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迷失岛游戏问答[共11篇]  6月17日,棱镜哥与卫报读者在线问答  原文地址:卫报  原文标题:Edward Snowden Q&A  http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/ ... files-whistleblower  翻译链接:  /bbs/thread--1.html  1、Let's begin with these:  1) Why did you choose Hong Kong to go to and then tell them about US hacking on their research facilities and universities?  2) How many sets of the documents you disclosed did you make, and how many different people have them? If anything happens to you, do they still exist?  问:请先回答两个问题。  第一,为什么你选择前往香港,然后告诉港人:美国正对你们的研究中心和大学发动黑客袭击?  第二,你泄露的资料有多少备份?分别有多少人持有?万一你遭遇不测,这些资料还有吗?  棱镜哥答:1) First, the US Government, just as they did with other whistleblowers, immediately and predictably destroyed any possibility of a fair trial at home, openly declaring me guilty of treason and that the disclosure of secret, criminal, and even unconstitutional acts is an unforgivable crime. That's not justice, and it would be foolish to volunteer yourself to it if you can do more good outside of prison than in it.  第一个问题:首先,正如同他们对付其他曝料者那样,美国政府果不其然地立即打碎任何在国内进行公正审判的可能性,公开宣布我是叛国者,宣称揭发隐秘犯罪事实甚至违宪行为都是不可饶恕的罪行。这不是正义,如果我在监狱外能够发挥更大的公益作用,那么自投罗网就是愚蠢的。
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  Second, let's be clear: I did not reveal any US operations against legitimate military targets. I pointed out where the NSA has hacked civilian infrastructure such as universities, hospitals, and private businesses because it is dangerous. These nakedly, aggressively criminal acts are wrong no matter the target. Not only that, when NSA makes a technical mistake during an exploitation operation, critical systems crash. Congress hasn't declared war on the countries - the majority of them are our allies - but without asking for public permission, NSA is running network operations against them that affect millions of innocent people. And for what? So we can have secret access to a computer in a country we're not even fighting? So we can potentially reveal a potential terrorist with the potential to kill fewer Americans than our own Police? No, the public needs to know the kinds of things a government does in its name, or the "consent of the governed" is meaningless.  其次,我们要弄清一个事实:我并没有泄露美国对合法军事目标采取的任何行动。我只是揭发国安局针对民用基础设施的黑客行为,诸如大学、医院、私人企业等,因为这种行为具有危险性。无论针对哪些目标,这些赤裸裸的侵略行为都是错误的。此外,国安局的掠夺行动若有失误,重要的系统就会瘫痪。国会尚未对其它国家宣战,而且其中的大多数还是我们的盟友,在未获许可的情况下,国安局就对这些系统实施攻击,受影响的人群以百万计。这一切为了什么?为了潜入非交战国的电脑吗?为了揭露恐怖分子吗?他们杀的人还不如我们的警察多。公众必须知道政府以他们的名义犯下的罪行,否则"经由大众同意"就毫无意义。  2) All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.  我目前能够透露的是,美国政府不能通过囚禁或暗杀我的方式来掩盖这一切。真相就要曝光,无法阻止。
  Guardian staff  ewenmacaskill  17 June pm  I should have asked you this when I saw you but never got round to it........Why did you just not fly direct to Iceland if that is your preferred country for asylum?  卫报记者:我们碰面时就应该问你的,如果冰岛是你的理想避难地,那你为什么没有直接飞到冰岛?  Answer:  Leaving the US was an incredible risk, as NSA employees must declare their foreign travel 30 days in advance and are monitored. There was a distinct possibility I would be interdicted en route, so I had to travel with no advance booking to a country with the cultural and legal framework to allow me to work without being immediately detained. Hong Kong provided that. Iceland could be pushed harder, quicker, before the public could have a chance to make their feelings known, and I would not put that past the current US administration.  回答:离开美国的风险极大,国安局人员如想出国必须提前30天打报告,而且还要受到监控。因为中途有被拦截的危险,我必须在没有提前订票的情况下飞往一个能够允许我开展工作、不被立即逮捕的文化和法律环境。香港具备这一条件。美国对冰岛的压力可能会更强烈更快捷,公众甚至没有机会发声,我不怀疑美国本届政府的手段。
  ActivistGal  17 June pm  You have said HERE that you admire both Ellsberg and Manning, but have argued that there is one important distinction between yourself and the army private...  "I carefully evaluated every single document I disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest," he said. "There are all sorts of documents that would have made a big impact that I didn't turn over, because harming people isn't my goal. Transparency is."  Are you suggesting that Manning indiscriminately dumped secrets into the hands of Wikileaks and that he intended to harm people?  问:你曾在此表示你欣赏Ellsberg (越战文件)和 Manning(维基解密),但声称你与那个美军士兵有一个重要的区别:"我仔细评估每一份曝光的文件,以确保每一份都与公共利益相关,许多能够激起千层浪的文件我并没有透露,因为我的本意并非伤害别人,我只是为了追求透明度。"  你是否在暗示曼宁不加区分地把秘密向维基解密全盘托出,他的本意是伤害别人?  Answer:  No, I'm not. Wikileaks is a legitimate journalistic outlet and they carefully redacted all of their releases in accordance with a judgment of public interest. The unredacted release of cables was due to the failure of a partner journalist to control a passphrase. However, I understand that many media outlets used the argument that "documents were dumped" to smear Manning, and want to make it clear that it is not a valid assertion here.  回答:否。维基解密是合法的新闻媒体,他们以公共利益为准则,在披露的文件中进行仔细的删节。有些未经删节的电文是由于一名当事记者未能控制好密码。然而,许多媒体用"和盘托出"这一说法来抹黑曼宁,在此,我要澄清这种说法站不脚。
  Gabrielaweb  17 June pm  Why did you wait to release the documents if you said you wanted to tell the world about the NSA programs since before Obama became president?  问:你说你在奥巴马当选总统之前就想向全世界揭发国安局,为什么你等了这么久才披露这些文件?  Answer:  Obama's campaign promises and election gave me faith that he would lead us toward fixing the problems he outlined in his quest for votes. Many Americans felt similarly. Unfortunately, shortly after assuming power, he closed the door on investigating systemic violations of law, deepened and expanded several abusive programs, and refused to spend the political capital to end the kind of human rights violations like we see in Guantanamo, where men still sit without charge.  答:奥巴马的竞选承诺及其当选给了我信心:他将带领我们解决那些他在追逐选票过程中指出的问题。许多美国人有着类似的感受。不幸的是,他上台后不久就关闭了调查系统性犯罪的大门、扩大并加深了好几个滥用权力的项目、拒绝利用他的政治资本停止诸如关塔那摩等侵犯人权的行为,关押在那里的犯人仍在等待审判。
  D. Aram Mushegian II  17 June pm  Did you lie about your salary? What is the issue there? Why did you tell Glenn Greenwald that your salary was $200,000 a year, when it was only $122,000 (according to the firm that fired you.)  问:你是否在年薪问题上撒谎?其中有什么问题?你告诉Glenn Greenwald(卫报记者)你年入20万美元,而你的前雇主说只有12万2千。  Answer:  I was debriefed by Glenn and his peers over a number of days, and not all of those conversations were recorded. The statement I made about earnings was that $200,000 was my "career high" salary. I had to take pay cuts in the course of pursuing specific work. Booz was not the most I've been paid.  回答:我有好多天没有和Glenn及其同事联系了,有些谈话内容没有录下来。20万是我的最高年薪。找新工作时,薪水水平降低了。Booz(承包商)不是给得最多的。
  Anthony De Rosa  17 June pm  1) Define in as much detail as you can what "direct access" means.  2) Can analysts listen to content of domestic calls without a warrant?  问:1、请尽量说明"直接接触"的含义。  2、分析人员能否在没有搜查令的情况下监听国内通话?  Answer:  1)More detail on how direct NSA's accesses are is coming, but in general, the reality is this: if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want. Phone number, email, user id, cell phone handset id (IMEI), and so on - it's all the same. The restrictions against this are policy based, not technically based, and can change at any time. Additionally, audits are cursory, incomplete, and easily fooled by fake justifications. For at least GCHQ, the number of audited queries is only 5% of those performed.  回答:更多关于直接接触国安局的细节就要发表了,大体上讲,如果NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA的分析人员可以进入SIGINT数据库,他们就可以获取想知道的一切,电话号码、电子邮件、用户名、手机ID等。现有的限制是政策性的而不是技术性的,随时可以改变。此外,审核工作草率且不完整,很容易用用虚假的理由蒙混过去。对于英国GCHQ,审核量只有监听数量的5%  2) NSA likes to use "domestic" as a weasel word here for a number of reasons. The reality is that due to the FISA Amendments Act and its section 702 authorities, Americans’ communications are collected and viewed on a daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant. They excuse this as "incidental" collection, but at the end of the day, someone at NSA still has the content of your communications. Even in the event of "warranted" intercept, it's important to understand the intelligence community doesn't always deal with what you would consider a "real" warrant like a Police department would have to, the "warrant" is more of a templated form they fill out and send to a reliable judge with a rubber stamp.  由于一些原因,国安局很喜欢用"国内"这个狡猾的词。其实,根据《外国情报监控法》修正案及702条授权,只要有分析人员的许可而非搜查令就可以对美国人之间的通话进行日常收集和分析。他们的理由是:这是附带性的收集,但追根到底,国安局得到了你的通话内容。即使有所谓的搜查令,情报系统所称的"搜查令"与警察局的真家伙不同,这些"搜查令"不过是填好的表格,递到法官面前敲个章走走形式。
  Anthony De Rosa  17 June pm  1) Define in as much detail as you can what "direct access" means.  2) Can analysts listen to content of domestic calls without a warrant?  问:1、请尽量说明"直接接触"的含义。  2、分析人员能否在没有搜查令的情况下监听国内通话?  Answer:  1)More detail on how direct NSA's accesses are is coming, but in general, the reality is this: if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want. Phone number, email, user id, cell phone handset id (IMEI), and so on - it's all the same. The restrictions against this are policy based, not technically based, and can change at any time. Additionally, audits are cursory, incomplete, and easily fooled by fake justifications. For at least GCHQ, the number of audited queries is only 5% of those performed.  回答:更多关于直接接触国安局的细节就要发表了,大体上讲,如果NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA的分析人员可以进入SIGINT数据库,他们就可以获取想知道的一切,电话号码、电子邮件、用户名、手机ID等。现有的限制是政策性的而不是技术性的,随时可以改变。此外,审核工作草率且不完整,很容易用用虚假的理由蒙混过去。对于英国GCHQ,审核量只有监听数量的5%  2) NSA likes to use "domestic" as a weasel word here for a number of reasons. The reality is that due to the FISA Amendments Act and its section 702 authorities, Americans’ communications are collected and viewed on a daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant. They excuse this as "incidental" collection, but at the end of the day, someone at NSA still has the content of your communications. Even in the event of "warranted" intercept, it's important to understand the intelligence community doesn't always deal with what you would consider a "real" warrant like a Police department would have to, the "warrant" is more of a templated form they fill out and send to a reliable judge with a rubber stamp.  由于一些原因,国安局很喜欢用"国内"这个狡猾的词。其实,根据《外国情报监控法》修正案及702条授权,只要有分析人员的许可而非搜查令就可以对美国人之间的通话进行日常收集和分析。他们的理由是:这是附带性的收集,但追根到底,国安局得到了你的通话内容。即使有所谓的搜查令,情报系统所称的"搜查令"与警察局的真家伙不同,这些"搜查令"不过是填好的表格,递到法官面前敲个章走走形式。
  Glenn Greenwald follow up: When you say "someone at NSA still has the content of your communications" - what do you mean? Do you mean they have a record of it, or the actual content?  记者Glenn追问:你说"国安局的人仍然掌握着你的通话内容",这是什么意思?你是说他们有一个记录,还是实际内容?  Both. If I target for example an email address, for example under FAA 702, and that email address sent something to you, Joe America, the analyst gets it. All of it. IPs, raw data, content, headers, attachments, everything. And it gets saved for a very long time - and can be extended further with waivers rather than warrants.  回答:两者亦有。比方说,如果我以某个电子邮箱为目标,根据FAA702条,这个邮箱向你发送信息。分析人员可以获知一切:IP地址、原始数据、内容、标题、附件,一切。而且这份记录会被保存很长时间,而且无需捜查令就可延期。
  HaraldK  17 June pm  What are your thoughts on Google's and Facebook's denials? Do you think that they're honestly in the dark about PRISM, or do you think they're compelled to lie?  Perhaps this is a better question to a lawyer like Greenwald, but: If you're presented with a secret order that you're forbidding to reveal the existence of, what will they actually do if you simply refuse to comply (without revealing the order)?  问:对于谷歌和脸谱的否认你有何看法?你认为他们的确不知道棱镜吗?或许他们是被迫撒谎?  这许这个问题由Greenwald这样的律师来回答更好,但是如果你收到禁止你透露其存在的秘密命令,如果你拒不执行,他们会怎么样?  Answer:  Their denials went through several revisions as it become more and more clear they were misleading and included identical, specific language across companies. As a result of these disclosures and the clout of these companies, we're finally beginning to see more transparency and better details about these programs for the first time since their inception.  They are legally compelled to comply and maintain their silence in regard to specifics of the program, but that does not comply them from ethical obligation. If for example Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple refused to provide this cooperation with the Intelligence Community, what do you think the government would do? Shut them down?  答:他们否认的误导性越发明显,这些声明也就经过了好几次修改,而且各家公司的特定用词都是一模一样的。由于揭秘以及这些公司的实力,我们在国安局项目启动以来首次有机会看到更多的透明度和细节。  法律要求这些公司遵照执行并对项目细节保持沉默,但这不能免除他们的道德义务。比如说,如果脸谱、谷歌、微软、苹果等拒绝配合情报部门,你想政府有什么办法?关闭这些公司?
  MonaHol  17 June pm  Ed Snowden, I thank you for your brave service to our country.  Some skepticism exists about certain of your claims, including this:  I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you, or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the President if I had a personal email.  Do you stand by that, and if so, could you elaborate?  问:棱镜哥,谢谢你对国家作出的贡献。  对你的发言还有一些疑问,比如这个:"我坐在桌前,绝对有权监听任何人,你、你的会计、联邦法官、甚至总统,只要我有一个私人邮箱。"  你还坚持这一观点吗?如还坚持,能否详细说明?  Answer:  Yes, I stand by it. US Persons do enjoy limited policy protections (and again, it's important to understand that policy protection is no protection - policy is a one-way ratchet that only loosens) and one very weak technical protection - a near-the-front-end filter at our ingestion points. The filter is constantly out of date, is set at what is euphemistically referred to as the "widest allowable aperture," and can be stripped out at any time. Even with the filter, US comms get ingested, and even more so as soon as they leave the border. Your protected communications shouldn't stop being protected communications just because of the IP they're tagged with.  More fundamentally, the "US Persons" protection in general is a distraction from the power and danger of this system. Suspicionless surveillance does not become okay simply because it's only victimizing 95% of the world instead of 100%. Our founders did not write that "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all US Persons are created equal."  回答:是的,我依然坚持这一观点。美国人的确享有一些政策性保护(重申一下,认识到"政策性保护等于没有保护"这一点很重要,因为政策是单方向的板手,只能越来越松)和极弱的技术性保护——消化节点的前端有过滤器。但该过滤器一直处于过时状态,设定在"最开放"的一档,并随时可以取消。即使在有过滤器的情况下,美国国内的通话仍被消化,境外通话更是如此。受保护的通话不应该由于IP地址的改变而失去保护。  更重要的是,对"美国人"的保护在总体上是掩盖国安局系统之威力和危险性的烟雾弹。不能因为无故监听只损害了世界95%的人口而非100%,就认为它是合理的。美国的建国者又没写"理所当然,所有『美国』人生而平等"。  (译:美国独立宣言里是"所有人生而平等",没有"美国"二字。)
  Guardian staff  Spencer Ackerman  17 June pm  Edward, there is rampant speculation, outpacing facts, that you have or will provide classified US information to the Chinese or other governments in exchange for asylum. Have/will you?  问:棱镜哥,现在流言四起,说你已经或打算将美国机密情报交给中国或其它国家的政府,以换取庇护,真是这样吗?  Answer:  This is a predictable smear that I anticipated before going public, as the US media has a knee-jerk "RED CHINA!" reaction to anything involving HK or the PRC, and is intended to distract from the issue of US government misconduct. Ask yourself: if I were a Chinese spy, why wouldn't I have flown directly into Beijing? I could be living in a palace petting a phoenix by now.  答:我在曝料之前就猜到会出现这样的抹黑。对于任何与香港或中国有关的事物,美国媒体总有"红色中国"的条件反射。这是为了转移人们对美国政府错误行为的注意力。扪心自问:如果我是中国间谍,为什么不直飞北京?说不定现在可以住在宫殿里逗弄凤凰了。  US officials say terrorists already altering TTPs because of your leaks, & calling you traitor. Respond? http://t.co/WlK2qpYJki #AskSnowden  — Kimberly Dozier (@KimberlyDozier) June 17, 2013  问:美国官员说因为你的泄密,恐怖分子已经改变策略,他们把你称为"叛徒",你有什么回应?  Answer:  US officials say this every time there's a public discussion that could limit their authority. US officials also provide misleading or directly false assertions about the value of these programs, as they did just recently with the Zazi case, which court documents clearly show was not unveiled by PRISM.  回答:每当公开讨论有可能限制他们的权力,美国官员就会这样讲。对于这些项目的价值,美国官员给出误导性甚至完全虚假的论断,就像ZAZI一案,法庭记录清楚地表明这不并是棱镜的功劳。
  Journalists should ask a specific question: since these programs began operation shortly after September 11th, how many terrorist attacks were prevented SOLELY by information derived from this suspicionless surveillance that could not be gained via any other source? Then ask how many individual communications were ingested to acheive that, and ask yourself if it was worth it. Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism, yet we've been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it.  新闻记者应当提出这么一个特定问题:这些项目在911之后很快实施,有多少恐怖袭击完全是因为棱镜才被制止,且无其它替代情报手段?再问问为了达到这一目标有多少个人通信被消化?是否值当?在浴缸里摔死的或被警察打死的美国人比在恐袭中遇难的多多了,我们却被要求牺牲最神圣的权利,以求不受恐袭所害。  Further, it's important to bear in mind I'm being called a traitor by men like former Vice President Dick Cheney. This is a man who gave us the warrantless wiretapping scheme as a kind of atrocity warm-up on the way to deceitfully engineering a conflict that has killed over 4,400 and maimed nearly 32,000 Americans, as well as leaving over 100,000 Iraqis dead. Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American, and the more panicked talk we hear from people like him, Feinstein, and King, the better off we all are. If they had taught a class on how to be the kind of citizen Dick Cheney worries about, I would have finished high school.  此外还有一点很重要,我被前副总统切尼等人斥为叛徒。正是此人以无捜查令窃听活动作为暴政热身,进而狡猾地制造冲突,导致4400美国人丧生、3万2千受伤,以及超过十万名伊拉克人遇难。被切尼骂为叛徒是美国人的最高荣誉,切尼、Feinstein、King(后面两人是大牌议员)等人骂得越欢,我们的日子越好过。如果高中有"如何成为令切尼慌张的公民"这门课,我应该可以毕业了。  (棱镜哥言辞犀利,又是电脑怪才,居然高中未毕业,不可思议)
  Mathius1  17 June pm  Is encrypting my email any good at defeating the NSA survelielance? Id my data protected by standard encryption?  问:对我的电子邮件加密能否有助于抵御国安局的监控?普通加密能否保护我的数据?  Answer:  Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it.   回答:加密是有作用的。妥善利用强捍的加密系统是少数几个可行方法之一。不幸的是,末端保安极其弱小,国安局经常可以绕过去。  Do you believe that the treatment of Binney, Drake and others influenced your path? Do you feel the "system works" so to speak? #AskSnowden  Binney, Drake及其他人的遭遇对你有影响吗?你对"系统有用"这种说法的意见?  — Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror) June 17, 2013  Answer:  Binney, Drake, Kiriakou, and Manning are all examples of how overly-harsh responses to public-interest whistle-blowing only escalate the scale, scope, and skill involved in future disclosures. Citizens with a conscience are not going to ignore wrong-doing simply because they'll be destroyed for it: the conscience forbids it. Instead, these draconian responses simply build better whistleblowers. If the Obama administration responds with an even harsher hand against me, they can be assured that they'll soon find themselves facing an equally harsh public response.  回答:对公共利益曝料人过于严酷的回应只能加大未来曝料的规模、范围和技巧,Binney, Drake, Kiriakou和Manning等人就是例子。有良心的公民不会由于自身因此受难就对犯罪行为视而不见,良心不允许他们这么做。反之,暴戾的镇压只能造就更为精明的曝料者。如果奥巴马政府对我采取更严厉的手段,那么请放心,公众对政府的回应必然同样严厉。
  陆续会给大家带来系列各国媒体反应,且看美国这次如何收场~美国人还没什么自己人被他国政治庇护的经验 反应很大啊~
  This disclosure provides Obama an opportunity to appeal for a return to sanity, constitutional policy, and the rule of law rather than men. He still has plenty of time to go down in history as the President who looked into the abyss and stepped back, rather than leaping forward into it. I would advise he personally call for a special committee to review these interception programs, repudiate the dangerous "State Secrets" privilege, and, upon preparing to leave office, begin a tradition for all Presidents forthwith to demonstrate their respect for the law by appointing a special investigator to review the policies of their years in office for any wrongdoing. There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny - they should be setting the example of transparency.   这场曝光给奥巴马提供了一个机遇,即呼吁回归理性、合宪政策、法治而非人治。他仍有足够的时间在史书上留下一笔:做个悬崖勒马的总统,而不是纵身一跃,堕入深渊。我建议他亲自要求组建特别委员会,评审这些监听项目;弃绝危险的"国家机密"特权;在离职之际为未来总统树立一项传统:任命特别调查人审核其在位期间的政策,找出错误所在,以宣示对法律的尊重。如果我们的最高领袖们不受监督,人民对政府的信心将荡然无存,他们应当成为透明度的典范。  Ryan Latvaitis  17 June pm  What would you say to others who are in a position to leak classified information that could improve public understanding of the intelligence apparatus of the USA and its effect on civil liberties?  What evidence do you have that refutes the assertion that the NSA is unable to listen to the content of telephone calls without an explicit and defined court order from FISC?  问:对于那些有条件泄露机密信息、以帮助大众理解美国情报部门及其对人民自由之影响的人士,你有什么话想说?  Answer:  This country is worth dying for.  回答:这个国家值得为之献出生命。  (小哥对美国还是一曲忠诚赞的)
  AhBrightWings  17 June pm  My question: given the enormity of what you are facing now in terms of repercussions, can you describe the exact moment when you knew you absolutely were going to do this, no matter the fallout, and what it now feels like to be living in a post-revelation world? Or was it a series of moments that culminated in action? I think it might help other people contemplating becoming whistleblowers if they knew what the ah-ha moment was like. Again, thanks for your courage and heroism.  问:曝光引起各方强烈反应,能否描绘一下你是什么时候下定决心准备不计后果地曝料?曝料后的感受如何?是否有一系列的关键时刻累积成最终的行动?如果能够知道什么是关键时刻,我想对于那些考虑成为曝料者的人们会有所帮助。再次感谢你的胆量和英雄气概。  Answer:  I imagine everyone's experience is different, but for me, there was no single moment. It was seeing a continuing litany of lies from senior officials to Congress - and therefore the American people - and the realization that that Congress, specifically the Gang of Eight, wholly supported the lies that compelled me to act. Seeing someone in the position of James Clapper - the Director of National Intelligence - baldly lying to the public without repercussion is the evidence of a subverted democracy. The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed.  答:我想每个人的经历有所不同,对于我个人而言,并不存在某个特定时刻。目睹高级官员们对国会也就是美国人民不停地撒谎,意识到国会尤其是所谓的八人帮全力支持这些谎言迫使我不得不采取行动。国安局主任克拉珀之流公然向公众撒谎却不引起任何反响,这是民主已被篡夺的证据。人民如果被蒙在鼓里,他们如何能"同意"?  12.37pm ET  Follow-up from the Guardian's Spencer Ackerman:  Regarding whether you have secretly given classified information to the Chinese government, some are saying you didn't answer clearly - can you give a flat no?  问:关于你是否将机密情报偷偷递交给中国的问题,有人认为你没有正面回答。你能明确否认吗?  Answer:  No. I have had no contact with the Chinese government. Just like with the Guardian and the Washington Post, I only work with journalists.  答:否。我与中国政府没有联系。正如卫报和华盛顿邮报的例子,我只与记者合作。  12.41pm ET  Question:  So far are things going the way you thought they would regarding a public debate? – tikkamasala  问:关于公开辩论,目前事态发展是否如你所料?  Answer:  Initially I was very encouraged. Unfortunately, the mainstream media now seems far more interested in what I said when I was 17 or what my girlfriend looks like rather than, say, the largest program of suspicionless surveillance in human history.  答:刚开始我很受鼓舞,但现在主流媒体似乎对我在17岁说了什么,我女朋友长什么样更感兴趣,对人类历史上最大规模的无故监控反而不是那么关心。  12.43pm ET  Final question from Glenn Greenwald:  Anything else you’d like to add?  最后一个问题来自卫报记者:你还有什么想补充吗?  Answer:  Thanks to everyone for their support, and remember that just because you are not the target of a surveillance program does not make it okay. The US Person / foreigner distinction is not a reasonable substitute for individualized suspicion, and is only applied to improve support for the program. This is the precise reason that NSA provides Congress with a special immunity to its surveillance.  回答:谢谢大家的支持,请记住,你不是监控对象并不意味着它就是合理的。美国人与外国人的区别并不是"个体可疑性"的合理替代,他们只是利用这一区别来增强对该项目的支持。这也是国安局对国会免于监控的真正原因。
  @王孙芳树下 2楼
09:36:15  Guardian staff  ewenmacaskill  17 June pm  I should have asked you this when I saw you but never got round to it........Why did you just not fly direct to Iceland if that is your preferred country for asylum?  卫报记者:我们碰面时就应该问你的,如果冰岛是你的理想避难地,那你为什么没有直接飞到冰岛?  Answer:  Leaving the US was an incred......  -----------------------------  公众甚至没有机会发声  这句话亮了。  事实证明,在国内,言论比国外更自由。
  回复第16楼,@王孙芳树下  This disclosure provides Obama an opportunity to appeal for a return to sanity, constitutional policy, and the rule of law rather than men. He still has plenty of time to go down in history as the President who looked into the abyss and stepped back, rather than leaping forward into it. I would advise he personally call for a special committee to review these interception programs, repudiate the...  --------------------------  美蒂就是一只贼喊捉贼的强盗!打倒美丽坚!打倒帝国主义!  
09:36:15  Guardian staff  ewenmacaskill  17 June pm  I should have asked you this when I saw you but never got round to it........Why did you just not fly direct to Iceland if that is your preferred country for asylum?  卫报记者:我们碰面时就应该问你的,如果冰岛是你的理想避难地,那你为什么没有直接飞到冰岛?  Answer:  Leaving the US was an incred......  -----------------------------  @党员的新马甲 20楼
10:06:58  公众甚至没有机会发声  这句话亮了。  事实证明,在国内,言论比国外更自由。  -----------------------------  那些说国内没有言论自由的,是站着说话不腰疼,所有解密的没有一个不被山姆扣上各种帽子,各种转移公众视线,棱镜哥之前是叛国罪扣上去了,现在在挖私生活,大学没毕业,前女友如何如何~~抹黑呗,老套路  想要打倒谁就先抹黑谁,从马克吐温的竞选州长到伊拉克阿富汗到阿桑奇
  @王孙芳树下 13楼
09:50:34  Journalists should ask a specific question: since these programs began operation shortly after September 11th, how many terrorist attacks were prevented SOLELY by information derived from this suspicionless surveillance that could not be gained via any other source? Then ask how many individual communications were ingested to acheive that, and ask yourself if it was worth it. Bathtub falls a......  -----------------------------  此外还有一点很重要,我被前副总统切尼等人斥为叛徒。正是此人以无捜查令窃听活动作为暴政热身,进而狡猾地制造冲突,导致4400美国人丧生、3万2千受伤,以及超过十万名伊拉克人遇难。被切尼骂为叛徒是美国人的最高荣誉,切尼、Feinstein、King(后面两人是大牌议员)等人骂得越欢,我们的日子越好过。如果高中有"如何成为令切尼慌张的公民"这门课,我应该可以毕业了。  ===========================貌似跟911还有点关系,有料,坐等更多爆料
09:50:34  Journalists should ask a specific question: since these programs began operation shortly after September 11th, how many terrorist attacks were prevented SOLELY by information derived from this suspicionless surveillance that could not be gained via any other source? Then ask how many individual communications were ingested to acheive that, and ask yourself if it was worth it. Bathtub falls a......  -----------------------------  @yixiazhifeng1 24楼
10:12:02  此外还有一点很重要,我被前副总统切尼等人斥为叛徒。正是此人以无捜查令窃听活动作为暴政热身,进而狡猾地制造冲突,导致4400美国人丧生、3万2千受伤,以及超过十万名伊拉克人遇难。被切尼骂为叛徒是美国人的最高荣誉,切尼、Feinstein、King(后面两人是大牌议员)等人骂得越欢,我们的日子越好过。如果高中有"如何成为令切尼慌张的公民"这门课,我应该可以毕业了。  ===========================貌似跟911还有点关......  -----------------------------  到时候翻译出来,会系列跟进的。坐看美帝这次如何接招,不要自己打脸就好。
  棱镜哥发动真。民主之人权光波,棱镜哥对美帝造成了成吨的伤害,棱镜哥双杀了,棱镜哥三杀了,棱镜哥暴走了,棱镜哥已经神一般的杀戮了。  美帝政府:天啊,队友们谁能来阻止棱镜哥杀戮,再这么下去社会主义阵营中国要推平我们资本主义的民主基地了。  我方队友:  英国:关我屁事,我就是来打酱油的。何况你菊花还是我捅的,你又何苦向我求救勒,  德国:万恶的米帝居然偷窥我的装备,我要你对我负责  日本:粑粑居然有喜欢偷窥别人的嗜好,难道你不爱我了吗?要偷窥就偷窥我吧,我是不会反抗滴。  菲律宾:叫你骂我是猪队友,我眼瞎神马都没看见啊。  敌方对手:  中国:你们这是自寻死路,颤抖吧,你们这群凡人。容老夫来补上一刀。  俄罗斯:狗日的米帝走位失误了,冲啊,秒了他丫的,棱镜哥冲锋我来保护你,中国后面准备补刀,乌拉。  香港:棱镜哥别往我这边跑啊,我会被米帝集火秒掉的(我去,当个演员都这么难,看来我得多看看一个演员的自我修养才行)  伊朗:挂机中。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。等我上完厕所就开打  棱镜哥:我左民主,右人权,隐私胸前挂,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛。米帝吃我一招超必杀:真。民主和谐光波比比比比比比比比(棱镜哥依旧超神般的杀戮了)  各国:尼玛,这节奏要20投啊,棱镜哥干的漂亮。
09:36:15  Guardian staff  ewenmacaskill  17 June pm  I should have asked you this when I saw you but never got round to it........Why did you just not fly direct to Iceland if that is your preferred country for asylum?  卫报记者:我们碰面时就应该问你的,如果冰岛是你的理想避难地,那你为什么没有直接飞到冰岛?  Answer:  Leaving the US was an incred......  -----------------------------  @党员的新马甲
10:06:58  公众甚至没有机会发声  这句话亮了。  事实证明,在国内,言论比国外更自由。  -----------------------------  @yixiazhifeng1 23楼
10:10:34  那些说国内没有言论自由的,是站着说话不腰疼,所有解密的没有一个不被山姆扣上各种帽子,各种转移公众视线,棱镜哥之前是叛国罪扣上去了,现在在挖私生活,大学没毕业,前女友如何如何~~抹黑呗,老套路  想要打倒谁就先抹黑谁,从马克吐温的竞选州长到伊拉克阿富汗到阿桑奇  -----------------------------  唉,问题是TG在这方面不知道是厚道还是笨,咋就学不来尼。比如那啥那谁的,进个洗浴中心啥的,让网友公布出来。
  奥巴马的谎言使美国陷入另一场战争  原文地址:/2013/dgreenfield/obama-lies-america-into-another-war/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Front  有兴趣的话我可以把相关的翻译陆续贴出来。  /wtfy/9333.html  Around this time two years ago, Barack Obama delivered a prime time speech in which he told viewers waiting for him to shut up and make way for American Idol, “We have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times… America, it is time to focus on nation-building here at home.”  两年前的今天,奥巴马在一次黄金时段的演讲中告诉观众,期待他少说多做,“美国偶像”这一节目的到来指日可待,“我们在战争中花费了数以万亿的美元,当前负债上升,经济进入困难时期……这是将焦点放在国家本土建设的时候了,美国。”  Even while he was delivering a speech promising to begin nation-building at home, the warplanes he had dispatched to Libya were bombing government targets in support of the Islamist uprising.  发表演讲并承诺开始本土国家建设之时,奥巴马遣往比利亚的军用战机却在轰炸着政府预算——为了支持利比亚的伊斯兰教徒起义。  
  新的翻译来了  中国否认斯诺登是中国间谍  /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=209474&fromuid=5232  原文地址:/article/SB51584.html?mod=WSJAsia_hpp_LEFTTopStories  原文标题:Snowden Not Our Spy, China Says  BEIJING—China'sforeign ministry said Edward Snowden hasn't cooperated with China and is not aChinese spy.  SpokeswomanHua Chunying told reporters Monday that theories that Mr. Snowden iscooperating with China or is a Chinese spy "utter nonsense," butdidn't elaborate.  来自北京的报道——  中国外交部声明,斯诺登和中国没有合作关系,也不是中国间谍。  外交部发言人华春莹周日对记者表示,斯诺登和中国有合作或是中国间谍这些说法“完全是无稽之谈”,但她并未就此具体说明。  China'sforeign ministry said Edward Snowden is not a Chinese spy.  中国外交部声明:斯诺登不是中国间谍  Lastweek the top two U.S. lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee raisedquestions about whether Mr. Snowden had ties to China. A former NationalSecurity Agency contractor, Mr. Snowden has taken credit for revealing detailsof two NSA surveillance programs to newspapers in recent weeks.  上周国会众议院情报委员会两名资深议员质疑斯诺登是否和中国有关联。斯诺登是国家安全局前签约雇员,最近几周来因披露国家安全局的两项监控项目的细节名声大噪。  HouseIntelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R., Mich.) and Rep. DutchRuppersberger (D., Md.), the panel's ranking Democrat, called for furtherinquiry into Mr. Snowden's connections with China after a three-hour,closed-door committee briefing on the NSA's surveillance programs.  国会众议院情报委员会主席迈克·罗杰斯和委员会资深成员、民主党籍众议员达奇·鲁珀斯伯格,在情报委员会就国家安全局监控项目进行了3小时的闭门会谈后要求对斯诺登和中国的联系进行深入调查。  Theircomments came a day after Mr. Snowden said in an interview that he believedthere had been more than 61,000 NSA hacking operations globally—includinghundreds in Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, and on theChinese mainland.  在他们声明发出的前一天,斯诺登在一次采访中透露,据信国家安全局在全球进行了超过6.1万次的黑客行动,其中包括对中国香港特别行政区和中国大陆的数百次行动。  Ms.Hua also urged the U.S. to pay attention to the international community'sconcerns about the surveillance program and offer a "necessaryexplanation."  华女士敦促美国注意到国际社会对美国监控项目的关切,并给出“必要的解释”。  Sheadded that the Hong Kong government is aware of reports that a majority of HongKong residents oppose extraditing Mr. Snowden from there.  她还表示,香港政府注意到了有关大多数香港居民反对引渡斯诺登的报道。  Ina poll late last week by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, only 18% of 509respondents favored sending Mr. Snowden home if the U.S. makes an extraditionrequest, compared with nearly 50% who said they were "against" or"strongly against" it. And only 13% described Mr. Snowden as atraitor, while 33% 36% said he was neither.  上周香港中文大学进行的一次调查中,509名受访者中仅有18%的人表示,如果美国政府提出引渡请求愿意将斯诺登遣返,而有将近50%的人表示“反对”或“强烈反对”。其中只有13%的人认为他是叛国者,而有33%的人认为他是英雄,36%的人认为两者均不是。
  卫生巾的报道。  评论不多,按照时间顺序翻译如下:  Bill Stevenson  "Spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters Monday that theoriesthat Mr. Snowden is cooperating with China or is a Chinese spy utter nonsense,but didn't elaborate."  No need to elaborate because there neverwas anything for the Chinese side to elaborate about. We knew all along thealleged China connection was part of the "smear and distract"campaign.  Of course today's big news is Snowden'sbombshell announcement that Britain's electronic intelligence agency monitoreddelegates' phones and tried to capture their passwords during the G20 economicsummit held there in 2009.  The targets included British allies suchas Turkey and South Africa, based on documents proof provided by Snowden.  This news was intentionally published onthe eve of another economic summit hosted by the British government -- theGroup of 8 economic summit in Northern Ireland. Snowden's documents show thatthe British signals intelligence agency GCHQ used "ground-breakingintelligence capabilities" to intercept calls made by members of thelarger G-20 conference delegations at meetings in London.  GCHQ is the UK's equivalent of the U.S.National Security Agency (NSA).  Analysts received round-the-clocksummaries of calls that were being made, and GCHQ set up Internet cafes fordelegates in hopes of intercepting e-mails and capturing keystrokes, to giveintelligence agencies the ability to read delegates' e-mails "before/asthey do," providing "sustained intelligence options against them evenafter conference has finished."  Anyway, As Snowden says, "Even ifyou're not doing anything wrong, you're being watched and recorded." VERYinterestingly, Snowden has yet to be charged.  “外交部发言人华春莹周日对记者表示,斯诺登和中国有合作或是中国间谍这些说法“完全是无稽之谈”,但她并未就此具体说明。”  中方根本就不需要就此事做具体说明。我们都知道断言中国和此事的联系都是“污名和转移转移力”的一部分。  当然今天的头条新闻是斯诺登新抛出的重磅炸弹,披露2009年在举办20国峰会期间英国情报部门监控代表团的电话并试图破解他们的密码。  根据斯诺登提供的证据,监控对象包括英国的盟友土耳其和南非。  这个消息有意在英国政府于北爱举办八国集团峰会前夕爆出。  根据斯诺登的爆料,英国政府通信总部利用“创新情报手段”截获伦敦20国峰会期间代表团的电话信息。  英国的通信总部是和美国国家安全局类似的机构。  该机构对代表团的电话进行24小时不间断监控,同时为代表团设置网吧来截获电子邮件和键盘记录。以便在代表团电子邮件“发出前/发出同时”读取信息,“甚至在会议结束之后仍然可以获得情报”。  正如斯诺登所说:“哪怕你从没做过错事,你也被监控和记录”。不过有意思的是斯诺登还没有被起诉。
  JayTitus  What is clear is the NSA is recordingthe bulk of the internet/phone/credit card transaction traffic bit by bit. Iftheir key word recognizers and traffic analyzers and enemie lists fail to catchyour first traitorous utterance or that purchase of ammunition, as soon as theydo they can go back and get everything.  My God. Makes 1984 look primitive.  A quick analysis of what Google diddisclose re government requests for information shows that it is not just theUS, but the UK, France, India, and Brazil (at least) that have a similarprogram going...probably the same little Nazi contractors providing thehardware.  很明显国家安全局记录所有网络/电话/信用卡交易信息的每一个字节。如果他们的关键词搜索、交易分析和特定名单没有在第一时间捕捉到你的卖国言辞或是武器交易记录,他们可以随时倒回去查阅并弄清。  他妈的这让《1984》相形见绌啊。  简单分析一下google回应政府要求所提供的信息就知道,不止是美国还包括英国、法国、印度、巴西等国在内都有类似的项目……有可能是同一个纳粹主义供货商提供的相关硬件。  David Peterson  I doubt this guy is a Chinese spy,although he may have info that China would like, and that might be why he choseto flee to China. He might have thought they'd welcome him.  Personally, I think that thepoliticians' theatrics over this guy is due more to the fact that they signedonto this NSA thing, and they have kept it a secret, and now this guy hasexposed their deeds. It's one thing to betray the nation, and another thing toexpose the misdeeds of politicians. This guy did the latter, for the most part.But the politicians could not have been so foolish as to believe they couldkeep this a secret, could they?  对他是中国间谍的说法我表示怀疑,尽管他有中国感兴趣的信息并跑到中国去了。也许他只是认为中国会欢迎他。  我个人认为政客在此事上的夸张表现更多是因为,他们签署批准了国家安全局的这个项目并设法保密,但这个家伙揭发了他们。叛国和揭发政客的不当举止是两回事,这个家伙做的很大程度上是后面那件事。不过政客不会傻到认为他们可以一直隐瞒下去吧?能隐瞒吗?  LeeZehrer  What's all this government effort tryingto keep us safe from, after all? Sure, a nation of 300 million is going tothrow up the occasional native lunatic, a Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski.Most of this data-mining effort, though, is trying to keep tabs on crazyMuslims. Keep them out of our country and we’ll be safe enough.  /Opinions/RadioDerb/.html  为了确保我们的安全,政府究竟搞了些什么?没错一个3亿多人口的国家里偶尔会出现疯子,如一两个麦克维(译注:俄克拉荷马州爆炸案)和卡辛斯基(译注:隐形炸弹案)。但绝大多数这些信息监控的注意力应该是放在疯狂的穆斯林身上。把他们赶出我们国家,我们就足够安全了。  JayTitus  Yea, the program is supposed to befocussed on terrorism, but as the recent IRS disclosures show, once they havethe keys to your data and can snoop, anything goes. Pretty soon, somone isgoing to ask them to look for child porn, then it will be pirated videos, insome areas it will be abortion data...etc, etc. Watch.  没错,这些项目设计是针对恐怖主义的,但是最近的国税局披露信息显示,一旦他们能够接触到你的信息并进行监控,那一切都会发生。有人会要求他们提供儿童色情搜索信息、接着就是盗版影碟、或许是堕胎情况等等等等,不信你就看吧。
  JackRitchie  The attempt to discredit this guy with smears, comments about notfinishing high school, being a Chinese spy, etc., miss the point. First, hismotives are probably what he says they are, but it doesn't matter. The onlything that matters is whether he is telling the truth. Clearly much of it wastrue, and some of the more incredible stuff (e.g., that he could listen to anyphone in America) is being denied by high-level people who may simply notunderstand the monster they created.  对这个家伙的污名化行动,包括高中没有毕业啊、中国间谍啊等等都无关主题。首先,他的动机可能正如他自己所说,但这不是问题的关键。最关键就是他说的是否是事实。很明显大部分都是,部分很耸人听闻的(如他可以监听美国的所有电话)被那些可能并不了解自己亲手制造的怪物的高层人士否认了。  JayTitus  Smear tactic: like Assange is a rapist for having sex with aprostitute. Probably one of the prostitutes Obama's security detail had"dealt" with before.  污名策略:就像污蔑阿桑奇是和妓女发生性关系的强奸犯。也许奥巴马安保妓女门中的某一位和阿桑奇交易过吧。  JohnMcrae  Why did the Chinese bother to deny that Snowden was their agent?Certainly China's cyber spying crowd was fully aware of the details about NSAthat Snowden leaked. Certainly China knows the popular sentiment in Hong Kongwill delay or deny Snowden's extradition. Certainly the Chinese know Snowden asa na?ve liberal zealot, and arrogance as an anarchist. So they see a 'freebee'and take it.  中国需要操什么心?中国网络间谍肯定清楚斯诺登披露的美国安全局监控项目。中国也很清楚香港会延迟或者拒绝对斯诺登的引渡要求。中国明白斯诺登是一个幼稚的自由主义信徒、自大的无政府主义者。所以他们只需要“免费享受奉送”。  FrankRosenberg  Be careful! Big brother is watching you!  担心!老大哥在看着你!
  biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  国际级扇脸!
09:36:15  Guardian staff  ewenmacaskill  17 June pm  I should have asked you this when I saw you but never got round to it........Why did you just not fly direct to Iceland if that is your preferred country for asylum?  卫报记者:我们碰面时就应该问你的,如果冰岛是你的理想避难地,那你为什么没有直接飞到冰岛?  Answer:  Leaving the US was an incred......  -----------------------------  @党员的新马甲 20楼
10:06:58  公众甚至没有机会发声  这句话亮了。  事实证明,在国内,言论比国外更自由。  -----------------------------  看看中国才知道什么叫言论自由。。。。
  印度网民评论:引渡斯诺登将致香港形象严重受损  /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=209475&fromuid=5232  稍等放上相关译文
  回复第25楼,@王孙芳树下  @王孙芳树下 13楼
09:50:34   Journalists should ask a specific question: since these programs began operation shortly after September 11th, how many terrorist attacks were prevented SOLELY by information derived from this suspicionless surveillance that could not be gained via any other source? Then ask how many individual communications were ingested to acheive that, and ask yourself if it...  --------------------------  911(额,敏感词)是不是假的?登月是不是假的?会爆料吗,拭目以待。。。。  
  回复第32楼,@王孙芳树下  新的翻译来了   中国否认斯诺登是中国间谍   /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=209474&fromuid=5232   原文地址:/article/SB51584.html?mod=WSJAsia_hpp_LEFTTopStories   原文标题:Snowden Not Our Spy, China Says   BEIJING—China'sforeign ministry said Edward Snowden hasn't cooperated with China and is not aChinese spy.   SpokeswomanHua Chunying told...  --------------------------  美帝出现点什么事肯定先摸黑中国身上,意识形态问题,无解。  
  辛苦了,楼主;  耳光响亮啊!!
  三哥的翻译和评论来了。  印度网民评论:引渡斯诺登将致香港形象严重受损  /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=209475&fromuid=5232  以下是印度网民的评论:  外文标题:Snowden extradition would be a 'betrayal': Chinese media  外文地址:/world/china/Snowden-extradition-would-be-a-betrayal-Chinese-media/articleshow/.cms  /thread-.html  rudiravi (Salem TN)  Unlike a common criminal, Snowden did not hurt anybody. His 'crime' was that he blew the whistle on the US government's violation of civil rights,"... but crime is crime... Snowden must be punished  Agree (8)Disagree (16)Recommend (3)  跟普通刑事犯不一样,斯诺登没伤害任何人,他的“罪行”是揭发美国政府侵犯公民权利。_____________犯罪就是犯罪,斯诺登必须受惩罚。  Suriyamoorthy Doraiswamy (Khandwa) replies to rudiravi  US Government did not violate its own law. Their actions in the matter were duly authorized by their own process of law.  Agree (3)Disagree (3)Recommend (0)  美国政府并未违反本国法律,他们要求引渡是经本国法律正式授权的。  Davis (Stately) replies to rudiravi  And who will punish the US government and its leaders for their war crimes? For their violation of the US Constitution?  Agree (8)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)  谁来惩罚美国政府及其领导人的战争罪行?还有他们违反美国宪法的行为。  ragslin (India)  anyone who commenting in favor of Snowden, must think if Snowden was Indian and employeed by Indian security agency and then he would have leaked the information by going in other country. Wouldn't you think this is called treason or betraying or compromising nation's security?  Agree (8)Disagree (13)Recommend (3)  那些发帖支持斯诺登的人该想一下,要是斯诺登是印度人,受雇于印度安全机构,然后他在其他国家泄露信息。难道你不会认为这是背叛且危及国家安全吗?  Voice of Humanity (India)  We encourage all truthful americans to come and disclose the truth the world with respect to all types of mischief in USA. We will reward you and protect you forever and ever Amen.  Agree (8)Disagree (3)Recommend (2)  我们鼓励所有诚实的美国人出来向世界揭露美国的卑鄙行为。我们会报答你们,永远保护你们,阿门。
  Suriyamoorthy Doraiswamy (Khandwa)  If a person leaks his own country's secrets to other countries can it be treated mercifully saying that he has not hurt anybody. Will we forgive any Indian who exposes India's secrets? Or will China forgive anyone who may expose China's secrets? Snowden Khan is a wretched renegade probably with ulterior motives -- motives other than what he has stated. I look forward to the time when he is brought to USA , charged and sentenced .  Agree (8)Disagree (27)Recommend (3)  如果一个人把国家机密泄露给其他国家,说他并未伤害其他人就可以了事吗。如果有印度人泄露印度秘密,我们会原谅他吗?或者中国会原谅泄露本国秘密的中国人吗?斯诺登是卑鄙的叛徒,肯定藏有他未说出来的动机。我期待他被引渡回美国受审的那一刻。  thinker (India) replies to Suriyamoorthy Doraiswamy  If India spies on its own citizens secretly then India also needs to be exposed. It's not about our country or their country.. Let me ask a question-- what would you do to the person who informs you that your neighbor had fitted a spy camera in your home and have all information about your life? will you arrest the informer or reward him?  Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)  如果印度秘密监视本国公民,那么也该被揭露,这不是事关哪个国家的问题.....问一个问题:要是有人告诉你说邻居在你家安装了摄像头,并记录下了你生活的一切?你会逮捕告密者还是报答他?  Yonatan Eliyahu (India)  I know where to go when America falls apart—Hong Kong. I love this place already!  Agree (3)Disagree (4)Recommend (0)  要是美国分崩离析了,我知道要去哪里了,就是香港!我已经爱上这个地方了!  Ravi Shankar (Hyderabad, India)  If China is doing cyber attacks world wide, then how it is wrong with US doing cyber surveillance across the world. Attacks are different and surveillance is different  Agree (6)Disagree (12)Recommend (1)  既然中国可以全世界发动网络攻击,为何美国监视全世界就错了?攻击的目的不同,监视的目的也不同。  abduer (Cochin)  Since when did a sample size of 509 respondents become so 'BIG' while gathering opinion on such a serious matter? Had the sample size been bigger the percentage of people who opined against extradition would certainly have been more.  Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (3)  既然要收集人们对如此重要问题的看法,区区509名受访者样本什么时候开始算”大“了?要是样本大些,反对引渡斯诺登的比例肯定会更高。  James Ong (Singapore)  If Snowden is comfortable in Hong Kong and vice versa, then China should allow Snowden to stay in Hong Kong and not be extradited to the US, when the US exercises its extradition request. In fact, China go to the extent of granting asylum to Snowden when the latter seeks asylum in China.  Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)  如果斯诺登在香港呆得舒服,且反之亦然的话,那么中国应当允许斯诺登呆在香港,拒绝将其引渡回美国。要是美国提出引渡斯诺登,中国可以在后者提出要求的情况下给其提供庇护。
  John (mumbai) replies to James Ong  If not extradite, USA will gun him down.Better move Snowden to Beijing  Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)  要是不引渡,美国将把他毙掉。最好叫斯诺登搬到北京去。  komaalrani (mumbai)  But the decision will be taken by Hong kong or China? Hong kong has an extradition treaty with US and once he is in the grip of US of A he will be another Manning.  Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)  此事将由香港来做决定还是中国?香港与美国签有引渡条约,一旦他落入美国手中,他将会成为另一个曼宁!【三泰虎注:曼宁被指控为美国历史上最大的文件泄密者。因为“维基解密”披露了20多万份有关伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争的军事外交机密文件,当时的美国政府在整个世界面前灰头土脸。而制造这一事件的最关键人物,居然是一位当年才25岁的美国陆军一等兵——布拉德利·曼宁】  John (mumbai)  Well done , China!!!  Agree (3)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)  中国,干得好!  reena gulati (delhi)  VERY GREAT ACT BY CHINESE. IT IS DAVID VS GOLIATH FIGHT . WITH SNOWDEN ARE AT LEAST 6 BILLION PEOPLE AND U.S HAS SUPPORT OF THUGS AND THIEVES ONLY. CAN U.S BE CALLED A DEMOCRACY ANY MORE . IT IS MORE LIKE A SECURITY STATE OR POLICE STATE. REENA GULATI  Agree (5)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)  中国人干的非常棒,这是大卫和歌利亚的战斗。支持斯诺登的人至少有60亿,而支持美国的尽是些暴徒和盗贼。你还能称美国是民主国家吗,它更像是维稳国家爱或者警察国家。  ketan (mumbai)  India wouldn't even dare provide asylum..........  Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)  印度连庇护都不敢提供.......  vcbhutani (Delhi)  It is difficult to know whether writing in the Chinese press and the Hong Kong press (the two are qualitatively different) represents the thinking of the Chinese government. The Hong Kong press is even more emphatic than the Chinese press in saying that Snowden should not be extradited to the US. It may be expected that the Chinese government shall be guided by its perception of its own interests rather than inchoate factors like public opinion and press opinion, neither of which really exists on the mainland. The Chinese government shall have to weigh the advantage of rubbing US nose in the dust by refusing extradition with the possible disadvantage of further difficulties in the US–China relationship. As we know that relationship is not on an ideal footing, but neither side seems inclined to allow matters to drift. The new Chinese leaders have an early test on their hands  难以获知中国媒体和香港媒体的报道是否代表中国政府的看法。实际上,香港媒体的报道要比中国媒体措辞更强硬,报道称香港不应该把斯诺登引渡回美国。预计中国政府将会依据自身利益行事,不会顾及公众舆论和媒体舆论等因素,不过中国大陆并非真正存在这些舆论。中国政府应当权衡冒犯美国的利弊,拒绝引渡斯诺登可能会给美中关系带来更大的困难。众所周知,美中关系并非一帆风顺,双方似乎不希望事态失控。  /13553.html
  【FrontPage】奥巴马的谎言使美国陷入另一场战争(评论日更)  /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=209350&fromuid=5232  这还有一篇文,大家有兴趣的话可以深入探讨下  原文地址:/2013/dgreenfield/obama-lies-america-into-another-war/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FrontpageMag+%28FrontPage+Magazine+%C2%BB+FrontPage%29  原文标题:Obama Lies America Into Another War  Around this time two years ago, Barack Obama delivered a prime time speech in which he told viewers waiting for him to shut up and make way for American Idol, “We have spent a trillion dollars on war, at a time of rising debt and hard economic times… America, it is time to focus on nation-building here at home.”  两年前的今天,奥巴马在一次黄金时段的演讲中告诉观众,《美国偶像》这一节目的到来指日可待,“我们在战争中花费了数以万亿的美元,当前负债上升,经济进入困难时期……这是将焦点放在国家本土建设的时候了,美国。”  (注:关于对American Idol的理解,请大家指教。)  Even while he was delivering a speech promising to begin nation-building at home, the warplanes he had dispatched to Libya were bombing government targets in support of the Islamist uprising.  发表演讲并承诺开始本土国家建设之时,奥巴马遣往比利亚的军用战机却在轰炸着政府预算——为了支持利比亚的伊斯兰教徒起义。  A month earlier, Obama had told Americans that he had a duty to protect “Benghazi, a city nearly the size of Charlotte”. Given a choice between nation-building in Charlotte and B Obama chose Benghazi.  一个月前,奥巴马称,他有保护班加西(一个夏洛特城大小的城市)的职责。在(美国)夏洛特城,还是在班加西进行国家建设? 奥巴马选择了后者。
  【印度】斯诺登事件:中国寻求联合国干预美国网络攻击  /bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=200115&fromuid=5232  译文来源   外文标题:China seeks UN intervention to rein in US over snooping龙腾网   外文地址:/world/china/China-seeks-UN-intervention-to-rein-in-US-over-snooping/articleshow/.cms  以下是印度网民的评论:  joseph (bangalore)  All right minded countries should support China in this proposal to the UN to rein in the global bully and selfish US in the fight to snooping on all countries. Just imagine if India or China planted bases and warships all around the US , they would go ballistic and make a huge ruckus and will in all certainty attack them . So why is it ok for the US to do the same to other countries and get away with it.  Agree (8)Disagree (5)Recommend (4)  心智正常的国家都应该支持中国向联合国所提的建议,制止自私的全球恶霸美国监控其他国家。想象一下,要是印度或中国在美国周围设基地并驻扎军舰,他们肯定会狂怒,引发巨大的骚动,并发动攻击。为什么美国这样做就可以,还能逃避处罚!  gummerman (Texas)  First of all, US policy is that rules, laws,regulations apply only to other nations and not to itself. It thinks it is above all established laws of the land becuase it has moral superiority, at least thats what it thinks and brags about it. Asides from that, I am not sure that China is doing its own surveillance on US's surveillance activities.  Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)  首先,美国奉行的政策是法规、法律、条例只适用于其他国家,自己无需遵守。它认为自己可以凌驾于一切法律之上,因为它具有道德优越感,至少它就是这么认为,也是这么吹嘘的。此外,不确定中国是否也对美国进行监控。
  Annamalai (India)  China is now feeling heat when they are intruded i.e snooping. China have to think before do any intrusion into India again???  Agree (5)Disagree (7)Recommend (1)  中国被”入侵“,也就是被监视了,现在感到痛了。再次入侵印度之前,中国得三思。  cheez m (India)  China as a state tops the list of all snooping and cyber attacks in the world.  Agree (7)Disagree (5)Recommend (2)  在世界各国对其他人进行网络监视和攻击的名单中,中国高居榜首。  NRI USA (usa)  Snooping even Chinks do tha. But the similiarity ends there. China is snooping to attack and rob military/corporate designs or in other words espionage and loot. Whereas USA is doing it for protecting the world from porkie islamists funded by these yellow bellies.  Agree (9)Disagree (10)Recommend (1)  中国佬也会监视其他国家,但两者的相似点到此为止。中国的网络监视是为了攻击和窃取别人的军事或企业设计,换句话说就是刺探,就是抢劫;而美国是为了保护世界免遭巴基佬恐怖分子的攻击。  Iron (SE) replies to NRI USA  Yeah, like USA protected the world from the WMD threat of Iraq. The fact that those WMD never existed in the first place is a minor technicality :&)) BTW, islamists, porkies or otherwise, all over the world are supported by Saudi Regime. And need I remind you which 'champion of democracy' supports the 'Monarchy' in Saudi Arab :&))  Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)  是的,类似美国保护世界免遭伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器的威胁。事实是这些大规模杀伤性武器根本就不存在!顺便说下,ysl主义者、巴基佬等统统是沙特政权支持的。还要给你提个醒,皿煮斗士美国支持沙特的君主制。
  jack daniels (Canada)  Ha! China got an opportunity to beat USA with the same stick!  Agree (14)Disagree (2)Recommend (7)  哈!中国获得了对美国以牙还牙的机会!  Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha (Clinton, USA)  What an upside down world we now live in. China the Communist nation is seeking UN assistance to reign in the Communist style secret espionage of the Democratic US. Strange. Now China is upholding the rights of the people or the right to privacy, while Washington D.C has been caught red handed in violating those same rights.  Agree (16)Disagree (0)Recommend (3)  我们居住的世界居然颠倒过来了。中国这个共产国家正寻求联合国帮助制止皿煮美国的共产式网络间谍活动。中国捍卫人们的权利和隐私,而华盛顿侵犯这些权利时被人赃俱获。
  Annamalai (India)  When China has difference between US, it seeks UN intervention. But when it has issues to resolve with India, it simply intrude into territory.  Agree (8)Disagree (4)Recommend (0)  中国与美国存在分歧时,它就寻求联合国干预;但中国与印度存在纠纷时,它就直接入侵印度领土。  classified (Chicago) replies to Annamalai  because thats the only way it can get attention of India  Agree (1)Disagree (8)Recommend (0)  因为只有这样才能引起印度的注意。  Annamalai replies to classified  That's not the way to get attention. Its shear arrogance,now i China feels US arrogance and feel the pain.  Agree (4)Disagree (4)Recommend (0)  不是为了引起注意,纯粹是傲慢之举,中国现在感受到了美国的傲慢,懂得痛了吧。  Annamalai (India)  Shame on China!!!!  Agree (6)Disagree (10)Recommend (0)  中国太无耻了!  Pooja (SOMEWHERE IN WORLD)  China. Sigh! This country is really a messed up country that lifts up its head every time there is a conflict of interest. Since majority of cyber crimes originate in China of course they won't like US's surveillance on phone and Internet communications. Not only that, the chinese are nosiest and nastiest intruders that spy on almost every country of this world via every means of communicaitons.  May be they talk and chat to spy on world around the clock they don't want US to find out about their actions. In any }


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