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简明英汉词典round[raund]n.圆, 圆形物, 巡回, 轮唱, [体]一轮adj.圆的, 球形的, 丰满的, 大概的, 十足的, 完全的, 率直的, 肥胖的prep.围着, 附近, 绕过, 在...周围vt.弄圆, 使成圆形, 绕行, 完成, 围捕, 四舍五入vi.变圆, 发胖, 环行, 拐弯, 进展adv.围绕着, 循环地, 在周围, 迂回地, 朝反方向, 挨个美国传统词典[双解]roundround 1AHD:[round] D.J.[raund]K.K.[ra&nd]adj.Abbr. rd., rnd.(形容词)缩写 rd., rnd.(1)Being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center:圆的,环形的:表面或圆周的任何一部分与中心的距离都是相等的:a round ball.圆球(2)Moving in or forming a circle.环行的或形成圆圈的(3)Sh cylindrical.形似圆柱的;圆柱形的(4)Rather rounded in shape:近似圆形的:the child's round face.孩子的圆脸(5)F plump:体形丰满的;丰满的:a round figure.丰满的体型(6)Linguistics Formed or articulated with the lips in a rounded shape:【语言学】 圆唇的:唇作圆形状或用圆唇发元音的:a round vowel.圆唇元音(7)F sonorous.声音圆润的;宏亮的(8)W full:完整,完全的;十足的:a round dozen.整整一打(9)Mathematics Expressed or designated as a who not fractional.【数学】 整数的:用整数而不是分数表示的(10)N approximate:不确切的;大致的:a round estimate.粗略的估计(11)L considerable:大量的;可观的:a round sum of money.一笔很可观的钱(12)Brought to satisfactory conc finished.圆满的:结局令人满意或圆满的;完美的(13)O blunt:坦率的;直言不讳的:a round scolding.直率的指责(14)D unrestrained:严厉的,粗暴的:使用暴力去做的;不受制约的:gave me a round thrashing.把我痛打了一顿n.(名词)(1)Something, such as a circle, disk, globe, or ring, that is round.圆形物,球状物:圆圈、圆盘、球或圆环等圆形的东西(2)A circle formed of various things.圈:由各种东西围成的一圈(3)Movement around a circle or about an axis.旋转:绕圈或绕轴旋转(4)A rung or crossbar, as one on a ladder or chair.横档:如梯子或椅子上的梯级或横木(5)A cut of beef from the part of the thigh between the rump and the shank.牛腿肉:牛臂和牛小腿之间大腿部分的一块牛肉(6)A a group.一群人:聚集在一起的人;一群人(7)A round dance.圆圈舞(8)A complete course, succession, or series:一轮,一回合:一个完整的过程,一连串,一系列: a round of negotiations.一连串的社交聚会;多轮谈判(9)Often rounds A course of customary or prescribed actions, duties, or places:常作 rounds 兜圈巡视:活动、职责或地点等的习惯或规定的路线:physicians' rounds.医生的巡回出诊(10)A complete range or extent.整个范围或程度(11)One drink for each person in a gathering or group:饮料的一巡:分给在座者的一份饮料:Let me buy the next round.下次我请客(12)A single outburst, as of applause or cheering.一阵欢呼声:迸发出的一阵掌声或欢呼(13)A single shot or volley.一次射击,齐发(14)Ammunition for a single shot or volley.一次发射的弹药,齐射的子弹(15)A specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance to a target in archery.射箭时从一特定距离射向靶子的箭数目(16)Sports Games An interval of play that occupies a specified time, constitutes a certain number of plays, or allows each player a turn.【体育运动】 【游戏】 一轮,一回合,一局,一场,一盘:占据一定的时间并由一定数量的比赛构成或允许每个运动员轮一回的比赛间隔(17)Music A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody.【音乐】 轮唱歌:每个声音在不同的时间以同一曲调加入的复调声作品v.(动词)round.ed, round.ing, roundsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To make round.See Synonyms at bend 1使形成圆形参见 bend1(2)T surround.包围;环绕(3)To cause to proceed or move in a circular course.环绕…而行:使以环形路线行进或运动(4)Linguistics To pronoun labialize.【语言学】 用圆嘴唇发(元音);使唇音化(5)T make plump.使长胖;使丰满(6)To bring to comp finish.使完成或圆满结束;使完美(7)Mathematics To express as a round number:【数学】 四舍五入:The number 1.64 can be rounded to 1.6 or to 2.1.64可以四舍五入到1.6或2(8)To make a go or pass around.使绕环而行;绕过(9)To make a turn about or to the other side of:转过,拐过:rounded a bend in the road.绕过马路的拐角v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To become round.变圆(2)To ta complete or partially complete a circuit:环行,兜绕:以环行的路线行走;完成或部分完成一个圆圈的路线:racecars rounding into the final lap.进入最后一圈的赛车(3)To turn about, reverse.转向:如绕轴旋转而转身;转到相反的方向(4)To become curved, filled out, or plump.变弯曲,发胖,变丰满(5)To come to satisfactory completion or perfection.圆满结束,完美adv.(副词)(1)In a circular pro around.围绕地:成圆圈前进或运动地;环行的(2)With revolutions:旋转地:wheels moving round.旋转的轮子(3)To a specific place or person:到一特定地点或人:called
sent round for the veterinarian.寻找牧师;到某地找兽医prep.(介词)(1)Around.环绕(2)From the beg throughout:从头至尾;遍及:a plant that grows round the year.整年生长的植物常用词组round onTo turn on and assail.突然攻击,责骂round up(1)To seek ou gather.驱拢;集拢(2)To herd (cattle) together from various places.赶拢:把(牛群)从不同的地方赶到一块儿习惯用语in the round(1)With the stage in the center of the audience.舞台设在观众中央的(2)Fully shaped so as to stand free of a background:形状完整并可脱离背景的:a sculpture in the round.立体雕像make the rounds或go the rounds(1)To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:巡回:从一地到另一地,如巡回出差或旅行:a delivery tru students going the rounds in the entertainment district.挨户送货的卡车;逐一在娱乐区玩耍的学生(2)To be communicated or passed from person to person:在众人中传播:一个人接一个人的传播:The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.消息很快就传开了;生动的闲话正传播开去语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Anglo-Norman rounde 源自 英法语 rounde (3)variant of Old French rond 古法语 rond的变体 (4)ultimately from Vulgar Latin *retundus 最终源自 俗拉丁语 *retundus (5)from Latin rotundus 源自 拉丁语 rotundus (6)from rota [wheel] * see ret- 源自 rota [轮子] *参见 ret- 继承用法round“nessn.(名词)基本词义roundround 2AHD:[round] D.J.[raund]K.K.[ra&nd]v.tr.(及物动词)round.ed, round.ing, rounds【古语】 To whisper.耳语,低声说话语源(1)Middle English rounden 中古英语 rounden (2)from Old English r?n 源自 古英语 r?n (3)from r?n [a secret] 源自 r?n [秘密] 现代英汉词典round[raJnd]adj.(1)圆的;圆形的A ball is round.球是圆的。(2)球形的(3)弧形的(4)完整的,十足的,完全的,无零头的(数字)a round dozen整整一打习惯用语in round figures大概算起来,以约略的整数而言The recorder cost $199 ― that's $200 in round figures.这台录音机值199美元,按整数说就是200美元。词性变化roundn.(1)圆形物;球形物(2)一整片(面包)(3)(送报、送信等的)例行路线a paper round送报的路线(4)一连串;一系列;一轮a continual round of parties一连串的聚会(5)(给每人)一客,一份round of drinks(在座的每人)一份饮料(6)〈体〉一回(合);一场; 一局;一轮(7)(弹药的)一发I've only 2 rounds left.我只剩下两发子弹了。(8)轮唱习惯用语in the round观众围坐在四周的(剧场);立体的(石头雕像)one's daily round(某人)日常的例行工作one's rounds例行巡视the policeman's nightly rounds警察夜间的例行巡视go the rounds(消息)传开,传遍词性变化roundadv.(1)旋转地(2)环绕地;围绕地(3)到处;处处Let's go into the hall and have a look round.让我们进大厅转一转。(4)转过来;掉转Turn the picture round.将这幅画转过来。习惯用语all the year round终年;一年到头round about在附近;在近处词性变化roundprep.(1)围绕(运动)The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。(2)围在to sit round the table围坐在桌旁The children stood round the teacher.孩子们围着老师站着。(3)到处Have a look round the shop.到店里各处看看。(4)转弯;绕过He disappeared round the corner.他转过拐角处就不见了。Cheer up! Victory is just round the corner.加油!胜利就在眼前。(5)(指时间、地点)大约They arrived round about 7 o'clock.他们约在七时抵达。(= round about)习惯用语round the clock一直;不停地Round-the-clock service features this little store.日夜服务是这家小商店的特色。词性变化roundvt., vi.(1)使成圆形;变圆The boy's eyes rounded with excitement.男孩兴奋得眼睛睁得圆圆的。(2)绕弯;绕行He rounded the corner at 90 miles per hour他以每小时90英里的速度拐弯。(3)(常与up, down连用)四舍五入计算常用词组round off(1)用四舍五入化为整数(2)缩减(一个数的小数)3.1415926 gives 3.14 when rounded off to 2 decimal places.当将3.1415926缩减成2位小数时便成为3.14。round on(1)转身攻击The tiger round on the hunters.老虎转身向猎人们扑去。(2)突然责骂 (= round upon)round up(1)驱集;兜捕;围捕(2)四舍五入计算现代英汉综合大辞典round[raund]adj.(1)球形的; 圆形的; 圆筒形的(2)滚圆的; 半满的; 匀称的(3)兜圈子的, 圈状的; 来回的(4)完全[整]的(5)巨额的; 可观的(6)用十(或百, 千等)一类整数表示的; 大概的(7)(声音)圆润的, 洪亮的(8)(步伐)轻快有力的(9)(文体, 风格等)完美流畅的; 刻划得完美生动的(10)【声】圆唇的, 撮口音的(11)率直的, 毫不含糊的(12)严厉的; 断然的a round plate圆碟a round arch半圆拱round cheeks丰满的面颊a round dance圆舞, 华尔兹舞a round trip来回的旅行a round ton [dozen]整整一吨[打]a round lie十足的谎话a round sum可观的一笔款buy at a good round price以巨价购进a round guess大致不错的猜测a round style of writing流畅的写作风格a round vowel圆唇元音a round unvarnished tale真情实话good round whipping一顿狠打round dealing光明正大的做法词性变化roundn.(1)圆形物; 球; 环; 面包片; 牛腿肉; (梯子, 椅子脚等的)横档(2)圆雕; 立体雕刻; 【建】圆形嵌线(3)兜圈; 巡回; 巡视路线[区域];【军】巡逻队(4)环形路(5)循环; 周转; 周期(6)周围; 范围(7)(游戏, 比赛等的)一次, 一回合, 一场, 一局, 一圈; (喝酒的)一巡; (谈判的)一轮; (欢呼的)一阵, (弹药的)一发, 一颗; (枪炮等的)一次齐发, 排射; (事情、行动等的)一连串, 一系列(8)一伙人(9)【音】轮唱; 圆舞(曲)dance in a round围成圈跳舞a round of beef一块牛腿肉the daily round日常工作, 日常事务the round of the hours时间的循环the rounds of a ladder梯级, 梯子的横档another roundof diplomatic talks另一轮的外交谈判the semi-final round半决赛the whole round of knowledge整个的范围round after round of cheers一次接一次的欢呼roundadv.(1)旋转; 回转; 周而复始; 兜着圈子(2)在周围[附近]; 到处(3)走整整一圈; 从头至尾; 传遍, 挨次(4)朝反方向; 转过来(5)绕弯儿地, 迂回地(6)到某(指定)地点two inches round周围二英寸the other way round正好相反; 用正好相反的方法Glasses went round.每人都给了一杯酒。Come round and see us this evening.今晚请过来看我们。roundprep.(1)围(绕)着(2)在...周围; 在...附近(3)绕过(4)在...各处; 向...四周(5)(在时间方面)横贯put the scarf round one's neck围上围巾the farmland round the school学校附近的农田 (just)round the corner(就)在拐弯处look round the room朝房间里四下看看He worked round the day.他工作了一整天。roundvt.(1)弄圆; 使成圆形(out)(2)完成, 使圆满(3)环绕; (船)绕过(某处), 迂回(某处); 拐(弯)(4)使集拢; 赶拢(畜群等); 包围(up)(5)【语】发圆唇音(6)使成整数(up); 【数】把...四舍五入(7)[罕]使转到相反的方向round the hair把头发剪短剪齐round the cape绕过海岬round the corner of the street在街角拐弯roundvi.(1)变圆; 发胖, 丰满起来 (out)(2)兜圈, 环行; 拐弯(3)进展, 成长(into)(4)[罕]转到相反方向Her figure is beginning to round out.她身材开始丰满起来了。The century has rounded into its ninth decade.本世纪已进入了90年代。继承用法round-arm[`raJnd9B:m]adj., adv.手臂齐肩的[地] (投球)round-backed[`raJndbAkt]adj.驼背的round-billetn.小圆材round-edgedadj.棱边倒圆的round-eyedadj.睁圆眼睛的round-handn.(1)正楷字体; 工整的手笔(2)=round-arm Round head词性变化roundn.[英]【史】圆头党人( 英国内战时反对贵族的清教徒议会党人)round-housen.(1)【海】后甲板舱室(2)[美](中央有调车转台的)圆形机车库(3)【史】拘留所(4)[美俚]把胳膊弯成弧形打出去的一拳; [美棒球俚]大弯球round-meshedadj.有圆孔的round-nosedadj.圆头的round-shotn.炮弹round-shoulderedadj.曲背的; 削肩的round-tableadj.圆桌的, 协商的round-the -clockadj.,adv.昼夜不停的[地]round-trip[`raJnd`trIp]adj.[美]来回的roundup[5raJndQp]n.(1)赶拢; 围捕(2)被赶拢的一群人[牲畜]; 赶拢牲畜的人(3)综述; 摘要round-wormn.蛔虫; 任何圆体不分节的虫习惯用语a round of applause掌声雷动a round of visits一系列的访问; (医生)巡回出诊all round周围, 到处; 四面八方; 每一个人argue round and round (a subject)只在问题表面兜圈子(不深入问题的实质)baton round橡皮子弹be round with对...露骨地讲, 老老实实跟...讲draw from the round照着立体模型描绘go for a good round兜一个大圈 子go [make] one's rounds(1)兜圈子; 走遍(2)(医生)巡视病房; (邮递员)按户投送go [pace, walk]the round(s)巡回, 走遍; 传遍in the round雕刻成立体(的), 栩栩如生的make the round of巡视out of round不圆; 不很圆play a round赛一次right round就在周围[附近]; 整整一圈地show sb. round带人到处游玩take a round走一圈, 兜个圈子; 散步taking it all round从各方面看来, 从各方面考虑the daily round日常事务the trivial round日常琐碎事务this earthly round地球, 世界turn (short) round(忽然)转过身来win sb. round把某人争取过来round about在周围, 在四面八方; 绕着; 向反方向; 大约; 不直接地round down四舍五入round in【航海】拉紧索round on sb.反驳[攻击]某人; 告某人的密roundout变圆; 完成; 弄齐全round to(艇)顶风停下; 恢复健康roundup[5raJndQp]把...聚集在一起; 包围; 兜扑; 把...(按回舍五入法)调高为整数特殊用法ballistic round弹道式导弹benching round台阶爆破循环bottom round底中圆腿肉carbon constructional steel round碳素结构圆钢final round决赛first round前一单轮front round(鞍马)直体全旋转体180°half rounds半圆钢hand rounds手轧圆钢hedgehog round【军】刺猬弹no-cut round【采矿】不掏槽炮眼组normal round普通循环preliminary round分组预选赛quarter round四分之一圆; 象限圆饰, 四分之一周缘饰reference rounds【军】标准弹rough turned rounds粗加工圆坯, 粗车圆坯scan round循环扫描settling rounds【军】稳炮射击short round【军】短头弹, 近弹single round单轮small round小型循环surface conditioned rounds经平面修整(车削)的圆钢team round团体赛triple front round直体全旋转体540°用法词典round来自古法语roond<拉丁语rotundus,与rota“轮子”有亲缘关系英文相关词典roundcircular&&&&globular&&&&rotund&&&&spherical&&&&across&&&&square&&&&[七国语言]英汉数学大词典round舍入英汉双解计算机词典round【动】舍入To delete or omit one or more of the least significant digits in a positional representation and to adjust the part retained in accordance with some specified rule. The purpose of rounding is usually to limit the precision of the numeral or to reduce the number of characters in the numeral, or to do both. The most common forms of rounding are rounding down, rounding up, and rounding off.删去或者省略掉按位表示式中的一位或几位最低有效数字,并按规定的规则调整其余的部分。舍入的目 的通常是限制数值的精度,或为减少数值中的字符数,或两者兼有。最通常的舍入方式是: 下舍入,上舍入,四舍五入。参阅truncation。美国传统词典roundround 1AHD:[round] D.J.[raund]K.K.[ra&nd]adj.Abbr. rd., rnd.(1)Being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center:a round ball.(2)Moving in or forming a circle.(3)Sh cylindrical.(4)Rather rounded in shape:the child's round face.(5)F plump:a round figure.(6)Linguistics Formed or articulated with the lips in a rounded shape:a round vowel.(7)F sonorous.(8)W full:a round dozen.(9)Mathematics Expressed or designated as a who not fractional.(10)N approximate:a round estimate.(11)L considerable:a round sum of money.(12)Brought to satisfactory conc finished.(13)O blunt:a round scolding.(14)D unrestrained:gave me a round thrashing.n.(1)Something, such as a circle, disk, globe, or ring, that is round.(2)A circle formed of various things.(3)Movement around a circle or about an axis.(4)A rung or crossbar, as one on a ladder or chair.(5)A cut of beef from the part of the thigh between the rump and the shank.(6)A a group.(7)A round dance.(8)A complete course, succession, or series: a round of negotiations.(9)Often rounds A course of customary or prescribed actions, duties, or places:physicians' rounds.(10)A complete range or extent.(11)One drink for each person in a gathering or group:Let me buy the next round.(12)A single outburst, as of applause or cheering.(13)A single shot or volley.(14)Ammunition for a single shot or volley.(15)A specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance to a target in archery.(16)Sports Games An interval of play that occupies a specified time, constitutes a certain number of plays, or allows each player a turn.(17)Music A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody.v.round.ed, round.ing, roundsv.tr.(1)To make round.See Synonyms at bend 1(2)T surround.(3)To cause to proceed or move in a circular course.(4)Linguistics To pronoun labialize.(5)T make plump.(6)To bring to comp finish.(7)Mathematics To express as a round number:The number 1.64 can be rounded to 1.6 or to 2.(8)To make a go or pass around.(9)To make a turn about or to the other side of:rounded a bend in the road.v.intr.(1)To become round.(2)To ta complete or partially complete a circuit:racecars rounding into the final lap.(3)To turn about, reverse.(4)To become curved, filled out, or plump.(5)To come to satisfactory completion or perfection.adv.(1)In a circular pro around.(2)With revolutions:wheels moving round.(3)To a specific place or person:called
sent round for the veterinarian.prep.(1)Around.(2)From the beg throughout:a plant that grows round the year.常用词组round onTo turn on and assail.round up(1)To seek ou gather.(2)To herd (cattle) together from various places.习惯用语in the round(1)With the stage in the center of the audience.(2)Fully shaped so as to stand free of a background:a sculpture in the round.make the roundsorgo the rounds(1)To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:a delivery tru students going the rounds in the entertainment district.(2)To be communicated or passed from person to person:The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Anglo-Norman rounde (3)variant of Old French rond (4)ultimately from Vulgar Latin *retundus (5)from Latin rotundus (6)from rota [wheel] * see ret- 继承用法round“nessn.基本词义roundround 2AHD:[round] D.J.[raund]K.K.[ra&nd]v.tr.round.ed, round.ing, roundsArchaic To whisper.语源(1)Middle English rounden (2)from Old English r?n (3)from r?n [a secret] 英汉船舶大词典round n.弯成圆圈,圆,圆筒形抓斗 朗文英汉综合电脑词典round 舍入,四舍五入;【修】圆形 英汉电信大词典round n.圆整,四五入 英汉地质大词典round n.圆形的,舍入,循环 英汉纺织大词典round n.完全组织,十足的 英汉航海大词典round n.圆的 英汉航空大词典round n.使成圆形;n.巡回;n.圆的;n.圆形的,环绕 英汉化学大词典round adj.圆的,圆形物,圆钢筋,环形路,绕一圈的,圈;prep.围绕 英汉海运大词典round 圆形物,球形物(一)圈,(一)周圆形的,球形的,弧 的一周的整(数的)使成圆形环绕…而行把…四舍五入 基本词义round 圆形物,球形物(一)圈,(一)周圆形的,球形的,弧形的一周的,一圈的整(数)的 基本词义round 弧形的,一圈的,整(数)的,圆形物,球形物,(一)圈,(一)周,弧 的,一周的,使成圆形,环绕…而行,把…四舍五入,圆形的,球形的,一轮,绕行,绕过,环绕,周围圆 基本词义round 圆形的,球形的一圈,一周,一轮绕行绕过,环绕,周围整数的 英汉经贸大词典round n.圆的 英汉计算机大词典round adj.圆的(圆形物,圆钢筋;prep.围绕 英汉机械大词典round n.圆的,圆片 英汉建筑大词典round n.一圈,一周 英汉农牧林大词典round n.圆的,圆形的 英汉水利大词典round n.圆,一系列,环绕 英汉消防大词典round ①(报警信号的)一个回转 ②巡回一圈 ③[英]梯级 英汉冶金大词典round n.圆形物 英汉医学大词典round n.圆的 英汉中医大词典round n.兜,使成圆形,巡回
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Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.A Single-Shot Light Probe
A Single-Shot Light Probe
Paul Debevec & & Paul Graham & & Jay Busch & & Mark Bolas
USC Institute for Creative Technologies
We demonstrate a novel light probe which can estimate
the full dynamic range of a scene with multiple bright light sources.
It places diffuse strips between mirrored spherical quadrants, effectively
co-locating diffuse and mirrored probes to record the full
dynamic range of illumination in a single exposure. From this image,
we estimate the intensity of multiple saturated light sources by
solving a linear system.
Recording on-set illumination to render virtual objects
into a real scene is often accomplished by acquiring a
panoramic, high-dynamic range (HDR) image where the object is
to be inserted, and to use this HDRI map as an image-based lighting
source on the CG object. The spherical panorama
can be obtained by stitching HDR fisheye images from different
directions, or more rapidly by photographing a mirrored sphere.
Shooting HDR is necessary to capture light sources - they typically
exceed ambient light by several orders of magnitude - but it
requires recording, aligning, and assembling a range of exposures
which can be time-consuming and complicates dynamic capture.
If there is just one bright light in
the scene, its intensity can be determined from an image of a diffuse
gray ball, with the remaining illumination imaged accurately in the
mirrored sphere. Even so, two images are required, and only one
saturated light source is estimated. We relieve both restrictions.
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