The ever living and loving vincent 字幕You 什么意思,而且能顺便解析一下吗

&&&&unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingenglish song — there’s no place like home for the holidays thanksgiving&&&& daydetailed readingvoyage on the mayflower native americans the united states coast guard unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingenglish song — there’s no place like home for the holidaysdetailed readingperry como listen to the song questions about the song and the text unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthanksgiving daya general introductionreading to thanksgiving day detailed president obama’s address pardon turkey as a tradition thanksgiving celebration unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingperry comodetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingperry como perry como has a very fine, silky voice, just the sort of voice one needs for a sentimental song full of familiar phrases such as “there’s reading detailed no place like home” and “home sweet home”. it sounds as if he is singing about thanksgiving, as he sings of “homemade pumpkin pie”, a traditional dish for the thanksgiving holiday. thanksgiving for americans is much like spring festival for us, a time when families try to get back together. in america people often travel many miles to get back to their hometown, whether it’s from north to south, “pennsylvania … down to dixie” (dixie is a traditional name for the american south) or from east to west, “the atlantic to pacific”. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthere’s no place like home for the holidaysdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingquestions about the song and the text 1. according to the singer, why are people busy coming detailed and going on holidays reading they want to go back to their hometown. 2. in what way is thanksgiving similar to our spring festival both are occasions for families to get together. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading3. whom will you thank in a holiday like thanksgiving day detailed reading parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, etc. 4. are holidays a good time to express gratitude which holidays are the most appropriate to show gratitude yes. mother’s day, father’s day, spring festival, midautumn festival, teacher’s day, etc. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading5. do people always show their appreciation to others who have helped or supported them what did the author of text a do quite often we take for granted other people’s effort to help, support and encourage us. in most cases, when we realize that we should express our appreciation, it becomes too late. at other times, when we are away from the holiday rush, we tend to recall the true significance of a holiday — a time to say how much we value others. the author took the opportunity to show his gratitude through three thank-you letters.detailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading6. have you ever expressed your gratitude to any person if yes, what have you done if no, what do you plan to dodetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinga general introduction to thanksgiving day pilgrim n. 朝圣者 detailed reading tremendously adv. 非常地 tribe n. 部落 fertilizer n. 肥料 proclamation n. 宣布 squash n.南瓜 南瓜 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading1. what does thanksgiving mean to the americans thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and detailed reading happy reunions. 2. what did the pilgrims suffer during their first winter they suffered greatly, poor food, hard work, infectious diseases and bitter cold weather. 3. what did the indian chief teach the pilgrims to do the indian chief taught the pilgrims to use fish for fertilizer in planting corn, pumpkins and beans. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading4. why did governor william bradford establish thanksgiving day firstly, the governor reading detailed wanted to establish a day of thanksgiving to god, and used this occasion to strengthen the friendship between the pilgrims and indians. 5. what did the indian send to the thanksgiving feast the indian sent five deer. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe history of thanksgiving day in the united states, the fourth thursday in november is called thanksgiving day. on this day, americans give detailed reading thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year. thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and happy reunions. the first american thanksgiving was held in plymouth, massachusetts in 1621. in 17th century, a group of pilgrims left england to explore the new world. it was in september of 1620 when their ship called the “mayflower” left port with 102 men, women, and children on board. they landed in provincetown harbor after 65 days at sea. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe pilgrims were poorly equipped to cope with life in the wilderness. during their first winter in the new land, they suffered tremendously. poor food, hard work, infectious diseases, and bitter cold weather killed about half of detailed reading them. by the end of this terrible first winter, only about 50 remained alive. one spring morning in 1621, an indian walked into the little village of plymouth and introduced himself in a friendly way. later, he brought the indian chief, massasoit, who gave gifts to the people and offered assistance. the indians of massasoit’s tribe taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish and grow food. they taught the pilgrims to use fish for fertilizer in planting corn, pumpkins, and beans. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingbecause of this help from the indians, the pilgrims had a good harvest. following an ancient tradition, governor william bradford, in the fall of 1621, issued a proclamation establishingreading of thanksgiving to god. a day detailed the governor also decided to use this religious occasion to strengthen the bond of friendship between the pilgrims and their indian neighbors. so he invited chief massasoit and his brave indians to share the thanksgiving feast. the indians gladly accepted the invitation and sent five deer ahead. the pilgrim men went hunting and returned with turkey and other wild game. the women prepared delicious dishes from corn, cranberries, squash and pumpkins. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingpresident obama’s address watch a video clip and fill in the blanks. for centuries, in peace and in war, in _________ and prosperity detailed reading in adversity, americans have paused at this time of year to gather with loved ones and give thanks for life’s blessings. this week, we carry on this american distinctly ________ tradition. all across our country, folks are coming together to spend time with family, to catch up with old friends, to cook and enjoy a big dinner — and maybe to watch a little football in between. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingas always, we give thanks for the kindness of loved ones, previous for the joys of the _______ year, and for the pride we feel in our communities and country. we keep in our thoughts detailed reading and prayers the many families marking this thanksgiving _______ with an empty seat — saved for a son or daughter, or husband or wife, stationed in harm’s way. we say a special ________ thanks for the sacrifices those men and women in uniform ________ are making for our safety and freedom, and for all those americans who ______ the lives of our communities enrich through acts of kindness, generosity and service. ________ unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingbut as much as we have to be thankful for, we also ____________________________________________ know that this year millions of americans are facing very ________________________________________________ difficult economic times ____________________ . many have lost jobs in this recession — the worst in generations. many more are struggling to afford detailed readingcare premiums and house health payments, let alone to save for an education or retirement. too many are wondering if the dream of a middle class life — that american dream — is slipping away. it’s the worry i hear from folk _________________________________________ good, hard-working people doing the best they can for their _________________________________________________ families — but fearing that their best just isn’t good enough _________________________________________________ . . these are not strangers. they are our family, our friends, and our neighbors. their struggles must be our concern. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingpardon turkey as a traditiondetailed readingthrill vt. 使激动 fault vt. 挑剔 presidential adj. 总统的 intervention n. 干涉 brethren n. 同胞 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingquestions and answers 1. what is the name of this year’s turkey this year’s turkey is called “courage”.detailed reading2. who brings this turkey to the white house the national turkey federation has been bringing its finest turkeys to the white house for more than 50 years. 3. who issued the first official presidential pardon for a turkey the first president bush issued the pardon 20 years ago. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading4. what would be the fate for this year’s courage the turkey would head for disneyland, where he’ll be grand marshaldetailed reading of thanksgiving parade. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingpardon turkey as a tradition happy thanksgiving, everybody. welcome to the white house. on behalf of sasha and malia and myself, we’re thrilled to see you. i want to thank walter pelletier, detailed reading chairman of the national turkey federation, and joel brandenberger, its president, for donating this year’s turkey. his name is “courage,” and he traveled here from goldsboro, north carolina, where he was raised under walter’s own precious care. there you go. now, the national turkey federation has been bringing its finest turkeys to the white house for more than 50 years. i’m told presidents eisenhower and johnson actually ate their turkeys. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingyou can’t that’s a good-looking bird. president kennedy was even given a turkey with a sign around its neck that said, “good eatin’, mr. president.” but he showed mercy and he detailed reading said, “let’s keep him going.” and 20 years ago this thanksgiving, the first president bush issued the first official presidential pardon for a turkey. today, i am pleased to announce that thanks to the interventions of malia and sasha — because i was planning to eat this sucker — “courage” will also be spared this terrible and delicious fate. later today, he’ll head to disneyland, where he’ll be grand marshal of tomorrow’s parade. and just in case “courage” can’t fulfill his responsibilities, walter unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingbrought along another turkey, “carolina,” as an alternate, the stand-in. now, later this afternoon, michelle, malia, sasha and i will take two of their less fortunate brethren to martha’s detailed reading table, an organization that does extraordinary work to help folks here in d.c. who need it the most. and i want to thank jaindl’s turkey farm in orefield, pennsylvania, for donating those dressed birds for dinner. so today, all told, i believe it’s fair to say that we have saved or created four turkeys. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthanksgiving celebration 1. whom did the american president express his thanks to the american president delivered his speech to detailed reading express his thanks to troops serving abroad. 2. why did thousands of new yorkers gather on the streets they took part in the annual macy’s thanksgiving-day parade. 3. what was the change happening this year for the celebration the parade took a slightly longer route this year, passing broadway for the first time. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading4. what did the troops in iran have on thanksgiving day the soldiers enjoyed a full thanksgiving meal.detailed reading5. who paid a visit to an airbase in afghanistan the us. ambassador and his wife paid a visit. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingseptember, 6, 1620. the mayflower leaves england for north america. the ship’s master, christopher jones, is an experienced skipper. but the twodetailed reading month journey would not be a smooth one. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe crew stops in newfoundland for fresh water and supplies before sailing south again for virginia, but the perilous waters around new england force a change of plans. detailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthey land at cape cod, massachusetts on november 11, after 65 days at sea. by december they will make their way to plimoth, their new home, as winter sets in.detailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdetailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingpilgrim houses were modeled after the english cottage — timber frames with a steeply pitched roof that allowed for a small storage or sleeping area above the main room.detailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingwaterfowl such as duck was plentiful in the massachusetts bay area. the pilgrims hunted them with their “fowling” rifles.detailed reading unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingnative americans native americans were living in north america for many hundreds of years before detailed reading europeans reached the continent. for a long time white people called them indians. today many people do not like this name since it is based on a mistake: it was given to the people living in the america by christopher columbus who, when he arrived there, thought he had landed in india. instead, people prefer to use the term native americans. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe united states coast guard the united states coast guard is the us military service that is controlled by the detailed reading us department of transportation but becomes part of the us navy during a war. it was established in 1915. the coast guard stops ships suspected of carrying drugs and other illegal goods, and can make arrests. it also keeps watch to see that other laws of the sea are obeyed, rescues ships in danger and has a weather service. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web part division of the text further understanding unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfurther understanding for part 1 questions and answers for part 2 & 3 table completion unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingpart division of the text parts para(s) 1 1~9 main ideas on thanksgiving day 1943, as a young coastguardsman at sea, the writer came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before. the writer wrote three thank-you letters to his father, the rev. nelson and his grandmother respectively.210~16 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingparts para(s) 3 17~23main ideas the writer received three letters in reply. the writer wishes everyone to find the good and praise it.424~26 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of as many words and phrases as possible about a ship.hooter 汽笛 cabin 船舱 boiler room 锅炉房 wheelhouse 操舵室 engine room 轮机舱 deck 甲板 propeller 螺旋桨 rudder 舵 mast 桅杆 radar 雷达 anchor 锚 life buoy (jacket) 救生圈( 救生圈(衣) harbor 港口 dock 码头 crew 船员 captain 船长 chief officer 大副 second (third) officer 二(三)副 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船航空母舰aircraft carrier click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船独木舟canoe click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船(大型)游艇 大型)yacht click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船快速大帆船clipper click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船集装箱船container ship click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船油轮oil tanker click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船巡洋舰cruiser click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船驱逐舰destroyer click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船破冰舰icebreaker click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船摩托艇motorboat click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船舢板sampan click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船潜水艇submarine click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船click the picture unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingword web think of the english equivalents for the following different types of “船”. 船气垫船hovercraft click the chinese unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingquestions and answers 1. where did the writer spend that thanksgiving where was he going he spent that thanksgiving on a ship. he was going to a big base on the island of tulagi in the south pacific. 2. why do you think they were sailing there they were sending thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods and five-hundred-pound bombs there. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading3. what made the writer as a cook extremely busy on that thanksgiving day as a cook, he was preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. it was a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal, and clean up and put everything away. 4. what was the writer thinking about on the deck after the day’s hard work he got to thinking about thanksgiving, of the pilgrims, indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfill in the table with the main contents of the letters. correspondents father letters sent thanks him for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading. letters received tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt content with his own son. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingcorrespondents the rev. nelsonletters sent thanks him for his morning school prayers.letters received tells the writer about his retirement coupled with self-doubt, and the reassurance brought to him by the writer’s letter. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfill in the table with the main contents of the letters. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfill in the table with the main contents of the letters. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfill in the table with the main contents of the letters. correspondents grandmother thanks her for expresses her teaching the writer loving gratefulness how to tell the for her grandson. truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for her good cooking and her sprinkling the writer’s life with stardust. letters sent letters received unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfill in the table with the main contents of the letters. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingwriting three thank-you letters alex haley it was 1943, during world war ii, and i was a young u.s. coastguardsman. my ship, the uss murzim, had been under way for several days. most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. the other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. our destination was a big base on the island of tulagi in the south pacific. i was one of the murzim’s several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingwell, as any cook knows, it’s a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal, and clean up and put everything away. but finally, around sundown, we finished at last. i decided first to go out on the murzim’s afterdeck for a breath of open air. i made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook’s hat. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi got to thinking about thanksgiving, of the pilgrims, indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else — some way that i could personally apply to the close of thanksgiving. it must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word “thanksgiving” — at least that suggested a verbal direction, “giving thanks.” unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinggiving thanks — as in praying, thanking god, i thought. yes, of course. certainly. yet my mind continued turning the idea over. after a while, like a dawn’s brightening, a further answer did come — that there were people to thank, people who had done so much for me that i could never possibly repay them. the embarrassing truth was i’d always just accepted what they’d done, taken all of it for granted. not one time had i ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere “thank you”. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingat least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me. i realized, swallowing hard, that about half of them had since died — so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me. the more i thought about it, the more ashamed i became. then i pictured the three who were still alive and, within minutes, i was down in my cabin. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingsitting at a table with writing paper and memories of things each had done, i tried composing genuine statements of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my dad, simon a. haley, a professor at the old agricultural mechanical normal college in pine bluff, to my grandma, cynthia palmer, back in our little hometown of henning, and to the rev. lonual nelson, my grammar school principal, retired and living in ripley, six miles north of henning. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe texts of my letters began something like, “here, this thanksgiving at sea, i find my thoughts upon how much you have done for me, but i have never stopped and said to you how much i feel the need to thank you —” and briefly i recalled for each of them specific acts performed on my behalf. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingfor instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading. in fact, this graduated into a family habit of after-dinner quizzes at the table about books read most recently and new words learned. my love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself. so many times i have felt a sadness when exposed to modern children so immersed in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi reminded the reverend nelson how each morning he would open our little country town’s grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students. i told him that whatever positive things i had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingin the letter to my grandmother, i reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. i thanked her for the years of eating her good cooking, the equal of which i had not found since. finally, i thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingbefore i slept, my three letters went into our ship’s office mail sack. they got mailed when we reached tulagi island. we unloaded cargo, reloaded with something else, then again we put to sea in the routine familiar to us, and as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded. sometimes, when we were at sea, a mail ship would rendezvous and bring us mail from home, which, of course, we accorded topmost priority. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingevery time the ship’s loudspeaker rasped, “attention! mail call!” two hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up on deck and clustered about the two seamen, standing by those precious bulging gray sacks. they were alternately pulling out fistfuls of letters and barking successive names of sailors who were, in turn, shouting back “here! here!” amid the pushing. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingone “mail call” brought me responses from grandma, dad, and the reverend nelson — and my reading oftheir letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingrather than saying they would forgive that i hadn’t previously thanked them, instead, for pete’s sake, they were thanking me — for having remembered, for having considered they had done anything so exceptional. always the college professor, my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too sentimental, so i knew how moved he was to write me that, after having helped educate many young people, he now felt that his best results included his own son. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingthe reverend nelson wrote that his decades as a “simple, old-fashioned principal” had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. “i heard more of what i had done wrong than what i did right,” he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinga glance at grandma’s familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her “setting down ” some letter to relatives. character by character, grandma would slowly accomplish one word, then the next, so that a finished page would consume hours. i wept over the page representing my grandma’s recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me — whom she used to diaper! much later, retired from the coast guard and trying to make a living as a writer, i never forgot how those three “thank you” letters gave me an insight into how most human beings go about longing in secret for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingnow, approaching another thanksgiving, i have asked myself what will i wish for all who are reading this, for our nation, indeed for our whole world — since, quoting a good and wise friend of mine, “in the end we are mightily and merely people, each with similar needs.” first, i wish for us, of course, the simple common sense to achieve world peace, that being paramount for the very survival of our kind. and there is something else i wish — so strongly that i have had this line printed across the bottom of all my stationery: “find the good — and praise it.” unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingmost of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. the other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. our destination was a big base on the island of tulagi in the south pacific. why was it necessary for the writer to offer so many details of his voyage the details indicate that this thanksgiving was unusual, explaining why the writer felt the need to celebrate it in an unusual way. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading... this thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. paraphrase this part. … on this thanksgiving morning we were busy preparing a traditional dinner which included mainly roast turkey. “feature” here means “to include as a special part”. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook’s hat. analyze the structure of the sentence. 分词:breathing、walking 和 在这个长句中有三个 -ing 分词 wearing。breathing 为 made my way out 的伴随状语 的伴随状语, 。 walking 与 while 连用表示与 breathing 这一动作同时 发生,wearing 为 walking 的伴随状语。 的伴随状语。 发生 translate the sentence into chinese. 我信步走去, 一边深深呼吸着空气, 我信步走去 , 一边深深呼吸着空气 , 一边慢慢地踱 着步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。 着步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingit must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word “thanksgiving” — at least that suggested a verbal direction, “giving thanks.” translate this sentence into chinese. 大概过了半个小时我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把 大概过了半个小时我才意识到, thanksgiving 这个词前后颠倒一下,那样一来至少文字 这个词前后颠倒一下, 好懂了:giving thanks。 好懂了 。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingnot one time had i ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere “thank you”. what can we infer from this sentence the author took all for granted and never expressed any appreciation. the sentence is in inverted order. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi told him that whatever positive things i had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. analyze the structure of the sentence. whatever positive … morning school prayer 是宾语从句。 是宾语从句。 i had done since 是定语从句,修饰 whatever positive 是定语从句, since 为副词,修饰 in part 在这里意 为副词, 为 partly。 。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingand my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before. analyze the structure of this part. leave 常用于结构 常用于结构:leave sb. + adj./past participle, adj./past participle(此处为 not only astonished but 此处为 more humbled than before)为宾语补足语 为宾语补足语。 为宾语补足语 translate this sentence into chinese. 我读了信,既觉得震惊,又深感卑微。 我读了信,既觉得震惊,又深感卑微。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingrather than saying they would forgive that i hadn’t previously thanked them, instead, for pete’s sake, they were thanking me — for having remembered, for having considered they had done anything so exceptional. paraphrase the sentence. they didn’t say they would forgive me for not thanking them, but instead, for god’s sake, they thanked me for having remembered what they had done and for having thought they had done something special to me. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinga glance at grandma’s familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her “setting down” some letter to relatives.what does the sentence mean his grandma’s handwriting reminded the writer of many sweet memories of his childhood with her. “setting down” here means “writing”. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi wept over the page representing my grandma’s recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me. paraphrase the sentence. i was moved to tears that my grandma had spent hours recently in expressing her loving gratefulness to me. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingunder way: in position or operation, having started and making progress it’s been under way for fifty years and it still has a long way to go. a battle to conquer nature is under way. collocation: all the way any way by the way by way of 自始自终 无论如何 顺便说 经由;通过… 经由;通过…的方法 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingput away: remove (sth.) to a place where it is usually stored put the books away neatly on the shelf. he has a habit of putting away his tools after work. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingget to sth./doing sth.: begin to give serious attention to or deal with recently i’ve got to wondering why i am doing the part-time job. i’ll get to the accounts as soon as i can. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingreverse: vt. turn around to th exchange the position of the rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in the country’s jobless rate. why don’t you reverse the order so that i perform first and he performs second collocation: in reverse 向相反方向; );逆 转等) 向相反方向;倒(退);逆(行、转等) just the reverse 正好相反,恰恰相反 正好相反, suffer/sustain a reverse 遭受挫折(或失败);吃败仗 遭受挫折(或失败); );吃败仗 the reverse of 的反面;绝不是… 远非… …的反面;绝不是…,远非… unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingturn over: consider 他在心里反复考虑这件事情。 他在心里反复考虑这件事情。 he turned the matter over in his mind. she sat there quietly, turning over the problem. collocation: turn aside turn (away) from turn down turn up避开, 避开,撇开 对…感到厌恶 关小;拒绝 关小; 开大; 开大;出现 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingrepay: vt. reward she repaid me the money. how can i ever repay you for your kindness unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinggratitude: n. thankfulness (followed by to sb. / for sth.) he showed me his gratitude by inviting me to dinner. she expressed her gratitude for our help. collocation: feel gratitude show gratitude everlasting gratitude sincere gratitude心怀感激 表露感激之情deep/profound gratitude 深切的谢意 永远的感谢 诚挚的谢意 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingspecific: adj. relating to one
particular he uses a specific tool for each job. 试卷回答要明确具体。 试卷回答要明确具体。 be specific in your examination answers. cf: specific, special, especial & particular 均有“特殊的、特别的”的意思。 均有“特殊的、特别的”的意思。 specific 意思是具体的、特定的、明确的。例如: 意思是具体的、特定的、明确的。例如: he gave us a specific statement of the case. 关于这个案子他向我们作了详尽的陈述。 关于这个案子他向我们作了详尽的陈述。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingspecial 意思是特殊的、专门的,强调某事物的特殊性 意思是特殊的、专门的, 或特殊用途。例如: 或特殊用途。例如: this is a special case, deserving special treatment. 这是一个特别案例,值得特殊处理。 这是一个特别案例,值得特殊处理。 particular 意思是特殊的、特别的。强调事物的独特性、突 意思是特殊的、特别的。强调事物的独特性、 出性。例如: 出性。例如: this particular case is an exception to the rule. 这个特殊个案是个例外。 这个特殊个案是个例外。 especial 是 special 的旧式的正式用语,用于强调。例如: 的旧式的正式用语,用于强调。例如: we have an especial need of help at this time. 我们这个时候需要特别帮助。 我们这个时候需要特别帮助。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingspecific, special, especial & particular translate the following sentences into english, using the above words. 我需要一个明确的回答。 我需要一个明确的回答。 没有什么特别的。 没有什么特别的。 故事就发生在那一天。 故事就发生在那一天。 i want a specific answer. nothing special. the story happened on that particular day. he has an especial dislike for pop music.他特别不喜欢流行音乐。 他特别不喜欢流行音乐。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingon one’s behalf / on behalf of sb.: for sb.; in the interests of sb.; as the representative of sb. my husband can’t be here today, so i’m going to speak on his behalf. 律师代表当事人说话。 律师代表当事人说话。 the lawyer spoke on behalf of his client. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingimpress: vt. 1. fix in sb.’ make the importance of (sth.) very clear to sb. pattern: impress upon/on sb. + that-clause impress upon/on sb. sth. my father impressed on me the value of hard work. 2. cause (sb.) to feel admiration or respect i am impressed by/with his performance.the gas turbine feeds on the fuel unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdiminish: v. make or become smaller or less his illness diminished his strength. 我们的友谊决不会因时间的流逝而减弱。 我们的友谊决不会因时间的流逝而减弱。 time will never cause our friendship to diminish. cf: decrease, diminish & reduce 这三个动词都有“减少” 使减少”之意。 这三个动词都有“减少”,“使减少”之意。 decrease 特指数量的减少。例如: 特指数量的减少。例如: the population of the village has decreased to 400. 该村的人口已减到400. 该村的人口已减到 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdiminish 表示“带走或分离出去,而使物体的数量受损”。 表示“带走或分离出去,而使物体的数量受损” 有时指某事物的价值突然降低。例如: 有时指某事物的价值突然降低。例如: an occasional outburst did not diminish my respect for her. 一次偶然发火并没有减少我对她的尊重。 一次偶然发火并没有减少我对她的尊重。 reduce 特别强调人为地减少或降低。例如: 特别强调人为地减少或降低。例如: the workers reduced their wage demands. 工人们降低了他们的工资要求。 工人们降低了他们的工资要求。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingexpose: vt. leave uncovered or unprotected he enjoys exposing his skin to the sun. 作为战时摄影记者,她遇到了很多危险。 作为战时摄影记者,她遇到了很多危险。 as a photographer in the war, she was exposed to many dangers. pattern: be exposed to unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingimmerse: vt. cover co absorb deeply he lay immersed in a hot bath. 她专心致志地工作,因而没有注意到我。 她专心致志地工作,因而没有注意到我。 she was so immersed in her work that she didn’t notice me. cf: immerse, dunk & dip 这几个词均有“ 的意思。 这几个词均有“浸(入)”的意思。 immerse 是正式用语,指把某物完全浸入液体中,也可 是正式用语,指把某物完全浸入液体中, 以指陷入或专心于某事。例如: 以指陷入或专心于某事。例如: i immersed myself in work so as to stop thinking about her. 为了不再想她,我使自己完全沉浸在工作之中。 为了不再想她,我使自己完全沉浸在工作之中。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdunk 是非正式用语,指将某物部分置于液体中,动作慢且 是非正式用语,指将某物部分置于液体中, 例如: 轻。例如: she used to dunk her biscuits in her tea. 以前她总是把饼干在茶里泡了吃。 以前她总是把饼干在茶里泡了吃。 dip 是常用词,亦指将某物部分置于液体中,但马上便从液 是常用词,亦指将某物部分置于液体中, 体中提出,其特点是小心谨慎或带有试探性。例如: 体中提出,其特点是小心谨慎或带有试探性。例如: she dipped a toe in the water to see how cold it was. 她把脚尖浸入水中,以探知水有多凉。 她把脚尖浸入水中,以探知水有多凉。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingcf: immerse, dunk & dip put into each gap one of the above words. change the form where necessary. 1. the whole town was ________ in a festival atmosphere. immersed dunk 2. it’s nice to _____ oneself in a pool on a hot day. 3. he dipped the penpoint into the ink and then went on ______ writing. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingmarvelous: adj. excellent it’s marvelous that we could see each other again. it is a marvelous creation by the workers. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingsprinkle: vt. scatter (drops or particles of sth.) on (sth.); scatter in small drops pattern: sprinkle sth. on/over sth. the gardener is sprinkling water on the grass. pattern: sprinkle sth. with sth. sprinkle the top with cheese. he likes to eat fish sprinkled with pepper. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingaccord: vt. 1) grant 我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。 我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。 we accorded a hero’s welcome to him. 2) be in agreement (followed by with) what you have just said does not accord with what you told us earlier. collocation: bring into accord 使符合, 使符合,使一致 come/reach an accord 达成一致 in accord with 一致; 相符合; 与…一致;与…相符合;与…调和 out of accord with 不一致, 不相符合, 与…不一致,与…不相符合, 与…不调和 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingsuccessive: adj. following one after the other this is his fifth successive victory. he made two visits on successive days. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingundergo: vt. experience she is undergoing a surgical operation at the hospital. 解放前这位老工人遭受了许多苦难。 解放前这位老工人遭受了许多苦难。 the old worker underwent much suffering before liberation. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingappreciate: vt. recognize the qualit value professor li’s lecture may help students to appreciate the works of art. we greatly appreciate your timely help. 我认为小孩对现代画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 我认为小孩对现代画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。 i think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingswift: adj. prompt he was swift to take offense. the river is too swift to swim in. cf: swift, prompt, rapid & quick 这几个词均有“快的、迅速的”的意思。 这几个词均有“快的、迅速的”的意思。 swift 是指速度很快,运动平稳或轻捷灵巧而毫不费力。 是指速度很快,运动平稳或轻捷灵巧而毫不费力。 例如: 例如: eagles are swift in flight. 鹰飞得很快。 鹰飞得很快。 prompt 指迅速及时,常含快得令人愉悦的意味。例如: 指迅速及时,常含快得令人愉悦的意味。例如: thanks for your prompt payment. 谢谢您迅速付款。 谢谢您迅速付款。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingcf: swift, prompt, rapid & quick rapid 用以描绘运动本身的速度,表示速度惊人。例如: 用以描绘运动本身的速度,表示速度惊人。例如: the youth is making rapid progress. 这位青年进步很快。 这位青年进步很快。 quick 指即刻发生,常用来表示反应敏捷,也可指速度的 指即刻发生,常用来表示反应敏捷, 例如: 快。例如: quick thinking saved him from the trap. 机警使他免入圈套。 机警使他免入圈套。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingcf: swift, prompt, rapid & quick put into each gap one of the above words. change the form where necessary. 1. what you need to do is just give your suit a ______ quick brush. 2. this mechanic is always _________ in his duties. prompt 3. he jumped high and ______ , like a swallow. swift rapid 4. the boat overturned in the ______ current. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingin a flash: instantly the answer to the math question came to him in a flash. 仪式很快结束了。 仪式很快结束了。 the ceremony was all over in a flash. collocation: an electronic flash a news flash a flash of lightning a flash of hope电子闪光灯 电讯 一道闪电 一线希望 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinggo about: keep busy doing (sth.); set about 我们该怎样着手干这件工作 我们该怎样着手干这件工作 how shall we go about the job some people go about telling untrue stories. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingin secret: secretly the meeting was held in secret. they found she had been meeting her boyfriend in secret. collocation: a dead secret 还未泄露的秘密keep a/the secret 保守秘密 keep sth. a secret from sb. 不把某事告诉某人 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingquote: vt. repeat or copy the words of (another) he quotes the bible to support his beliefs. to close, i would like to quote benjamin franklin, “one should eat to live, not live to eat.” cf: quote, cite & repeat 这几个词均有“援引、转述”的意思。 这几个词均有“援引、转述”的意思。 quote 指(尽量)忠实地引用原文或他人说 尽量) 过的话。例如: 过的话。例如: unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingreuters quotes a chinese diplomat as saying, “only the people can decide the fate of their country, not super powers.” 路透社引用中国一位外交官的话说: 路透社引用中国一位外交官的话说:“只有人民才能决 定本国的命运,而不是超级大国。 定本国的命运,而不是超级大国。” 指列举事例、事实,以此证明自己的观点, cite 指列举事例、事实,以此证明自己的观点,不强调引 用的是否是原文或原话, 用的是否是原文或原话,往往只是提及某一出处或作 者的名字。例如: 者的名字。例如: to support his argument he cited article 68, chapter 10, of the charter of the united nations. 为了证明自己的观点,他引据了《联合国宪章》 为了证明自己的观点,他引据了《联合国宪章》第十章 第68条。 条 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingrepeat 指口头或书面上援引他人说过的话,但一般不提及出 指口头或书面上援引他人说过的话, 来源,强调重复说出或写出别人的话, 处、来源,强调重复说出或写出别人的话,不在意是 否精确。例如: 否精确。例如: don’t repeat the word of others like a parrot. 别鹦鹉学舌。 别鹦鹉学舌。 unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingcf: quote, cite & repeat put into each gap one of the above words. change the form where necessary. 1. i promised not to repeat the secret. ______ 2. the judicial minister _____ the latest crime figures as cited proof of the need for strengthening the comprehensive administration of social public order. 3. you may _____ a passage from the book. quote 4. be careful or somebody will overhear what you say and may ______ it afterwards. repeat unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinguseful expressions sentence translation listening discussion writing practice talk about the pictures proverbs and quotations unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingwriting practice how to write thank-you letters examples homework unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinguseful expressions 1. 认真思考 2. 真挚的文字 3. 由衷的感激 4. 渐渐变成一种…的习惯 渐渐变成一种… 5. 电子媒体 6. 很少了解 7. 给…撒下美妙的遐想 give serious thought to genuine statements heartfelt appreciation graduate into a habit of … electronic media have little awareness of sprinkle … with stardust unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading8. 按常规 9. 个人经历 10. 最重要的事 11. 冲上甲板 12. 围聚在…周围 围聚在… 13. 一把把 14. 发生迅猛的变化 15. 自我怀疑地in the routine personal experience topmost priority pound up on deck cluster about … fistfuls of undergo swift changes in self-doubt unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading16. 摇椅a rocking chair17. 一个字母一个字母地 character by character 18. 向…表达充满慈爱的 express one’s loving gratefulness to … 谢意 19. 靠当…为生 靠当… 20. 使某人意识到 21. 有着相似的需求 22. 简单的常识 23. 实现世界和平 24. 对…至关重要 make a living as a … give sb. an insight into with similar needs simple common sense achieve world peace be paramount for … unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinglistening listen to the two dialogues “thanksgiving prayers” from the movie what’s cooking (感恩节盛宴 and fill in the blanks. 感恩节盛宴) 感恩节盛宴 woman 1: dear god, thank you for bringing us all together ________ on this very special day, and for allowing our choose children to be happy in whatever way they ________ to be. we ask that others be as understanding and as as you are. tolerant _________ receive woman 2: and for the food we are about to ________ . we thank you for allowing us to come together today and for our ___________ . happiness woman 3: i am thankful that the ______ of my late husband spirit could be here with us today to celebrate your goodness. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingwoman 3: no, no, please. woman 1: it’s the same at our house. grace, go ahead. woman 3: i’m thankful for our happiness, i’m thankful for the food we are about to receive. child: and we pray for hope, future progress, for __________ harmony and so that we can all get along. and please what … and please help the raiders win the game so they can make the _________ and playoffs please give me some christmas presents like a telescope and please ____________ my brother watch over jimmy in college. amen. amen. all: unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingturkey. girl: woman 1: and now it’s your turn. woman 2: well, i guess i’m most thankful that we’re all _______. healthy here. girl: woman 2: that nothing terrible has happened to any of us and that we have good friends who invited us over so i didn’t have to spend the last three days _______. cooking woman 1: ronnie well, i’m thankful for having the best mother ronnie: and wife and children in the world. woman 1: michael. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingmichael: i’m just glad to be home . _____ woman 1: and … monica. you’re last. monica: i’d like to thank our fellow native americans who gave us this land _____________ measles, in exchange for reservations and _______ so that we can have casinos all this food to ________ with. celebrate woman 2: monica, please … monica: more like _____________ , don’t you think thanks-taking woman 1: ok, very good. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingdiscussion 1. we all know china has many traditional festivals. can you name some what about western ones tips: chinese festivals: the spring festival, the lantern festival, the dragonboat festival, the mid-autumn festival, the double ninth festival. western festivals: st. valentine’s day, easter,mother’s day, father’s day, halloween, thanksgiving day, christmas. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading2. compare the spring festival with christmas and midautumn festival with thanksgiving. which would you like to celebrate why tips: spring festival: january 1 according to lunar calendar, year-end household cleaning and family reunion dinner on new year’s eve, make dumplings, spring festival couplets, fire crackers, enjoy lion dance / dragon lantern dance, watch cctv’s spring festival special, give children red envelops with lucky money unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingchristmas: december 25, used to be a religious holiday to celebrate the birth of christ, christmas carols, christmas trees with decoration, stockings, santa claus with his reindeers and sledges, turkeys, puddings, pumpkin pie, a family reunion unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingmid-autumn festival: august 15th according to lunar calendar, family reunion, moon cake, sit in the open air and enjoy the full moon and stars thanksgiving day: last (fourth) thursday in november, feast, watching american football game, friday — biggest shopping day, shop till you drop, best price, shop for christmas gifts unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading3. what kind of roles do festivals play in people’s life tips: give people a chance to take some days off from their normal duties and relax, offer an opportunity for people to socialize with their family members and friends, a family reunion with parents and siblings, strengthen family bonds, people can take advantage of festivals to travel home and abroad, stimulate the economy … unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinghow to write thank-you letters 1. in relatively formal acknowledgements, a two- or threeline note is perfectly acceptable. in relatively informal acknowledgements, the type sent to people with whom you are more familiar, a longer note or letter is always appreciated, but one or two paragraphs will be enough. 2. in a formal thank-you letter, thanks should be expressed in the first line. in an informal thank-you letter, it’s fine to start more indirectly, but your thanks should be mentioned within the opening paragraph. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary reading3. assuming you are writing a letter that communicates other information besides thanks, be sure to express your thanks first, then proceed with the rest of the letter. 4. a thank-you letter that properly reflects the tone of the occasion is always in good taste. for instance, in response to a formal gathering, a formal tone is appropriate for thanking someone with whom you were not previously acquainted. (you can retain a properly formal tone by using the surnames of the hosts in the greeting, by specifying the date of the event, etc.) unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingexample 1 dear lisa, i want to thank you again for the nice time at your home last wednesday evening. it was very kind of you to invite my friend and me for dinner. everything was delicious, especially the lemon pie. you certainly are a good cook! we also enjoyed meeting with your two daughters and chatting with them. as you know, i am going to return to china next week. if you are ever in nanjing, please look me up. i’m looking forward to seeing you in my hometown sometime. love, liu ming unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingexample 2 dear god, now that i am no longer young, i have friends whose mothers have passed away. i have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them. i am blessed with the dear mother who is still alive. i appreciate her more each day. my mother does not change, but i do. as i grow older and wiser, i realize what an extraordinary person she is. how sad that i am unable to speak these words in her presence, but they flow easily from my pen. unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readinghow does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself for the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child for running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything for waiting for the day when a daughter realizes how wise her mother really is how does a grown woman thank a mother for continuing to be a mother for being ready with advice (when asked) or remaining silent when it is most appreciated for not saying, “i told you so,” when she could have uttered these words dozens of times for being essentially herself — loving, thoughtful, patient, and forgiving unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after reading supplementary readingi don’t know how i, dear god, expect to ask you to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me live up to the example she has set. i pray that i will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine. a daughter unit 5 giving thanksbefore reading global reading detailed reading after r}


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