DotNetBar中combotree 取值使用方法

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[原] jquery-easyui的combotree在.net开发中不显示数据的问题
POST app_user.js
405 Method Not Allowed
POST app_user.jshttp://localhost:9655/js/app_user.js405 Method Not Allowed
新版本jquery-easyui 1.2.1提供了tree组件的method方法设置,但是在用css自动解析方式时无效。
即通过《input class=”easyui-combotree” url=”…js” method=”get” /》调用时,仍然使用POST。
var t=$(_13c);
return {url:t.attr("url"),...
return {url:t.attr("url"),method:(t.attr("method")?t.attr("method"):"post"),...
$.fn.tree.parseOptions=function(_13c){var t=$(_13c);return {url:t.attr("url"),...&//加上对method的解析:return {url:t.attr("url"),method:(t.attr("method")?t.attr("method"):"post"),...
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最后更新:如何改变TreeView的边框样式-.NET技术/C#-c/c++-电脑编程网如何改变TreeView的边框样式-.NET技术/C#作者:gyvgahb2 和相关&&RT,现在的TreeView的边框就是一边黑线...我想改成别的样式.虚线啊,或细一点的. 或颜色变一下在线等谢绝帮顶...------回答---------------其他回答(10分)---------目前TreeView的边框只有三种,NoneFixedSingleFixed3D你要自定义控件了。------其他回答(5分)---------黑线?treeview里N多个table嵌table我虽然很少用这个控件,但是我知道可以通过通用的table样式来做。------其他回答(5分)---------引用 1 楼 computerfox 的回复:目前TreeView的边框只有三种,NoneFixedSingleFixed3D你要自定义控件了。线框还是边框?------其他回答(5分)---------引用 3 楼 cj205 的回复:引用 1 楼 computerfox 的回复:目前TreeView的边框只有三种,NoneFixedSingleFixed3D你要自定义控件了。线框还是边框?边框我知道什么事线框?------其他回答(5分)---------BorderStyle属性有以下三个选项:Fixed3D,FixedSingle,None.FixedSingle是具有细黑边框样式.自己再找找.要是改变颜色,可以使用皮肤.------其他回答(5分)---------自己重绘------其他回答(5分)---------用第三方组件吧,推荐dotnetbar,这是个轻量级控件集,里面有整套的控件包括treeview,甚至还有combotree,基本上每个控件都可以自定义界面样式,别说改变边框颜色,来个背景渐变也轻而易举,楼主不妨试一试。相关资料:|||||||如何改变TreeView的边框样式-.NET技术/C#来源网络,如有侵权请告知,即处理!编程Tags:                &                    winform 美化控件
DotNetBar = Professional Applications
DotNetBar Suite for Windows Forms is toolbox of&75 stunning&components for creatingprofessional&user interface&with ease&using
Visual Studio 2005 through 2012. For&over 10 yearsDotNetBar is helping developers like you create sleek professional Windows Forms (WinForms) user interfaces with unparalleled ease.
August 2012, World's first&Ribbon Office 2013&styling added including color scheme generator.
To get better idea what DotNetBar can do for your applications, please visit our&Application Gallery&which
presents some real world applications that are using DotNetBar Suite.
DotNetBar is&world's first component&to introduce fully featured&Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon&controls, first to provide full Windows
XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get&latest advancements&in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Don't take
our word for it, read what&others are saying&about our products and support...
You get following state-of-the-art components:
&World's first set of&Metro
User Interface&controls with Metro Tiles, toolbars, slide panels, forms, completely automatic color scheme generation for unlimited color themes and more. Make applications using the latest user interface style available today.
&Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007&Ribbon
Control&with unlimited color schemes, Backstage Application Menu, Windows&Vista Glass&support, tab groups, ribbon hyper menus, multi-level KeyTips, complete Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) customization and complete
support for&Ribbon Menu Tabs
&Office 2013&Ribbon
Bar&control with button groups, popups and more
&Office 2007&Super
Tooltips&control with 18 color styles
&Office 2007&Super
Grid&powerful and extremely customizable Data Grid control with nested grids, data-binding, master-detail support, filtering, data-grouping and more...
TreeView&Control with Office 2007 styling, fantastic drag & drop support, multi-selection and multi-column support and more...
control&Great looking calendar, scheduling control with multi-resource support and powerful recurring appointments engine.
Property Grid Control&Easy appearance customization, property name and value mapping, Office
styling and more...
control&Present hierarchical data in new visually engaging way with TreeGX. You can visualize decision trees, hierarchies, create mind maps or capture and organize ideas, everything within your application using TreeGX.
&Auto-hide dockable windows with Diamond Docking Guides.&Document
Docking&with the most flexible split-view docking engine.
Control&bread-crumb space saving horizontal tree control.
item and control&for super fast (renders over 2000 new charts/second) micro charts that can be added to toolbars, menus and the Ribbon.
keyboard control&with multi-touch support, custom layouts and custom rendering.
control&Customizable knob control with number of built-in visual styles.
control&with linear and circular gauges, full interactivity, multi-bar and multi-gauge support and more.
&Hyper-Menus and
Toolbars&with&Office 2007, VS.NET 2005, Office 2003/XP/2000,&Office 2007 style popup Galleries, mini-markup language, Windows XP Theme support, full color customization
and much more...
Pane Control&Office
style container control with collapse/expand functionality built-in
different styles, 16 per-tab color schemes, full color customization and much more...
&Explorer Bar Control&World-class
Windows XP style Explorer Bar control...
Control, with&9 different styles&including OneNote, Auto-MDI support for tabbed MDI applications and full color customization...
Bar Control&that has won respect of developers, with 2 layout types, 5 different styles, 18 predefined color schemes, drag & drop support and much more...
control, an elegant toolbar control with easy-to-click buttons that you&can't get anywhere else... We released it first in June 2005.
&Stand alone&Bar.
Create status bars just like in Office 2007, toolbars etc.
Splitter&Control&for intuitive management of screen real-estate.
&Expandable Panel control in Office , 2003 style,
with complete control over appearance.
Panel Control&a Who's Who of panel controls. Multiple functions unlimited possibilities...
&Balloon/Alert Control&the
absolute necessity to communicate important information to your end users.
Control&fully featured, completely customizable and flexible Wizard control with RTL support. Adheres to the Wizard97 specification.
Control&stand-alone button control with drop-down menu, Office 2007, Office 2003, VS.NET 2005 and custom color scheme control.
Picker&drop-down in Office
style that can be added to ribbon control, toolbars, menus etc. Includes Custom color creation dialog.
Panel, a super-flexible control with Office
style, drop-down support and rich layout functionality.
Style Forms&for consistent Office 2010 look and feel.
Style check box&and radio button control.
&Progress bar control&in
Office , Office 2003 and VS.NET 2005 like style with marquee and standard progress display abilities.
&MessageBox drop-in
replacement&in Office 2007 style for consistent user interface look and feel.
&Drop-in replacement
for text box&in Office 2007 style with skinned scrollbars, watermark text support and custom button embedded into the text box.
&Drop-in replacement
for combo box&in Office 2007 style and watermark text support.
&GroupPanel replacement
for group box&in Office 2007 style, skinned scrollbars and text-markup support.
&Office 2007 style
Slider control&for consistent user interface look and feel.
&Office 2007 style
Label control&with complete&text-markup&support and auto-sizing.
Picker, control in Office 2007 style with extensive customization options, null value support, custom formatting and much more...
control in Office 2007 style with easy custom rendering support, multi-selection, per-day image settings and more...
value input, control with custom value formatting, NULL value support, Office 2007 style and more... Use it for currency entry, percentages or any other decimal values.
value input, control with NULL value support, custom buttons, Office 2007 style and more...
&Reflection Image&Control
provides great looking reflections for your images, supports disabled state and extensive background and border styling options.
&Reflection Label&Control
with text-markup, disabled state and extensive background and border styling options.
&Horizontal and
Vertical Scroll-bar&Controls with Office 2007 styling.
&Advanced Masked
Text Box&Controls with Office 2007 styling, drop-down support and custom buttons.
&TextBoxDropDown control is a single line Office 2007
style text-box with drop-down support and custom buttons.
Control&ComboBox with drop-down Tree control and Office 2007 style.
Control&5 Star rating control with average rating display support and text-markup.
&WarningBox Control&an
non-intrusive Office 2007 style warning panel control with text-markup support.
Address Input Control&Highly customizable formatted and free-text based IP Address Input control.
Control&Validate user input without writing any code...
Control&Highlight any control, or just focused control, using distinctive border.
Component&Easy to use&Commanding model&that helps you separate the User Interface from Application logic. Make sure to check out the RibbonPad sample which demonstrates how to use Commands.
Button control&Great looking and fully customizable switch button.
component&that can be used to display information and receive simple input from users. Our task-dialog works anywhere and supports our text-markup for textual headers and content.
Progress control&with 5 visual styles and endless and minimum/maximum progress indicator types.
&Analog Editable Clock control with 2 visual styles, custom
styling and automatic and manual modes.
&Color Comb control for color selection from color comb
&Color Blend control for color selection from blended
colors matrix.
selector&control for easy time input and 12 and 24 hours time selection support. Also used as part of our DateTimeInput control.
&Office 2007 style
ListViewEx control&drop-in replacement for ListView control requires no code changes. Not available for .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1.
&DataGridViewX, Drop-in replacement for&DataGridView&control
in Office 2007 style including headers, rows and scroll-bars and&11 new&column types including data-time and numeric editors.
&Calculator control is provides simple and visually pleasing
calculator which is also integrated into our SuperGrid and stand-alone numeric editors as drop-down.
&Replacement for standard Binding Navigation control so
you can have same DotNetBar visual styles throughout your app.
&Direct RichTextBox replacement with styled scroll-bars
to fit all DotNetBar visual styles.
Written&entirely&in C# DotNetBar takes full advantage of new .NET architecture and framework and provides easy to use component for you and your end-users. DotNetBar Supports all versions of VS.NET and works great
with&Visual Studio.NET 2012.
We don't want you to buy DotNetBar before you try it so we are providing fully function trial version of DotNetBar available for&download
To jump start your usage of DotNetBar we help you with&Movie Tutorials&to get up to speed and running in minutes.
Screen-shots above use icons from our&Professional Icon Pack&and&Essential
Icon Pack.
DotNetBar was announced on Microsoft&Tech·Ed 2001&in Atlanta. Read our&Press
Release&for more information. Our .NET products have been officially launched on February 13, 2001. You can read our joint press release with Microsoft&here.
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