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Linux Distributions for Orange PI H3 boards
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Edited by loboris at
You are welcome to try
& & Debian,&&Ubuntu, Fedora 22, Kali Linux, Arch Linux, OpenSuse, Gentoo, and Slackware
images for OrangePI H3 boards,
You can also build your own image using build scripts (see bottom of the post).
Download from&&&&or
Last update: 11/09/ UTC
Last kernel update (scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz): 10/17/ UTC
Last install (desktop & emmc) scripts update (desktop_scripts.tar.gz): 09/02/ UTC
Review of the OPI boards with Debian Jessie XFCE image on
(updated with ).
And more about
Available images:
&distro_rel&_mini.img& && && && && && && && && && && &&&basic Debian and Ubuntu images, base for server or desktop, many usefull console programs installed (mc, htop, tmux, ...)OrangePI_Ubuntu_Vivid_Mate.img& && && && &&&Ubuntu 15.04 with Mate DesktopOrangePI_Lubuntu_Vivid.img& && && && && && && & Lubuntu 15.04 with LXDE/Lubuntu DesktopOrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img& && && && && && && && &&&Debian 8 with XFCE DesktopOrangePI-PC_Ubuntu_Vivid_Mate.img& & prepared for OrangePI users, just copy to SDCard, no configuration needed !Fedora22_Minimal.img& && && && && && && && && && &&&Fedora 22 minimal image (without Desktop)Fedora22_Mate.img& && && && && && && && && && && && &Fedora 22 full Mate DesktopFedora22_LXDE.img& && && && && && && && && && && &&&Fedora 22 LXDE DesktopKali_2.0-Xfce.img& && && && && && && && && && && && && &Kali Linux 2.0 with full XFCE DesktopArchLinux_Minimal.img& && && && && && && && && & Arch Linux basic image (without Desktop GUI)OpenSUSE_Tumbleweed_JeOS.img& && &&&OpenSuse JeOS&&minimal image (without Desktop GUI)OpenSUSE_Tumbleweed_XFCE.img& && &&&OpenSuse with full XFCE DesktopGentoo_full_cli.img& && && && && && && && && && && &&&Gento Linux, configured (network, ssh, ntp, gentoolkit, tmux, mc, btrfs-progs installed)OPI_slackware_14.1.img& && && && && && & & && &&&Slackware Arm 14.1&&minimal image (without Desktop GUI)
! user name orangepi, password for user and root orangepi !
All images are ready to be installed on any Orange Pi H3 board, tested on Orange PI 2, Orange PI PLUS, Orange PI PLUS2, Orange PI PC.
In case of any problem, please first check if you have the latest kernel, desktop scripts, etc.
Installation on SD Card
Download any of the available images (xz archive) from Mega or GoogleDriveDownload scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz, it contains the latest kernel (uImage) and script.binUnpack the archive.Write the xxx.img file (disk image) to your SD Cardon Linux use dd command ( sudo dd if=image_name.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M oflag=direct )on Windows use disk image writing software such as Win32 Disk ImagerAfter writing the image, mount SD Card FAT partition (BOOT)Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to uImage (for OPI-PC use uImage_OPI-2)
Copy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolution) to script.binuse uImage_OPI-XX and script.bin.OPI-XXXX from scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz if it is newer (probably it is).Boot your Orange PI board from SD CardAfter booting resize Linux partition to fit your SD Card size:sudo fs_resizeCopy the Code
You can find the more detailed instructions for begginers
(thanks @)
Installation on internal EMMC
Install the image on SD Card as described aboveBoot your Orange PI board from SD CardRun:sudo install_to_emmcCopy the Code
Power off the board.Remove SD CardPower on, the board will boot from EMMCYou don't have to resize SD Card before installation on EMMC if you don't plan to use it.You can use btrfs option to format your emmc Linux partition as btrfs, it will be mounted with compress=lzo option and you can save up to 40% of emmc size.sudo install_to_emmc btrfsCopy the Code
Backup internal EMMC to SD Card
Boot your Orange PI board from EMMC without SD Card insertedlogininsert your SD CardRun:sudo install_to_sdcard [btrfs]Copy the Code
Your emmc Linux installation will be transfered to SD CardYou can boot from that SD Card on another or the same OPI boardIf booting on different OPI board, remember to copy the kernel (uImage) and script.bin for that board
Booting from USB drive:
You can also boot from USB drive partition.The file named cmdline.txt must exist on BOOT (fat) partition on sd card or emmc.
The content of that file must be: root=/dev/sdXn, where /dev/sdXn is the USB drive partition (as visible from OPI) to which to boot (for example root=/dev/sda1).The line which mounts / in /etc/fstab on USB partition Linux must point to the right partition.You can use install_to_usb script to install Linux oun USB drive partition and automaticaly create right cmdline.txt and fstab.If cmdline.txt does not exist, or USB drive partition is not accesible (USB drive not attached), system boots to /dev/mmcblk0p1 (sdcard if inserted, otherwise emmc, if available)
Bootable SD Card or EMMC must be accesible when booting to USB, but it is not necessary that the second partition contains valid Linux fs, sd card can have only the 1st (fat) partitionYou can have different Linux installations on different USB drive partitions, just edit the cmdline.txt to select to which to boot.
The latest uImage must be used.
Using install_to_usb script:
Use install_to_usb script to install Linux to USB drive partition. Can be used to backup your SDCard/EMMC installation.sudo install_to_usb /dev/sdXn [btrfs]|[noformat]Copy the Code
/dev/sdXn is the USB drive partition to which to install (for example /dev/sda1)if the second parameter is btrfs, USB partition will be formated as btrfs, otherwise as ext4
if the second parameter is noformat, USB partition will not be formated, content of the partition will be updated (in case you have used install_to_usb to backup your sdcard/emmc before)be careful not to select the wrong USB partition, it will be erased/updated!If the script does not exist on your image, download desktop_scripts.tar.gz, unpack to /usr/local/bin.You must have the new uImage version, with boot to usb enabled.
If you are using an older image:
Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz from Mega, unpack.Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to uImage on SD Card FAT partitionCopy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolution) to script.bin on SD Card FAT partitionCopy lib/modules/3.4.39 directory to SD Card Linux partition (delete old first)Copy all files (without lib directory) to /boot directory on linux partition in case you planing to install to emmc.Backup your old kernel, script.bin and lib/modules/3.4.39 in case something goes wrong.
boot0_sdcard.fex, u-boot.fex and kernel (uImage) created from sourceskernel built with many features enabled (btrfs, USB serial adapters, bluetooth, hdmi sound, nfsd ...)CPU runs at 1.53GHz, termal management adjusted so that all 4 cores are active up to 100 °CGPIO, i2c (TWI), SPI enabledLinux fs created from scratch with debootstrapmimimal image can be the base for server or desktopframebuffer console worksserial (uart) console worksssh installed, root login ower ssh enabledinitial filesystem size less then 500 MBinitial RAM usage less then 50 MBsome usefull console programs installed (mc, htop, tmux, ...)you can install server componnents (tested apache2, php, firebird, webmin, ...)you can install full desktop, tested LXDE, XFCE and Mate desktop (recommended)scripts to install lxde, xfce or mate desktop included, run (with lubuntu option the script will install Lubuntu core package, so you can get real Lubuntu look):
sudo install_lxde_desktop [lubuntu]
sudo install_mate_desktop
sudo install_xfce_desktopCopy the Codescript to install x2go server (install only after desktop is installed), run
sudo install_x2goserverCopy the Code
user name orangepi, pass for user and root orangepito enable wifi connection from command line run: sudo nmcli -a d wifi connect and enter your wifi credentialsto always run at full speed install heatsink and fan !How to enable AP mode, .
Building the system
You can try to build Debian/Ubuntu for OrangePI yourself.
Clone my .You will need running Ubuntu or Debian system (you can even run it on OrangePI).Before running the script install debootstrap and qemu-user-static packages.Read carefully and edit to adjust the parameters to your needs.Run sudo create_image to create Ubuntu system. I recommend to build to local directory, then you can run image_from_dir to transfer the system to sd card or image.
Kernel sources and Ubuntu/Debian building scripts are available on github.
If you find my work usefull, you can
Edited by loboris at
Tested AP mode, works good using
Before using, install some packages:
sudo apt-get install git iptables dnsmasq util-linux procps hostapd iproute2 iw havegedCopy the CodeIf you don't want to install git, just download from git or my Mega or GoogleDrive and unpack.
Then run
git clone /oblique/create_ap
cd create_ap
sudo make installCopy the Code
After that you can use
sudo create_ap --ieee80211n --ht_capab '[HT40+]' wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase &
Copy the Codeto start AP
See Examples on git page about how to start AP on boot.
Tested on OPI-PLUS, Ubuntu image, connecting from Android and Windows 10.
Registered member, Credits 132, For the next level needed 68 Credits
Registered member, Credits 132, For the next level needed 68 Credits
1 wire support is amazing!&&
tested with 18DS20 TempSensor
[&&84.108968] Driver for 1-wire Dallas network protocol.
[& &90.052218] W1_SUNXI: Added w1-gpio on GPIO-20
[&&114.093276] W1_GPIO: added w1 master on GPIO20
[&&114.126649] w1_master_driver w1_bus_master1: Family 28 for 28.fff.48
root@OrangePI:/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-fff# cat w1_slave
41 01 55 00 7f ff 0c 10 c2 : crc=c2 YES
41 01 55 00 7f ff 0c 10 c2 t=20062
very good AAA+++
Edited by loboris at
Uploaded scriptbin_kernel_test.tar.gz which contains the kernel with some new features:
mali kernel drivers (ump,mali,drm,mali_drm), 1wire, CH341 USB-&Serial, cdc-acm, 800x480 support (uncomplete) ...
The kernel is not fully tested yet, please backup your old files/directories before upgrading.
To upgrade:
download scriptbin_kernel_test.tar.gz from Mega or GoogleDrive, unpackcopy uImage and script.bin for your board type to the fat partitiondelete the old /lib/modules/3.4.39 directorycopy lib directory from the archive to the linux partitionrun: sudo depmod -areboot
Yes that is true. But i think such cheap boards like Orange Pi2 or Radxa Rock Lite suffer from poor ...
All my work is for free (well, I've got OPI-PC and OPI-PLUS for testing...)
I'm in absolutely no way related to the OrangePI manufacturer.
I agree with you that the manufactorer does not have the money to invest in software development, if they sell OPI-PC for 15 US$ I can't imagine how they can have any profit at all.
@& &@& &@ALL&&you can try new kernel version with included dvb, v4l drivers and CONFIG_BRIDGE=m
You can use the new kernel update script:
Download from Mega or GoogleDrive
Copy the script to /usr/local/bin and make it executable
sudo cp &download_path&/ /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/update_kernel.shCopy the CodeRun the script.
sudo update_kernel.shCopy the Code
Kernel sources and Ubuntu/Debian building scripts are now available on github.
Complete kernel sources, configs, and build scripts I'm using are uploaded to Mega. (kernel_3.4.9.tar.xz)
That's how it should work.
Community makes the software, delivers patches, gives the support, makes drinks and offers free beer.
Xunlong and Allwinner makes the money.
This will maybe work if at least:
1. There would be complete and updated H3 documentation.
2. Updated SDK with all sources and patches available.
3. officialy released sources and patches GPL licensed so that we can use it.
But that's only a dream this will never happen.
Compliment, at least one that can publish a working debian image for opi2
Xunlong seems not able to do it.
orangepi plus, olinuxino A20, cubieboard A10, mele A2000 .....
Novice, Credits 24, For the next level needed 26 Credits
Novice, Credits 24, For the next level needed 26 Credits
I've tried some of those images on my OPI Plus 2E but none of them was compatible with wifi neither ethernet of my board... How can i install those drivers? (also, without no connection i cant get build-essential package to make drivers)
That's usually nothing critical. You are trying to load a module (from /etc/modules) which does not exists.
@loboris&&Thank you very much.
Intermediate member, Credits 382, For the next level needed 118 Credits
Intermediate member, Credits 382, For the next level needed 118 Credits
Thanks. Downloading now to try.
Intermediate member, Credits 308, For the next level needed 192 Credits
Intermediate member, Credits 308, For the next level needed 192 Credits
Thanks loboris!!
Intermediate member, Credits 382, For the next level needed 118 Credits
Intermediate member, Credits 382, For the next level needed 118 Credits
Is AP supported in your img?
Intermediate member, Credits 308, For the next level needed 192 Credits
Intermediate member, Credits 308, For the next level needed 192 Credits
Work on pi plus?
Senior member , Credits 647, For the next level needed 353 Credits
Senior member , Credits 647, For the next level needed 353 Credits
I tried to boot with this image an orangepi plus.
It is starting an recognize the keyboard.
But : it do not recognize LAN connection.
is it possible to give me a solution?
Edited by loboris at
new version of Ubuntu 15.04 uploaded to Megasome bugs are corrected, framebuffer console works, wi-fi boots to console in 12 secto enable connecting wifi from command line run: sudo nmcli -a d wifi connect and enter your wifi credentials
Debian image will be updated soon.
You can download the script package to try to build your own installation from Mega (make_linux.tar.gz).
Extract to empty directory, edit and run create_image.
You must have&&qemu-user-static package installed.
iw list reports:
& & & & Supported interface modes:
& & & & & & & &&&* IBSS
& & & & & & & &&&* managed
& & & & & & & &&&* AP
& & & & & & & &&&* monitor
& & & & & & & &&&* P2P-client
& & & & & & & &&&* P2P-GO
@rupertgti, @john0815
I don't have OrangePI PLUS to try...
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