英语六级作文范文范文 相貌真的重要吗

英语作文 豹子 不少于五句语句通畅流利 不要有太难懂的单词 大概说明来自哪里外貌性格跑步速度就行_作业帮
英语作文 豹子 不少于五句语句通畅流利 不要有太难懂的单词 大概说明来自哪里外貌性格跑步速度就行
英语作文 豹子 不少于五句语句通畅流利 不要有太难懂的单词 大概说明来自哪里外貌性格跑步速度就行
LeopardMy favorite animal is leopard.Look!This is a Leopard.His name is Tuantuan.He is 8 years old.He is from China.He is big,beautiful and strong .He is good at running.He runs faster than some other animals.He can run as fast as a car.He likes to eat small animals.If you want to be a friend with it,you must be a strong and brave person.As we know,Animals are our good friends.We must protect them.
My favorite animal is leopard. Look! This is a Leopard. His name is Tuantuan. He is 8 years old. He is from China. He is
big, beautiful and strong . He is good at running. He runs...关于外貌是否重要的英文文章五分钟的.英文.._作业帮
Is appearance important?Some people would answer 'yes',while some prefer 'no'.The former,I'm afraid,seems more reasonable.Some social psychology experiments have proved that appearance do have a much better effect on one's approaching of success.Usually,persons with smart looks easily gain more opptunities and other's help.But that's not the whole story.Let's talk about more details.Temporarily ignoring some silly things such as cosmetology,one is doomed to a certain appearacne which could not be changed by personal efforts.Thus isn't it unfair and helpless to the majority of people who are not beautiful women or handsome men?However,things are usually not as disappointing as considered.There's still something changeable to appearance.For example,virtue of diligence and persistance,knowledge of science and technology,capability of analysis and practice,valuable thoughts,creative ideas,humorous words and elegant behaviors etc are all influential,from inside to outside,to a person's appearance.Cool,one of the most popular words nowsdays,is a good evidence,since it is used more and more to describe a kind of temper than figure.One could show his/her own charming characteristic by individuality as well as express respects to others by decen while some will likely receive just failure on the land of the living without qualities mentioned above,though owning external pretty looks.Naturally,we come to the conlusion that appearance is important but not essentially a decisive factor.The most impotrant thing worthy to do for us is to improve the intrinsic making.Parents have given us heads and hearts rather than faces,and how wonderful lives are is decided surely by ourselves.帮忙写篇论外貌的重要性的英语作文,150左右即可,_百度知道
The Importance of Appearance
The topic of the importance of appearance is really hot in recent days. I have some reasons for why the appearance is so important.
First, people often say that the first impression is very important. People have their first impressions by feeling and vision. According to the vison part, it is means that what one person looks like is the key factor. Second写了一半 看到有人写的配中英文的 也许你会采纳他的 我就停笔了 如果 你觉得我写的比较合适 那你告诉我 我会继续写哈
Second, appearance means a kindof attitude. No matter what do you wanna do, you'd better have a good attitude to make a good start. Just as one old chinese saying goes, well begun is half done.
All in all, appearance is imprtant, and it is always important. The appearance is not only refers to
beautiful faces or beautiful clothes. To some extent, it refers to a kind of spirit or state. Thus, have a good appearance is quite necessary.
It is believed that the one who is with beautiful outlook will have more chances to be successful, everyone wants to have perfect outlook. Recently, the topic of only the good looking one has youth becomes popular, people satire this phenomenon. Actually, no one will deny the importance of outlook, the one who denies it may be he is jealous. Though outlook is important, it can’t decide everything, our effort is also important. If the one who is just caring about his face, ignoring other factors, he does not pay attention to the inside, the beautiful face will not help him go further. On the contrary, the outlook is a gift from the god, but 憨伐封和莩古凤汰脯咯only we work hard to improve ourselves, can we make this gift more precious. We must learn that beautiful outlook provides us an easy way to be successful, but if we don’t improve ourselves, we will be kicked out any time.人们相信长得好看的人会更容易成功,每个人都想要拥有完美的外表。最近,关于“长得好看的人才有青春”的话题变得流行,人们讽刺这样的现象。实际上,没有人会否认外表的重要性,谁否认就说明谁可能妒忌。虽然外表很重要,但是那不能决定一切,我们的努力也同样重要。如果一个人仅仅关注他的外表,忽视了其他的因素,对于内在置之不理,那么美丽的容颜也不能帮助他走得更远。相反的,外貌是上帝的礼物,但是我们只有努力提升自我,才能让这份礼物有价值。我们必须要知道美丽的外表给我们提供了一条更容易通往成功的道路,但是如果我们不提升自己,随时将会被淘汰。
冬季生活停电这是一个非常繁忙的晚上,我做我的功课在我家。我的父亲是憨伐封和莩古凤汰脯咯写在自习室组成。我的母亲很感兴趣,上海歌剧。她在看一个上海京剧比赛。该公寓非常安静。突然,灯熄了。这是一个停电,但我非常喜欢它。它来了,我没有做我的功课。我们去客厅非常缓慢。 5分钟后,大家都坐在沙发上。这是一个幸运的,幸运的一天。我说,让我们举行了一场音乐会。我的父母同意了我。我拿出一些蜡烛,点燃了。我们在唱歌,有说有笑。我们有一个很好的时间。但是,当我在唱歌,光突然打开。噢,我的上帝。我的父亲又回到了自己的房间继续写。我的母亲打开了电视,对我亲爱的说,做你的功课! 我感到非常沮丧。我坐在桌前,我想我讨厌光。我希望会有停电的第二天。我想我会享受自己越来越多。我走进一个梦想......
【网络综合 - 高考英语作文】以下是无忧考网为大家整理的关于高考英语作文范文:外表重要吗?的文章,供广大考生查阅!!
It is believed that the one who is with beautiful outlook will have more chances to be successful, everyone wants to have perfect outlook. Recently, the topic of only the good looking one has youth becomes popular, people satire this phenomenon. Actually, no one will deny the importance of outlook, the one who denies it may be he is jealous. Though outlook is important, it can’t decide everything, our effort is also important. If the one who is just caring about his face, ignoring other factors, he does not pay attention to the inside, the beautiful face will not help him go further. On the contrary, the outlook is a gift from the god, but only we work hard to improve ourselves, can we make this gift more precious. We must learn that beautiful outlook provides us an easy way to be successful, but if we don’t improve ourselves, we will be kicked out any time.
人们相信长得好看的人会更容易成功,每个人都想要拥有完美的外表。最近,关于“长得好看的人才有青春”的话题变得流行,人们讽刺这样的现象。实际上,没有人会否认外表的重要性,谁否认就说明谁可能妒忌。虽然外表很重要,但是那不能决定一切,我们的努力也同样重要。如果一个人仅仅关注他的外表,忽视了其他的因素,对于内在置之不理,那么美丽的容颜也不能帮助他走得更远。相反的,外貌是上帝的礼物,但是我们只有努力提升自我,才能让这份礼物有价值。我们必须要知道美丽的外表给我们提供了一条更容易通往成功的道路,但是如果我们不提升自己,随时将会被淘汰。英语范文 相貌真的重要吗_百度知道
英语范文 相貌真的重要吗


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