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lpl明星对抗赛4月26日直播地址 票选MVP竞猜赢App Watch活动一览
lpl对抗赛4月26日直播地址 票选MVP竞猜赢App Watch活动一览
01 选手投票
02 悬念竞猜
本次英雄联盟职业联赛春季赛已经接近尾声,本届春季赛也是有史以来外援最多的一个赛季。我们在此基础上挑选出了最具实力的选手参与本次票选活动,最终入围的选手将进行LPL明星对抗赛。究竟谁能在此票选中脱颖而出?哪方又将获得本次对抗赛的胜利?谁又能成为全场的焦点?让我们拭目以待!参与本次的悬念揭晓投出你所支持的一方,展现你的态度,为LPL明星对抗赛喝彩。点击活动页面上【更多悬念】按钮,你还将知晓更多玩家的关注重点,在此期间参与超过50次竞猜活动,还将有机会抽取App Watch、游戏外设等大奖。
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LPL春季赛 第一周全部翻译完毕
LPL春季赛 第一周全部翻译完毕----------------看完请点赞,欢迎转载,谢谢有任何建议,请在日志下方留言,我都会看,谢谢 ----------------以后LPL比赛更新细节更新时间:每周一的晚饭时间更新地址:我的QQ空间
第一场 IG VS WEKakao is still a crazy motherfuckerKakao还是那么6same as RookieRookie也是6的飞起KaKAO + RooKie is such a fantastic combination.IG中野无解啊!Kid is actually a beast but is a bit overshadowed by mid/jg cause they are playing even better小孩玩的不错,只是光芒被中野的完美发挥给掩盖了iG Koreans carrying.WE Koreans throwing.IG的韩国外援在发光发热WE的韩国外援在各种花式作死Spirit played really well thoughSpirit已尽力,队友CUBAAluka actually played pretty well, styz and ninja were playing terribleAluka玩的还行,不过styz和ninja玩的惨不忍睹sometimes Riot makes me cry with how thoughtful they are拳头不转播这件事情也是让我无语,他们在想什么呢Everytime !!!他们哪次给力过!No players cam, no view on the stage, we don't get to know who get MVP.You can do better Riot ...没有选手视角,看不到舞台,我们甚至连赛后MVP是谁都不知道,澳大利亚的转播你真够了拳头你快回来..我已承受不来...Honestly it is better to just watch the Chinese stream on mute, it has all those things虽然马赛克外加卡成狗,看中国直播流还是值得的,毕竟想看的都能看到。On the Chinese stream, there is a lot of fillers like player interviews, stats and etc. Hopefully Riot can put stuff like that in so we don't get a long break with the schedule because it feels like we are watching some challenger games.中国直播流能看到很多比赛的细节,比如选手的采访啊,选手的详细资料啊什么的,希望拳头能专业点,不然我们看澳大利亚直播流真是看的蛋痛,就好像看某个低端小型挑战赛似的Styz has been disappointing ever since he left LGD. Styz离开了LGD后状态一落千丈i'm expecting WE to be bottom 3 this split, maybe bot 5 if styz can start carrying.今天心情不错,我掐指一算,WE春季赛能拍倒数第三,如果他们ADC给力的话,估计能倒数第五I was expecting more from Styz,questionable positioning我还期待Styz有什么表现呢,结果各种失误走位成为了万磁男Very impressive games by rookie. Love to see TF in competitive League很开心看到rookie的卡牌,原来他的斗地主也这么6,对面一对三都要不起Why do they like Sivir so much?轮子妈快看吐了,他们真爱用啊here we are again... WE... nothing changed都S5了,WE还是老样子呵呵呵Poor Spirit, joined the wrong Chinese team.Spirit:我艹,掉坑里了,带不动啊!We need Pokemon to play in OGN.Pokemon你这么稳快到OGN的碗里来!
第二场:GT VS SNAKENow I'm interested in how Snake will do against some of the more established teams. Especially Flandre and Beast looked really impressive.哎哟,不错哦,我现在有点期待snake对阵比GT强一些的队伍会怎么样了。他们上单和打野水平很高啊THAT CLASSIC CHINESE AGGRESSIONsnake给我一种老中国队伍打法的感觉GT is gonna lose a LOT of games this season. They did not look good.GT看起来没什么希望啊这个春季赛,他们看起来准备不足,实力不够。
第三场: LGD VS EPUnless it's a mistake, I'm guessing Imp didn't go 7-3-11 on Nami?恩?我是不是看错了,IMP对位娜美(ADC)拿了7-3-11的数据??(翻译酱oliva09注:娜美和辅助nami,国外水友黑了一下娜美,一语双关)All during Worlds, he heard how Nami was the best adc in China. Decided to see for himself.S4总决赛,IMP听说娜美多么多么叼,他决定亲自试试...laughed too hard笑死我了Well Played.黑的漂亮我喜欢So... I guess LGD will be swapping top laners in every games like for Faker and Easyhoon? Imp is still a beast without Mata.LGD是不是像SKT的faker/Easyhoon那样公主和A哥轮流上?IMP离开了Mata还是那么叼哈~Did Imp not prove himself when he won worlds?说得好像IMP没证明过自己似的,毕竟S4总决赛冠军ADCA lot of people say that Imp is nothing without Mata倒是很多人说IMP离开Mata就什么都不是了Not sure that argument is worth taking seriously.这种话说说就行了,你们还真信了我也服了Best Chinese support in my opinion.PYL可以说是中国现在最好的辅助了I think Cloud is better, but PYL is also the captain so if you consider that he might be the better overall player我觉得诺夏更好啊,不过PYL是LGD队长,所以嘛,有队长光环的加成,应该是更厉害了啦UZI says cloud is bad. PYL Tabe Fzzf is good.UZI说诺夏就是吃屎辅助,他更喜欢PYL,歌王,卷毛LGD had crazy good communication. Even more than IG.LGD内部沟通要不要给个赞!看他们团战的流利程度,比IG还6的样子。Wow Pyl + Imp looked amazingly strong哇,PYL+IMP好无解的样子Imp making more ADCs cry.IMP又让对面ADC哭了
第四场:KING VS EDGEDG looked terrifying. So so strong. Punishing every mistake. King played the early game pretty good but they lack a bit of experience maybe, team fights/decision making not as good.EDG看上去太强了,能抓住对方每个小失误,KING早期玩的不错,可能由于新军欠缺经验的关系,KING渐渐失去了主动,在团战处理和战局的把握都不是很到位Edg was basically the Ssb analogy in China last season.EDG有点像去年的SSBIt was a bit of a shame to only see Annie both games I would love to see Mouse play something else. Hopefully he can get to Fzzf level or better if they hope to win the title and maybe world championship. Mouse玩两把安妮辅助让我觉得有点看不过瘾,我希望他能有卷毛的英雄池,这样EDG才会在中国赛和世界赛中走的更远。Froggen shown up big the second game第二把长时间的掉线,让我想起了2年前Froggen怒拔网线Janna finally starting to get permabanned, the 5.1 wont stop her to be the best support风女还是非ban必选啊,即使到了5.1版本还是阻挡不了风女成为最热门的辅助also in Korea she was 1st-pick or banned!风女在OGN也是这样啊Deft and PawN are looking really good despite the switch. Also in the other thread Imp is doing pretty good too. Looks like these guys are fitting in pretty well :)羊驼和小胖看起来适应的不错啊,IMP他们看起来也不错,看来韩国外援适应能力都很强Clearlove showing up in both games, wow.厂长养了两场的猪,哈哈Great games this LPL, so bloody and fun to watch. One observation is that the Koreans are really dominating. Makes me wonder why we did not see such dominance from the NA/EU Koreans as afterall it's not like CN is weaker than NA/EU.LPL好精彩,看的好爽啊,韩国外援发挥都好棒。这样我就不能理解了,同样是韩国外援,为什么到中国也能保持水准,到了NA根本发挥不出作用来呢?I'll tell you why.Ryu and Seraph are shit.Deft,PawN,KaKAO,Rookie,Flame,Imp aren't.It's as simple as that.你的问题好2啊,对简单啊,我来告诉你Ryu和Seraph这两个就是逗比水货Deft,PawN,KaKAO,Rookie,Flame,Imp 他们货真价实回答完毕,舒坦了吗It's sad really你说的好有道理,我竟无言以对MonteChristo kept saying during most of the end of year awards that PawN only really shone due to Dandy, i think this finally proves that PawN is actually himself reallyy gudMonte说小胖牛逼是因为有dandy在,我觉得小胖终于证明了没有dandy还是一样犀利Holysheet damn koreans dominating the chinese league看到韩国人都跑中国去打职业了真不爽,还打的那么好,整个人都不好了(翻译酱oliva09注:这是韩国水友留言)King is probably better than royalKing看起来要比皇族强Mlxg and wuxin are really good as well despite not having all too great performances today.今天虽然表现不好,麻辣香锅和无心还是证明了他们是LPL的希望之星
2015年 LPL春季赛 第一周 第二天 比赛翻译第一场:M3 VS 皇族Ive never seen a team with a sub win 2 games so dominantly.这是我见过的最碾压的比赛。(皇族:即使上了替补,我们还是萌萌哒)Imagine this team with NaMei . . .娜美再上的话,画美不看....Maybe better in the regular season, but if they make it to worlds, I doubt the SHRC will make the final for the 3rd time或许会比去年春季赛要好一些,但是这水平,要进S5还差一点第三次进S5决赛就是神作WTF are u guys looking at?????????????? Look who they played against.你们TM都在看些什么,你看皇族对阵是谁啊M3,高分路人队!The &best top laner in the world& &Looper& looked fucking terrible and their bot lane was a joke.号称&世界第一上单&Looper被吊打两盘,真是笑死了everyone knows that gogoing is best, followed by flame and acorn大家都知道&世界第一上单&是gogoing啊,哪里轮到Looper了,第二是公主,第三是A哥I think Zero is really good player.我觉得Zero是尽职尽责的好员工now all we need is Coco to go to china...好吧,现在我们需要派遣Coco去中国打职业了....did you see looper cry -cola你看到looper被我打哭了吗? -可乐Damn Cola was impressive可乐的纳尔要不要这么亮I don't think we will be able to see Ackerman playing competitively this season.完了,我觉得我们一整个赛季都见不到鳄鱼哥了rip dade, shrc looking super strongdade玩的太糟糕了,皇族看起来好强,真想尝一尝什么味道kinda not surprised at the results. 有点被比赛结果震惊到了...M3 ain't enough man, I need 5.M3好像只有3个人在比赛,我需要5个人组成M5I didn't get to catch the broadcast. Can someone tell me why Namei couldn't play?我没看直播,为什么娜美上不了?because of the contract with EDG他和EDG合同还没结束呢Dade's Azir gave me flashbacks of his Gragas.dade的黄金脆皮鸡让我想起了他的酒桶Namei Team = LPL Champion有娜美的队伍=LPL冠军
第二场:WE VS snakeThat tristana is ridiculously aggressive! Fucking brilliant to watch!这小炮玩的真6!选这场比赛观看真是太机智了!Snake hypetrain is rolling ya'll!snake飞起来了!!Get rid of Ninja...WE would look a long stronger with a solid mid laner who can actually hold his own and not feed/play stupidly.如果换掉Ninja,WE将会是一支强队Zz1tai as well.姿态来也行啊Top is useless, adc keeps getting killed for no reason. Just a huge mess.上单也不行,一直送,打的些什么啊Krystal's manmode jump in was one of the most unexpected things I've seen an ADC do in a long time. Reminds me of Turtle flashing into the enemy's baseKrystal让我眼前一亮啊,这ADC玩的真好,他的小炮让我想起了野龟的小炮了Poor Spirit has to 1v9. Man, it must be tough for him.Spirit简直是在1v9,他一定在想“我艹,掉坑里了”第三场:IG VS GTPretty much expected屠杀,还是屠杀,恩,如我所料so what, Save and Zztai is not gonna play ever?虐菜都不上save和姿态,是不是以后不上了??
第四场:OMG VS VGSuch a great Bo2 with a great storyline coming into it. I am so mad Riot didn't cast it. But watching laggy chinese stream was totallly worth it.这么经典的比赛竟然不转播,拳头你是认真的么,虽然中国直播流卡的飞起,但是还是值了FUCK OCE give back LPL!OCE比赛滚一边去,还我的LPL转播!!VG definitely didn't recognize the power of the 5-Dragon buff. They had the advantage in every way in that Baron fight, except that buff. VG绝对没有认识到五条小龙的恐怖性,如果不被OMG拿到第五条小龙召唤出神龙BUFF,大龙团VG他们是有绝对的优势的Thanks urgot1 for streaming it on twitch!Fun series to watch! Really want to see both Cool and Faker playing against each other in international tournaments again.谢谢urgot1在老鼠台给我们的LPL转播!这场BO2真精彩啊!真是迫不及待想在S5总决赛看到无状态对阵faker了Uzi's smile when shaking hands with the korean players made me happy :)UZI上去和韩国外援握手的表情让我笑了,简直像个小孩子More like &Welcome to China!&更像是在说&欢迎来到中国LPL,被坑了吧?哈哈哈!&&I'll just go home and wipe my tears with my million dollars& - Dandy and Mata&我只想回家用我的百万美钞擦泪,带不动VG啊& -Dandy,Mata斗地主二人组Urgot1 saved the day with his stream.Urgot1在老鼠台的转播真是救命了COOL is EASILY the MVP of this series. Holy shit he just 1vs5 the whole team both games.无状态毫无疑问是MVP啊,两场比赛都是强行实力1V5Why was VG giving up so many dragons in Game 2? I don't get it, they were even winning teamfights...VG第二把怎么放掉那么多小龙?即使他们打赢了团战。。不明白oh my godCool is too good天啊无状态这是屌的飞起啊I mean, he was the only mid laner in s3 worlds who was actually able to do something against Faker.我认为S3的时候他是世界上为数不多能和巅峰faker正面抗衡的人Cool carried OMG to worlds无状态带领OMG进入世界总决赛then gogoing carried them to the semis然后gogoing带领OMG进入四分之一决赛yeah the fact they have 3 players that can 1v9 godmode in playoffs and up is just ridiculous.是啊,他们队中至少有3个能够强行1V9的变态选手,简直太扯啦I dont understand why the hell rito decided not to cast this game. This game is so much more intense and fun to watch than even the s4 finals!! I搞不懂拳头为什么不转播啊,这场BO2比S4决赛都好看啊!come on, S4 final was boring as hell...得了吧,S4决赛很无聊好吗The S3 was even worse.S3决赛才无聊,终结此贴Dandy still Dandy. Mata still Mata. Vasili still Vasili.I love this team.dandy还是那个dandy,mata还是那个mata,宣告还是那个宣告我爱VGHoly shit, what a game 2!! It was basically Dragon 5 buff vs Baron buff... and Dragon won!我艹,第二场简直碉堡!五小龙对阵一大龙,然后...就没有然后了!!!What did we learn today? 5th Dragon is OP as fk!今天学到的就是.......打死也不能给对面拿到五条小龙!!!!打不死就给....God.. I went to toilet for a minute and came back to VG base getting wrecked when the last I saw was OMG losing most teamfights in Game 2. Can somebody elaborate what just happened???神啊,第二场VG不是还是优势吗,我上个厕所回来怎么VG就被破高地了?vasilii and his team learned something from DIG宣告他们队伍应该找很多DIG的录像来看才对,大龙毁一生啊!Gogoing was really bad with the gnar.Gogoing的纳尔简直不能看啊Cool = Chinese Faker无状态=中国fakerSo glad I made it in time for game 2. Really exciting game.太幸运赶上了第二场,太精彩的比赛了Wasn't that a 7k gold lead? Level 5 dragon buff is more op!!!! Riot is a genius for coming up with this!!!!7000的经济领先又怎么样,五小龙教你做人!!!拳头这个设计简直天(nao)才(can)!!I thought VG had it in the bag that 2nd game, intense game我觉得VG第二把背上想赢怕输的包袱了,打的好紧5th drag & 7k gold lead CONFIRMED第五条小龙&7000经济If anyone could tell me if there is a vod available I would love you. 谁能告诉我哪里能看到这场比赛的录像,我爱他Oh man I can't wait to see Cool vs Rookie.等不及无状态和rookie的对阵啦----------------欢迎转载 转载请
2015年 LPL春季赛 第一周 第三天 比赛翻译
第一场:M3 VS KINGRek'Sai should be permanently banned lol我知道挖掘机为什么一直被ban的原因了。。。I freaking love looper's singed.我最爱looper的炼金了!Entertaining games, but I really don't see any of these teams being able of cracking top4.好娱乐的BO2,我觉得这两支队伍都不会排到LPL前四Definitely not. The Chinese league looks so stacked with all these A-tier imports肯定不行啊,LPL有太多一级梯队的队伍了Both M3 and King show some serious lack of strategic depth, mostly on the first game. Second game was full out solo q.两支队伍的策略套路都不够,第一场还好,第二场简直就是虐菜局了what happened to jaoshen?脚神玩的不在状态啊,怎么了?lets go dade stepping up on azir加油,dade的黄金脆皮鸡
第二场:OMG VS EPCool beats LB as Syndra then Syndra as LB. What a beast.第一把无状态用辛德拉教育了妖姬,然后第二把又用妖姬教育了辛德拉,太坏了!Yep he is indeed a &MidGodKiller&是的,他就是“中单杀神”that name was actually used by Misaya in solo q哈哈哈,人家若风早就用这个名字了Wasnt that exactly what faker did with xiyang? He beated Syndra as Orianna and next game Orianna as Syndra:D让我想起了faker教冰封夕阳做人那场,用辛德拉打败发条,回头又拿出发条干翻了辛德拉Luo(OMG's) has been pretty impressiveLuo玩的还行啦~wtf 2 luo?luo是谁?what's going on with Cloud?诺夏怎么办?Uzi said Luo is better for the team, even if Cloud is a better player.Uzi不爱诺夏,即使诺夏比luo强也不用,luo是uzi钦点的Team atmosphere I guess.要照顾团队的和谐气氛,我觉得是这样----------------欢迎转载 转载请
第三场:LGD VS 皇族Dont know why did CJ entus let flame away不知道CJ为什么要放公主Lord flame is back.我大公主回来了!Imp shows that hes good even without mata.IMP再次证明了没有mata他还是那个IMPBeing able to watch a specific players POV is so nice...竟然能选择怎么多选手视角观看真是太幸福了!What? Where?什么?这么好的事情?在哪里能找到?on chinese stream, you can watch POV of any players you choose中国直播流啊,你能看任意一个人的第一视角。Such a scary team! I prefer Acorn's playstyle personally, that guy is everywhere with his tps.LGD有点厉害啊,A哥无处不在啊,他的传送好像没有CD一样!Except pyls a tier 1 support in ChinaPYL毫无疑问是中国最强辅助之一了I love watching Ca'imp'lyn.我喜欢看imp的女警Namei ?娜美人呢?Namei isn't playing until sometime in February due to contract issues. (Rumor.)传言说娜美要到2月才能上场,因为合同关系
第四场:EDG VS VGVasilii really got outclassed here. Funny to think how he was considered above average in NA宣告那水平简直不能在LPL上场,想一想他曾经是LCSNA水平线以上的ADC选手,笑死了i know its early, but Mata needs a better adc if they want to make worlds我知道我的话可能说的太早了,但是mata真心需要一个好一点的ADC来辅助,这样才能进军世界总决赛啊na Vasili can be good.. just needs to some timeLCS的宣告是很不错的ADC,可能需要一些时间来调整吧Vasilii was and probably would still be above average in NA. Look at the scope, does NA have even a top 5 ADC in the world?宣告毫无疑问是排在LCS前列的ADC选手,你想想就明白了,NA有哪一个ADC能排进世界前五ADC的??Vasili also benefited massively from Tristana being broken.小炮被削了,宣告就不行了Can't talk shit to people for things like that...Champion Select...&英雄削了就不会玩了&我就呵呵了,从来不和高唱这种论调的白痴争论right now china is a hell for being an ADC. Top 4 ADCs world are in LPL.现在LPL就是ADC的噩梦,世界前四的ADC都在LPLI mean San was considered a pretty bad ADC amongst Chinese fans but every time in international competitions hr played really well. Chinese adcs are just insanely good.小伞被中国粉丝认为是很菜的ADC,但是世界大赛人家就是玩的好,唉,中国的ADC都太强了He's kind of like the cop of China他的地位就好像LCS的cop那样(翻译酱oliva09注:COP是前CRS的ADC)Only above average? Didn't he have the highest kills for the entire season? I'd say he was only behind Sneaky slightly.只是水平线以上?他不是夏季赛击杀数最多的ADC么,当然他还落后sneaky一些。Clearlove looks amazing these first couple games. His kill participation was insane. 92% in game 2, played out of his mind.厂长简直碉堡,第一场100%的击杀参与度,第二场92%,这养猪手法简直无情啊~Despite the loss, HeTong played really well. On the other hand, Vasilii just got destroyed. The way he gave fb in the first game was hilarious虽然输了,但是VG收获了HeTong这个中单,另一方面,宣告的信心真的被摧毁了,两场比赛两次被拿一血太伤信心了。HeTong solo kill Pawn twice... Geez...单杀世界冠军中单小胖两次...偷笑Vasilii doesn't deserve to play with Mata.宣告根本不配和mata双人路啊No ones talking about ClearLove's great ganks?都是在说宣告,都没人谈论厂长的养猪手法么?Here come the Vasilli hate comments...这下宣告都不敢去看LOL社区评论了Its not hate. He got really outclassed on both games and quite honestly seems to be in over his head in the LPL. Time will tell, though.谈不上讨厌吧,他这两把玩的水平完全展现出不适合LPL的节奏啊,我估计他会有阴影的,唉,看看吧,时间会证明一切的。Vasilii is trying too hard to come back to NA.宣告是用生命在倾诉自己想回到NA来啊deft finally back on ezreal我羊驼的EZ又回来了----------------欢迎转载 转载请
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