
英语翻译why can't woman be like a woman a man was explaining why he didn't find a particularly beautiful young woman attractive."because she thinks like a man .and she acts like a man .why can't she become of a woman?" In fact,there's never been amore rewarding time to be a w_百度作业帮
英语翻译why can't woman be like a woman a man was explaining why he didn't find a particularly beautiful young woman attractive."because she thinks like a man .and she acts like a man .why can't she become of a woman?" In fact,there's never been amore rewarding time to be a woman .To get the best of both world.To be feminist.Today's woman gets the job because of her ability and no by fluttering her eyelashes.she'll share bill at lunch ,but not at dinner.she has a new confidence ,but she waits for him to open the door .she can make decision,but she knows when to let others think they've made them .Elizabeth Arden has a fragrance of today's woman.It's meant to become part of it .s for her private moments as well as public moments .it's for the woman she is .Cabriole is full of delicious contradictions .Exactly like the woman who's clever enough to enjoy being a woman.
为什么女人不能像个女人呢?有个男人是这样解释为什么他找不到一个有吸引力的漂亮女人的---“因为她像男人一样思考,像男人一样做事.为什么她要成为一个女人呢?” 实际上,女人从来都没有被爱慕奖励的时候.想要在男人女人这两个世界得到最好的结果.公平点吧!今天女人得到工作室因为她们的能力而不是因为她们会眨眼睛.她们分担午餐的费用,但不是晚餐.她有新的信心,但却等待着他打开门.她可以做决定,但她知道当让别人做决定的时候会给他们自信.Elizabeth Arden (这是雅顿,你不会不知道吧)有当今女人的一种香味.它意味着成为当今女人们的一部分.不管在女人们的私人时间还是在公共场合都很适合.这是一款女人的香水.Cabriole(此款香水名)充满了美妙的矛盾体.恰好就像那些享受自己是女人的聪明的女人们.英语翻译west,well,attend,injury,but,success,play,medicineLarry bird was born in 1965 in a small town in the middle______ stste of Indiana.He was tall and always______at playing his basketball.He_____Indiana State University Bird led the team into college basketball championsh_百度作业帮
英语翻译west,well,attend,injury,but,success,play,medicineLarry bird was born in 1965 in a small town in the middle______ stste of Indiana.He was tall and always______at playing his basketball.He_____Indiana State University Bird led the team into college basketball championship game.During his very_____basketball career.Larry Bird suffered a numter of_____.In 1989,he stopped_____because of pain in his feet.He returned too.In the next two years he experienced more_____problems and he missed many games.
Larry Bird was born in 1965 in a small town in the Middle Western State of Indiana.He was tall,and always good at playing basketball .He attended Indiana State University.Bird led the team into the College Basketball Championship Game.During his very successful basketball career,Larry Bird suffered a number of injuries.In 1989,he stopped playing because of pain in his feet.He returned in 1990,but the pain in his feet returned too.In the next two years he experienced more medical problems,and he missed many games.拉里·伯德1965年出生在一个小城镇在印第安纳州的中西部州.他身材高大,和 总是擅长打篮球,他参加了印第安纳州立大学.伯德率领球队进入大学篮球冠军赛.在他非常成功的篮球生涯中,拉里·伯德遭遇了一些伤害.1989年,他停下来,因为疼痛在他的脚下玩.他回到1990年,但在他的脚的痛苦返回了.在接下来的两年中,他经历了更多的医疗问题,他错过了多场比赛.求48个音标的意思,还有每个音标的中文谐音.拜托英语大神了(⊙o⊙)_百度作业帮
是这个么?如果你是初学者,看到这么多音标,你是不是感到无从下手?的确,要是没有一个好的方法,学起来会很困难,而且往往收效甚微.但是,既然选择了学习英语,你就不要抱怨学习音标有多枯燥,你要做的就是用最省时、最有效的方法来攻克这一难关.  学英语的时候,我们会发现一些单词听起来很相似,而这正是学习者常常遇到的难题,因为他们没有真正地练好发音,所以也就无法根据发音来区分这些单词了.针对这个问题,下面向你介绍一种慢速朗读句子的方法来练习发音,因为只有慢速朗读的时候才最容易看到细微差别,发现错误并立即纠正.  本文介绍了英语音标发音规则,总结了元音字母及其组合在重读音节和非重读音节中的发音规律、辅音字母及其组合的发音规律,以便学习和记忆.  英语的音标共有48个,分为元音和辅音.  元音共20个  包括单元音12个:[i:]、[i]、[e]、[A]、[[:]、[[]、[Q]、[B:]、[C:]、[C]、[U:]、[U]  双元音8个:[ei]、[ai]、[Ci]、[aU]、[[U]、[i[]、[Z[]、[U[]  辅音共28个  包括爆破音6个:[p]、、[t]、[d]、[k]、[^]  磨擦音10个:[f]、[v]、[P]、[T]、[s]、[z]、[r]、[F]、[V]、[h]  破擦音6个:[ts]、[dz]、[tr]、[dr]、[tF]、[dV]  鼻音3个:[m]、[n]、[N]  半元音2个:[w]、[j]  边音1个:[l]  一、元 音 (Vowel Sounds)  下面每一组发音都有相似之处,请你务必区分清楚:  第一组:[i:]与[i]  [i:]是个长音,靠口腔发出,发声处靠前,口型很扁,嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状.  [i]是个短音,靠喉咙发出,发声处靠后,口型略窄,发这个音时,要短促有力.  你掌握发音要领了吗?好,下面让我们来读一下这些句子.注意,朗读速度一定要慢,并仔细体会两个音标之间的区别.  [B]请减速:  Please say it again.  This is a sheep.  These are ships.  慢速朗读了几遍,你体会到与的区别了吧.不错,下面我们接着学习其他的元音.记住,一定要慢速,大声地朗读几遍.  第二组:[e]、[A]与[ei]  这三个元音很容易混淆,所以放在一组,以帮助学习者发好这三个音.  发[e]时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起.嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距离宁可偏小.  发[A]时,嘴要张开、张大,而且尽量放宽,刚开始练习时可以夸张一点.  发[ei]时口形由[e]向[i]滑动.发音过程中下颚向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高.练习时,可以先发[e]音,然后再过渡到[i]音,反复练习就可以发好这个音了.  请减速:  He is very happy to receive a letter.  Tom is planning to take the cake back home.  He makes his bed before breakfast every day.  第三组:[[:]与[[]  这两个发音在口的中间位置完成.舌侧触及牙齿,舌的中间部位向下靠近下颚.舌片及舌尖卷曲使得尾音r化.[[:]是个长音,是由口腔发出来的.[[]是个短音,由喉咙发出,非常短促.  请减速:  My father works very hard.  The mother asks the little girl to buy some sugar.  My sister prefers a purple skirt to a blue one.  第四组:[B:]、[Q]、[C:]与[C]  之所以把这四个音放在一组,是因为它们的发音听起来有点相似,很容易互相混淆.  [B:]是个长音,发音时,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但不成圆形.这是音标中所需口型最大的开音节.发音是停顿稍长.  发[Q]音时,嘴巴稍张,嘴形比[B:]小,发音听起来短促、含糊.  与前面两个音相比,[C:]与[C]的嘴形一定要圆.其中,发[C:]时,双唇要收得更圆要小,并须用力向前突出.这个音是由嘴巴发出来的.[C]是个短音,通过喉咙发出.练习时,你可以夸张一点,尽量模仿公鸡打鸣的声音,这样你可以发好这个音了.[C]音听起来短促、含糊.  请减速:  Well begun is half done.  You can drive a car to for lunch.  He is telling a story about a dog.  第五组:[U:]与[U]  发长音[U:]要将舌根抬起并绷紧,舌尖离开下齿.嘴唇呈圆形,双唇收圆,稍向前突出.  发短音[U]的舌位比发长音的[U:]低,舌头放松,嘴唇略圆以避免将它发成中元音[[].  请减速:  Don' it's made of wool.  He put the cool picture into the pool.  This is a very good book about rooms.  第六组:[ai]、[Ci]、[aU]、[[U]、[i[]、[Z[]、[U[]  只要你把前面的几个单元音练好了,这几个双元音练起来会很容易,因为它们都是由两个单元音组成的.  发[ai]时,可先发[B:]音,然后再过渡到[i]音.  发[Ci]时,可先发[C]音,然后再过渡到[i]音.  发[aU]时,可先发[B:]音,然后再过渡到[U]音.  发[[U]时,可先发[[]音,然后再过渡到[U]音.  发[i[]时,可先发[i]音,然后再过渡到[[]音.  发[Z[]时,可先发[e]音,然后再过渡到[[]音.  发[U[]时,可先发[U]音,然后再过渡到[[]音.  由于这一组都是双元音,所以音较长.  请减速:  The boys are playing with snow outside the houses.  I'm sure she has long hair.  How are you doing these years?  Where is your home?  我们已经认识了英语里所有的元音,你需要的是花更多的时间去练习,大声、慢速朗读,直到你觉得自己可以自如地变化口型发好任何一个音为止.现在,我们一起来练习辅音.  二、辅 音 (Consonant Sounds)  第一组:[p]与、[t]与[d]、[k]与[g]  之所以把这六个音放在一组,是因为它们都是爆破音.  (1)[p]与[b]  发[p]音时,双唇紧闭,在口腔积气,然后快速张口,通过气息发出这个音.  发[b]音时,口形与[p]音一样,只不过这个音是通过口腔发出来的.  [B]请减速:  These are some books and pens on the desk.  Please wait a bit.  (2)[t]与[d]  [t]音是由舌头与上牙齿相撞,通过气息发出声音.  [d]音的口形与[t]音一样,只不过[d]是由口腔发出来的.  请减速:  The dog runs very fast.  I have much work to do.  (3)[k]与[g]  发[k]音时,将舌头平等于上下齿之间,不要接触上下颚,也不要碰到牙齿,通过气息发出声音.  [g]音的口形与[k]音一样,只不过[g]是由口腔发出来的.  请减速:  He is a good cook.  They walk slowly toward the gate.  第二组:[f]与[v]  发[f]音时,用上牙齿接触下唇,通过气息发出声音.  [v]音的口形与[f]音一样,只不过[v]是由口腔发出来的.  请减速:  It's a very sharp knife.  I'd invite you to visit, but I have a fever.  第三组:[s]与[z]、[P]与[T]  这四个音对初学者来说可能会有些困难,他们很容易就会把前两个与后两个混淆起来,因为它们的发音听起来有点相似.现在,你得仔细区分它们之间的差异了.  [s]和[z]都是平舌音,发[s]音时,用舌头接触下齿齿龈,通过气息发出声音.[z]音的口形与[s]音一样,不同的是,[z]音是通过口腔发出的.  发[P]和[T]这两个音时,最关键的是要把舌头稍稍伸出,并用上下齿轻咬舌头,然后发音.它们的区别是,[P]音是由气息发出来的,而[T]则通过喉咙发出.练习这两个音时,学习者可以夸张一点,长长地伸出舌头,并用上下齿咬住舌头,试着发这两个音.  请减速:  Tom always[z] goes[z] to school by bus.  Something is better than nothing.  A mouse has[z] a mouth.  第四组:[r]与[l]  很多地方的人都发不好这两个音,尤其是[r].你发准了吗?  发[r]音时,口稍微张开,舌前部上卷(但不能碰到口腔的上部),舌后部放松,然后发音.注意,发这个音时,一定要卷舌.  发[l]音时,将舌头放到上牙龈上,再向下轻拨,发音.  请减速:  3 精准美国英语音标发音指南  Please read after the leader.  They live in a house near the river.  Look at the light on your right.  第五组:[h]与[w]  发[h]音时,只要稍微张开嘴巴,通过气息向外呵气,就可以发出来了.  发[w]音的口形与[h]音稍有不同,要嘴巴稍张,双唇向外翻,然后用口腔发出声音.  请减速:  What a nice hat!  There is a hole in the wall.  第六组:[F]、[V]与[j]  发[F]和[V]这两个音时,要把嘴噘成方形.发[F]音时,在噘嘴、上下齿稍稍张开的前提下,只要吹气就可以发出这个音了.请注意,舌头造成不要接触上下齿或者上下颚.  [V]音的口形与[F]音一样,只不过[V]音是通过口腔发出来的.  发[j]音时,不要跟[V]音混淆起来.发这个音时,嘴巴稍张,发出汉字“也”的声音.  请减速:  It's a pleasure to share your past experiences.  What measure would you take to handle this situation?  第七组:[ts]与[dz]  发[ts]音时,嘴巴稍张,用舌头抵住下牙齿齿根,发出汉语拼音“ci”的声音就可以了.  发[dz]音的口形与[ts]音一样,只要发出汉语拼音里的“zi”就行了.  请减速:  These students are my friends.  There are lots of odds and ends in the huts.  第八组:[tr]与[dr]  发这两个音时,嘴巴稍张,嘴唇向外翻,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,然后发音.  请减速:  I had a strange dream in the train.  He prefers strong drinks.  第九组:[tF]与[dV]  发这两个音时,嘴巴稍张,并往两边拉,而不是往外翻,就是它们与[tr]和[dr]之间的区别.  请减速:  John urges Jane to buy a digital watch.  They reach the village in the end.  第十组:[m]、[n]与[N]  这三个音都是鼻音,初学者常常发不好.因此,要特别注意它们的发音方法.  发[m]音时,双唇自然合闭,通过鼻前部发音.  [n]有两种发音,一种是模糊音,一种是清晰音.发模糊音时,口微张,用鼻子发出“嗯”的音,这个音的发音方法与汉语中的前鼻音相似.发清晰音时,嘴巴稍张,舌尖用力抵住下牙齿齿要,然后发音.  发[N]音时,双唇合闭,通过鼻子后部发出“嗯”的声音,发音方法与汉语中的后鼻音相似.  请减速:  Jim makes noises in my room.  Your singing and dancing are charming.  所有的元音和辅音都讲完了,你是不是觉得自己已经在取得进步了?不象,就是按照这种方法,慢速、大声地朗读每一个单词、每一个句子,直到能够准确、自然地读出来为止.掌握了这些最基本的以后,我们将进入音标拼读的学习.小学六年级 英语一小段作文翻译 很简单 时间紧迫拜托了
小学六年级 英语一小段作文翻译 很简单 时间紧迫拜托了
My mother is a teacher and usually she is& very busy.
Every day she gets up at six to cook breakfast for father and me.
Usually she rides a bike to work ,but sometimes she takes a taxi.
From 8 am to 4 pm, she doesn't have time to have a rest.
She alwasys finished work at five pm.
At times she gets home late because she helps her students with maths.
She goes to bed at 10 pm. At weekends she likes reading and listening to music.
My nother is a teacher, she is very busy. She cooks for us at six in the morning. She usually goes to work at seven. Sometimes she takes a taxi. She is busy from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon. She goes home at five. But sometimes he gets home late. Because he will help her students wtih their math. She goes to bed at ten. She likes reading and listening to music.
好累啊 多加点分哦
其他回答 (2)
My mother is a teacher, usually always busy. 6:00 I get up for her father and breakfast. Usually seven to ride something she take a taxi to go to work. 8:00 to 16:00, she had no time to rest. Usually work 5:00. Sometimes very late as it will help students to mathematics classes. Her sleep 22:00. Weekends she likes to read books and music
My mother is a teacher, she is
y always busy. at 6:00
she gets up for my father and does the breakfast. Usually seven to ride ,sometimes she takes a taxi to go to work. 8:00 to 16:00, she had no time to rest. Usually work 5:00. Sometimes very late as it will help students to mathematics classes. she sleeps at
22:00. Weekends she likes to read books and music.
外语领域专家tbe在句子中是什么意思Tbe wbeels of life keep iurning,SpinTbe wbeels of tbe beart keep yearning,For tbe sound of tbe singing soui.And nights are full witb weeping,这是一小段英文~里面的TBE用法有错吗?_百度作业帮
tbe在句子中是什么意思Tbe wbeels of life keep iurning,SpinTbe wbeels of tbe beart keep yearning,For tbe sound of tbe singing soui.And nights are full witb weeping,这是一小段英文~里面的TBE用法有错吗?
那其实就是"the"他打错了,这段话拼写错误百出.正确行文:The wheels of life keep turning,SpinThe wheels of the heart keep yearning,For the sound of the singing soul.And nights are full with weeping,


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