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完型&Last&night&I&was&driving&from&Harrisburg&to&Lewisburg,&a&distance&of&about&80&miles.&It&was&late,&I&was&late,&and&I&was&driving&31_________.At&one&point&along&an&open&highway,&I&came&to&a&crossroads&with&a&traffic&light.&I&was&32_________&on&the&road&by&now,&but&as&I&came&near&the&light,&it&turned&33_________,&and&I&braked&to&a&stop.&I&looked&left,&right,&and&behind&me.&Nothing.&Not&a&car,&no&suggestion&of&headlights,&34_________&there&I&sat,&waiting&for&the&light&to&35_________,&the&only&human&being,&for&at&least&a&mile&in&any&36_________.I&started&wondering&why&I&37_________&to&run&the&light.&I&was&not&afraid&of&being&caught,&because&there&was&38_________&no&policeman&anywhere&around&and&there&certainly&would&have&been&no&39_________&in&going&through&it.Much&later&that&40_________,&after&I&d&met&with&a&group&in&Lewisburg&and&had&climbed&into&bed&near&midnight,&the&question&of&why&I&d&stopped&for&that&light&41_________&me.&I&think&I&stopped&42_________&it&s&part&of&a&contract(契约)&we&all&have&with&each&other.&It&s&not&only&the&law,&but&it&s&an&agreement&we&have,&and&we&trust&each&other&to&follow&43_________:&we&don&t&go&through&red&lights.We&do&44_________&we&say&we&ll&do.&We&show&up&when&we&say&we&ll&show&up.I&was&so&45_________&of&myself&for&stopping&for&that&red&light.&And&as&no&one&would&ever&have&known&what&a&good&person&I&was&on&the&road&from&Harrisburg&to&Lewisburg,&I&had&to&tell&s&someone.31.(&&&&)A.&fast B.&slowly C.&carefully D.&hard32.(&&&&)A.&late B.&alone C.&worried D.&afraid33.(&&&&)A.&green B.&yellow C.&red D.&dark34.(&&&&)A.&and B.&or C.&so D.&but35.(&&&&)A.&return B.&change& C.&start D.&continue36.(&&&&)A.&attention B.&background C.&direction D.&information37.(&&&&)A.&refused B.&decided C.&prepared D.&forgot38.(&&&&)A.&hardly B.&luckily C.&usually D.&clearly39.(&&&&)A.&danger B.&excuse C.&space D.&energy40.(&&&&)A.&moment B.&night C.&afternoon D.&morning41.(&&&&)A.&depended&on B.&looked&forward&to C.&stayed&away&from D.&came&back&to42.(&&&&)A.&though B.&unless C.&because D.&until43.(&&&&)A.&me B.&it C.&him D.&us44.(&&&&)A.&what B.&how C.&why D.&that45.(&&&&)A.&tired B.&ready C.&proud D.&sorry
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   完型译文  &昨晚我驾车从哈里斯堡驶往路易斯堡,两地相距约80英里。那时天色已晚,我也要迟到了,所以我车开的很快。  在一条宽阔的公路的某处,我来到了一个有红绿灯的十字路口。那会路上只有我一个人,但是当我驶近这个红绿灯处,红灯亮了,于是我刹车停了下来。我往左右后面都看了一下。什么也没有,没有一辆车子,也没有什么汽车前灯的亮光,但是我就坐在那儿,等待着绿灯亮起,至少在方圆一英里的范围内,就我唯一一个人。我开始在想我为什么不闯红灯。我并不是害怕被抓,因为周边显然没有警察,而且闯过这个红灯处当然也没有任何的危险。  那晚夜深的时候,当我和我的一帮朋友在路易斯堡见面回来后,睡到床上的时候已经将近午夜,这时我为什么要停下来等红绿灯这个问题又回到了我的脑海中。我想我会停下来,这是因为我们彼此所拥有的一条契约。它不仅仅是法律,而且也是我们大家所达成的一个协议。我们相信对方回去遵守它:我们不闯红灯。  我们是说做就会做到的,说出现就会出现的。&
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完型答案解析31.A.该次考查的是四个副词的辨义。从前一句话&I was late.&看出来作者心里很迫切,这样开车的速度也会比较的快,因此选fast。32.B.该题考查的是四个形容词的辨义。做该题的从文章的后面来得知答案,通过&Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights&,看出来作者是一人行驶在这段路上,因此选alone,即为&独自一个人&。33.C.该题考查的是四个表示颜色的形容词的辨义。&I braked to a stop&,得知是红灯亮了,才会停车,因此选&red&。34.D.该题考查的是四个连词的辨义,and表示递进,顺接,or连词,表示转折可译为&否则&,还有&或者&的意思,so表示结果,but表转折,译为&但是&。根据前后句的意思,即可选出&but&。35.B.该题考查的是四个动词的辨义,return译为&归还,回到&,change译为&改变&,start译为&开始&,continue译为&继续&。从文章中我们得知作者在红灯前等待,便可推断出是在等待红灯的改变。36.C.该题考查的是四个名词的辨义,attention译为&注意&,background译为&背景&,direction译为&方向&,information译为&信息&。根据语意我们可得知是方圆一英里的方向之内。37.A.该题考查的是四个动词的辨义,refused译为&拒绝&, decided译为&决定&,prepared译为&准备&,forgot译为忘记&。根据上一段我们得知作者并没有闯红灯,因此是refused to run the light.38.D.该题考查的是四个副词的辨义。Hardly译为&几乎不&,luckily译为&幸运地&,usually译为&通常&,clearly译为&明显地,清楚地&。根据上下文得知作者当时就一个人在那段路上,当时肯定是没有警察的,所以选&clearly&更恰当。39.A.该题考查的是四个名词的辨义。danger译为&危险&,excuse译为&借口&,space译为&空间&,energy译为&能量,活力&。从上文我们得知当时在那段路上没有任何的车辆及其他人,我们得知若作者当时闯红灯的时候是不存在任何的危险的。40.B.根据上下文即可推断出是&night&。41.D.该题考查的是四个动词词组的辨义。depended on译为&依赖于,取决于&,looked forward to译为&期望&,stayed away from译为&远离&,came back to译为&回到&。根据句意我们可推断出是之前的那个拒绝闯红灯的问题回到了脑海中。42.C.该题考查的是四个连词的辨义。Though表转折,译为&尽管,然而&,unless&译为除非,如果不&, because译为&因为&,until译为&到&&为止&。根据上下文可得知是因为大家心里都有这么一个契约,所以我才停下车子的。43.B.该题考查的是代词的正确使用。做该题必须找出代词指代的是什么。通过&but it&s an agreement we have&这句话可得知,用it来代替an agreement。44.A. &what we say&我们说的话,做do的宾语。45.C.该题考查的是四个形容词的辨义。tired译为&劳累的,疲倦的&, ready译为&准备好的&,proud译为&自豪的&,sorry译为&抱歉的&。 同时也考固定搭配用法be proud of&以&&为豪&。根据后文我们得知作者觉得自己做了这件事是好人,显然是以做这件事而为豪。
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这篇文章改自2012全国高考题Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving tuck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left, and I became increasingly impatient.At one point along an open road, I came to a crossing with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I drove near the light, it turned red and I made a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of car lamps, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.I started wondering why 1 refused to run the light I was not afraid of being caught, because there was clearly no policeman wound. and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.Much later that night, the question of why I'd stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because it's part of a contract(契约)we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it is an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: we don't go through red lights.Trust is our first inclination(倾向).Doubting others does not seem to be natural to us. The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互)trust, not distrust We do what we say we' we show up when we say we' and we pay when we say we'll pay. We trust each other in these matters, and we're angry or disappointed with the person or organization that breaks the trust we have in them.I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.63. Why did the author get impatient while driving?A. He was lonely on the road.B. He was slowed down by a truck.C. He got tired of driving too long.D. He came across too many traffic lights.64. What was the author's immediate action when the traffic light turned red?A. Stopping still.B. Driving through it.C. Looking around for other cars.D. Checking out for traffic police.65. The event made the author strongly believe thatA. traffic rules may be unnecessaryB. doubting others is human natureC. patience is important to driversD. a society needs mutual trust66. Why was the author proud of himself?A He kept his promise.B. He held back his anger.C. He followed his inclination.D. He made a right decision.【答案及解析】63.B 第一段,他被一辆卡车减速了。64.A it turned red and I made a stop,红灯亮的时候停车了。65.D 第四段,作者从不闯红灯的感悟是社会需要互相信任。66.D 作者因为自己做了一个正确的决定而感到自豪。
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阅读B篇  In&the&1920s&and&30s&the&airlines&were&just&beginning.&It&was&unusual&for&people&to&travel&by&air&because&it&was&expensive&and&dangerous.&In&those&days,&there&were&no&flight&attendants&to&look&after&the&passengers.&Young&men&,or&&stewards&&helped&the&passengers&onto&the&airplane&and&carried&the&passengers&&luggage(行李)but&they&did&not&provide&food&and&drinks.&But&then&in&1930,a&woman&called&Ellen&Church&invented&the&&stewardess&.Ellen&Church&was&born&in&1904&on&a&farm&in&Iowa.&She&was&a&different&child.&She&didn&t&want&to&work&on&a&farm&or&marry&a&farmer&&she&wanted&a&more&adventurous(冒险的)life.&Ellen&studied&to&be&a&nurse&at&the&University&of&Minnesota&and&then&got&a&job&in&a&hospital.&For&the&next&few&years&she&stayed&at&the&hospital&but&also&took&flying&lessons&and&got&her&pilot&s&license.Ellen&was&twenty-five&years&old&when&she&first&got&in&touch&with&Boeing&Air&Transport.&She&loved&flying&but&she&understood&that&airlines&were&a&man&s&world.&Although&women&like&Emelia&Earheart&were&becoming&famous,&she&realized&it&was&impossible&for&a&woman&to&have&a&career&as&a&pilot.But&she&had&another&idea.&Most&people&were&frightened&of&flying&because&flying&was&still&an&unreliable(不可靠的)&way&to&travel.&There&were&often&delays(延误),many&crashes&and&the&bad&weathers&made&many&passengers&sick.&Ellen&thought&nurses&could&take&care&of&passengers&during&flights&and&B.A.T.&agreed.The&young&woman&from&Iowa&and&seven&other&nurses&became&the&first&air&stewardesses.At&first&pilots&were&unhappy&because&they&did&not&want&stewardesses&on&airplanes,&but&passengers&loved&the&stewardesses.&In&1940&there&were&around&1000&of&them&working&for&different&airlines.&The&early&&stewardesses&&had&to&be&under&twenty-five-year-old,&single&and&slim.&When&a&woman&joined&an&airline,&she&had&to&promise&not&to&get&married&or&have&children.&It&was&a&hard&job&and&not&well&paid.&They&worked&long&hours&and&earned&$1&an&hour.In&the&1970s,&stewardesses&were&unhappy&in&their&job&and&airlines&had&to&make&some&changes.&Since&the&1970s,&&stewardesses&&have&been&called&flight&attendants.&They&are&well&paid&and&work&fewer&hours&than&in&the&past.16.&(&&&&)The&last&sentence&of&the&first&paragraph&suggests&that&_________.A.&the&word&&stewardess&&was&made&up&by&Ellen&ChurchB.&Ellen&Church&was&the&first&woman&who&flew&a&planeC.&Ellen&Church&was&the&first&woman&who&worked&on&a&planeD.&Ellen&Church&was&the&first&woman&passenger&on&a&plane17.&(&&&&)From&the&second&paragraph,&we&learn&that&________.A.&Ellen&did&not&behave&in&the&same&way&as&most&as&other&girlsB.&Ellen&s&family&was&not&rich&enough&to&support&her&educationC.&Ellen&was&fond&of&working&as&a&nurse&in&the&hospitalD.&Ellen&has&an&unhappy&childhood&that&changed&her&completely18.&(&&&&)The&main&reason&for&Boeing&Air&Transport&offering&Ellen&the&job&was&________.A.&her&flying&experience B.&her&university&educationC.&her&nursing&experience& D.&her&life&attitudes19.&(&&&&)According&to&the&passage,&in&the&1940s&a&woman&had&to&________&if&she&wanted&to&be&a&stewardess.A.&be&a&nurse B.&be&married C.&be&a&mother D.&be&young20.&(&&&&)The&passage&mainly&talks&about&_______.A.&the&background&of&early&flying&pilots B.&the&experience&of&flying&passengersC.&the&history&of&early&flight&attendants D.&the&development&of&airplanes
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A 篇In summer everybody needs to be careful with the sun.Do you know how to spend time in the sun without burning or damaging your skin?Read the ten rules below.夏天每个人都要注意防暑.你知道在热天怎样避免太阳灼伤自己的皮肤吗?阅读下面的十条规则.Some of them are RIGHT and the others are WRONG.其中有些是正确的,有些是错误的1. Always wear a baseball cap. It protects you from the sun and looks cool,too.它可以防晒并且看上去很酷YWRONG ou need to wear a hat ,but choose your hat carefully.你需要戴帽子,但你要正确地选择帽子Baseball caps protect your eyes,but they don&t protect your ears or your neck.棒球帽可以保护你的眼睛,但不能保护你的耳朵和脖子Use a proper sun hat.使用合适的太阳帽2 Use sun cream.You need to put it on at least twenty minutes before you go out .使用防晒霜。在你外出前至少20分钟,你需要涂防晒霜RIGHT Sun cream starts to work twenty minutes after you put it on.防晒霜在涂上20分钟后才会有效3. Put sun cream around your eyes and on your eyelids to protect them from the sun.把防晒霜涂在眼睛和眉毛上防晒WRONG Sun cream hurts the eyes.Wear sunglasses instead.防晒霜会伤害眼睛,应该戴太阳镜4. You only need a little sun cream.Too much sun cream is bad for your skin.你只需要一点防晒霜,涂太多对皮肤有害WRONG You need to use a lot of sun cream .The sun dries out your skin.Sun cream moisturizes(滋润) and protects it.你需要使用大量防晒霜。太阳使皮肤干燥,防晒霜可以滋润和保护皮肤5. Put more sun cream on every two hours.每两个小时涂一次防晒霜RIGHT You need to put sun cream on often,especially when you&re swimming 你需要经常涂防晒霜,尤其是你游泳的时候6.You need to use sun cream even on a cloudy day in summer即使在夏季阴天,你需要使用防晒霜。RIGHT The sun can damage your skin eren on a cloudy day正确的,在阴天太阳会损伤你的皮肤7.On a hot sunny day ,wear light -colored clothes -white or yellow are best. 在一个炎热的晴天,穿浅色衣服,白色或黄色是最好的。WRONG Light -colored clothes don&t protect you from the sun .The best solution is to wear dark-colored clothes. 错的,浅色的衣服不保护您免受太阳的侵袭。最好的办法是穿深色的衣服。8.You need to spend time in the sun for healthy skin. 你需要花时间晒太阳,对皮肤健康有好处。RIGHT You need to spend time in the sun to get enough vitamin D for healthy skin and bones(骨头),but don&t forget to use sun cream.Without sun cream you have a bigger risk of skin cancer. 正确的,为了健康的皮肤和骨头,你需要花时间晒太阳来摄取足够的维生素D, ,但不要忘记使用防晒霜。没有防晒霜,你会有更高的患皮肤癌的几率。9.You need to spend a lot of money to get a good sun cream. 你需要花很多的钱去买一个好的防晒霜。WRONG There are many different kinds of sun cream.Find the one that is best for you . 错误的,有许多不同种类的防晒霜。找一个最适合你的。Expensive ones are not always better than cheap ones.Use a sun cream labeled(标明)SPF30+ and it should give you the same protection as one that is more expensive.昂贵的那些并不总是比便宜的要好。使用SPF30 +防晒霜,它跟那些昂贵的防晒霜一样,应该能给你同样的保护。10.In summer,people with dark skin can also get burnt. 在夏天,深色肤色的人也会被烧伤。RIGHT People with fair skin and blonde or red hair need to be extra careful and use a high factor sun cream .People with fair skin ,but they do need to protect their skin from the sun ,too. 正确的,白皙的皮肤和金色或红色的头发的人需要格外小心,使用高防晒因子的面霜。白皙的皮肤的人,但是他们也需要保护他们的皮肤免受太阳的侵袭。
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time, horse, by, also, enough, however, few, ready, send, holdTo: Christin Date: 23rd MarchSubject: The Riding for the Disabled AssociationHi Christine,   Sorry I haven&t emailed lately &I&ve been very busy since becoming a volunteer for the Riding for the Disabled Association.   Every Saturday, I help to get the horses 61___________ for the disabled(残疾) riders. Many more disabled people want to ride 62___________ than you&d imagine. It&s a disadvantage that I don&t know how to ride &I&d love to got on long rides with the riders& but I&ll learn soon 63___________. Right now, I&m just happy to be able to lead the horses around for the disabled riders.   I&m 64___________ helping to organize a sale, which will be 65___________ next month. It&s a lot more work than helping the disabled. I need to collect second-hand things to sell at the sale. There are 66___________ things available(获得的) than I thought, but I&m sure we&ll have enough 67___________ next month.   I hope the sale raises more money than last month&s walk. It was rainy, so too few people took part in the event. Last week, we held an auction(拍卖). The auction took much less 68___________ to organize than the walk. 69___________, for some reason, people offered too little money for the things, so we didn&t raise enough money.   I&m 70___________ you some pictures in the letter, as well as a speech I gave last week.
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Tych Panel demo
Author Reimund Trost shows what's new in Tych Panel 2.
What's new in Tych Panel 2?
Row / column compositing paradigm.
Reorder images with thumbnails.
Resize to both target width & height.
Maintain width or height when adding pictures.
Smart objects & Layer masks.
Adobe Bridge integration.
Background color, outer border & rounded corners.
New output options.
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What is Tych Panel
Tych Panel is an extension for Adobe Photoshop that automates
the process laying out pictures side by side. It makes it easy
to create diptychs, triptychs, quadtychs and a virtually
unlimited set of custom layouts.
In other words, it’s time to throw out your old dirty
templates and give Tych Panel a whirl.
It’s dead simple.
More layouts with new compositing paradigm
The new revamped compositing algorithm in Tych Panel 2 let’s you
add rows or columns of pictures to the document, allowing more
layouts to be created than ever before.
In fact, the new paradigm renders the old layout presets
redundant, which is why they have been replaced by the Top, Bottom,
Left and Right buttons.
Non-destructive editing with Smart objects & Layer masks
In Tych Panel 2, you can re-crop your pictures after they have
been laid out by, giving you total control of the final result.
Just enable Smart objects in the options and all layers will be
converted to Smart objects and get the appropriate Layer masks
For bloggers: Maintain width / height + custom color
If you are a blogger you probably want to make your pictures a
specific width or height. In Tych Panel 2, you can make sure your
resulting picture stays the width or height you want, no matter how
many pictures you add to the composit.
And don’t worry, the new compositing algorithm will make sure
that your edges remain nice and crisp even after resizing.
You can also set the background color to match your blog
directly in Tych Panel.
some examples of what’s possible with Tych Panel 2,
check out the gallery.
Why Tych Panel?
Beacuse Tych Panel 2 is the fastest way to create diptychs in Photoshop.
Plus. It’s super-easy to use.
And oh, did I mention that it’s free?
Photo courtesy of .
Free & open source
Tych Panel is released under the
is hosted at .
The old Tych Panel web page is available .
Unzip the archive
Use Adobe Extension Manager to install the ZXP file that corresponds to your Photoshop version.
CC 2014: tychpanel_cc.zxp.
CS5/CS6/CC: tychpanel_cs.zxp.
Show the panel by going to Window / Extensions / Tych Panel in
CS6 users: the Bridge integration script is
not installed by Extension Manager CS6. See the manual
installation steps on how to get Bridge integration working with CS6.
Important If you
have multiple versions of Extension Manager
installed, ie CS5 and CS5.5, you must install the extension
with the Extension Manager matching you Photoshop version.
Please note that on some Windows computers, you may have to run
Adobe Extension Manager via Run as administrator (here's a
on how to do that). PS CS4 and lower is not supported (although
you might get it working).
1. Create a row or column by pressing the Top, Bottom, Left or Right button.
2. If you have enabled the reorder dialog, set the order of the images.
3. Repeat as desired.
If you are having trouble installing Tych Panel with Adobe Extension
Manager you can install manually using the following method.
Important These
instructions are intended for Photoshop CS5/CS6/CC. For
Photoshop CC 2014 Extension Manager should be used.
Rename tychpanel_cs.zxp to tychpanel_cs.zip.
Uncompress tychpanel_cs.zip.
Copy the Tych Panel directory (found
in the newly uncompressed directory named
scripts) to
&photoshop directory&/Presets/Scripts.
Copy the Tych Panel directory in panels/&CS version& to
&photoshop directory&/Plug-ins/Panels.
(Optional) To enable the Bridge integration, copy the
file scripts/Tych Panel.jsx to the
Bridge Startup scripts directory.
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge [version]/Startup Scripts/
~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge [version]\Startup Scripts\
Run Photoshop and show the panel by going to
Window/Extensions/Tych Panel.
I have installed Tych Panel correctly but it still doesn't work.
Make sure Photoshop is pointing to the correct extensions directory:
Go to Preferences / Plug-ins
Click on Additional Plug-Ings Folder and point it to the Photoshop Plug-Ins directory.
CS4: I have installed Tych Panel correctly but it still doesn't work.
Important Tych
Panel is for CS5 or later. The Panel UI will
not work in CS4 although the scripts *might*
work (unconfirmed). In either case, I won't answer questions
regarding CS4 so you are on your own here.
Some people are reporting that their anti-virus
software is changing the zxp package into a zip file,
preventing Adobe Extension Manager to install it. The anti-virus
software might do this because zxp files are actually just ordinary zip
files renamed to .zxp and it may think it's suspicious that it has been
The solution is simply to rename the file back to it's original
extension, e.g. tychpanel.zxp.
If you are experiencing other problems, please ask a
question on
and I will do my best to answer.
Hopefully I will be able to
help you out. However, please read the previous answers before
asking a new question.
Reporting bugs
If you find a bug, please report it by contacting me an
or by creating an
issue on .
When reporting bugs, please supply the information needed to
reproduce the problem. Otherwise I might not be able to resolve
your issue.
About the author
I am a Swedish
working at
One day, I realized that the world of photographers was missing
a good tool for creating diptychs. So I set out to create what
I thought was missing. And here it is.
I hope you like it.
For the latest updates, please
or sign up on the .
Giving back
Tych Panel was not made overnight. In fact, I’ve spent
countless late nights working to make Tych Panel what it is
today. So if you find this plugin useful, please consider
donating a dollar or two.
I would also appreciate if you share the link with your fellow
Growing a user base helps me stay passionate about this project.
Awesome backers
I'm lucky to have received numerous donations from a bunch of awesome
people. As an additional thank you, I've put you on this list
(in no particular order).
Sara Pearcy ()
Dan McColl ()
Duoh! n.v. ()
Ian Albinson ()
Philipp Kübler ()
Kimberly Salem Photography ()
Srinivas Medepalli
Angela Lumsden ()
Raymond Kerrin Larum ()
Tony Hazell ()
Sallie Carothers
Tim Carr ()
Christer Hedberg ()
Elin Vinger Elliot ()
Jane Haglund ()
Claudia Schramm-Pose ()
Andy Stenz ()
Adam Lee ()
Peter L?fqvist ()
Hope & Joy ()
Diane Hu ()
Earl Douglas ()
Sunira Photography ()
Neil Alexander Photography ()
Barbara Lassa ()
Fotograf Stig Albansson ()
Arianna Trapani ()
Tomas Gillberg ()
Nabeel Khan ()
Frank McKenna ()
Melanie Leighton ()
Jon Hillenbrand ()
Corina Schurmann ()
Arthur Pepper Music Corporation
Ivan Ivanov
Online Independent Herbalife Distributors
Joshua Libatique
Tan Ken Hwee
Niccolò Di Gregorio
plaNET eARTh
Erik Esparza
Rainer Holsten
Joseph Reinhardt
Vanessa Tirey
La Predera B&B
Sallie Carothers ()
Oskar Allerby ()
Malin Tvedt ()
Simon Burgess ()
Joel Gambord
Justin Krug ()
Melissa Golden Photography ()
Jonas Karlsson ()
Catherine Kingston
Michael Fisher
Angela Calvert
Carissa Bousfield
Paul Civati
Brian McEntire ()
VignotoPhoto ()
Roy Mateer ()
William Hatfield
Saran Maitreewech
Dieter Kurz
Lisa Clark
Charles McNoldy
Claire Hawkins ()
Tricia Hartmann
Petra Hall ()
Gintaras Morkunas
John Bernasconi ()
Blake Crosby ()
Kartik Jayaraman
YiuKuen Yuen
Amy Cooper
Maik Kleinert
Juan Fco Mallo Perona
Jennifer Reynolds ()
Denise Carlin
Michael Stendahl
Christian Skilbeck
Envision 3 Studios Agency
John Young
Diego Guadarrama Garza
Fabian Bojé ()
Daria Rekke
Indira Dechesne
Oetra Urbankova
Kristina Oberling
Johannes Martinsson ()
Rafael Sanchez ()
Laura Bautista Lopez
Included missing thumbnail placeholder image.
Fixed broken 'Use selected images in Adobe Bridge'.
Fixed issue with Bridge startup script adding menu elements multiple times.
Fixed issue with large images.
Ported panel to html5 panel (Flash panels were discontinued in Photoshop CC 2014).
Added color theme support.
Adapted for retina displays.
Fixed flatten bug.
Fixed revert units bug.
Fixed bug which caused documents being closed when autosave=false.
Tych Panel ProTools support.
Keep transparency when flattening documents.
Fixed bug when specifying the same image twice or more from the command line.
Prevent reorder window from appearing when with only one image from command line.
Fixed issue with reorder window not appearing when called from command line.
Fixed bug with long filenames. Names with more than 255 characters will be truncated.
Alert the user when trying to save to an invalid directory.
Use the correct icon on new row button.
Changed theming of CS6 panel to match the default (dark) theme of PS CS6.
Added icon.
CS6 support (no color themes yet).
Fixes a bug that breaks Tych Panel in non-English Photoshop installs.
Reorder images with thumbnails.
New impoved row/column paradigm that allows virtually unlimited number of layouts.
Rows & columns can be attached on either side of your document.
Resize to both target width & height.
Maintain width or height when adding new rows & columns.
Convert images to smart objects.
Ability to use layer masks instead of cropping images.
Run Tych Panel on selected images in Adobe Bridge.
Added option to use selected images in Adobe Bridge as input
Save as PSD.
Background color option.
Support for images with layers (via Flatten Image)
Outer border width and color options.
Rounded corners on each image.
Rounded corners on outermost images.
Added option to save each individual layer.
Smarter file naming so that allows the resulting file name to derive from input files.
Save as PNG.
Apply an arbitrary number of actions.
Decide when to apply actions - before laying out pictures, or after.
Removed workaround for panel background color. If the color doesn't match in PS, you should update your Photoshop.
Fixed triptych bug that made seams the wrong size and the background to not be filled.
Fixed nasty bug which made the script ignore that the resizing option was disabled.
P hopefully fixing problem with button state images not showing all the time.
Fixed rounding error issue on some of the layouts (diptych 1 and 2 and quaptych grid) giving seams that were slightly off.
Fixed compositing bug with already opened document.
Fixed unit bug where current unit in Photoshop was used rather than pixels, leading to images being resized using the wrong unit.
Files into Stack" which acted a bit buggy when called from a html link.
Fixed 'Close on save' bug.
Changed to button layout to be centered and added a little top margin.
Email address
Will not be public.
Tych Panel by
Copyright & 2012
Presented by
Want more from me?
If you enjoy Tych Panel, why not sign up for my mailing list? I
will write about updates and other upcoming tools I think you will love.
I promise not to spam (a few emails/year at most).
Oh, and don't worry. The download has already started.
Email address
You can also follow me on
or visit my .}


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