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德州扑克:高额德州扑克第六季06加菲盐中文解说 high stakes poker-0005
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高筹码扑克 第七季
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上海隐志网络科技有限公司From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2015)
The term "Chinese poker" is commonly used to refer to a different card game, .
is a type of card game.
The rules are simple—only a basic knowledge of
is needed to get started.
There is a large element of luck involved, therefore a beginner has a good chance of winning in the short term, even against experienced opponents.
The game format results in frequent unexpected wins and high-ranking hands.
Chinese poker is typically played as a four-person game, though it can also be played with two or three.
Chinese Poker.
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any . Please help improve this section by . Unsourced material may be challenged and . (April 2015)
In Chinese Poker, each player receives a 13-card hand from a . Each player then has to divide their cards into three poker hands (known as "setting"): two containing five cards each (known as "the middle" and "the back"), and one containing three cards ("the front"); the back must be the highest-ranking hand, and the front, the lowest-ranking hand (note that
do not count in the three-card hand). The back hand is placed face down on the table in front of the player, then the middle hand is placed face down in front of the back hand, and the front hand is placed face down in front of the middle hand. After all the players have set their hands, each player will announce in turn (clockwise, starting from the left of the dealer) whether or not they are playing their hand. All players then announce their , before revealing their hands.
If a player makes three flushes or three straights they automatically win the hand, regardless of the other players' hands. As shown in the photo, the middle player has made all three hands flush and is an automatic winner.
The stakes played for in Chinese poker are known as units: an amount of money agreed on before the game starts. Basic scoring rules dictate that a player collects one unit from each opponent whose front, middle or back hand is beaten by their own corresponding hand. Thus, unlike most poker games, being second-best at the table is good enough to win money. In some variants players are also paid an additional unit if they win in two or three of the hands. In other variants players only get an additional unit if they win all three hands (known as a scoop). Also, due to the head-to-head nature of the comparisons, it is possible for different players to play for different stakes. For example, A and B could play for $10 per unit versus each other, while all other player pairings play for $1 per unit. Many variations of scori refer to the external links for more information.
The two most common scoring systems used in Chinese poker are the 2-4 scoring method, and the 1-6 scoring method.
In the 2-4 method the player receives 1 unit for each of the three hands they win, and 1 unit called the overall unit is awarded to the player who wins two out of the three hands, or all of the three hands. In the event of a tie in one of the hands, no money is exchanged for this particular hand. If one player wins both of the other two hands, they collect 3 units (1 for each hand, and 1 overall). If they each win one hand, no units are exchanged (each win 1 unit, and there is no overall).
In the 1-6 method the player receives 1 unit for each of the three hands they win, and 3 bonus units (on top of the three for the hands) if they win all three hands.
In the 2-4 method, Hellmuth would pay I Ivey receives two points for winning front and back, loses one for losing middle and receives one as the overall unit for winning two out of three hands. In the 1-6 method, Hellmuth would pay I again Ivey receives two points for winning front and back and loses one for losing middle, but they do not receive any bonus units.
Royalties, or bonuses as they are sometimes called, are extra units that may be awarded to players with particularly strong hands.
Royalties must be declared prior to the revealing of the hands.
Some hands and combinations of hands that are commonly awarded royalties are listed:
or better in the middle
in the front
Naturals are special types of royalties where if dealt to a player, the player is rewarded immediately (prior to anyone surrendering), and the player does not set their hand:
(counting all three hands)
13 unique cards (i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A) known as Dragon
Players with the stronger natural wins and takes the bonus. If two players have six pair the player with the highest six pair wins otherwise it is a tie and no bonus is awarded. With flushes and straights the player with the highest back hand wins if that ties then the middle hand is compared. If that also ties then the front is compared.
In some variants all royalties are worth the same amount (e.g., 1 unit per royalty). In other variants each royalty is given a different payout (e.g., 1 unit for a four of a kind in the back, and 2 units for a straight flush in the back). Normally only the winner may be awarded a royalty (e.g., four sevens in the back beats fo therefore, only the player with sevens is awarded a royalty). Some modified rule sets allow the royalty bonus to cancel out and only the point for the hand/row is added. In some games players are allowed to break up straight flushes or four of a kinds and still receive royalties (e.g., a player
they may use three of them for a three of a kind in the front, and one as part of a straight in the middle). Some rules say that players are only allowed to claim one royalty per hand. The standard royalties point structure is listed below.
While the royalty structure varies from game to game, the most common agreed-upon royalty structure is as follows:
Chinese poker royalties
Full house
Full house
0 (no bonus)
Four of a kind
Four of a kind
Straight flush
Straight flush
Royal flush
Royal flush
Naturals royalties
Three Straights
Three Flushes
No Broadway Cards*
* Non-standard natural
If a player chooses to surrender their hand, they will pay an amount greater than the amount paid when losing 2 out of 3 hands, but less than the amount paid when getting scooped (losing all three hands). When surrendered, a player is not required to pay any royalties to their opponents. In some variations surrendering is not an option.
If a player mis-sets their hand (e.g., they put three of a kind in the front, but only two pair in the middle) then they must pay each of their opponents still in the hand (players who have not surrendered) an amount equal to being scooped. In some variations players are still required to play their hands.
Chinese Poker was played at the
and the . In 1995, the $1,500 event was won by John Tsagaris, and the $5,000 event by . In 1996 the $1,500 event was won by Gregory Grivas, and the $5,000 event by Jim Feldhouse.[] There have been no Chinese Poker events at the
since 1996.
Chinese Poker is often played as a side game in large poker tournaments.[] Typical stakes are $25, $50 and $100 per unit. Some high-stakes poker players are known to play as high as $500 or $1,000 per unit. Some even go as high as $15,000.
casinos in
have been known to spread Chinese poker at their poker tables.[]
Main article:
In this variation the players are dealt five cards in the beginning. These cards are arranged faceup on the table to the back, middle, and front hands. The cards cannot be rearranged later. Then the players receive a single card at a time for the rest 8 cards. This means it is possible to make an illegal hand. This variation originates from Finland. Interesting is that Open Face Chinese Poker first was named Russian Poker. But because of the same Casino Game the game was renamed. This game become popular everyday and now it is also available online.
Low in the middle — In this variation, the middle hand is played as a
Criss Cross — This variation is played heads up: each player is dealt two 13 card hands and plays each of their hands against each of their opponents' hands. Players' hands are to be treated as t they cannot exchange cards between the two hands.
In this variation, The Wheel (A, 2, 3, 4, 5) is the second highest straight. Therefore, it is ranked above a 9, 10, J, Q, K straight, but below a 10, J, Q, K, A straight.
Another variation scores the game 1 point per hand, with the winner of the game being the first to 11 points. If a player wins all 3 hands and there are 4 players, the winning player gets a 4th point.
: Hidden categories:中文名: 高筹码扑克英文名: High Stakes Poker别名: 德州扑克版本: 更新至第五季第13集[DSR]发行时间: 日电视台: GSN主持人: Brian Lockwood地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: High Stakes Poker德州扑克现金游戏电视直播节目由GSN副总裁Mike Bevan创立,当年在一个晚餐上,Johnny Chan告诉Mike Bevan 他输掉一个很大的底池给 Phil Ivey,使他意识到如果组织一场普通人难以承受的高注额德州扑克赛应该能吸引更多的观众,于是便创立了这个节目,如今High Stakes Poker已经是第五届了。这届High Stakes Poker将再次聚集全球最好的扑克玩家用他们自己的钱在摄象机前进行游戏。新科WSOP主赛事冠军 Peter Eastgate,还有 Negreanu,Brunson 和其他很多传奇德州扑克人物以及全球顶尖的扑克高手,包括Doyle Brunson,Daniel Negreanu,Patrik Antonius,Tom Dwan 和其他很多有名的扑克玩家都将至少买入$20万来进行世界上最富有的电视直播现金游戏。更高的注额无疑让节目更加吸引人,但是如果太高,会让观赏性大打折扣,由于上季的最后进行了一场最小买入为$50万的游戏,使得玩家都非常谨慎,放不开手脚竞争。所以HSP执行制作人Mori Eskandani决定让买入的钱定在一个让所有玩家都觉得比较舒服的数字上,这样既能吸引更多的扑克高手,又能增加游戏的观赏性。第五届的节目将有一些不同年龄和不同成长背景的顶尖职业玩家来参与。象Bronson,Negreanu 和Howard Lederer这样的传奇人物,以及一些像Dwan 和2008年WSOP主赛事冠军 Peter Eastgate也将参加到这季的节目中来。节目还计划吸引更多的职业玩家来参加,例如Phil Laak,Eli Elezra,Antonio Esfandiari,Dario Minieri,Barry Greenstein,David Benyamine和Josep Hachem。===============================始于2004年。由GSN网络制作。每个周一的晚八点播出,而且还有移动版节目提供。这个公司专营各种游戏的电视节目制作。与大部分知名赛事不同的是,HSP是现金游戏,就是说不存在所谓的最终冠军,每个人手中的筹码就是自己的真金实银,随时可以增加或离席。赛制规定最初买入额至少为10万美元。此后若是输光再买入可是5万美元的倍数(大概就是High Stakes Poker的由来?)。在这里出现的人物可谓声名显赫,除了一些扑克界的传奇人物之外,还有一些商界或演艺界的巨头,如NBA洛杉矶湖人队的老板杰里·巴斯(Jerry Buss),法国太阳马戏团(CIRQUE DU SOLEIL)的创始人及CEO盖·拉里贝特(Guy Laliberte)都曾经出现在比赛桌上。============================= A televised poker cash game in which top pros including Sam Farha, Doyle Brunson, and Johnny Chan compete. This is not a tournament however, each player is playing with their own money and they have the option to buy in again.}


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