英语英语情景口语对话话围绕waiting for consultation

当前位置:>>英语口语对话:A Car Accident 交通事故
英语口语对话:A Car Accident 交通事故
Julie was in a car accident. Another car rear-ended(汽车追尾) her. She gets out of the car and talks to the other driver. The tow trucks are waiting.
Julie: My poor car. The back is all dented(凹下的,塌陷的).
The other driver: It was your fault. You stopped suddenly.
Julie: I had to stop. There was a red light, so don&t blame me. You hit me, so you&re in the wrong.
The other driver: Nonsense. Give me your details. Who&s your insurer?
Julie: I&m waiting for the cops to sort everything out.
The other driver: We&re blocking traffic. Let&s move our cars to the side of the road, first.
Julie: Okay, but don&t try anything funny. I have your license plate number(车牌号).
有任何问题,请给我们留言, 管理员邮箱: 联系电话:
题型一 中译英
&& 1. &我想在贵餐厅为我们公司预订两个宴会。(I’d like to book two banquets in your restaurant for our company.)
2.  您的宴会打算定在什么时候? (When would you like to hold your banquet?)
3.  您需要多少张餐台? (How many tables would you like?)
4.  您对宴会菜单有什么特殊要求?( Do you have any special demands for the banquet menu?)
5. &请问是在谁的名下做的预订?(In whose name was the reservation made?)
6.& 我们晚餐开餐时间是下午5点到晚上10点。(The time for dinner is from 5p.m. until 10p.m.)
7. &对不起,我们餐厅14日的餐位已经订满了。(I am sorry, sir. Our restaurant is fully booked on 14th.)&
8.& 您打算人均用餐标准是多少?(How much would you like to pay for each person?)
&9.& 有人均100元、150元和180元的标准,您想要订哪一种?(There are levels of 100 yuan, 150 yuan, 180 yuan per head. Which would you prefer?)
10. 三百人用餐的最低收费是15000元,不含酒水饮料。(The minimum charge for a 300-people-dinner party is 15,000yuan, excluding drinks.)&
11.& 您的餐桌已经准备好了,这边请。(Your table is ready, this way, please.)
12.& 现在可以上菜了吗?(May I serve the dishes now?)
13.& 希望您用餐愉快。(Please enjoy your meal.)
14. &这道菜很烫,请小心。(The dish is very hot. Please be careful. )&
15.& 您的这瓶葡萄酒已经添完了。请问是否需要再加一瓶?(Your bottle of wine is finished. Would you like one more bottle? )
16. &您需要把菜分一下吗?(Excuse me, sir / madam. May I separate the dish for you?)
17. &您要不要来点烈性酒呢?要是喜欢酒精度低的话,我们这还有米酒。( Do you care for something a little stronger? If you prefer something milder, there is some rice liquor available here.)
18.& 先生,您对我们的餐品还满意?(Are you satisfied with the meal, sir?)
&  19. &祝您有个好胃口,先生。(Have a good appetite, sir. )
20. &菜已经上齐了,接下来还有甜点。(This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow.)
21.& 请给我们加把椅子好吗?(Would you please add one more chair to our table?)
22. &非常感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚。(Thank you very much. Have a nice evening. )
23.& 请问您是付现金还是用信用卡?& (How would you like to pay,& by cash or by credit card?)
24.& 请给我一杯冰水。(Could you give me a glass of cold water, please?)
25.& 愿为您效劳!( At your service!)
26.& 我需要不含糖的食物。( I would like food without sugar. )
27.& 这道菜色、香、味俱全。(The dish looks good, smells good and tastes good.)
&  28.& 这是我们赠送给您的果盘。(This is complimentary fruit for you. )
 & 29.& 有多种不同的烹调方法。 (There is a variety of ways to cook.)
 & 30.  炒茄子时放什么调味料呢?(What are the seasonings in the stir-fried eggplant?)
&  31.& 这是我们最新的价目表。(This is our latest price list.)
32.& 您使用维萨信用卡结账可以享受9折优惠。(You have got a 10% discount for your Visa Card.)
33.& 许多宾客对这款葡萄酒赞赏备至。(Many guests speak highly of the wine.)
34. 这是我们厨师长的推荐菜。(This is our chef’s recommendation.)
35.& 太好了, 我们马上准备。(Great. We’ll get started right away. )
36.& 双方都能够接受。(It is acceptable to both.)
 & 37.& 您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?(Can you tell me/describe what happened in detail?)
 & 38.  感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意。(Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.)
39.& 我们给您带来了这么多麻烦,为了表达歉意,特为您提供赠送甜点。( To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a complimentary dessert.)
40.& 抱歉,我上错汤了。( I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.)
题型二 英译中
  1. &How many people was it for?& (有多少位客人用餐?)&
  2. &At the dinner banquet Chinese food will be served and the minimum charge of RMB120 Yuan per head is required.& (您的晚宴将是中餐宴会,最低消费每位120元。)
&& 3. &What drinks are you going to have for the banquet? (宴会需要什么酒水?)
4.&We don’t have any vacant tables by the windows. (目前靠窗的位子都已经订出去了。)
  5. &Let me just confirm your reservation. (让我来确认一下您的预订。)
&&6.& I’d like to cancel my reservation for Saturday night. (我想要取消周六晚上的订位。)
  7. &I’d like a private room for 15 people at eight thirty tomorrow evening. (明晚我要订一个15人的包厢,时间是明晚八点半。)
&  8.& We can only hold your private room till 7:30 p.m., because after that time it is the peak season.& (您的预订我们只能为您保留到晚上7点30分,因为那段时间是高峰期。)
&  9. &Is there anything I can do for you?( 还有什么需要我帮你的吗?)
  10. &We look forward to seeing you. (我们恭候您的光临。)
&11.& Could you give me some more napkins? (请多给我几张纸巾。)
12.& Do you have vegetarian dishes? (餐厅是否有供应素食餐?)
13.& What would you like to drink? (您要喝点什么?
& 14.& Here are our cold dishes, sir. (先生,这是我们的凉菜。)
15.& You might have a taste of Shaoxing liquor. (您不妨尝尝绍兴黄酒。)
16.& We have fresh orange juice, apple juice and watermelon juice.& (我们的鲜榨果汁有橙汁、苹果汁和西瓜汁。)
17.& Can I bring any wine or liquor by myself?& (我可以自带酒水吗?)
18.& Could you bring me a pair of chopsticks, please? (请给我拿双筷子好吗?)
19.& This dish is called “Mapo Tofu”. Enjoy it, please. (这道菜叫麻婆豆腐,请慢用。)
&  20.& After serving the last dish, you should tell the guests: “ This is& the  complete course.” (当上最后一道菜时,你需要告诉客人“您好,菜已上齐。”)
&21. &Please hold the
we still have one friend coming. (请稍后上菜,我们还有一个朋友没到。)
&22.& 您先喝什么茶?红茶还是绿茶?(What kind of tea would you prefer to begin/start with, black tea or green tea?)
&  &23. 再给我来一杯。 ( Make it two, please. )
&24.& Please wrap the sliced Beijing duck with the shredded fresh shallot and the sweet bean sauce in the pancake.& (请把片好的北京烤鸭沾上甜面酱, 再放上新鲜的葱丝,用一张薄饼卷起来就可以吃了。)
& 25.& The Chinese cuisine has a long history, and is one of the Chinese cultural treasures. ( 中式菜历史悠久,是中国文化中的瑰宝。)
& & 26.& In general, people in north China favor noodles, ravioli and other staples made from flour, while the majority of southerners consume rice almost daily.(总的来说,中国北方人比较喜欢面条、水饺和其他面食,而大多数南方人几乎每天以米饭为主食。)
27.& How many steps are taken to cook these dishes? (做这些菜需要多少几个步骤?)
28.& How long shall I stir the soup? (我要把汤搅一搅,这要多长时间?)
& & 29.& To cook Chinese food, knifing skills and matching of ingredients are of equal importance. (做中国菜,刀工和菜式的搭配都一样重要。)
30.& Shall we cook the pork over low heat? (猪肉需要低温烹调吗?)
31. &A deposit of RMB 500 yuan is required to secure your booking. (您需预付500元人民币押金,以保证您的预订。)
32.& Let me make you a special offer.& (我给您一个优惠价。)
33.& Shall I make a recommendation?& (需要我推荐一些菜肴和酒水吗?)
34.& Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. You can pay with them next
   & time when you have dinner in our restaurant. (我们有一些赠券送给您,下次您在我们餐厅用餐时可以使用赠券。)
&35.& We can arrange for a few skilled servers to do that so that every guest can
  & enjoy the dish at the same time. (我们将会安排一些技能娴熟的服务人员, 确保每位客人都能够当下愉快用餐。)
&  36.  It would be on the house. ( 那是免费的。)
37.  I’m really sorry about that, I’ll tell the chef to hurry. (真抱歉,我会让厨师快一点。)
  38.& Sorry to having kept you waiting. I’ll see to it right away. (让您久等,抱歉,我马上去处理。)
  39. &Our manager will get in touch with you soon. (我们经理将会尽快联系您.)
40.& When guests complains, the server should listen to them attentively with a good judgment. (当客人投诉时,服务员需要聚精会神地倾听并且要做出很好的判断。)
题型三、 情景对话
1.When a guest walks into the Banquet Department and wants to reserve a farewell banquet for his boss. What kind of information will you get from the guest?
Answer: I need to get the time of the banquet, the number of people, the budget for each table, and so on. If possible, I’d like to reserve a banquet room for the guest. Finally, I will keep the guest’s name and phone number. According to regulations, we’d ask the guest to pay a sum of money as deposit as is required by the regulations.
2.Is the preparation work for a banquet important? Can you explain it with your own experience?
Answer: Yes. It is very important to make a full preparation for a banquet. There is a saying “a good beginning is half done”. To prepare for a banquet, the staff should make sure of the food requirement, decorations, service requirement and set the table for the banquet. That’s a tough job. But banquet staff cannot provide good table service without those preparations.
3.What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal ? And what procedure would you follow?
Answer: Firstly, I will greet the guest by saying “Good morning sir/madam, welcome to our restaurant.” And then ask the guest if he / she has a reservation by saying “Have you got any reservation?”. If the guest has reserved a table, I will ask for his name and check the booking details for the guest. After that I’ll show him / her the way to the table. If the guest doesn’t have any reservation, I will ask about the number of people, and his or her seat preference, and then arrange a table for the guest by saying “How many people are there in your party?” and “Will this table do, sir/madam?”
4.If a foreign guest comes to ask for suggestions about Chinese food, and he/she would like something hot and spicy, what kind of dish would you recommend?
Answer: There are four major Chinese cuisines, or say, four styles. Each cuisine is distinctive and has its own style and flavor. As the guest prefers something hot and spicy, I’d recommend Sichuan dishes which are hot and spicy and taste different. Mapo Tofu and Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork are worth trying.
5.Which step in the table service is most important in your opinion? Why?
Answer: I think waiting at the table, meeting all the needs of the diners is the most challenging. Firstly, the waiter/waitress should be very alert to the requests of the guests. Secondly, waiters and waitresses should be familiar with the dishes and environment of the restaurant. Thirdly, they should also be good at communicating with the guests as well as with the kitchen staff.&
6.What’s the major difference between liquor and wine?
Answer: Liquor is an alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation. But wine is the beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volume.
7.How many different kinds of services do you know for a banquet, and what are they? Explain one of them in detail.
Answer: Generally speaking, there are four different kinds of services for a banquet. They are sit-down service, buffet service, station service and passed-tray service. In sit-down service, the guests receive their food at their seats. Typically, waiters/waitresses offer a choice of entrees, and ask them to make selections ahead of time.
8.Do you think the service of Chinese banquet is much simpler than that of a western one? Why ?
9.Please say something about the primary duties of the Banquet Department.
Answer: Banquet Department is primarily responsible for making the reservation, seating the guests, serving at dinner and settling the payment. It may include the consultation of requirements of the banquet with guests, layout of the tables, cutlery, glasses and table linen with table decorations, and providing formal table service is another part. Staff should serve quickly and elegantly. Finally, when the banquet is finished, we should help guests to settle the payment.
10.&What is more important for banquet service, skills or attitude? State your reasons.
Answer: Both of them are important. One cannot do a job without on the other hand, the guest won’t be satisfied if you treat him/her badly. Sometimes, I think, good attitude can make up the lack of skills, as I believe, if we show consideration and concerns, the guest may be moved. The most satisfactory one is that we can serve our guest professionally with good attitude.
11.&What do you think of the communication between the kitchen staff and the waiters/waitresses?
Answer: It is quite important and necessary to build good communication between the kitchen staff and the waiters/waitresses. Usually, waiters/waitresses are required to recomm therefore, they should be familiar with the ingredients and flavors of those dishes. They can get the information from the kitchen staff. Meanwhile, kitchen staff may consult with waiters/waitresses to get the information about guests’ preference of dishes and flavors. When it is very busy, good communication between the kitchen staff and waiters/waitress will contribute a lot to the smooth operation of the restaurant. And such complaints can also avoid.
12.Some experts say that it is good to have an open kitchen. Do you agree with that?
Answer: I think it is a good idea to have an open kitchen. First, it can show the guest the cleanliness of the food. On the other hand, it may be a good way to attract guests, as people are usually very curious about how the delicious food is cooked. And cooking is also a kind of art for people to enjoy.
13.If the guest complained about waiting for a long time, what would you do?
Answer: First I would listen to his complaints with concerns patiently. And then say: “Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir/madam”. After that I will give him/her a solution by saying “I’ll check it right away. / I’m sorry, sir/madam. We are short of help today. Would you like to have a drink first?”
14.&Will a complaining guest come to your hotel again? Why ?
Answer: I think so. First, I am supposed to handle the complaint with patience and good solution. So, I should be helpful and polite to the guest. Once we settlement satisfies the guest, he may leave the hotel with a good memory of the hospitality he receives. Then he would probably come again.
15.&If you were promoted to be a banquet manager, what kind of working staff would you prefer to employ?
Answer: If I were a manager, I would prefer employees who are helpful, cooperative, enthusiastic, patient and quick to learn. Meanwhile, they should have self-control, the ability to work under pressure and loyalty. If possible, I think, well-trained employees with over-all professional skills are preferred, too.
16.&If your hotel wants to promote wedding banquet this month, what measures will you take?
Answer: Advertisement is a good way to sell products, so I think we can put advertisements on TV, magazines and newspapers. We can also provide some special services to attract customers, such as toastmaster service, wedding cakes, special floral decorations, and so on. If the hotel regulations permit, we can also provide the new couple with a honeymoon suite in the hotel for one night.
17.While you are on duty, what would you do if the guest invites you to a drink?
Answer: It is against hotel regulations to go out for a drink with a guest when I am working. So, I would first tell the guest that I am working, and I am not allowed to drink. And at the same time, I would thank the guest all the same.
18.&What do you think of the sentence “The guest is always right”?
Answer: In my opinion, it means, when we provide service for the guest, we should stand in his shoes. Try all our best to make the guest satisfied. When handling misunderstandings and complaints, we’d better make good use of professional skills to respect our guest, save their face and make them stay in comfort. If the guest’s requests are not reasonable, we should explain patiently, and offer apology and concerns to them.
19.&What is your own opinion of receiving tips? Please state your idea in your own words.
Answer: I think tips mean that the guest is satisfied with my job and service. And I know it is quite common in Western countries to accept tips from a guest. Therefore, I won’t refuse tips, because it will make the guest embarrassed. But before accepting tips, I should confirm the payment of service with my guest, in case of any misunderstanding or miscalculations.
20.Have you had any training in dealing with emergencies? What steps do you follow to settle problems? Please give an example of how you would do that.
Answer: It is quite important to have some training in handling emergencies during the banquet service. For example, a guest may suffer stomachache or faint while attending a banquet or having dinner in the restaurant. In that case, a waiter/waitress should first keep calm. Then call for the ambulance and wait for the doctor. A waiter/waitress shouldn’t move the guest as he/she has no proper first aid knowledge or skills. When the doctor comes, I will assist the doctor and keep the food and drink unmoved on the table, in case there will be an examination of the food.实用商务对话 Consultation商务咨询
A:May I help you?&& 您需要什么服务吗?
B:Yes.I'm a financial manager of the Rui Hua Company.&& 是的。我是瑞华公司的财务经理。
A:I'm very glad to see you.&& 见到您我非常高兴。
B:We want to open a US dollar account with your bank.Could you tell me the procedures?&& 我们想在贵行开一个美元账户。请问有哪些程序?
A:You need an approval to open a foreign currency account with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange by submitting the business license and application form.&& 首先你们应把营业执照和申请开立外汇账户的申请书呈交国家外汇管理局进行报批。
B:What shall we do next?&& 下一步该怎么办呢?
A:Then you go through the formalities for opening a foreign currency account with our bank by submitting the Certificate of Use of& Foreign Exchange Account and the Foreign Exchange Account Opening Notice issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange?&& 然后你们凭外管局核发的“外汇账户使用证”和“外汇账户开户通知书”来我行办理手续。
B:I see.Thank you.&& 我明白了。谢谢。
Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. I have the
pleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in full
working order. The bow and stern doors are closed and secured. The
vessel is in all aspects ready for sea. Please listen carefully to
the safety instructions which follow. In the unlikely event of
emergency, please obey the orders given on the public address
system. Passengers are requested to read all notes and leaflets
concerning safety regulations. All regulations concerning the
vessel’s routine have to be obeyed. Safety regulations do not
permit passengers to enter the following spaces:
--maneuvering areas at the front and ba
--cargo ro
--all areas and spaces marked “crew only”;
--all closed, sealed or roped off areas,
--car decks when the vessel is at sea.
International regulations require all passengers be assembled in
a drill which has to take place within 24 hours of departure. A
drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their assembly
stations, with their life-saving equipment and with emergency
procedures. All passengers must attend this drill. In case of
emergency, seven short blasts and one prolonged blast will be given
with the ship’s whistle and alarm system. Passengers will be taught
how to act and behave in case of emergency.
Always remember that fire is the greatest hazard aboard ship.
Always act immediately if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke.
Always inform a member of the crew if you detect fire or smell
fumes or smoke. Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely. Put
used cigarettes in a container provided. Never smoke in bed. Never
smoke on deck except in areas labeled as smoking areas. Never throw
a cigarette overboard. The use of naked light and open fire is
strictly prohibited. Never use an electric iron in a cabin. If you
need to iron something, use the ironing room on the third deck. The
key may be collected at the information desk.
Attention please! Attention please! This is your captain with an
important announcement. I repeat, this is your captain with an
important announcement. We have a minor flooding in the engine
room. There is no immediate danger to our passengers or the ship
and there is no reason to be alarmed. For safety reasons, we
request all passengers to go to their assembly stations on deck and
wait there for further instructions. Please follow the instructions
given by the officers and crew. The damage control team is fighting
the flooding. We also have radio contact with radio coast stations.
As soon as I have further information, I will make another
announcement. I ask you kindly to remain calm. There is no danger
at this time.
When the general emergency alarm is sounded, which consists of
seven short blasts and one prolonged blast, all passengers have to
go to their assembly station. Take your lifejackets and blankets
with you. Lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds and
at your assembly stations. You are encouraged to try on your
lifejackets. All passengers must
trousers, long-sleeved shirts or jackets, strong shoes and head
covering. All passengers with their lifejackets and blankets are
requested to go to their assembly stations immediately. From your
assembly stations you will be escorted to your lifeboats. All
passengers are requested to carefully study the safety instructions
behind their cabin doors. All passengers are requested to follow
the escape routes shown. Do not use lifts.
Last year there were 63 incidents at sea. This included 10
spills, 2 of which resulted in pollution. Fourteen vessels grounded
and 6 vessels collided in bad weather conditions. There were 20
reports of personal injury. These injuries usually occurred because
seamen did not take care with machinery or because they did not
wear the correct type of protective clothing. Seven ships reported
fires on board during the year: in 2 incidents, the fires started
in the galley, in another 2 incidents, fires started when chemical
and in 3 incidents, the fires occurred because
of electrical faults. On 4 occasions vessels lost power because the
crew did not follow correct procedures during maneuvering. There
were accounts of cargo contamination: 1 cargo of grain suffered
from heat damage, and in the other case, water leaked into the hold
and damaged a cargo of fruit.
This incident took place on board the MV Elga in January of this
year. Some of our cargo of pipes broke loose on the deck when we
were rounding the Cape of Good Hope in bad weather. There were high
winds and visibility was very poor. At the time of the incident I
was on watch on the bridge. The 2nd officer heard a loud
banging noise and noticed the pipes were loose. I immediately
informed the Captain who ordered a team to go on deck to tie and
secure the pipes. The problem was caused by the severe movement of
the vessel and some lashings breaking. The deck crews were able to
lever the pipes into a secure position. We managed to lash the
cargo down again sufficiently until the bad weather passed. There
was very little we could do to ensure that this incident does not
happen again. However, when bad weather is forecast, all lashings
should be checked and, if necessary, extra lashings should be put
It is a common belief among members of the public that piracy
belongs to an era in which swashbuckling pirates played cat and
mouse with sailing ship laden with gold. That piracy is a thing of
the past, however, is a myth. The main point I’d like to make is
that armed robbery is still a real threat to the shipping industry.
The international maritime bureau reported that in 1994 there were
92 serious attacks on ships. Two years later in 1996, this figure
rocketed to 174, and in 1997 the figure continued to rise
dramatically to 252. Almost to combat this crime were made during
the early 1990s and consequently the number of attacks decreased
significantly. This decrease was due to two main factors. IMO
missions were sent to problem areas and pressure was also exerted
on countries whose waters were known black spots for pirate
Two types of compasses are used at sea, namely the gyrocompass
and the magnetic compass. The gyrocompass is electrically driven
and indicates the direction of the geographical or true north pole
of the earth. When a gyrocompass has been started, some time must
be allowed for it to settle down, and a ship’s gyrocompass should
be started some hours before it is to be used. A gyrocompass may
function correctly, but at the same time register a small, constant
error known as gyro error. If the gyrocompass indicates a direction
which is numerically larger than the true direction, the error is
described as high, and conversely a numerically smaller reading is
described as low.
Passage 10
Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at
regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within
range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships
usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and
forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away
from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal.
As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions before
hand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If
there is a high sea or long swell, they can take some measures to
safeguard the cargo and the ship.
Passage 11
When the vessel approaches her designated berth at minimum
steerageway, the approach to the quay is made at the smallest
possible angle. With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the
vessel onto the embankment by line-handlers. The spring is fastened
to a bollard, and while the engine is on half astern, the warping
drum picks up the slack. To prevent the line from being fouled, the
hawser or spring is led through the fairlead. The ship is then
maneuvered along the embankment and fastened to bollards by
headlines, stern lines, breast lines and springs. When leaving
berth, casting off orders, engine room orders and helm orders are
given by the pilot or the master. After having started the engines,
the first order is “Standing by for letting go!”. When a line is
cast off, the first order must always be “Slack away”, so that it
will become possible to handle the hawser. The next casting off
order will then be: “Heave away”, which means that the line can be
pulled aboard. The sequence of casting off orders that can then be
given depends on how the vessel has been berthed, and on the
prevailing weather condition and currents.
Passage 12
One of the most important responsibilities of the first mate is
to make sure that cargo will be properly loaded and stowed. Whether
bulk cargo, general cargo, heavy cargo, containerized cargoes or
refrigerated perishable cargo are carried, care must always be
taken to ensure that a cargo will not in any way affect the
vessel’s stability and jeopardize vessel, cargo and crew. Therefore
a stowage plan must be made up before the loading of the cargo
commences. Stevedoring (loading and discharging of cargo) must be
done according to this stowage plan by a shore gang. A shore gang
usually consists of a foreman and stevedores (longshoreman, as they
are called in America), hatchway men, winch men, and a tally
Passage 13
There are five common kinds of injury on vessels. Seafarers
sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip or fall. These
accidents happen when they don’t wear safety boots or when decks
are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure.
To prevent broken arms and legs, it is important to wear safety
boots. Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when they lift heavy
objects. Back strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects
alone or when they don’t use lifting equipment properly. To prevent
back strain, it is important to lift properly. Seafarers sometimes
suffer from burns when there is a fire, explosion or chemical
spill. Seafarers need to be careful when they smoke or when they
work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is important to obey “No
Smoking” signs and to handle chemical cargo safely. Seafarers
sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they
are careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important
to use safety guards and wear gloves. Seafarers sometimes injure
their eyes when they work with machinery. Dust, sparks, and
chemicals are very dangerous when they enter the eye. To prevent
eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles.
Passage 14
The vessel was at anchor overnight while we were waiting for
permission to enter the port. Two officers of watch were patrolling
the deck but they did not notice anything unusual. They did not
realize that while they were on watch, two stowaways were hiding in
the lifeboat. One man escaped by jumping overboard while the other
climbed down a rope ladder. Later, I received a phone call from the
Coastguard at the port. He said that two men from my vessel were
swimming towards the shore. He called the police and ordered a
rescue boat to pick up the men. When the rescue boat went out, it
picked up only one person. The other was nowhere to be seen. As
yet, I have no further information about the two stowaways. The
vessel will remain in port until port Authorities have searched the
vessel and given clearance to depart. I am awaiting instruction
from the immigration authorities about the procedure for
repatriating the stowaway who is in police custody at present. The
police are still searching for the missing stowaways.
Passage 15
The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the
ship to the seabed, from which it is reflected. The time taken to
receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water
under the ship. The received pulse is displayed on a chart by a pen
recorder so that the navigator can see the outline of the bottom
over which the vessel is passing. A similar device is the sonar
system, which uses high frequency sound signals. In sonar the sound
signal can be sent ahead or sideways. The time for the echo to be
sent back from an object, such as an underwater rock, is a measure
of the object’s distance from the ship. The sonar system can also
be used to measure the speed of the ship over the seabed.
Passage 16
The officer on watch (OOW) should ensure that the SOLAS
requirements for the operation and testing of the steering gear are
observed. Steering control of the ship will comprise manual
steering, probably supplemented by an autopilot. At each steering
position there should be a gyro repeater and rudder angle indicator
and emergency back-up steering position, usually in the steering
gear flat, is also required. If an autopilot is fitted, a steering
mode selector switch for changing between automatic and manual
steering, and a manual override control to allow the OOW to gain
instant manual control of the steering, will be required. When
operating an autopilot, the course to steer will need to be
manually set on the autopilot and the autopilot will steer the
course until a new course is entered.
Passage 17
A typical weather report normally include three parts: warning,
synoptic situation and forecast. Gale warnings are usually issued
when winds of at least force 8 or gusts reaching 43 knots are
expected. Gale warnings remain in force until amended or canceled.
However, if the gale persists for more than 24 hours after the time
of origin, the warning will be re-issued. The term “severe gale”
implies a mean wind of at least force 9 or gusts reaching 52 knots.
Storm warnings are usually issued when winds of force 10 or gusts
reaching 61 knots are expected. The term “imminent” implies within
6 hours of the time issue, “soon” implies between 6 and 12 hours,
and “later” implies more than 12 hours. Hurricane warnings are
issued in some parts of the world when winds of force 12 or above
are expected.
Passage 18
Admiralty Notice to Mariners, weekly editions, contains
information which enables the mariners to keep his charts and books
published by the hydrographic department up-to-date for the latest
reports received. In addition to all Admiralty Notices, they
include all Australian and New Zealand chart correcting Notices,
the selected temporary and preliminary ones. Copies of all
Australian and New Zealand Notices can be obtained from Australian
or New Zealand chart agents. The Notices are published in weekly
editions, and are issued by the hydrographic department on a daily
basis to certain Admiralty chart agents. Weekly editions can be
obtained gratis, or dispatched regularly by surface or airmail from
Admiralty chart agents. Ports and authorities who maintain copies
of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for consultation are listed on
Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Passage 19
The master is the direct representative of the company.
Decisions and actions taken by the master in his capacity are
usually binding upon the company, and therefore the master must act
to ensure that company’s interests are protected. The master has
supreme command of the vessel and full authority under the law over
all phases of vessel operations at all times. This authority under
the law extends over all persons on board. The master is an at all
times responsible for the seaworthiness and safety of the ship and
for the safety of all personnel, cargo and equipment aboard. The
master is responsible for the management of the certificates and
documents related the vessel. The master is ultimately responsible
for the safe handling and control of cargo during loading,
transport and discharge.
Passage 20
Upon joining a vessel, the third officer must report to the
master. The third officer must discuss with the officer being
relieved that areas of the third officer’s responsibility, and
inspect them promptly, preferably in the company of the officer
being relieved. Anything found to be unsatisfactory must be
reported to the master. The third officer is responsible to the
master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge
watchstanding and navigational duties. The third officer is
responsible to the master through the first officer for watch
duties pertaining to fire-fighting appliances and life-saving
appliances and maintenance. The third officer is responsible for
the care of the ship’s signaling equipment. The third officer is
responsible to the master for maintaining and accounting for all
training publications and training aids, including the movie
projector, films, and other audio-visual equipment.
Passage 21
So many lives are lost every year due to accidents involving
towing and morring ropes .
Please spare a few minutes to read this. It may save your
Always& wear a safety helmet when on the deck of a
tug, lighter or barge engaged in moring , cargo or towing
Always wear shose(not slippers)when working on deck.
Never stand underneath an object being hoisted or deck.
Never stand within a bight of a rope.
Never stand close to mooring or towing ropse under strain . if they
break, the backlash can be fatal.
Hoisting or lowering operations should always be carried out with a
person at the controls. Failure to do so many cost you a limb or
even your life.
G. Shackles and thimbles should never go through roller
fairleads.The ropes may jump off and cause injuries.All ropes and
wires should be inspected regularly, and renewed for wear and tear
whenever necessary.
H.Always wear a lifejackt when working or walking on the deck of
a barge or lighter during rough seas, rain or whenever the deck is
wet. You may slip and fall into the water.
Maritime communication comprises communications between vessels
and coast-stations, intership communication and intraship
communication (internal communication when the vessel is before
casting off, leaving berth, loading or discharging, etc.) .
Vessels and coast-stations can communicate by means of Radio
Telephony, Satellite, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and
Categories of messages that can be transmitted and received are
called ‘priorities’. They indicate the important of the
A DISTRESS ALERT indicates that there is serious and immediate
danger for vessel, crew and passengers. A Distress Alert is also
referred to as a ‘MAYDAY’.
An URGENCY message indicates that there is serious danger for
vessel, crew and passenger. An Urgency Message is also referred to
as a ‘PAN PAN’ message.
A SAFETY message indicates that there is imminent risk for
navigation. A Safety Message is also referred to as a ‘SECURITE’
A ROUTINE message is transmitted to ensure safe navigation.
Routine messages refer to intership communication, exchange of data
in port operations, communication between ships and Vessel Traffic
Services, inshore radar stations, pilot stations, bridges and
A VHF-transceiver (transmitter + receiver) transmits and
receives radio signals. The VHF is used to bridge short distances,
is easy to operate and is allowed to be used both in territorial
waters and inland waterways. Its receiver has a “push-to-talk
button”. If the installation is a “simplex” radio, speaking and
listening cannot be done simultaneously. When you wish to speak,
when you wish to listen, you release it.
Before changing from speaking to listening, you say “over”.
VHF radio-communication can bridge about 40 miles. MF-or-HF
radiotelephony is used to bridge 150 miles (MF) to 2000 miles
Reception of radio signals will not always be of high quality,
and coverage will not always extend to the desired areas. This may
of course have consequences for the safety of the vessel and her
crew. These disadvantages of communication through speech have led
to the introduction of Digital Selective Calling in maritime
Passage 24
Weather-conditions have a great influence on the safety during a
voyage and should always be taken into consideration in
voyage-planning and when underway.
The state of the atmosphere is determined by various
meteorological elements, such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness
and fog, forms of precipitation, barometric pressure, and speed and
direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as “the
Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. Warm
air is capable of containing a higher grade of moisture, or
humidity, than cold air. The maximum amount of moisture that air
can hold at a specific temperature is known as “saturation “.
Most clouds are the result of a rising mass of cool air .When
the temperature of air falls, water vapour in the air will condense
into droplets or ice crystals, thus forming clouds or fog.
Passage 25
Goods commercially transported by merchant ships include
Transported in bulk as solids, liquids or gas.
General cargo packaged in boxes, drums and other such
The carriage of cargoes is what keeps the merchant ship running.
Cargoes bring freight and this means we have an obligation to
deliver the cargo in the same condition in which we received it.
The contract of carriage , by& whatever name it is
called , is binding on the ship and the ships officers (as the ship
owner’s representative ) who are given the responsibility to the
load , handle , stow , carry , keep , care for and discharge the
goods carried in accordance with the normal practice of the trade
The process of carriage of various cargoes has been developed
over the years by the shippers and the carriers. These processes
take into account the nature, size and properties of cargo.
Sometimes the ships were adapted to the cargo and at other times
the cargoes got adapted to the ship. This development continues
even today. Most specialized ships such as bulk carriers carrying
bulk cargoes like gain , tankers carrying liquefied petroleum gases
, chemicals , petroleum products , fruit juices , vegetable oil are
still developing size as well as in sophistication and automation .
Similarly containers are where cargoes got adapted to the ship.
Passage 26
Proceed to muster station to find out the type of emergency.
Upon being intimated about the nature of emergency, stand by as per
duty assigned to you and indicated in the ship’s procedures.
If you are on deck, shout“Man Overboard”. Try to attract
attention of the bridge as an action of top priority if the ship is
making way. Throw nearest lifebuoy at the man in water. Even an
ordinary lifebuoy thrown in time might save his life. More people
know about the man being overboard the better,especially if the
ship is moving. This is because a sharp lookout right from the
initial stage is very inportant. Lookout must be maintained from a
high position,say navigational bridge.
In busy areas,it’s most important that you don’t collide with
other ships. In restricted waters, it is most important that you
don’t rm Master and call additional hands to stand
by and on forward station by sounding emergency alarm. Inform
engine room.Switch on NUC signal(three red lights),even in
daytime,hoist day signals subsequently.
Passage 27
Most fires are small to start with and can often to be
extinguished by rapid application of a portable extinguisher or
other appliance. Where it is possible to do this without risk of
becoming trapped by flames or smoke, the person discovering the
fire should take such action AFTER sending someone else to raise
the alarm.
Greater caution is necessary where smoke is seen passing a
closed door. Opening the door could cause the fire to flare up and
spread rapidly making it impossible to close the door again. This
action should therefore be avoided unless it is believed that there
may be someone trapped inside in which case the door should only be
opened after first feeling it make sure it is not hot, and then
keeping low and opening it very carefully. If the compartment is
thought to be unoccupied or if the door is hot, it is much safer to
keep it closed until the Emergency Squad are ready with charged
Passage 28
Port State Control is the inspection of foreign ships in
national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its
equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations
and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these
Many of IMO’s most important technical conventions contain
provisions for ships to be inspected when they meet IMO
These inspections were originally intended to be a back up to
flag state implementation, but experience has shown that they can
be extremely effective, especially if organized on a regional
basis. A ship going to a port in one country will normally visit
other countries in the region before embarking on its return voyage
and it is to everybody’s advantage if inspections can be closely
Passage 29
The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS
Code ) is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security
of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the
perceived threats to ships and port facilities in the wake of the
9/11 attacks in the United States.
The ISPS Code is implemented through chapter XI-2 Special
measures to enhance maritime security in the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS ). The Code has two
parts, one mandatory and one recommendatory.
In essence, the C6de takes the approach that ensuring the
security of ships and port facilities is a risk management activity
and that, to determine what security measures are appropriate, an
assessment of the risks must be made in each particular case.
Protable extinguishers are carried to the fire area for a fast
attack. However, they contain a limited supply of extinguishers
agent . This needs to be taken into account, and other measures
also launched at the same time. However , many a times , using the
portable extinguisher controls the spread and saves the day .
The portable extinguishers are handy and are distributed near
the likely seats of fire .However , as fire extinguishing agent is
quickly expelled from the extinguisher continuous application can
be sustained for only a minute or less. For this reason , it is
extremely important to back up the extinguisher with a hose line.
If the extinguisher does not have the capacity to put the fire out
completely ,the hose line can be used to finish the job. A crewman
who is using an extinguisher cannot advance a hose line at the same
time, so the alarm be must be sounded as soon as a fire is fire is
discovered, to alert the ship’s personnel to the situation.
leaflet [5li:flit]
n.小叶, 传单;
routine [ru:5ti:n]
n.常规, 日常事务;
assemble [E5sembl]
vt.集合, 聚集;
familiarize [fE5miljEraiz]v.熟悉;
whistle [wisl]
hazard [5hAzEd]
fume [fju:m]
n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体;
cigarette [si^E5ret]
n.香烟, 纸烟;
prohibit [prE5hibit]
vt.禁止, 阻止;
iron [5aiEn]n.熨斗;
announcement [E5naunsmEnt]
n.宣告, 发表;
minor [5mainE]
immediate [i5mi:djEt]
adj.紧接的, 立即的;
blanket [5blANkit]
escort [is5kC:t]
v.护卫, 护送,
lift [lift]n. 电梯
incident [5insidEnt]
n.事件, 事变;
injury [5indVEri]
occur [E5kE:]
vi.发生, 出现;
machinery [mE5Fi:nEri]
n.[总称] 机器, 机械;
contamination [kEn7tAmi5neiFEn]
n.玷污, 污染;
Cape of Good Hope
visibility [7vizi5biliti]
bang [bAN]
n.重击, 突然巨响
v.发巨响, 重击;
severe [si5viE]
adj. 剧烈的, 严重的;
lever [5li:vE, 5levE]
adv.十分地, 充分地;
forecast [5fC:kB:st]
vt. 预测, 预报;
piracy [5paiErEsi]
era [5iErE] n.时代;
swashbuckling [5swCF7bQkliN]
pirate [5paiErit]
laden with载满;
myth [miW]
n.&美&局, 办公署;
consequently [5kRnsikwEntli]
adv.从而, 因此;
exerted [i^5zE:tid]
geographical [7dViE5^rAfikEl]
adj. 地理的;
register [5redVistE]
vt.记录, 登记;
conversely [5kRnvE:sli]
synoptic situation
mariner [5mArinE]
disastrous [di5zB:strEs]
predict [pri5dikt]
v.预知, 预言, 预报;
steerage [5stiEridV]
n. 操纵, 驾驶;
quay[ki:] n.码头;
embankment [im5bANkmEnt]
n.堤防, 筑堤;
warping drum
sequence [5si:kwEns]
n.次序, 顺序, 序列;
perishable cargo
鲜货, 易腐货品;
jeopardize [5dVepEdaiz]v.危害;
commence [kE5mens]
v.开始, 着手;
hatchway [5hAtFwei]
tally clerk n.理货员;
slip [slip]
vi. 滑倒, 失足;
boots [bu:ts]
strain [strein]
vt.扭伤, 损伤;
glove [^lQv]
protective goggles
adj.通宵的, 晚上的;
patrol [pE5trEul]
v.出巡, 巡逻;
stowaway [`stEJE9wei]
repatriate [ri:5pAtrieit]v.遣返;
custody [5kQstEdi]
sonar [5sEunB:]
n.声纳, 声波定位仪
frequency [5fri:kwEnsi]
n.频率, 周率
sideways [5saidweiz]
adv.向一旁, 向侧面地
comprise [kEm5praiz]v.包含;
supplement [5sQplimEnt]
gyro repeater
rudder angle indicator
autopilot [5C:tEpailEt]
n. 自动驾驶仪
gale warning
gust [^Qst]n.阵风;
amend [E5mend]
v.修正, 改进, 改正;
imminent [5iminEnt]
adj.即将来临的, 逼近的;
hurricane warning
Admiralty Notice to Mariners
hydrographic [9haidrEJ`^rAfik]adj.与水道测量有关的;
temporary [5tempErEri]
adj.暂时的, 临时的;
preliminary [pri5liminEri]
adj.预备的, 初步的;
gratis [5^reitis]
annual summary
representative [7repri5zentEtiv]
capacity [kE5pAsiti]
n. 才能, 能力;
supreme [sju:5pri:m]
adj. 极大的, 最高的;
phase [feiz] n.阶段&;
ultimately [5QltimEtli]
adv.最后, 终于
preferably [5prefErEbli]
pertain to
v.属于, 关于,;
projector [prE5dVektE]


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