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& 第二章 各类文体完形填空的解题方法
第二章 各类文体完形填空的解题方法
09:20& 新浪教育
  一般的记叙文有两个或两个以上的角色,作者对这些角色的态度是不一样的,即便是对同样做错事或傻事的人作者也不一定采用同样的态度来描述,如NMET’98,作者写了两个人物 ――Ella Fant以及她的儿子,Ella Fant是一位母亲,她溺爱自己的儿子,在她的眼中,儿子什么都是最优秀的。作者并没有表示出对这位母亲的批评,而是从理解的角度去写这位处处出错的母亲;而对她的儿子John,作者是从一个“窝囊费(a never-do-well)”的角度去写,因此我们再去处理这个儿子的角色的时候就要从他无论干什么都会一团糟的角度去把握文章,去选择答案,因此在选择… First of all he was a window cleaner and in his first week he managed to 33 (A. rub
D. clean ) at least six windows.答案时,我们就琢磨了:选择哪个答案能体现John的无能呢? 显然什么也比不上不仅给人擦不了玻璃还给人打破至少六个窗子更糟糕的了。
  After finishing high school, Judy looked for a job at a store. Judy wanted to work as an assistant. The manager of the store 1 Judy. “We don’t have any 2 for assistants now. But we have one job. Would you like to be a store detective?”
  Judy was very surprised, “But I’m 3 five feet two inches all. And I only weigh 105 pounds.” The manager laughed. “You’re just right for the job. You don’t look like a detective. You look like a 4 . That’s what we want. ” He went on to explain, “If you see a customer steal something, wait until he is outside the store. Then stop him. We’ll call the police.”
  Judy decided 5 the job as a store detective. Each day she walked around the store, 6 customers. She remembered the manager’s words: “Most shoplifters (扒手) are 7 . Many shoplifters are rich.”
  The manager 8 right. One day Judy saw 9
who looked like a businessman standing at the jewelry counter (柜台). The assistant showed the man gold watches from Japan. 10 ,the assistant turned to another customer. Right then, the businessman put two watches on his 11
.He wore a coat so no one could find him out. He put two more watches on himself 12 the assistant turned back. “I 13 these watches,” said the businessman.
  The man walked as 14 as possible out of the front boor. Judy 15 him outside and then shouted, “ 16 ! I saw you steal four watches.” The man began to run. Judy ran after him. She cried out, “Stop that 17 !” A policeman at the corner seized the man and later, a police 18 took the thief away.
  The manager of the store was 19 Judy. He said. “Good work, Judy. You are 20 .”
  1. A. received
B. refused
C. rejected
D. accepted
  2. A. part
C. openers
D. openings
  3. A. at least
C. already
  4. A. student
B. manager
C. salesgirl
D. customer
  5. A. to give up
B. to change
C. to offer
D. to accept
  6. A. watching
C. hearing
D. talking to
  7. A. poor
B. in rags
C. wearing hats D. well-dressed
  8. A. turned out
B. turned away C. went
  9. A. the man
B. a thief
C. someone
  10. A. Surely
B. Before that C. After that
D. Suddenly
  11. A. fingers
  12. A. before
C. as soon as
  13. A. like
B. don’t like C. will buy
D. have worn
  14. A. early
C. carefully
D. quickly
  15. A. was followed by
B. followed
  16. A. Help
  17. A. businessman
C. customer
  18. A. car
C. station
D. bicycle
  19. A. sorry for
B. proud of
C. afraid of
D. strict with
  20. A. an excellent detective
B. very interesting
  C. a good policewoman
D. satisfied
  1. A 经理接待了Judy。receive 是“接待”的意思。其它答案有一定干扰性。从下句我们知道,这是经理刚刚与之谈话,是拒绝还是接受还不知道。
  2. D从下句But we have one job. Would you like to be a store detective看,售货员的位子已满,opening 在此意为“空缺”。
  3. B 从下句And I only weight 105 pounds 得此答案。本空所在句及下句都是说明Judy不适合作 detective 的原因――个子小,体重轻。
  4. D 其它答案均有一定干扰性。我们可以推测在所有这些人中只有顾客才不会引起别的顾客的警觉,因此,经理要她扮成顾客。
  5. D 从后文我们得知Judy接受了 (accept) 这项工作。
  6. A 我们知道,store detective 的职责便是观察(watch) 顾客,以便发现异常。
  7. D 与下句的Many shoplifter are rich相顺应。
  8. A “经理的话结果是对的。”turn out在这里是“结果是,证明是”的意思。
  9. C 看见“一个人”。A, B有一定干扰性。在这里作者并非特指某个人,排除A;那人刚来尚不能判定他就是thief,因此排除B 。
  10. C 本空所在句与上句是售货员先后的两个动作。D有一定干扰性。 suddenly 表示出乎意料,因此不合题意。
  11. B 从空后He wore a coat so no one could find him out,可得知那人把手表戴在了胳膊上。
  12. A 未被售货员察觉,偷表只能在售货员转身之前。
  13. B 这个人进来的目的是偷表,而不是买表,因此托辞不买。
  14. D 这个人事成后要溜走,因此as quickly as possible。
  15. B Judy紧随 (followed)其后,一直到商店外边。
  16. D Judy 先向他喊“停!”
  17. D 这时这人身份已明,向警察寻求帮助,Judy必须让他们知道那人是什么角色。
  18. A 警车将小偷带走。
  19. B Judy 为商店立了大功,经理自然为其骄傲。
  20. A 因为Judy 此时的身份是store detective, 经理的表扬点题。
  有的学生不注意这一点,只顾选各自的答案没有注意事件和论点的关系,这样能说明文章主旨的部分就不可能处理好。以96年高考题为例,作者首先介绍Thomas Macaulay的名言,这是全文的主旨。然后作者讲述30年前发生的故事,作者对人生观的议论从此开始,并且在议论中作者也没有忘记以事例来说明自己的观点,如:在街上捡到的钱包,在商店多找的零钱等,这些与前面讲的考试作弊一样,都能说明一个人在不被发现时做的事情能说明一个人真正的品格修养。并且作者在最后提出了But you must live with yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect的结论。全文由事例到论点,由论点到结论,一气呵成,浑然一体。如果没有对全文整体合一的掌握,所选的答案的正确性将大打折扣。
  People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person. Some 1 2 think of them as dangerous. Then what is the sensible 3 toward drugs?
  1.A. regard
D. promise
  2.A. another
D. the other
  3.A. mood
C. feeling
D. attitude
  分析本段,我们可以看出,People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person就是本段的主旨。接下来的句子是由这句展开。联系第一句的attitudes我们得出第1空的答案为A。再联系varies from person to person我们得出第2空的答案为C。而第3空则是为下一段做铺垫,同时与文章首句相呼应,答案为D。
  When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and wishes to know more about it. There is 1 wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad 2 on what people are curios about .
  1. A. something
B. nothing
  2. A. keeps
D. depends
  读完第一段我们可以知道本文的中心论点就是:There is 1 (nothing) wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad 2 (depends) on what people are curiosity about.我们接着往下看。
  Curiosity is 3 silly or wrong. Some persons with nothing to do are 4 of curiosity about what they are doing. They are 5 to know what they are eating or drinking,…
  3. A. always
B. sometimes
  4. A. full
  5. A. permitted
B. worried
C. pleased
D. anxious
  首句Curiosity is 3 (sometimes) silly or right 是本段的主旨,它同时又是中心论点的分论点。第4空依据搭配而来,选A。第5空依据中心curiosity而来,选D。
  On the other 12 , there is a noble curiosity C the curiosity of the wise, who 13 at all the great things and try to find out all they 14 about them . Columbus could 15 have found America if he had not been 16 . James Watt would not have made the steam engine 17 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid. …
  12.A. face
  13. A. expect
  14. A. know
  15.A. never
B. certainly
C. probably
D. finally
  16. A. famous
B. careful
C. curious
  17. A. for
B. without
  我们可以看出,这一部分又讲了中心论点的另一分论点―there is a noble curiosity。这同样是本段的主旨。接下来作者用论据论证:哥伦布发现美洲,瓦特发现蒸汽的动力都是noble curiosities。(key: 12-17 DCDACB)
  一般说来,能说明论据主要内容的答案可以在论点里得到印证,而论点里的某些答案也可以与论据有机地结合起来,使论点、论据形成相辅相承的关系,因而整个文章上下一致。如第3空的选择可以从总论点得出印证。第16,17空可以从there is a noble curiosity得到印证。如果我们所选的答案前后矛盾,论据与论点相悖,最后的结论与论点相矛盾,那就说明我们对于文章的把握欠条理和系统,我们就要重新回过头来理顺文章各个部分,直到清楚、条理为止,然后再依据自己对全文的掌握及各部分的逻辑关系选出答案。
  Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn’t have done or something you didn’t do while you should have ? At one time or another we probably all have. There’s no 51 in getting depressed about it now ― it’s no 52 crying over spilt (溢出的) milk. However, there may be some gain in thinking about exactly what happened and why 53 we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future.
  One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 54 with a friend or close relative. The odd thing is that we more often display great 55 towards someone we are fond of than towards 56 .The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to 57 a bit of steam in a safe environment, while the consequences (后果) of 58 a stranger could be far more serious.
  Being honest is usually thought of as a virtue (美德) and undoubtedly this is the 59 . On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of 60 . Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut ?
  51.A. reason
B. purpose
  52.A. use
D. benefit
  53.A. so
B. because
  54.A. mind
  55.A. anger
B. interest
D. respect
  56.A. strangers
B. friends
C. relatives
D. colleagues
  57.A. run through
B. throw away
C. give up
D. let off
  58.A. inviting
B. insulting
C. speaking to D. believing in
  59.A. issue
  60.A. excitement
B. happiness
  51. C“对此感到压抑是毫无意义的。”point在此意为 “意义,用处”。
  52. A破折号后的句子是对前句的解释。It’s no use crying over spilt milk 相当于汉语的“覆水难收”。
  53. B此空较难选出。大家或许认为why 后不可能选because。分析本句结构我们可以看出why后省略了it happened。we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future是thinking about what happened and why (it happened) 的原因。
  54. D C有较大干扰性。从下文The odd thing is that we more often display great 55 (anger ) towards someone…得知,作者在此说我们有时对我们的朋友或亲属发脾气(而不是失了礼节)。lose one’s temper 意思是“发脾气”。
  55. A从空前的odd (糟糕的)一词看其它答案不合题意。
  56. A从后文…,while the consequences of 58 (insulting) a stranger could be far more serious 我们得知,作者在此对比把脾气发在熟悉的亲朋身上与发在陌生人身上所产生的不同效果。
  57. D(对亲朋发脾气是)在一种安全环境下释放一定量的怒气的机会。let off steam意思是“发脾气”。
  58. B insulting 在这里的意思是“冒犯”。
  59. B This is the case 意思是“果真如此”。这是作者对“把诚实看作美德”的肯定。A 有一定干扰性,issue意思是“问题、难题”,指需要处理解决的难题,因此不合题意。
  60. D从空后的Perhaps we should have kept our months shut 看,我们所说的真心话伤害了别人,因此当我们说了真心话的时候,我们会不知不觉地充满了罪责感。
  Several factors make a good newspaper story. First ― obviously ― it must be new. But since TV can react to events so quickly, this is often a problem for 61 . They usually respond to it in one of three ways.
  ?By providing 62 detail, comment or background information.
  ?By finding a new 63 on the day’s major stories.
  ?By printing completely different stories which TV doesn’t broadcast.
  What else? Well ― it also has to be 64 . People don’t want to read about ordinary, everyday life. Because of this, many stories 65 some kind of conflict or danger. This is one reason why so much news seems to be 66 news. “Plane lands safely ― no one hurt . ”doesn’t sell newspapers. “Plane
― 200 feared dead! ”does.
  Next, there’s human interest. People are interested in other 68 ― particularly in the rich, famous and powerful. Stories about the private lives of pop singers, actors, models, politicians, 69 , all appear regularly in certain newspapers.
  Finally, for many editors, 70 is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people, places and events which their readers know. That’s why the stories in Tokyo’s newspapers are often very different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairn, New York or Buenos Aires.
  61. A. newspapers
B. publications
C. reporters
D. broadcasters
  62. A. extra
B. available
C. inaccessible D. memorable
  63. A. direction
D. section
  64. A. tragic
B. dramatic
C. professional D. sensitive
  65. A. quote
B. neglect
C. increase
D. involve
  66. A. good
C. exciting
D. informative
  67. A. crashes
C. strikes
  68. A. places
  69. A. in addition
B. in any case
C. for example
D. after all
  70. A. personality
B. similarity
C. uniqueness
D. familiarity
  61. A this在这里指“报道的新”,从空前 But since TV can react to events so quickly 我们得知,在求“新”上,与电视相比较,报纸太难。
  62. A这三句是作者建议报纸利用其长处与电视竞争。首先提供准确细节、评论和背景,这是电视所难做到的。其它答案有一定干扰性。available意思是“可用的”,inaccessible 意思是“容易得到的”,memorable 意思是“易记住的”,显然B,C,D不合题意。
  63. C“找到当日主要事件的新的角度”。angle 在此意为“事情的角度”。其它答案不合题意。
  64. B从空后的People don’t want to read about ordinary, everyday life 看,作者在此认为故事要有“戏剧性(dramatic)”,而不能平淡无奇。D有一定干扰性。sensitive 意思是“敏感的”,显然不与ordinary, everyday 相对,因此不合题意。
  65. D involve 在此相当于include ,意思是“包含“。本句的意思是“因为这(有戏剧性),很多故事就包含了冲突或危险。”quote意思是“引用”,neglect 意思是“忽略”,increase 意思是“增长”,因此不合题意。
  66. B从后文报道的题目“Plane 67 (crashes) ―200 feared dead!”得此答案。
  67. A飞机坠毁用 crash 一词。
  68. B从空后的particularly in the rich, famous and powerful 得此答案。
  69. C联系上下文,stories about the private lives of …是举例来说明上句People are interested in other people …,因此此空选for example。
  70. D从后文They prefer stories about people, places and events which their readers know 得此答案。其它答案均有一定干扰性。personality 意思是“个性”,similarity 意思是“相似”,uniqueness 意思是“独一无二”,因此A,B,C不合题意。
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