
有一组关于嘉士伯(Carlsberg)的平面广告,以世界各地的美景为背景,例如威尼斯,普罗旺斯,然后在美景中缀如嘉士伯的运输车,每张右下角是嘉士伯的标语:probably the best beer in the world.我在做一个关于啤酒广告的演讲,想请问关于这组广告的细节:比如主题,年份,出品单位,发行地区。。。任何线索都可以,只要能帮我进一步得搜索。谢谢!!!
09-08-30 &匿名提问
世界500强企业宣传口号1979西铁城领导钟表新潮流,石英技术誉满全球。(西铁城)可口可乐添欢笑(可口可乐)将以卓越的电子技术,对中日友好做出贡献。(SONY)为社会各领域,提供准确计时。(精工表)让我们来充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧(五十铃汽车)1980味道好极了(雀巢咖啡)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)先进石英科技,准确分秒不差。(梅花表)国内首创,驰名中外。(珍珠霜)为人民服务,为大众计时。(铁达时表)1981“飞跃”目标——世界先进水平(飞跃电视)“飞跃”精神——一切为用户着想(飞跃电视)戴雷达,闯天下。(雷达表)1982就是可口可乐(可口可乐)车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。(丰田汽车)质量第一,用户第一。(金星电视)独特设计,最新产品,女装自动表。(东方表)1983燕舞,燕舞,一片歌来一片情。(燕舞收录机)“凯歌”传佳音,更上一层楼。(凯歌电视)一切为用户着想,一切为用户负责。(海信电视)1984百事,新一代的选择。(百事可乐)质量至上有夏普(夏普)力波啤酒,的确与众不同。(力波啤酒)上海大众永远和您在一起(大众汽车)威力洗衣机,献给母亲的爱。(威力洗衣机)1885大宝,天天见(大宝)优质的联想——夏普(夏普电器)SONY这是你第一次见到的名字吗(SONY)1986万家乐,乐万家(万家乐电器)飞利浦——尖端科技的标志(飞利浦)精美耐用,全球推崇(西铁城表)上海桑塔纳,汽车新潮流(桑塔纳)1987当太阳升起的时候,我们的爱天长地久(太阳神)两片,史克肠虫清(中美史克)最适合中国民航客运的机种——波音757客机(美国波音)第一流产品,为足下争光(上海鞋油)质高款新寰宇颂,国际名表西铁城(西铁城)1988精心创造,精心服务(金星电视)汽车工业新一代标志(广州标致)聚科技群星,创电子先河(星河音响)1989挡不住的感觉(可口可乐)中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚(亚细亚商场)今年二十,明年十八(白丽美容香皂)东方航空,飞向世界(东方航空)容声,容声,质量的保证(容声冰箱)1990嘉士伯,可能是世界上最好的啤酒(嘉士伯啤酒)只溶在口,不溶在手(M&M巧克力)城乡路万千,路路有航天(航天汽车)高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来(公益广告)她工作,您休息(凯歌全自动洗衣机)妥贴保护,伸缩自如(邦迪创可贴)用了都说好(达克宁霜)领先一步,申花电器(申花电器)要开一流车,江西五十铃(江西五十铃)雪中之豹,雪中之宝,雪中送宝(雪豹皮革行)1991喝了娃哈哈,吃饭就是香(娃哈哈)一股浓香,一缕温暖(南方黑芝麻糊)喝贝克,听自己的(贝克啤酒)人人求健康,长寿505(505神功元气袋)天磁杯,天磁杯,你一杯,我一杯,一杯一杯又一杯(天磁杯)人头马一开,好事自然来(人头马酒)亚细亚,太阳升起的地方(亚细亚商场)1992新飞广告做得好,不如新飞冰箱好(新飞电冰箱)康师傅方便面,好吃看得见(康师傅)岁岁平安,三九胃泰的承诺(三九胃泰)何以解忧,唯有杜康(杜康酒)太空时代的饮品(果珍)拥有健康,当然亮泽(潘婷洗发水)让生命尽显健康本色(太阳神口服液)专业保健,至精至诚(太阳神口服液)叩开名流之门,共度锦绣人生(上海精品商厦)美在妇女(上海妇女用品商店)有多少南方摩托车,就有多少动人的故事(南方摩托)1993明天将发生什麽(联想集团)今年夏天最冷的热门新闻(西泠冰箱)一呼天下应(润讯通讯)中意冰箱,人人中意(中意电器)青春宝,使你永葆青春(青春宝)燕京啤酒,清爽怡人(燕京啤酒)不要太潇洒(杉杉西服)走富康路,坐富康车(富康车)好马配好鞍,好车配风帆(汽车蓄电池)中国名车,嘉陵摩托(嘉陵摩托)赢家的风采(切诺基轿车)每天送你一位新“太太”(太太口服液)明星风采,纯纯关怀(美加净)伊思丽使我更美丽(伊思丽)1994羊羊羊,发羊财(恒源祥)喝孔府宴酒,,做天下文章(孔府宴酒)今天你喝了没有?(乐百氏)海尔,真诚到永远(海尔电器)牡丹虽好,还要爱人喜欢(牡丹电视机)望子成龙,小霸王学习机(小霸王电脑学习机)柔美皮肤,从旁氏开始(旁氏护肤品)省优,部优,葛优?(双汇火腿肠)汽车要加油,我要喝红牛(红牛饮料)走中国道路,乘一汽奥迪(一汽)踏上轻骑,马到成功(轻骑摩托)共创美的前程,共度美的人生(美的电器)金矢所至,施尔健康(金施尔康含片)让一亿人先聪明起来(巨人脑黄金)1995领先一步,申花电器(申花洗衣机)容事达,时代潮(容事达洗衣机)让我们做得更好(飞利浦)孔府家酒,叫人想家(孔府家酒)生活中离不开这口子(口子酒)款款“神州”,万家追求(神州热水器)要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝(大宝)鄂尔多斯羊绒衫,温暖全世界(鄂尔多斯羊绒衫)正宗椰树牌椰汁,白白嫩嫩(椰树牌椰汁)今年夏天喝什麽?828蔬菜汁(828蔬菜汁)东奔好走,要喝宋河好酒(宋河)拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕(桑塔纳轿车)我们为你想的更多(格力空调)做女人真好(太太口服液)1996维维豆奶,欢乐开怀(维维豆奶)太阳更红,长虹更新(长虹电视)长城永不倒,国货当自强(奥妮皂角洗发浸膏)其实,男人更需要关怀(丽珠得乐)开开衬衫,领袖风采(开开衬衫)一切尽在掌握(爱立信)科技以人为本(诺基亚)飞跃无限(摩托罗拉)让我们做得更好(飞利浦)长城烽火,传信万里(西门子)每一年,每一天,我们都在进步(联想电脑)容事达,时代潮(容事达电器)穿金猴皮鞋,走金光大道(金猴皮鞋)东西南北中,好酒在张弓(张弓酒)永远的绿色,永远的秦池(秦池酒)红星御酒,融进你我真情(红星御酒)坐红旗车,走中国路(红旗轿车)1997我们一直在努力(爱多电器)中国人的生活,中国人的美菱(美菱冰箱)没有最好,只有更好(澳柯玛冰柜)好空调,格力造(格力空调)牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香(蓝天六必治)轻松爽洁,不紧绷(碧柔洗面奶)中华永在我心中(中华牙膏)保护嗓子,请用金嗓子喉宝(金嗓子喉宝)补钙新观念,吸收是关键(龙牡壮骨冲剂)播下幸福的种子,托起明天的太阳(种子酒)喝汇源果汁,走健康之路(汇源果汁)苦苦的追求,甜甜的享受(伊利雪糕)华龙面,天天见(华龙方便面)食华丰,路路通(华丰方便面)集美沙发,牛!(集美沙发)我的眼里只有你(娃哈哈纯净水)远大,开创中央空调新纪元(远大空调)当别人仍然以“大”事为重,NEC却专注于“小”事(NEC传呼)1998新春新意新鲜新趣,可喜可贺可口可乐(可口可乐)真金不怕火炼(金正VCD)福气多多,满意多多(福满多方便面)非常可乐,非常选择(非常可乐)农夫山泉有点甜(农夫山泉)清清爽爽每一天(娇爽卫生护垫)海尔,中国造(海尔)男人应有自己的声音(阿尔卡特手机)从更大到更好(长虹电器)清凉舒爽,全家共享(六神沐浴露)家有三洋,冬暖夏凉(三洋空调)27层净化(乐百氏纯净水)1999飘柔,就是这麽自信(飘柔)足及生活每一天(搜狐)知识改变命运(公益广告)科技让你更轻松(商务通)没什麽大不了的(丰韵丹)晶晶亮,透心凉(雪碧)治肾虚,请用汇仁肾宝(汇仁肾宝)2000呼机,手机,商务通,一个都不能少(商务通)谁让我心动?(FM365网站)The world's top 500 enterprises slogan 1979 New Wave Leaders Citizen watches, quartz technology world famous. (Citizen) Tim laughter Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) Electronic technology will be superior to Contribute to Sino-Japanese friendship. (SONY) For the society in various fields to provide an accurate time. (SEIKO) Let us take full advantage of多快好省can transport cargo trailer the first bar (Isuzu Motor Vehicles) 1980 It tastes great (Nescafe) Shannon drops, something more to say. (Mak's coffee) Advanced quartz technology, the exact minutes and seconds are not bad. (Plum table) Domestic initiative, renowned at home and abroad. (Pearl cream) Serve the people, time for the public. (Titus table) 1981 &Leap& target - the world's advanced level (leap tv) &Leap forward& spirit - all for the user view (leap tv) Dai radar, into the world. (Radar Table) 1982 Is the Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) Car to the front there is the road, Toyota has the road there. (Toyota Motor) Quality first, users first. (Venus tv) Unique design, latest products, women's automatic table. (Oriental) 1983 Yan dance, Yan dance, a song to a situation. (Yan dance radio cassette recorders) &Victory& Chuan good news and scale new heights. (Kaige tv) All for the sake of users, all for the user in charge. (Hisense TV) 1984 Pepsi, the new generation of selection. (Pepsi) Sharp have the quality of supremacy (Sharp) Li-Bo beer, really unique. (Li-Bo beer) Shanghai Volkswagen and you together Forever (Volkswagen) Power washing machines, dedicated to the mother's love. (Power washing) 1885 Dabao, see every day (Great Treasure) Quality association - Sharp (Sharp Electric) SONY This is your first name to see it (SONY) 1986 万家乐, Lok 10000 (万家乐Electric) Philips - a symbol of cutting-edge technology (Philips) Beautiful and durable, the world's admiration (Citizen table) Shanghai Santana, automotive New Wave (Santana) 1987 When the sun rises, our everlasting love (Ra) 2, SmithKline helminthic ching (Sino-US Smithkline) The most suitable of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China passenger aircraft types - Boeing 757 passenger aircraft (Boeing) First-class products, to win glory for the first step (Shanghai shoe polish) The world of high quality new song, the international list of Citizen (Citizen) 1988 Carefully to create, well-Service (Venus tv) Automotive industry a new generation of signs (Guangzhou Peugeot) Poly technology stars, creating the first electron (Galaxia audio) 1989 An irrepressible feeling (Coca-Cola) Trip to the Central Plains where go? Zhengzhou Asia (Asia Shopping Center) Twenty of this year, next year, eighteen (Paragon beauty soap) Eastern Airlines, flying the world (Eastern Airlines) Rongsheng, may sound, the quality assurance (Rongsheng refrigerators) 1990 Carlsberg, probably the world's best beer (Carlsberg beer) Only dissolved in the mouth, insoluble in hand (M & M chocolate) Thousands of urban and rural routes, these routes have space (space vehicle) Going to work happily and come back home safely (PSAs) Her job, you rest (full-automatic washing machine Kaige) 妥贴protection, scalable (Bondi band-aid) That spent a good (Miconazole cream) One step ahead, electrical Shenhua (Shenhua Electric) To open first-class cars, Jiangxi Isuzu (Jiangxi Isuzu) The snow leopard, the treasures of the snow, the snow to send Po (snow leopard Leather Bound) 1991 Wahaha drink, food is the Shannon (Wahaha) A flavor, the warm plume (southern black sesame paste) Baker drink, listening to their own (Baker beer) Everyone seeking health and longevity 505 (505 martial art strength BAG) Days Magnetic Cup Magnetic Cup day, are you a cup, my cup, a cup of a cup of another cup (cup-day) Remy Martin One-opened, the natural thing to (wine Remy Martin) Asia Minor, where the sun rises (Asia Shopping Center) 1992 Xinfei ads do a good job, not as good as new good fly refrigerator (new refrigerator fly) Master Kong instant noodles, delicious visible (Kangshifu) 岁岁safety, Wei-tai 39 commitments (39 gastric-tai) Why the worries, the only way Dukang (Dukang wine) Space-age drink (Tang) To have a healthy, of course, glossy (Pantene shampoo) So that shows the health qualities of life (Ra Koufuye) Professional health care, to fine sincerity (Ra Koufuye) Celebrities opened the door to get over Fairview life (Shanghai boutique commercial) The United States in women (Shanghai Women's stores) How much the South has a motorcycle, there is the number of moving story (South motorized) 1993 What will happen tomorrow (Lenovo Group) This summer, the coldest Top News (西泠refrigerator) One should be called the world (China Motion communications) Italian refrigerator, all-Italian (Italian Electric) Qingchunbao make you forever young (Qingchunbao) Yanjing beer, refreshing and pleasant (Yanjing Beer) Not to be too cool (SHANSHAN suit) Go Beverly Road, Beverly ride vehicles (Beverly vehicles) Good with a good saddle horse, a good car with windsurfing (car batteries) Chinese cars, Jialing Motorcycle (Jialing Motorcycle) Demeanor of a winner (Cherokee cars) Every day to send you a new &wife& (wife Koufuye) Star style, Chun-chun care (the United States and Canada net) 伊思丽make me more beautiful (伊思丽) 1994 羊羊sheep, hair sheep Choi (Hengyuanxiang) Confucian banquet drink alcohol, make the world article (Confucian banquet wine) Today you do not drink? (Robust) Haier, in good faith to Forever (Haier Electric) Peony, though good, would also like to enjoy lover (Peony TV) 望子成龙, Cassidy and the Sundance Kid studying machine (computer learning machine Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) Soft skin, the side's start (Pond's skin care products) Provincial superior部优, Ge You? (Shuanghui ham) Car to come on, I drink Red Bull (Red Bull beverage) Chinese roads, by FAW Audi (FAW) Qingqi set foot on, win instant success (Qingqi Motorcycle) Create the future of the United States to tide over the United States and life (the United States Electric) Gold arrow所至, Shi Seoul Health (gold tablet-M) Let one hundred million people get smart with (giant cerebral gold) 1995 One step ahead, electrical Shenhua (Shenhua washing machine) Let things Tatsu,时代潮(Yung things washing up) Let us do a better job (Philips) Confucian house wine, very homesick (Confucian house wine) Life can not be separated from this hole (hole wine) Evaded &Shenzhou&, 10000 pursuit (China water heaters) To the skin, and sooner or later with Dabao (Great Treasure) Ordos cashmere sweater, warm all over the world (Ordos cashmere sweater) Authentic coconut palm license, nothing嫩嫩(licensing coconut palm) What to drink this summer? 828 vegetable juice (828 vegetable juice) East boeng good go, drink good wine River Song (River Song) Santana owns around the world are not afraid (of Santana) We want more for you (Gree air-conditioning) Women make very good (my wife oral liquid) 1996 Vivi, soy milk, joy to lift the spirits (vivi soymilk) The sun is more red, Changhong, updates (Changhong TV) The Great Wall will never fall,国货当自强(Olive extract saponins shampoo) In fact, men need to care (Livzon Sidel) Kai-Kai-shirt, leader style (open-opened shirt) Everything under control (Ericsson) People-oriented science and technology (Nokia) Leap unlimited (Motorola) Let us do a better job (Philips) The Great Wall Fiberhome, communication Miles (Siemens) Every year, every day, we are making progress (computer legend) Let things Tatsu,时代潮(Yung things electrical Tatsu) Golden Monkey wearing shoes, walking Strip (Golden Monkey shoes) Eastern, western, southern, good wine at Zhanggong (Zhanggong wine) Forever Green, Forever the Chin Chi (Chi Chin wine) Red Star御酒, my true feelings into your (御酒Red Star) Sit red car, take the Chinese way (red car) 1997 We have been working hard (many love Electric) Living in China, China's Meiling (Meiling refrigerator) There is no best, only better (Aucma freezer) Good air-conditioning, built Gree (Gree air-conditioning) Good teeth, good appetite, physical倍儿rods, eating嘛嘛Shannon (Blue Sky must rule 6) 爽洁easy, not tight (Biore face cream) Chinese never in my heart (Chinese toothpaste) The protection of voice, use Golden Melody throat Po (Golden Melody throat Po) New concept of calcium, absorption is the key (龙牡Zhuanggu Chongji) Happy sowing the seeds hold up tomorrow's sun (seeds alcohol) Huiyuan Juice drink, take the road of health (Huiyuan Juice) Hard to pursue the enjoyment of sweet (Erie ice cream) Hualong Noodles every day see (hualong instant noodles) Fresh Huafeng, Passepartout (huafeng instant noodles) Jimei sofa, cow! (Jimei sofa) My eyes only you (Wahaha purified water) Vision, to create a new era of central air-conditioning (Broad Air Conditioning) When others are still &big& thing for weight, NEC has focused on &small& things (NEC pager) 1998 New Year new fresh new Fun, indeed gratifying to see Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) True gold fears no火炼(Kim Jung-VCD) Blessing a lot more satisfaction (many福满instant noodles) Coke is very, very select (very cola) The farmer a bit of sweet spring (spring farmer) Qing cool refreshing every day (Jiao cool hygiene pad) Haier, the Chinese-made (Haier) Men should have their own voice (Alcatel Mobile Phone) Better from a larger (Changhong Electric) Cool Relax, the whole family to share (Liushen Bath) Home there is Sanyo,冬暖夏凉(Sanyo Air Conditioning) 27 layer purification (Robust pure water) 1999 Rejoice, is that confidence (Rejoice) Foot and living every day (SOHU) Knowledge to change the fate of (PSAs) Technology allows you to more easily (GUIDEC) No big deal (丰韵Dan) 晶晶亮,透心凉(Sprite) Kidney governance, please use汇仁Shenbao (汇仁Shenbao) 2000 Pager, cell phone, GUIDEC, Not One Less (GUIDEC) Who let my heart? (FM365 website) Commercial advertisement
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广告歌曲 嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲2013
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关于五月天嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲相关问题及解决方法,五月天嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲。揭秘嘉士伯拍卖4700万翡翠挂件的原石, 也木西系列时过境迁,不作价格讨论!我们静静的看…… 物华天宝,石头上已展现出它美的极致……像有生命一样的灵韵感...是谁唤醒我的沉睡?那就请赋予我该有的气质和灵魂!如果你给予我阳光与雨露,待我破茧成蝶,为你绽放一段美丽传奇!一袭霓裳,抚起冷月霞光……石破天惊,满韵沁色鲛绡绸!蹴罢秋千,起来慵整纤纤手。露浓花瘦,薄汗轻衣透!我花开时百花煞!明眸间天昏地暗,方寸间风情万种!我不是孤独的……灵魂,与它们同在!一支红艳露凝香,云雨巫山枉断肠…… 朋友们,眼见及为拥有……绷想太多了…… 谢谢捧场,祝大家好运连连……出门就捡到一个这样的。


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