
&&[by:www.rrting.net - 人人听力网][00:00.00]如果你喜欢人人听力网(),请介绍给更多的同学哦[00:02.680]---【gain】1、 2、 3、to increase.^获得;增加;获利[00:06.720]For a long time, United States voters did not know which candidate gained the presidency.^美国选民们有很长一段时间不知道哪位候选人获得总统职位。[00:17.080]He gained more support by speaking on television.^通过在电视上演说他获得更多的支持。/on television:在电视上播放/[00:24.280]His savings gained 150 dollars in interest.^他的存款获得150美元利息。[00:31.680]---【game】an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports.^游戏,比赛[00:35.560]Our school won the baseball game.^我校赢了这场棒球赛。[00:41.240]---【gas】1、any substance that is 2、any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power.^气体;燃气,燃料[00:45.200]Seventy-eight percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen gas.^大气的百分之七十八是氮气。[00:53.440]Natural gas is used to heat many homes in the United States.^天然气在美国用来给许多民居供暖。[01:01.800]---【gather】1、to bring or come together i 2、to collect.^集合,聚集;采集,收集[01:05.680]They gather at the church every Sunday.^他们每星期天在教堂聚集。[01:11.920]Please help her gather flowers from the garden.^请帮她从花园里采花。/gather from:从…收获/[01:18.280]---【general】1、a
2、 3、affecting or including all or almost all.^将军;一般的;概括性的[01:22.160]The general ordered his forces to attack.^将军命令他的部队进攻。[01:28.640]The senator made a general statement on the proposal, and promised details later.^那个议员就提案作了概括性的陈述,并且答应迟些时候详细说明。[01:37.840]He hopes to change general opinion on the issue.^他希望改变对这个问题的大致的看法。[01:45.160]---【gentle】1、 2、 3、not rough or violent.^温柔的;亲切的;柔和的[01:49.080]She has a gentle voice.^她声音温柔。[01:54.200]He is gentle with children.^他对孩子们亲切。[01:59.440]I gave him a gentle push toward her.^我把他轻轻地推向她。[02:05.160]---【get】1、 2、 3、 4、 5、to become the owner of.^收到;获得;去取;成为;拥有[02:08.960]Did you get the letter I sent to you?^你收到我寄给你的信了吗?[02:14.600]She got a new friend.^她交了一个新朋友。[02:19.400]Please get an apple for me at the food store.^请到食品店给我买一个苹果来。/food store:食品店,食品仓库/[02:25.800]He got sick last night after the party.^昨晚宴会后他生病了。[02:31.720]She got a new car today.^她今天有了一辆新车。[02:37.080]---【gift】something given without cost.^礼品,礼物[02:40.840]He gave her a gift from Japan.^他给了她一件来自日本的礼物。[02:47.000]---【girl】a young female person.^女孩,姑娘[02:50.840]Have you met the new girl in our class?^你有没有见过我们班上新来的女孩?[02:56.760]---【give】to present to another to keep without receiving payment.^给[03:00.480]Her husband gave her a diamond ring for her birthday.^她生日时她丈夫给了她一个钻石戒指。[03:07.760]---【glass】a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids.^玻璃;玻璃杯[03:11.840]The glass broke when it hit the floor.^玻璃杯摔到地板上时破裂了。[03:18.040]---【go】1、to move from
2、to leave.^走(从一处到另一处);离开[03:22.000]We will go home from here.^我们从这回家。[03:27.520]He said he must go at 10 o'clock.^他说他必须在十点离开。[03:33.760]---【goal】1、that toward which a 2、th 3、the end of a trip or race.^目的;目标;目的地[03:37.600]Our goal is to finish this report today.^我们的目的是今天完成报告。[03:44.240]We have several goals for the year.^我们今年有几个目标。[03:50.040]We reached our goal after two days of hard walking.^我们经过两天的艰苦步行之后到达了目的地。[03:57.160]---【god】1、the spirit that is honored as c 2、a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers.^造物主;神[04:01.200]They believe in God.^他们相信上帝。[04:06.040]The ancient Greeks believed in many gods.^古希腊人相信泛神论。[04:12.840]---【gold】a highly valued yellow metal.^黄金,金子[04:16.840]He became rich after finding gold.^在发现金子之后他富了起来。[04:23.280]---【good】1、 2、 3、 4、 5、not bad.^好的;有益的;友善的;正确的;非劣质的[04:27.080]The tea tastes good.^这茶叶味道好。[04:32.120]Your good plans helped us complete the project early.^你的良策有助我们及早完成项目。/good plan:良策/[04:39.480]He was a good person who had many friends.^他为人友善,朋友很多。[04:45.800]She gave good answers to every question on the examination.^她在考试时每个问题都答对了。[04:53.120]This meat looks good, but it smells bad.^肉看上去未变质,但气味很差。[05:00.240]---【goods】things owned or made to be sold.^货物,商品[05:04.240]This store sells sporting goods.^这家商店出售体育用品。[05:10.240]---【govern】1、 2、to rule by military or political power.^控制,管理;统治[05:14.240]Special rules govern the election.^特别法指导选举。/选举适用特别法。[05:20.280]The troubled country is governed by a group of military officers.^那个动乱国家由一群军官统治着。[05:28.120]---【government】1、a 2、the organization of people that rules a country, city or area.^政体;政府[05:32.000]America has a democratic government.^美国是一个民主政体。[05:38.040]The Labor government has survived a political attack by the opposition party.^工党政府顶住了反对党的政治攻击。[05:47.400]---【grain】1、the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, 2、those plants that produce the seeds.^谷物;谷类[05:51.280]I like bread made from several different grains.^我们喜欢用几种不同的谷物做的面包。[05:58.400]The farmer raises two grains, wheat and corn.^那位农民种了两种谷物:小麦和玉米。[06:06.880]---【granddaughter】the daughter of a person's daughter or son.^孙女[06:11.160]My granddaughter is three years old today.^我的孙女今天三周岁。[06:17.520]---【grandfather】the father of a person's father or mother.^爷爷[06:21.840]He became a grandfather when his granddaughter was born.^他孙子出生时他就做了爷爷。[06:28.920]---【grandmother】the mother of a person's father or mother.^奶奶[06:33.160]She plans to visit her grandmother.^她计划去探望她奶奶。[06:38.640]---【grandson】the son of a person's daughter or son.^孙子[06:42.880]The old woman had many grandsons.^那位老妇人有很多孙子。[06:48.680]---【grass】a plant with long, narrow, green leaves.^草[06:52.520]He asked his grandson to cut the grass in his yard.^他叫孙子到院子里割草。[07:00.080]---【gray】having the color like that made by mixing black and white.^灰色的[07:04.000]Gray clouds filled the sky.^天空布满了灰色的云彩。[07:10.000]---【great】1、very large or more than usu 2、 3、important.^数量或形状上巨大的;非常好的;重要的[07:13.720]A great many people around the world watched on television as the astronaut stepped onto the moon's surface.^全世界有很多很多人在电视上看着宇航员迈步走向月球表面。[07:26.040]He was a great President.^他是一位非常好的总统。[07:30.760]I like to read about the great heroes of history.^我喜欢读有关历史上的大英雄的书。[07:37.720]---【green】1、having the color like that made by mi 2、having the color like that of growing leaves and grass.^绿色的;青色的[07:41.680]Mixing blue and yellow paint produces green paint.^蓝黄两色混合后产生绿色。[07:49.480]Rain has made the trees especially green this year.^今年的雨水使得树木格外青翠。[07:57.160]---【grind】to reduce to small pieces by crushing.^研磨[08:01.320]Many people grind coffee beans each morning to make coffee.^许多人每天早上磨咖啡豆冲咖啡。[08:09.440]---【ground】1、 2、the earth' 3、soil.^土地;地面;土壤[08:13.600]The ground here is very dry.^这里的土地非常干旱。[08:19.680]The airlines plane flew almost nine kilometers above the ground.^那架班机在离地面几乎九千米的上空飞行。[08:28.760]In the spring, farmers prepare the ground for planting crops.^春天,农民整理土壤以种植作物。[08:37.400]---【group】1、a number of peopl 2、a gathering of people working for a common purpose.^一群;一组[08:40.800]That group of houses was built last year.^那一片房子是去年建起来的。[08:47.640]The two groups decided to work together instead of competing with each other.^那两个小组决定合作而不是彼此竞争。[08:56.120]---【grow】1、to deve 2、to increase in size or amount.^生长,成长;增加[09:00.080]That young tree has grown much taller in the past year.^那棵小树去年长得很高。[09:07.520]Higher interest rates made his savings grow even more.^高利率使他的存款增加更多。[09:15.320]---【guarantee】1、 2、to promise that something will happen.^承诺;担保[09:19.800]The company guaranteed it would repair or replace the computer if it broke within two years.^公司承诺维修或更换电脑如果两年内出故障。[09:31.000]The employee guaranteed he would complete the work by the end of the week.^雇员保证在周末完成工作。[09:39.920]---【guard】1、to watch and protect a person, 2、a person or thing that watches or protects.^保护;看守[09:44.000]He guards the president.^他护卫总统。[09:49.040]He is a prison guard.^他是一名监狱看守。[09:54.120]---【guerrilla】a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police.^游击队员[09:57.920]Guerrillas attacked a police station in the town and captured guns and ammunition.^游击队员们袭击了市内的警察局,夺取了武器和弹药。[10:08.320]---【guide】1、 2、 3、one who shows the way.^指引;引导;导游[10:12.480]He offered to guide us to the top of the mountain.^他主动提出带领我们上山顶。[10:18.960]The driver guided his car through the narrow street.^司机操纵着车子穿过狭窄的街道。[10:26.600]Our guide spent the day showing us the city.^导游一整天领着我们观光城市。[10:33.560]---【guilty】1、having done something wrong or i 2、responsible for a bad action.^有罪的;内疚[10:37.360]The court found him guilty of stealing a car.^法庭判决他犯了盗窃汽车罪。[10:44.320]She felt guilty because she did not call her mother.^她因没有打电话给母亲而内疚。[10:51.320]---【gun】a weapon that shoots bullets.^枪[10:55.240]Is it legal to own a gun in your country?^在你的国家持枪合法吗?[10:58.800]--- end
&&&&&&&&&&Helen Keller(VOA慢速英语听力原文)
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This is the VOA Special English Health Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。
Tobacco companies are fighting efforts in the United States and Australia to make their products less appealing.烟草公司正就美国与澳大利亚推出的旨在使其产品缺乏吸引力的措施进行抗争。
In Washington, a federal judge last week blocked the Food and Drug Administration from requiring new warning labels on cigarette packs. Judge Richard Leon ruled in a case brought by five tobacco companies.在华盛顿,一名联邦法官上周驳回了美国食品和药品管理局提出的在烟盒上印制新警示标识的要求。在5家烟草公司提起的一项诉讼中,法官理查德?莱昂(Richard Leon)做出了以上裁决。
The judge temporarily stopped a new federal rule to require large new warnings starting next September. These include color images such as a dead body or diseased lungs.这名法官临时叫停了将于明年9月开始实行的要求在烟盒上印制大幅新警示标识的一条新的联邦规定。这些警示标识包括类似尸体或病变的肺等彩色图案。
Simple text warnings now appear.现在展示的是简单的文字警示。
Congress called for color images showing the dangers of smoking, similar to what Canada does. But the tobacco companies say the new requirements approved in June violate their free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution.美国国会呼吁和加拿大类似,在烟盒上印制彩色图案展示吸烟危害。但烟草公司表示,今年六月通过的这项新要求侵犯了其受美国宪法保障的言论自由权。
Judge Leon said the FDA could not require the new labels before a lawsuit against the government is decided. Some experts say the process could take years. The judge said he believes the cigarette makers are highly likely to win their case.莱昂法官表示,在这件对政府的官司判决前,美国食品和药品管理局不能要求烟草公司印制新的警示标识。一些专家认为,这一法律过程可能耗费数年时间。该法官表示,他认为烟草制造商极有可能赢得官司。
He says the images are designed to appeal to emotion, rejecting government arguments that they are purely factual. He accused the government of trying to use the labels to promote an "obvious anti-smoking agenda!"他说,这些警示图案旨在诉诸于情感,否认纯粹是事实的政府争议。他指责政府试图通过使用警示标识来推进一项“明显的反吸烟议程。”
The head of an anti-smoking group, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, called the decision "wrong on the science and wrong on the law."一家名为无烟草青少年运动的反吸烟团体的负责人称该法官的这项决定“在科学和法律上都是错误的。”
About one-fifth of American adults smoke. The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly six million people worldwide each year. More than six hundred thousand of them are non-smokers who breathe other people's tobacco smoke.美国大约1/5的成年人吸烟。世界卫生组织表示,每年全球各地有近600万人因烟草致死,其中超过60万人为吸入二手烟的不吸烟人士。
In Australia, tobacco companies want to stop what would be the world's most restrictive laws on cigarette advertising. Cigarettes could be sold only in plain olive-green packages. Only the brand name and health warnings could appear.在澳大利亚,烟草公司想阻止世界上最严格的香烟广告法律。那就是只能出售纯橄榄绿包装的的香烟,烟盒上只能展示品牌名称和健康警示。
The Senate passed the bill last week and sent it back to the lower house to approve minor amendments. The law is to go into effect in December of next year.澳大利亚参议院上周通过了这一法案,并将其发回众议院审核一些轻微修订。该法案将于明年12月生效。
Tobacco companies say the legislation violates the Australian constitution. They say it would unjustly reduce the value of their brand names and trademarks. Health Minister Nicola Roxon says the government is ready for a legal fight.烟草公司称这项立法违反了澳大利亚宪法。他们说这会不公平地降低其品牌名称和商标的价值。澳大利亚卫生部长尼古拉?洛克森(Nicola Roxon)表示,政府已经做好法律大战的准备。
NICOLA ROXON: "Every time a smoker -- twenty or thirty times a day -- takes a cigarette pack out of their pocket, we want to make sure that all that it's showing is the harm that can be caused from tobacco. This law will be a big win for families who have lost a loved one to tobacco-related illness."洛克森:“每次吸烟者从他们口袋中掏出一盒烟--这个动作每天会重复二三十次。我们要确保烟盒展示的只有烟草造成的危害。这部法律对因为烟草相关疾病失去亲人的家庭来说是一个重大胜利。”
This is the VOA Special English Health Report.Tobacco companies are fighting efforts in the United States and Australia to make their products less appealing.In Washington, a federal judge last week blocked the Food and Drug Administration from requiring new warning labels on cigarette packs. Judge Richard Leon ruled in a case brought by five tobacco companies.The judge temporarily stopped a new federal rule to require large new warnings starting next September. These include color images such as a dead body or diseased lungs.Simple text warnings now appear.Congress called for color images showing the dangers of smoking, similar to what Canada does. But the tobacco companies say the new requirements approved in June violate their free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution.Judge Leon said the FDA could not require the new labels before a lawsuit against the government is decided. Some experts say the process could take years. The judge said he believes the cigarette makers are highly likely to win their case.He says the images are designed to appeal to emotion, rejecting government arguments that they are purely factual. He accused the government of trying to use the labels to promote an "obvious anti-smoking agenda!"The head of an anti-smoking group, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, called the decision "wrong on the science and wrong on the law."About one-fifth of American adults smoke. The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly six million people worldwide each year. More than six hundred thousand of them are non-smokers who breathe other people's tobacco smoke.In Australia, tobacco companies want to stop what would be the world's most restrictive laws on cigarette advertising. Cigarettes could be sold only in plain olive-green packages. Only the brand name and health warnings could appear.The Senate passed the bill last week and sent it back to the lower house to approve minor amendments. The law is to go into effect in December of next year.Tobacco companies say the legislation violates the Australian constitution. They say it would unjustly reduce the value of their brand names and trademarks. Health Minister Nicola Roxon says the government is ready for a legal fight.NICOLA ROXON: "Every time a smoker -- twenty or thirty times a day -- takes a cigarette pack out of their pocket, we want to make sure that all that it's showing is the harm that can be caused from tobacco. This law will be a big win for families who have lost a loved one to tobacco-related illness."And that's the VOA Special English [url=/Health_Report_1.html]Health Report[/url]. I'm Faith Lapidus.
&&&&&&&&&&VOA慢速英语:Growing Chili Peppers: A Heated Subject
By Jerilyn Watson
30 July, 2013
Photo: Getty Images
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Some people say eating hot chili peppers can help you breathe easier if you have a cold. Others believe that chilies give you more energy. All we know is that people have been growing chilies for centuries. And there are plenty of different kinds of chili peppers to choose from, along with different levels of heat.
Want to spice up your meals with homegrown chilies? They need a warm climate. If you plant the seeds outside when the weather is cool, place a glass over them. That will add warmth from the sun and protect them from wind. You can also start the seeds in your home or a greenhouse.
If you plant chili peppers inside, fill an eight-centimeter pot with soil. The pot should have holes in the bottom so water can run out. Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil.
Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite. Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients. Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. Hold the bag in place with a rubber band. Place the pot in a warm area.
When the chilies start growing, take off the bag. When the plants have reached about two centimeters high, place each one carefully in its own eight-centimeter pot.
When the roots show through the holes in the bottom of the pot, transplant each seedling into a twelve-centimeter pot. When the plants are twenty centimeters high, tie the plants to a stick placed in the pot to support them.
When the chili peppers are thirty centimeters high, pinch the tops off with your fingers. That should get new branches to grow. When the first flowers show, give the plants some potash fertilizer. When the weather is warm, put them into five-liter pots and place them outside. Make sure they get a good amount of light and water.
Some people like mild chilies, others like plenty of heat. Some like to harvest the plants when the chilies are green. Others like their chilies red. Either way can give color and taste to many different foods.
And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. You can find more gardening advice and share your own stories from the garden . You can download transcripts and MP3s of all of our programs. You can also find captioned videos of Special English reports at the VOA Learning English channel on YouTube. I'm Steve Ember.
This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Some people say eating hot chili peppers can help you breathe easier if you have a cold. Others believe that chilies give you more energy. All we know is that people have been growing chilies for centuries. And there are plenty of different kinds of chili peppers to choose from, along with different levels of heat.
Want to spice up your meals with homegrown chilies? They need a warm climate. If you plant the seeds outside when the weather is cool, place a glass over them. That will add warmth from the sun and protect them from wind. You can also start the seeds in your home or a greenhouse.
If you plant chili peppers inside, fill an eight-centimeter pot with soil. The pot should have holes in the bottom so water can run out. Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil.
Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite. Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients. Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag. Hold the bag in place with a rubber band. Place the pot in a warm area.
When the chilies start growing, take off the bag. When the plants have reached about two centimeters high, place each one carefully in its own eight-centimeter pot.
When the roots show through the holes in the bottom of the pot, transplant each seedling into a twelve-centimeter pot. When the plants are twenty centimeters high, tie the plants to a stick placed in the pot to support them.
When the chili peppers are thirty centimeters high, pinch the tops off with your fingers. That should get new branches to grow. When the first flowers show, give the plants some potash fertilizer. When the weather is warm, put them into five-liter pots and place them outside. Make sure they get a good amount of light and water.
Some people like mild chilies, others like plenty of heat. Some like to harvest the plants when the chilies are green. Others like their chilies red. Either way can give color and taste to many different foods.
内容来自 听力课堂网:
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