
我还记得在我们学校才开始上七年级的你们,当你开始新的征程,不要忘记你来自哪儿,世界是你们的。我希望你们记住那些在你生活中帮助了你的重要的人物——你的爸妈,老师和同学。请你们想想他们为你做了些什么和他们对你的意义。永远不要忘记感谢你周围的人。你们充满了能量并渴求知识,当然,也会有许多有趣的事等待着你 。每一扇你打开的门后面都是学习新事物的机会。我不需要高中生活会有更多的困难和任务摆在你面前,你们中的一些也有需要面对的小困难。但是今天。首先,我祝贺在场的各位,我为你们感到骄傲。虽然,你也有能力做自己的决定,你可以回来看看母校。祝你们好运,你们在过去的三年中非常努力,没有一个被落下。最后,初中生涯的结束象征着新生活的开始。选择要明智并要为自己的决定和行为负责。即使现在你不得不单独行事。你会在这一路上犯错误,但从你的错误中学习,永不放弃是关键。与此同时,我仍希望在以后女士们,先生们感谢你们在今天来参加第三中学的毕业典礼,我看见的却是充满了对未来期盼且掌握了娴熟技能的青年人。你们都成长了许多
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回答问题,赢新手礼包《九年级英语课文翻译》100篇 第一文库网
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Unit5 What are the shirs made of ?Section A 2d帕姆:中国的茶很有名,是吗?刘俊:是的,过去和现在都很出名。帕姆:中国的那些地方产茶呢?刘俊:哦,很多不同地区都产茶。像安溪和杭州都是著名的产茶地。 帕姆:茶…
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Unit 1 你怎样学得很棒? 这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。 莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲…
本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Unit 1 课文翻译 Section A 杰克:安妮,我有点紧张。我得读完一本书并在下周一做读书报告。 安妮:那听起来并不太糟糕嘛。 杰克:但是,我是一个书读得很慢的人。 安妮:开…
你怎样学得很棒?这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。 莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词她也被帮助有…
Unit1 How can we become good learners? A_3a Read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions. 阅读关于魏芬的短文,然后回答问题。 How I …
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Unit6 when was it invented ?Section A 2d保罗:嘿,罗伊,这次我们学校的项目任务的主题是“改变世界的小发明”。你能帮我想一个小发明吗?罗伊:我很乐意!让我想想…..嗯……有啦!拉链!保罗:拉链?它真是这样一项了不…
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九年级英语unit4 翻译Unit4 I used to be afraid of the darkSection A 2d.艾尔弗雷德:(举办)这次聚会的注意实在是太棒了!吉娜:我同意。从上次见到小学同学到现在已经三年了。艾尔弗雷德:看到大家的变化…
4页3a 你怎样学得很棒? 这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词她…
4页3a你怎样学得很棒?这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习英语最佳的方式。 通过讯问有关于学习英语的方法,许多学生说他们学会了。 有些学生有更加具体的建议。莉莲?李,例如,最佳的方式学会新的单词是通过读英国杂志。 说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词她…
。。。。。 56页3a 今年夏天,我和我家人想去中国南部度假。我希望你给我提供一些关于你的公司可以提供的度假的建议。我们想去一个让人激动的地方,我们不建议走多远。它必须是一个可以让我们。。。。。。的家:李慧平,林佩和朱明。这3个学生都做志愿者工作来帮…扫二维码下载作业帮
enthusiasm of the early days of the struggle, somehow considered Lee the symbol of everything for which they had been willing to die. But they could not quite put this feeling into words. If the Lost Cause, sanctified by so much heroism and so many deaths, had a living justification, its justification was General Lee.
李体现了这一贵族理想的最高尚的部分。拥有土地的贵族通过他获得存在的理由。四年间,南方各州拼死战斗,以捍卫李所代表的理想。到后来,南部邦联似乎是为李而战;李本人似乎就是南部邦联……似乎是南部邦联所代表的生活方式能提供的菁华。还在来到阿珀马特科斯之前,他已经成为传奇人物了。成千上万疲于征战、忍饥挨饿、征衣褴褛的邦联士兵早已失去了战争伊始的单纯的热情,他们把李视作自己甘愿为之献身的一切的象征。只是他们不善表述这种情感。这一被无数英雄行为、无数阵亡将士神圣化了的注定失败的事业若有其现实的理由证明其是正确的话,那这理由就是李将军。 7 Grant, the son of a tanner on the Western frontier, was everything Lee was not. He had come up the hard way and embodied nothing in particular except the eternal toughness and sinewy fiber of the men who grew up beyond the mountains. He was one of a body of men who owed reverence and obeisance to no one, who were self ― reliant to a fault, who cared hardly anything for the past but who had a sharp eye for the future.
格兰特是西部边远地区一个制革工人的儿子,他与李截然不同。他历经艰难才出人头地,他并不代表哪种特别的信念,所体现的只是在边远山区长大的人所具有的永远能吃苦耐劳、坚忍不拔的品质。他不敬畏任何人,不顺从任何人,过分讲求自力更生,他不追怀既往,但能用敏锐的目光看未来。 8 These frontier men were the precise opposite of the tidewater aristocrats. Back of them, in the great surge that had taken people over the Alleghenies and into the opening Western country, there was a deep, implicit dissatisfaction with a past that had settled into grooves. They stood for democracy, not from any reasoned conclusion about the proper ordering of human society, but simply because they had grown up in the middle of democracy and knew how it worked. Their society might have privileges, but they would be privileges each man had won for himself. Forms and patterns meant nothing. No man was born to anything, except perhaps to a chance to show how far he could rise. Life was competition.
这些西部边民与东部沿海低地的贵族恰恰相反。在他们的心目中,在爬过阿勒格尼山脉、进入辽阔的西部的人潮中,存在着对因循守旧的过去的不直接言明的深深不满。他们拥护民主制度,不是经缜密分析后推断出了适合人类社会的管理形式,而仅仅是由于他们生长在民主政体之中,懂得民主制度如何运作。他们的社会或许也存在特权,但那是每个人自己赢得的特权。惯例与固有模式不起任何作用。也许除了都有一个可以展示自己有多少发展空间的机会外,没有人生来就享有什么。生活就是竞争。 9 Yet along with this feeling had come a deep sense of belonging to a national community. The Westerner who developed a farm, opened a shop, or set up in business as a trader, could hope to prosper only as his own community prospered ― and his community ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada down to Mexico. If the land was settled, with towns and highways and accessible markets, he could better himself. He saw his fate in terms of the nation's own destiny. As its horizons expanded, so did his. He had, in other words, an acute dollars-and-cents stake in the continued growth and development of his country.
然而,伴随着这种情感的是对国家的深深的归属感。那些开垦农场、开店或从事贸易的西部人只有在所属的社会富起来时自己才有希望富起来―― 他们所属的社会从大西洋一直到太平洋,从加拿大一直到墨西哥。如果人们前来定居,建立起城镇、公路和近便的市场,他们自己也就能改善生活。他们从国家的命运出发看自身的命运。国家的疆域拓展了,他们自身的天地也会随之拓展。换言之,他们的利益与国家的兴旺发达紧紧相连,息息相关。 10 And that, perhaps, is where the contrast between Grant and Lee becomes most striking. The Virginia aristocrat, inevitably, saw himself in relation to his own region. He lived in a static society which could endure almost anything except change. Instinctively, his first loyalty would go to the locality in which that society existed. He would fight to the limit of endurance to defend it, because in defending it he was defending everything that gave his own life its deepest meaning.
而这,或许正是格兰特与李之间最大差异之所在。那位弗吉尼亚贵族必然要将自己与他生活的地区相联系。他生活在一个几乎容得一切,惟独容不得变化的静止的社会里。出于天性,他的第一忠诚归于这一社会所在的地域。他会不惜一切地捍卫自己的地域,因为捍卫它,也就是捍卫赋予他生命最深刻意义的一切。 11 The Westerner, on the other hand, would fight with an equal tenacity for the broader concept of society. He fought so because everything he lived by was tied to growth, expansion, and a constantly widening horizon. What he lived by would survive or fall with the nation itself. He could not possibly stand by unmoved in the face of an attempt to destroy the Union. He would combat it with everything he had, because he could only see it as an effort to cut the ground out from under his feet.
而西部人则以同样的执着捍卫自己更为开明的社会观。他为此而战,因为他赖以为生的都与发展、开拓以及不断拓宽的地平线密切相连。他所赖以为生的一切与国家同存共亡。面对颠覆联邦的企图他不可能无动于衷,袖手旁观。他将竭尽所能与之斗争,因为他只能将这一企图视为挖他墙脚的举动。 12 So Grant and Lee were in complete contrast, representing two diametrically opposed elements in American life. Grant was the beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the great age of steel and machinery, of crowded cities and a restless burgeoning vitality. Lee might have ridden down from the old age of chivalry, lance in hand, silken banner fluttering over his head. Each man was the perfect champion of his cause, drawing both his strengths and his weaknesses from the people he led.
因此格兰特和李两人截然相反,代表着美国人生活中两种完全对立的要素。格兰特是初露锋芒的现代人;他身后准备登场的是钢铁和机器的伟大时代,是拥挤的城市时代,是永不满足、欣欣向荣、生机勃勃的时代。李则手握长矛从古老的骑士时代一路策马奔来,旌旗在头上飘扬。两人都是各自事业的杰出捍卫者,从所率的民众中汲取长处,同时也承袭了他们的弱点。 13 Yet it was not all contrast, after all. Different as they were ― in background, in personality, in underlying aspiration ― these two great soldiers had much in common. Under everything else, they were marvelous fighters. Furthermore, their fighting qualities were really very much alike.
然而,存在于两人之间的也不完全是差异。虽然他们很不一样―― 如背景、个性、胸怀的抱负―― 但这两位杰出的军人却也有着许多的共同之处。最根本的是,两人都是优秀的斗士。再者,两人在战场上显示出的品质也极为相似。 14 Each man had, to begin with, the great virtue of utter tenacity and fidelity. Grant fought his way down the Mississippi Valley in spite of acute personal discouragement and profound military handicaps. Lee hung on in the trenches at Petersburg after hope itself had died. In each man there was an indomitable quality... the born fighter's refusal to give up as long as he can still remain on his feet and lift his two fists.
首先,两人都具有极其顽强和忠诚的崇高品格。格兰特不顾巨大的个人伤痛和重大的军事失利,沿密西西比河流域一路打过来。李在完全丧失希望的情况下死守彼得斯堡战壕。两人都具有一种百折不挠的个性……一种与生俱来的斗士精神:一息尚存,就战斗到底。 15 Daring and resourcefulness they had, the ability to think faster and move faster than the enemy. These were the qualities which gave Lee the dazzling won Vicksburg for Grant2.
两人还都既勇敢又足智多谋;都有比敌手思考敏捷、行动迅速的能力。正是这些品质为李赢得了世人赞叹的第二次默纳塞斯战役和桑塞勒兹维尔战役,为格兰特赢得了维科斯堡大捷。 16 Lastly, and perhaps greatest of all, there was the ability, at the end, to turn quickly from war to peace once the fighting was over. Out of the way these two men behaved at Appomattox came the possibility of a peace of reconciliation. It was a possibility not wholly realized, in the years to come, but which did, in the end, help the two sections to become one nation again... after a war whose bitterness might have seemed to make such a reunion wholly impossible. No part of either man's life became him more than the part he played in their brief meeting in the McLean house at Appomatox. Their behavior there put all succeeding generations of Americans in their debt. Two great Americans, Grant and Lee ― very different, yet under everything very much alike. Their encounter at Appomattox was one of the great moments of American history. campaigns of Second Manassas and Chancellorsville 1and
最后,或许也是最重要的,是战事一旦结束,有能力迅速化干戈为玉帛。两人在阿珀马特科斯的行事方式带来了和平修好的可能。这一可能并没有在以后的几年中完全成为现实,但在经历了势不两立、恢复联邦似乎根本无望的战争之后,这一可能最终还是促使两大阵营重新合为一个国家。两人的生活中再没有比在阿珀马特科斯马克莱恩住宅里的简短会面中所起的作用更能体现其个性了。他们当时这样做,一代又一代美国人都对他们感恩。两位杰出的美国人,格兰特和李,如此不同,却又在几乎所有方面都如此相像。两人在阿珀马特科斯的会晤是美国历史上一个辉煌的时刻。 A Brief History of the American Civil War Gary Gallagher 1 The American Civil War is sometimes called the War Between the States, the War of Rebellion, or the War for Southern Independence. It began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, and lasted until May 26, 1865, when the last Confederate army surrendered. The war took more than 600,000 lives, destroyed property valued at $5 billion, brought freedom to 4 million black slaves, and opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later. 美国内战简述 卡尔?T?罗旺
美国内战有时被称作南北战争、叛乱战争,或南方独立战争。日,南部邦联的博勒加德将军对南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿港的萨姆特要塞首先开火,于是战争爆发,一直持续到日最后一支南部邦联军部队投降。战争夺去了六十多万人的生命,造成五十亿美元的财产损失,给四百万黑奴以自由,造成的创伤在一百二十五年之后仍未能完全愈合。 Causes 2 The chief and immediate cause of the war was slavery. Southern states depended on slavery to support their economy. Southerners used slave labor to produce crops, especially cotton. However, slavery was illegal in the Northern states. By the 1850s abolitionism was growing in the North, and when the antislavery Republican candidate A. Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the Southern states, one after another, seceded to protect their right to keep slaves. South Carolina declared its secession first and then it was followed by six other states―Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Immediately the question of federal property in these states became important, especially the forts in the harbor of Charleston, S.C. Lincoln resolved to hold Sumter. The new Confederate government under President Jefferson Davis and South Carolina were equally determined to oust the Federals.
起因 内战主要的、直接的起因是奴隶制。南方各州依靠奴隶制维持其经济。南方人使用黑奴劳力种植农作物,尤其是棉花。然而,奴隶制在北方各州是非法的。到了19世纪50年代,废奴主义在北方日渐赢得人心,1860年,反对奴隶制的共和党候选人A?林肯当选总统之后,南方各州便相继脱离联邦,以维持其畜奴的权利。南卡罗来纳州率先宣布脱离,随后其他六州----密西西比州、佛罗里达州、阿拉巴马州、佐治亚州、路易斯安那州、得克萨斯州----也紧接着脱离。联邦政府在这些州的财产归属问题顿时变得相当紧迫,尤其是南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿港的那些要塞。林肯决意保住萨姆特要塞。而杰斐逊?戴维斯总统领导下的新成立的南部邦联政府以及南卡罗来纳州同样有决心把联邦政府支持者赶走。 Sumter to Gettysburg 3 When, on Apr. 12, 1861, the Confederate commander Beauregard, acting on instructions, ordered the firing on Fort Sumter, hostilities officially began. Lincoln immediately called for troops to be used against the seven seceding states, which were soon joined by Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, completing the 11-state Confederacy. In the first important military campaign of the war untrained Union troops under Irvin McDowell, advancing on Richmond, now the Confederate capital, were routed by equally inexperienced Confederate soldiers led by Beauregard and Joseph E. Johnston in the first battle of Bull Run (July 21, 1861). This fiasco led Lincoln to bring up George B. McClellan, who was for a few months the chief Northern commander. The able organizer of the Army of the Potomac, he nevertheless failed in the Peninsular campaign (Apr.CJuly, 1862), in which Robert E. Lee succeeded the wounded Johnston as commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Lee planned the diversion in the Shenandoah Valley, which, brilliantly executed by Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, worked perfectly. Next to Lee himself, Jackson, with his famous Dfoot cavalry,‖ was the South‘s greatest general. Lee then went on to save Richmond in the Seven Days battles (June 26CJuly 2) and was victorious in the second battle of Bull Run (Aug. 29C30). However, he also failed in his first invasion of enemy territory. In September, McClellan, whom Lincoln had restored to command of the defenses of Washington, checked Lee in Maryland. When McClellan failed to attack the Confederates as they retreated, Lincoln removed him again, this time permanently.
从萨姆特到葛底斯堡 日,南部邦联军司令博勒加德按照指示,下令对萨姆特要塞开火,敌对态势正式形成。林肯立即要求动用军队以抵抗脱离联邦的七个州―― 阿肯色州、北卡罗来纳州、弗吉尼亚州和田纳西州不久也脱离联邦,组成了有11个州的南部邦联。内战第一场重大军事战役打响了:欧文?麦克道尔率领的未经训练的联邦军队在向当时已是南部邦联政府首都的里士满进军时,在第一次布尔溪战役中(日)被博勒加德和约瑟夫?E?约翰斯顿率领的同样缺乏作战经验的南部邦联军士兵击溃。这一惨败促使林肯起用曾担任过几个月北方军队总司令的乔治?B?麦克莱伦。这位有才干的波托马科军团的组织者,在半岛战役中(1862年4月-7月)却同样受挫,在这场战事中,罗伯特?E?李接替了受伤的约翰斯顿担任北弗吉尼亚州南部邦联军司令。李在谢伦多厄山谷部署了佯攻,这一战在托马斯?J?(石壁)杰克逊的出色指挥下,打得非常漂亮。声望仅次于李的杰克逊以其著名的步骑兵成为南方最卓越的将军。随后李在七日战役中(6月26日-7月2日)守住了里士满,又在第二次布尔溪战役中(8月29日-30日)获胜。但他第一次入侵敌方领土的行动未能成功。到了9月,被林肯复职指挥华盛顿防御的麦克莱伦在马里兰将李击退。南部邦联军撤退之时,麦克莱伦没有追击,于是林肯再次将其撤职,此后永未起用。 4 Two subsequent Union advances on Richmond, the first led by Ambrose E. Burnside and the second by Joseph Hooker, ended in resounding defeats (Dec. 13, 1862, and May 2C4, 1863). Although Lee lost Jackson at the battle of Chancellorsville, the victory prompted him to try another invasion of the North.
联邦军队随后两次进攻里士满,第一次由安布罗兹?E?伯恩塞德率领,第二次由约瑟夫?胡克率领,但均以惨败告终(日,日-4日)。李在查斯勒维尔战役中折损大将杰克逊,但此战告捷,促使他再次进犯北方。 5 On June 3, 1863, Lee began to move his Army of Northern Virginia across the Rappahannock. Hooker, who was aware of Lee‘s movements, shifted the Army of the Potomac northward, using it as a shield between Lee and the capital at Washington. Late in June, Hooker resigned his command, convinced that he had lost the confidence of the administration. On June 28, General George G. Meade replaced Hooker. Meade had been one of Hooker‘s corps commanders.
6 On July 1 advance units of the two armies stumbled into each other near the little town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 16 km north of the Maryland border. Both Lee and Meade realized that a battle was unavoidable. Fighting broke out that day. Union troops, after early reverses, managed to hold a strategic position on Cemetery Hill. The second day, July 2, saw confused fighting on both Union flanks. Confederate Generals Longstreet and John B. Hood assaulted high ground at the Peach Orchard and Little Round Top, but by night the Federals held key positions. The most dramatic action of the battle came on the third day, when General George E. Pickett led a gallant but hopeless charge against the Union center, Dthe bloody angle.‖ Pickett‘s drive tried to charge across an open field at Cemetery Ridge, but concentrated Union fire stopped him. The battle was a decisive Union victory, but both armies suffered very heavy losses. Meade‘s casualties numbered 23,000 and Lee‘s about 25,000. Lee began his retreat on July 4. To the great disappointment of President Lincoln, Meade did not pursue the Confederate army and make Lee stand and fight. By July 14 the Confederate commander had brought the remnant of his army back to the safety of Virginia. Gettysburg had been a severe defeat for the South, both in terms of men lost and the army‘s morale. In November 1863 President Lincoln dedicated a national cemetery to those who had died in the Battle of Gettysburg. His speech, known as the Gettysburg Address, became famous as an expression of the democratic spirit and reconfirmed Lincoln‘s intention to reunite the country.
7月1日,两军的先头部队在马里兰边界以北16公里处的宾夕法尼亚小镇葛底斯堡附近相遇。李和米德两人都意识到战斗不可避免。当日战斗就打响了。开始时遭受挫折的联邦军队最终成功地守住了公墓山上的一处战略要地。第二天,即7月2日,联邦军队的两翼都出现了混战。南部邦联军朗斯特里特和约翰?B?霍德将军向桃园和小圆顶的高地发起了进攻,但到晚上,联邦军队占领了各重要阵地。此战最富戏剧性的军事行动发生在第三天,乔治?E?皮克特将军向联邦中坚部队所在地D血角‖发起了勇猛却毫无希望的攻击。皮克特的强攻部队试图冲过公墓岭上的一块开阔地,但联邦军队的加强火力将其挡住。此战联邦军队取得了决定性胜利,但双方都伤亡惨重。米德部队的伤亡人数为二万三千人,而李的伤亡人数约为二万五千人。7月4日,李开始撤退。令林肯总统大失所望的是,米德竟然没有乘胜追击从而迫使李还击。到7月14日,南部邦联军司令李将残余部队安全撤回到弗吉尼亚。葛底斯堡一战无论是在人员损失还是在军队士气上都使南方遭受重创。1863年11月,林肯总统为葛底斯堡战役中的阵亡将士举行了国家公墓落成仪式。他发表的葛底斯堡演说以其表达民主精神而闻名,演说还再次证实了林肯捍卫国家统一的意图。 Turning Point 7 The Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg in July, 1863, marked a definite turning point in the war. Both sides now had seasoned, equally valiant soldiers, and in Lee and Ulysses S. Grant each had a superior general. But the North, with its larger population and comparatively enormous industry, enjoyed a tremendous material advantage. Both sides also resorted to conscription, even though it met some resistance.
转折点 1863年7月联邦军队在葛底斯堡和维科斯堡的胜利标志着战争的一个转折点。当时双方的士兵同样训练有素,骁勇善战,双方也都有着出色的将军,李和尤利西兹?S?格兰特。然而北方凭借其更多的人口和相对庞大的工业拥有巨大的物资优势。双方也都采用了征兵制招募士兵,尽管遭遇一些抵制。 Grant and Sherman Lead to Victory 8 In March, 1864, Lincoln, for many years an admirer of Grant, made him commander in chief. Leaving the West in Sherman‘s capable hands, Grant came east, took personal charge of Meade‘s Army of the Potomac, and engaged Lee in the Wilderness campaign (MayCJune, 1864). Outnumbered but still spirited, the Army of Northern Virginia was slowly and painfully forced back toward Richmond, and in July the tenacious Grant began the long siege of Petersburg. Although Confederate General Jubal A. Early won at Monocacy (July 9), threatening the city of Washington, the Confederates were unable to repeat Jackson‘s successful diversion of 1862, and Union General Philip H. Sheridan, victorious in the grand manner at Cedar Creek (Oct. 19), virtually ended Early‘s activities in the Shenandoah Valley. For his part, Sherman, opposed first by the wily Joe Johnston and then by John B. Hood, won the Atlanta campaign (MayCSept., 1864).
格兰特和谢尔曼率军走向胜利 1864年3月,多年来一直赏识格兰特的林肯任命其为总司令。格兰特把西线交给能征善战的谢尔曼,自己在东线亲自统领米德的波托马科军团,发起了攻击李的荒野战役(1864年5月-6月)。北弗吉尼亚州南部邦联军寡不敌众但士气仍然高昂,他们艰难地朝里士满方向缓缓后撤。到了7月,性格顽强的格兰特开始长期围攻彼得斯堡。尽管南军将领朱伯尔?A?厄尔利在默诺卡西获胜(7月9日),一度威胁到华盛顿市,南部邦联军却未能再现1862年杰克逊佯攻战的辉煌,在雪松湾大获全胜(10月19日)的联邦军将领菲利普?H?谢里丹实际上结束了厄尔利在谢伦多厄山谷的军事行动。至于谢尔曼,他先后遭到诡计多端的约瑟夫?约翰斯顿和约翰?B?霍德的抵抗,但还是取得了亚特兰大战役(1864年5月-9月)的胜利。 The Election of 1864 9 On the political front, a movement within the Republican party to shelve Lincoln had collapsed as the tide turned in the Union‘s favor. With Andrew Johnson, Lincoln‘s own choice for Vice President, the President was renominated in June, 1864. The Democrats nominated McClellan. Lincoln was easily reelected.
1864年大选 在政治战线上,由于形势正转而对联邦政府有利,共和党内部排斥林肯的活动未能得逞。林肯亲自挑选安德鲁?约翰逊为副总统候选人,在任总统于1864年6月再次获候选人提名。民主党提名麦克莱伦为候选人。林肯轻而易举再度当选。 Lee‘s Surrender 10 After the fall of Atlanta, which had contributed to Lincoln‘s victory, Sherman‘s troops made their destructive march through Georgia. Hood had failed to draw Sherman back by invading Union-held Tennessee, and after the battle of Franklin (Nov. 30,1864) Hood‘s army was almost completely annihilated. Sherman presented Lincoln with the Christmas gift of Savannah, Ga.,[1 the Christmas gift of Savannah, Ga.: Sherman‘s victory in the battle of Savannah (10-21 December 1864)]1 and then moved north through the Carolinas. Union naval commander Farragut‘s victory at Mobile Bay (Aug. 5, 1864) had effectively closed that port, and on Jan. 15, 1865, Wilmington, N.C., was also cut off .
李投降 亚特兰大被攻克为林肯大选获胜起了重要作用,之后,谢尔曼的军队一路横扫佐治亚。霍德曾入侵已被联邦军占领的田纳西,但未能使谢尔曼后退,打完富兰克林战役(日),霍德几乎全军覆灭。谢尔曼给林肯的圣诞礼物是佐治亚州的萨瓦纳大捷,随后他挥师北上,进入南北卡罗来纳州。联邦海军将领法拉格特在莫比尔湾的胜利(日)成功地关闭了该港口,到了日,北卡罗来纳州的威尔明顿也被围。 11 After Sheridan‘s victory at Five Forks (Apr. 1, 1865), the Petersburg lines were breached and the Confederates evacuated Richmond (Apr. 3). With his retreat blocked by Sheridan, Lee, wisely giving up the futile contest, surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on Apr. 9, 1865. The surviving Confederate armies also yielded when they heard of Lee‘s capitulation, thus ending the conflict that resulted in over 600,000 casualties.
谢里丹在弗尔伍福克告捷(日)后,彼得斯堡的防线被突破,南军撤离了里士满(4月3日)。李的退路被谢里丹截断,于是明智地放弃了无效抵抗,于日在阿珀马特科斯县城向格兰特投降。残存的南军获悉李已投降,也放弃了抵抗,造成六十多万人伤亡的南北冲突就此结束。 Aftermath 12 The long war was over, but for the victors the peace was marred by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the greatest figure of the war. The ex-Confederate states, after enduring the unsuccessful attempts of Reconstruction to impose a new society on the South, were readmitted to the Union, which had been saved and in which slavery was now abolished. The Civil War brought death to more Americans than did any other war, including World War II. The war cost untold billions and nourished rather than canceled hatreds and intolerance, which persisted for decades. Monuments commemorating Civil War figures and events are conspicuous in almost all sizable Northern towns and are even more numerous in the upper South.
战争后果 旷日持久的战争结束了,但是对胜利者来说,战争中最伟大的人物阿伯拉罕?林肯的被暗杀给和平蒙上了一层阴影。前邦联各州计划在南部重建一个新社会的企图失败后,重新纳入联邦,联邦因此得以保住,奴隶制被废除。内战造成的国民死亡人数超出了其他任何一场战争,包括第二次世界大战。内战消耗了巨大财富,滋养而非化解了仇恨和褊狭,这种仇恨和褊狭一直持续了几十年。现在,几乎在所有较大的北方城镇里都赫然竖立着怀念内战人物和事件的纪念碑,在南方的北部地区其数量甚至更多。
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