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Buy Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
$6.99 USD
Packages that include this game
Buy Deus Ex Collection
The Deus Ex Collection includes the complete library of Deus Ex titles ever released for PC, including the Game of the Year Ediotion of the original masterpiece, as well as the Director's Cut version of the applauded Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
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This package will only be playable in Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan.
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Recommended By Curators
"Well in the eyes of many its the best game of all time. Hard to argue with them, a revolutionary FPS-RPG. Clunky mechanics by todays standards but great"
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About This Game
The year is 2052 and the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. Terrorists operate openly - drugs, disease and pollution kill even more. The world's economies are close to collapse and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor grows ever wider. Worst of all, an ages old conspiracy bent on world domination has decided that the time is right to emerge from the shadows and take control.
Real role-playing from an immersive 3D, first-person perspective. The game includes action, character interaction and problem solving.
Realistic, recognizable locations. Many of the locations are built from actual blueprints of real places set in a near future scenario.
A game filled with people rather than monsters. This creates empathy with the game characters and enhances the realism of the game world.
Rich character development systems: Skills, augmentations, weapon and item selections and multiple solutions to problems ensure that no two players will end the game with similar characters.
Multiple solutions to problems and character development choices ensure a varied game experience. Talk, fight or use skills to get past obstacles as the game adapts itself to your style of play.
Strong storyline: Built on &real& conspiracy theories, current events and expected advancements in technology. If it's in the game, someone, somewhere believes
System Requirements
Minimum: 300 MHz Pentium II or equlivalent, Windows 95/98, 64 MB RAM, DirectX 7.0a compliant 3D accelerated video card 16MB VRAM, Direct X 7.0a compliant sound card, Direct X 7.0a or higher (included), 150MB uncompressed hard drive space, Keyboard and Mouse
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1.8 hrs on record
Deus Ex is one of the Greatest Games i've ever played. And I remember when space invaders came out!You are doing yourself a terrible disservice by not trying out this game, even though by todays standards the graphaics may lack.. but the substance, and the depth and ambiance is there.Dont let my lack of play time on steam fool you. I still have my original ISO and its installed on my laptop.I purchased this game just in case.. and also so i could write a review of this game.I can honestly say I not be able to run this game. Even if it means keeping a relic of a pc around 50 years from now just so i can fire this game up on occasion and play it, I will do just that.Cheers.
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428.8 hrs on record
Literally the best PC game of all time. Not a single other game even approach it's depth of story and immersion.
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48.2 hrs on record
First of all, don't let the Steam game hours fool you. I am a 6 year veteran of the multiplayer of this game, and have completed (and replayed without completing) the single player multiple times. It was in early -2002? Maybe later?) that I began playing this game. We had a 'Sold Out' retail copy of the game, it was rare to find the game elsewhere. I had multiple go's at the single player, somehow managed to complete it in my youth with the help of my father, and got curious about the multiplayer feature... in fact that was the most memorable thing for me, and I'm sure many people have already reviewed the story of the game, so instead I will share my long time multiplayer experiences with the game. Maybe someone will actually read through it and consider trying to host servers for this game, or bring friends in to start another population, who knows? Maybe even one of my many forgotten friends from Deus Ex back in the day will see this and remember me.I don't remember what player name I used starting out, I frankly don't think I even used a custom name... I just went under the many &player& variations. (Player5483, etc. It randomizes IIRC) Of course, I wasn't a good player, being a slow typer, younger with less reflexes (I had to be like, 5-6 years old or a little older at the time.) I was there to experience GODZ, Deja Vu's attacks on 0 aug servers, the move to MTL and Nepthy's (or whatever its name was)... everything. It wasn't until I went on Nobody's (That was his name) maps, an edit of Silo with a Stargate type of mutator active (I had no understanding of UnrealScript or mutators/mods in my younger age), that I got an actual username.There was a bar after teleporting, in which a Bartender NPC (said nothing, performed no functions) resided, standing still and blank. I decided that to better suit the atmosphere that I would bartend... getting my official username &Bartender&. In that time I had played many modded servers for the pure sake of fun instead of competition, was even involved in a machinima recording with a great friend of mine back then, who I no longer have contact with. That same friend eventually got involved with a clan named DXC (Deus Ex Council, I think it was?), and I wanted to be a part of it with him. It was then that he said that they're looking for people who are &good& at the game. It frustrated me at the time, that he said I was not good enough to be in the same clan as he was. At the same time, that was what drove me to compete and practice, to eventually surpass him.After he had turned me away from the DXC thing, I joined up with RTK, otherwise known as Ready To Kill, a 0 augs (augmentation) clan focused on competition. It was there that I made many friends (Karkian, Maverick/Mustang, Killing Machine, Jima, and others), who taught me the tricks of 0 augs combat, being the tricks of movement to throw off the hitboxes, where to aim with an assault rifle/shotgun, leading and predicting player movement with a sniper rifle, and most of all... it gave me my headstart in to gaming. I've had good and bad days, I've went off on people who just clearly outclassed me that day, I've pulled off feats that people accused me of &hax& purely because I worked hard to develop that reflex/skill. I've seen players like Clix who just clearly dominate 0 augs who I could only wish that I'd be able to hold my own against. I've seen the mappers and modders make both fun maps and great fighting maps, which amazed me as a kid growing up... practicing my skills in this game for quite a few years.I did end up beating my close friend on most occurrances of him fighting me, he had left DXC by that time and made his own clan. I had been promoted multiple times for showings of skill, and it was a wild ride in the multiplayer world of Deus Ex for both of us. It was around 2005 family issues arrived (parents got divorced, was not doing well in elementary school due to issues back then... somewhat involving this game heheh), and I was not able to play as often. I had dropped out without much of a goodbye, got addicted to Runescape later, and dropped back in around 2008 just to find out that my favorite clan was dropping out of Deus Ex, and I couldn't find my friend anymore. It was then that I gave up Deus Ex, because the disc was undergoing major wear and tear, and the game had taken its toll on me in immense rage having warped my mind (I practiced on that game a LOT, and as a kid I had not developed the anger management skills to understand a loss in a videogame doesn't equate to any real life value loss).It is now 2014, the Gamespy servers for this game are shut down, effectively putting the final nail in Deus Ex's coffin, which was already becoming a dish only served cold. There are those among what remains of the Deus Ex Multiplayer (DXMP) community that are trying to host master servers to replace Gamespy, so that servers can be hosted once again. Do I think Deus Ex's multiplayer could return strong today? I don't know what to think, most people had started leaving Deus Ex after 2005... and all the servers on the master servers I've tried are empty. The good servers with interesting mutators/maps, whether RPG, botkilling or 0 augs/full augs... are gone. I'm afraid that DXMP is forever dead... and may it rest in peace as the biggest influence in my young gaming days. I only regret that now I have the technical interest to learn how to mod with UnrealScript and the unreal engine for Deus Ex and other games, to be too late to contribute anything before it croaked.In a nutshell, that's my 5-6 years history with this game in its multiplayer form, but since Gamespy's shut down its servers, multiplayer probably won't matter to all but the persistent. So, what about the single player? The single player back then was very good, it was a system in FPS that was new and different from how FPS's worked at the time. Now? I think people can still get something interesting from it, even in its age... but you might want to get some mods to tweak the graphics. I couldn't play Deus Ex any other way than how it was made to be honest, but some people can't stand looking at low poly counts. The story is cliche, but how it is all executed... I felt involved in something bigger than I could imagine, and I found that exciting. I don't know how active the modding community is, but I have heard of singleplayer big name mods coming out for this game... and I feel you should give this game a try if you like single player. I hope that one day multiplayer will make a comeback, but I think that it has finally ran its course.
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22.8 hrs on record
Literally GOTY every single year.
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40.1 hrs on record
Possibly the best PC game of all time.Definitely one of the best stealth/action RPGs on the PC.
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59.4 hrs on record
Pretty much objectively one of the best games of all time. Nearly every aspect of this game has aged very well. The plot is engaging and intelligent. The gameplay allows you to approach nearly any situation in nearly any way you wish and the levels are so damn big and well designed that you will often find all sorts of alternate ways to do things each time you play. For that matter there are so many little things and side missions you can find in the game that it is almost always worth exploring everywhere that you can. Not to mention that the game WILL reward you for exploring. Building a character is so much fun and there are so many things that you can specialize in and it will change the way you play the game in very significant ways. The story is very malleable and you can pretty much do anything you want and rather then giving you a &MISSION FAILED& thing when you kill a story important character the game will mold to your actions. The Music is awesome and really captures the atmosphere of the game.Pretty much the only two things I could imagine somebody objecting to would be the graphics and voice acting. Which sure, I mean the graphics ARE pretty ugly but if such an old game having bad graphics bothers you so much then you can easily download some graphics mods to make the game much more paletable for you. (As a side note this game has a pretty decent modding community you should check out.)And while the voice acting can be pretty bad it (thankfully) is the funny kind of bad so you shouldnt be bothered too much by it.
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7.4 hrs on record
This game is Augmented. 11/10
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17.2 hrs on record
This truly is the Citizen Kane of video games.
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0.4 hrs on record
For me, the best game ever made.Origionally played a pirate copy when it was first released back in 2000 just for something to do one night. I've then gone on to purchase the game maybe 3-4 times. Completed the game so many times with every ending possible and I even have the soundtrack to the game on my phone. I can't remember the last game ive actually wanted to complete recently let alone several times. The story line is absolutely fantastic, something games developers just dont seem to spend time on these days *cough* Destiny *cough* ...but also, the sheer volume in detail, there are so many hidden the Majestic 12 base hidden in the sewers in NYC. Modern games would have shipped that as DLC and it took me 3-4 play throughs to discover it.One of the first games to offer a non linear play through, it gave you options on different ways to storm a building and even tested your morality by giving you the choice to kill or spare. I remember being amazed by being told off by your in game boss for going in the girls toilets for a quick sniff around, who would bother to code little things in like that these days?Graphics are terrible now I admit, but pick yourself up a HD pack along with a copy of xpadder for joypad use and you'll quickly discover just how much you've been ripped off the last time you spunked 40-50 bucks on the latest console game.
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4.7 hrs on record
jc, a bomb
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36.9 hrs on record
Fantastic game had a great time playing this, really puts into perspective how modern games hold your hand.
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13.4 hrs on record
This is a masterpiece! Great game with interesting story and gameplay.Even so many years later, gladly, you can plunge into this world of cyberpunk.GOTY 10/10
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14.4 hrs on record
Even if you're not a fan of conspiracy theories and cyberpunk, you should play Deus Ex. It's a game, no, it's a journey that everyone should experience. It masterfully combines FPS and RPG elements backed by captivating story and excellent gameplay. It really is a true classic. Deus Ex gets bonus points for giving players a choice of how to approach missions. You can get the job done the stealth way or going in guns blazing, it's up to you.
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2.4 hrs on record
Predicted 9/11 AND Diet coke9/11
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84.5 hrs on record
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, INSTALL A MAP PATCH BEFORE YOU PLAY THE GAME! The GOTY Edition has older editions of the maps due to an archiving error at Ion Storm. There is an unofficial patch to restore the maps to the correct versions which fixes many things. Without it, many pathways are missing, bugs unfixed, and an entire ending looks like crap.Deus Ex was a pioneer in the action RPG genre. It manages to tell a great story without ever forcing the story in the way of gameplay. There's a few unoficial patches that let you run this game better on modern PC's.GAMEPLAY:Deus Ex's gameplay has aged a bit, although it's still very fun. Most notably, the game has a level of interactivity that has rarely been reached even by modern titles. The game isn't very linear, it more or less just nudges you in the right direction. The first few missions are kind of slow, so don't quit before you complete them. Pretty much all of the maps are large and expansive and have tons of items, enemies, and unique NPC's scattered around. You have a variety of skills in the game that you can upgrade. You gain skill points by completing objectives or discovering hidden areas. You can also get &augmentations& to give your character new and unique abilities. Some people say that the shooting gameplay has aged - if that applies to you, update your weapon skills. It makes a huge difference.(You may want to install Shifter or Biomod to improve the gameplay, although I prefer the original.)PRESENTATION:The graphics weren't paticularly amazing for the time (they weren't bad, either), but it manages to use what they had to create a wonderful atmosphere. They depict many run-down decrepit buildings littered with homeless, sick people to show a country on the edge of collapse. The music is great and really adds to the atmosphere. Every location has it's own unique soundtrack that fits great and adapts to what you are currently doing. This game has full voice acting along with tons of unique characters, so the voice acting quality will vary. All main characters will have at least decent voice acting.(If you want to augment your graphics even further, install the D3D10 renderer and New Vision)STORY: (Don't worry, I'm not spoiling anything):Deus Ex takes place in a cyberpunk vision of the world where high-tech prosthetics and transhuman augmentations are commonplace. You are introduced to a memorable cast of characters. A great thing they do with their characters is that they take care in reminding you that they are still human beings and not just targets or objectives. It's all about uncovering ancient secrets and it's pretty cool in this aspect.It's story was great for the time - and even today it is rarely equaled in the philosophical depth it has. The gameplay was revolutionary, blending shooting and RPG elements. In summary, I'd definitely recommend this - it's a truly classic game.
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3.8 hrs on record
I reinstalled it.
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12.1 hrs on record
One of the best PC games of all time, if not the best.If you like RPG's this one is a game you must play.Great engaging story, pretty difficult game but not owerwhelming.Graphics are maybe a bit dated, but when you get into the story, you wont pay any attention to the graphics.(If you do play this game and like it and you want to play the other Deus Ex games. Skip Invisible Wars!)
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0.1 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition on 1 January, 1970, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Probably the best game ever made.
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31.2 hrs on record
ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&&&&&ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!&&&&&&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!&RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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0.3 hrs on record
DJ Denton runs around the world in order to stop a group of 12 majestic idiots, the Loomynarty, and a pile of Hong Kong thugs with the power of bricks and bats.
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Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA
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Realistic looking violence, encouragement of the use of alcohol/tobacco, use of illegal drugs
Title: Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Release Date: 22 Jun, 2000
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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Share:& & &What can you do with Blueprint?
What can you do with Blueprint?
Thomas Browett on
The Blueprint visual scripting system is one of the most exciting features UE4 brings to artists and level designers, allowing a level of control that was previously out of reach without having some knowledge of writing code. The range of systems and features you can access with Blueprint script is extensive, and while this means there&s a great deal of creative potential, figuring out how it all works can seem daunting at first.
So what kinds of things can you actually make with Blueprint? The list below provides some general examples, and will hopefully show why it&s worthwhile to dive in, start experimenting, and take the time to learn how to make the most of this system.
Create level script
The Level Blueprint fills the same role that Kismet did in Unreal Engine 3, and has the same capabilities. Each level has its own Level Blueprint, and this can reference and manipulate actors within the level, control cinematics using Matinee actors, and manage things like level streaming, checkpoints, and other level-related systems. The Level Blueprint can also interact with Class Blueprints (see the next section for examples of these) placed in the level, such as reading/setting any variables or triggering custom events they might contain.
Create interactive objects
Class Blueprints are ideal for making interactive assets such as doors, switches, collectible items and destructible scenery.& In the image above, the button and the set of doors are each separate Blueprints that contain the necessary script to respond to player overlap events, make them animate, play sound effects, and change their materials (the button lights up when pressed, for example).
In this case, pressing the button activates an event inside the door Blueprint, causing it to open - but the doors could just as easily be activated by another type of Blueprint, or by a level script sequence. Because of the self-contained nature of Blueprints, they can be constructed in such a way that you can drop them into a level and they&ll simply work, with minimal setup required. This also means that editing a Blueprint that&s in use throughout a project will update every instance of it.
Create customizable prefabs with construction script
Construction script is a type of graph within Class Blueprints that executes when that actor is placed or updated in the editor, but not during gameplay. It&s useful for creating easily customizable props that allow environment artists to work faster, such as a light fixture that automatically updates its material to match the color and brightness of its point light component, or a Blueprint that randomly scatters foliage meshes over an area.
In the Content Examples maps, the long rooms that contain each example (pictured above) are actually a single Blueprint made up of many components. The Blueprint&s construction script creates and arranges the various static meshes and lights according to parameters exposed in the Blueprint&s details panel. With each Content Example map we created, we were able to drop in the demo room Blueprint, set values for the length, height, and number of rooms that would be generated (and a few other options), and have a complete set of rooms ready in moments.
A Blueprint like this can be time-consuming to create initially, but if you know you&ll use it often, the time saved when building a level and the ease of making changes can make it very worthwhile.
Create a playable game character
Pawns are also a type of Class Blueprint, and it&s possible to put together every element you need for a playable character in the Blueprint graph. You can manipulate camera behavior, set up input events for mouse, controller and touch screens, and create an Animation Blueprint asset for handling skeletal mesh animations.
When you create a new Character Blueprint, it comes with a character component that has much of the behavior needed for moving around, jumping, swimming and falling built-in, and all that&s required is to add some input events in accordance with how you want your character to be controlled.
Create a HUD
Blueprint script can be used to create a game&s HUD as well, which is similar to Class Blueprints in that it can contain event sequences and variables, but is assigned to your project&s GameMode asset instead of being added directly to a level.
You can set up a HUD to read variables from other Blueprints and use them to display a health bar, update a score value, display objective markers, and so on. It&s also possible to use the HUD to add hit-boxes for elements like buttons that can be clicked on or, in the case of mobile games, can respond to touch input.
All of the examples pictured here exist in the sample content available with UE4, so if you want to get a closer look, they can be found in the Content Examples, Shooter Game and Swing Ninja projects.
What do you guys think? Are you excited about all of the things you can do with Blueprint? Don&t forget to stop in at our
and give us your feedback!
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