would like缩写的缩写形式是什么?

英国学术论文格式要求  在社会的各个领域,大家都经常看到论文的身影吧,论文是进行各个学术领域研究和描述学术研究成果的一种说理文章。你知道论文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编整理的英国学术论文格式要求,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。  相同之处:  1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍(也有双倍间距的)。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。  2、段落之间空一行,每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。  不同之处:  一、Essay  Essay 的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction),主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的 10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。 但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。  二、Report:  它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。  1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。  2、主体部分:Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion后还有一部分就是recommendations.是对提出的问题的建议。  如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出 规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。  Reference  Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。  1、 不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写;  2、 每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求;  3、 References 的.排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后;  4、 引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用 (作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,只是不需要标注页码;  总之references绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。  另外还有一些更细节的要求,我附在下面,请仔细阅读。  写作注意事项:  1、文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。  2、每段之间空一行,首句不空格  3、避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….  4、避免使用太过生僻的词语,但用词要专业  5、不要从句套从句,句子如果过长,就改成短句,这样意思表达更清楚  6、文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。  7、专业知识和词汇使用要正确  8、文章字数控制在规定字数内,不得多于或少于150  9、举例非常重要,但是要符合论点  10、按照文章要求写,没有要求Abstract或者标题的就不用写。  11、行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman 12pt  12、文章里禁止使用第一人称或第二人称,保持论证的客观性  Reference的重要性:  国外对于版权和他人的知识版权的保护非常重视,如果非法摘抄他人的作品肯能会引起法律责任。  学校会有一个扫描文章系统,收到的文章都要上传到学校的网上然后由工作人员统一进行扫描。扫描系统非常庞大,它连接了各个国家的主要电子图书馆,所以一般你能抄到的东西,他都可以扫描出来,如果扫描结果显示你抄袭的文章字数超过你文章总数的10%,责证明你整篇文章都是抄袭的。比如你文章字数是1000字, 那么如果扫描由101字是抄的。  什么是抄袭?  引用和摘抄他人的idea,文章(就算一句话),没有做references的或者格式错误的reference都算抄袭!  Reference个种类  我们要做的reference有2种,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。写一篇论文,2种reference都要出现,也就是说做完in-text reference,还要做最后的reference list。  Reference的格式  Reference wizard 网站:http://www.stylewizard.com/apa5/apawiz.html  进入个网站,只要按照他要求的内容输入,他的系统会自动生成一个完整的reference,不过那只是reference list,不是in-text reference. In-text reference 还是需要自己完成。另外那个网站只能提供简单格式的reference,复杂的reference还是需要参考英文版文件。  一般来说一份1000字的文章,至少需要8个references,2000字需要12-15个左右,因为国内的英文出版物有限,各位可以到国外大学图书馆的网站上照着相关的书,然后安上去就好了。(关于这个数量问题,根据经验,可以不一定严格要求,但不能太少。一般1000字的写4个或5个,2000 字的写10个左右。当然如果你本来就有这么多个的话就更好了。我这里说的是最少情况)  再次强调!!!引用他人的任何东西一定要做好references!我有同学因为没有写好,论文直接被O分处理了!!!  论文写作要求  格式要求(具体看老师要求,以老师要求为准)  行距: 1.5倍  页边距: Word 默认  字体: Times New Roman  字体大小:12(小四)  标题字体可加粗  每段落之间空一行  每段直接写,无需空格  在每页的右下角插入页数  写作要求  Abstract (序);  1-2段;  字数为文章的的10-15%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么abstract一般写200-300字, 除非特殊要求  Abstract的目的就是让读者知道你的在你的文章里写了些什么;  Abstract的开头要用1-2自己的语言总结和解释文章的题目,简单来说就是用自己的话把文章的题目写一遍  Abstract细节是概括你在你的文章里都写了什么,每个论点就用2-3句话总结;  Abstract的结尾就是写总结和延伸你的所有论点和整个的大标题;  不是每篇作业都要求写abstract,一般情况下都不要求,除非老师特殊写明要写abstract。  Introduction(开头)  字数为文章总数的10%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么introduction一般写200-250字  Introduction只用一段即可,不可以分成2段写  Introduction的第1-2句是解释文章题目,单来说就是用自己的话把文章的题目写一遍  接下来的用2句话左右介绍一下文章题目的背景  Introduction 主要是写你将要在你的文章里写些什么,用2-3句话来概括所有In this easy, firstly, I will discuss…, and then I will…, thirdly, I will…的论点,每个论点用几个词即可,例如:  一般来说,老师给的题目都很宽,可以写很多方面,但是你要选其中一点来写,这样文章才能讨论的深入,如果文章写的很笼统的话,肯定会不合格  Introduction最后不需要总结句  Body(文章的讨论部分,也是文章的主体)  每一个论点都必须用一段来写,换句话说,每个段落只能出现一个论点,出现2个会被扣分;  在body的部分里不能出现I,he,she等人称,除在举例中;  每一段话都有要introduction,explanation,examples。接下来重点讲这4部分如何写;  Introduction:用1-2句写你这段的主要的论点或者是idea;  Explanation:用1-2句解释你的论点;  Examples:举例支持你的论点,这部分要重点写,举例在文章中很重要,举例可以用名人说的话,专业的文章里例子,或者自己的亲身经历。有时老师会要求要用自己的亲身经历作为例子;  Body一般有3-6个论点,如果文章的字数在1000-3000字,所以body就一般有2-6段,每段最好是有联系,层层深入。  Conclusion  字数为文章总数的10%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么conclusion一般写200-250字;  Conclusion只用一段即可,不可以分成2段写;  Conclusion的第1-2句是解释文章题目,单来说就是用自己的话把文章的题目写一遍;  Conclusion主要是总结你文章中的论点,每个论点要用一句话;  Conclusion最后一句要延伸一下,但是在conclusion里不能出现新的论点。  Introduction和conclusion的区别  Introduction是讲你在文章里要写什么东西,所以只要用几个词概括你个论点;  Conclusion是用1句话总结你的每个论点,要比introduction详细些;  Introduction需要介绍题目的背景,conclusion责不用,只需要概括总结题目。  Recommendation  Recommendation是写文章标题的缺陷  一般只要写一个论点,提出解决办法,如何消除这个弱点,格式和body段落的要求是一样的:introduction,explanation,example和用一句话做个conclusion  一般都不写recommendation,除非老师特殊要求。【英国学术论文格式要求】相关文章:学术类论文格式要求08-24学术论文格式相关要求09-30学术论文格式详细要求11-03学术论文格式的要求11-01学术论文格式标准要求08-24学术论文格式要求与规范08-24关于学术论文格式要求参考08-13学术论文格式基本的要求08-10一般学术论文格式要求08-29英国essay论文格式基本要求08-15}
【简介】感谢网友“偷拿西红柿”参与投稿,以下是小编为大家整理的系动词用法(共6篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。篇1:系动词用法动词分为四大类,行为动词、系动词、情态动词和助动词。其中,系动词是一种比较特殊的动词。系动词又称不完全不及物动词,系动词有意义,但不完全,类似于不及物动词,其后面是不可以加宾语的。它后面通过加名词、形容词、代词等作主语补语以补足其意义。这些系动词后面的成分称为表语。在英语中,系动词的功能主要是把表语(名词、形容词、某些副词、非谓词、介词短语、从句)和它的'主语联系在一起,说明主语的性质、特征、品性或状态。它有自己的但不完全的词义,不能在句中独立作谓语,必须和后面的表语一起构成句子的谓语。它虽是虚词,但是其用法是复杂,而且不可忽视。篇2:初中英语高频动词用法相信同学们每次遇到选填to do, doing还是do形式的题目时,脑海中的反应大概都是“to do好像通,不对,应该是doing,还是填原形do呢”?其实每节英语课上老师都会提到一些to do, doing, do,你也许也在笔记上认真的记了,可是由于没有及时复习加之这些用法分散在笔记本、课本和练习册等各个地方,并不能系统的记忆。 今天小编就帮大家总结一下初中阶段高频出现的一些动词用法,让大家从此告别看到to do, doing, do就一脸懵的遄础 一. 加to do的高频考查动词 1. afford to do 负担的起做某事 We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。 2. agree to do 同意做某事 Do you agree to have dinner today? 今天你同意一块吃饭吗? 3. choose to do 选择做某事 Why do so many choose to leave their country? 为什么有这么多人要离开祖国? 4. decide to do 决定做某事 She decided to accept the offer. 她决定接受这一提议。 5. expect to do 期待做某事 The shop expects to make more money this year. 这家店铺期望今年多赚点钱。 6. hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to see you again sometime next year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 7. hurry to do 急忙做某事 We shall have to hurry to get there in time. 我们将不得不及时赶到那。 8. manage to do 设法做成某事 How do you manage to do such a thing? 你是怎么设法做这样的事?9. plan to do 打算做某事 Where do you plan to spend your holiday? 你打算去哪里度假? 10. prefer to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我宁愿坐在汽车的前面。 11. refuse to do 拒绝做某事 I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。 12. seem to do 看似做了某事 The books seem to be lost. 那些书好像不见了。 13. wish to do 希望做某事 I wish to talk with you in private. 我希望能私下里同你谈话。 14. want to do 想要做某事 Is that why you don't want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗? 15. would like to do 想要做某事 I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。 二. 加sb. to do的高频考查动词 1. allow ab. to do 允许某人做某事 My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone. 老板不许我使用电话。 2. cause ab. to do 导致某人做某事 The beliefin god causes people to do good. 对上帝的信仰使人行善。 3. encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事 Peter, my English teacher, never fails to encourage us to study hard. 我的.英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好用功。 4. force sb. to do 强迫某人做某事No power on earth could force me to do it. 谁也不能强迫我做这事。 5. invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事 We invite her to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. 我们邀请她和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐。 6. teach sb. to do 教某人做某事 It is time for somebody to teach you to behave yourself. 该是有人教你应对进退之礼仪的时候了。 7. warn sb. to do 警告某人做某事 The police warn us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。 8. …enough to do 足够做某事 Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他。 9. It’s + adj+ for sb. to do 对某人来说做某事很... Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?我真的必须参加这个会议吗? 10. It takes sb. some time to do 花费某人多长时间做某事 How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 坐出租汽车去飞机场要多长时间? 三. 后加doing的高频考查动词 1. avoid doing 避免做某事 Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。 2. consider doing 考虑做某事 Would you consider working in New York next year? 明年你考虑到纽约工作吗? 3. enjoy doing 享受做某事 I enjoy singing, much more listening to music. 我喜欢唱歌,更不用说听音乐了。 4. finish doing 结束做某事 It took us a whole week to finish painting the home. 我们花了整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。 5. hate doing 讨厌做某事 The boys hate doing homework on Sundays. 男孩们讨厌在星期日做家庭作业。 6. imagine doing 想象做某事 I can't imagine living with a drunk. 我想象不出与一个醉汉生活在一起的情形。 7. keep doing 持续做某事 Foreign words keep coming into English. 外来词源源不断地进入英语。 8. mind doing 介意做某事 Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass? 你介意站开让我走过去吗? 9. practice doing 练习做某事 Practice throwing the ball into the net. 练习投篮。 10. regret doing 后悔做某事 I believe you will regret leaving Paris. 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。 11. risk doing 冒险做某事 I don’t think they will risk holding an election. 我想他们是不会冒风险举行选举的。 12. suggest doing 建议做某事 I suggested going for a walk. 我建议去散步。 13. be worth doing 值得做某事 He'll probably say no, though it's worth trying. 他很可能不同意,但不妨去试探一下。 14. spend…doing花费...做某事 How much time do you spend practicing English every day? 你每天花多少时间练习英文? 15. while/when doingI like to listen to music while running. 我喜欢一边跑步,一边听音乐。 16. have a good time/fun/problems/trouble/difficulty doing做某事有乐趣/问题/麻烦/困难: I have difficulty remembering names. 我不易记住人名。 17. prevent/stop/keep…from doing阻止...做某事 Nothing can prevent him from going. 什么都不能阻止他前往。 四. 加do的高频考查动词 1. let sb. do 让某人做某事 I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again.希望您能原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。 2. make sb. do 使某人做某事 He find it impossible to make her change her mind. 他发现使她改变主意是不可能的。 3. hear sb. do 听见某人做某事 The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him. 大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。 4. have sb. do 要求某人做某事 Will you like to have him call you back ? 要他给你回个电话吗? 5. would rather do than do 宁愿做...不愿做... They would rather go fishing than stay at home. 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。 6. had better do 最好做某事 You had better have another think. 你最好 再想一想。 五. 加to doing的高频考查动词 1. prefer doing to doing 宁愿做...不愿做... Their teacher prefers doing to talking. 他们的老师喜欢做而不喜欢说。2. be used to doing习惯做某事 I'm not used to doing shopping online. 我不习惯于网上购物。 3. look forward to doing 期待做某事 I look forward to being alone in the house. 我盼望着能自己一人待在这所房子里。 4. pay attention to doing 注意力集中在做某事上 You should pay attention to picking your words . 你应该注意措词。 5. devote … to doing 奉献...去做某事 I devote myself to helping the poor. 我致力于帮助穷人。 六. 加to do= 加doing的高频考查动词 1. start to do =start doing 开始做 When did you start to learn English? 你何时开始学英语的? 2. learn to do = learn doing学着做 She is learning to play the piano. 她在学弹钢琴。 3. continue to do = continue doing继续做 Bread continues to rise in price. 面包的价格继续上涨。 七. 加to do≠加doing的高频考查动词 1. forget to do 忘记要做 Don't forget to leave room for our teacher. forget doing做了某事而把它忘记了 2. remember to do记得要做 remember doing记得做过 3. need to do需要做 need doing需要被做4. stop to do 停下来开始做stop doing 停止正在做的事篇3:Be动词的用法Be动词的用法归纳be是一个多功能动词,在初级英语里可见四种用法:功能一,系动词Bebe为连系动词,中心词义是“是”,句型为“主+系+表”结构。be的形式常用am, is, are(现在式);was, were(过去式);will/can/may/must be(助动词/情态动词+原形);have/has/had been(助动词+过去分词)等。如:To help animals is helping people.(一般现在时)The twins were very busy yesterday.(一般过去时)It will be sunny tomorrow.(一般将来时)She has been ill for over a week.(现在完成时)功能二,助动词Be助动词be,无词义,辅助主要动词一起在句中作谓语动词。用法如下:1. be+doing:构成进行时态,有现在和过去两种进行时态。如:The girls is reading and copying the new words now.Young Tom was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.2. be+done:构成被动语态(主语是动作的承受者,done必须是及物动词)。如:Tea is grown in my hometown.(一般现在时的被动语态)This building was built three years ago.(一般过去时的被动语态)Our classroom has been cleaned and tidied already.(现在完成时的被动语态)How could this kind of cakes be made in your home?(含情态动词的被动语态)That is a day never to be forgotten.(动词不定式的被动语态)3. be+going to do,表示“打算或将要做某事”,be有现在和过去两种形式。如:We are going to plant trees in the park.I didn't know if she was going to come here.4. be+to do,表示“按计划安排将要做某事”。如:The new shop is not to be opened till next Monday.One night an angel came to Mary and told her that she was to have this special boy.功能三,There bethere be句式为:there be+主语部分+状语部分,表示“某处存在某物”,be常用现在时,过去时和将来时等。如:Oh, cool! And there are many things to see. There is even a deer park in Sanya.There are about 80 pyramids in Egypt.Will there be a football match in your school next week?功能四,实义Be可以将be视为实义动词,因为它具有实际的词义,如“成为;做;发生;举行;逗留;到达”等。如:His daughter wants to be a doctor for animals in her twenties.Kate's birthday party will be at half past six this evening.Jim has been in China for more than two years, but he has not yet been to Yichang.As的用法——我们给的就是实用的一、作副词,意为“相同地”,“同样地”。例如:They don’t have as many airplanes. 他们没有同样多的飞机。二、作连词,1. 引导时间状语从句as与when,while都是引导时间状语从句的从属连词,含义都是“当……的时候”。但它们有区别:(1). when作“当……的时候”解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生。例如:John was having his dinner when I saw him. 当我看到约翰的时候,他正在吃饭。She can write only when the baby is asleep. 只有婴儿睡着的时候,她才能写作。(2). while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生或在从句动作过程中发生。例如:We must strike while the iron is hot. 要趁热打铁。While we were reading, the teacher came in. 我们正在读书的时候,老师走了进来。(3). 但属下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。① 用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指“一边……,一边……”。例如:The girl dances as she sings on the stage.那个女孩在舞台边唱歌边跳舞。He looked behind from time to time as he went forward. 当他朝前走时,不时地向后看。② 表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,译为“随着……”。例如:As time went on / by, she became more and more worried. 随着时间的流逝,她变得越来越焦虑。As he grew older, he became more intelligent. 随着他年龄的增长,他变得更有才智了。③ 表示两个短促行为或事件几乎同时发生。例如:I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. 恰好在你开口时,我想到了它。Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry. 恰巧在飞虫撞到她脸上时,她大哭起来。2. 引导原因状语从句as,because,since都可以表示因果关系,连接原因状语从句,含义是“因为,由于”,但它们有区别:because表示的语气最强;as一般放在句首,语气较弱,较口语化;since常常用在书面语中,表示多为对方已知的、或稍加分析便可得知的原因,有时可译作“既然”。例如:I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night. 因为许多顾客白天上班,所以毕利只好晚上去收钱。As she has been ill perhaps she'll need some help. 她由于生病可能需要些帮助。3. 引导让步状语从句as与although (或though),however (或no matter how)等都可以引导让步状语从句,含义是“虽然,尽管”,但它们有区别:although语气稍正式些,可放在句首,也可放在句中,主句中不能再用 but,但可以用yet;as所表示的语气较强,引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序;however引导让步状语从句时,它的后面可跟形容词或副词,也要用倒装语序。例如:Although they are poor they are happy. 虽然他们很穷,但很快乐。Angry as he was, he managed to speak calmly. 虽然他很生气,但是他讲话很平静。However hard the question is, he can answer it. 不管问题有多难他都能回答。注意:当as引导让步状语从句时,句子的倒装语序有以下三种形式:(1). 形容词或副词+as+主语+连系动词be或实义动词。例如:Rich as he is, he never spends a cent on clothes. 虽然他很富有,但他从不花一分钱在衣服上。Much as I admire his courage, I don’t think he acted wisely. 我虽然佩服他的勇气,但我认为他这样做是不聪明的。(2). 名词+as+主语+连系动词be (注意句首的名词不带冠词)。例如:Child as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管他是个孩子,但懂很多事情。Boy as he was, he was chosen king. 尽管他还是个孩子,但却被立为国王。(3). 实义动词+as+主语+助动词[如果没有助动词,则要加上一个do(does或did)]。例如:Try as he may, he never succeeds. 尽管他很努力,但总是不成功。Change your mind as you will, you will gain no additional support. 即使你改变主意,你也不会得到另外的支持。4. 引导方式状语从句,意为“如”,“像”,“按照……的方式”。如:I want you to tell my friend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me. 我想让你像给我讲述的那样,给我的朋友讲一讲你那段极其有趣的经历。Remember, you must do everything as I do. 记住,你必须按照我做的那样做一切。注意:like在非正式语体中可以有与as相同的用法。如:I can’t sing like I used to.我不能像以前那样唱歌了。He writes just like his brother did when he was young. 他现在写文章正像他哥哥年轻时写文章一样。5. 引导比较状语从句,用于“as...as...或 not so/ as...as...”中,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,意为“如(不如)…一样”。如:(1). You hate her as much as I (=as I hate her).(2). I don't speak English so/ as well as he does.注意:句中连词as后面的代词实际是省略了与主句相同的部分,即例(1)可以写成You hate her as much as I hate her. 如果很明显就能看出所省略的部分,意义不会含糊不清时,在口语中也可以用代词的宾格形式。例:At your age you can’t expect to play football as well as me (= as I do).但例(1)就不能改I为me,改后意思就变为:You hate her as much as you hate me. 你恨她像恨我一样深;而原句的意思为:你恨她像我恨她一样深。三、作代词as作关系代词的用法关系代词as引导定语从句时,既可以单独使用,也可以与其他词连用,其用法要比that和 which更为复杂。1. as引导定语从句与其他词连用(1). 用于the same...as结构中This is the same watch as I have lost. 这块手表跟我丢失的那块一样。(2). 用于such...as结构中I don’t like such novels as you recommend. 我不喜欢你推荐的那些小说。(3). 用于“so +adj. + a/an + n. (单数) + as ”结构中I am not so strong a man as I was. 我已经没有从前那么强壮了。2. as单独引导定语从句as单独引导定语从句时,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子或短语。例如:(1) She is late, as is often the case. 她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句)(2) To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish. 对事实视而不见--你们好多人都是如此的愚蠢。(先行词是不定式短语)注意1:(1). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句之前时,as从句所修饰的范围是整个主句的内容,也就是说,把否定意义也包括在内。例如:As has been said above, grammar is not a set of dead rules. 正如前面所说,语法不是一套死条文。(2). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句之后时,as从句所修饰的范围不包括否定意义。例如:Spiders are not insects, as many people think. = Spiders are not insects. But many people think they are. 许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫,但蜘蛛并不是昆虫。(3). 当as引导的定语从句位于具有否定意义的主句中间时,as从句所修饰的范围也不包括否定意义。例如:She did not, as her friend had feared, open the case. 她没有打开盒子,而她的朋友就是怕她当面打开盒子。注意2: 当修饰句子的非限制性定语从句位于句尾时,as可以用which来替代。例如:I live a long way from work, as (which) you know. 我住得离工作单位很远,这你是知道的。但是,当as从句位于句首或句中是,as就不能用which来替代了。例如:As you will find out, I will never let you down. 你将会发现,我绝不会使你失望的。Taiwan is, as you know, an inseparable part of China. 你们知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。此外,如果主句为否定句,则位于句末和句中的as从句所修饰的范围并不包括主句的否定意义,此时,as也不能用while来替代。例如:Greenland was not a continent, as people thought. 格陵兰并不像人们所想象的那样是一个大陆。四、作介词,1. 表示 “好像(某人)”,例如:They entered the building disguised as cleaners. 他们化装成清洁工人的模样进入大楼。2. 表示“作为,当作”,例如:I found a job as a teacher. 我找了一份教师的工作。3. 表示“当某人是(某身份)时。例如:As a child, she was sent to three different countries. 她儿时去过三个不同的国家。4. 表示“因某人是(某身份)”,例如:As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence. 他是她的私人秘书,能接触到她所有的信件。注意1:as引导的介词短语大多用作状语,as译为“作为”,少数情况可引起宾语补足语。例如:As a Party member, I'll take the lead in everything. (状语)She works as a nurse. (状语)Tom has me as one of his best friends. (引起宾语补足语)注意2:as和like都可以作介词,但意义不同。as表示“以实际的身份或地位”。 like则表示“与…相似,以与…相类似的方式”。例如:(1). He spoke as a teacher.(2). He spoke like a teacher.句(1)的意思是:“他作为老师发言”或“他以老师的身份发言”。句(2)的意思是:“他讲话很像是老师”。五、用于一些固定搭配1. as good as差不多,几乎Don’t worry, the matter’s as good as settled. 别担心,问题差不多已经解决了。When the car was repaired, it looked as good as new. 这辆汽车修理好的时候,看起来差不多就像新的一样。2. as if /as though 似乎;好像He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他装着若无其事的样子。She treats him as though he was her own son. 她待他好像待自己的儿子一样。另外,as if可以接一个动词不定式短语。例如:He waved his hand to me as if to have something to tell me. 他向我挥手好像有什么要告诉我。3. as well as 同(一样也);和;还Joan can speak Chinese as well as English. 琼能讲英语还能讲汉语。He spent all his money, as well as wasting his time. 他不仅浪费了时间,还花光了他所有的钱。4. such...as, such as 像……这样的I bought a lot of fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on. 我买了许多种水果,像苹果,桔子,香蕉等。We had such books as you never saw. 我们有一些你从未看过的书。5. as for 至于某人(某事物)We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty. 在乡下我们度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没遇到任何困难。6. as to 关于某事物;提到某事物I don't know anything as to the others. 至于其他,我一无所知。7. so as to ... 以便, 为了Students should take notes so as to make revision easier. 学生应当记笔记,以便容易复习。8. as a matter of fact 其实;实际上As a matter of fact, I’m very fond of housework. 其实,我很喜欢做家务。9. as a result 结果 (发生某种情况)As a result, he had been given an excellent job. 结果,他得到了一份极好的工作。10. as long as 只要You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back. 只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。总之,通过以上的分析,我们对as的词性和用法有了比较全面的理解和把握,才能在实际的运用中做到心中有数,应付自如。巩固练习1. She had a tense expression on her face, ________she were expecting trouble.A. even though B. even as C. as though D. now that2. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, ________was to be expected.A. that B. what C. so D. as3. ________might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.
A. As B. That C. It D. What4. Americans eat ________as they actually need every day.A. twice as much protein B. twice protein as muchC. twice protein as much D. protein as twice much5. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ________by his lack of talent.A. than B. more than C. as D. so much as6. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, ________a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.A. as for B. in view of C. in case of D. such as7. ________he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.
A. As soon as B. So far as C. As well as D. As long as8. ________the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything.A. As long as B. As far as C. As soon as D. As well asKey: 1-5 CDAAD 6-8 DDDdare 该如何使用?关于dare这个词的词性一直是一个疑惑,普遍认为它可以作为情态动词。但是牛津词典上似乎也没有说明它可以做情态动词。但无论词性如何,用法是一定的。你说的那两句的用法是一样的,dare在否定句中后面加带to或者不带to的动词不定式。第一句是不带to的动词不定式,第二句是带to的动词不定式。两种用法无区别,都可以。参见《牛津用于用法指南 Practical English Usage》第151条 第2项 第1款:当然也可以看到还有其他用法,比如常用的搭配 dare say,表示:认为很可能,以及donot you dare,how dare you等固定搭配,记住就好。特别地,有一个dare sb to do sth.,表示鼓动对方做吓人的事情,类似于中文的“谅你也不敢”。还有对于不敢可以用“daren't”加不带to的动词不定式,其三单形式依然是“daren't”。这些固定用法很少,其他情况下现代英语一般不用dare。篇4:初中英语常用动词用法初中英语常用动词用法常用动词习惯用法1. allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式)2. asked sb (not) to do sth 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不做某事)be asked to do sth 被叫去做某事/被邀请去做某事3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事4. be afaid of doing sth 害怕做某事5. be afaid of sth 害怕某物6. be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶7. be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事(常考)8. be coming/going/leaving/fiying/moving/dying(某些位移动词用进行时态时表将来) 9. be excited to do sth 对做……感到兴奋10. be frightened to do sth 害怕去做某事11. be glad/happy to do sth 高兴去做某事12. be interested in sth/doing sth 对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣13. be/get ready for/to do sth14. be sorry to do sth 对做某事感到抱歉15. be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到惊奇be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊奇16. be worth doing sth 值得做某事(worth 后接动词-ing形式,常考)17. begin to do sth 开始做某事begin/start to do/doing sth18. can/be able to afford (to buy) sth 有能力购买(供)……19. can/may/must do sth could/would/should/might do sth20. can’t wait to do sth 迫不急待地去做某事21. decide to do sth 决定去做某事make up one’s mind to do sth 下决心去做某事(常考)make a decision to do sth 对做某事作出决定22. deserve to do sth 值得/应该做……23. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事24. enjoy doing sth 乐意去做某事25. expect (sb) to do sth 期望去做某事26. fail to do sth 做某事失败succeed doing sth 成功做了某事27. finish doing sth 做完某事(后接动词-ing形式)(常考)28. follow sb to do sth 跟随某人去做某事29. get sb to do sthmake sb do sthlet sb do sth30. get/have a chance to do sth 得到/有一个做某事的.机会31. give/pass/show/lend/sell sb sth/sth to sbbuy/get/bring sb sth/sth for sb32. go on to do sth 继续做事(常考)go on doing sth 继续做事(常考)33. hate to do/doing sth 讨厌/不喜欢做某事34. have fun doing sth35. have problems doing sth 做某事遇到困难36. have sb do sthhave sth donehave sth to do 有事要做 让某人做某事(后接动词原形)37. hear sb do sth 听到某人做某事(后接动词原形,常考)hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事(常见)38. help to do sth 帮忙做某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事39. hope/wish to do sth 希望做某事wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事40. It seems that 这像是……(后接从句)seem to do sthseem +adj41. It’s + adj+(for sb) to do sth .It’s+adj +(of sb) to do sthe.g: It’s glad for him to hear the news.42. It takes sb some time/money to do sth . 花费某人多长时间做某事(常考)43. pay …for… cost spend…on….. it take …to do sth44. It’s best for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是最好的had better do sth 最好做某事(注意had没有时态和人称的变化,better后接动词原形) 45. It’s time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候了46. keep (on)doing sth 坚持做某事(常考)keep sb doing sth 让某人做某事(常考)keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事(常考)keep sb/sth +adjkeep the book for 2 days 借书两天(不用borrow或lend)47. learn to do sth 学做某事learn sth from sb 向某人学习48. like to do/doing sth 喜欢做某事like sb to do sth 喜欢某人做某事49. need to do sth 需要做某事need doing sth/to be doneneed sth needn’t do sth50. prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿……而不愿……(常考)prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢做……胜过做……e.g: I prefer reading books to going shopping. 比起购物来,我更爱读书。prefer to do sth 喜欢(爱)做某事51. refuse to do sth 拒绝做……52. remember/forget to do sth 记得/remember/forget doing sth 记得/ (常考)53. see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(结果)see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(正在进行中)be seen to do sth 做某事被看见54. something to eat/drink 一些吃/喝的东西(词不定式放在something等后修饰这些词) e.g: I need something to eat. 我要一些吃的东西。55. spend some time (in)doing sth /on sth 花费时间做某事(注意动词要用ing形式)(常考)spend some money on sth/doing sth 买……花了多少钱56. Sth is hard/difficult/easy to do . 做好某事很难/容易57. stop to do sth 停下来去某事(两件事)(常考)stop doing sth 停止做某事 (一件事)(常考)stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事(常考)58. take turns to do sth 轮流做……59. tell sb (not) to do sth 叫某人去(不要)做某事be told to do sth 被告知不要做某事60. There is no need (for sb) to do sth 对某人来说没必要做某事61. There is no time (for sb ) to do sthhave no time to do sth 没时间做某事62. too…(for sb) to …太……以致不能…… so… that… not… enough to doe.g: The boy is too young to go to school. 那男孩太小了以致不能上学。63. try/do one’s best to do sth 尽力去做某事try to do sth 试着(图)做某事64. used to do sth 过去常做某事( used to be + adj/a +n)e.g: Mr wang used to be a teacher worker. 王先生过去是一位工人。I used to live in the country. 过去我住在农村。65. want/would like to do sth 想做……want/would like sb to do sth 想某人做……feel like doing sth喜爱做某事(注意like后接动词ing形式)66. warn sb (not) to do sth 警告某人做某事(或不要做某事)67. Why don’t you do sth ? 为什么不……(表建议的句型,注意用动词原形)Why not do sth ?表示建议的句型还有:What How about……?(如果是动词,要用ing形式)Shall we……?68. Would you like (sb) to do sth ?Yes, I’d love to .69. Would you mind doing sth ? 你介意做某事吗?Never mind/Not at all/of course not/certainly not . (从不介意/一点也不介意/当然不会了) 70. Would you please (not) do sth 你可不可以不做……?71. finish doing sth enjoy doing sth practise doing sth be good at doing sth be good at doing sth thank you for doing sth stop doing sth be good at doing sth give up doing sth mind doing sth stop sb from doing sth go on doing sth be busy doing sth see/hear/watch sb doing sth feel like doing sth hate doing sth like doing sth do well in doing sth be afraid of doing sth be interested in doing sth初中英语常用动词用法make a contribution to sth/doing sth72. 非延续性动词(终止性动词)1.buy---have(has)had 2.borrow---have(has)kept 3.leave---have(has)been away4.go ---have(has)been away/in… 5.come ---have(has)here/in…6.die ---have(has)been dead 7.join---have(has)been a member of/in…8.begin---have(has)on 8.stop---have(has)been overexample: 他的狗死了3天了.: His dog has been dead for three days. It is three days since his dog died. His dog died three days ago.73. 感官动词:(主动语态不带to)1.hear/see/watch sb do sth 或 2. hear/see/watch sb doing sth篇5:be动词的用法1. Be动词有三个,am,is还有are.我用am, 你用are, is跟着他她它,复数全部都用are.如果遇到过去时,was来把am,is替,were来把换掉动词are2. do和be动词的用法区别Be 动词就是(am,are,is)..句子中如果没有实意动词(例如:write,buy)之类的动词,就直接在主语后面加Be动词。而如果是句子中有实意动词,那么如果你要改为一般疑问句,就要借助DO(do也称为助动词),例如:I study.改为一般疑问句:Do you study ?顺口溜:be氏三朵花, am, is还有are,我(I)恋am, 你(you)恋are,is跟了他(he)她(she)它(it),单娶is, 复娶are。篇6:be动词的用法英语的be 动词是个用法比较复杂的动词。复杂的原因有两点:1、 除了原形的 be 之外,对于不同人称代词以及单数名词和复数名词,be 会有各种变化形式和缩写形式。概括一下有七种形式:be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being。它们与人称代词和名词单、复数的搭配关系是:现在时 I am, you are, he/she/it/ is, we/you/they are;名词单数、不可数名词用is,复数用are。缩略式 I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're否定缩略式 I'm not, isn't, aren't过去时 I was, you were, he/she/it/ was, we/you/they were;名词单数、不可数名词用was,复数用were。否定缩略式 wasn't, weren't过去分词 been现在分词 being2、在句子中,be有两种主要作用:一是作为系动词(The Linking Verb),本身可以作用谓语动词;二是做为助动词(The Auxiliary Verb),与谓语动词一起构成各种时态和被动语态等。下面做个简要的讲解。be动词的用法:做系动词1、系动词+表语”的结构当be 动词做系动词使用时,主要构成“系动词+表语”的结构,在句子中做谓语。表语可以是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语等。例如:The man is a science teacher.Mary's new dresses are colourful.Mother is in the kitchen now.I have been there before.They shall be here at 10:00 tommorow.That can't be true.You are not being very polite.Your brother is being very annoying this evening2、be 动词的一般疑问句,方法是把be 移到主语前面,也可说成是移到句首。Is the man a science teacher? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.Are Mary's new dresses colourful? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.Was mother in the kitchen then? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.Were you at home the day before yesterday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.Was she late this morning? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.3、be 动词用在特殊疑问句在特殊疑问句里,be 动词仍然移到主语前面,但特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头的,所以be 动词只能说是移到主语前面,或者说是在特殊疑问词的后面。例如:Whose bike is broken? Xiao Ming's bike is.Who was singing in the room? Mr. Zhang was.Where are you from? I am from Wuhu.What class were you in? We were in Class 2.How old is Tom? He is ten.4、be 动词的否定句be 动词做谓语时,它的否定形式是在be 后加not,并且可以缩写。例如:It is not sunny today.Tom and his friends are not in the park.You were not nine years old when I went to the university.He was not often late for his class when he was a student.I wasn't here yesterday.My parents weren't at home last Sunday.5、be 动词的祈使句be 动词的祈使句有肯定和否定两种形式。肯定形式是以be 动词开头,而否定形式或强调句形,要加don't 或do。例如:Be careful!Be a good boy!Don't be silly!Don't be a fool!Do be obedient!Do be careful.★ 商务英语之非谓语动词用法★ 情态动词can的用法总结小学★ 中考英语:情态动词的特殊用法★ 高三专项复习情态动词特殊用法大集合★ 从前接动词的性质探讨「~ている」的用法★ 考研英语:掌握16个动词时态的形式和用法7★ both用法有哪些★ neglect是什么意思用法★ 学法用法心得体会★ or和and的用法区别}


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