
欧美经典歌曲 lose
欧美经典怀旧歌曲 Kaoma乐队 【Lambada 兰巴达】 mv
Chorando se foi quem um dia so me fez chorar
Chorando se foi quem um dia so me fez chorar
Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia nao soube cuidar
Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor
nau soube cuidar
A recordacao vai estar com ele aonde for
A recordacao vai estar pre sempre aonde zu for
Danca sol e mar guardarei no othar
Lambando estarei ao lembrar que este amor
um instante foi rei
A recordacao vai estar com ele aonde for
A recordacao vai estar pre sempre aonde zu for
Chorando estara ao lembrar di um amor
Que um dia nao soube cuidar
九十年代的时候听过的老歌Kaoma(卡欧玛)唱的Lambada(兰巴达)舞曲——LLORANDO SE FUE。热情奔放的曲子,催人起舞,应朋友的要求现贴出来与大家共分享。很多网站把这首歌的名字叫做Lambada,这是不对的,Lambada不是歌名,实际上,博大精深的巴西舞蹈并不只是桑巴,还有Lambada。 Lambada是一种发源于巴西东北部巴依亚省的一种舞蹈。小罗纳尔多便是桑巴和Lambada的业余高手。1990年第33届的格莱美奖(Grammy),就有Lambada舞曲专辑 Timbales获奖。
这首歌的名字实际上是葡萄牙语的LLORANDO SE FUE,中文翻译为是“哭泣的离开者”。该曲源于玻利维亚的印加音乐,本来是很忧伤的曲子,后来被翻译成葡萄牙文并加以改编,加上了强烈的节奏和巴西融合爵士的元素,使它失去了它原有的印加风貌,成为现在的样子,欢快而富于节奏感。现在这首歌已成为Lambada舞曲的代表曲目。
关于演唱者Kaoma(卡欧玛)的说法目前有两种。一种说法是Kaoma是一个乐队组合,成员来自世界各地,他们在80年代聚集在巴黎,在酒吧和舞厅表演,这首lambada舞曲LLORANDO SE FUE就是从巴黎的小酒店唱遍全世界的。另一种说法是Kaoma是个不太出名的女歌手,这首歌是被她作为单曲发行的。
一首听得人澘然泪下的歌曲《Should It Matter》完美经典
Sissel Kyrkjebo,挪威著名的女歌手,于1969年出生于挪威,4岁时就参加儿童合唱团,并开始在挪威电视台多次露面。她从16岁出第一张唱片,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年.Sissel,这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人,每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。天籁的嗓音,神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律,炽热并浓挚地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴,一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的章节来
《Should it matter》是挪威女歌手SISSEL在《All good things》专辑中的一首歌。歌词描写的是一个女生在情感失意时的追悔和感伤。 宛如天籁的女声,正是来自挪威的西丝儿(SISSEL) 宛如初春午后的微风般的没有负担,亦好比早晨小草上的露水清新脱俗。
《Should It Matter》中英文歌词
I look at you 我凝视着你
Please don’t walk away 请你不要走开
I see you’re about to 我看到你闪躲的眼神
There is just something I’d really like to say 正想把心中的话说出来
So please don’t walk away 所以,请你不要走开
I know that you’re there 我知道你就在我眼帘外
Still you pretend you’re not 可你却掩饰你的存在
Yes I know it hurts 的的确确,我感到那种伤害
I have also felt the pain 只因我心中处处如被霜盖
*So should it matter *所以真的有关系吗
What I do or what I’ve done 我已经做过的和准备要做的
As long as in my heart 因你一直在我心
You’re still the only one 你是我的唯一,恒久不变的
I hear you say it 你说你完全明白
But I don’t think you understand 可我想你根本不知
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can* 我会让你相信我的心,我对天起誓*
It’s been a year a memory from my past 一年前的记忆拂过我的脑海
I know what I did wrong 我知道那时我错了
I wish to change 我希望可以重来
Just to make it last 只为延续我俩的节拍
But I guess it’s been too long 但我想那太久了
Easy to move on 走下去应该很容易
To forget to about it all 或许你已全部忘记
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone 如果那是你希望的,我将离开
If you got to know me again 如果你重新认识我
Maybe then -- maybe then 兴许那时
We could see what we should do 我俩能看到未来
But that’s all up to you 但这取决于你
I’ll be waiting for you 我将永远等着你
【段志超世界音乐】欧美经典一首能够带你进入很美好意境的歌曲I Surrender 席琳迪翁
there\'s so much life
i\'ve left to live
and this fire\'s burning still
when i watch you look at me
i think i could find a way
to stand for every dream
and forsake this solid ground
and give up this fear within
of what would happen if they end, you
i\'m in love with you
\'cause i\'d surrender everything
to feel the chance, to live again
i reach to you
i know you can feel it too
we\'d make it through
a thousand dreams i still believe
i\'d make you give them all to me
i\'d hold you in my arms and never let go
i surrender
i can\'t survive another night away from you
you\'re the reason i go on
and now i need to live the truth
right now, there\'s no better time
from this fear, i will break free
and i\'ll live again with love
and know they can\'t take that away from me
and they will see... yeah
i\'d surrender everything
to feel the chance, to live again
i reach to you
i know you can feel it too
we\'d make it through
a thousand dreams i still believe
i\'ll make you give them all to me
i\'ll hold you in my arms and never let go
i surrender.....
every night gets longer
and this voice\'s getting stronger baby
i\'ll swallow my pride
and i\'ll be alive
can\'t you hear my call?
i surrender all...
(i\'ll surrender everything)
(to feel the chance, to live again)
i reach to you
i know you can feel it too
we\'ll make it through
a thousand dreams i still believe
i\'ll make you give them all to me
i\'ll hold you in my arms and never let go
i surrender
every night gets longer
and this voice\'s getting stronger baby
i\'ll swallow my pride
and i\'ll be alive
can\'t you hear my call?
i surrender all..................
(i\'ll surrender everything)
(to feel the chance, to live again)
i reach to you
i know you can feel it too
we\'ll make it through
a thousand dreams i still
just the way you are mv
Bruno Mars mv 欧美mv经典歌曲
just the way you are mv / Bruno Mars mv 欧美mv经典歌曲。(梵奇印象照片mv作品集,制作QQ:)
欧美经典歌曲 lose:世界经典欧美歌曲50首:72首经典的欧美歌曲
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Maria Arredondo - Burning
Passion is sweet
Love makes weak
You said you cherished freedom so
You refuse to let it go
Follow your fate
Love and hate
Never fail to seize the day
But dont give yourself away .
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep what
Are you dreaming of
My skin\'s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can\'t get enough I
Said I wouldn\'t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can\'t predict where it ends
If your the rock I\'ll crush against
Trapped in a crowd
The music is loud
I said I love my freedom to
Now I\'m not sure I do
All eyes on you
Rings so true
Better quit while you\'re ahead
Now I\'m not so sure I am
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep what
Are you dreaming of
My skin\'s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can\'t get enough I
Said I wouldn\'t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can\'t predict where it ends
If your the rock I\'ll crush against
My soul my heart
If you\'re near if you\'re far
My life my love
You can have it all....ooohaaaah.
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep what
Are you dreaming of
My skin\'s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can\'t get enough I
Said I wouldn\'t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can\'t predict where it ends
If your the rock I\'ll crush against
ooh, if your the rock I\'ll crush against.
《新娘嫁人了新郎不是我》印度经典歌曲Aankhen Khuli (完整版)电影《情字路上》
欧美经典一首感人至深的英论摇滚歌曲everything will flow
山羊皮最感人的经典英论摇滚---everything will flow
最喜欢SUEDE的这首歌,有一阵我还疯狂的迷恋他们,这首歌让人在困惑和失落中看到前方的希望。主唱Brett Anderson 在演唱集中表现了对未来的渴望与期盼,当中也不乏自信。说到SUEDE。要感谢一个朋友,两年前他把SUEDE推荐给了我,虽然现在没什么来往联系。但是还是要谢谢他把这么棒的乐队推荐给了我!
Watch the early morning sun,
drip like blood from the day,
See the busy people run,
so many games to play
See the blue suburban dream,
under the jet plane sky,
Sleep away and dream a dream
Life is just a lullaby
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
Watch the day begin again,
Whispering into the night,
See the pretty people play,
Hurrying under the light,
A million cars, a million trains,
Under the jet plane sky
Nothing lost and nothing gained
Life is just a lullaby
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, I said everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
Ahh, and everything will flow
Ahh, you know everything will flow
The neon lights in the night tonight
will say "everything will flow"
The stars that shine in the open sky
will say "everything will flow"
The lovers kissed with an openness
will say "everything will flow"
The cars parked in the hypermarket
know "everything will flow"
Ahh, 和一切将流动
Ahh, 您知道一切将流动
百万辆汽车, 百万列火车,
Ahh, 和一切将流动
Ahh, 我说一切将流动
Ahh, 您知道一切将流动
Ahh, 和一切将流动
Ahh, 您知道一切将流动
[MyLoveIU] IU 日本 Loving you 经典歌曲
[MyLoveIU] IU 日本 Loving you 经典歌曲
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【猴姆独家】真好听!钢琴和大提琴组合The Piano Guys创意串烧2首经典欧美流行金曲Somewhere Over the Rainbow和Jewel的Simple Gifts!他们的琴声真的是可以洗涤心灵啊!曲美,MV都拍的这么大气唯美!
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高清欧美MV酒吧DJ舞曲音乐 汽车DVD车载DVD碟片视频歌曲B【试看】
宝宝学abc abc song ABCD歌 ABCD字母歌 原创 欧美经典英文儿歌 appMink
宝宝学abc abc song ABCD歌 ABCD字母歌
原创英文儿歌 欧美经典儿歌
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ABCD歌 英文歌词
Now I know my A-B-C's
26 letters from A to Z
许一鸣/胡晨/王思谦改编经典歌曲 现场精彩演绎
摇滚音乐人Die Toten Hosen欧美摇滚超经典超震撼摇滚歌曲 《 Strom
酷... 歌词:Schach Matt!
Guten Tag!
Es ist alles in Ordnung,
ihr k?nnt' aufwachen,
wir sind wieder da,
wir sind ausser uns,
und ausser Rand und Band,
und wir haben keine Zeit für Schlaf.
H?rt her und ?ffnet eure Ohr'n!
Wir sind zurück wie neu gebor'n!
Dieses Lied hier ist unser Werk
und es ist geschrieben mit unser'm Blut,
wir bluten und wir h?ren nicht auf,
bis das der allerletzte Tropfen kommt.
Wir schwitzen L?rm aus uns heraus!
Und jeder Ton frisst euch mit auf!
Und alles steht unter Strom!
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
Und alles steht unter Strom!
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
Am Anfang war der L?rm,
und dieser L?rm h?rt niemals auf.
Am Tag als der Herr uns schuf,
da hat er uns in L?rm getaucht.
Richtig giftig! Richtig wichtig!
Damit ihr uns nicht falsch versteht,
ein Gesang aus tausend Kehlen,
solange bis die Luft wegbrennt.
Gedanken die wie Messer sind,
fliegen auf Dich zu und treffen Dich!
Und alles steht unter Strom!
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
Und alles steht unter Strom!
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
(Alles unter Strom!)
Und alles steht unter Strom!
(Alles unter Strom!)
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
(Alles unter Strom!)
Und alles steht unter Strom!
Vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton!
(中英字幕)一曲欧美经典伤感情歌When you told me you loved me
Jessica Simpson ,1980年出生在美国德克萨斯州。并于1999年以首支单曲“i wanna love you forever”一鸣惊人,不仅荣获全美音乐奖及百视达巨星奖的“最佳新人”奖项提名, 甚至击败了小甜甜布兰妮、凯瑟琳o泽塔琼斯等诸多美女,出演新一任邦女郎。
Jessica Simpson聪明美丽,拥有一副既能诠释恋爱情伤,又能表达无限希望憧憬的绝佳嗓音。在这歌手都充满虚情矫饰的年代,她显得如此清新自然、积极而全力以赴。她的演唱,既洋溢青春气息,又传递出远远超过实际年龄的成熟专业水准。每一次,用心聆听她的倾诉,都会感觉到一种直击人心的力量,瞬间就能打动你……
【猴姆独家】一开口惊艳四座!10岁小萝莉Anna Christine霸气献唱经典民谣歌曲The House of the Rising Sun!天呐!如果光听声音,这哪里是10岁的孩子唱的出来的!!!!
朱之文 经典歌曲联唱(二)
特别声明:本人制作的mv 纯属娱乐和学习,没有任何商业目的,欢迎欣赏 欢迎转载
小时候觉得郑智化的歌曲真的好悲伤.夜深人静,听着他的歌有哭的冲动. 一直把他的音乐当作忧郁,感伤的化身!
但是这首《别哭,我最爱的人》由雨天来唱,个人感觉比原唱感觉好. (雨天)的声音...让你会想起很多往事.委婉的旋律、鲜明的音效、悦耳的和弦、以及缠绵的歌词所吸引,才会有很多人在这个时候往往把音乐当作一种寄托,当作理想、当作礼物、当作远离现实情感的逃避、甚至当作是自己的幻想世界。现代人的情感困惑越来越多,天涯咫尺,咫尺天涯。不论男女,内心的情感世界无法与人告白,寂寞无眠时也只能辗转反侧。龙源音乐也鉴于此
欧美经典歌曲《 Lose
百听不厌的欧美经典歌曲 Always Getting Over You.flv
法国歌手 艾立捷
My Love--西城男孩(Westlife)欧美经典英文歌曲
摇滚爵士 推荐
Yesterday Once More 欧美最经典的英文歌曲
一 首上世纪欧美最经典的英文歌曲。始创于1973年,曾被无数个歌手翻唱过。中文名《昨日重现》。电影《生命因你而动听》插曲,入围奥斯卡百年金曲。理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。
卡伦·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生于美国康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才华的艺人,演唱、弹琴、制作及歌曲创作均可胜任,与其妹组建乐队后,甘为配角为妹妹写歌,伴奏。他们自幼就拥有良好的音乐环境。1969年,他们带着自录的音乐走遍洛杉矶,终于在A&M唱片公司,他们迎来了成功的曙光。 日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行,专辑中的同名歌曲瞬即荣登排行榜首。从此,卡朋特兄妹演唱组的事业蒸蒸日上,不断有佳作问世。但好景不长,卡伦因慢性厌食和神经过敏于日死在深爱她的父母怀中。她死时只有三十二岁。木匠乐队也到此终结。但卡伦·卡朋特那清新、健康的旋律,略带忧郁的中音,亲切自然的演唱却永远让我们难以忘怀。
  YESTERDAY ONCE MORE   Words & Music by Richard Carpenter and John Bettis
词曲:理查德.卡朋特/约翰.贝迪斯   When I was young 当我年轻时   I'd listen to the radio 我喜欢听电台广播   Waiting' for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌   When they played I'd sing along 我常随着一起清唱   It made me smile. 笑容满面   Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光   And not so long ago 并不遥远   How I wondered where they'd gone 我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿   But they're back again 但是它们又回来了   Just like a long lost friend 像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友   All the songs I loved so well. 那些歌我依旧喜欢   Every Sha-la-la-la每一声 Sha-la-la-la   Every Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o   Still shines 仍然闪亮   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling   That they're starting' to sing's 当他们开始唱时   So fine. 如此欢畅   When they get to the part 当他们唱到   Where he's breakin' her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时   It can really make me cry 我真的哭了   Just like before 一如往昔   It's yesterday once more. 这是昨日的重现   (Shoobie do lang lang)   (Shoobie do lang lang)   Lookin' back on how it was 回首过去的   In years gone by 那些时光   And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐   Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤   So much has changed. 一切都变了   It was songs of love that 这就是那些跟着唱过的   I would sing to then 旧情歌   And I'd memorize each word 我会记住每个字眼   Those old melodies 那些古老旋律   Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听   As they melt the years away. 可以把岁月融化   Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la   Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o   Still shines 依然闪亮   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling   That they're startin' to sing's 当他们开始唱时   So f
美国11岁天籁女高音Jackie Evancho惊艳翻唱帕瓦罗蒂经典之作《今夜无人入睡》Nessun Dorma
这是杰伦10年前的歌曲。人这一生没有几个十年。也许当年陪伴你一起听杰伦的人 已经远去了,但是最初的感觉却是从来没有变过。有时,你并不是怀念某一个具体的人,你怀念的只是当时的那一种感觉而已。无损音频下载:
090914经典好听的欧美歌曲Unforgivable Sinner(Lene Marlin)
这首歌是Lene1998年的第一张单曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威发行。随之,连续8周这张单曲名列排行榜首位。 它也是挪威音乐历史上速度最快的单曲唱片。
kinda lose your sense of time
'cause the days don't matter no more
all the feelings that you hide
gonna tear you up inside
you hope she knows you tried
follows you around all day
and you wake up soaking wet
'cause between this world and eternity
there is a face you hope to see
you know where you've sent her
you sure know where you are
you 're trying to ease off
but you know you won't get far
and now she's up there
sings like an angel
but you can't hear those words
and now she's up there
sings like an angel
unforgivable sinner
you've been walking around in tears
no answers are there to get
you won't ever be the same
someone cries and you're to blame
struggling with a fight inside
sorrow you'll defeat
the picture you see it won't disappear
not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear
maybe one time lost
but now you're found
stand right up before
you hit the ground
you hit the ground
hit the ground
**unforgivable sinner**
香港历来最实力女歌手每人一首经典歌曲 永远听不厌的旋律 永远的实力派
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