翻译:learning how to properly managshape your timee is

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考前综译 (Mar.20) 1. 理论必须与实际相结合证明是个真理。(That…) That theory must be combined with practice proves (to be) a truth. 2. 良好的英语知识使我们能够用先进的科学技术装备自己。(enable) A good knowledge of English enables us to be equipp
ed with advanced science and technology. 3. 他毫不犹豫地去了中国西北部,希望在那里开创自己的事业,造福民众。(where) He went to the northeast of China, where he hoped to start his own career to benefit people. 4. 应该尽快采取措施制止他们的为所欲为。(whatever) Measures should be take as soon as possible to stop them from doing whatever they like. 5. 大厅里座位太少了以至于不少人不得不站着听报告。(so…that) There were so few seats in the hall that many people had to stand listening to the report. 6. 这次旅行时间比以往长,这让我们疲惫不堪。(last) This trip lasted longer than ever, which made us exhausted/ tired out/worn out. 7. 开车外出游玩时,务必考虑安全。(sure, account)) Be sure to take safety into account while going on a trip by car. 8. 所有申请部门经理的人必须符合以下条件。(apply) All those who apply for the position of department manager must meet/satisfy/fill the following requirements 9. 不可否认的是只有通过勤劳的工作人们才能摆脱贫困。(only) There is no denying that only by diligent work can people get rid of/eliminate poverty. 10. 他突然想起他已有一个月没有给家人联系了。(strike) It struck him that/An idea struck him that he had been out of contact with his family for a month. 11. 尽管交通很拥挤,他还是设法在上课前 5 分钟赶到了学校。 (manage) In spite of the heavy traffic, he still managed to arrive at the school 5 minutes before class began. 12. 通过仔细的调查,警方得出结论:昨天的交通事故该有司机负全部责任。(investigation) Through careful investigation, the police drew a conclusion /concluded that the driver took full responsibility for yesterday’s traffic accident. 13. 这种树在雨水充沛的地方长得最好。 (where) This kind of trees grows best where there is plenty of rain./it rains often. 14. 出生率下降已成为许多发达国家的主要问题。(decline) The decline in birth rate has become a major social problem of /for many developed countries. 15. 战士们一冲进村庄就朝正在放火烧房子的敌人开枪。(No sooner) No sooner had the soldiers rushed into the village than they fired at the enemy setting fire to the houses./setting the houses on fire. 16. 政府正着手解决许多人支付不起医院看病费用的问题。 (afford) The government is setting out to solve /setting about solving the problem that many people can’t afford their medical expenses/to see a doctor/to go to hospital. 17. 奥运精神鼓舞各国运动员努力去创造奇迹。(strive) The Olympic spirit inspires the athletes of different countries/every country to strive to create/work/accomplish wonders. 18. 我们现在面临的一个主要问题是如何降低生产成本。(face) The main problem we are facing now/facing us now is how to reduce the production costs. 19. 他们举行了一场晚会庆祝李明考上重点大学。(congratulate) They held a party to congratulate Li Ming on being admitted to a key university. 20. 由于更多得的马路拓宽了,上海道路的交通压力得到了一定程度的缓解。(extent) As more roads have been widened/broadened, the traffic pressure on the roads of Shanghai has been relieved to some extent/degree. 21. 这件事不能怪你,毕竟你是第一次做,没有经验。 (blame) You are not to blame for it,for after all it’s the first time that you have done it and you have no experience. 22. 看来天要下雨了,你最好带把伞。(as if) It seems that it is going to rain, so you had better take an umbrella. 23. 安给我介绍了一份工作,但是我不确定是否接受。(whether) Ann offered a job to me, but I’m not sure whether to accept it or not. 24. 我们见证了 20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代信息技术取得的重大进展。(advance) We witnessed the great advances in information technology in the 1980s and 1990s. 25. 恐怕周三和周六对我来讲都不方便。 (neither…nor) I’m afraid that neither Wednesday nor Saturday is convenient to/ for me. 26. 与我原来料想相反的是,Rose 愿意接受我关于均衡饮食的建议。(Contrary to) Contrary to my expectations, Rose was willing to take my advice on a balanced diet. 27. 只有掌握大量的词汇,阅读才会成为一种乐趣。(Only…) Only by mastering/grasping a large vocabulary can reading become a pleasure. 28. 许多遭到洪水侵袭的农场主说,他们黔驴技穷只得解雇一些工人。(dismiss) Many farmers who suffered the flood said that they had no choice but to dismiss some workers. 29. 若要了解这些装有空调车辆的详细情况,请与经销商联系。(contact) If you want to get/As to the detailed information about the brand new air-conditioned vehicles, please contact the dealers. 30. 人们普遍认为,用脑越多,智力越活跃。(the more…, the more…) It is generally believed that the more our brains are used, the more active our intelligence will be. 31. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再得出最终的结论。(before) We will have a further discussion before the final conclusion is reached. 32. 他匆忙地赶到报告厅,结果发现已经座无虚席。( occupy) He hurried to the lecture hall, only to find that all the seats had been occupied. 33. 他英语学得糟糕的原因是因为他太注重语法而不是词汇。( rather) The reason why he was poor in English is that he put too much emphasis on grammar rather than on vocabulary. 34. 现在许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(focus, adequate) The most serious problem many people are talking about focuses on lack of adequate living space. 35. 让大家失望的是,这个新当选的市长所做的远不能让人满意。(far) To everyone’s disappointment, what the newly elected mayor has done is far from being satisfactory. 36. 在一个讲英语的环境中,用不了多久你的英语口语就会突飞猛进。 (it…) In an environment where English is spoken, it won’t take you long to make/it won’t be long before you makes rapid progress in your spoken English. 37. 随着时间的流逝,他的理论证明是值得检验的。 (prove) With time going on/by (As time went on/by), his theory proved to be worth testing. 38. 如果这些珍稀物种想要生存下来,必须采取强有力的措施制止人类为了经济获益破坏他 们的栖息地。 (be to) If these rare species are to survive, dramatic measures must be taken to stop human beings from destroying their habitats for financial gain. 39. 如果你对这位诗人的生活背景一无所知,就很难欣赏这首诗。(unless) Unless you know something about the life background of the poet, it will be difficult for you to appreciate the poem,. 40. 毋容置疑,许多珍稀物种数量的削减应归咎于人类。 (blame) There is no doubt that man is to blame for the decline in the number of many rare species. 41. 就运用的可能性而言,这项医学发现还有待改进。(term) In terms of the possibility of application, this medical discovery remains to be improved. 42. 在处理废旧电池的问题上,我们俩的观点不谋而合。(happen) We happened to have the same opinion about how to deal with waste batteries. 43. 轮到他做自我介绍时,他紧张得不知说什么好。(loss) When it was his turn to make a self-introduction, he was so nervous that he was at a loss what to say. 44. 那些卷入这个事件的人的对这个处罚有什么反应?(react) How do the people involved in this incident react to this punishment/penalty? 45. 作为贵宾,你不辞而别是不礼貌的。(manner) As an honoured guest, it’s bad manners for you to leave without saying goodbye. 46. 改变了学习方法之后,我的英语取得了很大的进步。(approach n.) After changing the learning approach/the approach to learning, I made great progress in English. 47. 如果你们不相互合作,就很难按期完成任务。(unless) You won’t finish the task as scheduled unless you cooperate with each other. 48. 成功属于那些相信有志者事竟成的人。(where) Success belongs to those who believe where there is a will, there is a way. 49. 不该制止大学生实现他们创业的梦想。(prevent) College graduates shouldn’t be prevented from realizing their dream of starting business. 50. 电视播出的足球赛还未开始,他就在在沙发上睡着了。(before) He had fallen asleep on the sofa before the football game televised on TV began. 51. 我的车在公路上抛了锚,我只好在最近的修理厂把它修一下。(break)) My car broke down on the highway, and I had to have it repaired in the nearest garage. 52. 鉴于他对流行音乐做出的贡献,他被评委会授予终生成就奖。(Given) Given the contributions he has made to pop music, the jury awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award. 53. 乍一看,你或许以为他是个难以接近的人,其实他很随和。(approach) At first sight, you may feel that he is hard to approach, but actually he is quite easy-going. 54. 当地警方正在全力搜寻越狱罪犯的行踪。(locate) The local police are trying to locate the criminal who has escaped from prison. 55. 孩子们似乎对在这么热的天气去远足没有热情。 (passion) The children don’t seem to have passion for hiking in hot weather. 56. 2010 年世博会必将成为上海展示其城市形象的最佳机会。 (demonstrate) The 2010 World Expo will undoubtedly become the best opportunity for Shanghai to demonstrate its city image. 57. 我们不仅要坚持原则,还要学会灵活变通。 (flexible) We should not only stick to the principles but also learn to be flexible as well. 58. 这是城里的孩子们第一次亲眼看到活的北极熊。 (live) It is the first time that the children in the city have seen a live polar bear with their own eyes. 59. 据我所知,这些都是当老师所需要的基本技能。 (need) As far as I know, these are the basic skills needed to work as a teacher. 60. 街道的两边排列着许多小店,出售的货物应有尽有。 (line) The street is lined with many small shops, where a great variety of goods/a wide range of goods are sold. 61. 在大火发生后不久,消防队员就尽快赶到那里并使大火得到了控制。 (control n.) Shortly after the fire broke out, the firemen rushed there as soon as possible and brought the fire under control. 62. 作为一个名声鹊起的律师,他每年处理的案子是普通律师的三倍。 (reputation) As a lawyer with a growing reputation, he deals with three times as many cases as ordinary/average lawyers each year. 63. 是经过了十年艰苦劳动,我们才终于还清了债务。 is… that…) (It It was after ten years’ hard work that we eventually paid off our debts. 64. 他陷入沉思,没有理会朋友在谈论什么.(notice) He was lost in thought, not noticing what his friends were talking about. 65. 为了掩盖事情的真相,他让一家报纸发表了有关这件事的虚假报道。(have) In order to conceal the truth of the matter, he had a newspaper publish/print a false report about it. 66. 五天的环岛游对一个 80 岁的老人来讲是力不从心的。 (too much) A five-day journey around the island is too much for an 80-year-old man. 67. 尽管他的爷爷已经 70 几岁, 他不仅从事好几个爱好还积极参加社区活动。 (take) Though his grandpa is already in his 70s, he not only takes up several hobbies but also takes an active part in community activities. 68. 才过了一个月左右他就有了要半途而废的迹象。 (before,sign) It was only a month before there was a sign that he would give up halfway. 69. 警方宣称在现场发现了罪犯作案的手套。(claim) The police claimed to have found the gloves which the criminals used while committing the crime/with which the criminal committed the crime. 70. 当你在东方明珠电视塔上鸟瞰上海时,会为伟大祖国所取得的成就感到无比自豪。 (view) When you have a bird’s eye view of Shanghai on the Oriental Pearl Towel, you will be very proud of the achievements our great country has made. 71. 经过一番激烈的讨论,他们在贸易问题上达成了协定。(reach) After a heated discussion, they reached an agreement on the trade. 72. 使我们最为吃惊的是这些科学家一生致力于科学研究,却仍然默默无闻。(surprise) What surprises us most is that these scientists have devoted their lives to the scientific research but remain unknown. 73. 依照更多新近的发现,有关宇宙起源的早期理论需要修正。(revise) According to more recent discoveries, the early theory of the origin of the universe needs to be revised. 74. 常人眼里难以克服的困难,他似乎习以为常。 (seem) He seems to be accustomed to the difficulties hard for ordinary people to conquer/overcome 75. 语言上的障碍没有妨碍中国科学家与外国专家愉快地相处。(prevent) The obstacle/barrier in language didn’t prevent Chinese scientists from getting pleasantly along with foreign experts 76. 年复一年,即使其他许多事物变了,但食物始终没变。(remain) Year after year, even if many other things have changed, food remains unchanged/the same. 77. 很少有人注意到地球上的自然资源正在迅速耗尽。(run) Few people have noticed that the natural resources on the earth are quickly/rapidly running out 78. 为什么这个古代文明突然消失是历史上最为令人困惑的问题之一。 (disappear) Why this ancient civilization suddenly disappeared is one of the most puzzling problems in history. 79. 如果你能尽快把要求填写的表格交上来我将不胜感激。 (appreciate) I would appreciate it if you could hand in the form which you are require to fill in as soon as possible. 80. 许多工作没有做完,我是不能休假的。(With) With much work unfinished, I can’t take a vacation. 81. 恐怖袭击事件发生以后,全副武装的警察是最先达到现场的。 (first) After the terrorist attack occurred, fully-armed policemen were the first to arrive on the scene. 82. 你能为在野生动物中蔓延的奇怪疾病提供解释吗?(explanation) Can you offer any explanation for the strange disease spreading among the wildlife? 83. 如果我是你,我将很小心不用手去触摸那块冰。(so) If I were you, I would be so careful as not to touch that ice with my hands. 84. 遇到意想不到的情况时,缺乏勇气会使你做出不恰当的反应。(react) When you meet with unexpected situations, lack of courage will make you react improperly. 85. 语言是随时间而变化的,尽管我们没有意识到这一点。(change) Language changes with time, though we are not aware of it. 86. 当青少年接近成年时,往往会发现同父母在许多问题上看法不一致。 (tend) When adolescents approach adulthood, they tend to find that they can’t agree with their parents on many problems/issues. 87. 有些人认为花费大量的金钱和资源去探索太空是不值得的。(worthwhile) Some people think it not worthwhile to spend a large quantity of time and resources exploring space 88. 通过广泛的旅游,我们能大致了解不同国家的习俗以及生活方式。(idea) By traveling extensively, we can get a general idea of the different customs and lifestyles in different countries. 89. 这个周末去野餐还是去钓鱼,由你决定。 (up to) It’s up to you to decide whether to go camping or go fishing. 90. 战争开始时,我们的士兵和装备均比敌人少。(break) When the war broke out, we had fewer soldiers and less equipment than the enemy (did). 91. 我完全赞成他的观点,学习就像逆水行舟,不进则退。 (approve) I completely approve of his point of view that learning is like sailing against the current, either going forward or falling behind. 92. 显而易见的是你掌握的词汇量越大,你的作文就写得越好。(obvious) It is obvious that the larger vocabulary you have, the better composition you will write. 93. 尽管失踪人员生还的可能性不大,救援工作仍在进行中。 (possibility) Though there is little possibility that the missing people will/may survive, the rescue work is still going on. 94. 根据图书馆的规章制度,这本书你至少可借阅两周。 (keep) According to the regulations of the library, you can keep the book for at least two weeks. 95. 经过多年的研究, 他们得出结论,地球正在变暖。 (conclusion) After many years’ research, they drew a conclusion that the earth is becoming warmer. 96. 他们概述了水灾后重建家园的计划。(outline ) They made an outline of the plan to rebuild/for rebuilding their hometown after the flood. 97. 我想用我的船模来交换你收集的邮票。(exchange) I would like to exchange my ship for the stamps you have collected. 98. 这个研究的目的是说明身体状况影响幸福到什么程度。 (affect) The purpose of this research is to define/illustrate to what degree health condition affects health. 99. 不像有些对人发号施令的领导, 他愿意考虑别人的意见。 (unlike) Unlike some leaders who order people about, he is willing to consider others’ opinion. 100. 据说这些椅子是可以根据不同年龄学生的身高来调节的。 (adjust) It is said that these chairs can be adjusted to the height of students of different ages. 101. 根据目前的经济形势,他预测这个行业会急需人才。 (basis; need n) Based on the present economic situation, he predicts that this business will in be great need of talents. 102. 这个研究小组向我们保证有能力评估这次旱灾对人们生活造成的损失。 (assure) This research group assured us that they have the ability to /us of their ability to assess the losses caused to people’s life by the drought. 103. 这个包含客户服务与管理的培训计划将有助于员工胜任他们的工作。 (qualify) This training programme involving customer service and management will help to qualify the employees for their jobs. 104. 他们几乎不考虑让他们的儿子去上这种无价值的培训课程。 (Barely。。, enroll) 。 Barely do they consider having their son enroll in such valueless training courses. 105. 我认为你老抱怨老师工作苦收入低是没有用的。 (keep) I think it no use your keeping complaining about hard work and low pay/income.. 106. 经过再三考虑,我决定退出比赛。(thought) On second thoughts, I decided to withdraw from the match. 107. 他失望地发现在上周的会上提出的要求遭到了拒绝。 ( urn) He was disappointed to find the demand he made at the meeting last week turned down./ To his disappointment, he found… 108. 不管你介意与否,我们有必要分析一下这个试验失败的原因。 reason) ( Whether you mind or not, it’s necessary for us to analyze the reason for the failure of the test. 109. 这次试验会产生什么结果以后见分晓。 (remain) What result this test will bring about remains to be seen. 110. 病人对治疗未见反应,这表明药对他可能是弊多利少。 (respond) The patient didn’t respond to the treatment, which indicates/ suggests that the medicine might have done more harm than good to him. 111. 大病初愈,你最好还是做一些适度的运动。 (recover) Since you’ve just recovered from the serious disease, you may as well take some moderate exercise. 112. 不管我们今后在人生道路上遇到多大的困难, 只要我们采取乐观的态度就一定能克服 它 们。(attitude) Whatever great difficulties we may meet with in our life in the future, we are sure to overcome them as long as we have an optimistic attitude toward them. 113. 根据一项涉及 200 个病人的新调查, 研究人员建议医生要加强与病人的互动。 (involve) Based on a new survey involving 200 patients, the researchers suggest that doctors should strengthen their interactions with patients. 114. 上海市政府采取的一系列措施肯定会为下个月即将举办的世博会增光添彩。 (add) A series of measures the Shanghai government has taken will surely add charm to the World Expo to be held next week. 115. 他向法庭隐瞒资金来源以逃避惩罚和承担责任。 (purpose) He concealed the source of funds from the court for the purpose of escaping punishment and responsibility. 116. 相比于待在家无所事事,我更愿意参加各项对身心健康有益的活动。 (prefer) I prefer to take part in all kinds of activities beneficial to physical and mental health rather than stay at home doing nothing. 117. 虽然他的努力成了泡影,但他并没有灰心。 (result from) Though nothing results from his efforts, he didn’t lose heart. 118. 狼与狗外表很相似,但他们是生活在野外靠捕食如老鼠,兔子和鹿等哺乳动物。 (resemble) Wolves resemble dogs in appearance, but they live in the wild and prey on mammals such as rats, rabbits and deer. 119. 通过当志愿者,我们有机会去发展生存技能和获得实际经历。 (by) By working as volunteers, we have opportunities to develop survival skills and gain/acquire practical experiences. 120. 用你珍贵的时间去帮助那些有难的人是值得我们的努力的。 (worth;devote) It’s worth our efforts to devote our precious time to helping those who are in trouble./ Devoting our… is worth our efforts. 121. 毫无疑问, 禁烟令的引入获得了那些一直抵制在办公室吸烟的员工的强烈支持。 (resist) There is no doubt that the introduction of the ban on smoking won firm/strong support from those who have been resisting/fighting against smoking in the office. 122. 考虑到学生不能合理使用零花钱,他提出一个建议请教授给学生做理财问题的讲座。 (invite) Considering that students can’t make proper use of their pocket money, he put forward/raised/made a suggestion that a professor should be invited to give the students a lecture on money management. 123. 掌握足够的文化背景知识和了解文化的差异有助于我们理解不同国家人的言语行为, 避免文化冲突。 (interpret) Having adequate background knowledge and learning about the cultural differences can help us interpret the speech and behavior of different people in different countries so as to avoid cultural shocks. 124. 这 个 最 近 发 展 的 科 学 分 支 有 利 用 生 物 的 许 多 特 殊 功 能 来 改 善 人 们 生 活 的 潜 力 。 (potential) This newly developed branch of science has the potential for making use of many functions of living things to improve people’s life. 125. 年轻人越接触财经议题,他们就对理财越有意识,也就越有责任感。 (The more…, the more…) The more exposed to financial issues young people are, the more conscious they are of money management and the better sense of responsibility they have. 126. 说实话,他根本不知道自己卷入这起银行抢劫案中。 (ignorant) To tell the truth, he is totally ignorant of being involved in this bank robbery. 127. 说到理财,很多接受调查的学生认为这是与自己无关的事。 (nothing) When it comes to money management, many students surveyed think it has nothing to do with them. 128. 不要总是依赖老师和家长去解决学习和生活中遇到的困难。 (rely) Don’t always rely on teachers and parents to solve difficulties you meet with in your study and life. 129. 我们惊奇地看到我国西部发生着巨大的变化。(place) We are surprised to see great changes are taking place in the western part of our country. 130. 广告上说,吃一块这种饼干相当于喝两杯牛奶。(compare) According to the advertisement, eating a biscuit of this sort can be compared to drinking two glasses of milk. 131. 直到二次大战结束他才回去继续他在核能方面的研究。(Not until…) Not until the Second World War ended /was over did he go on with his research on nuclear energy. 132. 没过多久我就发现他不是一个容易打交道的人。(It….) It was not long that I found he was not a person easy to deal with/him not easy to deal with. 133. 这个讲座的目的不仅是要告诉学生吸烟的危害,还要鼓励他们以健康的方式生活。 (purpose) The purpose of this lecture is not only to tell students about the danger /risks/harm of smoking but also to encourage them to live in a healthy way. 134. 他的学习没有取得进步的原因是他总是避开问题而不是迎难而上。 (The reason…) The reason why he didn’t make progress in his study is that he always avoided problems instead of facing up to difficulties/go forward despite difficulties.. 135. 数以千计的科学家为神州 7 号的成功发射作出了巨大的贡献,这是有目共睹的。 (It…) It is obvious to all that thousands of scientists have made great contributions to the successful launch of Shenzhou 7. 136. 随着手机越来越流行,人们更乐于用手机短信传递祝福。(prefer) With the growing popularity of mobile phones, people prefer to send their wishes by means of text messages. 137. 那些流感患者必须立刻送往就近医院于他人隔离开来。(infect) Those patients infected with/suffering from the flu should be sent/taken to the nearby hospitals so as to be separated/isolated from others. 138. 历经磨难,他对人生依然十分积极,这令人肃然起敬。(despite) Despite many hardships, he is still positive about life, which wins people’s respect.. 139. 一旦你养成说英语的习惯,你就会纳闷,以前究竟怕什么。(Once) Once you’ve formed the habit of speaking English, you will wonder what on earth you were afraid of in the past. 140. 经过两个小时的讨论,他们得出结论,即必须向经理投诉这件事,不管多麻烦。 (conclusion) After a two-hour discussion, they drew a conclusion that they must complain to the manage about it however troublesome it is. 141. 记住:在这个课程中你所获得的基本急救技能会使你受益匪浅。 ( acquire) Bear in mind that the basic first aid techniques/skills you acquire in this course will benefit you a lot. 142. 数据显示在金融危机期间需要助学贷款完成大学教育的学生人数是两年前的 4 倍。 ) ( Statistics reveal that during the financial crisis the number of students who need student loan to complete their college education is 4 times that of two years ago. 143. 尽管付出的努力不可估量, 但那些偏远山城已经开通火车这个好消息仍让当地的人们感 到欣慰无比。 (accessible) Although the efforts made are beyond measure, the good news that those remote areas are accessible to trains makes the local people much relieved. 144. 任何犯错误的人,只要他不讳疾忌医,我们都要帮助他。 (as long as) No matter who has made a mistake, we should help him as long as he doesn’t hide his sickness for fear of treatment. 145. 当那家公司登广告招聘秘书时,很多年龄 20~30 之间的年轻人前来求职。 (range) When that company advertise for a secretary, many young people ranging from 20 to 30 in age came to apply for the job. 146. 这种药没有广告宣称的那么有效,服用之后丝毫没有减轻我的咳嗽。 (relieve) This medicine wasn’t as effective as the advertisement claimed, because it didn’t relieve my cough at all after I took it. 147. 这个国家经常卷入战争,这是它极度贫困的原因。 (involve) This country is often involved in war, which the reason for its extreme poverty. 148. 如果每个公民无视法律,那么这个国家的法制就会崩溃。(break) If every citizen ignores the law, the law and order of this country will break down. 149. 由缺乏交流所引起的误解如果得不到妥善处理,可能会导致严重的问题。(arise) Misunderstandings arising from lack of communication may lead to serious problems unless handled properly. 150. 很多专家对这个事实达成共识:良好的家庭教育是孩子成长和发展的关键所在。(lie) Many experts agree on the fact that good education is what children’s growth and development lie in/ where … lie. 151. 管理信息系统通过使公司能够收集和分析信息的方式, 在供应链的各个环节起到了重要 作用。(enable) The information management system plays an important role in every stage of chain supply by enabling the company to collect and analyze information. 152. 据报道这颗人造卫星是专门用于军事和政治目的的。(intend) This man-made satellite is reported to be intended for military and political purposes. 153. 父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育.(provide) Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with the effective education suitable for their ages. 154. 在市场上能买到那么多品种丰富的由再生纸制作的贺卡,以至于你会有很多想法可供 选择。 (available) Such a variety of greeting cards made from recycled paper are available on the market that you will have many ideas to choose from. 155. 被调查的学生被要求按照重要性来给这些学科划分等级。 (rate) The students surveyed were required to rate the subjects according to their importance. 156. 希望游客在参观世博会时要遵守以下须知以免带来不必要的麻烦。 (expect) The visitors are expected to follow the following rules while visiting the World Expo in case unnecessary troubles are caused. 157. 这个心理学教授给我们推荐了很多减压的方法,其中的一些的确很管用。 (定从) This psychology professor has recommended us many ways of relieving/ease pressure, of which some really work well. 158. 相似的海外留学经历使我能认同他们所作的选择。 (indentify) Similar experiences of studying overseas makes me identify with the choices they have made. 159. 他不能适应新的学习环境主要是由于他年龄太小了。 (due) His failure to adapt to the new learning environment is mainly due to his young age. 160. 正如首相所说的那样, 我们两国之间的关系的促进将有助于为新的挑战作出调整。 (put) As the Prime Minister has put it, the promotion of the relations between our two countries will help to adjust to the new challenges. 161. 虽然招聘市场有一点拥挤,但大学毕业生所能得到的机会肯定会弥补这种不适。 (available) Although the job market is a bit crowded, the opportunities available to the college graduates are sure to make up for this discomfort. 162. 如果我有机会重新选择的话,我会请教专家因为我不打算犯相似的错误。 (intention) If I had the chance to make another choice, I would consult specialists as I don’t have the intention to make/of making similar mistakes. 163. 在签订合同以前,我们必须仔细阅读条款以便意识到可能的后果。 (conscious) Before signing the contract, we must read the items carefully so as to become conscious of possible consequences 164. 调查显示今秋入学的大学生会考虑会给他们带来稳定职业的专业。 (enroll) The survey reveals that the college students who will enroll in universities this fall will consider the majors which will bring them stable careers. 165. 正如报告中所指出的那样, 这是第一次在发展中国家举办世博会, 因此必定会给各国领 导和游客留下难忘的印象。 (impression) As has been pointed out in the report, this is the first time that the World Expo has been held in a developing country, so it will definitely leave an unforgettable impression on the leaders and visitors from different countries. 166. 世博会上所展出的科学技术反映了人类对于智慧,创新和美好生活的追求。 (pursuit) The science and technology that the World Expo has exhibited/demonstrated/displayed reflect people’s pursuit of wisdom, creativity and a beautiful life. 167. 为了掌握一门外语,应该提供学习者尽量多的机会来接触这个目标语言。 ( expose) To have a good command of a foreign language, learners should be provided as many opportunities as possible to be exposed to this target language 168. 学 生 们 对 这 位 作 家 如 何 设 法 在 一 年 半 内 完 成 两 部 如 此 受 欢 迎 的 小 说 感 到 好 奇 。 (manage) The students are curious about how the writer managed to complete two novels which are so popular within a year and a half/ one and a half years. 169. 听说他们十年的努力之后终于圆了冠军梦的时候,我不由得钦佩他们的勇气与毅力。 (but) When I heard that they had eventually realized their dream of winning the championship after 10 years’ hard work, I could not but admire their courage and perseverance. 170. 他在大会上提出的削减核武器的提议值得认真考虑。 ( account) The proposal he made at the meeting that nuclear weapons should be cut down is worth taking into serious account. 171. 我觉穿着牛仔裤和 T 恤出席毕业典礼上是不合适的。 (turn) I feel it inappropriate to turn up at the graduation ceremony in jeans and T-shirts. 172. 只有通过批判性思维我们的分析和解决问题的能力才会得到提高。 (Only) Only through critical thinking will our ability to analyze and solve problems be improved. 173. 在一个建筑师的帮助下,孩子们在设计未来的大楼时充分发挥了自己的想象力。 (aid) With the aid of an architect, the children developed their imagination to the full when designing future buildings. 174. 不可否认智力是与生俱来的东西,但是我们也应牢记勤能补拙。 (mind) There is no denying that intelligence is what people are born with, but we should also bear in mind that diligence makes up for lack of intelligence. 175. 严格而言,这个画展旨在为遭受干旱的灾民募捐善款以帮助他们度过难关。 (design) Strictly speaking, this art show is designed to collect funds for the drought victims in order to help them overcome the difficulty/pull through the difficulty. 176. Peter 的茄克衫看起来和 Bob 的一样,但价格是他的两倍/价格相对昂贵。 (as) Peter’s jacket looks the same as Bob’s, but it costs twice as much/it is relatively expensive. 177. 虽然地震所带来的损失难以估量,但我们有信心恢复生产重建家园。 (confidence) Although the losses caused by the earthquake are beyond measure, we have confidence in restoring our production and rebuilding our homeland 178. 这些年轻人经济上依赖家长的日子一去不复返了,这让他们感到自豪。 (Gone。。 。) Gone are the days when they were dependent on their parents financially, which made them feel proud. 179. 是均衡的饮食适度的运动和良好的心态解释了人们生理和心理的健康的原因。 (It is…;account) It is a balanced diet, moderate exercise and a good state of mind that accounts for people’s physical and mental health. (account) 180. 据估计欧洲的公司占了很大比例的市场份额。 It is estimated that European companies account for a large proportion of the market share. 181. 智者往往善于未雨绸缪, 根据情况变化随时调整. (expert) A man of wisdom is often (an) expert in expecting the unexpected, and adjusts himself to the changing situations from time to time. 182. 如果方便的话,请帮我从邮局取回包裹。 (convenient) If (it is) convenient, please fetch me the parcel from the post office/ please go to the post office and fetch me the parcel. 183. 仅仅有出色的记忆力还不足以使他成为一位伟大的指挥家。 (make) The fact that he had a marvelous memory alone did not / could not make him a great conductor / could not make a great conductor of him. 184. 你的遗传基因信息使你长成现在你的模样,这早已是确立的科学事实。 (what) Your genetic information makes you what you look like now, which is an established scientific fact. 185. 据称心理学在医学领域里有新的应用, 这激起了我对相关报道的好奇心。 (application) It is claimed that psychology has a new application in the field of medicine/ medical science, which has aroused / stimulated my curiosity about relevant reports. 186. 要是队员之间没有加强了配合,我校篮球队不可能在决赛中战胜对手的。 (strengthen ) Had it not been for the fact that the team members strengthened their cooperation/cooperated better with each other, our school basketball team couldn’t have beaten the opponents in the final. 187. 我们已经形成惯例, 凡事一定先集思广益,然后再做出最终结论。 (rule) We have made it a rule that we will gather/ collect our thoughts and have further discussions before we draw/make a final conclusion. 188. 为确保每位乘客的安全, 在汽车停稳之前,请乘客们不要离开座位。(remain) To see to/ensure the safety of everyone, passengers are required to remain seated until the bus has come to a complete/full stop. 189. 在新加坡,不按时交所得税的人将遭到罚款,甚至被送进监狱. ( be to ) In Singapore, whoever does not pay his income tax in time is to be fined, or even put into/sent to prison. 190. 近年来, 随着生活水平的提高和车价的下跌, 购买私家车的趋势在逐年上升。 (tendency) In recent years, with the rise of the living standard and the drop/decline in car prices, there is an annual increasing tendency of buying private cars. 191. 现在请求例外毫无意义,我早就通知过你带好身份证,否则别想进入大楼. (inaccessible) There’s no point/sense in asking for / begging for an exception now, for I have informed you that you should take your ID card /with you, otherwise the building is inaccessible to you. 192. 这家厂生产的电脑质量好,在海内外皆有口皆碑, 所以销售额才能以每年 5%的速度增 长。(guarantee;enjoy) The quality of the computers produced/manufactured by that factory are guaranteed, and has earned/has won / has a good reputation at home and abroad so the sales of the factory can enjoy an annual growth of 5%. 193. 毫无疑问,将采取一切可能的措施来防止流感的蔓延, 保障市民不受其威胁 ( free) Undoubtedly, every possible measure will be taken to prevent the spread of the flu to ensure that the citizens are free from its threats. 194. 正如从以上例子中可以看到的那样,用和平方式解决纠纷比用暴力方式明智得多。 (As…) As can be seen from the above example, it’s much wiser to solve disputes in a peaceful way than in a violent way. 195. 如遇紧急情况,要保持镇静,不要恐慌,这样你才会对此作出适当的反应。 (case) In case of emergency, keep calm and don’t panic so that you can react to it properly/appropriately. 196. 你不一定要认同所有人的观点, 但你必须尊重每个对讨论作出贡献的成员。 (contribute) You don’t necessarily identify with everyone’s opinions, but you must show respect for the members who have contributed to the discussion. 197. 在上海这样的大城市上下班高峰堵车是常有的, 至今还未制定有效的措施来缓解交通压 力。 (occur) In a big city like Shanghai, traffic jams often occur in the rush hour, and so far no effective measures have been worked out to ease the traffic pressure. 198. 现代科技使人类有可能在太空中追踪和预测通讯卫星和军事卫星的活动。 (possible) Modern science and technology makes it possible for man to predict and track the movements of communication and military satellites. 199. 不可避免的是,当你对别人严格的时候,你可能无意中得罪了对方。 (It…) It is inevitable that when you are strict with others, you may have offended them without knowing it. 200. 这个纪念碑是为纪念在那场森林大火中为救被困居民而献身的消防队员而建造的。 (memory) This monument was built in memory of the fire fighters who sacrificed their lives/lost their lives when rescuing the residents trapped in the fire. 201. 大家普遍认为校服的引进有助于减少校园暴力, 促进安全和纪律, 改善学生的学术表现。 (It…) It is generally accepted that the introduction of school uniforms helps to reduce school violence, promote safety and discipline and improve students’ academic performance. 202. 在很多方面世博会与奥运会同等重要,因为他们都需要全世界各国人民的参与和合作。 ( involve) In many aspects, the World Expo and the Olympic Games are equally important/of equal importance in that both of them involve the participation and cooperation of the people all over the world. 203. 一放学,我就迫不及待地要把我在学校艺术节上获奖的好消息以短信的形式告诉了父 母。 (wait, form) As soon as school was over, I couldn’t wait to tell my parents the news in the form of text message that I had been awarded a prize at the school art festival. 204. 他从他的祖父那里继承了一大笔钱,其中的 30%他捐给了慈善。 (定从) He inherited a large sum of money from his grandfather, 30% of which/ of which 30% has been donated to charity. 205. 由于矿难的频发,有必要呼吁当地政府加强矿井作业的安全教育。 (appeal;operation) Due to the frequent occurrences of mine disasters, it is necessary to appeal to the local government to strengthen the safety education of mine production. 206. 自从小学起他就养成了写日记的习惯,这他认为对他写作生涯有很大的益处。 (定从; beneficial) Since he was in primary school, he has formed the habit of keeping a diary, which he thinks has been very beneficial to his writing career. 207. 自主学习使你能根据你的生活方式调整你的学习, 这得到了想继续教育的成人的欢迎。 (tailor) Independent learning enables you to tailor your study to your lifestyle, which is popular with those adults who want to further their education. 208. 如果你计划去度假,你有必要为你不在期间的工作做好安排。 ( arrangement) If you plan for a vacation, it is necessary for you to make arrangements for the work during your absence. 209. 试用一下这个装置,你会发现它在消除有毒气味方面难以置信地有效。 (adv.+adj) Try out this device, and you will find it unbelievably effective in disposing of/getting rid of /eliminating poisonous gases. 210. 音乐疗法能提升病人的情绪,减缓抑郁的症状,尤其是在病人从手术中恢复时。 (recover) Music therapy can elevate/improve patients’ moods and relieve the symptoms of depression, especially when they are recovering from operations. 211. 在上周举行的学校艺术节上, 学生们展示了各种才艺如演奏乐器, 舞蹈, 书法, 武术等。 (talent) At the school art festival held last week, the students presented/demonstrated all kinds of talents such as playing musical instruments, dancing, calligraphy and martial arts. 212. 作为对他们及时帮助的回报,博物馆给了他们免费入馆的权利。 ( entitle) In return for their timely assistance, the museum entitled them to free admission. 213. 在全球金融危机期间, 为了度过暂时的难关, 许多公司只得通过裁员来紧缩开支。 (cut) During the global financial crisis, in order to overcome the temporary difficulties, many companies had to cut down their expenses by laying off some employees. 214. 食品价格的持续上涨很大程度上反映了自然灾害对农业生产的巨大影响。 (adv.+v; effect) The increasingly rising food prices/ The increasing rise of food prices largely reflect the effect of natural disasters on agricultural production. 215. 问题是如何才能使语音会议更好地替代传统会议而不是单纯地摆脱那些显而易见毫无 成效的会议。 (adv.+ adj./v.) The problem is how to make voice conferences better substitute for conventional meetings rather than merely get rid of those apparently unproductive meetings. 216. 他本来打算出于好心想帮我提包, 结果错拎了别人的包. ( out of) He had meant to help me carry the bag out of kindness, but took someone else’s by mistake. 217. F 师建议学 们 这 诗 为 来 赏 句 理解. ( as a whole) The teacher suggested that the students appreciate the poem as a whole rather than interpret it sentence by sentence. 218. 这 看见 刊 来,这令他振作起来,坚定了要当作家的决心。 (in print) It was the first time that he had seen his article in print,which made him cheer up and strengthened his determination to become a writer. 219. 目前要跟踪人们在手机里的通话内容技术上是不可能的。 (adv.+adj.) At present it is technically impossible to keep track of what people say on their mobile phones. 220. 随着对于纸张需求的上涨, 大量的树木被砍伐, 这导致了自然资源的丢失和野生动植物 的灭种。 (demand;contribute 定从) With the growing demand for paper, large quantities of trees are cut down, which contributes to the loss of natural resources and the extinction of wildlife. 221. 上个月在幼儿园发生的安全问题引起了大家对于校园安全的高度关注。 (concern) The security problems which occurred in kindergarten last month aroused people’s great concern about school safety. 222. 英美英语发音和拼写上是有微小差异的。 ( difference 各一) British English is slightly different from American English in pronunciation and spelling. There is slight difference between…and… in pronunciation and…. 223. 全球变暖的问题正威胁着人类赖以生存的地球,因此我们应倡导(advocate)低碳生活的 概念。 (定从) The problem of global warming is threatening the earth on which we rely for survival, for which reason we should advocate the concept of low-carbon life. 224. 森林地带严禁吸烟与生火。 (adv.+v; cigarette) Smoking cigarettes and making fires are strictly forbidden in forest areas. 225. 我们已经得到可靠消息: 即将出台的新政策会有效地抑制疯长的房价。 (adv.+ inform) We have been reliably informed that the new policy to be adopted will restrict the soaring/boosting prices of houses. 226. 去年暑假他们去了海南岛旅游, 在哪儿他们拍了很多壮观的日出和日落的照片。 (定从) Last summer vacation, they went on a trip to Hainan Island, where they took many photos of marvelous sunrises and sunsets. 227. 由于这些偏远地区不通汽车, 这些孩子不管严寒与酷暑不得不每天步行到 5 公里以外的 学校去上学。 (inaccessible) Because these remote areas are inaccessible to traffic, these children have to walk to the school 5 kilometres away every day despite bitter cold and severe heat.. 228. 当我走近他时,他假装在看书,显然表明他还在生我的气。 (pretend) When I walked close to him, he pretended to be reading a book, which obviously indicates that he was still angry with me. 229. 那些遭受贫困暴力和种族歧视的黑人小孩很不情愿跟经常欺负他们的白人同学合作。 (reluctant) Those black children suffering from poverty, violence and racial discrimination were reluctant to cooperate with the white classmates who often bullied them. 230. 由于他固执己见,无视专家的忠告,这个试验以失败而告终。 (end) As he stuck to his own opinions and ignored the expert’s advice, the test ended up in failure. 231. 在上课时去争论这次尝试的失败该责备谁毫无意义。 (sense) There is no sense in arguing about who is to blame for the failure of this attempt in class. 232. 你能理解安装这个电脑桌的说明吗?(sense ) Can you make sense of the instructions for fixing this computer desk? 233. 在这种情况下,他们只得对这个暂时的解决失业的方法作出妥协。 (give) In this case, they had no choice but to give in to the temporary solutions to unemployment? 234. 请不要在这种场合问陌生人类似的敏感问题,否则他们会感到窘迫。 (otherwise) Please don’t ask strangers similar sensitive questions on such occasions, otherwise they will feel embarrassed. 235. 尽管周到的服务让我无拘无束,但我还是情不自禁地想念我的家乡。 ( resist) Although the considerate service put me at ease, I couldn’t resist missing my hometown. 236. 如果你能提供给我们图书馆里得不到的相关资料,我将不胜感激。 (unavailable) I would appreciate it if you could provide us with the related materials unavailable in the library. 237. 他不想冒犯你,但你提及的往事无疑造成了不愉快的误解。(adv.+v;refer) He didn’t mean/intend to offend you, but the past experience you referred to undoubtedly caused unpleasant misunderstandings. 238. 你的建议听起来很合理,但是否能付诸实践是个疑问。(question) Your suggestion sounds reasonable, but whether it can be put into practice is still a question. 239. 从他的学历和工作经验来看, 他似乎是这个岗位的最佳人选, 所以我们没有理由将它拒 之门外。 (right) Judging from his academic degree and working experience, he seems to be the right person for the job, so we have no reason to reject him/turn him down. 240. 有关自己学校里发生的各种事情,大多数同学都热心在网上参加讨论。(discussion) Most students are keen to participate in the discussions on the Internet about what has happened in their own schools. 241. 听到他获奖的好消息,我们一点也不惊讶,因为他的成功是预料之中的。 (award) Hearing the good news that he had been awarded a prize, we were not surprised at all, for his success was what we had expected. 242. 新落成的教学大楼将以那位卓越的科学家的名字来命名,来纪念他举世无双的成就。 (name) The newly-built teaching building will be named after the distinguished scientist in honor of his unique achievements. 243. 多数科学家宁可默默无闻也不愿参加与自己专业无关的商业活动。(rather …than)) Most scientists would rather remain unknown than participate in the commercial activities that had nothing to do with their majors. 244. 这些由志愿者组成的非盈利组织致力于如贫困, 饥饿, 污染的目标问题来引起大家对常 见社会问题的关注。 (concern) These non-profit organizations made up of/ consisting of/composed of volunteers are devoted to target issues such as poverty, hunger and pollution in order to arouse everyone’s concern about common social problems. 245. 如今很多都市人在假期都选择去乡村地区旅游,为了欣赏自然风景和远离污染和喧嚣。 (choose) Many people in urban areas choose to take trips to the rural areas in order to enjoy natural scenery and get away from noise and pollution. 246. 温室效应是大自然给人类的警告,如果我们无视这个警告,将给我们的地球造成灾难 性的后果。 (定从) Greenhouse effect is a warning given to man by nature, which will cause disastrous consequences if we ignore it. 247. 大学毕业后你是出国深造还是找一份合适的工作很大程度上取决于你对个人发展的期 望。 (adv.+v; expectation) Whether to further your study abroad or find a suitable job after graduation largely depends on your expectation of your personal development. 248. 在跟这个杰出的学者交流看法时, 我强烈的感受到是求知欲和对研究的热情导致了他的 成就。 (adv.+v; contribute) When exchanging ideas with the distinguished scholar, I feel strongly that it was his desire for knowledge and passion for research that contributed to his achievements. 249. 虽然我很敬佩他的勇气和毅力,但我不能认同他的对家庭生活的消极态度。 (倒装) Much as I admire his courage and perseverance, I can’t identify with his negative attitude to/toward family life. 250. 他不能总陪伴在他父母的身旁,因为他的工作需要经常出差。 involve) ( He can’t always keep his parents company, for his job involves frequent business trips/ travelling on business frequently. 251. 广告旨在吸引潜在消费者,虽然它们有时是故意误导的。 (adv+ appeal) Advertisements are designed to/aim to appeal to potential consumers, although they are sometimes misleading on purpose/purposely/intentionally. 252. 他把护照忘在家里,真是太粗心了。(careless) It was careless of him to leave his passport at home. 253. 我认为一个城市的形象主要取决于市民的整体素质。(quality) I think the image of a city largely depends on the overall quality of the citizens. 254. 凡是专家都能辨别出这颗钻石是价值连城还是一文不值。(whether) Anyone who is an expert /Whoever is an expert can make out/figure our whether this diamond is priceless/worth a fortune or worthless. 255. 既然选手们已全身心投入比赛,即使结果不尽如人意,你也别对他们所付出的努 力吹毛求疵了。(Since) Since the candidates have devoted all themselves to the match, you shouldn’t find fault with the efforts they have made even if the result is not satisfactory. 256. 结果是制定政策总比执行起来容易。 (It…) It turns out that making a policy is always easier than carrying it out. 257. 你该为跟他吵架向他道歉,因为是你误解了他的意图。 ( apologize) You are supposed to apologize to him because it was you who misunderstood his intention. 258. 在 飞 行 中 不 管 什 么 时 候麻 烦 尽 管 向 空 中 小 姐 求助 , 因 为 她 们 都 受 过 专业 培 训 。 (hesitate) Don’t hesitate to turn to the hostess for assistance whenever you are in trouble during the flight, because they have received professional training. 259. 政府规定在郊区剩下的森林地带不得用于建造房屋。 (remain 非谓语) The government makes it a rule not to put up buildings in the forest areas remaining in the suburbs. 260. 这部新发行的电影所讲述的内容与目前大家关注的问题有关。 (relevant) What the newly-released film deals with/tells about is relevant to the problem everyone is concerned about at present. 261. 在我 18 岁生日那天我最想收到的礼物是一张我渴望已久的去埃及的来回机票。dream) ( The gift/present I desire to receive most on my eighteenth birthday is a return ticket to Egypt which I have been dreaming of for a long time. 262. 不管他做错了什么,他不该受如此严厉的惩罚,他毕竟还是个小孩。 (deserve) Whatever he has done wrong, he doesn’t deserve such severe punishment, for after all he is still a child. 263. 他假装把时装表演票弄丢了跟我开了个玩笑。 (by) He played a joke on me by pretending he had lost the ticket for the fashion show. 264. 复印机出故障了,你能把卡在里面的纸移走吗?(remove) The copy machine is out of order, and can you remove the paper stuck in it? 265. 他们在女生宿舍的门口竖起了一个招牌,上面写着: “油漆未干”(定从) 。 They put up a sign at the gate of the girls’ dormitory, which said/ on which were written: “Wet Paint” 。 266. 参加宴会的来宾要求在接待处登记姓名。 (register) The guests to the banquet were required to register their names at the reception desk. 267. 费用总共为 30 美元,包括邮资和投递保险。 (add) The cost added up to 30 dollars, including the postage and delivery insurance. 268. 这个公司被起诉强迫员工加班和非法克扣员工工资。 (accuse) The company was accused of forcing the employees to work over time and reducing their wages/pay illegally. 269. 目击者说那辆卡车在收集好垃圾后就朝相反方向开走了。 (direction) The witness said that the truck went in the opposite direction after collecting baggage.. 270. 无论你是用平邮还是挂号寄包裹,要一周才会到目的地。 (until) Whether you send the package by ordinary mail or registered mail, it won’t arrive at the destination until a week later. 271. 我非常感谢父母把我抚养长大, 既然我现在已经长大,为了减轻他们的经济负担,我不 能事事依赖他们。 (oblige) I’m much obliged to my parents for bringing me up, and since I have grown up now, I can’t rely on them for everything in order to reduce their financial burdens. 272. 他们有可能上法庭起诉我们不遵守合同吗?(likely 2 种) Are they likely to go to court to charge us with not observing the contract? Is it likely that they will go to court….? (possible/possibility) 273. 据说他们制定了一个长期计划,但我对此知之甚少。 (know) It is said that they have made a long-term plan, but I know little about it. 274. 一些人写博客自娱或当作嗜好,而另一些人写博赚钱或出于商业目的。 (while) Some people write blog for fun/pleasure or as a hobby, while others blog to make money or for business purposes. 275. 你是否应该尽快就你去哪里度假作出最终的决定呢?(decision) Should you make a final decision about where you will go for your holiday/vacation as soon as possible? 276. 我在 20 岁生日那天收到了各式礼物,其中有手表,贺卡,笔记本等。/其中我最喜欢的 是一本带锁的笔记本。 (定从) th On my 20 birthday, I received a variety of presents, among which were watches, greeting cards and notebooks./of which I like the notebook with the lock best. 277. 这个宾馆的基础设施堪称一流,还有免费的早餐供应。 (consider) The basic facilities in this hotel are considered to be second to none/first-class, and free breakfast is also provided/served. 278. 直到古建筑遭到破坏,当地政府才开始认真考虑对文化景点的保护。 (suffer) The local government didn’t start to consider/think about the protection of cultural spots seriously until the ancient structures/building suffered damage. 279. 只要你从挫折中吸取教训,并虚心向他人请教,你就一定能从失败的阴影中走出来。 (sure) As/So long as you draw/learn a lesson from the setback and turn to others for advice modestly, you are sure to walk out of the shadow of your failure. 280. 赡养老人是我们应尽的责任,也是我们中国人的优良品质之一。 (as well as) Supporting/Providing for the old is one of the fine qualities of us Chinese people as well as what we should do./our obligation/duty.


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