
登录百度帐号& 漫威官方推出首批中国超级英雄
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翻译:盲雪 转载请注明出处论坛地址: /bbs/thread--1.htmlMarvel Introduces Their First Official Chinese Superheroes漫威官方推出首批中国超级英雄With “Black Panther” and “Avengers: Infinity War,” Marvel has dominated theaters around the world this year. Now Marvel is branching out their comics division on a global scale.Marvel teamed up with NetEase Comics, one of China’s largest online comic platforms, to roll out their first official Chinese superheroes this week.随着“黑豹”和“复仇者-无限战争”的推出,漫威今年成功地占领了全球的影院。漫威现在是在全球范围内推出动漫角色。漫威与中国的最大线上动漫平台-网易动漫联合,本周推出他们的首批官方中国超级英雄。Until now Marvel has only featured Chinese characters in a supporting capacity or as villains. Two of the newest heroes are Aero, a woman able to control air currents (pictured above), and Lin Lie, a boy who obtains a powerful ancient sword to battle evil (pictured below).目前为止,漫威刻画的中国角色都是支持角色和反面人物。最新的这批之中的两个是可以操纵气流的女性和使用威力巨大的古代剑对抗邪恶的男孩林烈。Marvel’s collaboration with NetEase leaned heavily on artists and writers from China with the intention that these new stories would be “based on Chinese culture and mythology but set in the modern world,” according to Marvel Editor-In-Chief CB Cebulski.漫威与网页的合作主要依靠由来自中国的艺术家和作家以中国文化和神话为背景创作的故事。当故事背景为现代社会时,则由漫威主编CB Cebulski负责。For now, these new graphic novels are only in Chinese, but the joint venture potentially means a dramatically expanded Marvel Universe for comic fans in both the U.S. and China.现在,这些新的漫画故事还只有中文版,但是这次联合创作对中美的漫画迷来说都是漫威宇宙戏剧性的扩张。NetEase hosts a few Marvel comics already, including Spider-Man, Iron Man and The Avengers.网易已经主办了一些漫威动漫,包括蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠和复仇者。In 2016, DC Comics made the effort to diversify their heroes by introducing New Super-Man, a China-based superhero with Kryptonian powers like those of Superman.在2016年,DC漫画就曾推出新的超级英雄以使角色多样化,一个中国版的氪星超人。Marvel films have certainly outdone DC films in theaters. Could they be set to do the same in the comic book world?漫威影业已经在影院胜过的DC影业。他们能在漫画界取得同样的成果吗? 评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:盲雪 转载请注明出处论坛地址: /bbs/thread--1.htmlUglycarmen00I wonder what Wong is for Dr. Strange. Wong is a super hero with mystic powers.不知道wong对奇异博士来说是什么。Wong是个用神奇力量的超级英雄。allen tMarvel has had chinese characters from the beginning. Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) first appeared in 1963漫威最早就有中国角色了。1963年出现的放射人陈路Skrillsays to Marvel, "hold my tea"漫威,拿好我的茶。amkhaThey look more like big busty manga then Marvel superheroes.相比漫威超级英雄,他们看起来更像大胸漫画。Carlos Jonessuperpowers include creating knockoffs out of thin air, acting like an uneducated animal when visiting other countries, and claiming a whole ocean as their "traditional fishing grounds"..是仿冒稀薄的空气,去其他国家的时候表现的像未开化的动物,还有宣称整个海洋是他们的传统渔场这样的超级英雄吧。SakiSo... where are Wong and Chen Lu from? Both marvel characters.那么wong和陈路是哪儿来的?他们都是漫威角色。TrollslayerI was expecting a poorly constructed Iron Man.我期待看到一个弱鸡版的钢铁侠。ChadLater in the day, the Chinese stole Marvels intellectual property and began producing their own Spider-Man.之后没几天,中国人就偷了漫威的知识产权然后开始做他们自己的蜘蛛侠。binSooo basically cheaply made and lower quality super hero?? Doesn’t sound appealing所以基本上就是廉价而低劣的超级英雄?听起来不怎么吸引人。American ExperienceThey don’t particularly have Asian features.他们并不是很有亚洲特色。KevinI am excited to see that they are finally CREATING NEW characters instead of reinventing old ones. These characters sound interesting. I look forward to seeing what they do with them and what new ones pop up.很高兴看到他们终于创造新角色了,而不是重新改良旧的角色。这些角色看起来很有意思。我很期待他们的故事和新的英雄出现。WhitigeerWhere is my Indian Super Hero ? Well...if he existed, we wouldn’t have America我的印度超级英雄在哪儿呢?好吧,如果他存在,就没有美国了。JohnA Chinese super hero. They must have powers to steal other hero’s powers and pass it off as their own.一个中国超级英雄。他们肯定有偷窃其他英雄能力并使之为己所用的能力。KoltirasChina has some pretty neat mythology. Could be interesting.中国有一些很系统的神话。这会很有趣的。SeanThis is how you do diversity. You create NEW characters instead of changing already established characters.这就是你如何多样化的。你创造新的角色而不是改良已有的角色。JohnI hope they're Taiwanese.我希望他们是台湾人。Yuan-huang laumarvel wants a slice of Chinese moneeeeey!漫威想分一块中国蛋糕。JimBut can they drive?但是他们能开车吗?SteveDo the Chinese villains commit genocide on innocent Tibetans and Uyghurs and try to take over the world, so that superheroes are needed to stop the evil Chinese?中国恶棍对无辜的西*人和新*人实施种族灭绝,还想占领世界。所以这些超级英雄是来阻止邪恶的中国人的吗?Infamous year round TurkeySloppy work. Marvel introduced Collective Man back in 1982 which would make him the first Chinese superhero. 马虎的工作。漫威1982年就推出了万众侠,他才是第一个中国超级英雄。SteveJust like made in China junk, the Chinese villains can make lower quality copies of other character's powers. They will also have super pooper powers because Chinese commonly defecate in public.就像中国制造的垃圾,这些中国恶棍可以低劣复制其他超级英雄的能力。他们还应该有大便超能力,因为中国人总是在公共场合大便。dennisI heard SARSWOMAN is really powerful.听说SARSwoman(译注:SARS女侠??)很厉害。AnonymousAwesome, marvel characters that didn't need an entirely fictional country to be created since they came from one that was decent好极了,不需要创造一个虚构国家了,既然他们正好来着这样一个国家。BillWhy do we need Chinese superheroes in the USA. Is that really the kind of role model we want to follow?为什么美国要有中国超级英雄。这是我们能跟随的榜样吗?RyanShang-Chi Has existed since 1973 Enough of the hype lies Marvel. Time to just tell great stories again Not replacing white heros with minority version or making straight char gay. Make new Minority Chars and New gay char and Build great stories around them Like Kamala Khan Ms Marvel such a great book. The entire 00s Young avengers most were gay, but it didn't focus on that only telling a great story I loved it.Shang-Chi自1973年已经存在几十年了。受够漫威的炒作谎言。是时候将好的故事而不是把那些白人英雄换成少数族裔或者同性恋角色。创造新的同性恋角色并且建构好的故事,就像惊奇女士Kamala Khan这样一本好书。整个00一代的复仇者几乎都是同性恋,但是他们没有专注于创作我喜欢的故事。SteveAre they Copycatwoman and Man of Steal? Villainous Chinese are infamous for super cheating and copying powers.他么是在抄袭猫女和钢铁侠吗?邪恶的中国人已欺骗和抄袭的超能力著名。bThe become strong from eating rhino horn and tiger paw soup他们靠吃犀牛角和虎爪汤变强。MikeI guess Jubilee didn’t count...我猜Jubilee不算……nonyaMarvel Comics has always out done D.C. ComicsD.C. has a few good characters however Marvel has always been more inclusive hence they acquired a bigger fan base.漫威漫画总是胜过DC漫画。DC有一些很好的角色,但是漫威更有包容性,因此他们圈了更多粉丝。Bill O'BongWe'll save you from the bad guys in exchange for a third of your natural resources for the next twenty years.拿你接下来二十年三分之一的自然资源来换,我们就把你从坏人那里救出来。AngelThe art work looks cool and the story seems interesting. But it looks a bit like...Manga! I guess it’s Marvel Manga!画看起来很酷,故事也很有趣。但是太漫画了。我猜是漫威漫画。EricHThey can make new characters if they want. I just don't like it when they try to change a person's race for no other reason other than to add one more minority race. Like making Lex Luthor Black, Kingpin Black, Spider-Man or Human Torch or Baxter Stockman turning white ect. If you want more characters from other races, make more characters. Don't just change the person's race. Besides Shang Chi and Wong have existed for decades. It's not new. We don't need to celebrate something that doesn't need to be celebrated. We have white, black, asian heroes and villains ect.他们可以制作他们想要的角色。我只是不喜欢他们毫无理由地改变一个角色的种族而不是创造一个新少数族裔角色。把Lex Luthor变黑,Kingpin变黑,蜘蛛侠或者human torch或者baxter stockman变白等等。如果你想要更多其他种族的角色,那就做更多角色。不要只是改变他们的种族。另外shangchi和wong已经存在几十年了。不是新角色。我们不需要庆祝一些不该庆祝的。我们已经有白、黑、亚洲英雄和恶人等等。thevoid99If these comics are successful, let's hope they make good film versions of these characters.如果漫画成功了,希望他们能做出好的电影。JamesAnime superheroes are not the answer to sagging sales. Good art and good story telling has always been the answer.动漫超级英雄不是销量下滑的原因。好的艺术和讲好故事才是答案。Markand no one will buy it每人会买。SebProps to Marvel for finally getting the idea that its about making new characters and not replacing old ones just for the sake of diversity. But I do have to point out its funny that these guys really just look like anime characters from the pictures.支持漫威终于创造新角色了,而不是为了所谓的多样性更改旧角色。但是我必须指出,这些人看起来就像是画里的动漫角色,这很滑稽。WilliamMarvel hasn't had any interesting new characters in a while. I hope these will break that losing streak.漫威有一段时间没有有意思的新角色了。希望这能结束这样的局面。Dr BrilliantI hope they have Know the Ancient Chinese Secret to getting clothes really clean !我希望他们知道能衣服洗干净的中国古代秘密。ThaddeusIs the Chinese super hero a hacker?Scarlet Johannson gonna play another asian role? I guess she is asian.中国超级英雄是黑客吗?Scarlet Johannson又演一个亚洲角色?我猜她是亚洲人。AnonymousLol @ the comments. They're only doing it to try to capitalize on the largest population in the world and soon to be largest economy. I've got a few ideas. Bootleg Man and Corporate Espionage girl. Sounds about right.评论真好笑。他们只是想从世界上最大的人口的国度也很快是最大的经济体赚钱。我有些点子。盗窃人和企业间谍女孩。听起来不错。KennethI dig it, they can't all be American :)我懂了,他们不能全是美国人。——
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They look more like big busty manga then Marvel superheroes.
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其实吧这种大众性的评论去掉那些专门刷评论的,大部分就和网易新闻下面的差不多,全世界都一样& & ...放屁。你是网易的粉丝不成?人家新闻下面都是喷外人,网易新闻下面全是喷自家人跪舔外人的。
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