
既往肌营养不良一直被报道在全麻手术中可能会遭遇许多危及生命的并发症。但是多为零星的病理报道,没有系统的研究。这里对一组病例给予分析后发现:伴有DMD,BMD的患者的麻醉的并发症主要有:手中的心衰,吸入性麻醉剂相关的骨骼肌溶解,琥珀酰胆碱导致的骨骼肌溶解和高血钾。因此,与普通人群相比,并没有发现在DMD、BMD中出现恶性高热更易患性。 然而,肌营养不良患者使用吸入性麻醉剂后,可能易出现疾病相关的心脏并发症,相当少见的恶性高热样的症状,表现为横纹肌溶解,者同样可出现在手术后。珀酰胆碱与危及生命的高血钾相关,因此在DMD、BMD手术中应该避免使用。1: Anesth Analg. 2009 Oct;109(4):1043-8.Click here to read LinksMalignant hyperthermia and muscular dystrophies.Gurnaney H, Brown A, Litman RS.Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th St. and Civic Center Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399, USA. gurnaney@email.chop.eduBACKGROUND: Patients with muscular dystrophy have been reported to experience a variety of life-threatening complications during and after general anesthesia. We performed a systematic analysis to define the spectrum of anesthetic-related complications in patients with muscular dystrophy, with an emphasis on malignant hyperthermia susceptibility. METHODS: A literature search was undertaken using multiple search engines and the appropriate articles were reviewed by the authors to determine anesthetic-associated complications in patients with muscular dystrophy. Of all the types of muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker dystrophy (BD) represent nearly all the anesthesia-related reports. RESULTS: Anesthetic complications in patients with DMD and BD include intraoperative heart failure, inhaled anesthetic-related rhabdomyolysis (absence of succinylcholine), and succinylcholine-induced rhabdomyolysis and hyperkalemia. CONCLUSION: We did not find an increased risk of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in patients with DMD or BD compared with the general population. However, dystrophic patients who are exposed to inhaled anesthetics may develop disease-related cardiac complications, or rarely, a malignant hyperthermia-like syndrome characterized by rhabdomyolysis. This latter complication may also occur postoperatively. Succinylcholine administration is associated with life-threatening hyperkalemia and should be avoided in patients with DMD and BD.}


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