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《方块风暴(Blockstorm)》Steam抢先体验 内容足够值得玩家购买
  我们知道Mojang旗下的像素神作《我的世界》已经风靡全球,XBOX 360版的销量早已突破1200万份。近日开发商Ghostshark Games也效仿《我的世界》推出一款像素类第一人称射击游戏--《方块风暴(Blockstorm)》,据悉这款游戏融合了《我的世界》的游戏机制和《雷神之锤》的死亡竞赛游戏方式。游戏目前加入了Steam的抢先体验计划,但是同很多加入抢先体验计划的游戏一样,这款游戏已经有足够的内容值得玩家购买了。
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Hosting a dedicated server for Blockstorm
By peevishdave and 1 collaborators
In this guide I'll show you how to configure your own dedicated server for Blockstorm.With &dedicated server& I mean a server hosted on a remote machine (e.g. a low-cost VPS) which is always available to players and that can be configured by the owner.
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Finding and renting a cheap VPS
If you already have a remote linux server, you can skip this step,otherwise continue reading.Take a look to they provide a list of very very cheap VPS (e.g. 3$/Year).Although many of them have very few resources, you can still find a good balancebetween cost and performance.You can load more than a server instance on the same machine.Anyway, these are the minimal specifications that I'm suggesting youfor a VPS with a single instance of the Blockstorm server on it:- at least 256 MB of RAM- 1 public IP (IPv4)- 10 Mbit/s (@10)- 50 GB/month bandwidth- 3 GB HDDprobably you want to choose the location of the server in order to be near your home, so that you will have a low ping when playing on it.As linux distro, the recommended one is Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.After the purchase process is over, you will receive the authentication informationsfrom your provider.Usually those consist in a username (root) and password (a password that you choose when you registered).You can connect to this brand new server from a unix system using the &ssh& command.To connect from windows I suggest you to usePUTTY
to connect to your system shellandWinSCP
to copy files (i.e. maps) to your system.
Installing the server
log in to the shell of your server using ssh (or Putty if you are on Windows)Create an user:useradd serveradminmkdir /home/serveradminchown serveradmin /home/serveradminAdd a password for serveradmin:passwd serveradminif nano is not installed, install it using:sudo apt-get -y install nanoor, if you are root, just:apt-get -y install nanoin the same way install also these useful tools:sudo apt-get -y install psmiscFrom root, add serveradmin to sudo group.To do this, open the sudoers file using:nano /etc/sudoersthen add the following lineserveradmin
ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALLunderroot
ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALLor under User privilege specificationCTRL+O to save, CTRL+X to exit.then login with your new user:login serveradmin---------------------------------------------To automatically download dependencies and the server binaries, do:wget chmod +x will find the blockstorm server in ~/blockstormServer/be sure blockstormServer/ServerManager/bin/ServerManager has the execute permission:chmod +rx ./blockstormServer/ServerManager/bin/ServerManager---------------------------------------------Sometimes, with some VPS providers, you have to configure the firewall using a web interfacein order to let the server ports be accessible from other PCs; if you have not access to anything except your server's IP, probably you can skip this step.If you still cannot connect to your dedicated server, probably the firewall installed on yourmachine is blocking incoming connections.These commands will enable the access to Steam/Blockstorm.Be sure that these ports are the same in your servers' configuration.suiptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport
-j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport
Configuring the server
Servers configurations are inside blockstormServer/server/config.*Use these files to configure your server instances.Inside the same directory there is a configuration sample (config.BASE.1) that you could use as a template.A configuration file is composed by a list of commands which specifies some properties of the server.Commented lines starts with a ‘#’ (commented commands will be skipped).Below we present a list of supported commands:NAME &Insert here the name of the server&PASSWORD &Insert here the server password if any&PORT &Insert here the server port, each server running on the same machine should have a different port&DISCOVERY_PORT &Insert here the discovery port, each server running on the same machine should have a different port, preferable in the
range&DRM_PORT &Insert here the steam port, each server running on the same machine should have a different port&HAS_PORT_FORWARDING ← this should be used for dedicated servers which have a public IP addressMAXIMUM_PLAYERS &maximum number of players& (usually 16)ADD_MAP &Built-in map Name&$&Mode Name&ADD_MAP &Custom map Name&$&Map hash&$&Mode Name&AUTOLOADFor custom maps (i.e. maps done by users, that are not integrated inside the game), also the map hash should be provided in order to let the game recognize the map (different maps or different versions of the same map could have the same name, but they will have a different hashcode).To load maps on your dedicated server, you must put them inside~/.config/unity3d/Indiegala/Blockstorm/save/create this directory if it doesn't exist.You will find maps downloaded from the Workshop inside the Steam Directory:[Path to Steam]\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\263060you'll find a list of directories with a single file inside them.That file is in the is the hashcode.So you should copy (again, using scp or winscp) this file inside ~/.config/unity3d/Indiegala/Blockstorm/save/on your server, but you have to remove the hashcode from the filename:& Your entry inside the configuration file will be:ADD_MAP MapName$0f5cac28d5c0c7c62c83f6a$TeamDeathmatchGameModeof course, you have to set your desired game mode in place of TeamDeathmatchGameMode,and your map must support it.Supported modes are:DeathmatchGameModeTeamDeathmatchGameModeAssaultGameModeCastleBattleGameModeCaptureTheFlagGameModeHuntGameModeIf you're using winscp, you should enable the visibility to hidden files to see .config (Ctrl+Alt+H).--------------There is also an easier and quicker way to add maps to your dedicated server.By enabling the AUTOLOAD command inside the configuration file, you tell the serverto automatically load each .map from all the subdirectories in ./blockstormServer/server.That is, you can create a directory:mkdir ./blockstormServer/server/mapsthen, copy all your maps inside the &maps& directory.At launch, the dedicated server will verify each game mode supported by your mapthat has the minimum number of spawn points to support MAXIMUM_PLAYERS and load it.------------WARNING: All the maps added to the same server configuration must support at least the maximum number of players configured in MAXIMUM_PLAYERS.e.g. if MAXIMUM_PLAYERS is 16, and the map supports up to 8 players, the map will be excluded for the maps' rotation.If you want to load a map made by you using the editor, you will find itin the following directory:Windows (Vista and above): C:\Users\...\AppData\LocalLow\IndieGala\Blockstorm\saveLinux: ~/.config/unity3d/Indiegala/Blockstorm\saveMac OS X: ~/Library/Caches/Indiegala/Blockstorm\saveThose maps are already in the form So you can load them directlyon your server without renaming them.However, you still need to know their hashcode.On your server, there is a script that let you obtain such hashcode by passingthe map filename in input: cd blockstormServer./printhash ~/.config/unity3d/Indiegala/Blockstorm/save/mapName.mapI suggest you to BACKUP your configuration files each time you update the server to the last version.
Running your servers
Once you have configured your server instances (eg. config.BASE.1, config.BASE.2),you should modify the file &.serverList& inside blockstormServer directory:cd blockstormServernano .serverListthen add a server configuration per line (excluding the &config.& prefix):BASE.1BASE.2and save (CTRL+O) and exit (CTRL+X).To run your servers run:./startservers.shTo stop your servers run:./stopservers.shTo wait for the end of all current matches and then close the servers:./stopserverslight.shThere are also some commands that could be sent to servers while they are running.To obtain the list of current players:./ SERVER_NAME(SERVER_NAME could be, for example, BASE.1)To kick a player from a server:./ SERVER_NAME STEAM_ID(SERVER_NAME could be, for example, BASE.1,SteamID is the Steam ID of the player to kick)To ban a player from a server:./ SERVER_NAME STEAM_ID(SERVER_NAME could be, for example, BASE.1,SteamID is the Steam ID of the player to kick)You could ban players from all the Blockstorm servers on a machine by using the file:~/.config/unity3d/Indiegala/Blockstorm/config/staticban.listwhich should contain the list of banned STEAM IDs, eg:
You need to sign in or create an account to do that.
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