英语冠词疑惑求解 A worker is thehand salvee of the capital society; a female worker is the ···

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1. In this factory,suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.
  A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D.considered
2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.
  A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise
 3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.
  A. powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous
  4. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway.
  A. vanished B. abandoned C. scattered D. rejected
  5. Henry's news report covering the conference was so _____ that nothing had been omitted.
  A.prehensive D.understandable
  6. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland.
  A. ticket B. place C. seat D. connection
  7. The ship was _____ in a storm off Jamaica.
  A. drowned B. sunk C. wrecked D. submitted
  8. No one has _____ been able to trace the author of the poem.
  A. still B. yet C. already D. just
  9. More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisco.
  A. previously B. predominantly C practically D. permanently
  10. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.
  A. concise B. clear C. precise D. elaborate
  11. The managing director took the _____ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.
  A. guilt B. charge C. blame D. accusatio
  12. The worker agreed to _____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demands.
  A. call for B. call forth C. call off D. call up
  13. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't _____ what color it was.
  A. look out B. make out C. get across D. take af
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By Michael Snyder, on February 28th, 2011
From now on, whenever you hear the term “the global economy” you should immediately equate it with the destruction of the U.S. middle class.
Over the past several decades, the American economy has been slowly but surely merged into the emerging one world economic system.
Unfortunately for the middle class, much of the rest of the world does not have the same minimum wage laws and worker protections that we do.
Therefore, the massive global corporations that now dominate our economy are able to pay workers in other countries slave labor wages and import the products that they make into the United States to compete with products made by “expensive” American workers.
This has resulted in a mass exodus of manufacturing facilities and jobs from the United States.
But without good, high paying jobs the U.S. middle class cannot continue to be the U.S middle class.
The only thing that the vast majority of Americans have to offer in the economic marketplace is their labor.
Sadly, that labor has now been dramatically devalued.
American workers now must directly compete for jobs with millions upon millions of workers on the other side of the world that toil away for 15 hours a day at slave labor wages.
This is causing jobs to leave the United States at an almost unbelievable rate, and it is putting tremendous downward pressure on the wages of millions of jobs that are still in the United States.
So when you hear terms such as “globalization” and “the global economy”, it is important to keep in mind that those are code words for the emerging one world economic system that is systematically wiping out the U.S. middle class.
A one world labor pool means that the standard of living for the U.S. middle class will continue falling toward the standard of living in the third world.
We keep hearing about how the U.S. economy is being transformed from a “manufacturing economy” into a “service economy”.
But “service jobs” are generally much lower paying than “manufacturing jobs”.
The number of good paying “middle class jobs” in the United States is rapidly decreasing.
So how can the U.S. middle class survive in such an environment?
What makes things even worse for manufacturers in the United States is that other nations often impose a “value-added tax” of 20 percent or more on U.S. goods entering their shores and yet most of the time we do not reciprocate with similar taxes.
But whenever someone mentions how incredibly unfair and unbalanced our trade agreements with other nations are, they are immediately labeled as a “protectionist”.
Well, someone should be looking out for U.S. interests when it comes to trade, because the current state of the global economy is ripping the U.S. middle class to shreds.
Right now, the United States consumes far more wealth than it produces.
This nation buys much, much more from the rest of the world than they buy from us.
This is called a “trade deficit”, and it is one of the most important economic statistics.
The U.S. runs a massive trade deficit every single year, and it is wiping out our national wealth, it is destroying our surviving industries and it is absolutely shredding middle class America.
We cannot allow tens of thousands of factories to continue to leave the United States.
We cannot allow millions of jobs to continue to be “outsourced” and “offshored”.
We cannot allow tens of billions of dollars of our national wealth to continue to be transferred into foreign hands every single month.
The truth is that the global economy is bad for America.
The following are 23 facts which prove that globalism is pushing the standard of living of the middle class down to third world levels….
#1 From December 2000 to December 2010, the U.S. ran a total trade deficit .
#2 The U.S. trade deficit
in 2010 than it was in 2009.
#3 The U.S. trade deficit with China in 2010
than it was back in 1990.
#4 The U.S. economy is rapidly trading high wage jobs for low wage jobs.
from the National Employment Law Project, higher wage industries accounted for 40 percent of the job losses over the past 12 months but only 14 percent of the job growth.
Lower wage industries accounted for just 23 percent of the job losses over the past 12 months and a whopping 49 percent of the job growth.
#5 , 38 percent of the manufacturing jobs in Ohio were lost, 42 percent of the manufacturing jobs in North Carolina were lost and 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in Michigan were lost.
#6 In Germany, exports account for approximately 40 percent of GDP.
In China, exports account for approximately 30 percent of GDP.
In the United States, exports account for approximately .
#7 Do you remember when the United States was the dominant manufacturer of automobiles and trucks on the globe?
Well, in 2010 the U.S. ran a trade deficit in automobiles, trucks and parts .
#8 In 2010, South Korea exported
as many automobiles, trucks and parts to us as we exported to them.
#9 The U.S. economy now has
“middle class jobs” than it did just ten years ago.
#10 The United States currently has
fewer payroll jobs than it did back in December 2007.
#11 Back in 1970, 25 percent of all jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today,
of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs.
#12 In 2002, the United States had a trade deficit in “advanced technology products” of $16 billion with the rest of the world.
In 2010, that number skyrocketed .
#13 The United States now spends
on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
#14 In China, working conditions are so bad that large numbers of “employees” regularly try to commit suicide.
One major employer, Foxconn, has even gone so far as to install “” in an attempt to keep their employees from jumping off of their buildings.
#15 Wages for workers in China are incredibly low.
For example, one facility in the city of Longhua that makes iPods employs approximately 200,000 workers.
These workers put in endless 15-hour days but they only make about .
#16 In Bangladesh, manufacturing workers toil in absolutely horrific conditions and make an average
per month.
#17 In Vietnam, teenage workers often work seven days a week for as little as
making promotional Disney toys for McDonald’s.
#18 Since 2001,
manufacturing facilities in the United States have been closed.
#19 Half of all American workers now earn
#20 In the United States today,
have been out of work for 6 months of longer.
are currently working part-time jobs for “economic reasons”.
These jobs are mostly very low paying service jobs.
#22 When you adjust wages for inflation, middle class workers in the United States make less money today .
#23 According to Willem Buiter, the chief economist at Citigroup, China will be the largest economy in the world , and India will surpass China by the year 2050.
Those that promote “free trade” can never explain how the U.S. middle class is going to continue to have plenty of jobs in the new global economy.
By merging our labor pool with the rest of the world, we have also merged our standard of living with the rest of the world.
High unemployment is rapidly becoming “the new normal” in America, and wages are going to continue to decline in many, many industries.
Already, there are quite a few formerly great U.S. cities () that are beginning to resemble third world hellholes.
If something is not done about our massive trade imbalance, even more cities are going to follow Detroit into oblivion.
Unfortunately, most of our politicians continue to insist that globalism is good for our society.
They continue to insist that we should not be worried that jobs formerly done by middle class American workers are now being done by slave laborers on the other side of the globe.
They continue to insist that having 43 million Americans on food stamps is a temporary thing and that soon our economy will be better than ever.
Well, it is time to stop listening to the politicians that are promoting “the global economy”.
They are lying to us.
Globalism is great for nations such as China and it is helping multinational corporations make huge profits, but for the U.S. middle class it is an economic death sentence.
If you want an America where there are less jobs, where more Americans are on food stamps and other anti-poverty programs and where our cities continue to be transformed into deindustrialized hellholes, then you should strongly support the emerging global economy.
But if you care about the standard of living of the U.S. middle class and you want for there to be some kind of viable economic future for your children and your grandchildren then you had better start caring about these issues and doing something about them.
Please wake up America.}


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