数字是伟大的发明 高中英语作文常用单词 60个单词左右

I have celebrated my 18th birthday a month before.That means I'm no longer a little kid.It's time for me to think about my future.Mom once told me that I should make the most of my age to get as much knowledge as possible.So ten years later,I'll be probably pursuing my further study.Of course,I'll have enough confidence to get my degree.To tell you the truth,the incentive to study is always my mother's encouragement.I wish that I would never let her dowm.The society will be more competitive.There must be more difficulties during ten years.I really hope that I'll successfully conquer them,for it's a good opportunity to estabish myself.But that's only a minor point.As you all know,a good life that basically drives me crazy.I like a variety of sports.I'll keep on doing exercise regularly.I shall be an refined woman with long hair.By then,I'll find a man who really knows me at all.We'll live together,talk together and travel together.We'll share the laughter,the pain and even the tears.We are going to build up a world of our own,no quarrel but happiness.And from time to time,I'll pick up my violin and play it with a sweet emotion.I like it that my surroundings are full of music.Well,that's a rough description of my life.There's ten years to go.Anyway,it's a long way.I don't mind whether these dreams come into reality or not.What I care is the process.Just keep on fighting till the end,and I'll be a success!Thank you!
真贱 你也在抄别人的
ten years,I
students.I am good
ten years,I
I have a great inventionMy invention is a robot.It has a wise mind,a compassion heart.and a strong body It can protect our homeland and let people live a peaceful life.I can see when the war comes,children lost their beautiful schools and bright classrooms,when the disaster comes,they lost their close relatives and lovely friends.And when the accident comes,they lost their joyful faces and hearty laughter.However,by using this robot,the war can be stopped when we touch a button,so that people will drop their weapons and live friendly.By using this robot,disasters and accide therefore people will stay away from danger.This great invention will make wars and disasters never occur again,we need to work together to protect our homeland,so there will be a greater and more wonderful world in the future!我的发明是机器人,它有过人的智慧,有慈悲的胸怀,有强壮的体魄.它能保护好我们的家园,让人们过上安宁的生活.因为我看到:战争来临的时候,那里的孩子失去了美丽的校园,失去了明亮的教室.当灾难来临的时候,那里的孩子失去了身边的亲人,失去了可爱的伙伴.当事故来临的时候,其中的孩子失去了欢乐的容颜,失去了朗朗的笑声.有了这个机器人.面对战争,只要轻按按钮,它就可以让人们放下武器,友好相处.面对灾难,它可以提前预见,帮助人们远离危险.这个伟大的发明就是为了让战争与灾难不再发生,我们要齐心协力保护这个家园,让明天的世界更加美好!
I have a great inventionMy invention is a robot. It has a wise mind, a compassion heart. and a strong body It can protect our homeland and let people live a peaceful life.I can see when the ...写一篇自我介绍的英语作文,我叫李艳,13岁,最喜欢的明星是本兮,大约60个单词左右_百度作业帮
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求翻译:有关电脑的英语作文 要求:是二十世纪最伟大发明级大改变人们生活工作。因速度快存量大范围广用于工,农服务业。受到教育重视学校配有计算机 经常办比赛是什么意思?
有关电脑的英语作文 要求:是二十世纪最伟大发明级大改变人们生活工作。因速度快存量大范围广用于工,农服务业。受到教育重视学校配有计算机 经常办比赛
Computer-related English composition requirements: that is the greatest invention in the 20th century level change the way people live and work. For fast stock a wide range of widely used in industry, agriculture services. Be educated to attach importance to schools with computers often do game
Computer-related English essay requirements: is the greatest invention 20th century great changes in people lives and work level. Due to the wide scope of speed used for industrial, agricultural and service sectors. Schools are equipped with computer education seriously frequently organised competit
Related computer English thesis request: Is 20th century greatest invention level changes the people to live greatly the work.Because the speed quick storage quantity wide range uses in the labor broadly, agricultural service industry.Receives the education to take the school to have the computer to
English composition requirements for computers: the magnitude is the 20th century's greatest inventions to change people's lives. Fast wide range of stock for workers, agricultural services. Education importance schools are equipped with computers often do competition
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The Greatest InventionSome articles hold the opinions that the greatest invention in the world is electricity,while the others believe computers are unreplaced in modern society.I read and read,suddenly an idea struke me:The greatest invention are just books.A famous person has ever said:"Books are the best teachers."Exactly!That's what I would like to say first.In the long history of human being,books have playde an important part in communicating knowledge.And even today,the situation is still so .Each year,millions of books are published in the world.Knowledge changs our lives.If a knowledged person want to express some new idea,probably he wiil choose to write a book.On the other hand,the best way to broaden our horizens is reading books.Secondly,as I have been puzzled,books provedes you with different ideas.And you make your decision to choose anyone that fit you.Or otherwise,you may choose none of them,just like me ,instead of obeying books' advise.I choose "books" as the greatest invention in my eyes.So,don't you think it's a little interesting?Books are honored as teachers without sound.But how are books different from our real teachers?I think the fact is that,if a real teacher advises me to choose electricity or computer as my topic today,and every one you can imagine,how much brave I will prepare to refuse.So don't you think books are better tempered and better get alongde than our real teachers?}


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