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How to bring back the Start menu and button to Windows 8By
on March 24, 2015 at 9:50 am
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With Windows 10 seemingly just around the corner, Microsoft plans to fix one of its most egregious mistakes with Windows 8: the missing Start menu. By now you may know the story, as the company has gradually backtracked throughout various updates since the OS launched in late 2012. And
will bring the real thing back, albeit in an enhanced fashion that doesn’t depend on fiddly per-user shortcuts and extra folders.The thing is, unless you’re willing to , the new version won’t help you yet. For several years now, every Windows desktop and laptop sold in a store comes with Windows 8. While Windows 8.1 Update somewhat improves the situation, it’s still no Windows 7 when it comes to ease of use.Here’s the problem, in a nutshell: Let’s say you’ve just installed Windows 8.1 for the first time, or perhaps bought your first Windows 8 PC. After poking around for a bit you’ve finally found your way to the desktop. In the bottom left corner, you’ll see what looks like the Start button, but when you click it, you’ll be rewarded with a hideous new Start screen, not the Start menu that you know and love from Windows 7 and Vista. For some reason, despite the aforementioned series of updates over the last two years that are meant to make Windows 8 more user friendly for mouse-and-keyboard users, Microsoft is still forcing us to use the Metro interface instead of a real Start menu.The good news is, despite Microsoft’s best efforts to ensure that the Start button and menu remain banished from its new OS, there are a bunch of third-party Windows 8 Start menu replacement apps that you can download today. Really, it goes to show how devoted the existing user base is. Microsoft completely stripped out the underlying Start menu code to quash potential Luddite revolutionaries, and yet now there are dozens of Start menu and Start button replacements — some of which are even superior to Microsoft’s own Windows 7 Start menu.If you’re running Windows 8.1 today and want the Start menu back, take a look at our list of the best, least expensive, and most authentic Windows 8 Start menu replacements.Windows 8 Start button and menu replacementsStart Menu Reviver 2Start Menu Reviver 2 is a touch-screen-friendly option — one of the few that is, considering most people want the original Start menu back because they’re used to a keyboard and mouse. In this case, the new version is nicer, with plenty of sizing options and the ability to create shortcuts for documents, music, video, websites, and other tasks. It also embraces the Windows 8 tile design, without completely taking over the UI the way Windows 8 Metro does. It now includes scrolling tiles and a Windows 7-like mode as well. (free)ViStartViStart is one of the most customizable Start menu restorers for Windows 8, and lets you choose from a variety of skins. ViStart includes a blurred, translucent menu that integrated well with Windows 8, as well as a Windows 7-like Start Menu skin that we imagine some people will want to head straight for. It also speeds up program launches thanks to built-in indexing, and advertises a faster-than-Windows-7 search option for your local PC. (free)StartIsBackIf you want a Windows 8 Start menu replacement that looks exactly like Windows 7,
is for you. You get the same Start button orb icon, the same Start menu search box, the same jump lists, and — for better or worse — even the same Aero transparency. As you can see in the screenshot above, StartIsBack even detects if your system needs to restart t it really is just like the Windows 7 Start menu. Where StartIsBack diverges from the Windows 7 Start menu, though, is configurability: You can adjust which hot corners are enabled, make your PC jump straight to the Desktop when it first boots up, and configure a key combo to show the Windows 8 Start screen (Win+Ctrl by default). ($3, free 30-day trial)PokkiWhere StartIsBack tries to replicate the Windows of yesteryear,
(free) is very much its own beast — and as much as we love the Windows 7 Start menu, we have to admit that Pokki is probably even better. It utilizes a neat “pinning” system that isn’t unlike the home screen of your smartphone or tablet. You can also add widgets to Pokki, such as Gmail or Facebook, which display your latest email or status updates. By default, Pokki will configure your Windows 8 system to boot straight to the Desktop — and there is an option that will just completely disable the hot corners, if you so desire. (Remember, , if you need.) (free)Next page:
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['aebs??lutli, ?aebs?'lutli]
1. The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.
2. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.
3. "I absolutely hated school," Rachel says. "I skived off all the time."
4. There's absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.
5. I don't mind telling you I was absolutely terrified.
放荡的,无节制的 (dis分开+solut溶解+e→溶解开来→没有限制→放荡的)
完全地, 绝对地 (absolute[adj.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的]+ly表副词→adv.完全地, 绝对地)
坚决,决心;决定,决议 (resolute[adj.坚决的,果断的]+ion表名词→n.坚决,决心;决定,决议)
专制主义, 绝对论 (absolute[adj.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的]+ism主义→absolutism)
1. “绝对地;完全地”释义下的反义词
完全地;彻底地 Absolutely means totally and completely.&
【搭配模式】:usu ADV adj/adv
Jill is absolutely right...
I absolutely refuse to get married...
There is absolutely no difference!
(用于强调)确实地,绝对地 Some people say absolutely as an emphatic way of saying yes or of agreeing with someone. They say absolutely not as an emphatic way of saying no or of disagreeing with someone.&
【搭配模式】:ADV as reply
'It's worrying, isn't it?' – 'Absolutely.'...
'Did they approach you?' – 'No, absolutely not.'
Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats.
At the end of a day’s teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered.
We’re absolutely obedient to the superior.
All these knives are absolutely lethal.
He is absolutely beyond suspicion.
Don’t worry. Your voice sounds absolutely fine.
After all the changes of policy,I’d believe absolutely anything of that man.
3. 确实地;肯定地
She absolutely embraced him.
All the car parks are absolutely full.
4. (用于否定结构,表示强调)绝,丝毫
He has absolutely no morals, that man!
Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.
He doesn’t love me any more and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it.It’s just one of those things.
5. 以绝对形式
6. 绝对不;完全没有(口语,否定句中)
8. (强调同意或允许)当然,对极了
9. (强调很不同意或不允许, 否定句中)当然不,绝对不行
1. [用以强调,表示毫无保留、无条件赞同完全正确,一点不错
“Do you think so?”“Absolutely.”
1. completely and w used inform
"an absolutely magnificent painting"
"a perfectly idiotic idea"
"you're perfectly right"
"utterly miserable"
"you can be dead sure of my innocence"
"was dead tired"
"dead right"
"we are absolutely opposed to the idea"
"he forced himself to lie absolutely still"
"iron is absolutely necessary"
高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disagree vi 不同意;不一致 absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖.
- 基于3353个网页
高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disagree vi 不同意;不一致 absolutely adv 绝对地;完全地 depend vi 依靠;依赖.
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葛瑞·盖斯_百度百科 ... 11. Groove With Me 与我共舞 12. Absolutely 当然(absolutely) 13. Club Hoppin' 夜店流连.
- 基于684个网页
4. 绝对正确
英语口语一字经 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... 40 Gorgeous! 美极了! 1 Absolutely! 绝对正确! 2 Adorable! 可爱极了!.
- 基于519个网页
1. 绝对优势
绝对优势(absolute advantage),按照亚当斯密的绝对优势原理,当两个国家生产两种商品,使用一种生产要素——劳动时,如果刚 …
- 基于4900个网页
1. 绝对误差
SAT2物理_百度文库 ... absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute motion 绝对运动.
- 基于5798个网页
1. 绝对零度
SAT2物理_百度文库 ... absolute velocity 绝对速度 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorption 吸收.
- 基于52966个网页
1. 绝对达令
... 西施秘史 / Legend of Xi Shi 绝对达令 / Absolute Boyfriend 半熟恋人 / In Between.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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1. They were still arguing the toss about the first goal.
2. It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.
3. The clincher was City's second goal, scored minutes from the end.
4. The home side rubbed in their superiority with a further goal.
5. Eric Cantona made the game safe with a brilliant opportunist goal.
1. “得分”释义下的同义词
2. “目标;目的”释义下的同义词
1. “终点;目的地;目的”释义下的反义词
(足球、无板篮球或曲棍球等的)球门 In games such as football, netball or hockey, the goal is the space into which the players try to get the ball in order to score a point for their team.&
David Seaman was back in the Arsenal goal after breaking a knuckle.
(足球或曲棍球赛等的)进球,进球得分 In games such as football or hockey, a goal is when a player gets the ball into the goal, or the point that is scored by doing this.&
They scored five goals in the first half of the match...
The scorer of the winning goal.
目标;目的 Something that is your goal is something that you hope to achieve, especially when much time and effort will be needed.&
It's a matter of setting your own goals and following them.
The goal is to raise as much money as possible.
The centre forward headed the ball into goal.
How many goals did you score in the last game?
2. 进球得的分; 射门
We scored a goal in the first minute of the game.
比赛开始头一分钟, 我们就得了一分。
3. 努力的对象, 目标
When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.
当他终于抵达罗马时, 他感到自己已达到了目的。
1. the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior in
"the ends justify the means"
2. a successfu
"the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play"
3. game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
4. the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey);
"a crowd assembled at the finish"
"he was nearly exhuasted as their destination came into view"
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Get Out And Look
Ascent Entertainment Group, Inc.
General Organization of Alexandria Library (Alexandria, Egypt)
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Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership
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目标追踪是非常简单的,为你的目标(Goal)命名,添加你的目标URL如/thank-you, 设置一个通道(funnel)等。这个功能非常强悍 …
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足球术语中英对照_旺旺英语教学网 ... yellow card 黄牌 goal 球门,进球数 draw 平局.
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哥尔(goal) GO-2065超声波空气加湿器家用超静音 5.8L大容量双喷一口价:888元30天售出:64件滨特尔爱惠浦(Everpure)H-300
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英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... corner ball,corner 角球 goal kick 球门球 ground ball,grounder 地面球.
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1. 投球命中
篮球场上的常用英语_百度知道 ... field goal percentage: 投球命中率。 field goal: 投球命中。 fighting: 斗殴。.
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求实况足球8的基本攻略(键盘)_百度知道 ... 防守( DEFENSE) 守门员( GOAL KEEPER) 定位球( SET PLAY).
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1. 目标理论
◎目标理论(Goal Theory):Locke认为朝向特定目标而工作的企图心,是激励人们工作的主要因素。
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