翻译英语句。who does what twho whom whose的区别through what channel?

11.那个青年人每天要向老板做汇报.安德鲁很生气,因为报道根本不真实Andrew is very angry, because the news report wasn't true at all.16,但我们应当记住它可在瞬间发生变化Although beauty can attract our attention.10.虽然美貌可以吸引我们的注意力,人口很少,在下雨的晚上, and soon the whole company was covered by the fire.18.他对工作采取积极的态度,无论做什么总是全力以赴He has an enthusiastic attitude towards his job,没过多久整个工厂就被烧毁了As the strong north wind blew, the fire got stronger and stronger, the flames were dancing,讲多少而绞尽脑汁That young man stresses over what to speak of. There's almost nobody riding the bus on the nights that rain.2.这个警察只是对谁是凶手做出猜测This policeman is only taking a guess on who is the murderer, and how much should he speak everyday because he has to do reports for his boss.12.一枚炸弹在一辆汽车里爆炸了, that increases the possibility of finishing the work in a much better quality, thus increasing the chance to be raised to a higher position faster,为了讲什么,成群的人吓得四处奔跑,大呼救命.6, and because of that, she received a lot of help in school, and had less disciplines.8.在孩童时.没有人相信他说的话。 A bomb blew up inside a car, which made the crowd run away yelling for help.5.这是一座小城, to make sure the students can fully understand and master them,坏人是丑的When we were children, we knew that there were good and bad people within humans, the population is very low,公路上几乎没有人 This is a small city, we should still remember that they can change any second.17.教师授课时应突出重点和难点,以便让学生真正掌握The teacher (或 professor) would focus on the key points and the most difficult points, his stateme......
grasps to give way to a student really when giving lectures18.He takes active attitude , what to goes all out no matter be acted as always to the job19.If Wolunde worries about self safety within reason at noon that day time wirewalking , he cannot be therefore likely die20.This is that one small town , population are seldom, also can be advanced quicker to higher location10.Although good looks can attract our attention,we ought to remember it but change happened in the moment11.That young people needs to deliver a lecture to the boss every day report, for what to saying 1.The earthquake happening that day before dawn has destroyed all miracles owned by one 20 centuries cities2.One people accepts fine education , has possibility to work doing much better right away very much .Andrew is very angry, because of news report foundation is not true16, the people in groups having dashed about with fear , has breathed out greatly to save life.That the news program anchorperson opposes some one TV reporting this under the situation that the government does not allow right away is news15.Whom this police is that the murderer composes out conjecturing only to14, but has asked be that we keep secret13.Edward has already been engaged to me, 10 time of companies have beaten the queen , only the first time has lost one competition17.The teacher should lay stress on priority and difficult point , bad person is ugly right away9.In 26 former the make communication system be caught......1.那天拂晓发生的地震摧毁了一座20世纪的城市所拥有的一切奇迹 That day, the earthquake that happened before dawn has destroyed all the miracles a 20th century city had. 2.26年前发生的那次强烈的地震使通讯系统陷入瘫痪,成千上万的人在地震中丧生 The extreme earthquake that happened 26 years ago put the traffic system into a disaster, thousands of people have died from the earthquake. 3.强劲的北风吹来,大火越烧越旺,火焰升腾,没过多久整个工厂就被烧毁了 As the strong north wind blew, the fire got stronger and stronger, the flames were dancing, and soon the whole company was covered by the fire. 4.一枚炸弹在一辆汽车里爆炸了,成群的人吓得四处奔跑,大呼救命。 A bomb blew up inside a car, which made the crowd run away yelling for help. 5.这是一座小城,人口很少,在下雨的晚上,公路上几乎没有人 This is a small city, the population is very low. There's almost nobody riding the bus on the nights that rain. 6.没有人相信他说的话,他的论点十分肤浅 No one believes in what he says, his statements are very unsophisticated. 7.这个小女孩又聪明又漂亮,因此在学校里得到很多的帮助,受到较少的惩罚 This little girl is smart and pretty, and because of that, she received a lot of help in school, and had less disciplines. 8.在孩童时,我们就知道人分好人坏人,好人是美的,坏人是丑的 When we were children, we knew that there were good and bad people within humans. Good people are beautiful, while bad people are hideous. 9.一个人受到良好的教育,就非常有可能工作干得更好,也能更快地提升到更高的位置 When a person receives well education, that increases the possibility of finishing the work in a much better quality, thus increasing the chance to be raised to a higher position faster. 10.虽然美貌可以吸引我们的注意力,但我们应当记住它可在瞬间发生变化 Although beauty can attract our......1.The earthquake happening that day before dawn has destroyed all miracles owned by one 20 centuries cities 2.In 26 former the make communication system be caught in a paralysis , by the thousands and tens of thousands that time of intense earthquake people who happens gets killed in the earthquake 3.The conflagration is getting more scorching as having a temperature more , The flames leapt up , how long entire factory not having gone over having been burned through right away to come forceful boreas being blown, 4.One bomb has exploded within one automobile , the people in groups having dashed about with fear , has breathed out greatly to save life. 5.This is that one small town , population are seldom, raining do not have person nearly in the evening, on the highway 6.The nobody believes that what his was saying , his argument is very superficial 7.This little girl is both clever and beautiful, therefore, get much's help , accept less punishment within school 8.During the period of the child, we know person is allotted good person bad person , good person is beautiful , bad person is ugly right away 9.One people accepts fine education , has possibility to work doing much better right away very much , also can be advanced quicker to higher location 10.Although good looks can attract our attention,we ought to remember it but change happened in the moment 11.That young people needs to deliver a lecture to the boss every day report, for what to saying , saying a n......
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{"database":{"Post":{"":{"title":"真·揭秘:翻译招聘情况与翻译硕士就业情况","author":"iqlake","content":"与其挣扎纠结【学校】将来的就业怎么样,不如多研究研究自己【到底想要什么】,多数情况下,所谓的【就业乏力】是自己在明知结果的前提下,做出的自愿选择——以下信息来很多毕业班人不屑于注册的:智联招聘——部分案例链接会转向新浪围脖,有图有真相——本文撰写与日早10点羡慕这些岗位的,反省自己为什么不是语言/经贸类院校,如广外/西外/天外/川外/大外/北语/上外贸/首经贸/浙江工商的,以及为什么在读期间拒绝参加对应领域的大型公司的实习项目(注意我的措辞,是拒绝参加,不是不知道信息)【我学妹】工信部·公共事业·编译【我学妹】CRI·国企·新媒体编辑外研社·国企·英文赛事运营上海国展·上市公司·一万·翻译北京·COSTA咖啡·外企·一万·翻译四川FESCO·一万·垄断股份制·英文外事助理汉麻投资·一万五·民营·英文业务助理厦门华商纵横·一万·股份制·英文业务助理大公信用评级·一万·翻译北京·澳大利亚·大使馆·翻译北京·燕清联合·民营·新媒体编译浙江大学 (211 & 985) 国际联合学院海宁校区(深圳,事业单位)招聘项目主管。要求:硕士。职责:中英文报告撰写,随校领导活动进行翻译交流,进行学术管理等。待遇:一万起步,申请地址羡慕这些岗位的,反省自己为什么不是师范类的院校,比如首师大/华中师大/湖南师大/福建师大/华南师大/上海师大的,以及为什么在读期间只忙活一对一家教却步进班?(最起码凑个一对五也好,当然,相当比例的人选择的短视的一对一,或者不露脸的在线,为的是贪图近期的来钱快,以及怕被周围的人知道自己在努力奋斗)【我学妹】央视外语·英语主持中加学校·公共事业·英语教师北师大珠海·公共事业·雅思教师北京金企鹅·一万·民营·英文编辑北京清华出版社·一万·国企·海外版权经理上海德襄·两万·私人·双语家教北京西藏杂志社·五千·事业编制·外语编辑北京中国新闻网·八千·国企·新媒体编辑西安大唐实业(房地产)8千-1万5起步招募总裁秘书~要求:英语硕士,负责业务信函撰写,对外联络等羡慕这些岗位的,反省自己为什么不是细分领域的院校,比如上海中医药/石油/华电/北林/沈建的,以及为什么在读期间忙着社团活动、聚餐、逛陌生的城市,却拒绝深入钻研某个领域?(其实硬说的话,也不能怨你们什么,毕竟大多数人都只是喜欢听别人说自己是做xx领域的而已——自己并不会真的为了xx领域而奋斗)【我学弟】解决户口·促贸会·非盈利机构·翻译【我学妹】出入境检验检疫·公共事业·编译中国平安·上市公司·金融翻译北京清华附中国际·一万·民营·理科英语教学老师中国继续医学教育·科研机构·一万·英文编辑上海FESCO·一万·五百强·医药翻译天津现代·房地产·一万·翻译广东创圆·民营·一万·医学编辑上海·Nature·顶级学术期刊·英文翻译·一万中国航天工业科学技术咨询(国企)招英语咨询师~要求有英语相关硕士学历,要有卫星导航方面知识,8-10K,申戳北京尚伦律所,招涉外专利代理人,硕士,3年经验,底薪1万提成单算","updated":"T01:45:49.000Z","canComment":false,"commentPermission":"anyone","commentCount":22,"likeCount":41,"state":"published","isLiked":false,"slug":"","isTitleImageFullScreen":false,"rating":"none","titleImage":"/v2-4ee016fcceec46a264c2a_r.jpg","links":{"comments":"/api/posts//comments"},"topics":[{"url":"/topic/","id":"","name":"翻译"},{"url":"/topic/","id":"","name":"翻译硕士"},{"url":"/topic/","id":"","name":"CATTI(人事部翻译考试)"}],"adminClosedComment":false,"href":"/api/posts/","excerptTitle":"","column":{"slug":"iqlake","name":"翻译"},"sourceUrl":"","pageCommentsCount":22,"snapshotUrl":"","publishedTime":"T09:45:49+08:00","url":"/p/","summary":"与其挣扎纠结【学校】将来的就业怎么样,不如多研究研究自己【到底想要什么】,多数情况下,所谓的【就业乏力】是自己在明知结果的前提下,做出的自愿选择 ——以下信息来很多毕业班人不屑于注册的:智联招聘 ——部分案例链接会转向新浪围脖,有图有真相 …","reviewingCommentsCount":0,"meta":{"previous":null,"next":null},"commentsCount":22,"likesCount":41},"":{"title":"最全免费雅思学习资源大汇总","author":"iqlake","content":"下面给大家推荐一些专业的雅思学习网站,实用又不花钱,简直开心到飞起!IELTS MATERIAL地址:简介:这个网站上的雅思学习资料超全的,包括雅思课程、雅思备考书籍、备考建议、雅思模拟试题、雅思写作高分范文、高分备考词汇表等等。重点是全部免费!神马剑桥雅思真题系列啦,各种词汇书啦,模拟试题、雅思口语高分答案啦,不花一分钱就可以任性下载!你还可以加入论坛讨论或提出任何关于雅思的问题。目前该网站全球排名特别高,每天访问人数达到50000人。IELTS LIZ地址:简介:关注@文都国际教育中心 微博的小伙伴们,应该都听过Liz老师的视频课吧,讲解的都是很实用的雅思考试技巧。除了视频课程,网站上还提供听说读写四个模块的练习、备考建议、雅思写作高分范文以及最新的雅思考试考题回忆等,同样免费!!!目前该网站每日的访问人数可达10000人。IELTS buddy 地址:简介:这个网站的学习资源模块划分更详细,不仅包括听说读写、词汇和语法的练习和技巧,还专门提供针对大作文和小作文两部分的备考技巧。另外,这个网站不仅针对A类雅思考生,对于G类及生活技能类考生同样适用,资源全部免费!IELTSforFREE地址:简介:只看名字,就知道免费是该网站的招牌!同样上面资料超全,各个板块划分详细,适用于A类和G类考生,并且网站有一亮点就是可以查看自己观看的课程记录,便于查找和反复消化。Simon Corcoran官网地址:简介:很多小伙伴靠这个网站逆袭成功,拿到了不错的雅思分数。Simon作为英国曼城的前雅思考官,对雅思备考技巧自然有专业的解读,所以很值得学习。上面的练习题、高分词汇总结等资源全部免费,尤其是他写的雅思范文很值得精读!Ielts Ryan Higgins地址:简介:该网站除了提供听说读写备考建议,还提供学生作文批改服务,并会将学生的作文和批改后的范文一同放在网上进行详细解析和对比,很值得借鉴学习。DC IELTS 简介:上面详细地讲解了各种雅思备考技巧,包括雅思口语中应该用什么高分表达征服考官,雅思写作中如何避免拖沓重复等一些具体的指导建议,还可以免费下载实用的雅思备考书籍。IELTS Advantage地址:简介:上面同样干货满满,听说读写备考资源全部免费获取,另外,该网站还提供增值服务,如可以对你的作文和口语进行批改并提出改善方案,大家可以自由选择。02. 可免费下载的雅思必备书上面这些网站上的备考信息很全,关于备考书籍也做了推荐,其中的雅思备考必备书目包括:The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS免费下载地址:这份来自雅思官方的考试指南将手把手教你如何开始备考,一些考试策略,上面有10套模拟测试题可供大家练习,特别适合目标分在6以上的同学进行学习。Cambridge IELTS 4 -11免费下载地址:其中剑桥1-3由于出题时间比较久远,不太符合现在的考试要求,所以最好是练习剑桥4-11真题。English Grammar in Use免费下载地址:这是全球最畅销的一本语法书,除了讲解语法知识点,还配有大量的练习,适合英语中高级水平的学生进行自学参考和练习。English Collocations in Use免费下载地址:这本书会使你的英语更地道,提高口语和写作的水平。该书共有60节课,涵盖了十分广泛的话题,每一个话题都配有理论和练习,总共涉及1500个词组搭配。该书适合中等英语水平以上以及目标分在6.5以上的雅思学习者。English Vocabulary in Use免费下载地址:这本词汇书系列也是全球畅销书,根据不同的英语水平分为几个等级版本,大家打开下载地址后可根据自己的水平和需求进行选择。注:上面的网站上提供大量免费的备考书籍,@文都国际教育中心 推荐的是一些更基础必备的书目,大家进入网站后可以根据个人实际需求进行下载!老司机的分割线03. 在线可做的备考练习题资源网站到手了,必备的工具书也有了,具体备考操作怎么实现呢?这点才是真正的压轴戏码,只有备考操作正确,才能实现物尽其用,否则前面的资源和书目都成了摆设!听力听力备考首先要“不挑音”,有的同学习惯听美音,对于英音和其他口音的熟悉度较弱。而雅思考试需要你能够理解不同的口音,所以大家要进行多种口音的泛听。如果你想要拿到雅思7分,至少每天安排30分钟的听力练习,具体免费练习地址如下:1.
方法:打开链接后,直接点击需要练习的部分,就可以开始听听力了,每一段听力后面提供听力原稿。3.方法:打开链接后,就可以看到带有耳机的听力练习界面,直接点击就可以开始听了,每部分题的后面有红色的显示答案的按钮,很方便!阅读大家应该重点掌握这些雅思阅读技巧:1.要学会略读文章,快速地掌握文章大意。2.审题,仔细阅读题目提示和要求,并通过题目类型来调整具体的阅读策略。3. 如果这道题无法确定答案,就赶快做下面的题。4.在阅读过程中注意标注关键词,如人名、地点、时间和重要事件等。具体的免费练习地址如下:1.方法:打开链接后,直接就是具体的阅读题目,每篇文章后附有题目答案。2.方法:打开链接后,可以浏览阅读提示、下载答题纸/答案和题目或者直接点击阅读题目。3.方法:打开链接后直接点击具体的阅读部分即可。答案可以立即查看。写作建议写作安排在听力练习之后,因为听力属于输入信息,之后再进行写作,就比较容易用上刚学会的表达和词汇。具体练习地址包括:1.方法:打开链接后,是一篇范文的详细的构思流程,教给你各个段落该怎么写,而不单单是一篇范文放在那里让你背。右栏就是具体的写作话题,并注明了各个类型,一目了然。2方法:打开链接后就是具体的写作题目,点击下方红色字体,可以免费获取大小作文的范文。3.方法:打开链接后,具体介绍了关于大作文的写作建议、常见问题以及具体课程,其中Model essays部分就是不同题目类型的写作范文,点击可以获取具体的写作思路。口语提高口语最有效的办法就是练习练习练习!其中一个重要技巧是录音练习,在说完一个话题后对录音进行分析,分析语法、流利度、语音语调、表达等方面。大家也可以参考一些高分口语答案来提高自己的内容,或者上Youtube上观看一些口语考试模拟视频等进行学习。具体练习地址:1. 方法:打开链接后是Part1的一些话题及答案,点击左栏的Speaking部分,可以获取完整的口语考试题目和答案,最重要的是第二条链接还可以听到一场完整考试的音频!2.方法:打开链接后直接开始练习,每部分直接可以看参考答案。3.方法:打开链接后是针对雅思口语各个部分的讲解,包含大量的口语话题及答案,全部免费练习!4.方法:打开链接就可以看到某个话题完整的考试题目,这个网站简直不能更贴心,每部分不仅提供答案,还把高分词组表达进行标注,如此实用的网站错过太可惜!大家有没有用过这些网站和资源呢?感觉自己错过几个亿。。。现在就get,不能再迟了!拿走不谢!","updated":"T00:56:34.000Z","canComment":false,"commentPermission":"review","commentCount":10,"likeCount":382,"state":"published","isLiked":false,"slug":"","isTitleImageFullScreen":false,"rating":"none","sourceUrl":"","publishedTime":"T08:56:34+08:00","links":{"comments":"/api/posts//comments"},"url":"/p/","titleImage":"/v2-e86c439aec3_r.jpg","summary":"","href":"/api/posts/","meta":{"previous":null,"next":null},"snapshotUrl":"","commentsCount":10,"likesCount":382},"":{"title":"经济学人官译:企业C计划","author":"iqlake","content":"SchumpeterFresh from visiting the Oval Office, an American CEO sends an e-mail to his top lieutenants熊彼特该实行C计划了刚访问了椭圆办公室,一位美国CEO就给他的高级助手们发去了电子邮件TO OUR management team: When I left the White House yesterday, after another two-hour round-table with the president, I knew in my gut(表达) that it was time to put in place “plan C” for this great company. The boxer, Mike Tyson, had a point when he said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” But so did Winston Churchill when he observed that “plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.” We owe it to our investors, customers and 131,000 employees globally, to have a reset.致我们的管理团队:昨天,我又一次参加了与总统的两小时圆桌会谈。离开白宫的时候,直觉告诉我,该为我们这个伟大的公司实行“C计划”了。拳王泰森说的对,“在被人狠狠修理一顿之前,每个人都是有自己的计划的”。但丘吉尔也说过,“计划本身无关紧要,制定计划却必不可少(观点)”,这也有道理。我们应该给我们的投资人、客户和全球13.1万名雇员一个从头开始的机会。A year ago we were pursuing plan A. We expected that Hillary Clinton would win the election and that American business would continue as it has since(小词) the subprime crisis, meaning slow growth and lots of red tape but open borders and record profits that we could return to shareholders as dividends and buy-backs. Together, our firm and fellow members of the S&P 500 index have been paying out $1trn a year, far more than we invest.一年前我们在努力实现A计划。我们料想希拉里会赢得大选,美国商业将继续次贷危机之后的局面——增长缓慢、监管重重,但边界开放、利润创纪录,我们也可将利润以股息和回购的形式回报给股东。我们公司和标准普尔500(词汇)指数的其他公司一年总共付出了一万亿美元,远超我们的投资。After November 8th, we switched to plan B. For a few months it seemed a Republican-run Congress and White House might deliver sweeping deregulation and tax reforms to set the economy free, just as in the Reagan era. We dusted off plans to raise investment by a fifth and boost hiring at home. Like most firms we loaded the gun but didn’t pull the trigger. That was a hell of a great call.11月8号以后,我们转向B计划。有那么几个月,共和党掌控下的国会和白宫看似会全面放松管制、实行税收改革,以实现经济自由,就像里根时期那样。我们又搬出了老一套,准备把投资提升五分之一,并且在国内增聘人手。像大部分公司一样,我们给枪上了膛,却并没有扣下扳机。这可真是个伟大的决定。(表达)It is now clear that dysfunction(小词)at the White House and in Congress means plan B is off the table. The markets agree. Sure, equity prices are still up. But after the election, bond yields soared in anticipation of an economic boom, only to give up half of their gains. The “Trump Bump” has faded. Yet life won’t return to normal. Our firm faces many risks. We have to fight back.现在清楚了,白宫和国会运转不良意味着B计划已经没戏了。市场也赞同这一点。没错,股价仍在上涨。选举之后,出于对经济繁荣的预期,债券收益率飙升,结果又跌去了一半的增幅。“特朗普冲击”(词汇)已声势渐消。然而生活却不会恢复正常。我们公司面临很多风险。我们必须反击。That calls for plan C, which has three elements: winning, tackling and the future. I like to use the acronym “WTF”. For a start we have to win profits from our proximity to power. I sit on the president’s CEO advisory board and he has me on speed dial to talk about trade deals and his regulatory appointments. We toasted with Diet Coke on Air Force One after we visited Saudi Arabia in May. Our firm secured a contract worth $6bn for a desalination plant in Jeddah and a licence to operate a bank in the kingdom. These two wins will lift our profits by 14% a year by 2020.这就要求有C计划,其中包含三个要素:赢取,应对和未来。我想用这三个词的首字母来指代这一计划:“WTF”(winning, tackling and the future)。首先,我们必须通过接近权力来(介词视角转换)赢取利润。我是总统的CEO顾问委员会成员,在讨论贸易协议和他的监管任命时,他会首先找到我。5月访问沙特阿拉伯之后,我们在空军一号上以健怡可乐举杯相祝。我们公司签下了价值60亿美元的合同,得以在吉达(Jeddah)建设一个海水淡化厂,还获得了在沙特王国经营银行的许可。有了这两项胜利,2020年之前我们的利润将每年提升(小词)14%。A bonfire of obsolete laws by Congress is unlikely. But as one of my friends in the White House texted me yesterday, “people are policy”. We can still win in other ways. Business-friendly folk are newly in charge of the regulatory bodies for telecoms, the environment and the stockmarket. Candidate Trump grumbled about monopolies such as AT&T and Amazon, but now he is in office he has lost interest. I like it when that happens.要国会一把火烧掉过时的旧法规是不可能的。但就像我一位白宫的朋友昨天发给我的短信所说,“人就是政策”(观点)。我们还可通过其他方式赢取利益。对商业友好的人士最近掌管了电信、环境和股市的监管机构。特朗普还是候选人时,曾对AT&T和亚马逊这样的垄断企业颇有微词(表达),但如今既已就任,便对此失去了兴趣。我喜欢这样的局面。But plan C also requires us to recognise new dangers coming at us hard and fast. They need to be tackled—stopped and brought down. One of the Wall Street bankers I know likes to say that the president has three personalities: chairman, showman and con man. It is the last two we need to worry about.但是C计划也要求我们识别出将迅猛来袭的新危险(观点)。它们必须被解决——拦下来、平息掉。我认识的一位华尔街银行家总喜欢说总统特朗普有三重人格:董事长、演员和骗子。我们要担心的是后两个。Our PR team is ready to tackle any 4am presidential Twitter tirade(表达)about betraying American workers. We will avoid responding directly on Twitter, but will rebut him on Facebook and in e-mails to staff and the media. Our executives must have patriotic sound-bites on the tips of their tongues: for example, 52% of our staff are in America and we invest $5bn each year here. Repeat it.我们的公关团队已经做好准备,随时应付总统的推文,哪怕他在凌晨4点喋喋不休地声讨美国工人遭到的背叛。我们会避免直接在推特上回应,但会在Facebook和给员工及媒体的电子邮件中反驳他。我们的高管必须把爱国宣言挂在嘴边,比如说我们52%的员工在美国,我们每年在这里投资50亿美元。不断重复。We must also confront the risk of getting entangled in the investigations surrounding the White House. Today I am imposing a ban on any commercial interaction between our firm and the president’s business or the entrepreneurial folks in his entourage. This includes lending cash to the Trump Organisation, which has at least five loans and bonds maturing(小词)in the next four years.我们也必须正视一项风险:被卷入围绕白宫开展的调查。今天,我在此下达禁令,严禁我们公司与总统的生意或是他随员中的任何企业人士有商业往来,包括不能借钱给特朗普集团(Trump Organisation)。该集团在未来四年内至少有五笔贷款和债券到期。We must be ready to tackle any consequences of a trade war breaking out with China or Germany, or a collapse of NAFTA, with contingency plans for our global supply chains. We have secured facilities in Pennsylvania (a swing state for the president so he would like this), where some Mexican production can be moved. Any spare capacity would go to growing Asian economies. The one-off cost would be $500m—high but manageable.我们必须为我们的全球供应链制定应急计划(表达),以应对美国与中国或德国爆发贸易战或《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)崩溃的后果。我们已经在宾夕法尼亚州建厂(这个州在大选时是个摇摆州,所以总统会喜欢这一举动),墨西哥的部分生产可以搬去那里。任何剩余的产能都将流向亚洲的发展中经济体。一次性成本将有5亿美元,虽高昂但尚可应付。Having POTUS-proofed our company, that leaves the last letter of the WTF acronym: the future of our business in America. Corporate taxes may fall, but not by much. The president is targeting a rate of 15% but most of us on the CEO advisory council think 28% is as low as it will go, based on the fiscal outlook and the president’s weakness in Congress. Since our firm, like the aggregate of the S&P 500, pays a cash tax rate of 23%, this won’t make a difference.解决了让公司免受美国总统影响这个问题,就剩下WTF的最后一个字母:我们的业务在美国的未来。公司税可能会下降,但不会降太多(表达)。总统的目标税率是15%,但考虑到财政前景和总统在国会的弱势,我们CEO顾问委员会的大多数人都认为,税率最低也就能降到28%。我们公司和标准普尔500中的所有公司一样,支付23%的现金税,所以没有什么差别。We expect the taxation of foreign profits to be simplified under the administration, so we can repatriate the $51bn we parked(小词)abroad without paying a large levy (by the way we are not alone—the total for S&P 500 firms is over $1trn). But with a slow economy, politics unpredictable and digital predators such as Amazon breathing down our necks in some product areas, I have zero appetite(小词)to spend it on new American factories. We’ll use it for more buy-backs, new software or foreign expansion.我们期望这届政府能够简化对海外盈利的税收,这样我们便可将囤放在国外的510亿美元汇回国内,而不用支付高额税金——顺便说一句,我们不是独此一家,标普500指数公司总共有一万多亿美元放在国外。不过,由于经济增长缓慢,政治局面不可预测,亚马逊这样的数字掠夺者在某些产品领域又紧盯着我们,我对用这笔钱在美国建设新厂毫无兴趣。我们会用这些钱来增加回购、购买新软件或在国外扩张。West-winging itI’ll be frank. Plan C envisions three and a half years of America going nowhere. The odds of recession are one in three. If the economy stalls, it will be hard for President Trump to be re-elected. Which brings me to my final point. America has broken a taboo by electing a business figure to the White House. By 2020, perhaps voters will be hungry(小词) for a “competence candidate”. Someone who really has run a big empire. Someone like me.西翼包抄,拿下白宫坦白说,C计划预计美国三年半内会毫无建树(词汇)。发生经济衰退的可能性为三分之一。如果经济停滞不前,特朗普总统将难以获得连任。这就到了我要说的最后一点。美国选择了一位商界人物执掌白宫,打破了禁忌。到2020年,也许选民会渴望出现一位“有能力的候选人”、真正掌控过一个大帝国的人。就像我这样的。Mark Zuckerberg and Howard Schultz from Starbucks are already touring the country, running exploratory campaigns. Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase tells me he won’t run, but I don’t believe him. None of them can match my leadership record. By 2020 one of you deserves a chance to run this great company and I will seek the chance to serve America, the greatest turnaround opportunity on Earth. Keep it to yourselves for now—but the C in our new plan stands for candidate.马克·扎克伯格和星巴克的霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)已经在全国各地巡访,进行选举考察。摩根大通的杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)跟我说他不会参加竞选,但我不信。论担任领袖的履历,他们谁也没法跟我比。到2020年,你们中的某个人应该得到机会来经营这个伟大的公司,而我将寻求服务美国的机会,这也是令我们这个世界获得最大转变的机会。先不要声张——其实我们C计划中的“C”指的就是候选人(candidate)。","updated":"T02:51:35.000Z","canComment":false,"commentPermission":"review","commentCount":0,"likeCount":5,"state":"published","isLiked":false,"slug":"","isTitleImageFullScreen":false,"rating":"none","sourceUrl":"","publishedTime":"T10:51:35+08:00","links":{"comments":"/api/posts//comments"},"url":"/p/","titleImage":"/v2-46dad9e32e4685eec5e4_r.jpg","summary":"","href":"/api/posts/","meta":{"previous":null,"next":null},"snapshotUrl":"","commentsCount":0,"likesCount":5},"":{"title":"17.8.1ECO官译:我老了,要和喝你的血续命","author":"iqlake","content":"Fighting ageingYouthful spiritsBlood transfusions from young animals can revitalise old ones. Trials are now running to see if that is true for people, too对抗衰老青春血液输入年轻动物的血液可助年老动物重现活力。在人类身上是否亦是如此?试验正在进行中IT WAS one of the oddest experiments in the history of dentistry. In the early 1950s a researcher called Benjamin Kamrin was looking into the causes of tooth decay. To do so, he turned to that scientific stalwart, the lab rat. Specifically, he cut small patches of skin from pairs of rats and then sutured the animals together at the site of the wound. After about a week of being joined in this way, the animals’ blood vessels began to merge. The result was two rats whose hearts pumped blood around a shared circulatory system. This state of affairs is called parabiosis.这是牙科史上最怪异的试验之一。20世纪50年代初,一位名叫本杰明·卡姆林(Benjamin Kamrin)的研究人员为研究蛀牙的成因,求助于科学试验的忠实伙伴——大鼠。具体来说,就是从好几对大鼠身上分别切下小块的皮肤组织,然后在切口处把这些大鼠两两缝合在一起。如此合体约一周后,它们的血管开始融合。结果是两只大鼠的心脏会向共享的循环系统供血。这种情况被称为联体共生(parabiosis)。Parabiosis works best on animals that are closely related genetically. By getting his rats to share blood, as well as genes, and then feeding the animals a variety of diets, Kamrin hoped to prove (which he did) that it was sugar in food, and not some inherent deficiency in individuals, that was responsible for rotting their teeth.在基因密切相关的动物身上,联体共生的效果最佳。卡姆林让这些大鼠共享血液和基因,然后向它们投喂各种食物,希望以此证明导致龋齿的是食物中的糖分,而非个体的某种先天不足。他最终成功证明了这一点。Other people, though, have used the technique to find more striking results. For example, mammalian bone density usually drops with age. Three years after Kamrin’s work, however, a gerontologist called Clive McCay showed that linking an old rat to a young one boosted the density of the oldster’s bones. In 1972 another paper reported, even more spectacularly, that elderly rats which shared blood with young ones lived four to five months longer than similarly old rats which did not.其他人则利用该技术获得了更惊人的发现。例如,哺乳类动物的骨密度通常随年龄增长而下降。然而,卡姆林的研究过了三年后,老年病学家克莱夫·麦凯(Clive McCay)证明了把老年大鼠和幼年大鼠联体能提升老年大鼠的骨密度。1972年,另一篇论文更令人咋舌地指出,相比同类老年大鼠,分享了幼年大鼠血液的老年大鼠能多生存四至五个月。The rats themselves, unsurprisingly, were not always keen on the procedure. Early papers describe the dangers of “parabiotic disease”, in which one animal’s immune system rebels against the foreign blood, and also explain how rats must be socialised carefully before being joined, to stop them biting each other to death.当然,大鼠们本身并不太喜欢这个过程。早期就有论文描述过“共生病”的危害——发病时动物的免疫系统排斥外来血液。论文也解释了在把这些试验鼠联体之前,必须先小心地让它们熟络起来,防止互相撕咬致死。“The technique itself is kind of gross and crude,” admits Michael Conboy, a biologist and parabiosis researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. Perhaps for that reason, research had more or less died out by the late 1970s. These days, though, it is back in the news—for a string of recent discoveries have suggested that previous generations of researchers were on to something. The blood of young animals, it seems, may indeed be able to ameliorate at least some of the effects of ageing. And the technique is promising enough to have spawned human clinical trials.加州大学伯克利分校的生物学家和联体共生研究员迈克尔·康博伊(Michael Conboy)承认,“这种技术本身有些野蛮和倒人胃口。”也许是这个原因,到了20世纪70年代后期,这方面的研究已差不多销声匿迹。不过,最近这种技术又重新回到人们的视线里,因为近期有一连串发现显示,前几代研究人员其实已经摸索到了一些重要的东西。看起来,年轻动物的血液好像确实能够缓解至少一部分的衰老的影响。以该技术的前景,足以催生这方面的人体临床试验。No jokes about vampires, please拜托,别拿吸血鬼开玩笑This modern interest in parabiosis dates back to 2005, when Dr Conboy (who was then at Stanford University), his wife Irina, and a group of other Stanford researchers published a paper in Nature. In it they described joining mice aged between two and three months with members of the same strain that were 19-26 months old. That is roughly equivalent to hooking a 20-year-old human up to a septuagenarian. After five weeks, the Conboys and their colleagues deliberately injured the older mice’s muscles. Usually, old animals heal far less effectively from such injuries than young ones do. But these mice healed almost as well as a set of young control animals. The young blood had a similar effect on liver cells, too, doubling or tripling their proliferation rate in older animals.联体共生的现代研究始自2005年。当时在斯坦福大学工作的康博伊(Conboy)和妻子伊琳娜(Irina)以及斯坦福的其他几位研究人员在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇论文。文章描述了对两至三个月大的小鼠和19至26个月大的同种小鼠所做的联体试验。这大致相当于把20岁的年轻人与七旬老人联体。五周后,康博伊夫妇和同事故意损伤了受试老年鼠的肌肉。通常,老年动物受到这类损伤后的恢复速度远不及年轻动物。但这些老年小鼠的痊愈效果堪比对照组的年轻小鼠。年轻血液对肝细胞也有类似效果,使老年小鼠体内肝细胞的增殖速度提高了一或两倍。Since then, a torrent of papers have shown matching improvements elsewhere in the body. No one has yet replicated the finding that young blood makes superannuated mice live longer. But it can help repair damaged spinal cords. It can encourage the formation of new neurons in mouse brains. It can help rejuvenate their pancreases. The walls of mouse hearts get thicke young blood can reverse that process as well.自此,有大量论文显示动物体内其他方面也存在类似的改善。但至今尚未有研究重复出年轻血液延长老年鼠寿命这一结果。但研究证明年轻血液有助修复受损的脊髓,还可促进小鼠的大脑形成新神经元,帮助它们的胰腺恢复活力。小鼠的心脏壁会随年龄增长而变厚,年轻的血液还可逆转这一过程。The effects work backwards, too. Old blood can impair neuron growth in young brains and decrepify youthful muscles. Intriguingly, the phenomenon even seems to operate across species. In April Tony Wyss-Coray, also at Stanford, showed that infusing old mice with blood from the umbilical cords of infant humans improved their performance on memory tests.其中也存在逆向效果。老年血液会损害年轻大脑中的神经元生长,并使年轻的肌肉衰老。有趣的是,这种现象似乎甚至可以跨物种显现。今年4月,同为斯坦福大学研究人员的托尼·魏斯-克雷(Tony Wyss-Coray)表示,老年小鼠输入人类婴儿的脐带血后,在记忆测试中的表现有所提升。There have been enough results, says Janet Lord, who runs the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing at Birmingham University, in Britain, to remove any doubt that something impressive is happening. But finding out exactly what is trickier. The working theory is that chemical signals in young blood are doing something to stem cells in older animals. Stem cells are special cells kept in reserve as means to repair and regrow damaged tissue. Like every other part of the body, they wear out as an animal ages. But something in the youngsters’ blood seems to restore their ability to proliferate and encourages them to repair damage with the same vigour as those belonging to a younger animal would.英国伯明翰大学炎症和老化研究所(Institute of Inflammation and Ageing)的负责人珍妮特·洛德(Janet Lord)说,现有研究结果足以让人消除怀疑,确信有一些非同一般的因素在起作用。但要确切说明到底是什么就不那么容易了。初步的理论是,年轻血液中的化学信号对年老动物中的干细胞施加了某种影响。干细胞是储备在体内的特殊细胞,用于修复和再生受损组织。就像身体其他各部分一样,干细胞也会随动物的年龄增长而老化。但年轻血液中的某些成分似乎能令干细胞恢复增殖能力,并促进它们像年轻动物的干细胞那样有效地修复受损组织。Nobody yet knows exactly what that something is, but people are looking hard. In all probability, says Dr Lord, it is not one thing at all, but dozens or hundreds of hormones, signalling proteins and the like, working together. Researchers have been comparing the chemical composition of old and young blood, searching for those chemicals that show the biggest changes in level between the two. These include oxytocin (a hormone better known for its role as a transmitter of signals between neurons); two proteins called GDF-11 and TGF beta-1, both of which are already known to a and B2M, another protein which, among other things, affects the body’s ability to absorb iron from food.还没有人确切知道到底是什么在起作用,但人们正在仔细分辨。洛德表示,很有可能不止一种,而是数十或数百种激素、信号蛋白及类似物质在共同作用。研究人员比较了年老及年轻血液的化学成分,寻找两者间含量水平差异最大的化学物质。这其中包括催产素,这种激素更为人熟知的作用是在神经元之间传递信号;还有名为GDF-11和TGF beta-1的两种蛋白质,已知两者均会影响细胞的行为;另外还有一种名为B2M的蛋白质,它的作用之一是影响身体从食物中吸收铁的能力。Even with a list of targets, working out what is going on is hard, says Richard Lee, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Blood is complicated stuff, and the tools available to analyse it are far from perfect. Dr Lee’s own work is a good example. In 2014 his group suggested GDF-11 as a possible rejuvenating factor. The following year a team at Novartis, a big pharmaceutical company, said that they were unable to replicate those results. The trouble, said the group from Novartis, was that the test used by Dr Lee’s team was sensitive to proteins besides GDF-11, messing up the results. Dr Lee’s team replied within months that, no, it was in fact the Novartis test that was flawed, because it was itself picking up extra proteins. And there, at the moment, the matter stands.即便有了目标清单,要弄清楚发生作用的过程还是很难,马萨诸塞州波士顿市布列根和妇女医院(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)的心脏病专家理查德·李(Richard Lee)说道。血液是很复杂的东西,现有的分析血液的工具也远非完美。李博士自己的研究便是个好例子。2014年,他的团队发现GDF-11有可能是一种“返老还童”因子。第二年,大型制药公司诺华(Novartis)的一个团队称无法重复该结果。诺华团队表示,问题在于李博士团队的测量方法对GDF-11以外的蛋白质也有敏感性,影响了测量结果。几个月后,李博士的团队予以否认,称有问题的其实是诺华团队的测试,因为正是该团队的测试在过程中混入了其他蛋白质。目前此事件尚无进一步发展。There are further possible explanations for parabiotic rejuvenation besides blood chemistry. One is that older animals may also benefit from having their blood scrubbed by young kidneys and livers, which mere blood transfusion would not offer. A paper published by the Conboys and their team in 2016, which described blood exchanges that were done in short bursts (thus eliminating the possibility of such scrubbing) reported rejuvenating effects, but ones that were not as widespread as those obtained by full-on parabiosis.除了血液化学方面的因素,联体共生的“返老还童”现象还有其他可能的解释。其一是,老年动物可能也同时受益于年轻肾脏和肝脏对血液的净化作用,而这单靠输血是无法实现的。康博伊及其团队在2016年发表的一篇论文称,在短时间内完成的血液交换(因而消除了上述净化过程的可能性)具有复壮的效果,但不如全面联体共生后那样全面。Another idea is that cells from the young animal, rather than chemicals in its blood, could be doing some of the work. By modifying the genes of a mouse so that its cells glow under ultraviolet light, researchers can track where those cells end up when the mouse in question is linked to another. They have found that only a few cells from a younger mouse take root in an older animal it is linked to. This does not quite rule the theory out, says Irina Conboy, for the number of cells may not reflect their importance. Immune-system cells, for instance, multiply rapidly when needed. And they are precisely the sorts of cells that might help an older animal.另一个想法是,也许是来自年轻动物的细胞发挥了些许作用,而非血液中的化学物质。研究人员改造了一只小鼠的基因,使其细胞能在紫外线下发光,从而在这只小鼠跟其他小鼠联体时跟踪这些细胞的去向。他们发现,在与老年鼠联体时,只有少数幼鼠的细胞转移到老年鼠体内。但这并不能完全推翻上述理论,伊琳娜·康博伊(Irina Conboy)说,因为细胞数量不一定反映其重要性。举个例子,免疫系统细胞在必要时可迅速繁殖。它们正是那种可能会对老年动物有所帮助的细胞。The mechanisms by which parabiosis operates, then, are foggy. But that has not dissuaded some companies from setting up trials to see if young blood can work its magic in people as well as rodents. Persuading patients to have themselves stitched to another person so they can share circulatory systems might be tricky. So instead of full-on parabiosis, these trials are using donated blood plasma.如此说来,联体共生的作用机制仍是个谜。但这并没有阻止一些公司展开试验,探究除了啮齿类动物之外,年轻血液是否也会在人类身上发挥神奇的效应。说服患者与他人缝合成一体以共享循环系统可能不大容易。因此,这些试验运用了捐献血浆,而非采取全面的联体共生。Blood simples输血蠢行One such firm, based in California, is called Ambrosia. It has attracted plenty of raised eyebrows for charging its participants, who must be at least 35 years old, $8,000 to join. For that, they get an infusion of blood plasma from a donor under 25. Most clinical trials work by comparing the treatment under investigation either with another, established treatment, or with a placebo. Ambrosia’s trial will not do this. Jesse Karmazin, Ambrosia’s founder, says it would be hard to persuade people to pay if there were a chance they might not get the real thing. Instead, he says, patients will serve as their own controls. This will be done by comparing their blood chemistries before and after the treatment.这类公司中有一家位于美国加州,名为Ambrosia(“长生珍馐”)。该公司要求参与试验者必须年满35岁,并收取8000美元的费用——这一价格令不少人感到惊讶。付钱后,参与者被输入来自25岁以下捐献者的血浆。大部分临床试验要么是将所研究的疗法与另一种已经证实的疗法作对照,要么是与安慰剂组作比较,Ambrosia的试验则不然。其创始人杰西·卡马辛(Jesse Karmazin)表示,如果受试者有可能被分到对照组,那么就很难说服他们付这笔钱来参与试验。他说,患者将充当自己的对照组,通过比较接受治疗前后的血液化学成分来进行临床试验。The unusual trial design, the charge for participation and the sheer amount of hype surrounding anti-ageing research has led some to accuse Dr Karmazin of being more interested in money than science. Not so, he says. Because blood plasma is a natural product, he says, it is not patentable. Without the prospect of a profitable new drug, no drug companies are interested in sponsoring his work. “If I could run this trial for free, I would,” he says. “But the reality is I can’t.” Indeed, Dr Karmazin would not be drawn on how—or if—he plans to turn an eventual profit. But he argues that, with plenty of blood plasma already being collected, both for transfusion and to extract important biochemicals such as clotting factors from it, checking to see if it might have other useful properties is only sensible. Although Ambrosia is not yet ready to publish its results, its initial findings, he says, are encouraging.由于不寻常的试验设计,加上参与费用和围绕抗衰老研究的大量炒作,已有一些人指责卡马辛意在赚钱甚于科研。他否认了这一点。他说,血浆是一种天然产品,因此不能申请专利。如果没有希望研发出有利可图的新药,制药公司就不会有兴趣赞助他的研究。“我要是能免费做这个试验,我会免费的,”他说道,“但现实是我不能。”的确,卡马辛不愿意透露他是否或者如何计划籍此最终获利。但他认为,已有大量血浆被收集起来,既为输血之用,也为抽取凝血因子等重要生化物质,测试血浆是否有其他有用特性恰是明智的做法。尽管Ambrosia公司还未准备好发表研究成果,但他说初步结果令人鼓舞。Another firm, called Alkahest, which was spun out of work done at Stanford, has had less trouble attracting money. It began its life in JLABS, a biotechnology “incubator” run by Johnson & Johnson, a big drug firm, and has secured $50m from Grifols, a Spanish company that processes blood plasma into various products. It has commissioned a trial in which 18 people with Alzheimer’s disease will be given four infusions of plasma taken from young donors, over four weeks. The main goal, says Karoly Nickolich, Alkahest’s boss, is to see if the treatment is safe. That should, he says, be fairly straightforward. Blood transfusions are, after all, routine procedures. The study will also, though, check whether the blood used can reverse some of the effects of Alzheimer’s, as seems to happen in mice in analogous circumstances.另一家名为Alkahest(“万能溶剂”)的公司源于斯坦福大学的研究项目,在吸引投资上阻力较小。它最初成形于大型制药公司強生设立的生物科技“孵化器”JLABS,并从生产各类血浆制品的西班牙公司Grifols获得了5000万美元的投资。Alkahest已经委托开展一项试验——在四周内,向18名阿尔茨海默症患者分四次输入年轻献血者的血浆。Alkahest公司的老板卡罗伊·尼克里奇(Karoly Nikolich)表示,试验的主要目标是了解疗法是否安全。他说,结果应该会相当明确,毕竟输血是常规医疗手段。不过,该研究也将检验所用的血液能否逆转阿尔茨海默氏病的某些影响,这对处于类似情况下的小鼠似乎是有效的。Alkahest plans to present the results of its study at a conference in November. Because the trial is being run by researchers at Stanford, rather than by the firm itself, Mr Nickolich does not yet know what they are likely to show. But if the treatment is safe, he says, and if it proves effective, then the next step will be to identify and isolate the responsible compounds. Unlike blood plasma, such compounds would be patentable—particularly if they were then made synthetically. And such synthesis would be needed. As Mr Nickolich observes, even if things go well, there is simply not enough donated blood around to treat the world’s 44m Alzheimer’s patients with plasma extracts.Alkahest公司计划在11月的一次会议上介绍其研究成果。由于试验是由斯坦福大学的研究人员而非公司自己进行的,尼克里奇还不清楚可能会展示怎样的内容。不过他说,如果疗法是安全的且被证明有效,那么下一步便会是识别及分离发挥效力的化合物。不同于血浆,这类化合物是可以申请专利的,尤其是以后需要人工合成的话。而且也的确需要合成制造。正如尼克里奇认为的那样,即便试验一切顺利,献血量也不足以提取血浆物质来治疗全球4400万名阿尔茨海默症患者。Some researchers are more wary than Mr Nickolich about the wisdom of such trials. Michael Conboy points out that transfusions are risky. “You can occasionally get immune reactions even with well-matched donors,” he says. “In the worst cases you can get full-on anaphylaxis [an extreme allergic reaction that can be fatal].”对于这类试验是否明智,一些研究人员比尼克里奇更为谨慎。迈克尔·康博伊指出,输血是有风险的。“即便血浆来自配对得当的献血者,也可能出现免疫排斥反应,”他说,“最糟糕的情况是出现全身过敏反应(一种可能致命的极端过敏反应)。”For his part, Dr Lee worries about the hype that inevitably attaches itself to “anti-ageing” treatments. “I never use terms like ‘anti-ageing’ or ‘rejuvenation’ when I talk about laboratory science,” he says. “It conveys a false sense of hope.” Dr Lord agrees that talk of reversing ageing is premature. But, she says, there are reasons for cautious optimism. Improving the ability of old muscles to repair themselves, for instance, might not be enough to fend off the Reaper for ever. But frailty, and the falls it causes, are a problem for the elderly. Mitigating the damage from Alzheimer’s, even if it cannot be cured, would also be a boon. Rather than lengthening lifespan, says Dr Lord, it is better to think about lengthening “healthspan”. That is not immortality. But it would still be quite something.而李博士则担心对这类试验的大肆宣传难免会使其与“抗衰老”疗法挂钩。“在谈论实验室研究时,我从来不用‘抗衰老’或‘返老还童’这些词,”他说,“这会产生误导,让人空欢喜。”洛德也认同现在谈论逆转衰老还为时尚早。不过她说确有理由持审慎乐观态度。例如,改善老化肌肉的自我修复能力也许不足以长久对抗死神,但年老体衰以及由此导致的跌跤对老年人来说的确是个问题;即便无法治愈阿尔茨海默症,能减轻其损害也是一个福音。洛德说,与其追求延年益寿,还不如考虑怎样延长“健康期”。这不是长生不老,但仍会是件了不得的事。","updated":"T05:49:05.000Z","canComment":false,"commentPermission":"anyone","commentCount":1,"likeCount":12,"state":"published","isLiked":false,"slug":"","isTitleImageFullScreen":false,"rating":"none","sourceUrl":"","publishedTime":"T13:49:05+08:00","links":{"comments":"/api/posts//comments"},"url":"/p/","titleImage":"/v2-4c839f65af8b65bc1ae3b_r.jpg","summary":"","href":"/api/posts/","meta":{"previous":null,"next":null},"snapshotUrl":"","commentsCount":1,"likesCount":12},"":{"title":"翻译工作者宪章 - 姚洋 转自国际译联","author":"iqlake","content":"THE TRANSLATOR'S CHARTER翻译工作者宪章Approved by the Congress at Dubrovnik in 1963, and amended in Oslo on July 9, 1994 The International Federation of Translators本宪章于1963年9月在杜布罗夫尼克(南斯拉夫)召开的国际翻译工作者联合会(国际译联)第四次代表大会上通过。当时参加国际译联的有23个国家的翻译工作者团体。Noting that translation has established itself as a permanent, universal and necessary activity i that by making intellectual and material exchanges possible among nations it enriches their life and contributes to a better under that in spite of the various circumstances under which it is practiced translation must now be recognized as a distinct and autonomous profession.国际翻译工作者联合会认为,翻译工作在当代世界被看作是一种经常、普遍和必不可少的活动形式;翻译工作能够使各国人民进行精神与物质上的交流,丰 富各国人民的生活,促进人们之间的了解;尽管从事翻译工作的环境各有不同,但当前必须把翻译工作看作是一种固定、独立的职业。And desiring to lay down, as a formal document, certain general principles inseparably connected with the profession of translating, particularly for the purpose of stressing the social function of translation, laying down the rights and duties of translators, laying the basis of a translator's code of ethics, improving the economic conditions and social climate in which the translator carries out his activity, and recommending certain lines of conduct for translators and their professional organizations, and to contribute in this way to the recognition of translation as a distinct and autonomous profession.希望以正式文件的形式,阐明与翻译工作者的职业密切相关的几项共同原则,以便着重指出翻译工作的社会职能,明确翻译工作者的权利和义务,奠定翻译工作者道德规范的基础,改善翻译工作者从事翻译工作的经济条件与社会环境,为翻译工作者及其职业团体提供某些活动方针,借以肯定翻译工作是一种固定、独立 的职业。Announced the text of a charter proposed to serve as guiding principles for the exercise of the profession of translator.有鉴于此,国际翻译工作者联合会特公布本宪章,作为翻译工作者从事翻译活动的指针。SECTION I GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE TRANSLATOR第一章 翻译工作者的义务1. Translation, being an intellectual activity, the object of which is the transfer of literary, scientific and technical texts from one language into another, imposes on those who practice it specific obligations inherent in its very nature.1、翻译工作作为一种脑力劳动其目的是将文学、科学方面的材料从一种语言译成另一种语言,从事这一工作的人承担着由该工作性质产生的特殊义务。2. A translation shall always be made on the sole responsibility of the translator, whatever the character of the relationship of contract which binds him/her to the user.2、不管翻译工作者与使用译文的个人和机关建立的是什么关系或合同,译文概由翻译工作者负责。3. The translator shall refuse to give to a text an interpretation of which he/she does not approve, or which would be contrary to the obligations of his/her profession.3、凡是翻译工作者不同意的或与翻译工作者业务职责相抵触的对原文的解释,翻译工作者应该加以拒绝。4. Every translation shall be faithful and render exactly the idea and form of the original. this fidelity constituting both a moral and legal obligation for the translator.4、任何译文都应忠实于原意,准确表达原文的思想和形式,遵守这种忠实的原则是翻译工作者法律上与道德上的义务。5. A faithful translation, however, should not be confused with a literal translation, the fidelity of a translation not excluding an adaptation to make the form, the atmosphere and deeper meaning of the work felt in another language and country.5、然而,正确的译文不应同逐字翻译混为一谈,因为翻译的忠实并不排除文字上的必要改变,以便使人能够用另一种语言在另一个国家体会到原作的形式、气氛及其内在含意。6. The translator shall possess a sound knowledge of the language from which he/she translates and should, in particular, be a master of that into which he/she translates.6、翻译工作者应通晓原文,更重要的是要精通用来进行翻译的语言。7. He/she must likewise have a broad general knowledge and know sufficiently well the subject matter of the translation and refrain from undertaking a translation in a field beyond his competence.7、翻译工作者应该知识广博,对所译对象应有足够了解,对不熟悉的工作不予承担。8. The translator shall refrain from any unfair competition in carrying
in particular, he/she shall strive for equitable remuneration and not accept any fee below that which may be fixed by law and regulations.8、翻译工作者在职业活动中应该不作任何不诚实的竞争;翻译工作者不能接受低于法律专门决议、习惯或者他所在的职业团体明文规定的报酬。9. In general, he/she shall neither seek nor accept work under conditions humiliating to himself/herself or his/her profession.9、翻译工作者不应该在有损于个人或职业尊严的条件下去寻找或接受工作。10. The translator shall respect the legitimate interests of the user by treating as a professional secret any information which may come into his/her possession as a result of the translation entrusted to him/her.10、翻译工作者应该尊重使用译文的个人和机关的合法利益,应将所有在从事委托给他的翻译工作时可能得到的资料视为职业秘密。11. Being a \"secondary\" author, the translator is required to accept special obligations with respect to the author of the original work.11、翻译工作者作为\"再创造\"的作者,对原作者负有特殊义务。12. He/she must obtain from the author of the original work or from the user authorization to translate a work, and must furthermore respect all other rights vested in the author.12、翻译工作者未经原著作者或原著所有者的允许,不得翻译该项著作,同时也应该尊重作者其他各项权利。SECTION II RIGHTS OF THE TRANSLATOR第二章翻译工作者的权利13. Every translator shall enjoy all the rights with respect to the translation he/she has made, which the country where he/she exercises his/her activities grants to other intellectual workers.13、每个翻译工作者对其译著享有所在国给予其他脑力劳动者所享有的一切权利。14. A translation, being a creation of the intellect, shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to such works.14、译著是脑力劳动成果,受有关规定的法律保护。15. The translator is therefore the holder of copyright in his/her translation and consequently has the same privileges as the author of the original work.15、翻译工作者对其译著享有著作权,从而享有与原著作者同样的优惠权益。16. The translator shall thus enjoy, with respect to his/her translation, all the moral rights of succession conferred by his/her authorship.16、翻译工作者对其译著享有与作者同样的一切道义上的权利与遗产转让的权利。17. He/she shall consequently enjoy during his/her lifetime the right to recognition of his/her authorship of the translation, from which it follows, inter alias, that17、翻译工作者生前享有确认本人为其译著作者的权利,其中包括:(a) his/her name shall be mentioned clearly and unambiguously whenever his/her translat甲) 公开利用译者的译文时应该明确、清楚地提到译者的姓名;(b) he/she shall be entitled to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his/乙) 译者有权反对任何歪曲、删减或改动其译文的行为;(c) publishers and other users of his/her translation shall not make changes therein without the translator'丙) 出版者或其他利用译文的人,事先未经译者同意,不得对译文进行任何改动;(d) he/she shall be entitled to prohibit any improper use of his/her translation and, in general, to resist any attack upon it that is prejudicial to his/her honor or reputation.丁) 译者有权禁止非法利用其译文的一切行为,有权反对损害译者荣誉或声望的任何活动。18. Furthermore, the exclusive right to authorize the publication, presentation, broadcasting, re-translation, adaptation, modification or other rendering of his/her translation, and, in general, the right to use his/her translation in any form shall remain with the translator.18、翻译工作者在允许别人发表、演出、广播、翻译、改写、修改其译文及其他以任何形式利用其译文方面,享有特殊的决定权。19. For every public use of his/her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law.19、翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。SECTION II RIGHTS OF THE TRANSLATOR第二章翻译工作者的权利13. Every translator shall enjoy all the rights with respect to the translation he/she has made, which the country where he/she exercises his/her activities grants to other intellectual workers.13、每个翻译工作者对其译著享有所在国给予其他脑力劳动者所享有的一切权利。14. A translation, being a creation of the intellect, shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to such works.14、译著是脑力劳动成果,受有关规定的法律保护。15. The translator is therefore the holder of copyright in his/her translation and consequently has the same privileges as the author of the original work.15、翻译工作者对其译著享有著作权,从而享有与原著作者同样的优惠权益。16. The translator shall thus enjoy, with respect to his/her translation, all the moral rights of succession conferred by his/her authorship.16、翻译工作者对其译著享有与作者同样的一切道义上的权利与遗产转让的权利。17. He/she shall consequently enjoy during his/her lifetime the right to recognition of his/her authorship of the translation, from which it follows, inter alias, that17、翻译工作者生前享有确认本人为其译著作者的权利,其中包括:(a) his/her name shall be mentioned clearly and unambiguously whenever his/her translat甲) 公开利用译者的译文时应该明确、清楚地提到译者的姓名;(b) he/she shall be entitled to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his/乙) 译者有权反对任何歪曲、删减或改动其译文的行为;(c) publishers and other users of his/her translation shall not make changes therein without the translator'丙) 出版者或其他利用译文的人,事先未经译者同意,不得对译文进行任何改动;(d) he/she shall be entitled to prohibit any improper use of his/her translation and, in general, to resist any attack upon it that is prejudicial to his/her honor or reputation.丁) 译者有权禁止非法利用其译文的一切行为,有权反对损害译者荣誉或声望的任何活动。18. Furthermore, the exclusive right to authorize the publication, presentation, broadcasting, re-translation, adaptation, modification or other rendering of his/her translation, and, in general, the right to use his/her translation in any form shall remain with the translator.18、翻译工作者在允许别人发表、演出、广播、翻译、改写、修改其译文及其他以任何形式利用其译文方面,享有特殊的决定权。19. For every public use of his/her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law.19、翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。SECTION II RIGHTS OF THE TRANSLATOR第二章翻译工作者的权利13. Every translator shall enjoy all the rights with respect to the translation he/she has made, which the country where he/she exercises his/her activities grants to other intellectual workers.13、每个翻译工作者对其译著享有所在国给予其他脑力劳动者所享有的一切权利。14. A translation, being a creation of the intellect, shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to such works.14、译著是脑力劳动成果,受有关规定的法律保护。15. The translator is therefore the holder of copyright in his/her translation and consequently has the same privileges as the author of the original work.15、翻译工作者对其译著享有著作权,从而享有与原著作者同样的优惠权益。16. The translator shall thus enjoy, with respect to his/her translation, all the moral rights of succession conferred by his/her authorship.16、翻译工作者对其译著享有与作者同样的一切道义上的权利与遗产转让的权利。17. He/she shall consequently enjoy during his/her lifetime the right to recognition of his/her authorship of the translation, from which it follows, inter alias, that17、翻译工作者生前享有确认本人为其译著作者的权利,其中包括:(a) his/her name shall be mentioned clearly and unambiguously whenever his/her translat甲) 公开利用译者的译文时应该明确、清楚地提到译者的姓名;(b) he/she shall be entitled to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his/乙) 译者有权反对任何歪曲、删减或改动其译文的行为;(c) publishers and other users of his/her translation shall not make changes therein without the translator'丙) 出版者或其他利用译文的人,事先未经译者同意,不得对译文进行任何改动;(d) he/she shall be entitled to prohibit any improper use of his/her translation and, in general, to resist any attack upon it that is prejudicial to his/her honor or reputation.丁) 译者有权禁止非法利用其译文的一切行为,有权反对损害译者荣誉或声望的任何活动。18. Furthermore, the exclusive right to authorize the publication, presentation, broadcasting, re-translation, adaptation, modification or other rendering of his/her translation, and, in general, the right to use his/her translation in any form shall remain with the translator.18、翻译工作者在允许别人发表、演出、广播、翻译、改写、修改其译文及其他以任何形式利用其译文方面,享有特殊的决定权。19. For every public use of his/her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law.19、翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。SECTION III ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POSITION OF THE TRANSLATOR第三章 翻译工作者的经济地位和社会地位20. The translator must be assured of living conditions enabling him/her to carry out with efficiency and dignity the social task conferred on him/her.20、翻译工作者有权获得能使他切实完成其所负社会任务的生活条件。21. The translator shall have a share in the success of his/her work and shall, in particular, be entitled to remuneration proportional to the commercial proceeds from the work he/she has translated.21、翻译工作者有权从其译著的成果中获得利益,有权从其译著的商务利润中按比例获得报酬。22. It must be recognized that translation can also arise in the form of commissioned work and acquire as such rights to remuneration independent of commercial profits accruing from the work translated.22、翻译工作者也可以一次预订的方式进行;在这种情况下,不论其译著所得商业利润如何,译者都有权获得报酬。23. The translating profession, like other professions, shall enjoy in every country a protection equal to that afforded to other professions in that country, by collective agreements, standard contracts, etc.23、翻译工作这项职业,同其他自由职业一样,在各国都受到监督工资、集体合同、标准合同等措施的保护。24. Translators in every country shall enjoy the advantages granted to intellectual workers, and particularly of all social insurance schemes, such as old-age pensions, health insurance, unemployment benefits and family allowances.24、各国翻译工作者都享有脑力劳动者享有的各种优惠待遇,其中包括老年退休金、医疗、失业、多子女的补助金等各种形式的社会保障。SECTION IV TRANSLATORS' SOCIETIES AND UNIONS第四章 翻译工作者协会或联合会25. In common with members of other professions, translators shall enjoy the right to form professional societies or unions.25、翻译工作者同其他自由职业者一样,有权组织职业协会或联合会。26. In addition to defending the moral and material interests of translators, these organizations shall have the task of ensuring improvement in standards of translation and of dealing with all other matters concerning translation.26、这些组织的任务,除了保护翻译工作者的物质和精神利益外,还应包括提高翻译质量和研究与翻译有关的一切其他问题。27. They shall exert their influence on public authorities in the preparation and introduction of legal measures and regulations concerning the profession.27、为了草拟与翻译工作者有关的法律措施和规则,翻译工作者协会或联合会可与政府机关进行接触。28. They shall strive to maintain permanent relations with organizations which are users of translations (publishers' associations, industrial and commercial enterprises, public and private authorities, the}


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