major revisioncontractors什么意思啊…

Funding the Afghan Taliban | GlobalPostthree major advantages
南沙海港 ...
(五)外汇管理政策(foreign exchange policies)
三大优势(three major advantages)
1、成本优势(cost advantage) ...
Using AJDT's cross-references view to inspect crosscutting specifications has three major advantages.
使用 AJDT 的 cross-references 视图检查横切规范有三个主要的好处。
The R&D disparity is all the more striking given China's three seemingly major advantages over India.
The results show that the area of competitive contractors sand development of the existence of three major advantages, namely, institutional advantages, capital and talent advantage.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Home :: Major Contractors, Inc.
Major Contractors, Inc.
Since its founding in 2001, Major Contractors, Incorporated has grown into one of the most respected site electrical contractors in the Charlotte area. Major Contractors is a woman owned business, and our certifications include Woman Business Enterprises (WBE) certification with the State of North Carolina Department of Transportation, Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) certification with the North Carolina Department of Administration, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification with the State of North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Company employment has grown to an average of&25 employees and continues growing. Our staff includes highly trained foremen, electricians, office personnel, laborers and customer service representatives. We believe our size places us in a perfect position to meet the market demands, big enough to tackle large projects but small enough to provide small-business type attention and service to our customers.}


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