用there was once a batnot a 造句

用there was 造句
there was a school near my home a year ago.
There was a beautiful girl in the garden.
There was some juice in the glass.
There was a beautiful girl in the garden. There was some juice in the glass.
There was a book on the desk.There was an apple in the bag.There was a knife in his hand.
[zào jù] sentence-making
单词造句的英汉对照例句本词典提供词义解释, 并举例说明遣词造句的方法。This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in.词典可用以辨识遣词造句的正误A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages.本词典提供词义解释,并举例说明遣词造句的方法。This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also i老师让那个学生用这个字造句。The pupil was told to make a sentence with this word.打那之后,她遣词造句更为准确了。After that she fined down her choice of words.请用这个短语造句。Please use this phrase to make a sentence.她告诉我们用这些词组造句。She told us to make sentences with these phrases.也可以出示一幅世界地图,让学生造句The table is half a metre high.用笔记的内容来构造句子。Construct sentences from your notes.用这一期所学俚语造句:我猜你不敢这么做,你也就是酒后之勇罢了。I bet you dare not to do this cause you just a peson with dutch courage.初级学习者比其他两组使用的短语少得多,并且倾向于用语法规则来构造句子,其语言缺少流利度和地道性。Advanced learners use a significant number and variety of lexical phrases while intermediate learners'lexical phrase use lacks variety and beginners tend to build sentences by grammatical rules thus resulting in unidiomatic and slow oral production.多数派包括一般百姓到专业作家,他们都理所当然地认为存在一种正确的遣词造句的表达方式,也存在很多错误的表达方式。The larger who includes everybody from the plain people to the professional writer takes for granted that there is a right way to use words and construct sentences and many wrong ways.摘要《傅雷书简》中“数(量)名”结构有两层意思:一层是构词,一层是造句,体现了现代汉语“数(量)名”结构用法的基本面貌。There are two meanings of "num.+ cl.+ n." structure in fulei's letters: one is vocabulary- the other is sentence-constructing which is the embodiment of the basic features of "num.+ cl.+ n." structure used in modem chinese.提交更多造句的相关例句
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求翻译:用there was a time when 造句
用there was a time when 造句
With the sentences there was a time when it was a time we were together
there was a time when a sentence that was with us for the time of
Creates sentences that with there was a time when is section of we in the together time
Sentence with there was a time when it was a us in the moments
Use there was time a sentence when a time our time together
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我想要表达的意思是:作者用sparker去探索在有sparker operations和没有sparker operations的情况下,蓝鲸的发声速率是否会变化。我的翻译十分别扭:The author utilized a sparker to find out whether the blue whales' call rates changed between the case where there were sparker operations and where there was not.感觉翻译得很别扭,还请高人指点,谢谢。
The author utilized a sparker to find out whether the blue whales' call rates would change between the case where there were sparker operations and where there was not.再把我的造句单独写一下。我主要是不清楚该怎样表达“在有sparker operations和没有sparker operations的情况下”的这样一个对比。
The author used a sparker at first and then tried without a sparker in order to see whether it would make a difference in the rates of blue whale's calls.
谢谢三楼~ :)。还有别的朋友有别的见解吗?其实这一题,我知道一个标准的英语答案,但是由于不能照着写避免抄袭,所以才要转换。我会在最后告诉大家所谓“标准答案”的
The author searched for variation on the frequency of whale's sound under the difference that a sparker operation was used or not.
The author use a sparker operation's existence as a simple variable to find out the variation of whales' sound frequency.单一变量法么…………
Hey 狐狸,抱歉现在才有时间回复你。正解是: The author investigated whether call rates changed during periods with, relative to periods without, sparker operations.


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