michael myersassimino是谁

一周美剧收视:冬奥会赛事占前七 《行尸》入围字号:&摘要:上周(2月10日-16日)整个收视榜上充斥着冬奥会比赛节目,凭借这些比赛节目NBC台获得了榜单第一到第七的所有七个席位。榜位紧随冬奥会比赛节目的就是有线台AMC的剧集节目《行尸走肉》。
  冬奥会比赛节目占领榜单前七 《行尸走肉》称霸收视榜
  榜位紧随冬奥会比赛节目的就是有线台AMC的剧集节目《行尸走肉》。这档节目上周播出了第四季第10集名为《Inmates》,监狱被袭击后Beth和Daryl一起寻找幸存者,第二天两人发现Luke和Molly两个孩子被僵尸杀死了。而另外两个孩子Lizzie 和Mika被Tyreese救下并带走,而且也正是Tyreese在监狱被袭的时候救下了Judith 。但是同行的人必须每天忍受孩子的啼哭声。Tyreese听到一声尖叫,他把孩子先放在一旁去寻找声源,他发现一位父亲和他的儿子正与僵尸斗争,但是他并没有成功救下他们。僵尸逼近的是偶Lizzie 捂住了Judith的嘴巴,算是逃过一劫,但是Judith差点被憋死。把僵尸解决掉之后Tyreese发现最后是Carol救了孩子们。刚与僵尸搏斗的垂死的父亲告诉他们要追踪痕迹,因为那些痕迹可能引领他们到达安全的地方。这时Maggie、Sasha和Bob发现监狱大巴翻车了,里面的人不是死去了就是变成了僵尸。把僵尸干掉后Maggie伤心的哭了,但是她发现Glenn并不在大巴上。在僵尸来袭之前他就带上军火和供给离开了监狱,他还找到了Tara,并且让Tara和他一起走......这一集为AMC台赢得了1710万的收视成绩和榜单第八的席位。成为剧集榜榜首,以及入围榜单前十的唯一一部首播剧集。
  《大爆炸》重播集依然入围榜单前十 新集月底回归
  《大爆炸》第七季第16集名为《The Table Polarization》,将于2月27日首播,这一集中剧组请来了曾两次成功执行飞行任务的著名宇航员米歇尔·马西米诺(Michael Massimino)出演该剧,相信故事一定会很精彩。
  《美国偶像》周三比赛节目位列第十 收视继续下降
  《美国偶像》进入第十三季,当然也有新的规则,上周的“好莱坞or回家”部分,就是本季新增的环节。总共有160位选手从海选中脱颖而出,他们被分成10人一组进行表演,其中的77位优秀选手将晋级独立表演环节。而上周的节目就是揭晓这些独自表演的选手究竟谁成功的入围了前30强。周三是表演节目,而周四评委揭晓结果。表演部分,选手可能遇到两种情况,一通过第一关并由评委决定他们的命运,二第一关失败直接回家。如果说周三的比赛是残酷的,那么周四的评委结果揭晓对选手来说则更揪心,因为谁也不知道评委到底让他们去还是留。有趣的是,本届比赛评委给观众留了个悬念,他们只选择了15位女选手和14位男选手入围前30强,而剩下的一位男选手要观众在Ben Briley和Neco Starr中间选择,而观众选票结果是在2月18日,也就是节目播出后的下一周揭晓的。最终《美偶》周三的节目收视成绩1168万位列榜单第十,而周四的节目1018万,位列榜单第十一。
  1.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周二) NBC, 2372万
  2.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周四) NBC, 2294万
  3.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周一) NBC, 2240万
  4.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周日) NBC, 2127万
  5.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周三) NBC, 2081万
  6.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周五) NBC, 1911万
  7.《冬奥会比赛节目》(Winter Olympics,周六) NBC, 1710万
  8. 《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead) AMC, 1334万
  9. 《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory) CBS, 1178万
  10. 《美国偶像》(American Idol,周三) Fox, 1168万编辑:.0相关文章高清图集&&|&&头条推荐近日,张智霖现身广东江门汇悦城开业典礼献唱。因《冲上云霄》而大热的cool魔...这两天,徐克亲自手绘的电影分镜草图又被扒出来“示众”了!网友们看过后,纷纷膜...当地时间8月25日,第66届艾美奖颁奖典礼如期而至。纵观获奖名单,竟是那么似...在头像右上角添加一个数字角标,就像有消息未读一般———从上周末开始,不少人被...“明星代言产品时须先使用”的规定意味着,今后明星必须使用过相关产品或接受过相...发行过两张专辑、曾在湖南卫视《百变大咖秀》出任声乐老师的魏雪漫,突然以学员身...南都网娱乐频道编辑南方都市报官方微信扫描左侧二维码添加南方都市报官方微信南都网官方微信扫描左侧二维码添加南都网官方微信用QQ浏览器扫一扫浏览+收藏 一步到位南方都市报官方微博:michael massimino是谁_百度知道
michael massimino是谁
Michael Massimino,美国演员,代表作《死亡的终极仪式》
1.硬伤:曾多次参与哈勃望远镜维修的迈克尔.马西莫(Michael Massimino)说:
想起"迈阿密风云"中,巩俐问科林-法瑞尔(Colin Farrell)“要喝点什么”,答“我是Mojito的朋友”,
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。Mission Atlantis: The Final Shuttle Flight to Save Hubble
NASA?s space shuttle Atlantis
and seven astronauts launched toward the Hubble Space Telescope on May
11, 2009 to overhaul the iconic orbiting laboratory for the fifth and final time.
STS-125 Mission Elapsed Time
Commanded by veteran
spaceflyer Scott Altman, Atlantis and its crew of seven are blasted off
from NASA?s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Monday, May 11 at
2:01 p.m. EDT (1801 GMT).
During a planned 11-day mission, the STS-125 astronauts plan
to perform five back-to-back spacewalks to install new science instruments,
perform critical and unprecedented repairs, and replace vital batteries and
gyroscopes. They will also attach a docking berth for a future robotic
Below is <'s special report of NASA's STS-119 mission. Stories
appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent updates first. For Hubble science updates,
visit ?s Hubble Special Report.This
page was last updated on May 28, 2009.
Hubble Mission Multimedia
Hubble FAQ: Inside the Last Space Telescope Repair Mission
The space shuttle Atlantis is less than a week away from blasting off to overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope for the fifth and final time in its nearly 20-year lifetime, but this last flight stands out from the pack in more ways than one.
Universe: The Final Shuttle Service Call
Watch the show! Click
here to catch every episode of NASA?s last shuttle mission to the Hubble Space
Telescope. Credit: .
- The History of Hubble RepairA look back
at moments from previous Hubble Space Telescope repair missions. Credit:
- The Heroic Return to Hubble
The importance to
humanity outweighs the risk for the challenging final mission to the Hubble
Space Telescope. Credit:&NASA/GSFC / Mash Mix:
Hubble?s Best Image Galleries:
1, Gallery
2, Gallery
3, Gallery
4, Gallery
5, Gallery
6, Gallery
Podcast: Hubble:
The First Great Space Observatory
Sky High Technology:
The Future of Space Telescopes
multimedia tour through the history and future of space telescopes.
Triumphant Astronauts Home From Hubble
Atlantis Returns Home in Dramatic Fashion
It took about nine minutes for shuttle Atlantis to rocket into orbit last month for a historic final visit to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Shuttle Atlantis Gets Piggyback Ride Home
The space shuttle Atlantis is halfway through a cross-country trip atop a modified 747 jet toward its home at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
NASA Postpones Return Home for Shuttle Atlantis
NASA postponed a cross-country trip home from California for the space shuttle Atlantis to no earlier than Monday due to bad weather.
Space Shuttle Atlantis May Begin Trek Home on Sunday
The space shuttle Atlantis may begin a cross-country trek atop a tricked out jumbo jet as early as Sunday to fly from a California landing site to its Florida home, weather permitting, NASA officials said.
Scientists Call Hubble a 'Whole New Telescope' After Repairs
The Hubble Space Telescope appears better than new as NASA puts the 19-year-old observatory through a battery of tests after its final facelift by an astronaut repair crew.
Shuttle Atlantis Lands Safely After Hubble Success
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Space shuttle Atlantis landed safely in California on Sunday, bringing home seven triumphant astronauts after their successful service call on the beloved Hubble Space Telescope.
Bad Weather Delays Shuttle's 1st Florida Landing Attempt
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Atlantis are headed home to land on a backup runway in California after bad weather thwarted earlier attempts to land in Florida.
Shuttle Astronauts to Try for Sunday Landing
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - After two false starts, the seven astronauts aboard shuttle Atlantis will finally land Sunday to end their successful repair mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. The only question is where.
Stormy Weather Thwarts Shuttle Landing Again
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Bad weather thwarted the planned landing of the shuttle Atlantis for the second time in as many days Saturday, keeping its seven-astronaut crew in space for yet another extra day.
Atlantis Astronauts Hope to Land Saturday
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Atlantis astronauts are waiting for the weather to clear over Florida so they can try to land on Saturday after thunderstorms forced them to stay in space an extra day.
Stormy Weather Delays Space Shuttle Landing
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Stormy weather in Florida prevented the shuttle Atlantis from an on-time landing Friday, forcing its seven-astronaut crew to spend at least one more day in orbit following their successful repair of the Hubble Space Telescope.
NASA Gets Out of Satellite Servicing Business
When the space shuttle Atlantis lands ? planned for Saturday ? it will cap off a mission to Hubble and mark the end of the servicing era.
Shuttle Atlantis to Return Home From Hubble
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Atlantis astronauts are hoping for a break in the weather for their planned Friday landing as they prepare to wrap up their successful mission to tune up the Hubble Space Telescope.
Astronauts Prepare Shuttle Atlantis for Friday Landing
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts will prime their spacecraft for a planned Friday landing as they enter the homestretch of NASA's last-ever visit to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Shuttle Atlantis in Good Shape for Friday Landing
HOUSTON - The vital heat shield on the space shuttle Atlantis received a clean bill of health Wednesday as its astronaut crew prepares to return home after successfully overhauling the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble Telescope's Last Overhaul
NASA: 2nd 'Hubble Revolution' Starts Today
Hubble's final makeover is finished and the astronauts have now its time for Hubble to test out its new gadgets and see just what they can do.
Astronauts Conserve Power for Potential Landing Delay
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts began conserving power aboard their shuttle in case bad weather prevents their planned landing on Friday and hailed their successful repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Astronauts Take Time Off After Fixing Hubble
HOUSTON - After a tough week fixing up the Hubble Space Telescope, it's time for a break for the seven astronauts aboard the shuttle Atlantis.
Dodging Space Junk: Shuttle Looks Good So Far
HOUSTON - The vital heat shield on the shuttle Atlantis appears to be in good shape after nearly a week linked with the Hubble Space Telescope, which circles the Earth in a region known to be littered with more junk than NASA's usual orbital haunts.
Astronauts Say Farewell to Hubble Telescope
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts bid a fond farewell to the Hubble Space Telescope Tuesday and released it back into orbit after the last-ever service call on the beloved observatory.
Astronauts to Say Goodbye to Hubble Telescope
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts will say goodbye to the Hubble Space Telescope for the last time Tuesday.
Astronauts Give Hubble Telescope One Last Hug
HOUSTON - Spacewalking astronauts finished their hands-on repairs on the Hubble Space Telescope Monday, wrapping up a five-day marathon to overhaul the much-loved observatory for the last time.
Astronaut Looks at Earth: 'It's Too Beautiful'
HOUSTON - There may be no way to truly describe how the Earth looks from space without physically going there. But that hasn't kept veteran astronaut Michael Massimino, now working at the Hubble Space Telescope, from trying to give people a glimpse of their home planet from afar.
Hubble Telescope Gets Last Spacewalk Tune-Up
HOUSTON - The Hubble Space Telescope will get its final tune-up Monday by a pair of spacewalking astronauts, the last two people who will ever touch the aging observatory.
Astronauts Repair Key Hubble Device in Tough Spacewalk
HOUSTON - Two embattled astronauts fought through a stuck bolt and dead battery on Sunday to fix a key instrument in the Hubble Space Telescope in a frustratingly long spacewalk.
Spacewalkers Tackle Daunting Hubble Telescope Repair
HOUSTON - Two spacewalking astronauts ripped a handrail out of the Hubble Space Telescope with their own brute strength on Sunday in a last-ditch effort to move it clear of an old broken instrument they were trying to fix.
Spacewalkers Tackle Daunting Hubble Telescope Repair
HOUSTON ? Two spacewalking astronauts resorted to "Plan C" Sunday to remove a stuck bolt on the Hubble Space Telescope that blocked their efforts to begin the second daunting repair of their mission: resurrecting a long-broken instrument that can sample the atmosphere of distant alien planets.
NASA: Hubble Camera's Repair a Partial Success
HOUSTON - An ambitious attempt by Atlantis astronauts to fix the Hubble Space Telescope's broken main camera has apparently met with only partial success, with one of the instrument's three photo channels failing to recover as hoped, NASA officials said early Sunday.
Astronauts to Try Complex Repair on Hubble's Broken Main Camera
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts ventured back out to the Hubble Space Telescope on Saturday for their most ambitious spacewalk yet in an attempt to resurrect the observatory's broken main camera.
Spacewalkers Make Tricky Repairs to Hubble Camera
HOUSTON - Two spacewalking astronauts opened up a camera inside the Hubble Space Telescope Saturday to make unprecedented repairs Saturday after successfully adding a brand new instrument to boost the observatory's view on the universe.
First Twitter Message From Space Sent
Astronaut Mike Massimino has boldly gone where no man has gone before: He sent the first Twitter message from space.
Space Shuttle, Hubble Spotted Crossing the Sun
HOUSTON ? Stunning new images reveal the space shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope as the two spacecraft were silhouetted by the sun earlier this week.
Astronauts Have Trouble Upgrading Hubble Telescope
HOUSTON - A pair of spacewalking astronauts enhanced the Hubble Space Telescope's sense of direction with some new gyroscopes Friday, but had trouble during the grueling upgrade because of a stubborn part.
Astronauts Tackle Delicate Hubble Telescope Maintenance
HOUSTON - Two astronauts in bulky spacesuits will open up the Hubble Space Telescope on Friday in a delicate tune-up to keep the aging observatory pointed straight.
Stuck Bolt on Hubble Telescope Put Scientists on Edge
HOUSTON - While spacewalking astronauts struggled with a stuck bolt on the Hubble Space Telescope Thursday, scientists on Earth were on edge as it seemed that years of preparation to make the observatory more powerful than ever might slip away.
Astronauts Give Hubble Telescope New Camera Eye
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts gave the ailing Hubble Space Telescope a deeper view into the universe Thursday in the form of a new camera eye during the first of five grueling spacewalks to fix the iconic observatory.
Astronauts Begin Spacewalk Marathon to Fix Hubble
HOUSTON - Atlantis astronauts kicked off an ambitious five-day marathon to fix the ailing Hubble Space Telescope Thursday when two spacewalkers floated outside to boost the observatory's vision.
Chinese Space Junk Buzzes Shuttle, Hubble Telescope
HOUSTON - NASA on Wednesday tracked a piece of space junk leftover from a Chinese anti-satellite test in 2007 that zoomed past the shuttle Atlantis and the attached Hubble Space Telescope, which astronauts plucked from orbit earlier in the day.
Hubble Astronauts in Space Junk Hot Zone
The astronauts who just arrived at the Hubble Space Telescope are at an altitude with a higher-than-usual risk from flying space junk.
Headed for Hubble
Astronauts Grab Hubble Telescope for Tune-Up
HOUSTON - Astronauts aboard the shuttle Atlantis grabbed the Hubble Space Telescope in a robotic embrace Wednesday, setting the stage for an ambitious five-spacewalk marathon of upgrades and repairs.
Shuttle Astronauts Close in on Hubble Telescope
HOUSTON - After seven years circling the Earth all alone, the ailing Hubble Space Telescope is about to meet some old friends.
Shuttle's Heat Shield Dings Appear to be Minor, NASA Says
HOUSTON - Astronauts discovered a trail of small dings in the vital heat shield of their space shuttle Atlantis on Tuesday, but NASA said the damage appears only minor and is not expected to be a concern.
Astronauts Spot Small Dings on Shuttle Heat Shield
HOUSTON - Astronauts spotted a trail of small dings on the starboard wing of the space shuttle Atlantis Tuesday during a heat shield inspection as they race toward the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble-Bound Astronauts Inspect Shuttle for Damage
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Atlantis inspected their spacecraft's vital heat shield for damage Tuesday while en route to the Hubble Space Telescope to perform one last service call.
Scientists Hail Hubble-bound Shuttle
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Astronomers and NASA managers alike rejoiced the successful Monday launch of the space shuttle Atlantis to give the Hubble Space Telescope one last tune-up, but now comes the hard part: actually fixing the 19-year-old observatory.
Space Shuttle Launches to Save Hubble Telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The space shuttle Atlantis blasted off into a Florida sky Monday to kick off a long-awaited mission to save the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble in NASA's Sights
Launch Today: Shuttle Atlantis to Fix Hubble Telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - After months of delay, the space shuttle Atlantis is poised to launch seven astronauts today on a risky mission to breathe new life into the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble Photographs Giant Eye in Space
The Hubble Space Telescope's legendary Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 has produced one of its last images, a gorgeous shot of a planetary nebula.
The Hubble Rescue Mission: What Could Happen?
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The space shuttle Atlantis is moving ever closer to its Monday launch toward the Hubble Space Telescope, but there's a second spaceship standing by for a rescue mission NASA hopes it never needs.
Weather Improves for Monday Shuttle Launch to Hubble
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - NASA's chances to launch the space shuttle Atlantis to the Hubble Space Telescope on Monday just got better.
Space Shuttle Cleared for Monday Launch to Hubble
NASA cleared the space shuttle Atlantis for its planned Monday launch to the Hubble Space Telescope, a long-delayed mission aimed at extending the iconic observatory's lifespan.
Hubble's Final Fix-It Flight Almost Never Was
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The stage is set for NASA's last trek to the Hubble Space Telescope, with seven astronauts and two space shuttles waiting in the wings to fly a risky mission that almost never was.
Astronauts Arrive at Spaceport for Hubble Mission
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ? Seven excited astronauts arrived at NASA's Florida spaceport on Friday as the clocks began counting down for their mission to overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope one last time.
Weather Looks Good for Monday Space Shuttle Launch
Final preparations are under way for NASA's planned launch next week of the space shuttle Atlantis to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble Huggers Ecstatic for Telescope's Facelift
NEW YORK - It's hard to tell who's more excited for Hubble's upcoming facelift ? the scientists who will benefit from the data the telescope collects, or the public who will enjoy the pretty pictures.
Astronauts' Choice: Hubble Telescope's Best Cosmic Views
Each of the seven NASA astronauts set to launch to the Hubble Space Telescope next week has a favorite view of the universe courtesy of the long-lived observatory, adding some extra motivation to their vital orbital repair mission.
Hubble Telescope Poised for Grand Cosmic Finale
Its exquisite images have graced the pages of astronomy books and calendars all over the world and provided astronomers with invaluable information on the mysteries of the universe.
Fixing Hubble: Space Mechanics Set for Last Service Call
After months of delay, NASA's space shuttle Atlantis is just one week away from launching seven eager astronauts to give the iconic Hubble Space Telescope one last makeover.
STS-125: Hubble?s Last Visitors Prepare to
Shuttle Flight to Save Hubble Telescope to Launch May 11
The space shuttle Atlantis and a crew of seven astronauts are officially set for a planned May 11 launch to give the Hubble Space Telescope one last upgrade, NASA announced Thursday.
Space Debris Risk Refined for Shuttle Mission to Hubble
Atlantis astronauts face an increased risk of a deadly strike from space debris during their upcoming mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. But NASA has taken steps to reduce the risk from levels anticipated last year, despite the growth in space junk highlighted by February's collision of two satellites.
Routine Quarantine Helps Astronauts Avoid Illness Before Launch
While no one wants to get swine flu, it would be particularly disastrous for the astronauts preparing to ride the space shuttle Atlantis on May 11 for their mission to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope.
Mission to Save Hubble Could Launch a Day Early
WASHINGTON - NASA is hoping to launch the space shuttle Atlantis on the last service call to the Hubble Space Telescope a day earlier than planned to avoid schedule conflicts near its Florida launch site, agency officials said Thursday.
Sight: Twin Shuttles at Launch Pad for Last Time
For what may be
only the fourth time in history, two space shuttles sat exposed on NASA's two
launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida this weekend. The rare sight
came to a close Monday as each shuttle was covered by rotating sections of
their pads' structures.
Ship For Hubble Shuttle Flight Moves to Launch Pad
The space shuttle
Endeavour rolled out to a Florida launch pad on Friday to stand by for an
unprecedented rescue mission NASA hopes it never has to fly.
Eager to Hug Hubble Again
Many fans of the Hubble Space Telescope call themselves &Hubble
huggers,& but only one means that literally.
NASA's rescue ship
for a risky May shuttle mission to the Hubble Space Telescope moved a step
closer to its Florida launch pad on Friday.
NASA Has Hubble
Cake, Just Can't Eat It
In May, NASA will
launch a mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. On Saturday, the space
agency's goals were slightly different: to serve the Hubble Space
Astronauts Tweet Their Horn
Call him @Astro_Mike. That's
the latest digital moniker of NASA astronaut Michael Massimino, who has invited
the world to tag along via the Twitter micro-blogging Web site as he trains for
a May space shuttle mission to overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope.
Photographs Peoples' Choice
The Hubble Space
Telescope has photographed a group of colliding galaxies that won a cosmic
popularity contest voted on by the public.
Space Shuttle Moves to Launch Pad
The space shuttle Atlantis
moved out to its seaside launch pad in Florida early Tuesday to prepare for
NASA's long-delayed final flight to the iconic Hubble Space Telescope.
to Save Hubble Ready for Rollout
A long-awaited mission to
repair and upgrade the venerable Hubble Space Telescope will get serious next
week when the space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to roll out to Launch Pad 39A
at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Calls on Public to Vote For Hubble Telescope's Target
NASA is turning control of the
Hubble Space Telescope over to the general public to give non-scientists a
chance to choose which target the iconic observatory should turn its camera
eyes on next.
Postpones Decision On Hubble Standby Shuttle
NASA's space operations chief
has delayed until March a decision on whether a mission to repair the Hubble
Space Telescope will tie up one or both space shuttle launch pads, a decision
that could impact the scheduled July test flight for the Ares I-X launch
2008 ? Failure Postpones Hubble Overhaul
NASA Might Change Hubble
Mission Requirement to Keep Ares 1-X on Schedule
WASHINGTON - NASA officials are weighing whether they need two space shuttle launch
pads to support the upcoming Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission or if
they can get by with one launch pad, a shift that would help keep the planned
July test flight of the Ares 1-X launch vehicle on schedule.
Repair Mission Set for May 12, 2009
NASA announced today a target launch date for the Space Shuttle Atlantis'
STS-125 mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope: May 12, 2009.
Delays Hubble Shuttle Mission to May 2009
The fallout from a major glitch with the Hubble Space Telescope has again
delayed NASA's plans to send a space shuttle crew to overhaul the orbital
observatory for the final time, with launch now set for no earlier than May
2009 due to problems with a spare part, the agency said late Thursday.
Hubble Space Telescope
Bounces Back from Glitches
The Hubble Space Telescope appears to be in good health after weeks of
troubleshooting following a debilitating glitch that thwarted its ability to
beam cosmic images back to Earth, NASA officials said Wednesday.
One week after two anomalous events caused a snag in NASA's attempt to revive
the Hubble Space Telescope, the orbital observatory is nearly back up and
running, with science operations set to resume this weekend.
Hits Snag in Reviving Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's attempt to revive the ailing Hubble Space Telescope has hit a snag,
leaving the iconic observatory's return to science observations in limbo until
two new glitches can be solved, agency officials said Friday.
Hubble Space Telescope's Reboot Going Well
NASA's long-distance effort to revive the ailing Hubble Space Telescope is
going well, with the orbital observatory on track to resume science
observations by week's end, agency officials said Thursday.
to Begin Hubble Space Telescope Fix
NASA engineers hope to begin reviving the ailing Hubble Space Telescope
Wednesday with a days-long switch to a backup system after a hardware failure
cut off its ability to transmit images back to Earth last month.
Repair Delay Puts Ares 1-X Rocket Test on Hold
WASHINGTON ? NASA's postponement of the Hubble Space Telescope servicing
mission until at least February is all but certain to delay the first test
flight of the U.S. space agency's new astronaut-launching rocket.
NASA Draws
Plan to Revive Hubble Space Telescope
NASA engineers are finalizing plans to resuscitate the ailing Hubble Space
Telescope, which has been unable to beam home its trademark iconic images of
the universe for weeks due to equipment failure.
Is the Broken
Hubble Telescope Worth Saving?
In light of the most recent glitch on the Hubble Space Telescope, a serious
equipment failure that means the observatory is unable to send data back to
Earth, some are beginning to wonder, is Hubble still worth saving?
Delays Shuttle Mission to Hubble Telescope
NASA has delayed the last shuttle mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until
early 2009 in order to repair a broken device that is blocking the orbital
observatory from sending its iconic images of the cosmos back to Earth, agency
officials said late Monday
Space Telescope Suffers Serious Failure
A serious equipment failure aboard the Hubble Space Telescope is preventing it
from relaying data and images to scientists on Earth and delayed plans to
launch a shuttle mission to overhaul the observatory next month, NASA officials
said Monday.
Space Telescope Ready for Its Close-up
HOUSTON ? The Hubble Space Telescope is poised to get a vital facelift, and a
final farewell, from an astronaut crew when NASA's shuttle Atlantis launches
next month.
Eager for Hubble's Facelift
Scientists are eagerly awaiting a much-needed facelift planned for the world's
favorite space telescope.
Mission to Hubble: Some Assembly Required
The delicate equipment to refurbish the 18-year-old Hubble Space Telescope has
begun arriving at Kennedy Space Center, presenting payload managers with one of
their greatest challenges.
Hubble Space
Telescope Hits Orbit 100,000
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) hit the 100,000-orbit mark today, nearly two
decades after it launched into space.
Astronauts Eager for Risky Mission to Hubble
Seven NASA astronauts are eagerly looking forward to a risky, but pivotal,
shuttle flight to the Hubble Space Telescope this fall.
Coming Together for Next Space Shuttle Launch
The pieces are coming together for NASA's next shuttle mission: the final service
call on the Hubble Space Telescope.
Delays Shuttle Flight to Hubble Space Telescope
HOUSTON - NASA has pushed back the planned launch of the final flight to
overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope by up to five weeks due to external fuel
tank delays, mission managers said Thursday.
Whole New View: Hubble Overhaul to Boost Telescope's Reach
When astronauts overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope this summer, they will
leave behind a vastly more powerful orbital observatory to scan the universe.
2007 ? Hubble Service Call Looms
NASA: Safety
First for Last Shuttle Flight to Hubble
Tune-Up Plans Detailed
Hubble Telescope to
Star in Warner Bros.' IMAX 3D Film
Telescope: Solved and Unsolved Mysteries
NASA Sets Launch
Date to Overhaul Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's final
shuttle mission to overhaul the Hubble Space Telescope has a firm September
2008 launch date, the space agency announced Thursday.
NASA: Hubble Space
Telescope's Main Camera Offline, Some Science Lost
Hugger Eager to Fix 'Mind-Blowing' Telescope
2006 ? Hubble?s Year of Salvation
Hubble Saved: NASA Approves Shuttle Flight to Service Space Telescope
The decision is in and the Hubble Space Telescope is saved. NASA announced Tuesday that it will go ahead with one final space shuttle mission to repair and upgrade Hubble after months of debate over the risks of such an endeavor.
Astronauts Detail Final Hubble Servicing Mission
NASA's Mission to
Service Hubble in 2008 Will Cost $900 Million
Decision Day: NASA
to Announce Hubble Space Telescope's Future Today
The fate of the Hubble Space Telescope
will be announced today by NASA chief Michael
Griffin after months of debate over whether the payoff from one last shuttle mission to the orbital
observatory is worth the risk to an astronaut
Puzzle: How Safe is a Shuttle Servicing Mission? &
Despite the success of NASA's second shuttle flight since the 2003 Columbia tragedy, the
decision to launch astronauts to the Hubble Space Telescope
remains uncertain as top agency officials debate its safety.
Decision Time
Nears for Hubble-Bound Shuttle Mission
Recovery Expected for Hubble's Troubled Camera
Hubble's Main Camera
Successfully Switched to Backup Power
Hubble Telescope's Main
Camera Stops Working
2005 ? Hubble in the
Searches for Oxygen on the Moon
Checkup: Engineers Work to Stall Hubble's Death
People's Telescope: Wrangling Over Hubble's Fate
The Hubble
telescope is the Ansel Adams of space photography. Its crystal-clear keepsake
images have brought great insight into the grand majesty of the cosmos.
NASA Prepares for Possible Shuttle Mission to Save Hubble
Chief Michael Griffin and Hubble
COMMENTARY: Griffin Should Reverse Outrageous Hubble
NASA Review: Hubble Headed For Deorbit-Option Only
Lawmaker Urges NASA on Hubble Mission
NASA Prepares for Possible Shuttle Mission to Save Hubble
The Fight Begins Once Again for Hubble's Life
White House Cuts
Hubble Servicing Mission from 2006 Budget Request
House has eliminated funding for a mission to service the Hubble Space
Telescope from its 2006 budget request and directed NASA to focus solely on
de-orbiting the popular spacecraft at the end of its life, according to
government and industry sources.
Astronomers Surprised by White House Plan to Scuttle
Hubble Robot Repair Deal Given to Canadian Firm
2004 ? Hubble?s Fate in
Experts Calculate Risk of Uncontrolled Hubble Re-entry
Report: NASA Should Use Space Shuttle to Service Hubble
Recommended Hubble Repair Mission Gets Measured Response
from Congress
Study: Hubble Robotic Repair Mission Too Costly
NASA Chief: 'Let's Go Save the Hubble'
uncertainty over the fate of the Hubble Space Telescope and with a key
instrument not working, NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe gave the go-ahead
Monday for planning a robotic servicing mission.
Hubble Health Report: Telescope's Life Expectancy
Canadian Robot Top Choice for Hubble Servicing Mission
Hubble Now on Two
Gyroscope Mode: Some Science Impacted
Hubble Trouble: One of Four Instruments Stops Working
Fight for Hubble Continues, Outgoing Director Vows
Hubble Telescope's Chief Advocate to Step Down
Commentary: On Saving Hubble, NASA Chief Listens with One
NASA: Manned Hubble Mission Not Ruled Out, But Will Focus
on Robotic Means
NASA Urged to Keep Shuttle Servicing Mission to Hubble an
O'Keefe: NASA to Pursue Robotic Mission to Save Hubble
O'Keefe Says
Robotic Options for Hubble More Promising than Thought
Hubble Space Telescope
Study Group Selected
Robotic Hubble
Servicing Mission Plans Under Review
NASA Studies Robot
Servicing of Hubble
Hubble Resolution
Introduced in the Senate
Astronaut Calls NASA Decision a 'Huge, Huge Mistake'
NASA's O'Keefe
Stands Firm on Hubble Decision, But Agrees to New Study
U.S. Senators
Demand Reviews of NASA Hubble Decision
'Back Room' Decision
to Cancel Hubble Servicing Criticized
Save Hubble
Resolution Introduced in House
Critics of Hubble
Decision Don't Have the Big Picture, NASA Says
Heads Up! Debate over
Deorbiting Hubble
NASA Firm on Hubble
Decision but Would Listen to Options
Senator Repeats
Plea for Hubble Reprieve, But Realistic About Outcome
Chief: Hubble Decision Under Review
The Public Strikes Back
Bombards Operators to Save Hubble
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