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拍摄日期: 15:51:40
上传日期: 09:28:41
It is Sunday today.The weather is fine.My parents and I go to the park.My father and I go fishing there.And my mother read a book.Then we fly kite and play football.We are very happy!全部都是手动翻译,按照比较初级的水平翻译的,如果需要水平再高的话,可能会被老师认出来的哦 请记得点击“选为满意回答”,报答我的辛苦,
Today is Sunday. The weather was fine. My parents and I went to the park for playing . My father was fishing. My mother was reading. We played a kite and kicked the ball, we are very happy
Today is Sunday. It is sunny. My parents and I go to park. My father and I are fishing, and my mother is reading a book. Then we also fly the kite and play football. We all have joy.同学,你这句子时态有点乱啊,翻译过来有点不伦不类,要是交作业的话,要改改时态呦~
出门在外也不愁Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening to everyone!We are here today to hold the “KunLunShan” Cup Basketball Match Between the Team of Detroit city and LiaoNingPanPan.I express the warm welcome to all the friends here represent to the organization committee.And also please join me_百度作业帮
Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening to everyone!We are here today to hold the “KunLunShan” Cup Basketball Match Between the Team of Detroit city and LiaoNingPanPan.I express the warm welcome to all the friends here represent to the organization committee.And also please join me in welcoming all our players from Detroit city of USA and Liaoning PanPan,and also special thanks to the QingHai cement limited company for their great help!We hold this game in order to rich our cultural life,and raise the basketball technical level of XiNing.With the great support of related department and all our friends,I believe this game a big success!And I hope all our friends can give a continued support to develop XiNing’s Sports enterprise together!Finally,We wish all our players a good journey in XiNing,And all the best to all our leaders and friends!Thank you!
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good evening!Today we are here to hold the “KunLunShan” Cup Basketball Match Between the Team of Detroit city and LiaoNingPanPan.Representing the organization committee,I express the warmest welcome to all the friends,our players from Detroit and Liaoning PanPan,and special thanks to the QingHai Cement Limited Company for their great help!In order to enrich our cultural life and raise the basketball technical level of XiNing,We hold this game tonight.With the great support of relative department and all our friends,I believe this game will be a great success!I also hope that our friends can give a continuous support to the development of XiNing’s Sports enterprise!Finally,We wish all our players a good journey in XiNing,and all the best to all our guests and friends!Thank you!
波光粼粼 板上钉钉 白雪皑皑 不甚了了 C 众目睽睽 D 得意洋洋 大名鼎鼎 大腹便便 F 风尘仆仆 风度翩翩 风雨凄凄 G 果实累累 顾虑重重 H 含情脉脉 虎视眈眈 J 剑戟森森 饥肠辘辘 L 流水潺潺 流水涓涓 来去匆匆 M 磨刀霍霍 目光炯炯 N 牛山濯濯 怒气冲冲 人才济济大大咧咧、浑浑噩噩、三三两两、口口声声、原原本本、兢兢业业、战战兢兢、吞吞吐吐、形形色色、风风火火、熙熙攘攘、洋洋洒洒、郁郁葱葱、卿卿我我、慌慌张张、期期艾艾、清清楚楚、扭扭捏捏、林林总总、轰轰烈烈、沸沸扬扬、浩浩荡荡、唯唯诺诺、袅袅婷婷、朝朝暮暮、世世代代、曲曲折折、高高兴兴、支支吾吾、花花绿绿、纷纷扬扬、层层叠叠、断断续续、懵懵懂懂、三三两两、汤汤水水、反反复复、清清白白、来来往往、挨挨挤挤、 安安静静、匆匆忙忙、端端正正、日日夜夜、地地道道、多多少少、躲躲闪闪、风风雨雨、分分秒秒、缝缝补补、方方正正、臻臻至至、祖祖辈辈、扎扎实实、仔仔细细、影影绰绰、密密麻麻、疏疏朗朗、鬼鬼祟祟、结结巴巴、洋洋洒洒、家家户户、是是非非、庸庸碌碌、迷迷糊糊、歪歪扭扭、服幅帖帖、隐隐约约、拉拉扯扯 以其昏昏 使人昭昭 信誓旦旦 其势汹汹 兴致勃勃 兄弟怡怡 别抱琵琶 剑戟森森 天网恢恢 小时了了 庸中佼佼 好善恶恶 妙手空空 珑珑兀兀 桃之夭夭 想入非非 余子碌碌 不甚了了 此恨绵绵 风度翩翩 衣冠楚楚 神采奕奕 白雪皑皑 人心惶惶 目光炯炯 含情脉脉 颠毛种种 大腹便便 气势汹汹 书声琅琅 神经兮兮 我为人人 深情款款 余音袅袅 牛皮哄哄 人才济济 议论纷纷 文质彬彬 炊烟袅袅 繁星点点 血迹斑斑 波光粼粼 板上钉钉 白雪皑皑 不甚了了 众目睽睽 得意洋洋 大名鼎鼎 大腹便便 风尘仆仆 风度翩翩 风雨凄凄 果实累累 顾虑重重 含情脉脉 虎视眈眈 剑戟森森 饥肠辘辘 流水潺潺 流水涓涓 来去匆匆 磨刀霍霍 目光炯炯 牛山濯濯 怒气冲冲 气喘吁吁 气势汹汹 千里迢迢 群雌粥粥 气息奄奄 秋风瑟瑟 人才济济 人海茫茫 人心惶惶 神采奕奕 生机勃勃 杀气腾腾 铁中铮铮 逃之夭夭 天道恢恢 天理昭昭 天网恢恢 威风凛凛 文质彬彬 无所事事 温情脉脉 万目睽睽 喜气洋洋 小心翼翼 兴致勃勃 血迹斑斑 想入非非 信誓旦旦 羞人答答 雄心勃勃 忧心忡忡 庸中佼佼 野心勃勃 意气扬扬 言之凿凿 衣冠楚楚 余音袅袅 忠心耿耿 众目睽睽
众目睽睽 信誓旦旦}


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