it's cowld the day, mar" ('it is really cold
today'), while sentence final like as in "who
says, like?" or "it's not my fault, like" may
request or provide exemplification.
Another difference from
standard English in the grammar is that but can
occur at the end of a sentence -- for example:
It'll be dark,
You might could lose it, but
&Also, the object pronoun
can be used at the end of a sentence for
I really love chips
I cannet understand it, me
&&&&&&& &&
Finally, visitors to
Newcastle might like to try out a few greetings or
phrases commonly heard aboot toon:&
gannin?& 'How are you?'
Hoo's ya fettle? &'How are you?'
Y'areet, hinny? 'Are you all right, kid?'
Champion. 'Very good, very well'
Bonny day the day.& 'It's nice
Cowld the day, mar. &'It's cold
Whey aye, man. &'that's right'
Give ower, y'a kiddin. &'Come on, you're
Hadaway man. &'I'm still not
Ya taakin shite.& 'I really disagree with
Ootside!& 'Let's settle this outside'
Hoo's the Toon gannin?& 'How is the
Newcastle United match progressing?'
Tara now, pet.& 'Goodbye (to female)'
Wee's yon slapper? &'Who's the young
lady?' (derogatory)
Beal, Joan (1993). The grammar
of Tyneside and Northumbrian English. In J. and L. Milroy
(Eds.), Real English: The grammar of English dialects
in the British Isles. London: Longman.
Dobson, Scott. (1969). Larn
Yersel' Geordie. Newcastle: Frank Graham
Elliott, Andrew (1986). The
Geordie Bible. Rothbury: Butler
Geeson, Cecil (1969). A
Northumberland and Durham Word Book. Harold
Graham, Frank (1987). The
New Geordie Dictionary. Rothbury: Butler
Hughes, Arthur & Trudgill,
Peter. (1996). English accents and dialects: An
introduction to social and regional varieties of English
in the British Isles (3rd edition). London:
McDonald, Christine. (1981).
Variation in the use of modal verbs, with special
reference to Tyneside English. University of Newcastle:
Unpublished PhD thesis.
Simpson, David. (1999). The
Millennium History of North East England. Sunderland:
Watt, Dominic & Milroy,
Lesley. (1999). Patterns of variation and change in three
Newcastle vowels: is this dialect levelling? In Paul
Foulkes and Gerard Docherty, Urban Voices: Accent
Studies in the British Isles. London: Arnold. pp.
&&&&&&& &&七年级英语课外阅读理解与完形填空_百度文库
你可能喜欢英语短文填空Dear Mr Smith,i want to take a one-week 【trip】with my parents next week.i' d love to go to a place where there are a lot of things to do and a lot of 【scenes】to see.So i hope to go to Guangzhou.I don't 【mind】how hot the _百度作业帮
英语短文填空Dear Mr Smith,i want to take a one-week 【trip】with my parents next week.i' d love to go to a place where there are a lot of things to do and a lot of 【scenes】to see.So i hope to go to Guangzhou.I don't 【mind】how hot the
英语短文填空Dear Mr Smith,i want to take a one-week 【trip】with my parents next week.i' d love to go to a place where there are a lot of things to do and a lot of 【scenes】to see.So i hope to go to Guangzhou.I don't 【mind】how hot the weather is .But my parents would like to visit QUfu in Shandong .THey think it's the place 【where】Confucius was born ,so it's an educational place.We haven't 【decided 】yet where to go.第四个可不可以用sight?
第四个:THey think it's the place 【where】Confucius was born.他们认为那(曲阜)是孔子出生的地方.sight 名词:名胜,风景 若改为sight,意义就不对啦.)
trip__leavescenes 不可以换成sight,因为sight值得是视野所见的,不一定是景色
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来源: 学年八年级英语下学期期中试题及答案.doc
仔细阅读 1至5题中的说明,再阅读下面A-F 六则信息,然后选出符合的最佳选项。(有一项多余)
1.No Bollywood movie is thought
about complete without a few songs and dances. In fact, music is an important
part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still do well if the music is
2.Several Asian hospitals are doing
experiments with tele-medicine. Tele-medicine is a technology that allows
doctors to “see” patients without them being in the same place.
3. Failure is what often happens. It
is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in
exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and players may fail in
4. The summer holiday is coming,
which can be a relaxing time for sleeping, eating good meals and seeing old
friends. Try to take some time off from school and spend a few weeks of fun.
5. I played a country girl in my
last movie. I had to live in a small village with the other actors for part of
the winter. To help me play a country girl better, I even walked a few miles
sometimes to get water, as there was none in the houses.
A. Jessica can sing many songs but
this time in the movie she acts as a country girl.
B. Pierre will graduate from a
medical university and he wants to know much about medical science.
C. Alicia is form America. She is in high school. She is a fun, energetic person.
D. Max is a music lover. Especially
he loves music in movies.
E. Sophia failed in the last exam.
What will she do?
F. Jefferson is a super tour guide.
He can help people know where to visit.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-107604');">&
来源: 2015年春七年级英语第三次月考试题及答案.doc
1. I like P. E.
best. Because my P. E. teacher is very _____ (friend) to us.
2.—Where is
your bedroom?
—It’s on the _____ (two) floor.
3. Look! The
______(child)are playing games under the
4. Turn right
at the first ______(cross)and
you’ll see the hospital.
5. It’s 6:30 a.m. Some students ______(run)on the playground.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-107249');">&
来源: 2015届九年级6月月考试题(英语)及答案.doc
go&&&& fly&&&&
be&&&& worry
My grandpa is in hospital. I ____________ about him these days.
Mr Zhang _____________in America for two months last year.
One of them often _____________ a kite in the park.
—Where is your father?
—He ____________ to the supermarket.
There ____________ an English evening next Monday. Come and join us.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-107043');">&
来源: 2015年初中毕业班英语综合测试(一)及答案.doc
语法选择Street art is a very popular form of art. It is spreading very
all over the world. You can find it on buildings and street signs from Beijing to Paris. Art experts say that the movement began in New York in the
. Young adults would use paint in special cans
their words and other images on walls and cars around the city. One well-known street artist is Swoon. She cuts out paper images of people and
them on walls. Swoon didn’t start
career as a street artist. She studied art from an early age.
as time went on , she got bored with the works she saw in museums or galleries(美术馆). The people in New York say they enjoy Swoon’s strong and interesting style.Street artists do their work
a reason. Some of them choose street art because it is
to the people than those works in the museum. Some artists try to express their opinions in their works. Advertising companies also use street art in their advertisements because it gives the deep impression and energy. The New York store Saks Fifth Avenue recently used a street
design for their shop windows and shopping bags.In today’s world the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the people all over the world on the Internet. However, many people say that
a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live. Street art lives with the energy and life of a big city. There it will continue to change and develop. 1. A. quick
B. quicker
C. quickly
D. more quickly2. A. 1960
B. 1960s’
D. 1960th3. A. put
C. putting
D. to put 4. A. posts
D. had posted5. A. she
D. herself6. A. Because
B. Although
D. If7. A. for
D. in8. A. close
D. closing9. A. artists
B. artists’
D. artist’s 10. A. seeing
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106868');">&
来源: 2015英语全真模拟试卷(一)及答案.doc
1.Timmy was made
__________ the house by his mother because he was naughty. (clean)
2. Jane will return the books as soon as the City Center
Library is __________. (open)
3. Could you tell us several __________ between the two cases? (different)
4. The purpose of
the bookcrossing activity is __________ people read more books. (help)
5. In order to make a __________ (life), they had to sell newspaper at the
age of seven.
6. To their __________ (surprised), they happened to meet Chris Lee at the theatre..
7. It’s raining heavily, you’d better not __________ (go) outside.
8. Tim wrote as __________ (care) as Tom. They made many
mistakes in the exam.
9. There is no use __________ (cry) over the spilled milk.
10. There will be a big sale at this shopping mall on its __________(nine) anniversary.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106804');">&
来源: 2015年初中毕业班英语调研试卷及答案.doc
语法选择阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。I will never forget the lesson which Adams gave us. One day Adams
to us when we were in our classroom. He began his speech by
up a 100-yuan note. He asked, &Who likes this 100-yuan note?& We all felt
and raised hands. Then he said, &I am going to give this 100-yuan note to one of you, but first let me
this.& He then made the note into a ball shape and asked, &Who wants it now?& We raised
hands again.He then dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. After that, he picked up
dirty note and asked again,& Who still wants it?& We raised hands even
. &My friends,& he said, &you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it
it was still worth ¥100!&&Many chances
in our lives.& He went on speaking, &We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value, you are always valuable to those people
love you. Your value doesn't come from what you do or who you know, but WHO YOU ARE.&1. A. speaks
C. is speaking
D. was speaking2. A. hold
C. holding
D. to hold3. A. surprise
B. surprised
C. surprising
D. surprisingly4. A. do
D. done5. A. us
D. ourselves 6. A. a
D. 不填7. A. high
C. highest
D. more high8. A. after
D. because9. A. lose
C. are lost
D. was lost10. A. who
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106627');">&
来源: 2015年牛津译林版中考英语专题训练(8A Unit5)及答案.doc
What animals don't have enough_______ (live) areas?
The farmer kept_______ (work) on the farmland.
If he finds the Monkey Hill, he_______ (have) fun there.
How much time do baby giant pandas spend_______ (drink) their mothers' milk?
The number of South China Tigers living in the wild _______(be) very small.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106579');">&
来源: 2015初二英语Unit 7 Section A课课练及答案.doc
Japanese woman—Junko Tabei
  Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalaya(喜马拉雅)Mountains between Nepal(尼泊尔)and China, and
it is about 8, 844 meters high. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing
Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever 1 (climb)Mount Everest in 1953. Men from several different countries
climbed it after that.
Junko Tabei, a Japanese, was
the first woman 2 (make)this difficult climb. A Japanese newspaper-television
company 3 (choose)fifteen women from mountaineering clubs to climb Mount
Qomolangma in 1975. The group climbed for several days. Then there was an
accident. The heavy ice and snow 4 (hurt)ten of the women. They had to
stop climbing. The other five went on climbing.
Only Ms. Tabei was able to
climb the last 70 meters. She 5 (stand)on the top of the world. She was
the first woman there. Ms. Tabei was 35 years old at that time. She started
climbing mountains in 1960. She still climbs mountains now. She is not an
ordinary 6 (Japan)housewife. Ms. Tabei makes money for her trips by 7 (teach)English and piano to
children. She climbs a mountain about every three years. She has climbed some
of 8 (high)mountains in six
countries. Finally, she wants to climb the highest mountain in every country in
the world. When she reaches the top of a mountain, she thinks, “I’m glad that I’m at the top. ”
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106417');">&
来源: 重点校2015年中考模拟试题(英语)及答案 .doc
&& One day a rich woman (1) ___ (lose) her purse
with a lot of money in it. So she made a promise, “If anybody (2) _____ (find)
my purse and returns it to me, I’ll give half the money to him.”
&A poor man found the purse near a shop. He sent
it back to the woman, but the rich woman changed her mind. “There (3) ____ (be)
an expensive ring in my purse besides money.” said the woman, “I (4) _________
(not give) give you half the money in my purse until you return it to me.” “But
I (5) ____ never _______ (see) an expensive ring in your purse.” said the
man.They began (6) _____ (quarrel). The man became angry and took the woman to
a judge (法官). After (7) ______ (hear) what had happened to
them, the judge said to the woman, “I’m sure that you have lost a purse, and
there is an expensive ring in it. But there is only a lot of money in this
purse. So I don’t think it’s yours. (8) _______ (wait) for some time. Maybe
somebody will give your purse back after it (9) _________ (find).”
Then the judge turned to
the man and said, “You (10) _________ (take) the purse home. If the owner
doesn’t come to get it back in two days, it will be yours.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106296');">&
来源: 2015初一英语(下)1——6单元检测题及答案.doc
1.__ __(do) your homework and don't
2.Let's __ _(go)to see our P.E. teacher this afternoon.
3.She is very __ __ (friend)to
4.Is Gloria __ __(dance)with her
5.It's seven o'clock.His family __ __(eat)
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106265');">&
来源: 学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题及答案.doc
I like water sports very much . I went _________ ( sail ) in Hainan Island last summer.
is the best time ______ ( visit ) Qixia Mountain.
are going to take a direct _______ ( fly ) to Ne w York.
I like the beautiful scarf &&&&&&&&&&&(make)
Marco Polo was a great       (travel) from Italy in the 13th century.
Books       (write) by
Guo Jingming are mostly liked by teenagers.
I ordered a       (print)
in their shop last week.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106192');">&
来源: 2015初一英语下UNIT 6
I’m watching TV.检测题及答案.doc
1. We are&&&&&&&
(talk)about the movie now.
2.The teacher is &&&&&&&&(have) a class.
3.&&&&&&& &your
brother &&&&&&&&(swim) now?
&&&&&&&&she &&&&&&&&(do)?
—She is reading a book.
5.Look!This pop star &&&&&&&&(sing)a famous
American song.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106069');">&
来源: 2015人教版七年级英语下Unit3 How do you get to school 测试题及答案.doc
goes to the market ____ bike.
does your brother go to the factory?
takes the subway.
_____________ have you had the job?
For 3 years.
took him an hour _____(find) the way to the supermarket.
_______ inviting me for lunch.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106048');">&
来源: 学年八年级下学期第一次学情调查试题(英语)及答案.doc
1. It will be
colder in the___________ (south) part of China next week.
2. You can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the
__________(beautiful) of nature or other cities.
to now, we_______ (receive) many calls complaining about this expensive shop.
After he entered the cinema, she ________(hurry) to find her seat as the film
5. I am happy that I __________ (learn) to swim.
6. Guo Chuan is the first Chinese___________
(realize) the dream of sailing around the world
7. This is the most terrible film I __________(
see). I don’t want to see it any more.
8. The game is very popular. Shops say they have
sold out __________ (thousand) of copies since it came out.
9. Nothing in
the world is ___________(possible) if you set your mind to do it.
Broadway has been famous for its theatres since the early ___________ (20)
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-106008');">&
来源: 学年七年级下学期期中联考试题(英语)及答案.doc
It’s ____________ (wind ) in Shanghai .
I like playing with ___________ (child) in the school very much.
His sister usually_____________(get ) to school at half past seven.
Thanks for _____________ (ask) me.
They all enjoy _____________ (speak) English.
The cat has four____________ (foot).
Look! A little girl is ___________________ (swim) in the river.
I want ______ ( go) to the shop.
Listen, the birds ________________ (sing) in the tree.
Today is very____________(cloud), so I stay at home.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105782');">&
来源: 2015学年度下学期七年级期中考试英语试卷及答案.doc
There are over
two ____(hundred) boys in the school .
The girl wants
_____(play) with my pet dog .
practice ______(sing) the song in English.
_____(not be )
late for school.
It usually takes
me 3 hours _____(finish) my homework.
Kate is an
_____(America) girl but now she lives in Beijing.
The boy is too
young to know the ____ (dangerous) of smoking.
He is very
____(friend) to others ,so he has lots of friends.
_____(night ), students have to go to bed by 9:00
Her brother
_____(not read) a book now.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105717');">&
来源: 学年度下学期八年级期中考试英语试卷及案.doc
Jeff was busy ___________( sweep) the floor yesterday.
We planned ___________( spend) our holiday in Qingdao.
Shirley ____________(help)her mother when the bell rang.
The children enjoyed ______(they) in the museum last Sunday.
There’s no need for Lily _____(have) so many after-school classes.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105688');">&
来源: 2015九年级英语滚动组合训练(二)及答案.doc
________ (believable)that the little girl won the singing competition.
you completely_______ (truth)with me?
is the_______ (own)of the schoolbag?
4.Alice gave up the English exam because of her ________ (ill).
volunteers his weekend ______ (help)people in need.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105629');">&
来源: 实验初中2015年春初一英语综合练习题及答案.doc
阅读理解Name: Edward ScottSchool: Kelvin Grove State High School, LondonGrade: 7Term ending: May 6th SubjectsMaths:He is a little weak in this, but he tries his best to catch up with others.Science:He can work out many difficulties. Well done!English:He is the best in the class. Keep it up!French:His reading is very good, and he can remember many words.History:He is not so good at this, but he has done better than before.Geography:He knows the names of many places in the world.Music:He does like pop songs, and he sings very well.Remarks(评语)Edward has the ability to do better. More work is needed next term.Class teacherLilyPrincipalMr. MartinSchool reopensSeptember 11th 1. After reading this, we know this is ________.
A. a studying plan
B. a teaching plan
C. a school report(报告)
D. a working plan2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提及) in the form?
D. History.3. Edward’s best subject is _______.
A. Science
B. English
C. Geography
D. French4. Edward is NOT so good at ______.
A. Maths and History
B. Science and Geography
C. History and French
D. Music and English5. According to the form, which of the following sentences is NOT wrong?
A. Edward can’t sing songs very well.
B. School will begin again on may 6th.
C. Edward can do better if he works hard next term.
D. Edward doesn’t do well in Science.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105554');">&
来源: 2015初二英语Unit 6 Section A课课练及答案.doc
1. It rained heavily for two days,      (turn)the city into a sea.
2. Look! Many     (monkey)are playing in the tree.
3. Tom learned a lot about the     (west)history.
4. The famous singer got     (marry)to an old man.
5. I was allowed to continue     (use)the library.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-105506');">&


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