
姓名:姚壮宪  性别:男  国籍:中国 籍贯:台湾花莲县
  毕业院校:台北工专矿冶专业   出生年月: 1969年2月  喜欢的事情:设计出最好的中文RPG游戏  现属公司:北京软星  代表作:仙剑奇侠传  姚壮宪1969年生于台湾省东部的花莲县,童年生活在农村,亲近于大自然,虽然没有电视和游戏机,他却沈迷于更有趣的生活——抓泥鳅、逮青蛙、在小溪边玩耍。虽然家中有一个姐姐、一个妹妹和一个弟弟,但姚壮宪自小性格比较孤僻,喜欢独来独往。也正因为有这样的经历,潜意识中姚壮宪把它影射于游戏,于是便有了李逍遥——这个经过奋斗成为大侠的乡下穷小子。小学毕业的时候,姚壮宪全家迁至台北。  少年时代的姚壮宪爱好广泛,象棋、围棋、游戏、武侠小说、军事和历史故事、漫画,全部都是他的心头好。姚壮宪很重视自身知识的积累,长于理工的他亦写得一手好文章,美术成绩在初中的班级里也是数一数二。  姚壮宪游戏生涯的开始,得益于他中学挣钱偷偷买来的游戏机。因担心被家人责骂,他只能在家里没人的时候玩。丰富多彩的游戏给姚壮宪留下深刻的印象,他常在心中自设符合心意的完美游戏。考虑到家境,姚壮宪放弃了上大学的良机,以全优成绩进入台北市的一所工专。一年级开始,姚壮宪就学着制作简单的小游戏。姚壮宪考的是矿冶专业,但却积极参与学校的计算机爱好小组,利用课余时间自学程序。台北工专的矿业专业有一个的传统,高年级学生会带动低年级学生一起参加计算机程序设计大赛,成绩比计算机专业的还好。当时参加程序比赛必须4人一组,姚壮宪的班级也有一个小组,他自然亦是成员之一。三年级时,在学长的鼓励下,姚壮宪第一次参加了全台湾的计算机程序设计比赛,因为缺少经验,他并没有成功。四年级时,他再次参加比赛,取得了第四名;到了五年级再接再厉,并终于得到了冠军。姚壮宪的5年工专生活几乎全部花在了计算机程序上,5年中,他在学校的计算机房写了无数个小游戏。为了制作游戏,他还自己编写了一套绘图软件。其它同学多半用计算机做作业或打游戏,而姚壮宪却不休不眠地写出一个个游戏送给同学玩,但自己鲜有时间玩游戏。  即将毕业之时,姚壮宪带上自己的两款射击游戏,踏上了寻访游戏公司的求职路。20世纪80年代末的台湾游戏业,一切都还在蹒跚学步中,想找到一家愿意自行开发中文游戏的公司并不容易。姚壮宪把作品送到大宇,可惜与大宇的产品撞车,但双方都留下了好印象。那年,大宇刚刚成立2周年,姚壮宪是第2批进入大宇的人。最初的半年,姚壮宪虽然自认是大宇的人,但却领不到大宇的工资,要靠作品卖出钱获得提成。在当时的产业环境下,他很有可能在游戏业穷困潦倒。大宇公司在台北,姚家住在桃园县,没办法去公司上班,他只能在家里『工作』。1989年,20岁的姚壮宪交给大宇的第一份『成绩单』——《大富翁》,正式敲开了大宇的门。以台币10万元卖断的《大富翁》在台湾一举卖出3万套,这在当时是个相当了不起的成绩。紧接着,姚壮宪又在1992年制作完成了《大富翁2》,强烈的市场反应更加重了他在大宇的地位。1993年,服完兵役的姚壮宪提出要做一款RPG(角色扮演)游戏,就是《仙剑奇侠传》。《仙剑奇侠传》的开发也走了一段弯路,因为姚壮宪还没有研发大游戏的经验,本来预计一年完成的任务最终用了两年零四个月,真正的开发也是在第二年才上轨道。姚壮宪的个人才能在这部作品中发挥得淋漓尽致——从剧本到程序、美工、音乐,一切工序都有他的参与。。“那时的工作流程是:白天写程式,晚上写剧本,半夜画图。”姚壮宪回忆当时的情景时如是说。  “在我的游戏生涯中最大的喜悦就是因为写游戏而结识了她,快乐地相恋两年;最大的失望却是因为忙于工作而失去了她,至今悔恨不已。”姚壮宪曾经在第一次失恋后写出了《仙剑奇侠传》的剧本。事实上,《仙剑奇侠传》的拥护者们一直以来就在猜测,能够将一部游戏做得如此诗情画意、悲欢离合的人,大概本身就是情深意切的吧?而姚壮宪自己说过:“《仙剑奇侠传》是我第一次失恋写出来的,把我当时的心情融合在里面……”这也能解释为什么1993年《仙剑奇侠传》最初开始制作的半年里,所有的制作人员就只是他一个人———《仙剑》是一部个人感情激荡下的产物。虽然“一部伟大的作品后面必定会有一段痛彻心扉的感情”这句话用在这里并不是绝对完全的合适,人们却也能由《仙剑》来隐约感触到一个人的内心世界。  在去年十月,姚壮宪喜结良缘,这位娇美的新娘原是姚壮宪公司的一位职员,曾经失意的“李逍遥”终于找到了他生命中的“灵儿”。  姚壮宪长期的寂寞单恋,没有得到响应的苦涩心情,让他把对美好爱情的向往倾注于游戏中,塑造了《仙剑奇侠传》中执着到底的李逍遥。姚壮宪在这部巨作中注入了太多的个人情感,剧中人物的悲欢离合诠释着姚壮宪的爱情观。正因为如此,种种不合他心意的剧本和情节被否定、修改,姚壮宪就象一个指挥家,指挥着这部美妙的交响乐。  2000年8月,大宇在北京注册了软星科技(北京)有限公司,姚壮宪任总经理,这年刚好是他在大宇的第10年。不同的环境,不同的职位,让姚壮宪感到『完全是一个重新创业的感觉』,而且『这感觉蛮好的,虽然辛苦,但是很开心。』如今,姚壮宪已经是软星,寰宇,网星3家公司的总经理,不再直接参与游戏的开发。  其实,笔者把姚壮宪安排到这个风云榜的首位,大家一定不会反对。相信在每个玩家心中,《仙剑奇侠传》的位置已不可替代,从最近的《仙剑奇侠传》电视剧版可以看出,此游戏已经在每个玩家的心目当中深深扎根,虽然笔者对电视剧的观赏性持保留意见,但不可否认的是,自从电视剧播出过后,让不少新的玩家认识了《仙剑奇侠传》,象笔者这种《仙剑》的铁杆玩家,更是拿出了压箱底的存货反复把玩,既然出了手机版,那更不能放过这样一款经典之作。
Name: Yao Zhuang Constitution Gender: Male Nationality: Chinese Birthplace: Taiwan's Hualien County School: Taipei Institute of Mining and Metallurgy profession Date of birth: February 1969 Favorite things: to design the best Chinese RPG games Now is a company: Beijing Star Software Representative: Paladin Yao Zhuang Xian was born in 1969 in Hualien County in eastern Taiwan, childhood living in rural areas, close to nature, although there is no television and game consoles, he indulges in a more interesting life - grasp loach, catch frogs, play in a small stream. Though the family has a sister, a sister and a brother, but Yao Zhuang childhood withdrawn and the Constitution, like the loner. Also because of this experience, the subconscious Yao Zhuang constitution mapping it in the game, so there Li Xiao Yao - the heroes of the country through the struggle of a poor young man. Primary school when the family moved to Taipei, Yao Zhuang constitution. Yao Zhuang youth constitution hobbies, chess, chess, games, martial arts, military, and historical stories, comic books, all his good heart. Yao Zhuang Constitution attaches great importance to its accumulation of knowledge, longer than the Institute, he also write good articles, art results in the middle of the classroom, is one of the best. Yao Zhuang Xian game career, thanks to his high school to earn money secretly bought the game. Fear of being scolded by his family, he can only play when no one home. Yao Zhuang colorful game to impress the constitution, he often found in the heart own mind of the perfect game. Taking into account family, Yao Zhuang constitution to give up college opportunity to all distinctions into a technical institute in Taipei. A grade, school was making the constitution Yao Zhuang simple game. Yao Zhuang constitutional test is the Mining profession, but an active part in the school computer hobby group, after school hours self-study program. Taipei Institute of Mining profession has a tradition of junior high students in the Student Union drive to join the computer programming contest results better than the computer professional. Competition was to be four pairs participate in the proceedings, Yao Zhuang Constitution class also has a team, he naturally also a member. Third grade, in Mentor's encouragement, Yao Zhuang constitution for the first time took part in Taiwan's computer programming competition, because of lack of experience, he did not succeed. Fourth grade, he once again participate in the competition, gai to the fifth grade continue their efforts, and finally the championship. Yao Zhuang constitution of the 5-year working life, almost all spent on special computer program, the 5 years, the school's computer room, he wrote a host of small game. In order to produce the game, he also prepared a set of drawing their own software. Most other students doing homework or playing computer games, and Yao strong constitution but without any rest to give the students write a play a game, but rarely have time to play their own game. When graduating, Yao Zhuang constitution to bring their two shooting games, set foot on the job search road game company. The late 20th century, Taiwan's 80 game industry, everything was a toddler, the willingness to find a game developed by Chinese companies is not easy. Yao Zhuang constitution the piece Daewoo Unfortunately, with Daewoo's product crash, but both left a good impression. That year, Daewoo has just set up 2 years, 2 Yao Zhuang constitution is the first person granted access to Daewoo. The first six months, although the constitution Yao Zhuang people who consider themselves Daewoo, Daewoo but not receive the wages, the money was commission to rely on works sold. At the time of the industrial environment, he is likely to impoverished in the game industry. Daewoo Corporation in Taipei, Yao lived in Taoyuan County, the company can not go to work, he can only work at home 『』. In 1989, the 20-year-old Yao Zhuang constitution to Daewoo's first report card 『』 - "Monopoly", the official knocked on the door of a Daewoo. NT 100 thousand yuan to sell off the "Monopoly" in Taiwan to sell 30,000 units in one fell swoop, which was a quite remarkable achievement. Then, Yao Zhuang constitution again in 1992, finished the "Tycoon 2", the strong market reaction is more important to his position in the Daewoo. In 1993, the constitution proposed by Zhuang and Yao out of the army to do a RPG (role playing) game, that is, "Chinese Paladin." "Paladin," the development has also taken a detour, because Yao Zhuang constitution has not yet developed the experience of big games, had a year to complete the task is expected to end in two years and four months, the real development is only the second year on track. Yao strong personal constitution to in the book on its head - from script to the program, art, music, all processes have his participation. . "At that time the work flow is: write a program during the day, night, writing scripts, drawing middle of the night." Yao Zhuang, remembering the scene when the constitution says. "In my career, the greatest joy of the game because to write games to get to know her, happy to fa the biggest disappointment is lost because of busy work that she has remorse." Yao Zhuang constitution was the first romance After writing the "Paladin" script. In fact, the "Paladin" advocates who have been on speculation that a game can be done so poetic, joys and sorrows of the people, probably in itself Song of all, right? The Yao Zhuang himself is said: "" Paladin "was the first time I wanted to take written, and the integration of mind I was in there ... ..." It also explains why the 1993 "Chinese Paladin" first began production six months, all the production staff to just one person --- his "Immortal" is a product of personal feelings of agitation. While "a great work will be behind the feelings of a broke our hearts," the phrase used here is not absolutely perfect fit, but also by the people, "Immortal" to vague thoughts and feelings to one's inner world. In October last year, Yao Zhuang constitution dear, this charming bride was originally Yao strong constitution, a company staff, once frustrated, "Li Xiao Yao," finally found his life, "Linger." Yao Zhuang long lonely blind love the Constitution, not to respond to the bitter mood, so he's yearning for a better love poured in the game, create a "Paladin" in the dedication in the end of Li Xiao Yao. Yao Zhuang in the constitution in this masterpiece into too much personal emotion, drama interpretation of the Yao people's joys and sorrows of love strong view of the Constitution. Because of this, all the sub-script and plot his mind was denied, modified, Yao Zhuang constitution as a conductor, directing this wonderful symphony. August 2000, Daewoo registered in Beijing, the soft star Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., general manager Yao strong constitution, which in just the first of his 10 years in the Daewoo. Different environments, different positions, so Yao strong constitution was a totally new venture 『feel』, and 『The feeling loved each other dearly, though hard, but very happy. 』Now, Yao Zhuang constitution has a soft stars, Universal, Network Star 3's general manager, no longer directly involved in game development. In fact, I put Yao Zhuang constitutional arrangements to the top of the Billboard, we will not object. I believe in every player's mind, "Paladin" position has not be replaced, from the recent "Chinese Paladin" TV version can be seen, this game has each player's minds were deeply rooted, though the author on the TV viewing of reservations, it is undeniable that, since the broadcast television, after so many new players understand the "Paladin", as the author of this "Sword" of the hardcore players, but also take out the bottom of the inventory pressure repeatedly play with, since the cell phone version, it also can not miss it a classic.
Full name: Yao Zhuang constitution sex: Male nationality: Chinese native place: Taiwan Hua Lian County Universities and colleges who graduates: Taipei industrial college mining and metallurgy special field year and month of birth: Delighted thing in February , 1969: The cash designing that best Chinese RPG plays out belongs to a company: Beijing is soft star representative work: In 1969 extremely chivalrous immortal sword biography Yao Zhuang constitution is born in Taiwan Province east Hua Lian County , childhood living in rural area , is close to Yu nature, grasp a loach , capture a frog , play by the brook in more amusing life though TV does not get lost with game machine , his but Shen. Though having a elder sister , a younger sister to compare with a younger brother, but Yao Zhuang constitution from small character at home unsociable and eccentric , like to be free and alone. Be also experiencing because of having such, middle potential consciousness Yao Zhuang constitution has alluded to it in game , has had Li to struggle leisurely so through becoming the greatly chivalrous poor country young people thereupon just. Elementary school the Yao Zhuang constitution whole family moves to Taipei when graduating. Teenager times Yao Zhuang constitution hobby is broad , Chinese chess , go , game , kung fu novel , military affairs compose in reply history story , a cartoon , all is that his heart is good. Yao Zhuang constitution takes oneself accumulation of knowledge seriously very much , is good at technique&s he also writes good article all over the hands , the fine arts achievement is also top-notch within the junior middle school class. Yao Zhuang constitution game career beginning , the game machine benefiting from that his middle school earns money to bought secretly. Because worrying about being scolded by the family, he can only play moment there is nobody in at home. Game of colour and variety gives Yao Zhuang constitution deep impression , he often certainly sets up the consummate game according with intention in heart. Think that constitution has abandoned the good opportunity studying in university to family circumstances , Yao Zhuang , achievement enters one industrial college of Tai Bei City with general excellence. One grade is beginning , Yao Zhuang constitution is going to school to make small simple game. That Yao Zhuang constitution has a test in is mining and metallurgy special field , participates in but the school computer hobby group but actively , makes use of time after school to study procedure independently. Mining industry of Taipei industrial college special field tradition having one , the senior student is able to drive the lower class student to participate in machine programming megagame together , achievement is compared to computer special field passability. Participated in procedure competition necessary 4 people group at that time, Yao Zhuang constitution class also has a group , he is one of member at ease also. Yao Zhuang constitution first time has participated in entire Taiwanese machine programming competition , has experienced because of absence when three grades , under the encouragement in the fellow student,he does not succeed. He has taken part in the competition once again when four grades, Have arrived at five grades making unremitting efforts , have finally have got and a champion. Constitution industrial college for 5 years life has been hit by almost all flowers Yao Zhuang on the computer program, for 5 years , his computer house depending on school has written small innumerable game. For fabrication game, he has returned a set of the software drawing back to self write. Other greater part being in the same school does one&s assignment with the computer or strikes game, Yao Zhuang constitution but endlessly sleepless every field read-out game gives a schoolmate but play, but self is fresh have time to play with game. Yao Zhuang constitution has had two money shooting game of self at hand when being going to graduate, has stepped on the job wanted road looking for the game company. Last Taiwan of 1980&s game job, all as early as in walking haltingly learning to walk, think of not easy to find one company who hopes that proper motion develops Chinese game. Yao Zhuang constitution has delivered work to Daewoo Corp. , the product pitifully with Daewoo Corp. has smashed up , both sides has all left good impression but. That year , Daewoo Corp. set up 2 anniversaries juat now , Yao Zhuang constitution is 2nd group of the people who enters Daewoo Corp.Initial salary the half a year, although Yao Zhuang constitution certainly identify the people who is Daewoo Corp. , the collar does not arrive at Daewoo Corp. but, need to sell by work contributing money acquisition deducts a percentage from a sum of money. In estate that time, under the environment, he is in the cards being penniless and frustrated in game job very much. The company of Daewoo Corp. is in Taipei , Yao Jia lives in Tao Yuan County , go to a company no way out go to work, he can only &work& in home. The first &school report cards& &Midas & that the 20-year-old Yao Zhuang constitution gives to Daewoo Corp. in 1989,knock the door having run Daewoo Corp. formally. 100,000 yuan sell &Midas & who breaks with Taiwan NT dollar selling 30,000 set at one stroke in Taiwan , that this is in that time is pretty amazing achievement. Constitution has accomplished &Midas immediately next to Yao Zhuang , in fabrication in 1992 2 &, intense marketplace reaction further has highly valued his position being member of Daewoo Corp.The Yao Zhuang constitution being convinced complete military service in 1993, brings forward need to act as one RPG (role-playing game) , is &the strange immortal sword chivalrous swordsman conducts &. Has also a segment of detour leaked from the exploitation &that the strange immortal sword chivalrous swordsman biography & , not having ground the experience sending out big game because Yao Zhuang constitution returns back , has estimated that the mission being completed for 1 year has used 2 years ultimately originally zero four moon, real exploitation is also that the year is well under way just now in second. Personal Yao Zhuang constitution ability brings realistic portrayal of character into play from script to procedure , art designer , music in this work , all working procedure participation having him. . &At that time technological process working be: Write formula in the daytime , write a play in the evening , draw maps at the midnight&. Yao Zhuang constitution says like this when recalling scene that time.
Maximal delight is to have got acquainted with her because of writing game "in my game career , feels attached to 2 year Maximal disappointment is to having lost her because of being busy at work , to regret that so far but endlessly ". Yao Zhuang constitution once was in the script having white out after the first time is disappointed in love. In fact, "the immortal is conjecturing right away always since the supporters that the strange chivalrous swordsman of sword summons " , person , general idea being able a volume game to be acted as getting so-called a quality suggestive of poetry or painting , the sorrows and joys of partings and meetings are that feeling profound meaning is eager per se? But Yao Zhuang constitution self had spoken: Be that my first time is disappointed in love writing out "the strange "immortal sword chivalrous swordsman conducts " , blend with my state of mind that time inside, ,'' This also can make an explanation why the initial beginning makes in 1993 "the strange immortal sword chivalrous swordsman conducts " half a year li , all fabrication personnel accommodate oneself to however his one people "immortal sword " is the outcome that personal affection of a volume surges down. Though "a volume must be able to affection having a segment of deeply thorough way of thinking behind great work" this words uses the self's inner world being really not absolutely complete rightness , people but also being able to arrive at one people from doing faint feeling "immortal sword " in here. October , Yao Zhuang constitution have been fond of forming happy match on the last year , that this place spoils the beautiful bride plain has been one clerk of Yao Zhuang constitution company , once dejected "Li has found leisurely " finally "clever son " in his life. Long-term lonely Yao Zhuang constitution one-sided love, does not get the agonized state of mind responding to, in let him yearning for that to fine amatory be devoted to in game, the middle having molded "extremely chivalrous immortal sword biography " is tenacious after all Li is free and unfettered. Yao Zhuang constitution has poured very much personal emotion in in this huge work , the sorrows and joys of partings and meetings of character thing annotation has been burning Yao Zhuang constitution love watches. Revise it is just because that so-called , a variety of his intention script and circumstance unsuitable are denied,will resemble a conductor family Yao Zhuang constitution, be commanding this splendid symphony. Daewoo Corp. has registered in Beijing in August , 2000, soft star science and technology (Beijing) Ltd. , Yao Zhuang constitution assume a post of a general manager , this year just is that he is member of 10th year of Daewoo Corp.Different environment , different position, making Yao Zhuang constitution feel "complete is a feeling starting an undertaking again" , "this feeling is quite fine , feel happy very much although laborious and. "Now, Yao Zhuang constitution already is soft the star , the earth, cover the star general manager of 3 companies as with a net, exploitation participating in game no longer directly. In fact, the author arranges Yao Zhuang constitution to arrive at this first place of stormy or unstable situation published name list , everybody definitely can not oppose. The location "that the strange immortal sword chivalrous swordsman biography " already has been not allowed to replace at believe in in every play home heart, printing plate is it can be seen from nearest TV play, this game already takes root deeply among mental view making fun of a family in every, being viewing and admiring nature having reservations, only be not allowed to deny though the author checks TV play's, since TV play broadcast the chivalrous swordsman who has been known that "the immortal sword astonishes by many new play family conducts " afterwards, This "immortal sword " pontil makes fun of the elephant author family, also be the goods in stock having taken out pressure bottom of a chest again and again with play, that can not let such work of one classics slip more since having produced mobile telephone printing plate.
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