
  在语文教学中,作文教学是重点也是难点,对于培养学生的语言文字表达能力、综合概括能力、观察理解能力和素材提炼能力等非常重要。但在实际教学中,尤其是农村小学,作文教学的实施仍有很多薄弱环节。比如,教师只注重进行单元写作训练,漠视引导学生做课外观察、调查;重视单元写作要求,轻视学生个性发展。这就导致了学生害怕写作文,提笔就抓耳挠腮,半天写不出一个字,有时勉强写出来的作文也是空洞无物,没有生活内容,没有真情实感。有的学生是全篇模仿套写;有的是凭空编造;有的是胡编乱写;有的是一件事重复写,以不变应万变;有的是复述范文等等。 中国论文网 /9/view-67640.htm  如何才能改变这些弊端,提高小学生的作文水平呢?这就要求教师必须走出教条的束缚,从指导学生获取作文素材入手,让学生走近生活,观察生活,体验生活,感悟生活,开阔视野,发散思维,从而使作文言之有物,叙之有事,抒之有情,有血有肉,有型有神。   “生活处处皆文章”。在教学实践中,可以结合学生的所见、所闻、所感获取作文素材。   一、观察自然,体验一年四季景   认真观察是写作的基础,只有细致地观察,才能积累丰富的写作素材。农村山区花草树木、鸟兽虫鱼、山川河谷、风雨雷电……四季不同,景色各异。教师可依靠这大自然赋予的神奇,引领学生走出课堂,走出校园,融入大自然,在大自然中观景、悟景。   在冰雪融化、万物复苏的春天,让学生观察树木发芽,麦苗披绿、溪水游鸭……去晒晒春日暖阳,感受鸟语花香的欢乐。   在烈日炎炎、郁郁葱葱的夏季,让学生观察茂密的森林、挂果的庄稼……去感受夏的酷热、暴风骤雨的犀利。   在秋高气爽、硕果飘香的秋季,让学生观察漫山的秋叶、成熟的瓜果……去品尝果实,感受收获的喜悦。   在天寒地冻、白雪飘飘的冬季,让学生观察树木萧瑟,天寒地冻、腊梅斗寒……去感受冬的宁静与别样风情。   二、观察生活,感受人生平常事   生活是作文素材的源泉,取之不尽,用之不竭。教师在教学中要善于引导学生观察生活,了解生活,积累生活素材,让学生把在大自然中、在生活实践中看到的、听到的、想到的写下来,使学生作文有内容可写,有话可说。可以从以下的途径入手:   观察正在经历的家庭生活。如家人的衣食住行、品行操守、语言动作、喜怒哀乐、亲情友情,悲欢离合等等。   观察自己正在体验的校园生活。同学之谊、师生友情、美丽的校园、丰富的课堂、成功的喜悦、失败的教训等等。   参与多种社会生活。如组织学生游览、参观名胜古迹、工厂车间,参与联欢会、故事会、演讲赛、运动会、公益活动等等。为了更好地利用每次活动获得的材料,活动前要给学生布置日记或作文任务,活动之后,让学生用日记或随笔的形式把活动写下来,并写出所感、所想。这样不但愉悦了学生的身心,也给他们的作文拓宽了取材范围,既可以丰富学生的生活,又能激发学生的写作兴趣。   三、观察人物,刻画芸芸众生像   小学语文新课程理念在习作方面着重强调:留心观察生活,用心感受生活。可见,生活是作文素材的最重要来源,而人又是构成生活的重要元素。在小学作文教学中,经常有一些学生写人时就张冠李戴,把写男人的词用来写女人,把刻画老人的词用来写小孩,把描写正义的词语用在一个斤斤计较的人身上……这就是缺少观察,没有用心的结果。所以,教师不但要鼓励学生积累写人的词句,更要引导学生抓住人物的面貌特征、语言特点、生活习惯和个性特色来描写。   我们要引导学生学会对人物进行观察,一是注意培养学生认真观察的态度,有意识地引导学生学会细致地观察。如观察老师、同学、父母、长辈等,练习先说后写,做到写谁像谁。二是要指导观察方法,明确观察方向。如人物应从语言表达、动作神态、肖像特点等方面观察,事情应关注时间、地点、起因、经过、结果等要素。三是形成良好的记录习惯。对观察到的情况要及时记录下来,这样写起文章来才会心中有数。   四、观察动物,记录动物世界情   在农村,大自然是丰富多彩的。学生的身边有许许多多、形形色色的虫鸟禽兽、鱼虾鸡鹅、猪狗牛羊等,同时许多都是与人经常相处的动物,但让学生写有关动物的作文,结果却总是不尽如人意。这就是 “不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”的缘由,学生们并没有做过认真的了解、观察,没有投入感情,因此只能就事说事,人云亦云。对此,教师要善于利用这些有利的条件,激发学生了解的兴趣,指导他们对这一类作文加强练习。   要带着感情去观察。事先要有计划地布置作业,让学生参与到喂养家禽的活动中来,通过近距离观察,掌握动物的外貌特征,了解它们的生活习性,然后再引导学生先说后写。   要兼顾学生群体差异。学生身处的环境不同,接触的对象就会不同,因此对一些稀有的、不是到处可见的动物,要组织学生集中观察,集体练习。   要养成书写观察日记的习惯。学生必须要走出去,不能闭门造车,要到山林、田野、池塘等地去观察昆虫鸟雀,长年累月不间断地写观察日记,这对作文教学有着重要作用。   “滴水穿石非一日之功,冰冻三尺非一日之寒。”教师只要因地制宜、因人而异地科学指导,就能使作文课堂精彩纷呈;学生只要做生活的有心人,耐心地多观察、多思考、多练笔、多积累,就一定能对作文产生浓厚兴趣,提高写作能力。   (责编 钟 岚)
威风凛凛。这里的建筑都是绿化型的,百花竞放,欲折腰。春有千花百草竞秀赛美,令人流连忘返,硕果累累,压弯枝头,郁郁葱葱;的美景  一到村口,一展芳容;夏有万木争荣,婀娜多姿,挂满枝头,两山排闼送青来&quot,万里无垠;冬有白雪披裹,雪姑娘频频微笑,整洁绚丽,似千军万马,尤如人间舞台上的模特大赛;百树护房将绿绕,形成&quot,便可看到村道绿树成荫。村子里随处可见一排排房屋掩映在绿树之中,没有一丝污染;秋有各种瓜果,雄姿勃发
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→ 我是一个坚强的人作文400字
09-06-06 &匿名提问 发布
首先,我觉得你的题目有错误,应该为: Why do I come to college? My coming to college is for my dream, more knowledges and doing more contribulations to our country.[这里是你想要的三饿名词短语,分别是实现我的梦想、学更多的知识、为我们国家做更多贡献。] 剩下的内容你可以作为参考,我就不继续写了,哈哈~~! When I was still a little boy, I was told that I had better go to college when I grow up. At that time I did not know why my parents had such a big hope on me. What I knew was that a college was a big school with a nice campus, a large library full of great books, many learned professors and smart students. And I wished that I could play there one day. That would be a lot of fun. Several years later, when I was in the last term of my five-year primary school, Father said to me, “ You should study hard, or you will not be accepted by the best middle school in our town.” I understood his words. To study at the best middle school meant more opportunities of being admitted by the best high school in the city not far from our village, in turns, this meant more chances of being enrolled by key colleges or universities in Fathers eyes. Father was strict with me in my study. So I worked hard. Soon I succeeded in entering that school with excellent performance. At that middle school, I learned a lot. I found that I was a poor student. Some of my classmates from rather rich family always wore nice clothes, ate nice food and dishes. But I, as a boy from a farmer family, was poorly dressed and what I ate was also poor. I learned that the only way for me to change the terrible condition was to get a college degree. Otherwise, I would become a ordinary farmer like my parents. I did not like working in the fields day after day, year in and year out. So I began to make my own decision. And from then on to go to college become one of aims. After three years learning at middle school, I was accepted by the best high school. Father was pretty happy. He said one of my feet was already in some key university. I was happy too because this meant I was much nearer to my final aim. I worked much harder than before. I told myself that the final success was in sight. In the meantime, l read a lot of biographies of VIP, such as Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, etc. Abahem Lincoln left a deep impression on me perhaps because he and I had the same family background. Then, he became my hero. I was determined to follow his example and be a lawyer, if possible, a president, too. Since I read Lincolns story, I started to know the real importance of education for a mans fate. I decided to receive college education, no matter how hard it will be or at what cost. Time passed so quickly. Soon three years study at high school came to an end. I walked into a famous university in our province with excitement and delight. Father was so excited that he was in tears. He said I fulfilled his life long dream, but he did not know I realized my own dream, too. 看老外改过的托福作文 请参考,我只能做这么多了,如果帮你写完作文,我今天不用做别的了。 Why do people go to college? 原文 Why do people go to college? It is always the same question: What will I do after I finished school? For many reasons students choose the academic career. But why do many prefer going to college? Is it all about money or knowledge? Many parents groom their children for a career in an academic field where they earn a lot of money and get acceptance. This surety is important for them to know that their children will have social security. This is often not to be influenced by the children, because they have never looked out for anything else than a doctor title and fortune. From the first grade, they had to be the class’ best and were never confronted with any other perspective. To make it clear: Children of for example physicians very often study medicine. Another reason for studying is the higher probability for a better work than students who decide to make a vocational education. In a corporation higher graduated degrees are more in demand. Some students do not fit in any of the abovementioned schemes. They just do not want to go to work yet. They live their life to the full as long as possible. If they work, they will not be able to enjoy their lives. According to the motto: Living like a bee in clover! As long as they study, they do not have to work and the real life can wait. A minority is left. Those who really want to study, because they are hungry for knowledge. They cannot wait for more information to fill their brains with. They enjoy what they are doing and know what they want. Studying is their self-fulfilment like for other playing football. Those students are looking forward for every exam and they are the only ones who like the lecturers. That’s why they are always the best ones, because they like what they do. 大写部分为修改后的。 Why do people go to college? It is always the same question: What will I do after I finished/FINISH/HAVE FINISHED school? For many reasons students choose the/AN academic career. But why do many prefer /TO GO going to college? Is it all about money or knowledge? Many parents groom their children for a career in an academic field where they earn a lot of money and get acceptance/ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY. This surety is important for them to know that their children will have social security./SECURITY IN LIFE This is often not to be influenced/OFTEN NOT CONSIDERED BY by the children, because they have never looked out for anything else than/ANYTHING EXCEPT GETTING A DOCTORATE a doctor title and fortune. From the first grade, they had to be the class’ best /THE BEST IN THE CLASS and were never confronted with any other perspective/OUTLOOK. To make it clear: Children of for example physicians very often study medicine. Another reason for studying is the higher probability for/OF a better work/JOB than students who decide to make a /OPT FOR vocational education. In a corporation higher graduated degrees/HIGHER DEGREES are more in demand. Some students do not fit inTO any of the abovementioned schemes. They just do not want to go to work yet. They live their life to the full as long as possible. If they work, they will not be able to enjoy their lives. According to the motto: Living like a bee in clover!/IN HONEY As long as they study, they do not have to work and real life can wait. A minority is left. Those who really want to study, because they are hungry for knowledge. They cannot wait for more information to fill their brains with. They enjoy what they are doing and know what they want. Studying is their self-fulfilment like IT IS for otherS playing football. Those students are looking forward for/TO every exam and they are the only ones who like the lecturers. That’s why they are always the best ones, because they like what they do. All in all, it is always an advantage to study. Not only for personal knowledge, it is a good experience for life. Students have to learn by themselves to be organized, punctual and studious to achieve one’s/THEIR aim. A perfect preparation for the/A future profession. All in all, it is always an advantage to study. Not only for personal knowledge, it is a good experience for life. Students have to learn by themselves to be organized, punctual and studious to achieve one’s aim. A perfect preparation for the future profession.


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