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>> 浏览文章影子特战队第14集剧情介绍
影子特战队第14集剧情介绍  小藤一郎忽然出现在严家宴席上,欧天泽几人只觉惊讶万分,当初在北平的时候,几人乱枪打死小藤一郎,本来以为小藤一郎已死,如今却活生生出现在了众人眼前,林白生怕被小藤一郎发现,赶紧悄悄隐入到人群当中,小藤一郎得意洋洋看着欧天泽,来到严美雪的身边,夸赞她长得漂亮,接着伸手握住严美雪的手背亲吻了一下,送了一份非常贵重的礼物给严美雪,严署长生怕小藤一郎对女儿不轨,赶紧走过来替女儿接过了礼物。  小藤一郎扫视全场一圈,声称来上海是专程捉拿暗杀天皇特派员的凶手,林白一听小藤一郎要来抓人,正想逃走的时候惊动了日本人,现场立即陷入到了混乱中,小藤一郎带着手下人抓走了林白。  金蔓从严家回来,与老沈见面谈起林白被抓的事情,她希望老沈可以调用一部份人力帮助欧天泽等人,老沈行事稳重,他劝说金蔓不要急燥,先看情况行事。  小藤一郎将林白关押在一间牢房中,得意洋洋透露当初中弹的时候,有一颗子弹距离心脏几毫米,说话间他来到林白面前,唤来了一个名叫品川的日本医学家,品川带着一个箱子走了进来,贪婪的看着林白,将箱子放好,打开箱子掏出一支铁椎,钉在了林白的左手手掌上,小藤一郎不想观看血腥场面,转身走出牢房做好迎战欧天泽等人的准备。  欧天泽几人蒙好面带上武器潜入到了日军基地,一行人来到一处下水管道处,开枪杀死了几个放哨的日本士兵,搬开下水管道水盖,钻入到管道中向牢房方向赶去。  小藤一郎料定有人会来营救林白,他吩咐手下人发现营救者不要进攻,待几人引入到牢房中再动手,可是等了很长时间,整个日军基地一片安静。  品川拿着一件锐器打算扎入到林白身上,欧天泽等人顺着下水道潜入到了牢房中,消灭完牢房中的日本士兵之后,几人来到了关押林白的牢房中,一见林白手上被钉着铁器,欧天泽立即救下林白,改而把品川绑到木桩上施以极刑,小藤一郎得知牢房被攻陷,情急之下带着一帮手下向牢房赶去,来到牢房中的时候,林白不去知向,品川被绑在木桩上死去多时。  小藤一郎非常愤怒,带着手下人追上欧天泽几人发动猛烈攻击,由于日本人装备先进,欧天泽几人只得留下林白撤退。  金蔓知道欧天泽几人行动失败,与老沈商议侍机帮助几人,欧天泽想到了一个计划,安排安晓晔与一个在卫生局工作的朋友联络,让对方发布一道上海疫病警告,借此混入到日军基地营救林白。  得到疫病发放通知书之后,欧天泽找到严署长,将通知书拿了出来,要求严署长去日军基地进行防疫检查。
影子特战队第14集英文剧情Shadow team 14 sets the introductions
Small cane ichiro suddenly appeared on the strict family dinner, the day ze several people only feel very surprised, at the beginning in Peiping, several people disorderly gun kill small cane ichiro, thought small cane ichiro is dead, but now living in the sight of the people, Lindbergh fear is discovered by small cane ichiro, quickly slipped into the crowd, small cane ichiro gloat, watching the days come near yan miyuki, praised her good-looking, then hold tightly kissed the back of the snow hand, sent a very expensive gift to beautiful snow, yan yan director for small cane, from irregular to daughter, hurriedly coming for her daughter took the gift.
Small cane ichiro scanning full circle, claiming to Shanghai came to seize the assassin of the emperor ombudsman, Lindbergh a listen to small cane, want to catch a person, is want to flight stirred the Japanese, the site immediately into more chaos, small cane ichiro took an inferior grabbed Lindbergh.
Kingman to come back home, meet with the old shen talked about Lindbergh was caught, she wants the old shen part can be called the human to help the day ze, old shen stable act, he persuaded kingman dont irritable, look at the situation.
Small cane ichiro will be housed in a cell, Lindbergh gloat said had been shot, with a bullet from the heart a few millimeters, while speaking he came before the Lindbergh, sent a medical scientist named shinagawa Japan, shinagawa came in with a box, greedy look at Lindbergh, put good, the box opened it took a job, pinned to the Lindbergh left hand palm, small cane, dont want to watch the bloody scenes, turned and walked out of the cell ready to face the day jersey and others.
The day ze several people receive good carry weapons into the Japanese army base, a line of people came to a water pipe, shot and killed a few Japanese soldiers stand guard, move water pipe water cover, breaking through to the pipeline in the direction of the cell.
Small cane ichiro knew somebody coming to rescue Charles Lindbergh, he commanded his men found that rescuers dont attack, stay for a few more people into the cells, but waited for a long time, the Japanese army base in silence.
Shinagawa with a sharp instrument to Pierce the to Lindbergh, the day the jersey and so on down the drain into the cell, after eliminating the Japanese soldiers in the cell, a few people came to the detention Lindbergh cell, see the Lindbergh was nailed to the iron, the day jersey immediately to rescue Charles Lindbergh, instead to shinagawa tied to the stake in the execution, small cane, learned that cell is compromised, then with a helper to the next to the cell to cell, Lindbergh not to know to, shinagawa was tied to a stake in the long dead.
Small cane, very angry, took the humans overtake ze several people launched a fierce attack on the day, the Japanese advanced equipment, the day ze several people had to leave Lindbergh retreat.
Kingman ze several unsuccessful people know the day, negotiating with the old shen shi machine to help some people, the day ze thought of a plan, arrange AnXiaoYe to contact a friend who work in the bureau of health, disease warning, let the other side released a Shanghai to rescue Lindbergh blended into the Japanese army base.
Get disease issued notice, after the day find director yan ze, took out the notice, director of strict epidemic prevention inspections to the Japanese army base.您当前位置: >>
>> 浏览文章影子特战队第1集剧情介绍
影子特战队第1集剧情介绍  蓝小姐替苏联提供日军情报  抗日年代,日军在中华大地横行,许多中国血性男儿拉帮成团与日军展开周旋,一伙土匪为了得到一批物资,不惜冒着被日军活捉的危险下山拦住日军军车。  日军虽然人多势众,但却敌不过几个蒙面土匪,土匪们个个身手非凡以一敌十,转眼功夫便解决了许多日本士兵,一名日本长官带兵赶来的时候,车上的物资已被几个土匪劫走。  蓝小姐是一名地下线人,负责向苏联红军提供日军情报,对外蓝小姐是一名名动全城的名媛,每次蓝小姐到夜总会玩乐,许多慕名者便会争先恐后向蓝小姐示好,蓝小姐意气风发不把爱慕者放在眼中,每次总是毫不客气拒绝爱慕者求爱。  从夜总会出来,蓝小姐来到教堂与一名神父秘会,神父的真实身份是苏联共产党员,蓝小姐一直向神父提供日军情报,神父急切想知道最近的日军情报,蓝小姐坐地起价要求神父给出丰厚的报酬,否则不会再提供情报给神父。  岸良受伤来到赵队长住处,赵队长开门见岸良受伤,赶紧把岸良扶进房中治伤。  日军被土匪袭击失去一批物资,日军将军将平田唤到办公室,平田是一名化学专家,日军如果对中国发动化学毒气攻击,必须依靠平田研发的各种毒气,考虑到城内不太平,日军将军决定送走平田。  岸良伤势恢复,赵队长已经知道平田准备逃出城的消息,为了阻止平田出逃,赵队长乔装打扮与手下人来到码头等侯平田出现。
影子特战队第1集英文剧情Shadow command summary 1 set
Miss blue for the Soviet union to provide the Japanese intelligence
S against Japan, the Japanese in the earth, many Chinese hemorrhagic man for clouds with the Japanese, a gang of bandits in order to get a batch of goods at risk by Japanese troops captured the mountain stopped the Japanese military vehicles.
The Japanese, though large, but the enemy but masked bandits, the bandits all skill especially with one enemy ten, were solved many Japanese soldiers in an instant, a Japanese troops arrived, the chief of the car supplies have been a few of the bandits.
Miss blue is an underground sources, is responsible for provide the Japanese intelligence to the red army, miss foreign blue is a move the city society, miss blue to the club to play at a time, many fans will be scrambling to miss blue, blue miss so daring not put admirers eyes, every time is always ruthlessly refused to admirers courtship.
Out of the nightclub, miss blue came to the church with a priest conclave, the priests true identity is the Soviet communist party member, miss blue always provide the Japanese intelligence to the priest, father eagerly want to know the latest Japanese intelligence, miss blue with asked the priest gives a rich reward, otherwise will not be providing intelligence to the priest.
Shore good injured captain came to zhao, zhao captain to open the door to see shore injury, and hurriedly put into shore good room.
The Japanese attacked by bandits lose a batch of goods, the Japanese generals will be flat field calls to the office, flat field is a chemical experts, if the Japanese chemical gas attacks on China, must depend on flat field research and development of all kinds of gas, considering the not normal in the city, the Japanese generals decided to go flat field.
Shore good injury, zhao captain already know the news that flat field ready to get out of town, in order to prevent flat field to flee, zhao captain Hou Pingtian appear in disguise and his men came to wharf, etc.您当前位置: >>
>> 浏览文章影子特战队第27集剧情介绍
影子特战队第27集剧情介绍  圭田诚一开车送金蔓去医院治伤,欧天泽悄悄站在窗户旁边查看两人离去的情况,待汽车远去,他的心中才松了口气。  安晓烨在化妆间休息的时候,蔡老板从外面走了进来,笑逐颜开透露最近的生意火爆异常,许多观众要求加场,说到此处,蔡老板希望安晓烨可以加场演出,安晓烨立即同意了蔡老板的要求,提议包场。  欧天泽来见严父,严父责问他为何招呼也不打一声就离开了圭田彦西的家,欧天泽心知不能如实相告,他谎称身体不适所以才提前离去,严父对他失望之际,转念间想到了警察局要举办一个周年庆祝活动,他叮嘱欧天泽到时好好招待圭田彦西,一提到圭田彦西,严父对圭田诚一非常好奇,虽然外界都知道圭田诚一是圭田彦西的养子,但是圭田彦西对待圭田诚一更像上级对待下属。  圭田诚一来到圭田彦西的办公室,将之前在楼道上发现金蔓行为异常的事情说了一遍,他认为金蔓非常可疑,圭田彦西联想到了欧天泽无故在家中提前离去,心中对欧天泽产生了怀疑,叮嘱圭田诚一好好调查一下欧天泽。  美雪坐在家中休息,几个女仆让她试婚纱装,她忽然在不经意间想到了欧天泽,欧天泽直今依然对美雪没有男女之情,仅是把美雪当成妹妹看待,美雪左思右想,决定约见许文静。  许文静与美雪相见,询问完事情经过之后,她提议美雪应该从欧家长辈下手,让长辈逼迫欧天泽结婚,美雪认为许文静的主意不错,举起酒杯与她干杯。  圭田诚一出外办事,圭田彦西坐在另一辆汽车上,回想到圭田诚一最近行为古怪,他开始怀疑圭田诚一的忠诚,一想到之前圭田诚一被欧天泽等人抓住,他愈发怀疑欧天泽等人使用的是苦肉计,为的就是勾引日本人上当,想完了心中的问题,圭田彦西叮嘱手下人提防圭田诚一。  安晓烨正式在戏台上唱歌,他替艳艳父亲包了场,全场只有艳艳和父亲两人,除此之外便是几个奏乐的鼓手,安晓烨在台上唱得委婉动听,艳艳父亲在台下听得非常满意。  余文墨对许文静一反常态,专程送了一大捆花给她,还带着她来到一家酒店里面,许文静没有料到余文墨如此体贴,感动之下流下了眼泪,夫妻两人举杯庆祝的时候,一个女人出现扰乱了两人的幸福时刻,许文静气恼之下责骂余文墨花心。  安晓烨唱完戏,与艳艳来到外面散步,艳艳担心父亲的病情,安晓烨真诚地看着她,希望以后能照顾她。
影子特战队第27集英文剧情Shadow command set 27 plot is introduced
Keisuke also a drive kingman, went to the hospital to cure injury, the day ze quietly standing by the window view, the two men left the car away, his heart was relieved.
AnXiaoYe when resting in the dressing room, CAI boss came in from the outside, smile revealed abnormal recently business boom, many viewers demanding field, when it comes to here, CAI boss hope AnXiaoYe can add performances, AnXiaoYe immediately agreed to CAI boss requirement, offer to make a block booking.
Europe day jersey to see groomed, asked why he called also not dozen a stern father left Tian Yanxi for home, the day ze, knew not truthfully, falsely claiming ill so just go ahead, to his disappointment, stern father between on second thought of the police station to host an anniversary celebration, he told the day jersey there to entertain keisuke Tian Yanxi, the mention of guelph Tian Yanxi, groomed to also very curious, though the outside world all know, the is also a sceptre Tian Yanxi adopted son, but keisuke Tian Yanxi treat keisuke also one more like the superior subordinate.
Kei kei also arrived Tian Yanxi office, will be found on the corridor before kingman, abnormal behavior of the things said it again, he thinks kingman is very suspicious, keisuke Tian Yanxi lenovo to Europe day jersey without leave in advance at home, in the heart of Europe day ze doubt, told keisuke also a day to investigate the jersey.
Beautiful snow to sit down to rest at home, try a few housemaid let her wedding outfit, she inadvertently suddenly thought of the day, the day jersey today is still the beautiful snow men and women, not only is the beautiful snow as a sister, miyuki anniversary, decided to make an appointment with wen-jing xu.
XueXiang wen-jing xu and beauty, after asking the incident, she proposed beautiful snow should be from the elders laid hands on him, let the elders forced the day ze married, miyuki think wen-jing xus a good idea, raised his glass drink with her.
Keisuke also a errands out of the way, keisuke Tian Yanxi sitting on another car, think back to guelph also a eccentric recently, he began to suspect that keisuke also a loyal, at the thought of before kei also a jersey and caught by the day, he increasingly suspicious of the European day jersey and others are using the risks, the Japanese was to seduce, think out of the heart problem, keisuke Tian Yanxi told the boy to beware of guelph also one.
AnXiaoYe formal singing on stage, he package for yan yan father field, with a brilliant colourful and father, in addition is the drummer, playing music in the several AnXiaoYe euphemism beautiful singing on the stage, yan yan father in the audience listened very satisfied.
The wen-jing xu yu civilization, made a special trip to send a big bundle of flowers for her, and took her to a hotel, wen-jing xu didnt expect more than ink so considerate, under moved in tears, husband and wife two people toast, a woman appears to disrupt the two persons happy moments, under the wen-jing xu angry scold ink flower heart.
AnXiaoYe finish play, with brilliant colourful went out for a walk, yan yan worry about fathers illness, AnXiaoYe sincerely looked at her and hope I can take care of her.影子特战队第44-45集剧情介绍-剧情频道-博看网
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