
来源:  17:30:03 【】 
&请根据下面的登记表用英文写一篇短文。姓名李明体 size=3>性别男国籍中国出生地开封出生日期日职业工程师毕业学校清华大学1972年大学毕业,做出人生重要决定,留学美国深造经过四年的努力学习,掌握了计算机方面的先进技术和管理方法1977年在美国结婚,第二:年生有一女2001年做出回国的决定,并创办一家公司由于妻子和女儿已经习惯美国的生活方式,至今仍留在美国注意1.所写短文应包括所有要点;2.词数120左右;3.开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;4.不要逐字逐句翻译。Li Ming, an engineer, was born on February 9, 1950 in Kaifeng, China. _____________________________________________________He said, "I believe that we can build China into a strong and rich country. "Li Ming, an engineer, was born on February 9, 1950 in Kaifeng, China. After he graduated from (Qinghua) Tsinghua University in 1972, he made an important decision in his life. He decided to go to the United States for his further study. After four years‘ and work, he mastered new management ideas and advanced technology in computer field. In 1977, he got married and had a daughter. Last year, he made another decision. He was determined to return to his motherland and started a company. However, his wife and daughter have got used to the American way of life, so they still stay in the United States.&& He said, "I believe that we can build China into a strong and rich country."1&&&
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中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-请你就以下表格所提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍德国著名作曲家巴赫_百度作业帮
表格呢?提供的资料呢?没有的话John Sebastian Bach (German:Johann Sebastian Bach,March 21,1685 - July 28,1750),German composer of the Baroque period,pipe organ,harpsichord,outstanding violin virtuoso.Bach is widely considered one of the most important composers in musical history,and is known as "the father of Western 'modern music'",is one of the most important figures in the history of Western culture.In the German campaign in 2005 German TV two voted the greatest,he ranked sixth,second only to the Fifth Great West German Prime Minister Willy Brandt.A musical family.Bach was born in the German city of Eisen central Thuringia played in the rest of one's life,is a famous palace happy long,spent in Germany Leipzig thomaskirche last 27 years.Bach put the different ethnic music in Western Europe style com.He set Italy,France and Germany in the traditional music of essence,express the subtlety tactfully and finely,each improves by association with the other,a seamless heavenly robe.Bach himself did not enjoy high reputation in the whole life,but in the fifty years after the death of forgotten.But his in the recent 1.5 century fame grew constantly,and he is generally regarded as one of the two or three the greatest composer beyond time and space,and some people think he is the greatest composer of which.根据下面表格内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,分别介绍一下Bod和Linda的爱好.what how long how many Bob collect shells for five years 220Linda collect movie tickets since she was ten years old 350_百度作业帮
根据下面表格内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,分别介绍一下Bod和Linda的爱好.what how long how many Bob collect shells for five years 220Linda collect movie tickets since she was ten years old 350
根据下面表格内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,分别介绍一下Bod和Linda的爱好.what how long how many Bob collect shells for five years 220Linda collect movie tickets since she was ten years old 350
Bob 's hobby is colecting shells .He has had this hobby for five yeas.And he has 220 shells now.Every shell is very beautiful .And there are many kind of colours.what an interesting hobby it is!Linda also has her own hobby .Linda's hobby is collect ing movie tickts.Since she was ten years old she began to collect movie tickets.And she has 350 movie tickets now.There are all kinds of tickets.I think it must be very interesting !(2014年娄底中考)书面表达:请根据表格内Zhang Ying的一些表现的提示用英语写一篇短文,把她介绍给你的外国朋友Mary_九年级_教师备课网
作者:佚名 文章来源: 点击数: 更新时间: 12:20:13
one possible versiondear mary, i’m very glad to introduce(介绍) my classmate zhang ying to you. she is a 14-year-old girl. she has a lot of good habits. she gets up early every morning. in class she likes to ask her teachers some questions. after school she always exercises (for a long time). after supper she helps her parents with housework. (she is really a good girl. )but she has some bad habits, too. she often eats junk food for breakfast. sometimes she quarrels with her classmates in class. she doesn’t go home on time and she always watches tv or plays computer games for more than an hour in the evening. (this makes her parents unhappy. )i think zhang ying is a very good girl. do you think so?yours huang deshun &&&[2]&
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