"by--,you must love me"造句

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I learned it by watching you! was a large-scale
anti- campaign by . Launched in 1987, the campaign used a televised .
The PSA features a father confronting his son in his bedroom after finding a box containing an unspecified
and . After his father angrily asks him how he learned to use drugs, the son shouts, "You, all right?! I learned it by watching you!" The narrator then intones, "Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs."
The PSA was parodied in the "" episode of , in which J.D. talks about his coffee addiction and imagines discovering a coffee maker under the bed of his future son.[]
It was referenced in the 2012 film
in the opening scene.[]
Another parody is in the
commercial "A Father's Lesson," in which the narrator says, "Parents who skim have kids who skim." In the 30 second version, it was extended to "Parents who skim Mac & Cheese have kids who skim Mac & Cheese".[]
Another parody is featured in the "Siouxicide" episode of .[] It was also parodied on an episode[] of the .[]
It was referenced in the "House Call" episode of Archer Vice on FX.
as rebroadcast in .
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