each of two daysblank two words 什么意思

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Teaching Vocabulary:
Two Dozen Tips and Techniques
is copyright. Permission is granted to individual teachers to make a copy
for personal use. If you want to publish any part of it or post it on a
website, please contact me first.
Joseph Pettigrew
CELOP Boston University
890 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 353-7838
fax: (617) 353-6195
jpettigr @ bu dot edu
Here is a downloadable
version of this page in Adobe pdf format:
I. Oldies but goodies
Matching synonyms
2. Matching opposites
3. Fill in the blank sentences
II. Variations on the above
Choose all the possible answers
He ate lunch in the _____.
cafeteria / restaurant / snack / snack bar / salad
bar / diner
2. Where would you find . . .
an MD _____
a Ph.D. _____
an MP _____
a) in the British or Canadian Parliament
b) on a ruler
c) on a engine
d) in a hospital
e) in a university
3. Compete the phrases
to achieve ____
to reveal ____
to grasp ____
a) a secret
b) an idea
4. Correct the mistakes
He felt exhausted after a long nap.
possible corrections: "refreshed" for "exhausted"
or "running to school" for "a long nap"
5. Label a picture
6. Cross out the word that doesn't belong
with the others in the group.
uncle / father /
aunt / brother
EST / pm / PhD /
meadow / river /
yard / field
7. Categories: Y students
give the category. Or vice versa.
gun, knife club:
gun, knife, club
8. Complete the sentences.
I was exhausted after _________________________
III. Distinguishing shades of meaning
& near synonyms
1. Analogies -
good even at low levels
easy : hard :: cold : __________ (hot)
skyscraper : city :: tree : _____________ (forest)
warp : wood :: __________ : paint (peel)
shatter : glass :: ____________ stone (crumble)
2. Choose the two possible answers
that can complete each sentence.
(Good source for incorrect answers: student errors)
She longed for . . .
(a) her freedom.
(b) her lover who was far away.
(c) some ketchup for her french fries. [only
as a joke]
He pondered . . .
(a) his future
(b) that he didn't know what to do. [ungrammatical]
(c) the meaning of life.
4. Word domains (?)
e.g., general category: break, damage
He dented the . . . car's bumper
/ tree branch / glass of water
She splintered the . . . can /
board / mirror
He shattered the . . . mirror
/ water / curtains
She shredded the . . . can / tree
branch /curtains
5. Which word in each pair is stronger,
more forceful, or more intense?
___ to surprise
___ to astound
___ to boil
___ to simmer
___ to toss
___ to throw
___ to hurl
___ to throw
6. Arrange the words on a scale
hot - warm - luke
- warm - cool - cold
despise - hate - dislike
are nice to do when possible, but they're not possible all that often.
It's rare that words are encountered all together like this. More common
- in pairs (known word + new word)
7. Which word in each pair is slang?
___ a kid / ___ a child
___ disgusting / ___ gross
___ to fail / ___ to flunk
8. Which word has a more positive
word would be more polite when talking about a person?
___ thin / ___ skinny
___ fat / ___ overweight
___ frugal / ___ miserly
9. Complete the definitions. How are these
actions performed?
thrust = to push _________________ (forcefully,
shatter = to break _______________ (into many
tap = to hit _____________________ (lightly,
IV. Things to do with the
vocabulary in a reading passage
1. Guessing word meaning from context
But make sure it is really possible to
guess the meaning from context.
If so, teach students techniques for guessing
(see Part V). If not, try #2.
2. Give stud let
them find the words.
e.g., find a word in paragraph 5 that means &angry&
A good way to deal with a
difficult article without simply giving students the vocabulary.
3. Teach students when not to
look up a word.
a) Can you get a general sense of the word? e.g.,
a person? something good/bad? a movement? a way of speaking?
b) Take a magic marker and block out all the words
you don't know. Then read the passage and
answer the comprehension questions.
4. Parts of speech
With a corpus of words you've already studied,
give sentences that require a different part of speech. (Dictionary
Different meanings of familiar vocabulary
(Driving on a highway) There's a toll
bridge ahead. Do you have any quarters?
The highway death toll has declined
sharply since police began to enforce the drunk driving laws more aggressively.
The bell in the old church tower tolled
four o'clock.
V. Teaching students how
to guess word meaning from context
of context clues:
1. Cause & effect:
label the sentence C & E, then make a guess.
Because we lingered too long at
the restaurant, we missed the beginning of the movie.
The door was ajar, so the dog
got out of the house.
2. Opposite/contrast: underline the two
words or phrases in contrast to one another, then make a guess.
Even though I studied for hours, I flunked
My last apartment was really small, but my new
one is quite spacious.
3. General sense: focus on S,V,O, actor
& recipient of action. What type of word is it?
If it is a noun:
a person, place, thing,
abstract idea
If it is a verb:
an action (e.g., movement?),
or feeling/emotion, etc.
If it is an adjective: what is it describing?
good or bad? size? color? shape? emotion?
Each summer thousands of tourists flock
to the beaches of Cape Cod.
The father tossed the ball to
his little boy.
4. Synonyms or paraphrases (found elsewhere
in the sentence or paragraph)
Samuel was deaf, but he didn't
let his handicap get in the way of his success.
Sally's flower garden included dozens of marigolds,
which she tended with great care.
5. Examples in the text
The baboon, like other apes, is
a very social animal.
6. Recognizing definitions: common in
college textbooks, newspaper & magazine articles
Many children of normal intelligence have great
difficulty learning how to read, write, or work with numbers. Often
thought of as "underachievers," such children are said to have a learning
disability, a disorder that interferes in some way with school
(from Reader's Choice Baudoin,
University of Michigan)
VII. Miscellaneous
Word sheets
A simple but effective way to review vocabulary
from a given unit is to post a sheet of paper with the words under study
and talk about them. You can practice pronunciation, conduct oral mini-quizzes,
answer students' questions, etc.
For example: Which words have positive/negative
connotations? Which words refer to people? Which words are verbs? What's
the opposite of X? I' tell me what the opposite is
in the list. What's a more polite way of saying X?
2. Look for words that mean . . .
When using a magazine or newspaper in the class,
you can have students look for words in a certain category while they're
doing other reading and scanning activities.
One issue of Time yielded the following:
words for go up:
soar, rise,
raise, increase, push up
words for go down:
fall, plummet,
sink, decrease
Other categories of words that might work: words
that describe movement, wo names of government
positions (president, mayor, etc.)
In a work of fiction (or a profile of a famous
person): adjectives that describe the main character, both physically
& emotionally
VI. Fun & games
1. Act out/pantomime
Give students cards with instructions like the
ones below. Have them perform the actions without speaking. The other
students try to guess the word or expression the student is pantomiming.
Open the door fearfully.
Walk across the room cautiously.
2. Crossword Puzzles
Several software
programs are available which allow you to make your own puzzles. Clues
can be synonyms, opposites, fill-in-the-blank sentences, etc.
3. The Category Game ($25,000 Pyramid)
Divide the class into teams. One person from a
team sits in front of the class. The rest of the team members are given
a card with a category, for example: Things that are red. The
team members take turns giving examples of the category until the person
in the "hot seat" guesses or all the team members have given a clue.
If the person in front cannot guess, the other team can confer and try
NOTE: The clues must be examples, not definitions.
In the above example, ketchup, blood, and a stop
sign are all acceptable clues. Color is not.
e.g., things that are yellow/expensive/fragile/made
of glass/found on a farm
American authors/state capitals/things in a woman's
purse/warm clothing
4. Password
Divide the class into two teams. One person from
each team sits in a chair in front of the class. Those two people receive
a card with a vocabulary word. The first person gives a one-word clue
to his/her team. If no one from the team can guess, the second person
gives a clue to his/her team. This alternates back and forth until someone
from one of the teams guesses the word, or until a specified number
of clues has been given.
Drawing pictures
This works well if you have an empty classroom
nearby. Divide the class into two groups. Give each one a list of vocabulary
words (idiomatic expressions also work well for this). The students
draw pictures - but no words - on the board so that the students in
the other group can guess the words or expressions they're trying to
represent. This is a fun way to review some vocabulary and break up
the class routine.
A note on keeping score
You can keep score in most of these games, but
I've found things actually go more smoothly when you don't. No one disputes
points, and students don't seem to mind that there's no clear "winner"
or "loser."
Occasionally, a student will ask why I'm not keeping
track of who won and lost. I usually tell him (it's never a 'her') that
we're just learning how the game is played now, so I'm not going to
bother this time. I never bother keeping score any subsequent times,
either, but I've never been asked about it a second time.
VIII. Miscellaneous
1. A follow-up
to a radio interview of a psychologist who discussed money and people's
attitudes towards it.
Below are some words used to describe people and
their attitudes towards money. Working with another student, put them
into the proper category.
a miser / an / overspender / generous /
cheap / a cheapskate / giving /
tight / a tightwad / thrifty /
frugal / a spendthrift / stingy
2. A follow-up to an article on health.
Match these medical terms with the parts of the
body they involve.
_____ 1) to clot
_____ 2) asthma
_____ 3) a stroke
_____ 4) hemorrhaging
_____ 5) a migraine
_____ 6) leukemia
_____ 7) respirationAbout Poetry: English Prosody and Literary Terms
Poetry: English Prosody
Plus: Selected
Literary Terms
main feature that distinguishes poetry from other written genres is succinctness
(精鍊), a tight structure and higher concentration of content – crowded into fewer
words – than you usually find in ordinary prose.
&&&&&Poetry can be analyzed as to its form
and its content. Ideally, the two should
reflect and reinforce each other in expressing the message of the poem.
The number of lines may be a clue that a poem belongs to a
special verse form, for example, a sonnet (see below), which
in Chinese is called a 十四行詩, or a limerick, which normally has five lines.
A poem or stanza with one line is called a monostich, one with
two lines is a couplet; with three, tercet
or triplet; four, quatrain. six, hexastich;
seven, heptastich; eight, octave. Also note
the number of stanzas.
English has stressed and unstressed syllables. English is considered
a stress-timed language, unlike French, which is a
language. In poetry, stressed and unstressed syllables are often put together
in specific patterns. In poetry these patterns are called
meter, which
means 'measure'. The meters you find in poetry are the same ones we use in everyday
speech. The main difference is that in speech these patterns tend to occur spontaneously
and witho in poetry they are usually carefully chosen and
&&&&&Here are the most common meters you find in English
poetry. / represents a stressed,。stands
for an unstressed, short syllable (not to be confused with 'long' and
'short' vowels), also called a mora (pl. morae,
moras). The first word of each meter below (e.g. 'iambic')
is the adjective form, the one in parentheses is the noun form.
(iamb; L. iambus, Gk iambos; a pre-Hellenic
(trochee; Gk. trochaios 'running')
(dactyl; Gk. daktylos 'finger' with one long, two
short joints)
(anapest; Gk. ana 'back' + paiein 'to strike',
i.e., a reversed dactyl)
。/ 。/ 。/
/。 /。 /。 /。
/。。 /。。 /。。 /.。。
。。/ 。。/ 。。/ 。。/
fifth kind of meter is called spondaic ( Gk sponde
'solemn libation', which was accompanied by a solemn melody) and consists of
two consecutive lo ng, stressed syllables: / /; and a sixth
is caled pyrrhic (from a word for an ancient Greek war dance);
this is a metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables 。。.
In addition, there are two even lesser-known meters, amphibrach,
which has a short-long-short pattern: 。 /。 (e.g. delicious)
and amphimacer, a long-short-long one: /。/ (e.g.
eighty-eight). There are
still other meters, but these are mostly from Greek and Latin poetry (the preceding
are also found in Greek and Latin poetry), and they are not very applicable
to English poetry.
the same rhythm will not be used throughout a whole poem, or
there may be an extra beat here, or the
meter may simply change. Poets often seem to establish a regular pattern, but
then put in something 'unexpected' to startle the reader, or to achieve some
special effect.
&&&&&If the meter of a poem seems to fall into none
of the above categories, it may simply have an irregular, or
unpredictable, meter that does not follow any set pattern.
can divide the rhythms above into parts. Circle each group of symbols containing
just one long, stressed syllable / in each example above. You
will find that each line has four such groups. Each one of these groups is called
a foot, and counting the number of feet is one way of determining
the length of a line of poetry. Here are the literary terms for each line length
as regards number of feet: one foot: monometer; two feet: dimeter;
three feet, trimeter; four feet, tetrameter;
five feet, pentameter; six feet, hexameter;
seven feet, heptameter.
a caesura is simply a pause. Absence of sound is also an important element of
poetry. Make sure you insert caesuras where they are called for. Not all caesuras
some are quite long, others are very short. Normally there
is a fairly long caesura at the end of every line of poetry. There is usually
also a very short caesura after every 'foot'.
punctuation and capitalization:
An important thing to remember is that almost any kind of punctuation you see
in a poem tends to signal a pause or caesura. Some poets use very conventional
punctuation, some use none at all. Some follow their own special rules in the
use of punctuation, e.g. E. E. Cummings, who is also noted for seldom using
capital letters in his poetry. You know from your experience with Chinese that
different ways of punctuating a phrase or sentence (i.e. 斷句) can sometimes
result in different meanings.
Follow these links for
instructions on:
(1) ; (2) ; (3)
(pdf file)
This will help you uncover the poem's meaning by yourself:
&&&&&Rhyme (rime):
is the effect created by matching sounds at the end of words. Ordinarily this
includes the last accented vowel and the sounds that follow it, but not the
sound of the preceding consonant(s).
&&&&&Masculine rhyme falls on one
syllable: fat, repair, affair. Feminine
or double rhyme includes two syllables, of which only
the first is stressed: better, pleasure, treasure.
Triple rhyme, often reserved for light verse and doggerel,
involves three syllables: practical, tactical.
&&&&&There are different kinds of rhyme: exact
rhyme (perfect, full, true, complete, whole), which
repeats end sounds precisely, e.g. cap, map; slant rhyme
(half, approximate, imperfect, near, off, oblique) provides
an approximation of the sound: cat, hope, defeated, impeded.
Identical rhyme repeats the entire sound, including the initial consonant, sometimes
(as in rime riche) with two different meanings and/or spellings,
e.g. two, too. Eye rhyme looks as though it should
rhyme, but does not, e.g. great, proved, loved. Apocopated
rhyme pairs a masculine and feminine ending, rhyming on the stress:
cope, kind, finder. In mosaic rhyme, two
words rhyme with one, or two with two: master, chorus, before
went in, sent in.
&&&&&Most rhyme occurs at the end of the line and is
called terminal rhyme. Initial rhyme comes
at the beginning of a line, and is sometimes combined with end rhyme.
Internal rhyme occurs within one or more lines. Crossed
or interlaced rhyme combines internal and end rhyme to give
a long-line couplet the effect of a short-line quatrain. Enclosed rhyme
envelops a couplet with rhyming lines in the pattern abba.
In interlocking rhyme a word unrhymed in a first stanza is
linked with words rhymed in the next to create a continuing pattern, e.g. aba
&&&& The functions of rhyme are essentially
four: pleasurable, mnemonic, structural and rhetorical.
Like meter and figurative language, rhyme provides a pleasure
derived from fulfillment of a basic human desire to see similarity in dissimilarity,
likeness with a difference. As a mnemonic aid, it couples lines and thoughts,
imprinting poems and passages on the mind in a manner that assists later recovery.
As a structural device, it helps to define line ends and establishes the patterns
of couple, quatrain, stanza, ballad, sonnet, and other poetic units and forms.
As a rhetorical device, it helps the poet to shape the poem and the reader to
understand it. Because rhyme links sound, it also links thought, pulling the
reader's mind back from the new word to the word that preceded it.
&&&&& The effect of rhyme in a poem depends to a large
extent on its association with meter. Rhymes gain emphasis in sound and rhetoric
when they are heavily stressed. Rhyme is frequent in the poetry of many but
not all languages. It is rare in Greek, Latin, and Old English, though it has
been common in English since the 14th century. By a more extended definition
it can cover the sound patterns of the poetry of all languages and periods,
and may include any sound echo, such as alliteration (alliterative
verse 雙聲詩 was briefly popular in China's Northern and Southern Dynasty period),
assonance, consonance and repetition (definitions
few verse forms:
(It. from L. sonus 'sound'): This is a special verse form with 14 lines, usually
iambic pentameter in English. There are two main kinds of sonnet,
Italian or Petrarchan and Shakespearean
or English. An Italian sonnet is composed of an octave,
i.e. an eight-line verse, rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet
or six-line verse, rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd,
or in some variant pattern, but with no concluding couplet
(2-line verse). A Shakespearean sonnet has three quatrains
(four-line verses) and rhymes abab cdcd efef gg. .
: Unrhymed iambic pentameter.
: Poetry that is free of traditional rhyme, metrical, stanza
: Lines of iambic pentameter that rhyme in pairs (aa,
Silly, trivial poetry. A humorous poem may belong to a set form, for example,
it may be a
(五行打油詩). A limerick has an aabba the first two
and last rhymes are trimeter, the third and fourth, dimeter. It is usually dactylic.
A French verse form with this rhyme scheme: A B a - Rhymes with 1st line. A
- Identical to 1st line. a - Rhymes with 1st line. b - Rhymes with 2nd line.
A - Identical to 1st line. B - Identical to 2nd line.
(with links on the ballad, sonnet, villanelle)
on the triolet form
: A nine-line stanza with an ababbcbcC rhyme
the capital &C& means the last verse is an Alexandrine, which
has six feet instead of five, i.e. it is s a hexameter instead of pentameter.
Many more verse forms are defined and exemplified here: A Guide to Verse
&&&&& When
reading a poem, try to get to its intended message, what the poet is trying
to comm this may be quite different from the apparent,
literal meaning of the poem.
&&&&& Sometimes a poet is simply trying to communicate
a certain feeling, and uses various devices to create that feeling or an understanding
of it in the reader. Sometimes a poem is mostly form its
main effect may be visual or auditory. This is called abstract poetry.
(L. ad 'to' + littera 'letter''; 頭韻): Repetition of the
same or similar consonant (子音/輔音) sound at the beginning of a word, e.g.
'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.'
allusion (L. allusio 'a playing with'; 典故): A reference
to another text or event.
ambiguity (L. ambi 'around' + agere 'act';
ambigere 'to wander'; 歧義): Something suggesting more than one meaning
or interpretation.
anonymous (Gk. an 'without' + onyma 'name';
不具作者姓名的、佚名): 'Without a name'; indicates that an author of a work
is not known.
antithesis (Gr. anti 'against' + tithenai
'to place'; 對偶): A direct contrast or opposition.
antonym (Gk. anti 'opposite' + onyma 'name';
反義語): A word opposite in meaning to another.
assonance (L. ad 'to' + sonare 'sound'; 'to
sound in answer'; 半諧音): Repetition of vowel (母音/元音) sounds, e.g. 'They
flee from me that sometime did me seek.'.
cacophony (Gk. kakos 'bad, evil' + phone
'voice' adj. cacophonous; 刺耳的聲音): 'Bad-sounding'.
clich&; (F. clicher 'to stereotype' from Gk.
klitsch, 'clump, claylike mass'; 'to pattern in clay'; 陳詞濫調): A
tired expression that has lost its original power to surprise because of overuse.
(L. com- 'together' + notare 'to mark'; 隱含意義): The implied
its overtones and associations over and above its literal,
dictionary meaning.
(L. com 'with' + sonare 'to sound'; 輔音韻): Repetition of
inner or end consonant sounds, e.g. the r and s
in 'broods with warm breast'.
(L. com- 'together' + texere 'to weave'; 上下文﹑語境): The
verbal or physical surroundings of a text.
(L. de 'down' + notare 'to mark'; 本義): The basic dictionary
meaning of a word without any of its associated meanings.
(Gk. elleipein 'to fall short [of a perfect circle]'; 省略法): Omission,
a leaving out of something, which is nevertheless still implied.
or run-on lines (Fr. en 'in' + jambe 'leg',
enjamber 'encroach'; 跨行連續): In enjambement the grammatical sense
runs from one line of poetry to the next without
of end-stopped line.
(Gk. eu 'good' + phanai 'to say'; 委婉語): An attractive substitute
for a harsh or unplea a less direct way of referring to
something potentially offensive.
(Gk. eu 'good' + phone 'voice'; adj. euphonious;
悅耳語音): 'Good-sounding', melodious.
(L. ex 'out' + plere 'to fill'; 填充詞﹑語助詞﹑感嘆語﹑穢語):
An unnecessary word or phrase used as a filler in speaking or writing ('you
know') or as an aid to metrical regularity in verse ('oh'); an exclamation or
(F. from L. ex 'out' + plicare 'to fold'; 作品分析): An explanation,
analysis, or interpretation of a text.
(F. from L. genus 'kind'; 體裁﹑文體): A certain form
e.g. poetry, novel, essay.
(Gk. hyper 'over' + ballein 'to throw', i.e., '
excess'; 夸張法): exaggeration, overstatement.
(Gk. eiron 'dissemble ['disguise, pretend'] in speech'; also called
antiphrasis; Gk. anti 'against' + phrazein
'to speak'; 反語法): In general, irony is the perception of a clash between
appearance and reality, between seems and is, or between ought and is. Irony
falls mainly into three categories: (1) verbal: meaning something
contrary to what t this assumes a tacit understanding between
speaker and listener as regard (2) dramatic:
saying or doing something while unaware of its contrast with the whole truth,
i.e. verbal irony with the speaker' (3) situational:
events turning to the opposite of what is expected or what should be (also called
circumstantial irony or the irony of fate, or cosmic irony), as when it rains
on the Weather Bureau' the ought is upended by the
is. Situational irony is the very essence of both comedy and tragedy.
literal meaning
(L. littera 'letter'; 逐字﹑照字面的解釋或翻譯): the precise, plain meaning of
a word or phrase in its simplest, original sense, considered apart from its
sense as a metaphor or ot in translation, a rendering as
close as possible to the word-for-word plain sense of the original.
(Gk. litos 'smooth, simple, plain'; 反敘法﹑曲言法): A kind of irony: the
assertion of something by the de 'Not bad.', This is no
small matter.'
(Gk. lyrikos 'of a lyre [里拉]'; 抒情詩): A poem, brief and discontinuous,
emphasizing sound and pictorial imagery rather than narrative or dramatic movement.
Lyrical poetry began in ancient Greece in connection with music, as poetry sung
for the most part to the accompaniment of a lyre.
metaphor (Gk. meta 'over' + pherein 'to bear';
隱喻): The comparison of one thing to another, treating something as if it were
a metaphor can be plain, implied, or dead.
(Gk. meta 'over' + tithenai 'place'; 音位變換): Interchanging
of letters, sounds or syllables within a word, e.g. Old English brid became
Modern English bir a modern example would be pretty,
metonymy (Gk. meta 'other' + onyma 'name';
轉語、借代): 'Substitute meaning'; an associated idea names the item: &Homer
is hard.& for &Reading Homer's poems is hard.&
mixed metaphor (混雜隱喻): Changed or contradictory metaphors in
the same discourse:, e.g. The population explosion has paved the way for new
intellectual growth. Mixed metaphors are considered a sign of poor writing in
English, but not necessarily in Chinese. The lines: 蛻變的軌跡 and 飽受飢餓的折磨 are acceptable
C a literal translation of them into English would not be.
(Gk. monos 'single' + legein 'to speak'; 獨白): A text recited
by one person alone.
(L. narrare 'to tell'; 敘述者): One who tells a story or narration.
neologism (Gk. neos 'young, new' + logos
'word'; 新詞): A newly coined word.
(Gk onoma 'name' + poeia 'making'; 擬聲詞): The use of words
formed or sounding li examples: mew, clang,
(Gk. oxys 'sharp, acid' + moros 'foolish' & 'a pointed
stupidity'; 矛盾形容法﹑逆喻; An apparently self-contradictory figure of speech, e.g.
'a fearful joy', or 'the sonorous silence'.
(Gk. para 'side' + dokein 'to think, seem', i.e., 'other than
what you expect' 似非而是): An apparently untrue or self-contradictory statement
or circumstance that proves true upon reflection or when examined in another
(Latin parodia, Gk. para- 'beside, subsidiary' + aidein
a 'mock song'; 詼諧的改編詩文): A parody imitates the serious manner and characteristic
features of a particular literary work in order to make fun of those same features.
The humorist achieves parody by exaggerating certain traits common to the work,
much as a caricaturist creates a humorous depiction of a person by magnifying
and calling attention to the person's most noticeable features. The term parody
is often used synonymously with the more general term spoof,
which makes fun of the general traits of a genre rather than one particular
work or author. Often the subject matter of a parody is comically inappropriate,
such as using the elaborate, formal diction of an epic to describe something
trivial like washing socks or cleaning a dusty attic. ()
(Gk. para 'side' + leipein 'to leave'; 假省?法(故意省略重要部分而引人注意)
Mention of desire to omit something in order to emphasize it. Also called apophasis.
(Gk. para 'side by side', allelos 'one another'; 對仗﹑平行結構的運用):
The comparison of things by placi a one-to-one correspondence
of form, meaning, or both in a text.
(Gk. paraphrazein 't 變換措詞﹑意譯): A rendering in
other words of the sense of a text or passage.
(F. from L. persona 'actor's face mask, character'; 擬人化): The technique
of treating abstractions, things o
also called anthropomorphism (Gk. anthropos 'man'
+ morphe 'form').
poetic license
(L. licere 'to be permitted'; 詩的破格): The liberty taken by a poet who
achieves special effects by ignoring the conventions (e.g. grammar) of prose.
point of view
(敘事觀點): The vantage point from which a story is told or an account given. &I&,
or &he/she&, etc.
(L. prosa, from prorsa (oratio) 'direct speech'; 散文體): Ordinary
writing patterned on speech, as distinct from poetry (Gk. poiein 'to
(Gk. pros 'to' + oide 'song, ode'; 詩體學﹑韻律學): The analysis
and d the patterns of accent in a language.
pun (clipped
form of It. puntiglio 'fine point'; 雙關語): A figure of speech involving
a play on two or more words which sound similar but have different meanings,
or refer usually humorous, but sometimes with serious intent
(L. re(d) [an intensifier] + undare 'surge, swell' & unda
'wave'; 贅語): 'Overflowing'; repetitive, using many more
also called pleonasm, tautology.
(F. from Latin refringere 'to break off'; 副歌): A set phrase or chorus
recurring throughout a song or poem, usually at the end of a stanza or at some
other regular interval.
(L. re 'again' + petere 'to demand, rush at, fall'; 重複): Using
the same sound, word, etc. may be used for emphasis or other
question (Gk. rhetor 'orator'; 修辭性疑問句): A question posed for
rhetorical effect, usually with a self-evident answer.
rhyme scheme
(ME, F. rime; Gk. schema 'a form'; 格律): The pattern
created by the rhyming words of a poem or stanza. Usually Latin letters are
used to designate the same rhyme, e.g. abab cdcd.
(L. satira or satura 'satire, poetic medley'; 諷刺﹑譏諷): Literature
that ridicules vices and follies.
(L. scandere 'to climb, mount'; 韻律分析): A system for analyzing and marking
poetical meters and feet.
shaped poem
(L. carmen figuratum; also called figure poem; 圖像詩):
A poem constructed so that its shape on a page presents a picture of its subject.
(L. 'a likeness'; 明喻): The comparison of one thing to another using the word,
or a word meaning, like.
sound symbolism
(語音表義): A relationship between the sound structure and/or qualities of a word
and its referent.
(vul. L. stantia 'standing'; 節): Any grouping of lines in a separate
sometimes called a verse.
(Gk. syn 'together' + aisthesis 'sense-impression'; 聯覺): Close
association or confusion of sense impressions. The result is essentially a metaphor,
transferring qualities of one sense to another, e.g. a 'loud color'.
synecdoche (Gk. synekdoche 'to receive together'; 提喻法、舉喻、以偏代全)
Reference to something by just a part of it. &New York won the World Series,&
instead of &The New York Yankees won the World Series.& See also:
(Gk. syn 'together' + onyma 'name'; 近義語): A word that means
the same or almost the same as another.
tone (Gk. tonos 'stretching, tone'; 語氣): An author's revealed
attitude toward his or her subject or audience: sympathy, longing, amusement,
shock, sarcasm, etc.
(輕描淡寫): An ironic minimizing of a fact in o meiosis
(Gk. meioun 'to make smaller').
(L. vertere 'to turn'): (1) (一行詩) O (2) (節)
(3) (詩 [總稱]) (4) (輕鬆幽默的詩) light poetry as opposed to serious.
zeugma (Gk.
'yoke'; 軛式搭配法): The technique of using one word to yoke two or more others for
ironic or amusing effect, achieved when as least one of the yoked is a misfit,
e.g. &He took leave and his hat.&
of the above information was taken from: The Harper Handbook to
Literature. Northrop Frye, Sheridan Baker, George Perkins, ed.
New York: Harper & Row. 563pp. P also The Norton Sampler.
Thomas Cooley, ed. New York & London: W. W. Norton. Paper. Both available
at Bookman. Dictionaries consulted: Webster's New World College
Dictionary, 3rd ed. 1988. New York: Macmillan. and the
find what you were looking for? Try these pages:
Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
Glossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric
A glossary of rhetorical terms (Armstrong
Atlantic State University)
Art of Rhetoric by A. Robert Lauer
Glossar (Universit&t K German)
Handboek filologie (Dutch)
des termes litt&raires (French)
de Figuras Ret&ricas (Spanish)
di metrica e retorica (Italian)}


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