do you want to go …… beautiful girl歌词 ……my every

你可能喜欢For the beautiful girl in you (interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup)
This week’s Ask Mama is very special… I don’t normally do this, but today I’m asking the questions. I’m talking to the woman who inspired me and countless other women to take control of our health and our lives.
I brag my friend, my pal, my compatriot, my inspiration, my teacher, my student: Sister Goddess Dr. Christiane Northrup!
I brag her courage, her creativity, and her stand for women, and now, girls.
I brag I recently had the chance to catch up with her about her new “baby,” her work with the School of Womanly Arts, and her own evolution as a creative force in the world. Check out the interview below, where she shares her hot brags, her secrets to owning her beauty, and the vaccine every woman needs…
Be inspired by Christiane to strike up the band keep and marching towards your own dreams!
Mama Gena: Christiane! Welcome! Give me a brag. What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening?
Dr. Northrup: You know, what’s happening right at this moment—it’s January right now—I have decided to do some body transformation work, so I’m doing a wonderful dietary thing, and what’s happening is—this is such a huge brag, I don’t even know what to say—for the first time in my life, and I’m not kidding, in my life, when I step on the scale, it doesn’t matter to me what it says because it’s not related to my inner sense of myself. And that’s only taken me about half a century… (laughs)
Mama Gena: That is an amazing, amazing, amazing brag. And a powerful brag, especially when you consider the title of your new book, . Being that you’re a Sister Goddess and Mastery grad, you’ve become well-versed in the Art of . How do you encourage young girls to own their beauty, and what have you located now that’s allowed you to be thrilled with your gorgeous, incredible body at this time in your life?
Dr. Northrup: The thing I’ve realized is that once you understand that you are, in actuality, a Goddess—the divine, eternal being of light—the other stuff doesn’t matter. And the more you think of yourself this way, as a person, entity, a soul who recycles all the time, you are constantly reinventing yourself. The physical body replaces itself totally, every cell. Every seven years, you get a new body. But you only get a new body depending on what beliefs you feed to your DNA. And I’ve always believed that. So, it’s great to believe that when you’re twenty. It’s a whole other thing to do that after 50 because of the messages our culture gives us. One of the things I’ve learned at the School of Womanly Arts is, it’s never too late. It’s never too late to have a great love affair, it’s never too late to learn Argentine tango. It’s because of you—when you said to me, “Why don’t you dance the tango at Men’s Night?” Of course, that was the impetus for me to really learn it. And the last time I danced it, I really landed it. And I don’t want little girls to spend 50 years getting to the place I am now. I want them in that place when they enter middle school. And that’s why I wrote Beautiful Girl, so we could land that really early.
Mama Gena: What are you hoping to ignite inside each one of the little girls who gets her lucky hands on this precious, magnificent book?
Dr. Northrup: It’s an immunization (laughter), it’s a vaccine, against the cultural messages that something’s wrong with your body because you’re a girl. Let’s be clear—in medical literature, it’s the male body that’s the gold standard, and everything female is seen as an aberration. That’s what medical school taught me. Pregnancy is a disease, the menstrual cycle is a disease, menopause is a disease. So in Beautiful Girl, I liken the body to a garden. And every plant in the garden is different, and they all have their own timing. So what’s happened so far—the book’s only been out a little while—my mother read it. 87. She became almost teary. And you know, for a woman who went to Everest Base Camp at the age of 84 with her friend Anne, a former nun who’s turning 90, her getting almost teary is not usual. They said, “If we only had a book like this when we were little, because everything about being a girl was unfortunate back then.” But the little girls who are reading it now, as little as six, they’ve read it with their mothers and then they go to school. The messages are already there, at age six. It gives them an immunization, antibodies rush in, and they say, “Oh, yeah, I see that message, I see that germ, that has nothing to do with me.” You see? So they’re immunized as it were, in some basic way. Because our beliefs about our bodies get put there before the age of eleven. And then we spend the rest of our lives trying to recover. I don’t want anyone to have to recover.
Mama Gena: Yes, I love that! In the book you say that each girl has magical gifts and powers. What are some of those magical gifts and powers that you know little girls have?
Dr. Northrup: First of all, their desire for beauty, for play, for fun, for dressing up like fairies. They understand their connection with nature and with the magical world of nature. Now we know that every blade of grass, every flower, every tree, has a spirit associated with it. Little girls are born knowing this. And their body is part of it, this sense of the body belonging to the earth and the earth belonging to them. Their whole objective is to bring beauty and pleasure to the world—something we’ve been talked out of for the last 5,000 years. But it’s all roaring back now. And of course your work has been a huge part of giving all of us permission to own the pleasure that this body produces, the creativity. Later on when they’re older, I would talk to them about their creative cycle with the moon. Which, of course, it comes through the body as the menstrual cycle, but it’s completely connected with the waxing and waning of the moon. So we have times when we’re feeling more creative and then times when we go inward, just as the sap goes into the roots of the trees in winter and then begins to rise with the spring—that all happens in our bodies, and when we know that, who can talk you out of that? It’s such magic.
Mama Gena: That is right. This book was the absolute perfect next step for you. I bought a stack of these, and I’m sending them out to everyone I know, everyone who has a daughter, everyone who might have a daughter—it’s the perfect Valentine for any girl, anywhere in the world. I’m so grateful to have had this time with you, and for the way you live, always blazing trails for women and now girls. So, thank you, Christiane! It was a pleasure.
Dr. Northrup: Thank you, it was indeed a pleasure.
Christiane Northrup, M.D., a board-certified ob/gyn, is a visionary pioneer, beloved authority in women’s health and wellness, and the author of the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause. She just released her first children’s book, Beautiful Girl, to share her wisdom with the youngest of girls so that they will grow into happy and healthy women. For more details and to order your copy, .
Christiane is also a graduate and past commencement speaker of the .
for a dose of the wisdom she shared in the Mastery classroom.
And if you want to inspire another woman to own her beauty and set the example for all the little girls in her life, please share this post.
With so much love and pleasure,
P.S. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all my Sister Goddesses who contributed to making Intro Day our biggest and best orientation extravaganza to date! My deepest gratitude to those of you who joined me last weekend and accepted my invitation to be irresistible, every day of your lives. Keep practicing those 6 steps we learned. And for those of you who signed up for , I cannot wait to see you in March!!
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Upload photos of your own girlfriends.By Kendra Holliday | February 18, 2015
Kendra Holliday!
I offer , and I’m happy to say that I’ve been getting more women, LGBT folks, and couples these days. Historically, most of the people who have sought me out for my unique services have been men who crave female energy.
The Top 5 reasons why people contact me are, in this order:
1. He’s a married man in his 50’s or 60’s whose wife is not interested in sex (mismatched libido)
2. He/she/they have some sort of sexual issue they want to work through, such as inexperience, anxiety, or penis problems
3. He/she/they are interested in branching out sexually, either because they are in transition, not getting laid, or curious about alternative lifestyle options (non-monogamy, BDSM, sex work, etc.)
4. He has a fetish and is ashamed/seeking an outlet
5. They want to meet me, and possibly rub me for good luck
My goal is to offer tools, connections, and non-traditional options so that the people seeking me out can reach their goal of becoming happier and healthier. My approach is unconventional, and I get referrals from licensed sex therapists. I’m pretty well connected and have a strong network. Sex is my specialty, which ties into work, family, personal – everything!
Here is a list of resources I most often recommend to my clients:
By Kendra Holliday | February 17, 2015
Do y’all know about ?
I keep the book by my bed, right next to the condoms, candles, and lube. It’s like my bible.
Do you follow The Code of the West?
It’s also like porn to me – totally sexy. People who possess Cowboy Ethics TURN ME ON.
So, what are these good qualities that make me drool and take notice?
I’m not talking about rodeos and eating steak and slinging guns and chewing tobacco. I do like country music, however – it’s so sentimental! And I LOVE country living – give me a cabin in the woods any day!
Do the right thing.
Here’s what I’m talking about.
People with Cowboy Ethics are rugged. They are patient. They are passionate. They don’t quit. They have a heightened sense of justice. They do the right thing.
Some people come by their Cowboy Ethics honestly – it’s effortless for them. Others need training, like me! I strive to live by the Code of the West.
Here are the ten tenets – how many of these ring true to you? Which ones do you need to work on?
1. Live each day with courage.
Be brave. Be strong. Conquer your fears. Courage means “to have heart.” Having courage means doing what is right, even when it scares the living daylights out of you. Be true to yourself.
Talking openly and honestly about my intensely personal and kinky sex life, and posting photos of myself naked – right down to my
– being intimate with the world,
– that takes courage.
Don’t be a coward. Face your fears. Replace the fear with LOVE.
2. Take pride in your work.
My top three priorities are my daughter, my life’s passion (sex and relationships), and work (making money). Luckily, some of these things overlap. I’m a single mom, so I have to bust a move if I want to take my daughter on a nice trip or splurge on renting a fancy house for a play party.
I have a day job I don’t love, but I take it seriously and have pride in my work. I also work at Wash U as a . I give talks for medical professionals. I work with licensed sex therapists. I mentor women interested in sex work. I absolutely LOVE my work as a . That is where my true talent lies, and where I make a real difference in people’s lives.
You should always try to leave people, places, and things in better condition than you found them.
It’s good to have more than one way to make money. Be diverse in your skills, but also be an expert in something. Be passionate! What are your top three priorities? What are you passionate about?
By Kendra Holliday | February 16, 2015
Everyone is bitching about how terrible 50 Shades of Grey is. I’m no exception.
Yes, it sucks.
So where can you find GOOD erotica – the kind that will jump start a million libidos and celebrate kinky creativity?
Writing is not easy, but based on all the incredibly shitty erotica out there, it must be especially hard to craft this genre. You have to use the right words and flow to elicit feelings of arousal, rather than cringing. It’s a delicate balance. Plus, it can be pretty subjective. Some people hate the word “cunt,” while others can’t stand the term “nether lips.”
I asked friends and readers for their recommendations, and came up with this extensive list of 30 Shades of Great! Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Are you ready to check one of these out?
– this one was mentioned the most. You should probably check it out.
2. – Hit and miss, but LOTS to explore. My favorite category is Incest/Taboo.
– I remember being so shocked and turned on reading the scene where a group of men pin down a woman and let a big, shaggy dog lick her pussy. I also got really disturbed and turned on reading about the man who found a freshly drowned body and had his way with it.
5. - female submission galore
– more Anne Rice BDSM
8. - the Bible is already salacious enough, but this author fleshes out some scenes…
– published the year I was born! These fantasies are timeless…
– encore to Secret Garden
by Jacqueline Carey – I’ve read this, it’s pretty good. Hell, you know it’s good when you remember certain scenes and incorporate them into your own fantasies – the one that stands out to me is when the slave girl is in the great hall and is presented to a Lord as a gift, and his Lady watches him take the slave girl on the table…
– memoir of a college student working as a dominatrix
By Kendra Holliday | February 15, 2015
The Bonobo Way, by Dr. Susan Block
We all know that humans are not unfeeling objects, right? – despite the mainstream media trying to push us in that direction. From what I can gather, our society tends to regard natural bodies and animals with contempt.
Here is what mainstream seems to like:
No body hair
No body fluid
No emotions
NEWSFLASH: We ARE animals. Mammals, in fact. Primates, actually. We have body hair, fluids, feelings.
We are born natural (nature!) and can remain that way, if we wish.
We can fake or freak our way through life, or we can go .
You can read all about it in Dr. Susan Block’s
by the same title.
It’s very difficult for me to write about this book, because I want to share every single detail. There is not one sentence I disagree with. I could have written it myself, as it shares all my unconventional, sex-positive sentiments, except I didn’t – Dr. Suzy did, and you need to heed this good Doctor’s advice!
She writes in an extremely engaging, reassuring style, full of cute metaphors and alliteration. Yes, she has a freak flag and she’s not afraid to let it fly, but she keeps the tone very safe for bonobo beginners. She’s a REAL sex therapist who employs non-traditional methods for treating couples and individuals dealing with sex and relationship issues.
She offers solutions for bored couples, inorgasmic and uninspired women, inexperienced men, men suffering from anxiety when being intimate with a woman, and more.
One of her first steps for learning the Bonobo Way is to watch bonobos in action. If you can’t see them in the wild or in a zoo (they are only found in about 20 zoos in the world), you can find footage online.
By Kendra Holliday | February 9, 2015
I’ll cut right to the chase –
collection has their massage oils on sale this week. You can choose from over 200 scents – from typical to extraordinary.
Demeter fragrances
This is an image of the goddess Demeter – she’s the goddess of harvest, fertility, life and death:
The goddess Demeter
Just look at that little bunny by her feet!
I found this on a fun website with beautiful artwork that profiles all the Greek gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures called .
This massage oil sale is the perfect deal for lovers and those who like being touched. WHO DOESN’T LIKE BEING TOUCHED? Especially in an attentive, sensual manner?
Even when the massage oil is not on sale, it’s still a good price.
So here is what you do: you go to the , and each of you gets to pick out your scent of choice. Eagerly await its arrival. They always include a free gift with purchase. You can order sample smells as well for only $2.50 each. I always do. That’s how I found out that
smells like the ocean, and
smells like ozone. (If you’re curious about any of the scents, they have reviews posted for most of them, and you can also ask me – I’ve tried almost all of them. But of course, scents are highly personal and subjective!)
Then, you dedicate a block of time to that person and scent.
By Kendra Holliday | February 6, 2015
Background story to my new profile pic on this site, , and :
On Holliday!
I know it’s blurry and raw, but it perfectly captures my spontaneous, happy, natural, sex-positive essence, right down to the little sparkling gem over my heart! You can even glimpse a bit of underarm hair, which a lot of men L O V E.
In other words, I’m freshly fucked!
Here is how the gem looked before I got naked. We were having a fancy dinner:
* Sparkle! *
The night these photos were taken was a special night – a kinky client from out of town had an unusual request. He was in town for business, and he booked a fancy suite in a luxury hotel with grand marble floors and the smell of gingerbread wafting through the opulent corridors – it was December and they had a huge gingerbread house with sugar glass windows and a roof dripping with white icing, constructed in the lobby by a team of chefs.
While he was out for dinner with clients, he invited me to use his room – with my man. He wanted to come back from dinner and find his bed used, the scent of sex lingering.
I was VERY happy to oblige!
Here are some other pics from the evening:
By Kendra Holliday | February 1, 2015
Remember reader Creideiki who posted about his ? Here are some thoughts he wanted to share with other men pondering the idea:
Mmm, Victoria’s Secret lingerie
Recently a male friend of Creideiki’s lamented:
“I am coming up on nine years without sex and it’s eating away at my self esteem, and making me suspect that women regard me with a basic contempt, at least romantically. Pretty much the last time I had successful sexual intercourse, my daughter was conceived. There have been a few unsuccessful attempts during those years, but I prefer not to think about that.
So the question is – what do I do about this? I’ve tried dating and that hasn’t worked out. I’m no good at picking up women, and prostitutes are out because I have no way of confirming they are doing so of their own free will.
I’d like to change the situation but have no clue how to do so except to continue my flailing dating life. Suggestions are welcome.”
Creideiki sent him the following message:
Hey Friend, I used to be in a similar boat and thought prostitutes were out. But when I started researching it, I learned a lot about the industry – and a lot about myself.
I can teach you the ropes if this is a route you want to take, but before you decide, I would encourage you to answer the questions below for yourself.
1. Why do you want to have sex? I realize the instinctive answer to this question is most likely, “well, DUH!” I was in a good place mentally, but my sex drive was getting very strong and I just felt like it was way past time for relief. For me, though, the full answer was more complex. I felt like I had literally forgotten how to have sex, and had forgotten how it felt to be with a woman. Plus I was, frankly, petrified of going into a sexual situation with a girlfriend after such a long layoff and not remembering what to do. I wanted to experience sex again, while my health and some of my youth remained.
2. How much do you want to spend? I developed a budget for seeing sex workers. No, seriously. My criteria was that I would spend money on sexual companionship only after all of my other financial obligations were taken care of. That included bills with aggressive paydown of debt, putting budgeted money in my two savings accounts, and paying for my aboveboard activities such as (legit) dating and dancing. I set up my life deliberately to live below my means, so that I would have financial flexibility, and that gives me financial space to see providers. In my area the going rate for an hour with an escort is $200, and for the so-called “elite” escorts their rates can be $500 or more. That’s substantial money, even on my very good income.
3. What are your ethics for this? In the U.S., paying for sex is illegal in 49 states, so the sex industry ends up being a very gray unregulated free market, unlike in other countries, such as this openly advertised “” escort service in England. When I was researching seeing a provider, I found that there were providers who were independent, and in the sex industry of their own free will. Streetwalkers were never considered, and I eliminated the so-called “Asian Massage Parlors” from consideration because of human trafficking concerns. Rachel, my first, and so far, only provider, is an independent woman who chose to go into sex work after working in the corporate world. For me, if they are in it of their own volition, especially if they have other career choices, that rests well with my ethics, and I see no ethical dilemma in paying for their services. Almost invariably, it’s the women who are 30 years old and older who fit this profile.
By Kendra Holliday | January 25, 2015
As a promiscuous sex worker and educator who has had the pleasure of hundreds of sexual partners, I get tested for STI’s on a regular basis. I’ve tried all kinds of options – my private doctor, Planned Parenthood, county health clinics… (I’ve compiled a list of local resources on the SEX+STL , under “Sexual Health”.) Some are cheap and take two weeks to get results, some are pricey but fast, some are creepy and judgmental.
Well guess what? I just added a new, very cool sex-positive option!
It’s called .
myLAB Box allows you to test yourself at home!
It’s like a pre-party in a box! HA!
Before you jump into your next orgy or , you should read this , and make plans to get tested.
I just tried out myLAB Box, and it was great!
After reading
that St. Louis ranks highest in the nation for cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea, I thought that would be a
to purchase. At $80, that’s about $40 per test – not bad!
Here’s how it worked for me:
1. I went on
and ordered my tests.
Reading is sexy!
2. I got myLAB Box kit delivered via UPS, straight away and right to my front door.
3. I spread the kit out on my table and carefully read all the instructions. The instructions were easy to follow and it only took five minutes to collect the sample.
4. I washed my hands and collected my sample in the bathroom – one vaginal swab for both the tests. (You can even turn it into a medical roleplay scene, hee hee!)
5. They provide you with the correct shipping stuff to return it easily – a biohazard bag, box, lab form, even a ready-to-mail UPS pouch.
6. I dropped my package off at UPS (you can arrange for pickup as well).
7. Within the week, I got an email that my test results were ready to be viewed online.
By Kendra Holliday | January 25, 2015
This is a picture of my daughter and me, from half her life ago:
My daughter and me
She was 7 in this picture. Now she’s 14!
She is slightly bigger than me. I never imagined that! Taller, bigger boobs, feet, etc. But we’re still pretty close in size, and share clothes.
We also share a super intimate, platonic relationship. She’s my top priority. We’re both proud of each other, and we’re both moody and crazy women. We share a accepting each other for who we are.
She is fine with me being a , and I am fine with her being a .
So last weekend, when I needed to attend a SEX+STL roleplay talk at , I told her I was going to the talk and would be back in a couple hours.
She immediately piped up, “Oh can I go?”
She’s geeky and loves roleplay.
I said, “You don’t understand. This is SEX roleplay talk.”
She snorted. “Of course I understand. Why wouldn’t it be about sex if it was one of your events? I’m curious about these things and I think I can handle it.”
Unconvinced but open to the idea, I negotiated, “If you go, do you agree that will let me know if you are uncomfortable at any time and would like to leave? And do you agree that we can talk openly about it afterward?”
By Kendra Holliday | January 18, 2015
This was our seventh year at the cabin! Such a magical place to reconnect!
The drive there is always fun – we stop in small towns and look for weird and new things to explore. You know, like the world’s largest rocking chair.
One outpost has moonshine tastings – 12 different kinds! We got apple pie and egg nog flavor, which is amazing in root beer.
Cuba, MO has an Amish store where we bought the most amazing cinnamon rolls.
Finally, we arrived at the cabin in the woods, near a lake:
Cabin in the woods!
As soon as we got there, he built a fire and made us whiskey cocktails. In celebration, I threw my panties on the fire – I couldn’t help myself! They were kindof ugly anyway. No undies for the rest of the weekend! We mostly stayed in robes or were naked.
We brought loads of pillows and super soft blankets to snuggle up in by the fire. One of them is a fake fur pattern – made me feel like we were in a cave!
I loved stroking the fur, and then my soft tummy, sipping hot toddies and reading gorgeous books, the fire crackling and throwing warm light:
Soft blankets, soft tummy
We had an amazingly hot roleplay scene in the hot tub (SEX+STL is giving a roleplay talk today!)
Here is the path leading to the hot tub:
By Kendra Holliday | January 9, 2015
We disappear here.
Matthew and I go to
every winter, and about two months prior, we start getting CABIN FEVER.
A couple days ago, he texted me: “I hope each morning, you’re opening the Cabin Advent Calendar in your head.”
I sure am! Do you want a peek inside? Open each little window and it will reveal:
Maker’s Mark
bourbon cake
massage oil
country music
cabin playlist – !
old traditions
sex-scented beard
By Kendra Holliday | January 8, 2015
We’ll be sitting in front of this in about 12 hours!
This is our sixth year going to The Cabin!
It’s our favorite yearly ritual – stealing away right between the holidays and giving ourselves the best gift – time for just the two of us.
For 72 hours, we’ll be living in our own private universe where time and the internet doesn’t exist. In between all the fucking and frolicking, we’ll stoke the fire and eat cake at 2am, watch a movie, float away in the hot womb of the jacuzzi, listen to
that celebrate different aspects of our lives, sip Maker’s Mark hot toddies at 6am…
Previous years have been epic. Last year was a
theme. Other themes have been BDSM, Ginger, Videos, Western…
I think this year’s theme will be Game of Thrones…
He is my Sun and Stars… I am the moon of his life.
We’ll be far, far away, experiencing something new, and something positively familiar. We’ve had another whole year to strengthen our bond.
Funny how driving four hours from both our houses feels like coming home.
He wrote this note to me four years ago, and it still holds true:
We need a cabin for a weekend together,
undress beside the ashes of the fire.
Your white gown smells of burning leaves.
It’s cold outside but I penetrate you with heat.
I keep you with every inch of my soul.
I love you.
I hate you.
I AM over you, peering down upon you worn and wet.
Reverting to your fetal shape in a torrent of emotion.
I am the man who defines you.
You are the woman who adores me.
A Burgundy box of worthless treasure in priceless proportions.
I will soak the thorny stem I place on your grave.
I am over you, in ALL ways.
We, Dear Slut, are far from over…..
By Kendra Holliday | January 8, 2015
This year was the fourth time we’ve been to the cabin, and it flew by faster than ever. The day after we returned I was really grumpy, suffering from cabin drop and feeling very put out that I had to take care of all the necessary duties and resposibilities instead of lying around all tied up in front of the fire sticking ginger up my ass.
Excuse me?
Every year we enjoy all the favorite traditions (watching Westerns, building fires, stargazing, listening to Iron & Wine, wearing pajamas or nothing the entire time), but we also like to incorporate something new into our repertoire.
Lately I’ve been on a ginger kick. I love theme events, so I packed a bunch of ginger goodies: tea, men, liqueur, soda, and of course, the root itself.
I was determined to drink the entire bottle of
(“there’s nothing fake about it” ) that weekend (we all have our goals), but I couldn’t quite get there. It started leaving a sickly sweet mossy film on my teeth that no amount of brushing could remove from my ginger-spiced psyche.
We also brought along this awesome vulva ornament our dear friend
gave us to hang above the fireplace:
By Kendra Holliday | January 7, 2015
Another incredible weekend at the cabin.
The cabin is under new ownership now, so they made some nice minor improvements, such as new furniture, bedding, and this sign:
…unless you have a sex blog.
We had a fire going ALL WEEKEND, which apparently is , godammit. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have a wood burning fireplace at my house.
Here’s a pic of me in the hot tub from a previous year:
By Kendra Holliday | January 7, 2015
You better believe the pics are hot – we were in front of a roaring fire all weekend!
Rustic and romantic!
We took this grandma version of me wearing a vintage slip for facebook and twitter:
I can’t wait to take this slip off!
Then we took these classic nude photos for the blog.
February 18, 2015 at 4:20 am
February 17, 2015 at 8:18 am
February 16, 2015 at 9:38 am
February 15, 2015 at 7:10 pm
February 9, 2015 at 5:44 am
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I have x-ray vision now.
8 hours ago
Check it out! Fuck yeah I donated $$ to Build a Death Machine to Kill an Old Annoying Drummer via @gofundme
8 hours ago
Proud! St. Louis Punk Band Raising Money to Have Its Own Drummer Killed
8 hours ago
...but it's even MORE embarrassing that when I looked it up, the article I found was from 2012.
11 hours ago}


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