请问有down/upstair 这两个字母的单词单词吗?

短语和单词在子句中出现有何区别:如 sit sit down两个单词意思相同,如sit sit down 可一个是短语 一个是单词 在用法上有何区别 举个例子_百度作业帮
短语和单词在子句中出现有何区别:如 sit sit down两个单词意思相同,如sit sit down 可一个是短语 一个是单词 在用法上有何区别 举个例子
短语和单词在子句中出现有何区别:如 sit sit down两个单词意思相同,如sit sit down 可一个是短语 一个是单词 在用法上有何区别 举个例子
区别不大,只是sit down更强调坐下.而sit不会.语意上,正如,家里来了客人说“来,坐坐坐”和“来坐下坐下”,区别也不是很大.语法上,sit 不及物,sit down也不及物.坐椅子上,都得说"please sit ON the chair" "sit down ON the chair" 都得加个介词才行
粉蓝之恋 &5-22 09:59
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Powered by单词stun,bound,collision具体解释,再来几个例句过去试,过去分词这些我都要,我要完全掌握这几个单词的用法,最好还有词组``没人回答啊,那就 devastate collision 这两个单词呢?_百度作业帮
单词stun,bound,collision具体解释,再来几个例句过去试,过去分词这些我都要,我要完全掌握这几个单词的用法,最好还有词组``没人回答啊,那就 devastate collision 这两个单词呢?
单词stun,bound,collision具体解释,再来几个例句过去试,过去分词这些我都要,我要完全掌握这几个单词的用法,最好还有词组``没人回答啊,那就 devastate collision 这两个单词呢?
stunv.tr.(及物动词)变位stunned,stun.ning,stuns 3种意思:a-To daze or render senseless, by or as if by a blow.使昏厥、不省人事,被或好象被重击了一般b-To overwhelm or daze with a loud noise.使震聋c-To stupefy, as with the emotional imp astound.See Synonyms at daze 使目瞪口呆:使昏厥的一击;使吃惊的举动参见 daze可以做名词一种意思a-A blow or shock that stupefies.打击,刺激:使震惊的打击或刺激例句:1-The news stunned her. 这个消息使她震惊.(当震惊讲,第3个意思)
2-Eel-shaped South American fish,capable of producing an electric shock strong enough to stun a human.电鳗科的鳗形南美鱼类,能产生足以将人击昏的电流.(当“使昏厥”讲,第一个意思)boundv.intr.(不及物动词)变位:bound.ed,bound.ing,bounds 意思:a-To le spring.跳,弹跳:向前或向上跃起;弹跳b-To progress by forward leaps or springs.跳跃前进:通过向前跳跃或弹跳的方式前进可做名词:n.(名词)A a jump.跃起;跳跃A a bounce.反弹;弹跳bound 意思用法超多,我得给你n多例句才行.A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is bound to suffer in the end 专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together 善良是连结社会的金链 Be indebted to s be bound to someone for something 因某事而感激某人He put her aboard a steamer bound for New York. 他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船.She bound up her hair in a large handkerchief 她用一块大手帕把头发包起来. The wound was bound up by bandage. 伤口用绷带包扎着.
She was bound down by her husband after the marriage 婚后她受到丈夫的限制. My parents bound me out to a carpenter 我的父母与一木匠订了契约让我当他的学徒. It's bound to create trouble sooner or later. 这迟早会引起麻烦. ) Where is this steamer bound? 这艘轮船要驶往哪儿?
When the happy time of youth comes, I will be duty-bound to choose to be a boy and not turn back. 童年的美好时光来到了,我义无反顾地选择了男孩.
If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his. 如果这样的话,你的观点一定会和他的起冲突. To bound or prance about icaper. 跳跃以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃;蹦跳 I have lost all that bound me to life, death smiles and invites me to repose 我已经失去了使我为之留恋的生命中的一切,死神在向我微笑,邀我去长眠.
Against my premonitions, I was duty-bound to reassure my old friend from Singapore 尽管我有不祥的预感,但我有义务安抚我的新加坡老朋友.
Anyway, stardom beckoned and I felt there was bound to he an astute director nearby who could spot my smouldering kiwi talent 无论如何,成为电影明星的命运在向我招手,我觉得附近一定会有一个目光敏锐的导演能发现蕴藏在我这个新西兰人身上的才能.I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids 我用粘胶带缠在树干底部,使蚂蚁爬不到蚜虫那儿.
In superconductors, the bosons are the pairs of bound electrons that form at the Fermi surface 在超导体中,玻色子是在费密表面形成的束缚态电子对.
By installing the product or retaining it for more than ten (10) days, you agree to be bound by this Eula. 通过安装产品或将其保留超过十(10)日,您同意受本EULA约束. The surgical patient had to be bound down tightly before the operation, because movement was dangerous 外科病人在手术前要绑住,因为动弹是危险的. She hated this cord that bound her, but she could not free herself from it 她恨这根线,然而她又无法拔去这根线!
but to try to follow her home was not safe, because it would mean loitering about outside the Ministry, which was bound to be noticed 可跟着她回家未免太不安全,这得在真理部楼外溜来逛去,难免招人注意. Lumber prices go up, and higher prices for new houses are bound to result. 木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨.
Duty-bound 责无旁贷
Be o be bound for something 因某事感激某人 Be bound together(in a common cause);a fbe of close concern to each other 休戚相关
The figure formed by a cone,bound or regarded as bound by its vertex and a plane section taken anywhere above or below the vertex. 圆锥体由或被认为是由其顶点确定的锥体和取自顶点以上或以下的横切平面组成的几何体
Be bound to 到...去的,开往...的
The free-bound continuum is strongest in the optical regime, whereas the free-free continuum dominates in the radio and infrared regimes 自由-束缚连续辐射在光学波段最强,自由-自由连续辐射主要在射电和红外波段. I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape , making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphides. 我用一条胶带把桃树底部包上,不让蚂蚁接近蚜虫. devastatedev.as.tatev.tr.(及物动词)变位:dev.as.tat.ed, dev.as.tat.ing,
dev.as.tates T destroy.变成废墟,荒芜;破坏T stun:推翻;挫败;打昏:was devastated by the rude remark.被粗鲁的言论搅昏了头例句:Wide regions had been systematically devastate by the enemy or pulverised in the encounter of the armies 大片大片的地区接连地遭受敌人的破坏,或在两军激战中沦为一片焦土.
If a salesperson reaps many bonuses, he or she might devastate the company with his or her deception. 如果一个推销员得到很多奖金,他或者她可能因其诡计而危害公司.
Corruption, organized crime, and terrorist activities threaten to devastate the process. 贪污盛行、有组织的犯罪和恐怖组织行为对这一过程产生巨大的破坏力
collisioncol.li.sionn.(名词)The act or
a crash or conflict.碰撞:碰撞的行为或过程;碰撞或冲突Physics A brief dynamic event consisting of the close approach of two or more particles, such as atoms, resulting in an abrupt change of momentum or exchange of energy.【物理学】 碰撞:一个包括两个或两个以上粒子,如原子的高度接近而迅速改变动量和能量的短暂动态过程例句:A van was in collision with an articulated lorry on the M1 一辆大蓬货车和一辆拖斗车在1号高速公路上相撞. 好评(0) They saw a victim from a two-truck collision. Both arms and both legs were broken. 他们看见了两辆卡车相撞的受害者.他的双臂和双腿都被压断. A collision with parliament could rain the government's plans. 政府与议会冲突可能使政府的计划归于失败. The pilot took evasive action to avoid a collision with the enemy aircraft. 驾驶员采取规避动作以免与敌机相撞.
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